Navigate the People’s Army and move towards a world-class army

  The sun, the moon, and the rivers travel. Every magnificent voyage will leave a deep imprint on the long river of history.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in just 5 years, in the glorious course of our army for 90 years, it has been so profound and extraordinary – the party’s goal of strengthening the army under the new situation has been clearly established, the political building of the army has been deepened, the training of troops and preparations for war have been in full swing, the reform has been carried out in a drastic manner, and the thunder has been thunderous… President Xi has led and guided the people’s army to comprehensively reshape, rebirth, and take historic steps on the journey of strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army.

  As the core of the Party Central Committee, the core of the whole Party, and the supreme commander of the people’s army, President Xi, with the political wisdom, theoretical courage, outstanding ability, and ability to control the overall situation of a Marxist politician, governs the party, the country, and the army with great courage. He has a broad vision to plan the domestic and international situation, and has made great efforts to promote reform, development, and stability. The appearance of the party, the country, and the army has undergone tremendous changes, winning the heartfelt love of the people and the entire army.

  The mountains are getting higher and higher, and the sails are setting sail again. The officers and soldiers of the whole army are full of trust and support for President Xi Jinping, and full of firm confidence in building a world-class army. They are striding forward on the road to a strong army with Chinese characteristics.

  Draw great deeds and guide the journey of a strong army

  "Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since modern times. This great dream is the dream of a strong country, and for the military, it is also the dream of a strong army."

  - Supreme Leader

  1. Trial

  Zhongnanhai Huairentang, a distinctive political landmark of contemporary China, is where the party and state policies are brewed and the collective study of the Politburo of the Central Committee takes place.

  Building a powerful maritime country, the new trend of world military development, promoting our military innovation, and deepening national defense and military reform… The 18th Political Bureau of the Central Committee has organized collective learning on military-related issues five times.

  How to adapt to the profound changes in the international strategic pattern and **** situation, and build a consolidated national defense and a strong people’s army commensurate with our country’s international status and commensurate with the interests of **** and development has always been a major strategic issue of great concern to the Party Central Committee with the highest ** comrades at the core.

  Behind the ever-expanding learning list is a clear insight into the times and trends, as well as a far-sighted consideration of safety and danger.

  "The world is undergoing unprecedented changes, our country is at a critical stage of development from great to strong, and our military is experiencing a revolutionary change." – Standing at a new historical starting point, President Xi Jinping has clearly marked the era coordinates of the construction and development of the people’s army with a magnificent vision and profound thinking.

  In today’s world, the international situation is undergoing profound and complex changes, the international system has entered a period of accelerated evolution and profound adjustment, and the international balance of power is undergoing the most profound changes in modern times.

  Today, China is approaching the center of the world stage as never before, and is approaching the dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as never before.

  It cannot be ignored. With the rapid development and growth of our country, the security threats and risks we face have become more complex and severe. In the wave of accelerated development of the world’s new military revolution and the accelerated evolution of the form of war to informatization, the problem of the people’s army’s "two capabilities are insufficient" and "two gaps are very large" needs to be solved urgently.

  "The whole army must fully understand the new situation and new challenges facing our country’s security and development, fully understand the important position and role of national defense and army building, and consciously assume the great responsibility of safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests." At many important meetings and occasions, President Xi has warned the whole army to look at the general situation and the overall situation, and deeply grasp the new missions and new requirements facing it –

  To realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation, it is necessary to establish a corresponding strategy for building and governing the army, and always put national defense and military construction on the big goal of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  To deal with the security challenges facing our country from great power to great power, we need to innovate military guidance to ensure that the country’s core interests are not violated, the overall situation of reform, development and stability is not undermined, and the process of socialism with Chinese characteristics is not interrupted.

  Winning an international military competitive advantage requires a new design for the future of the People’s Army, so that the People’s Army can catch up with the trend and stay at the forefront of the times.

  To promote the reshaping of the people’s army, it is necessary to have a bold new concept to get rid of the old mistakes, to lead the people’s army to reorganize and take a new long march…

  The People’s Army, which is at an important historical juncture, has embarked on a new great march under the strong leadership of President Xi.

  Step 2 Build your dreams

  On November 29, 2012, a seemingly ordinary day, when President Xi visited the exhibition "The Road to Rejuvenation", he solemnly announced to the world that realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since modern times.

  Only 10 days later, President Xi left Beijing for the first time to inspect the troops, and made an important judgment on the coast of the South China Sea: "This great dream is the dream of a strong country, and for the military, it is also the dream of a strong army."

  This is a promise to face history, but also a declaration to face the future!

  Only a country that has created brilliance can understand the true meaning of great rejuvenation; only a nation that has been devastated can have such a deep desire for a strong country and a strong army.

  The Sino-Japanese War, which President Xi called "gouging out the pain of the heart," was bitterly defeated.

  President Xi pointed out that although the means and options for safeguarding national security have increased, we can use them flexibly, but we must not forget that military means are always the means of guarantee.

  Eyes, through the smoke of history; Thoughts, involving plans for thousands of years.

  In March 2013, at the plenary session of the People’s Liberation Army delegation at the first session of the 12th National People’s Congress, President Xi solemnly declared: "Building a people’s army that obeys the party’s command, can win battles, and has a good style of work is the party’s goal of strengthening the army under the new situation."

  Listening to the party’s command is the soul, being able to win battles is the core, and having a good style of work is the guarantee. The party’s goal of strengthening the army under the new situation is to pursue the great cause of national rejuvenation, to lay the overall situation of a rich country and a strong army, to establish the foundation for developing security, and to mark the appearance of the people’s army as a big country’s army and a strong country’s army. The "strength" of a strong army is the "comprehensive strength" of the overall reconstruction of politics, warfare, and style, the "strength of leapfrogging" to accelerate transformation and development, and the "strength of leapfrogging" to follow and run to the leader.

  National rejuvenation is here; strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army is lingering all night long. On March 23, 2016, President Xi delivered an important speech during his visit to the National Defense University, calling on the whole army to "achieve the goal of strengthening the army and build a world-class army." The ambition to catch up with the world-class has stirred up the pride of hundreds of millions of soldiers and civilians.

  The sound was like a thousand riders, and the air swept over the mountains.

  To achieve the goal of strengthening the army and build a world-class army, President Xi’s great call has gathered the majestic power of strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army. Keeping in mind the goal of strengthening the army, strengthening the belief in strengthening the army, and dedicating oneself to the practice of strengthening the army has become a strong voice of the times that resounds through the barracks.

  3. Layout

  On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2017, the Central Military-Civil Integration Development Committee was established, and President Xi personally served as the director of the committee. The media noticed that President Xi had previously held two new positions closely related to military construction: the head of the leading group for deepening national defense and military reform and the commander-in-chief of the joint directorate of the Military Commission.

  New institutions, new positions, see strategy and responsibility. In continuous in-depth thinking and practice, the strategic layout of building a strong people’s army is becoming more and more clear. Foreign media commented that President Xi is "playing a big game of chess".

  On this big chessboard, President Xi has considered national defense and military construction in terms of winning new victories in the great struggle with many new historical characteristics, grasping it in the ruling mission of our party’s rejuvenation, and planning it in the overall layout of the "Five in One" and the "Four Comprehensive" strategic layout. He has established the grand design of the top-level plan, the grand idea of transformation and leap, and the grand strategy of building and governing the army –

  Propose to achieve the goal of strengthening the army, build a world-class army, and establish the fundamental guidance for strengthening the construction, reform, and preparation of the people’s army for military struggle.

  Formulate military strategic guidelines under the new situation and establish a general outline for the construction and application of military forces.

  Emphasize that more attention should be paid to actual combat, more attention should be paid to innovation-driven, more attention should be paid to system construction, more attention should be paid to intensive and efficient, and more attention should be paid to military-civilian integration, so as to strengthen the strategic guidance for the construction and development of the people’s army.

  Deeply promote political army building, reform and strengthen the army, and rule the army according to law, focus on strengthening military training and preparation, and make greater efforts to promote the development of science and technology, actively promote the integrated development of the military and the people, and carry out the strategic measures and layout of strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army;

  To comprehensively strengthen the party building of the people’s army and provide a strong organizational guarantee for the construction and development of the people’s army…

  President Xi’s series of major strategic ideas, major theoretical viewpoints, and major decisions and arrangements have profoundly elucidated the strategic goals, missions, tasks, guidelines, powerful driving forces, fundamental guarantees, and scientific methods for national defense and army building under the new historical conditions. They have answered the basic questions of "why and how to strengthen the army under the new situation, what wars to fight in the future, and how to win wars." They have provided fundamental guidance and follow for the comprehensive promotion of national defense and army building at a new historical starting point, and established the soul to lead the construction and the outline to guide the work.

  The market has gained momentum and made a new move.

  The goals, paths, and measures constitute a set of far-sighted strategies for strengthening the army. Under the guidance of this strategy, the people’s army has worn the stars and the moon, and has done both. Every year, all construction has a new look, and the blueprint for strengthening the army is gradually becoming a reality.

  Leading the strong army, the mainstay. On the same time and space axis to achieve the great rejuvenation of the nation, the strategy of a strong army and a strong country complement each other, making people full of confidence and expectation for the future of this army!

  Rebuild the Great Wall of Steel

  "The party needs to purify itself, improve itself, reinvent itself, and improve itself. Of course, the military needs to purify itself, improve itself, reinvent itself, and improve itself."

  - Supreme Leader

  Step 4 Soul Forging

  A people’s army can only achieve stability and long-term success by not forgetting its original intention and establishing a new foundation.

  In the autumn of 2014, President Xi personally led more than 400 senior cadres into Gutian to hold the first military political work conference in the new century, with a profound purpose.

  Back then, the nascent People’s Army was finalized here, and the political work of our army was laid here. "I propose to hold a political work conference of the whole army in Gutian to trace the roots, clear the source, review the past and learn from the past, and guide the whole army to think about how our army came to be, where are the current problems and gaps, where to go next, and what kind of army to become under the new situation." President Xi’s decision-making considerations endow this conference with profound historical bearing, profound practical significance, and far-reaching political implications.

  He incisively summarized the fine traditions of "11 perseverances", pointed out 10 outstanding problems in 10 aspects, and clearly emphasized "four firmly established" and "five efforts to do a good job"… At this important meeting, President Xi deeply expounded on the major issues of the party’s ideological and political construction of the army under the new historical conditions, clearly put forward the theme of the times of the political work of the people’s army, established a general strategy for political construction of the army under the new situation, erected another milestone in the history of the people’s army, and opened a new chapter in the political construction of the people’s army.

  On the eve of New Year’s Day 2015, the "Decision on Several Issues Concerning the Political Work of the Army under the New Situation" drafted by President Xi personally and presided over was forwarded to the whole Party and the entire army. Starting from Gutian, it is clearer where we come from; where we are going, it is clearer.

  "The party’s absolute leadership over the army is the soul and lifeblood of our army, and it can never be changed or lost." The two "never can" that President Xi has repeatedly emphasized closely link the people’s army’s yesterday, today and tomorrow.

  From inspecting a Red Army division in the Xinjiang Military Region to meeting with the leading cadres of the troops stationed in Jiangxi, from attending the celebration of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China to attending the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army’s Long March, President Xi has repeatedly urged that the kindling of ideals and beliefs and the genes of the red tradition should be passed down from generation to generation, so that the revolutionary cause can be passed down from generation to generation, and the bloodline will last forever.

  On September 26, 2016, President Xi visited the Rocket Army organs and cordially received all the representatives of the Rocket Army’s first Party Congress, emphasizing the need to ensure that the troops are particularly strong in ideology and politics.

  Many of the delegates at the meeting also clearly remembered that the first time President Xi visited the army after presiding over the work of the Military Commission was to meet with delegates to the Eighth Party Congress of the former Second Artillery Corps. At that time, President Xi made it clear that the army must be absolutely loyal, absolutely pure and absolutely reliable.

  The whole army has deeply studied and implemented the spirit of President Xi’s series of important speeches, solidly carried out educational activities on the theme of maintaining the core and obeying the command, organized the study and education of party history and military history, created a strong military culture, and focused on cultivating a new generation of revolutionary soldiers of the "four have", forging "four iron" excellent troops… A series of major measures have cast a rock-solid loyalty and belief.

  The party’s scientific theory has always been a shining banner that unites the will of the military. The spirit of President Xi’s series of important speeches and the new concepts, new ideas and new strategies for governing the country are the latest achievements of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the latest development of contemporary Chinese Marxism, and a powerful ideological weapon for our party to advance the great struggle with many new historical characteristics, the new great project of party building, and the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the whole army has continued to rise up the upsurge of studying and implementing President Xi’s series of important speeches, using the spirit of President Xi’s series of important speeches to direct leadership, gather souls, and plan and build, which has become a clear theme of the construction of the people’s army.

  The vast number of officers and soldiers with loyalty, feelings, and mission really believe in the truth, adhere to comprehensive systematics, and deeply understand and grasp the scientific theoretical system; highlight key studies, and deeply study new concepts, new ideas, and new strategies for national defense and military construction; grasp the essence of science, and master scientific standpoints, viewpoints, and methods; comprehend the beginner’s mind, and enhance their admiration and love for President Xi’s lofty leadership style from the depths of their hearts. In the live video room, theoretical experts analyze and explain doubts; study groups, soldier lectures, discuss and analyze in full swing; online forums, mobile phone APPs, build a "theoretical classroom that does not close the door"… Knowledge is raised from a high place, learning is rooted in belief, and work is advanced in depth. The guiding position of President Xi’s series of important speeches is further firmly established.

  On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2017, President Xi made a special trip to inspect the "Third Company of Great Achievements" of a certain army department, and encouraged the cadres of the company to keep up with the times, practice, and officers and soldiers, and do a good job of arming their minds with the party’s innovative theories.

  This company has continued the theoretical study tradition of "learning Mao’s works under the kerosene lamp", and has unremittingly used the spirit of President Xi’s series of important speeches to cast souls and educate people. It has become a "model of the times" for learning the series of speeches, educating newcomers to the "four have", and building a "four iron" company. It fully demonstrates the truth charm and practical power of President Xi’s series of important speeches.

  "Having the core of President Xi at the helm is a great blessing for the party, a great blessing for the country, and a great blessing for the army. Maintaining the core of President Xi is related to the direction of the flag, the direction of the party and the military soul of the country, the biggest politics, the biggest overall situation, and the fundamental interests of the party and the country." With the deepening of study, the belief concepts of loyalty to the core, obeying the commander, and the military power and power are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The officers and soldiers continue to strengthen their political awareness, overall situation awareness, core awareness, and awareness of alignment. They firmly and consciously maintain authority, maintain the core, maintain and implement the responsibility system of the chairperson of the Military Commission. They always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and Chairperson Xi, and resolutely obey the command of the Party Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and

  Step 5 Burn

  After the Spring Festival this year, an anti-corruption special educational film titled "Strong Army in the Burning Fire" shook the barracks. From this film, people not only see shocking corruption cases and the soul repentance of corrupt elements, but also see the strong determination and far-reaching consideration of the Party Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and President Xi to lead the people’s army to redress and reborn.

  How determined is it to fight corruption, punish evil, rectify the wind and treat evil? How strong is it to govern the army according to law and strictly? In this new political rectification training, the fundamental changes in the style and atmosphere of the whole army have given a clear answer.

  - This new political training has shattered the speculation that the "doctor cannot be punished" in one fell swoop.

  "The army is armed with guns, and there must be no hiding place for corrupt elements in the army." The Party Central Committee, the Central Military Commission, and President Xi have comprehensively and strictly governed the party, forcefully fought corruption, and resolutely investigated and dealt with serious violations of discipline and law by Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou. This eliminated major political hidden dangers for the party and the army, helped stabilize the situation at a critical moment, turned the tide, and saved the army.

  No one can be the "iron hat king" without the "elixir iron coupons" exempted from crime. The anti-corruption work of the People’s Army insists on no restricted areas, full coverage, zero tolerance, and the goal of not daring to corrupt has been initially achieved. The system that cannot corrupt is becoming increasingly perfect, and the embankment that does not want to corrupt is being built. The anti-corruption struggle has formed an overwhelming situation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the whole army has successively investigated and punished more than 100 cadres above the military level suspected of serious violations of law and discipline, demonstrating the firm determination to fight corruption and eliminate greed.

  - This new political training is determined to eradicate the soil where "trees fall and take root".

  The comprehensive and thorough elimination of the toxic influence of Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou is related to the political direction and political foundation of the people’s army.

  Under the strong leadership of President Xi and the Central Military Commission, all levels have taken the purge work as a serious political task. After the Gutian All-Army Political Work Conference, the "Six Purges" profoundly analyzed the bad political nature and serious political harm of Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou, and carried out in-depth investigation and cleanup work. In October 2016, a special meeting of party secretaries of major units and departments of the Military Commission was held to study the comprehensive and thorough purge of Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou’s toxic influence, and to further promote the positive anti-corruption work.

  Organize and clean up to the end. Intensify political inspections, guide and urge senior cadres to tell the truth to the organization, pay clear accounts, take legal and organizational means to deal with the serious problems involved, respond to the concerns of officers and soldiers, and maintain the purity of the cadre team.

  Ideological clearing up and rectifying chaos. Carry out in-depth special education, combine intra-party education and organizational life, examine problems from the party spirit level, eradicate the root cause of the disease from the depths of the soul, draw a clear line with Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou in ideological and political action, and completely break with the old habits.

  Believing in Marxism-Leninism and shouting Marxism-Leninism, true loyalty and pseudo-loyalty, relying on organizations and attaching to individuals, pursuing achievements and pursuing fame and fortune… Deepen the discussion and analysis around 12 major right and wrong issues, insist on taking the lead in clearing up and reforming from the party committees and military commissions of large units, and comprehensively eliminate the ideological concepts, work styles, work routines, etc. affected by contamination, which will drive the fundamental improvement of the style of the army.

  Under the personal promotion of President Xi, all levels have continued to rectify the "four winds", consolidate and deepen the results of the "four rectification" and "eight special projects to clean up and rectify", and resolve to completely stop the military’s paid services to the outside world, make good use of the "three sharp swords" of discipline inspection, inspection, and audit, and highlight the industry atmosphere in key areas. Focus on the construction of grass-roots atmosphere, seriously investigate and deal with "micro-corruption" problems such as accepting soldiers’ money and property, encroaching on soldiers’ interests, and interfering in sensitive affairs at the grass-roots level, and vigorously rectify the unhealthy trends around officers and soldiers. Stepping stones and leaving marks, grasping iron marks, falling small and small, grasping the long and long… The fine style is returning, and the political ecology is improving.

  - In this new political training, Jianfeng directly points to the phenomenon of "bad money drives out good money".

  Employment orientation is the most fundamental orientation, and corruption in official governance is the greatest corruption.

  President Xi clearly proposed that "loyalty to the party, good plan to fight wars, courage to take responsibility, outstanding achievements, integrity and integrity" should be the standard for good military cadres, emphasizing that the selection and employment of personnel should adhere to both ability and integrity, put virtue first, adhere to all corners of the world, meritocracy, pay attention to the grassroots, focus on hard work, and pay attention to the recognition of officers and soldiers. President Xi attaches great importance to the selection and staffing of senior cadres in our army, personally plans the adjustment and staffing of high-level teams, personally checks and determines the principles, personally deploys cadres above the military level to communicate on a large scale, personally talks with newly promoted theater-level cadres and military-level cadres in important positions, and puts forward ardent expectations on political requirements, war ability, practical experience, integrity and self-discipline.

  The commander-in-chief has grasped the situation, and set up a new beacon for rectifying the atmosphere of selecting and employing people. In the past five years, a large-scale inspection of cadre work and the cleaning up of "naked officials" have been carried out simultaneously. Five systems for the selection and appointment of cadres, such as supervision of personnel selection and employment work, management of leading cadres’ secretaries, and avoidance of cadre appointments, have been introduced, so that the outstanding problems reported by officers and soldiers have been effectively rectified. Appointed cadres at all levels insist on "listening to the opinions of discipline inspection and procuratorial organs, reviewing the file materials of the promotion objects, verifying the personal reports of party members and leading cadres on relevant matters, and checking the specific and verifiable letters and reports of violations of discipline and law", and resolutely preventing "promotion due to illness".

  In February 2016, the "Notice on Adjusting and Regulating Matters Related to the Appointment and Removal of Cadres" was issued to the whole army. The appointment and removal of military-level cadres was changed to be recommended by large units, nominated by the Military Commission, and studied and approved by the Military Commission. The path of overall regulation by the Military Commission and the selection and exchange of the whole army became wider and wider, and the deep-seated contradictions and structural problems accumulated for a long time in the construction of the cadre team were gradually resolved. In October of the same year, with the approval of President Xi, it was decided to establish a cadre evaluation committee of the whole army to focus on solving the problems of insufficient cadre evaluation strength, different standards, and low level of specialization, and further enhance the credibility

  The "incense" of the front-line military leaders who have undergone solid experience has risen, and the people who know how to command and can fight have "appeared", effectively curbing the phenomenon of "reverse elimination" in the selection and employment of personnel. "It’s really a good time!" Many cadres reported that now the selection and employment of personnel is becoming more and more scientific and standardized, there are fewer people who make connections and run doors, greeting and handing notes are no longer useful, and it is the only choice to accept the organization’s selection by relying on practical achievements.

  - This new political reform gradually reversed the tendency of "benevolence" and vulgarization.

  The issue of work style is essentially a matter of party spirit.

  In July 2013, the first special democratic life meeting of the new Military Commission held for two and a half days in a row, and President Xi also specially reviewed the comparison and inspection materials of the democratic life meetings of major units. In recent years, the special democratic life meetings of the Military Commission have run through the theme of work style construction, reflecting strict and practical requirements, setting an example for the whole army.

  On November 6, 2013, President Xi met with the delegates of the Party Building Work Conference of the whole army, emphasizing the need to continuously improve the scientific level of Party building in the People’s Army and provide a strong ideological and organizational guarantee for the realization of the goal of strengthening the army. Over the past five years, President Xi has made a series of important decisions and arrangements to promote the whole army to strengthen party building with style building as the entry point, and comprehensively improve the creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of party organizations at all levels.

  The whole army has continuously consolidated and expanded the achievements of the party’s mass line education practice activities, solidly carried out special education on "three strictures and three realities", and actively promoted the normalization and institutionalization of "two studies and one doing" learning and education. All levels have thoroughly implemented the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, adhered to the strict word first, highlighted the problem orientation, and made good use of the weapons of criticism and self-criticism. The political, epochal, principled, and combative nature of political life within the party has been further enhanced, and the soil for the formation of a fine style has been firmly planted.

  - This new political training focuses on eradicating the awesome "rain over wet land".

  During the New Year’s Day and Spring Festival this year, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Military Commission made unannounced inspections on the work style construction of 452 units above the regiment in 92 cities, and reported 20 typical disciplinary violations in two batches. 30 leading cadres were held accountable, and 95 directly responsible persons were disciplined or organized. Officers and soldiers lamented: I didn’t expect that "small things" like an invoice or a meal would take 5 years to catch, and the system regulations are becoming more and more detailed, and law enforcement is becoming more and more strict!

  In March of this year, the "Notice on the Handling of Problems Related to the Excess Area of the Military’s Affordable Housing" was issued to the whole army, and the cleaning up of the excess area housing, which was of great concern to the officers and soldiers, was officially launched.

  When the style of work is changed to the depths, the most effective is the rule of law, and the most effective is the system. In February 2015, the "Decision on Deepening the Rule of Law and Strictly Governing the Army in the New Situation" personally reviewed by President Xi was issued to the whole army, and the rule of law and strictly governing the army entered the fast lane, and the "three fundamental changes" were further advanced. With the vigorous development of the establishment of the rule of law barracks, the "rubber band" that some people can break through at will has become a live "high-voltage line", and whoever touches it will pay a heavy price.

  The regulations and systems in various fields of the construction of the people’s army have been introduced intensively, especially around the key of governing officials and power according to law, and the system cage has become tighter and tighter. "Several Provisions on Strict Discipline and Discipline of Party Members and Leading Cadres in the Army" "Regulations on Strictly Saving and Strict Fund Management" "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of the Army’s Grassroots Ethos"… The steel rules and iron laws are powerful, and the foundation of a strong army is more solid.

  Breaking the ground and taking action at the same time, treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and achieving success for a long time. Work style construction is always on the road, anti-corruption construction is always on the road, and comprehensive and strict party governance is always on the road!

  6. Change

  The wheel of the times entered 2017, marking the 90th anniversary of the People’s Army.

  The number has been changed, the armband has been changed, the personnel have been moved, the location has been changed… Since the start of deepening the reform of national defense and the military, the leadership and command system of the people’s army has undergone historic changes, the scale structure and strength have become more lean and reasonable, and the policy system has been increasingly matched and improved. Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, the depth, intensity and breadth of reform have been unprecedented, and the system, structure, pattern and appearance of the people’s army have taken on a completely new look.

  Turn the clock back to the golden autumn of 2013. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made an overall plan for comprehensively deepening reform and decided to include deepening national defense and military reform in the overall layout of comprehensively deepening reform.

  This is the requirement of the times to realize the Chinese dream and the dream of a strong army. It is the only way to strengthen the army and rejuvenate the army. It is also a key move to determine the future of the army. People can see the profound and far-reaching strategic considerations of the Supreme Commander.

  A strong country must strengthen its army, and a strong army must be reformed. To achieve the goal of "two centenary years" and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, military strength is a key indicator, a guarantee means, and a core support. No matter compared with the world’s advanced military level, or compared with the needs of national security and development, there is still a clear gap in the modernization of the people’s armed forces. The leadership and management system is not scientific enough, the joint operation command system is not sound enough, the force structure is not reasonable enough, and the policy system is relatively lagging behind. These deep-seated contradictions and problems seriously restrict our army’s ability to fight and win wars. To solve these problems, in the final analysis, we must rely on reform. Only through reform and self-reconstruction can we accelerate to make up for this outstanding shortcoming in the comprehensive national strength, and we can achieve a key leap in the rise and rejuvenation. This

  The strategic ambition and political determination of the Supreme Commander are the decisive factors for the success of the reform. President Xi Jinping regards the reform of the people’s army as a strategic choice for strengthening the country and the army, and elevates it to the will of the party and the behavior of the state. He personally takes the helm and pushes forcefully to design and shape the future of the people’s army based on the goal of strengthening the army.

  "Before we make a reform decision, we must first listen to his opinions from all sides." What should be changed in the reform? How exactly should it be changed? As a huge system project, the reform plan is designed scientifically or unscientifically, accurately or not, which is crucial to the success or failure of the reform. President Xi has listened to the opinions and suggestions of relevant parties in person many times, personally organized research on major reform issues, and determined a series of major reform decisions. The leaders of the Military Commission and various reform work agencies have conducted large-scale and high-density research, which has laid a deep foundation for the formation of the "greatest common divisor" of the reform.

  On July 22 and 29, 2015, President Xi presided over the executive meeting of the Central Military Commission and the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee respectively to review and approve the "Overall Plan for Deepening National Defense and Military Reform". A complete set of reform designs to solve deep-seated contradictions, make major innovation breakthroughs, and have distinct characteristics of the People’s Army emerged from the cocoon.

  A few years later, when we look back at history, this will surely be a key milestone. On November 24, 2015, the Central Military Commission Reform Work Conference was held in Beijing, and President Xi issued a mobilization order to the whole army to deepen national defense and military reform: Fully implement the strategy of reform and strengthening the army, and unswervingly follow the road of strengthening the army with Chinese characteristics!

  The guiding ideology for deepening national defense and military reform is clearly established, the goals and tasks are clear, and the "six focuses" strategic measures are scientific and powerful… President Xi Jinping’s strategic thinking on reforming and strengthening the military has been transformed into detailed goal maps, roadmaps, and construction maps.

  Solve the institutional obstacle – "strengthen the brain". The reform of the leadership and command system is the "opening play" of this round of reform. Establish the army leadership agency, the rocket army, and the strategic support force, adjust the formation of 15 functional areas of business of the military commission, set up 5 major theaters, complete the reorganization of the navy, air force, rocket army, and armed police forces, implement the reform of the joint logistics support system, establish the joint operation command organization of the military commission and the joint operation command organization of the theater, establish a new discipline commission of the military commission, a new political and legal commission of the military commission, and adjust the formation of the audit office of the military commission… The new "four beams and eight pillars" have been erected, the organizational structure of the people’s army has undergone historic changes, and the pattern of the general management of the military commission, the main battle in the theater, and the main construction of the military has taken shape.

  Resolve structural contradictions – "strengthen the muscles and bones". On December 2, 2016, the Central Military Commission’s Military Scale Structure and Strength Formation Reform Work Conference was held, and comprehensive arrangements were made for the reform of "below the neck". Optimize the proportion of military services, 18 army groups were adjusted and reorganized to 13, the air force maintained its original size, and the navy and rocket force increased slightly; greatly streamline the personnel of non-combatant institutions, enrich the combat force, while the total number of posts is reduced by 300,000, the number of combat force posts will not decrease but increase; Deepen the reform of military academies, scientific research institutions, and training institutions… The formation of troops will develop in the direction of enrichment, synthesis, versatility, and flexibility, and promote the transformation of the people’s army from a quantitative scale model to a quality and efficiency type, and from a manpower-intensive type to a science and technology-intensive

  Solve policy problems – "increase vitality". Adhere to the connection between legislation and reform, pay close attention to the reform of laws and regulations, organize the revision of the "Officer Law", promote the establishment of a professional system for officers, demonstrate the promotion of the pilot system of leading officer ranks, revise the regulations of civilian personnel, promote the reform of the military service system and the non-commissioned officer system, deepen the reform of military expenditure management, military salaries, housing system, medical security and other reforms, and establish a unified management and security institution for retired soldiers… The gradual establishment of a policy and system system reflecting the characteristics of military careers is conducive to enhancing the sense of professionalism and pride of soldiers, and provides institutional guarantees for improving the combat effectiveness of troops and stimulating the vitality of troops.

  "One point of deployment, nine points of implementation." Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, the entire reform has been promoted in succession, before and after, and under the pressure of stubble.

  In just over a year, President Xi cordially received the responsible comrades of the various departments of the Military Commission after the adjustment and establishment, personally awarded flags, lectures, and issued instructions to the Army, Rocket Force, Strategic Support Force, the five major theaters, and the Joint Support Force of the Military Commission. He successively inspected the Army, Navy, Strategic Support Force, and Rocket Force organs, and specially received the chiefs of the 84 newly restructured military-level units and issued instructions to promote reform measures.

  Just after New Year’s Day in 2016, President Xi’s first inspection of the army after the reform was launched emphasized: "We must adhere to emancipating the mind, keep pace with the times, change and parallel, take the initiative to come to an ideological revolution, emancipate from all inappropriate thinking patterns, inherent patterns, and path dependence, and prevent wearing new shoes and going down the old road."

  Both the "body" and the "brain" were changed. The whole army and above held a big discussion on "new system, new functions, and new missions", setting off a storm of ideas, and effectively changing functions, styles, and working methods. All departments of the Military Commission have stepped up to clarify the boundaries of powers and responsibilities, standardize work processes; all theaters have moved from "shape alliances" to "god alliances", and joint combat duty and joint combat drills have become the norm; in the "neck down" reform, the newly adjusted troops have made efforts to shorten the running-in period and accelerate the formation of combat effectiveness… The people’s army, which has entered the "new system time", has begun the "second innovation" on the reform journey.

  Breaking a cocoon into a butterfly has always been a painful process. Whether you can face challenges head-on, whether you can put aside your interests and take responsibility is the touchstone to test the loyalty of revolutionary soldiers and the people’s army.

  During the reform period, dozens of troops were moved and deployed, and within three days, they were deployed. Hundreds of generals adjusted their posts and set out on the same day they received the order.

  In Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, as the first military-level unit in the whole army to be relocated due to reform, the original 27th Army had just settled down, and another order came, and the army was facing new adjustment and reform. No matter whether it was transfer, withdrawal and conversion, or diversion, transfer, transfer and demobilization, the officers and soldiers went wherever they needed to go, packed their backpacks and set off again.

  In Huiyang, Guangdong, a certain department was ordered to form a new batch of peacekeeping detachments to Lebanon. The unit was about to be reformed and adjusted, and the personnel were facing the positioning of the post, but after the peacekeeping mission was issued, more than a thousand officers and soldiers who met the conditions signed up enthusiastically.

  "For individual cadres, we must emphasize conscious obedience to arrangements, but the organization must be full of enthusiasm to care about the vital interests of each cadre, and do more things to warm the hearts of the people and stabilize the hearts of the army." Under the cordial care of President Xi, a series of heart-warming policies to solve the worries of officers and soldiers have been introduced one after another, and the enthusiasm of all officers and soldiers to support reform, support reform, and implement reform continues to rise.

  For more than a year, in the field of joint exercises and training, emergency rescue and disaster relief, and emergency response, the reform effects such as system integration, efficient command, strong support, and improved combat effectiveness have become increasingly prominent. Just as the rearrangement and combination of carbon atoms can turn graphite into diamond, today’s people’s army is also reshaping and reinventing through polymerization and fission, soaring high.

  Focusing on the battle, forging a winning division

  "If you can fight, you can stop the war. If you are ready to fight, you may not have to fight. The more you can’t fight, the more likely you will be beaten. This is the dialectic of war and peace."

  - Supreme Leader

  7. The sword

  In mid-July 2016, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force published a meaningful photo – a new generation of medium- and long-range bombers – with the same frame of 6K and Huangyandao. Users liked it and called it awesome.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with the supreme leader as the core has made a series of decisions and arrangements to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests.

  Looking at the wind and clouds, the world is wide, and the vertical and horizontal are calm.

  Behind the calmness is the leap in the overall strength of the people’s army. The core of a strong army is to be able to win battles; the "strength" of a strong army is, in the end, strong combat effectiveness.

  "What I think about most is whether our army can always uphold the party’s absolute leadership when the party and the people need it, whether it can pull up and win battles, and whether commanders at all levels can lead troops to fight and direct wars?" At the beginning of his tenure as chairperson of the Central Military Commission, President Xi issued this profound question.

  President Xi has always attached great importance to the issue of training and preparation for war, and repeatedly urged to focus on war and concentrate on preparations. He met with the representatives of the Chiefs of Staff of the whole army and asked to promote the innovative development of military work and continuously enhance the ability to organize and command troops to win informationized local wars; attended the logistics work meeting of the Central Military Commission, emphasizing the focus on support to win, accelerate the transformation and reshaping, and strive to build a strong modern logistics; at the equipment work meeting of the whole army, he asked to speed up the construction of an equipment system that meets the requirements of fulfilling the mission, and provide strong material and technical support for the realization of the dream of a strong army.

  He inspected the naval organs, the air force organs, the armed police force, and the army organs in the southern theater… Every time he went to the army, he carefully inquired about the construction of combat effectiveness. He personally visited the combat duty room of the army, watched the demonstration of actual combat courses, reviewed the major exercise plan, and took some points to pull the troops… President Xi personally trained and prepared the troops. The officers and men of the army were encouraged and spurred, and the enthusiasm of the troops was high.

  Set up a general outline and formulate military strategic guidelines in the new situation –

  Focusing on the new requirements of the national development strategy and security strategy, President Xi Jinping has considered and planned major issues such as war preparation and cessation, deterrence and actual combat, war operations and the use of military forces in peacetime as a whole, personally led the formulation of military strategic guidelines under the new situation, clarified the tasks and tasks of the people’s army in the new historical period, placed the basis point of military struggle preparation on winning information-based local wars, and highlighted maritime military struggles and military struggle preparations. This provided guidance and guidance for advancing the construction of the people’s army and military struggle preparations from a higher starting point.

  On May 26, 2015, the National Defense White Paper on China’s Military Strategy was published, the core content of which is the military strategic policy under the new situation, reflecting the unprecedented openness, transparency and confidence of the People’s Army.

  Establish standards, correct coordinates for combat capacity building-

  "Firmly establish the only fundamental standard of combat effectiveness, and engage in construction and preparation in accordance with the requirements of war." This is the order issued by President Xi to the whole army. A "unique", a "fundamental", and a powerful double attribute marks that the party’s understanding of the laws of the construction of the people’s army has reached a new height, and its grasp of the laws of military practice has reached a new level.

  What is the standard of combat effectiveness, how to look at the current situation of combat effectiveness, and what to do about the construction of combat effectiveness… A vigorous "discussion on the standard of combat effectiveness" swept the whole army, from the leadership of the Military Commission to the ordinary soldiers. Its scope, strength, and deep influence were rare in many years, and it was called the "Great Discussion on the Standard of Truth in the Military Field". The whole army discussed combat effectiveness and the strategy of conspiring to win, and the direction of "focusing all their thoughts on the war, and working hard to fight the war" was more clear.

  Really prepared, improve the level of actual combat training –

  Zhu Ri, a previously unknown Saibei town, has attracted much attention in recent years due to intensive combat training.

  From 2014 to 2016, for three consecutive summers, three series of real-life combat exercises named "Leapfrog" kicked off here, and 19 combined brigades went to battle for thousands of miles, taking turns to fight fiercely with the professional "Blue Army". "The red side loses six and wins one!" The first round of exercise report came, shaking the whole army.

  "What should we focus on in military training, I think it is actual combat" "We must insist on how to fight in battle, and further improve the level of actual combat in military training"… A series of important instructions from President Xi pointed out the direction for actual combat training. Statistics show that between 2013 and 2016, the whole army carried out more than 200 cross-regional base training of various branches of the military, more than 100 joint special project training, and nearly 100 training of mutual conditions of the military and arms.

  Looking at the exercise field, the three major naval fleets sent troops to the Western Pacific Ocean, setting records for the largest number of troops participating in the exercise, the most complete training elements, and the most difficult offense and defense; the Air Force initially established a new training pattern led by four actual combat training brands: "Red Sword" system confrontation, "Blue Shield" air defense and anti-missile, "Golden Helmet" free air combat, and "Golden Dart" penetration and assault; the Rocket Force organized continuous launches of all types of missile bases, and the entire brigade of missile fire attacks, further improving strategic deterrence and actual combat capabilities; under the conditions of informatization, joint exercises and drills highlighted the "participation of all elements of the whole system, full coverage of strategic combat forces, and full-dimensional deployment of land, sea, air, and sky electricity"…

  In June 2016, the whole army’s practical military training symposium was held to directly attack the drawbacks of training style and practice style, and redeploy and launch actual combat training. Six months later, the "Notice on 28 Violations of Military Training System Provisions" was issued to the whole army, and all levels were seriously held accountable. The relevant responsible units and responsible persons were dealt with, involving 57 units and 99 cadres.

  Harden the blood, cultivate the fighting spirit that dares to fight and win –

  War has always been a narrow encounter, and the brave win. Revolutionary soldiers must have the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and not being afraid of death.

  In January 2015, when President Xi visited the former 14th Army Group, he spoke of poems the unit’s 19-year-old martyr, Wang Jianchuan, wrote to his mother on the battlefield, praising him for his "blood-stained flag for the motherland."

  In accordance with the "Opinions on Strengthening the Cultivation of Combat Spirit", the whole army actively explores and builds a long-term mechanism for cultivating combat spirit through multiple channels. In the actual combat training and carrying out diverse military tasks, units such as a submarine base of the Navy, a missile brigade of the Rocket Army, and "a strong vanguard of the dream Haitian" Zhang Chao, "a loyal guard dedicated to the mission" Zhang Nan, peacekeeping martyrs Shen Liangliang, Li Lei, Yang Shupeng, flood control warrior Liu Jingtai, etc. A group of heroes who sacrificed their lives generously for the country and the people, demonstrating the blood and responsibility of contemporary revolutionary soldiers.

  Training soldiers, training generals, tempering combat-type command talents –

  The good news on the exercise field did not affect the commander’s profound insight into the shortcomings of the army’s combat effectiveness.

  Thousands of troops are easy to obtain, but one will be difficult to obtain. On April 20, 2016, President Xi visited the Joint Operations Command Center of the Military Commission for the first time in his capacity as the commander-in-chief of the Joint Command of the Military Commission, wearing camouflage uniforms, and asked the whole army to take extraordinary measures to train joint operations commanders in a multi-pronged manner, so as to make a big breakthrough as soon as possible.

  President Xi has repeatedly emphasized the need to use cadres who want to fight, plan for war, and can fight, and put outstanding talents where it is difficult and important. Looking through the resumes of new senior generals in recent years, actual combat experience, command joint exercises and training, and complete diverse military tasks… A set of "high-frequency words" highlights a clear orientation, motivating groups of war-type commanders who are determined to win and can fight well to stand out.

  Step 8

  In Beijing, the capital, the subway shuttles are busy. People are still watching the blood boil in front of the electronic screen that replays the live broadcast of the "9.3" Victory Day military parade.

  This military parade showcased the achievements of the informatization construction of the People’s Army’s weapons and equipment in a three-dimensional manner, fully confirming President Xi’s scientific conclusion that innovation is the first driving force for development.

  On March 13, 2016, when attending the plenary session of the People’s Liberation Army delegation at the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress, President Xi emphasized that putting innovation in an important position in the overall development of the people’s army, and relying on reform and innovation to promote national defense and army building to achieve a new leap is a key to determining the future and destiny of the people’s army. We must fully implement the innovation-driven development strategy.

  This year’s two sessions, President Xi further emphasized at the plenary meeting of the People’s Liberation Army delegation: accelerate the establishment of a military-civilian integration and innovation system, make greater efforts to promote scientific and technological rejuvenation of the army, insist on scientific and technological innovation for combat effectiveness, and provide strong scientific and technological support for the construction of the people’s army.

  Innovation-driven, science and technology rejuvenate the army, the drums and hammers are heavy, and the words are huge!

  In January last year, the newly restructured 15 functional areas of business of the Military Commission were unveiled. Careful people found that the pattern of "two into one" of equipment technology in the past was broken. While adjusting the establishment of the Military Commission Equipment Development Department, a newly established institution stood out: the Military Commission Science and Technology Committee.

  A spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense said: Strengthening national defense science and technology construction is an inevitable requirement for accelerating the modernization of national defense and the military. The establishment of the Science and Technology Committee of the Military Commission is mainly to strengthen the strategic management of national defense science and technology, promote independent innovation in national defense science and technology, and coordinate the development of military-civilian integration in the field of science and technology.

  To grasp innovation is to grasp development, and to seek innovation is to seek the future.

  "Focus on theoretical innovation, scientific and technological innovation, scientific management, talent gathering, and practical innovation, and use key breakthroughs to drive and promote comprehensive innovation." President Xi made a series of strategic decisions: develop new combat forces, build a network information system, promote the transformation of logistics to informatization, accelerate the research and development of high-tech weapons and equipment, strengthen major technology research and new concept research…

  On December 3, 2014, President Xi attended the Military Equipment Work Conference and delivered an important speech. Adhering to information leadership, system construction, independent innovation and sustainable development, and insisting on overall planning and focusing on key points has become a strategic guide for promoting the leap-forward development of the People’s Army’s equipment construction.

  The whole army is guided by the needs of combat, closely follows the development direction of world military science and technology, plans ahead of schedule, accelerates the pace of development, and continuously improves and optimizes the weapons and equipment system that adapts to the requirements of information warfare and mission fulfillment.

  In July 2016, the deeds of missile and anti-missile expert Chen Deming were published in major media, unveiling the mystery of China’s anti-missile technology development.

  A few months later, at the Zhuhai Air Show, China’s new generation of stealth fighter jets, the J-20, and the large transport aircraft, the Y-20, were publicly unveiled. At an air show, half of the equipment was the latest achievements.

  The netizens used "dumplings" to describe the speed at which Chinese naval vessels were put into service. In 2016 alone, more than 20 new ships such as Xiangtan, Baoding, Heze, and Yinchuan joined the battle sequence. On April 26, 2017, our country’s second aircraft carrier was launched, and the whole country was excited.

  From a series of new air-to-air, air-to-ground, and surface-to-air missiles, to advanced strategic missiles and cruise missiles; from a new generation of armed helicopters, new main battle tanks, to Beidou satellite navigation systems, command automation systems, and tactical software… In the past five years, a large number of highly informatized weapons and equipment with the world’s advanced level have been put into service.

  "We meet again!" On March 13, 2016, when President Xi received deputies to the National People’s Congress of the military, he had a cordial conversation with Ma Weiming, a professor at the Naval University of Engineering, and asked about the latest progress of scientific research projects. At the National Science and Technology Awards Conference more than two months ago, President Xi personally awarded awards to the scientific and technological innovation team led by Ma Weiming.

  With the deepening of the high-level innovative talent project, the aggregation benefits of the People’s Army’s scientific and technological innovation talent phalanx continue to be released. As of 2016, 31 people in the military have been awarded the honorary title of "Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions", and 20 of them have grown into academicians.

  On November 5, 2013, when President Xi visited the National University of Defense Technology, he emphasized that it is necessary to firmly grasp the strategic basis point of independent innovation of national defense science and technology, vigorously promote scientific and technological progress and innovation, and strive to occupy a place in forward-looking and strategic fields.

  "The core technology cannot be achieved by alms, and it must be self-reliant." President Xi’s sonorous words inspired the vast number of military science and technology workers to walk more firmly and confidently on the road of independent innovation.

  Work together to lift great dreams

  "The south wind is warm in winter, and I am close to the East Sea. It is rare to celebrate the city, love my people and love my army."

  - Supreme Leader

  Step 9 Love

  Open the map of the motherland, and it is difficult to find these two outposts.

  The Triangle Mountain Post is very cold, with a minimum temperature of minus 50 degrees Celsius in winter; the Eastern Pole Post is far away, and the sun enters the motherland as soon as possible every day.

  The border is far away, but it is always the concern of the commander.

  On May 24, 2016, President Xi Jinping boarded the 30-meter-high Dongji Post, inspected the duty facilities, inquired about the duty situation, and solemnly signed his name on the comprehensive registration of the observation situation.

  The touching scene of the leader and the soldier’s heart-to-heart connection is so familiar to the officers and soldiers of the Triangle Mountain outpost. On January 26, 2014, President Xi braved the cold wind and walked down 58 steep steps to their outpost. Here, President Xi also signed his name and said emotionally: "Today, I am on duty and standing guard with you."

  "The foundation of the party is at the grassroots level, and the foundation of the army is also at the grassroots level. Only when the grassroots level is strong can the army be strong, and only when the young officers and soldiers are strong can the army have a future." Over the past five years, the figure of President Xi Jinping has repeatedly appeared in the battle positions of the grassroots officers and soldiers. Inspecting the Liaoning ship, the Haikou ship, and the Jinggangshan ship… He solemnly signed the shipping log.

  After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, President Xi presided over the formulation of the eight regulations of the Central Committee and the ten regulations of the Military Commission, and took the lead in implementing the requirement of no inscriptions and inscriptions except for unified arrangements. "It is unusual to sign on the battlefield. I understand that the chairperson is treating himself as an ordinary soldier and patrolling with us," said one grassroots cadre.

  "President Xi is with us!" The cold came and went, and the officers and soldiers of the whole army felt the approachability of this "veteran" from countless details, and also obtained the power of refreshing from the busy figure of this "veteran".

  When President Xi goes out for inspection, he almost always finds time to visit the troops. Every year on the eve of the Spring Festival, he makes a special trip to condolences to the grass-roots officers and soldiers. During the Gutian Army Political Work Conference, he sat around with 11 grass-roots cadres of the army and representatives of British models, and exchanged cordial exchanges while eating "Red Army Rice". Visiting the grass-roots company of the former 42nd Army Group, he went into the bathroom to test the water temperature and said with relief, "It’s great that the soldiers can take a hot bath at any time after training!" In the "Earthquake Relief Heroes Marine Aviation Regiment", he heard that the pilot Zhang Shangnian interrupted the wedding for disaster relief, and he specially urged him to hurry up and hold the wedding. At the China Manned Space Engineering Command Center, he cordially spoke with the astronauts who were on mission on Tiangong-2, carefully asking about their physical condition, life and work

  President Xi took the lead and inspired party committees and leading cadres at all levels to lean down to observe the truth and go deep into the grassroots to solve problems. President Xi personally reviewed the regulations for squatting companies, issued important instructions many times, and repeatedly emphasized that "when you are a soldier, you must be real, and when you are in a squatting company, you must really squat, and you must show your feelings and squat out a good style." Grassroots officers and soldiers said that now the cadres are more close, the comradeship is stronger, and the troops are more like home, which makes us all feel a sense of happiness and gain.

  All outposts above 4,500 meters in the Tibet Military Region have been built into "sun insulation rooms"; all officers and soldiers of the army above 4,000 meters above sea level inhale "bedside oxygen"; 4G signals cover Nansha Island Reefs, Fiery Cross Reef has opened a second-class hospital; excessive official vehicles are deployed to remote and difficult areas for troops to use… All levels listen to the voice of the grassroots, respond to the expectations of officers and soldiers, and vigorously solve the outstanding problem of reflection concentration, and win the trust of officers and soldiers with real results.

  Affectionate and loving the hearts of the soldiers. All levels, in accordance with President Xi’s instructions to focus their work on the grassroots, insist on grasping the party’s organizations and grasping the grassroots, insist on grasping the combat readiness training and grasping the grassroots, insist on grasping the main body of officers and soldiers and grasping the grassroots, insist on grasping the rule of law and grasping the grassroots, and promote the goal of strengthening the army to take root at the grassroots level. From major training exercises to counter-terrorism and stability maintenance, from emergency relief to border mine clearance… On the battlefield where the diverse military tasks are carried out, the soldiers of the whole army have always been full of enthusiasm, fearless of difficulties and dangers, and brave enough to take on heavy responsibilities, handing over answers that the party and the people are satisfied with.

  10. Cohesion

  "Solid military-government and military-civilian unity will always be an important magic weapon for us to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and continue to move from victory to victory." Whether working locally or in the central government, President Xi has always attached great importance to the joint efforts of the military and the military to forge the Great Wall of Steel.

  In the spring of 1999, the top leader, who was then the deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, took several department heads to work on the spot and decided to invest more than 18 million yuan to build the Fujian Reserve Anti-aircraft Artillery Division Officer Training Center.

  On the eve of the "August 1st" in 2014, President Xi visited and condoled the officers and soldiers of the Fujian army, and specially invited 11 Shuangyong representatives from different positions to this division to express his heartfelt thanks and sincere greetings to them.

  "I have an indissoluble bond with the military, and I have a deep affection for the military." President Xi has confided in his heart many times with deep affection. When meeting the delegates of the 6th National Military Transfer Commendation Conference and the 2014 Military Transfer and Resettlement Work Conference, he said emotionally: "I feel very cordial to meet everyone, because I am also a military transfer cadre."

  Under the supervision of President Xi Jinping, the relevant departments of the central and state organs have studied and formulated more than 60 policies and regulations, including employment and entrepreneurship support for veterans, and placement of veterans during the military reform. All localities have formulated 320 supporting systems based on actual conditions, forming a system of policies and regulations that are linked up from top to bottom.

  The army and the people are of one mind, and their benefits are broken.

  In the autumn of 2016, the Armored Forces Engineering College located in the suburbs of Beijing was busy, and the second high-tech achievement exhibition of military-civilian integration development was held here, attracting the attention of all sectors of society.

  On the morning of October 19, President Xi walked into the exhibition hall, stopping from time to time to watch carefully in front of underwater robots, hybrid new energy power stations, drones, and other objects and models, carefully listening to the explanation and inquiring about the situation in detail.

  "To achieve the goal of strengthening the military, we must work together to do a good job in the deep development of military-civilian integration." Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, President Xi has focused on realizing the Chinese dream and the dream of strengthening the military, scientifically planned economic construction and national defense construction, and proposed the in-depth implementation of the military-civilian integration development strategy, which has pointed out the way forward for the unification of a rich country and a strong military under the new situation.

  In March 2015, at the plenary meeting of the People’s Liberation Army delegation at the third session of the 12th National People’s Congress, President Xi made it clear that the development of military-civilian integration should be raised to a national strategy. This is the first time that the military-civilian integration development strategy has been deeply implemented at the national level.

  In July 2016, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission issued the "Opinions on the Integrated Development of Economic Construction and National Defense Construction". This is the first programmatic document to guide the integrated development of economic construction and national defense construction since the founding of New China.

  In accordance with President Xi’s important instructions, military and civilian levels have accelerated the construction of a unified leadership, military-civilian coordination, smooth and efficient organization and management system, a unified work operation system with state leadership, demand traction, and market operation, and a policy and system system that is complete, connected, and effectively incentivized. The integration of national defense science and technology industry, personnel training, and the socialization of military security has gradually deepened, and the integration of emerging fields such as ocean, space, and cyberspace has continued to expand. A full-factor, multi-field, and high-efficiency military-civilian deep integration development pattern is taking shape.

  In July last year, the guide information of the whole army’s weapons and equipment pre-research project was released on the Internet for the first time, further lowering the threshold and guiding high-quality social resources into the field of equipment scientific research. Under the strategic pull of military-civilian integration development, the new army from private enterprises has revived the spring water of equipment research and development. Military and civilian-related enterprises have vigorously carried out military-civilian collaborative innovation, giving full play to the clustering effect, and accelerating the transformation of military-civilian technology. "Tianhe-2" supercomputer, "Jiaolong" manned deep submersible, "Tiangong-2" space laboratory, C919 large passenger aircraft… A large number of high-end scientific and technological achievements are benefiting the whole society.

  History is made up of voyages.

  Sixty-eight years ago, Chairperson Mao issued a New Year’s message, calling on the whole Party and the people of the whole country to not fear any difficulties, unite and carry the revolution to the end.

  Sixty-eight years later, President Xi delivered a New Year’s message: "If you roll up your sleeves and work hard, we will surely be able to walk the long march of our generation."

  The journey is thousands of miles, and the original intention is like a rock.

  Standing at a new starting point, we have created a new situation of strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army; towards a better future, the cause of strengthening the army calls us to continue to strive and create greater glories. Let us unite closely around the Party Central Committee with the supreme leader as the core, set an ambition to move the mountain, and work on a blueprint to the end. Continue to contribute to the goal of strengthening the army and building the people’s army into a world-class army!

  (Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 10, reporters Cao Zhi, Li Xuanliang, Wang Jingguo, PLA Daily reporters Ou Can, Mao Jun, Cai Pengcheng, Yang Zurong, Qian Zongyang)

Hu Ge talks about fans spending money for him: support for me cannot be measured like this

Previously, Hu Ge had issued a long article saying that he did not support fans to raise funds for "The Wild Goose Lake". On November 22, in the live stream of the Golden Rooster Awards, Hu Ge further explained his attitude.

Hu Ge said that of course he did not object to fans buying tickets to watch movies or a group of fans in a certain region to watch movies, "But I don’t agree with some other behaviors. I feel that fans’ support for me cannot be measured and judged by how much money they spend. My support for me is particularly pure. I see such a trend that I can’t accept it at all. It’s like saying that he spends more money and he is a better fan. I don’t want fans to have such an idea." So when he found these problems, he felt that he should at least make a statement.

In May this year, Diao Yinan, starring Hu Ge, directed the film "The Wild Goose Lake", which was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Cannes International Film Festival. On August 27, the film was announced to be scheduled for December 6.

In order to support Hu Ge’s new film, the fan group started a fund-raising activity in July. However, on November 6, Gu Yuege owed the viewing group a letter saying that he would refund the donations raised by fans for the movie "The Wild Goose Lake", because such behavior went against Hu Ge’s original intention of emphasizing rational pursuit of stars.

Then Hu Ge himself wrote a long comment at the bottom of the Weibo article, saying that he was sorry to say that he did not agree with or support the fans’ support. Whether it was the amount or the final use of the support, he could not accept it.

Hu Ge wrote that the film was important to him, but he had a reverence for the actor’s profession and more respect for the art of film, and "did not want to create the illusion of prosperity in a special way."

Hu Ge also told fans: "Pepper’s heart and feelings for me cannot be measured by money, and company is the longest confession of love. I hope we can go on in a long-term and healthy way. We must not only have temperature, but also have character. Whether the acting is good or not, I am responsible for it, and I bear it myself. If you win, you must be glorious, and if you lose, you will not be ashamed."

Jackie Chan is setting up a fund for the disaster area, saying that "tears have dried up"

Feature: Picture Channel

Topic: The devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan

Feature: Fighting the Earthquake: The Cutest Soldiers

  On the 19th, Jackie Chan and young players Wang Wenjie and Liu Fengchao showcased their fists at Cannes

  On May 19, local time in Cannes, Jackie Chan appeared in Cannes to promote the kung fu film "Wushu Youth", which he was the producer of. Although the original intention of the producer of the film was to cultivate and recommend kung fu newcomers, due to the earthquake in China, Jackie Chan also shifted the focus of the topic to focus on the disaster situation, saying that he would temporarily put aside other work at hand to concentrate on setting up a special fund for disaster relief and planning large-scale disaster relief performances.

  Working on establishing a fund for disaster areas

  Jackie Chan revealed that when he learned of the earthquake in the country, he was considering how to give some help to Myanmar, but he heard the news before the plan was discussed. Before coming to Cannes, Jackie Chan had been busy with disaster relief, and he would leave immediately after the event to continue the relief work.

  "After the earthquake, every Chinese person is contributing money, but the reconstruction work after the disaster is the most important, so I won’t go anywhere now, put aside other work at hand for the time being, and focus on doing something for the disaster relief." Jackie Chan said that the disaster will not pass in a day or two, and may take up to seven or eight years to rebuild. "I am busy setting up a special fund for disaster relief, so that I can give some help to the disaster area every year. Now how to appease those children and help their spiritual health is the most important thing."

  "We have a strong cohesion."

  Jackie Chan had previously donated 10 million yuan to the disaster area with Emperor boss Yang Shoucheng, and he himself went to the disaster area in Sichuan. Speaking of his feelings at the time, Jackie Chan said: "My car was driven by a police car, but the cars on both sides were delivering supplies on one side, and the other was empty cars coming back. There were also many people riding bicycles to send supplies. The touching deeds of the frontline personnel made me cry dry."

  Jackie Chan’s influence in the world film industry has attracted a large number of overseas media. He said publicly at the press conference: "Money is not a problem in China now, we have too much money. What I feel the most about this is that I see the strong cohesion of our Chinese people."

  In addition, when asked by overseas media about some negative reports about the Beijing Olympics, Jackie Chan replied: "Many reports are untrue and there are too many misinterpretations. I love sports, I believe everyone loves sports, and the Olympic Games are not only the Olympic Games in China, but also the Olympic Games in the world."

Editor in charge: Zhang Tuoya

Millions of fans have been sentenced! Uncover the "painted skin" of fake short videos

"Emotional disputes between men and women" "211 graduated men were laid off to take delivery without telling their wives?" "Shopping mall security guards catch falling babies with bare hands" … These videos are very eye-catching both in title and content. They not only spread widely on the Internet, but also triggered heated discussions among netizens.

However, these so-called "personal stories" and "real records" were later proved to be made by posing and deduction. Why are such short videos repeatedly banned?

There is no lower limit for posing video.

Not a few

On January 6th, a short video was released on the Internet platform. The woman in the picture took the initiative to ask for marriage in a park in Chongqing as a pregnant woman, holding a piece of paper with the conditions of marriage written on it. The language was amazing: "Although the baby is not yours, the daughter-in-law is yours. It is painful enough to have a baby. If you really love me, you don’t have to care whether the baby is yours. I can’t afford a monthly salary of seven or eight thousand. I look down on it. If the monthly salary is less than 20,000, I won’t consider it. I can’t afford it in the future. "

According to the information reported by the police, the woman surnamed Chen is a self-media blogger who disguised herself as a pregnant woman to direct and perform a blind date scene in order to attract traffic.

After this video was confirmed by the police as posing fraud, netizens condemned this behavior and listed its harmfulness. In fact, the harm of posing fake videos goes far beyond this. The illegal acts such as "tragic auction", "false agricultural assistance" and "pseudo-charity", mainly represented by "Liangshan Qubu", "Zhao Linger" and "Liangshan Meng Yang", have defrauded netizens’ sympathy and empathy, and made many people buy fake products out of their pockets to consume public sympathy.

On March 18th, the reporter learned that recently, the People’s Court of Zhaojue County of Liangshan Prefecture pronounced the verdict in the first instance of the case of "Liangshan Meng Yang" and "Liangshan Aze", and a total of eight people were sentenced for the crime of false advertising. Among them, Tang, the person in charge of the company, was sentenced to one year and two months and fined 100,000 yuan; Online celebrity Axi Moumou (Liangshan Meng Yang) was sentenced to 11 months in prison and fined 80,000 yuan; A certain person in online celebrity (Liangshan Aze) was sentenced to 9 months in prison and fined 40,000 yuan; Five people, including Li, Guo and Lin, were sentenced to 9 months to 1 year, with fines ranging from 20,000 yuan to 80,000 yuan. The illegal income of the above personnel shall be confiscated.

However, for the sake of traffic, there are not a few cases where there is no lower limit. The reporter found that most of these false short videos are based on the pain points of life and social hotspots, inciting people’s emotions and using people’s emotions. From the struggle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, gender opposition to the gap between the rich and the poor, rural dilemma, etc., these false short videos concoct hot spots and create disputes with dramatic plot display and real shooting methods.

Zhang Xinbao, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China and vice president of the china law society Network and Information Law Research Association, said: "Media creation should not be aimed at grandstanding, fabricating false facts, confusing people who don’t know the truth, or deceiving the public. The Central Network Information Office has specially issued regulations requiring that some video content that is untrue, fictional or staged be marked to satisfy the public’s right to know. If there are other serious violations of the law, such as promoting violence, endangering public safety or infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others, you need to bear corresponding legal responsibilities according to law. "

Clear division of labor, posing fraud

Copywriting mostly reproduced plagiarism.

But in fact, the publishers of these false contents are precisely deliberately blurring the boundaries between "posing videos" and "real records", with the aim of deliberately convincing netizens. Because only in this way can we gain attention and get more click-through rates and traffic.

On July 28th last year, a short video of "being asked by strangers to accompany wine" on the Internet was released, which aroused widespread concern and heated discussion, and quickly boarded the social hot list of multiple platforms. Subsequently, the blogger released a so-called statement video. The video said: "I have seen everyone’s comments. There are indeed many people who have encountered the same thing as me. We bluntly refused to be beaten, and politely refused and said that we refused to be clear."

This kind of operation, which added fuel to the flames, made the video hit more than 10 thousand again, pushing the incident to a new climax, which also attracted the attention of the public security organs. The surveillance of the restaurant recorded the situation at that time. After investigation, it was found that the video was faked, and the team had a clear division of labor, each playing a different role. The video was shot three times, and it took only about 30 minutes before and after, creating such a short video that "caused public anger in the whole network".

Afterwards, Cheng Moumou, who pretended to be a drunken man, told reporters that after the short video of "being asked by strangers to accompany wine" was popular, there was also a phenomenon that they faked their accounts to attract fans into the group. They faked it to suck powder for themselves, but they did not expect to be cheated by the same fake accounts as them. From this point of view, there are quite a few fraudulent acts for the sake of traffic.

On August 3 last year, a network platform released a short video. In addition to crying, the words above were "Late at night, my sister delivered food, and I went downstairs and found that my car was stolen". However, it is such a video with a duration of only about 10 seconds. The number of views that night has exceeded 60 million, and it has spread rapidly on multiple platforms, entering the hot list, and immediately liked and collected more than 100,000 times.

Similarly, these also attracted the attention of the police. After investigation and verification, the video was posed, and the publisher was the woman performing in the picture, and her husband was in charge of props and guidance. The whole process of their posing at that time was recorded by outdoor monitoring on the street.

The reporter found that most of these short video copies of posing and fictional interpretation were reproduced and plagiarized. In the words of netizens, "they are all familiar flavors and familiar formulas."

The reporter learned in the investigation that behind this, the ultimate goal of most publishers of these fake videos is to further realize the traffic and make money. For example, "Liangshan Meng Yang" first released some fabricated fake videos of "Miserable Life" and "Crying Poor and Selling Miserable" on the network platform, and after the number of fans exceeded 100,000, it started the road of bringing goods.

Flow economy

Can not be divorced from the rule of law

It is beyond reproach to attract fans and bring goods by making high-quality short videos. However, under the temptation of interests, some bloggers of short videos do not hesitate to fake videos that attract people’s attention, so as to realize the flow. Some short-sighted band goods training institutions have introduced some improper means such as "subverting cognition", "creating opposition" and "copying materials".

How to control the short video posing fraud? Experts believe that all parties and departments need to work together.

Zhang Xinbao, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China and vice president of china law society Network and Information Law Research Association, said: "Controlling false information of fake videos is a comprehensive work, which requires law enforcement departments to strengthen law enforcement, platforms to strengthen self-discipline and supervision, and audiences to constantly improve their recognition ability. It is necessary to strengthen social supervision and increase the illegal cost of producers (counterfeiters). The most fundamental thing is to manage from the source and cut off the relevant interest chain, so that those who make fake videos to promote false information can not obtain economic benefits, and even bear adverse economic consequences, and jointly create a clean and honest network environment. "

These short videos with poor content orientation have impacted public order and good customs, and even violated laws and regulations, and must be rectified. If such information is indulged, people will be deceived frequently, and they will become insensitive to the real news events. These negative effects will eventually have to be paid by the whole society, and the victims may be each of us. For this bottomless practice of defrauding traffic by false means, relevant departments, Internet platforms, video producers and publishers, etc. all need to take their respective responsibilities. The flow economy can’t become a fake economy, and it can’t be divorced from the rule of law.

Original title: "Millions of fans online red was sentenced! Uncover the "Painted Skin" of Fake Short Video

Read the original text

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  On March 14th, OpenAI, an American research and development company, officially released GPT-4, the latest product of artificial intelligence language model, which shocked the whole world. Two weeks later, an open letter signed by SpaceX CEO Musk and more than 1,000 industry executives and experts was posted online. They called for suspending the development of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4 for at least six months, and warned that the development of artificial intelligence "poses potential risks to society and mankind".
Why does the development of GPT-4 cause such concern?

  The rapid development of AI has caused concern about the potential risks to society and human beings.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  The general concern expressed in this open letter is that AI is developing too fast, relevant regulations and laws have not kept up, and even inventors lack effective control means.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  Anil Seth, British neuroscientist: I think what really shocked me was that the whole cycle of machine learning and artificial intelligence from development to release seemed very fast.

  The Japanese Prime Minister answered the question of "ChatGPT" at the cabinet meeting for the first time.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  On 29th, Japanese Prime Minister kishida fumio answered questions generated by OpenAI’s chatbot program "ChatGPT" at the Cabinet Committee meeting of the House of Representatives. Subsequently, ChatGPT predicted kishida fumio’s answer, and showed it with a display board after the defense, and the direction of the answer was basically the same.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  Japanese Prime Minister kishida fumio: My answer listed the names of specific parties such as the National Governors’ Association and the Mayors’ Association in Japan, which better reflected the actual situation.

  AI analog sound raises so-called "deep forgery" concerns

  In fact, this is only the basic application of ChatGPT. The American media reporter showed the process of using AI to simulate his voice to talk to his father, and this process also caused the so-called "deep forgery" concern.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  Host of CNN.
It looks like a fun game, but AI technology can even be used to achieve the so-called "deep forgery", which is not fun. Because we can copy anyone’s appearance and generate digital masks through this technology.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  The GPT-4′ s ability to emerge from the world is too strong, which has sparked a global debate.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  GPT-4 is the fourth generation language model released by American R&D company OpenAI for ChatGPT, and its emergence is considered as "the future has come" by scientific and technological circles, which has triggered a global hot discussion. It can write articles, create web pages, reason logically, and create almost any content. In addition, it can take exams, and it scored more than 90% in the American bar exam.

  British Sky reporter tom clarke: Hi, GPT-4, do you have a sense of autonomy?

As a new language model, I don’t have consciousness, I don’t have self-consciousness, subjective emotion or subjective experience, and my reaction comes from the written pattern in the text data I have trained.

  In fact, since the birth of ChatGPT, how to control risks has always been the focus of discussion.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  ABC reporter
On the one hand, AI has great potential and can be used to do useful things. On the other hand, there are a lot of unknown situations that may bring very bad consequences to society. How confident are you that what you build will not lead to such a result?

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  Sam altman, CEO of OpenAI, USA: We will adjust.

  ABC reporter: Do you adjust when negative things happen?

  Sam altman, CEO of OpenAI, USA
The current system is still weak, so we should release this system now, and try our best to understand the situation while the risk is still small. I think this can avoid more dangerous situations.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  However, there are also views against stopping R&D. It is foreseeable that how humans and AI coexist and advance together will become the focus of global attention in the future.


[Editor in charge:


What is the virus? Why stay away from wild animals?

  The medical staff are working. Xinhua news agency

  Production of antiviral drugs. Xinhua news agency

  editorial comment/note

  How did the virus originate? What are scientists doing in developing drugs against Covid-19? It is the top priority for Chinese researchers to develop effective clinical drugs for Covid-19, improve the cure rate and reduce the mortality rate. On February 15th, Zhang Xinmin, director of the Biological Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, introduced that the drug screening and treatment program had made positive progress at the press conference held by the the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism on the latest progress of drug research and development and scientific research in Covid-19. The Ministry of Science and Technology organized a national excellent scientific research team to screen more than 70,000 drugs or compounds by computer simulation screening and in vitro enzyme activity test. At present, The scientific research team has focused on a few drugs, and a number of drugs, such as chloroquine phosphate, lundixivir, and farpiravir, have successively carried out clinical trials. At present, some drugs have initially shown good clinical efficacy. This issue focuses on the origin of the virus, drug research and development, and psychological anti-epidemic.


  The structure of most viruses is very simple. Basically, it is a shell made of protein wrapped with some genetic material, which is no different from dead things at ordinary times. Once infected cells, they inject their own genes into the host cells and use the host cells to replicate themselves to produce new viruses. Is the virus a living thing? Where did they come from? Below, let’s take a look at three hypotheses about the origin of the virus.

  Hypothesis 1 Ancient macromolecules Some macromolecules, such as RNA, DNA and protein, begin to replicate themselves independently or cooperatively, and this stage can be called "molecular life". However, in a peaceful molecular life, there is a different kind, that is, some molecular life, including LUCA, the latest common ancestor of all living things, which has developed a structure that has changed the law of life, that is, cells. Cells with membrane structure can better protect delicate core macromolecules such as RNA and protein, which greatly enhances the adaptability of these organisms, which means that they will rub their original molecular life on the ground. There is a hypothesis (The Virus-First Hypothesis) that the virus is the "adherents" of the primitive molecular life world. This hypothesis was once very popular, after all, the structure of viruses is so simple, even crude, and their differences from cell life are so great.

  Some viruses can form crystals after purification, which is unimaginable for cell biology. More solid evidence comes from "Virusoid", which is an RNA molecule. Pseudovirus can’t infect cells directly, but it can infect viruses. To be exact, it can copy itself and spread itself by hitchhiking when some viruses infect cells, which can cause some diseases such as human hepatitis D.

  Hypothesis 2 The gene of "defection" Genes can also defect? Yes, in The Progressive Hypothesis, genes will do anything to keep themselves alive.

  There is a small circular DNA called "plasmid" widely in bacteria. These genes are basically a group of wage earners and temporary workers. Bacteria can absorb them from the environment for their own use at any time, and they can also drive them away at any time.

  In many bacteria, in addition to their original DNA, there are often some small fragments of circular DNA, which are called plasmids. So in the long evolution, some plasmids learned one thing: we should not work all our lives! These plasmids changed from wage earners to wage earners, which in turn hijacked their bacterial boss and took away all the nutrients of bacteria to replicate themselves. Over time, some plasmids become viruses.

  Bacteria often suffer from a kind of virus infection called "phage". Some people think that phage comes from plasmid. The cells and bacteria of human beings and all animals and plants are very different. We all belong to "eukaryotes". There are no plasmids like bacteria in the cells, but there are still some genes waiting to move. They refused to stay on the chromosome, but jumped around in the nucleus, running to this chromosome for a while and running to that chromosome for a while. However, these naughty genes do have a name of sage like type — — Transposon (transposon)

  According to the detection of molecular biology, many transposons have very similar gene sequences to viruses, and the mechanism of integrating themselves into the chromosomes of host cells is also highly similar. In particular, the "Retrotransposon" among them is almost as similar as some viruses, and the only difference is that these transposons cannot migrate from cell to cell like viruses.

  However, the origin of viruses is still confusing here, because they don’t follow the evolutionary model of general organisms at all.

  The general process of virus infection is: inject your own genes into the host cells, then use the host cells to copy your own genes, and make all kinds of materials needed to construct virus particles. Finally, manipulate the cells to package all parts of virus particles together with the virus genes into new virus particles and release them to infect other cells. But in this process, the virus is exchanging genes with various organisms all the time.

  For example, when a virus directs a host cell to package virus particles, it sometimes packages some host cell DNA, or accidentally leaves a little bit of its own gene in the host cell. There is a gene in mammals to prevent the maternal immune system from attacking the fetus, that is, a virus accidentally landed in our cells more than 100 million years ago. When the virus spreads across species, it often leads to the transfer of genes from one species to another.

  Hypothesis 3 Decaying cellular organisms. After entering the 21st century, a series of discoveries began to make scientists more aware that there are other possibilities for the origin of the virus.

  In 2003, scientists discovered a very unreasonable virus — — "Mimivirus", the size of this virus has reached 0.4 to 0.5 microns, which is almost the same as bacteria under the microscope. The coronavirus that caused this epidemic is considered to be a relatively large type of virus, and its size is less than 0.1 micron.

  In 2008, scientists discovered the second big virus, and named it "Mamavirus". Since then, one kind of "Giant Virus" has appeared in human vision one after another. By the time Pandoravirus was discovered in 2013, the record of the largest virus was even more than 1 micron.

  Pandora virus, the largest known virus, looks almost the same as a bacterium.

  Since then, the boundaries between viruses and some single-celled organisms have become blurred. For example, the structure and genes of Bacteroides virus are very similar to those of a single-celled organism called archaea. The only difference is that Bacteroides virus has lost a part of the key genes that independently complete cell division, so it has to parasitize in the cells of other organisms and use the cells of the host to grow and reproduce.

  So there is the third hypothesis of the origin of the virus (The Regressive Hypothesis), which holds that the virus is essentially a degenerate creature. Some single-celled organisms gradually degenerate most of their cell structures in the long-term parasitic life, and finally become this "living dead" general appearance, and the flow like bacteroides virus is an archaea that has just begun to degenerate.

  Why do deadly viruses always come from wild animals? Let’s analyze it from the perspective of evolution.

  The "best" virus does not cause too serious symptoms (otherwise it will kill the host itself), but it should not be too gentle (after all, the host is often infected with other viruses at the same time, so it is still necessary to grab resources). Therefore, in the long evolution, this game will promote the virus to finally reach a certain tacit understanding with the host. For example, human beings and rhinoviruses that may cause the common cold belong to this relationship.

  However, the virus will mutate, and some mutations will cause the host of the virus to change. Without the tacit understanding of long-term running-in between the virus and the new host, there will be the problem of "not paying attention to it", and some of them will bring fatal diseases to the host.

  In the long-term evolution, human beings have reached a perfect tacit understanding with the viruses that accompanied them all the way from ancient ancestors, and the viruses from livestock, such as measles and flu, are not perfect, but they are somewhat tacit, so they rarely cause serious epidemics. Only the virus from wild animals has nothing to do with human beings, so almost all the diseases that caused the great plague came from wild animals. Therefore, I hope everyone can stay away from wild animals, including stray animals, and don’t raise or eat wild animals.

  (Author: Tang Cheng Author: Center for Excellence and Innovation of Brain Science and Intelligent Technology, China Academy of Sciences)

Limiting food in spring is the most beautiful enjoyment in spring.

Willow silk spits green, spring flowers sprout,

Handfuls of fresh spring vegetables emerged from the soil.

Some people say that the best way to make your body feel spring,

Is to "eat" spring into your stomach,

Let’s take a look at these spring dinner tables

What are the indispensable seasonal foods ~

Capsella bursa-pastoris

Su Shi, a great writer, once said, "It is better to cook mountain soup for a monk’s house than to seek wild grass around the wheat field." Shepherd’s purse is an out-and-out natural green nourishing food, which is not only a spring vegetable in wild vegetables, but also delicious on the tip of the tongue.

Shepherd’s purse and fresh meat wonton

For Shanghainese who love wonton, the shepherd’s purse wonton in spring is more delicious and full of fresh field aroma. Take a bite, keep your lips and teeth fragrant, eat one, the fragrance will fill your heart, taste it, and the fragrance will overflow in spring.

Fried rice cake with shredded pork and shepherd’s purse

A plate of fried rice cakes that is most suitable for spring, shepherd’s purse and shredded pork with rice cakes, is very attractive just visually. If you add some winter bamboo shoots, you will have to eat more!

Shepherd’s purse and bean curd soup

The smoothness of tofu, coupled with the fragrance of shepherd’s purse, makes the cp combination so delicious that people can’t afford it!

Spring bamboo shoots

Spring bamboo shoots are the best seasonal ingredients in spring, and they have the reputation of "the first treasure among vegetables" in ancient times. Spring bamboo shoots, because of their white color as jade and fresh meat, are essential food on the table. In Zheng Banqiao in Qing Dynasty, there was a judgment that "fresh bamboo shoots in the south of the Yangtze River take advantage of the shad, and the spring breeze is rotten at the beginning of March".

bamboo shoot soup with fresh and pickled streaky pork

"Pickling" refers to the pickled ham, with Jinhua ham as the top grade; "Fresh" means fresh bamboo shoots, fresh pork belly, hind leg meat or pig’s hoof, preferably pork belly or hind leg meat; "DuDu" means slow stew with small fire in Shanghai dialect.

Braised bamboo shoots in oil

Braised bamboo shoots in oil are frequent visitors to Shanghai’s dining tables. Pale yellow bamboo shoots are stained with bright sauce red juice and become a super dish. It’s obviously a vegetarian dish, but it’s better than a meat dish.

Toona sinensis

Toona sinensis is a unique delicacy in spring.

Toona sinensis scrambled eggs

After washing Toona sinensis, blanch it in boiling water, and cut the blanched Toona sinensis into pieces for later use. Add Toona sinensis powder and salt, stir well, heat the oil in the wok to 70% heat, pour in Toona sinensis egg liquid, and stir-fry until the egg liquid is slightly solidified.

Malan head

Xianggan Malantou

The fragrant dried Malantou is a famous spring dish in Shanghai. It is boiled in boiling water and then cut into fine pieces. The fragrance is fascinating. After mixing the fragrant dried powder, it is poured with sesame oil, and the taste hits the soul directly.

Malantou Youth League

Fresh Malantou and finely cut dried bean curd are mixed together to form the freshest taste in this spring.


Bouquet grass head

Bouquet grass head is a home-cooked dish of Shanghainese. Its tender and green leaves, inspired by white wine or yellow wine, maximize the fragrance of herbs, and make it melt in the mouth, so that everyone who meets it can’t refuse.

Caotouta cake

Mix chopped grass heads with rice flour and glutinous rice flour to make small dumplings with a diameter of two inches, then press them into round cakes with the palm of your hand and fry them in oil until they are yellow on both sides, crisp outside and soft inside, and fragrant.


Silkworm bean

Broad bean is a delicious food in spring, rich in plant protein, and also a frequent visitor to many Shanghainese spring tables.

Broad bean with scallion oil

Skinned broad beans, stir-fry with oil and salt, and when the bean shells crack, add shallots, stir-fry simply, and a plate of fresh broad beans with scallion oil can order a green table.

This spring,

Try these seasonal delicacies,

Feel the gift of spring ~

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Source: @ Leyou Shanghai

ShangguanNo. Author: Shanghai Taiwan Compatriot Service Center

The "tax collectors" who broke into medical care and the "huge waves" of medical reform in the past five years.

(The author of this article is Jianwen Consulting, a cross-border insight into the medical industry)

On the morning of November 28th, the responsible comrades of the Organization Department of the Central Committee attended the meeting of leading cadres in State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, and announced the central decision: Comrade Hu Jinglin was appointed as the Party Secretary of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, and Comrade Wang Jun was removed from the post of Party Secretary of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China.

A short news of personnel appointment has aroused the attention of practitioners in the entire medical industry.

The Medical Insurance Bureau, whose administrative level is only the deputy ministerial level, has been deeply embedded in the medical and health field of China by virtue of its frequent medical insurance policies in the past five years, and even transformed and reshaped the behaviors of patients, hospitals, enterprises and other multi-stakeholders, and has become the leader of the linkage among the three hospitals in medical reform.

For Hu Jinglin personally, he was born in the financial system, and this time he can be said to return to the fiscal and taxation circle. As the first director of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, if you understand Hu Jinglin, you can understand the work of the National Medical Insurance Bureau in the past five years.

In the eyes of many medical insurance policy observers, the National Medical Insurance Bureau, as a super payer, has successfully completed the phased historical task of "controlling medical insurance fees" in the past five years with a number of policies, such as national talks, centralized procurement, payment mode reform, outpatient co-ordination and individual account reform. Today, the balance of medical insurance funds has exceeded 4 trillion yuan.

But at the same time, the relationship between medical insurance and pharmaceutical industry innovation still needs to be straightened out; After "changing cages for birds", the pace of medical service price reform is slightly delayed; Although medical insurance is forced to go upstream, which can generate great impetus, it is obviously unrealistic to rely solely on medical insurance.

All these call for the National Health Insurance Bureau to make greater achievements in the next five years.

The "tax collector" who broke into the medical system

According to the website of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, Hu Jinglin is the Party Secretary of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China.

Time goes back to five years ago. On May 31, 2018, with the official unveiling of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, Hu Jinglin, who was born in the financial system, became the party secretary and the first director, and entered the medical field.

This appointment has surprised many people in the industry. Looking back now, in the early days of the establishment of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, in order to complete the task of "managing the medical insurance fund", it can be said that it is appropriate for the financial system official to serve as the director of the National Medical Insurance Bureau.

Zhu Hengpeng, director of the Public Policy Research Center of China Academy of Social Sciences, once pointed out that the raising of social medical insurance funds has a quasi-fiscal color, and at the same time, finance is responsible for the funds.

Before joining the National Medical Insurance Bureau, Hu Jing Lin had been deeply involved in the financial system for 20 years, and served as deputy director of the Property Appraisal Department of the Ministry of Finance, deputy director of the Economic Construction Department, director of the Economic Construction Department, chief of staff, assistant minister and deputy minister.

The experience of more than five years in the National Medical Insurance Bureau laid the foundation for Hu Jinglin to return to the fiscal and taxation system.

The aforementioned scholars in the field of public management said that the administrative leaders of various departments belong to policy posts, and they pay more attention to political quality and personal ability than familiarity with the industry, so that the incumbents can fully exercise their decision-making ability.

During his tenure as director of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, Hu Jinglin’s work style was also recognized by the outside world. A researcher in the field of medical insurance told Jianwen Consulting that Hu Jinglin was willing to listen to and absorb opinions from all sides, and his attitude was modest and polite, "unlike those technocrats".

He also revealed that he received many WeChat greetings from the director during the holidays. "This is absolutely not among the officials at the same level I have contacted."

Some observers believe that in the past five years, after the National Medical Insurance Bureau completed the task of "vacating cages", the core of the next step is to promote the task of "changing birds"-the reform of medical service prices. Shi Zihai, the current deputy director of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, is an expert in this field. He has been engaged in policy research in the National Development and Reform Commission for a long time and was once the director of the price department.

Not limited to "controlling fees", supporting innovation is the future direction.

"Through the coordinated development and governance of medical insurance, medical care and medicine, the win-win situation of’ people enjoying benefits, funds ensuring safety, hospitals developing and enterprises growing’ is taking shape."

In May of this year, Hu Jing Lin once commented on the work in the past five years at a series of news conferences on the theme of "the beginning of authoritative departments" held by the State Council.

Look carefully, medical insurance, medical care, medicine; The masses, funds, hospitals and enterprises, as the payer, the Medical Insurance Bureau, traced back to the lower reaches of the industrial chain and used the logic of managing money to connect the whole medical and health system in China, reshaping the medical and health pattern, just like throwing a big stone into an ancient well, which not only caused ripples, but also caused stormy waves.

Before the establishment of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, China’s medical care faced some problems: the adjustment time of medical insurance catalogue was not fixed, and it was only adjusted three times in 18 years, which was difficult for innovative pharmaceutical companies to predict; The drug price is artificially high, and the people’s medical burden is heavy; The logic of supporting doctors with medicine distorts the income structure of doctors; Payment by project is too extensive, excessive medical care is hard to avoid, and medical insurance funds continue to be under pressure.

This chaotic situation was gradually broken after the establishment of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, relying on frequent policies.

There are policies such as medical insurance negotiation, centralized procurement with quantity, reform of medical insurance payment method, individual account reform and outpatient co-ordination, all of which have not caused widespread debate and discussion in the industry and society. However, only by breaking the old system can we rebuild the new system on the ruins.

Specifically, there are some changes worthy of writing: promoting centralized procurement with quantity, the average price reduction of 333 drugs organized by the state is over 50%, and the average price reduction of 8 high-value medical consumables such as heart stents and artificial joints is over 80%; Together with local alliance procurement, the cumulative burden reduction is about 500 billion yuan. At present, the ninth batch of national procurement has included 41 drugs in the list, and the average price of the drugs to be selected is reduced by 58%. It is estimated that the annual drug cost can be saved by 18.2 billion yuan, and the fourth batch of consumables will also be opened this week.

The medical insurance catalogue has achieved "one adjustment per year", and 618 drugs have been added in five years. More than 80% of new drugs can now be included in medical insurance within two years of listing. The expenditure of medical insurance on new drugs increased from 5.949 billion yuan in 2019 to 48.189 billion yuan in 2022, an increase of 7.1 times. Among them, a considerable part of them are anticancer drugs and drugs for rare diseases. In addition, after reimbursement, the cumulative burden reduction for patients exceeds 500 billion yuan, which benefits thousands of families.

By November, 2023, there were 282 overall planning areas in China, accounting for 71% of all overall planning areas. The results are also quite remarkable. The data show that from January to March 2023, the average hospitalization expenses of tertiary public hospitals nationwide were 13,822.9 yuan, down by 0.8% at comparable prices, and the average hospitalization expenses of secondary public hospitals were 6,756.3 yuan, down by 1.4% at comparable prices.

After careful consideration of the above policies, we can find that the underlying logic is the efficient use of medical insurance funds, and a more rude summary is "controlling fees."

Under the control of Hu Jinglin, who was born in the financial department, the National Medical Insurance Bureau has done an excellent job in the management, use and control of medical insurance funds in the past five years. "The most important function of medical insurance is to manage the medical insurance fund", and Zhong Chongming, a medical insurance policy researcher, pointed out that this will also be the red line and safety line of the medical insurance bureau for a long time to come.

At present, although "controlling fees" is still the most basic requirement, it is not enough to complete it, and the constraint of simply controlling fees on the innovation and development of the medical industry has gradually emerged. Therefore, the next work of the National Medical Insurance Bureau may no longer be limited to simply "controlling fees".

In fact, this weather vane has begun to appear-the propaganda slogans such as "soul bargaining" commonly used in the early years have gradually withdrawn, the national mining cycle has been extended to four years, and the new national talks have also been described as "moderate". In the contact between Jianwen Consulting and industry professionals, it is also noticed that promoting the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry is now the direction that the medical insurance department wants to highlight.

Shanghai may have come to the front. At the end of July, Shanghai issued "Several Measures to Further Improve the Multi-payment Mechanism to Support the Development of Innovative Medical Devices" (referred to as "Several Measures"), which aroused heated discussions among practitioners in biomedicine, medical devices, commercial insurance and other fields and became the hottest topic in the medical device market in Shanghai at that time.

Xia Kejia, director of the Shanghai Municipal Medical Security Bureau, once said that the introduction of "Several Measures" is not only to promote the construction of a multi-level medical security system in Shanghai, to meet the diversified security needs of citizens, and to reduce the burden of medical treatment for the masses; It is also to improve the multi-payment mechanism of innovative medical equipment, guide good development expectations, and promote the high-quality development of biomedical industry and insurance financial industry in this city.

The industry hopes that the more such policies, the better.

In the next five years, how can medical insurance continue to "do its best"?

The industry expects that the funds saved by fee control should not only be used to support industrial innovation, but also be used to rationalize the price of medical services and correct the distorted income structure of medical staff.

Xu Yucai, a well-known medical reform expert, pointed out that "the biggest shortcoming of medical insurance reform in recent years is that the price reform of medical services is seriously lagging behind, and the price reform of medical services under the leadership of the Medical Insurance Bureau needs to be accelerated."

Previously, the state identified Ganzhou, Suzhou, Xiamen, Tangshan and Leshan as pilot cities for medical service price reform. Jianwen Consulting noted that in recent months, many places outside these five cities have also frequently adjusted the prices of medical services. However, compared with thousands of medical service price systems, there are still a few adjustments at present.

More importantly, it is an important link to be explored next whether we can shed the part of "rule by man" in medical service price adjustment and hand over the adjustment or not to the mechanism related to medical service price adjustment.

The price of medical services has remained unchanged for many years, which gave birth to the soil of selling with gold. The two have formed a fragile balance in practice, but now one end of the balance has been shattered and stands after breaking, and the other end needs to keep up quickly.

The five years since the establishment of the National Medical Insurance Bureau are also five years when the decision-making power of local medical insurance has been gradually weakened.

On the surface, the local medical insurance catalogue will gradually withdraw, and the local medical insurance equipment catalogue will gradually be unified in the future. The overall level of medical insurance funds has been continuously improved, and many provinces such as Jilin, Liaoning and Sichuan have shouted the slogan of provincial overall planning.

In the future, national overall planning may not be impossible. The authority of the local medical insurance department has been tightened continuously, and it has gradually changed to the agency.

Some scholars believe that the current reform direction is to improve the focus of medical insurance decision-making, standardize the decision-making power of governments at all levels, and establish a unified national medical insurance system.

From a deeper perspective, in recent years, conflicts and even lawsuits between private hospitals and local medical insurance bureaus are common. The contradiction between the two sides is also typical. Some local medical insurance bureaus think that private hospitals buy drugs and consumables at low prices and then report them to medical insurance at high prices, which actually reflects the different understanding of the authority of different local medical insurance bureaus. Nowadays, it has gradually become a consensus that medical insurance "cannot be stretched too long", and the law has also proved this with judgments.

The standardization of medical insurance information system provides objective conditions and possibilities for the concentration of medical insurance power, which is beneficial to the coordination of policies at all levels to some extent, but excessive concentration of power also weakens the regulatory power of local medical insurance in disguise. There are both advantages and disadvantages. Finally, judging whether the medical insurance power is concentrated in the central government is good or bad may be left to the future and reality.

In Zhong Chongming’s view, with the gradual development of medical insurance services and the continuous exploration of the direction of health insurance, medical insurance will inevitably go through the process from "managing money" to "managing some things and cooperating with more things", and in this process, corruption and inefficiency are still huge challenges.

The road to medical reform is long and arduous, although medical insurance has played a key and fundamental role, and even played a leading role in the process of joint reform of the three hospitals. However, limited by the scope of power of the medical insurance department, the medical insurance department can only "appeal", "guide" or even "force" the implementation of some specific medical reform policies, but the real executor is "someone else".

In some places, it is difficult for the medical insurance department and the health care department to work together. In the absence of a strong and effective coordination mechanism, as the medical reform enters the deep water area, the road of "crossing the river by feeling the stones" has become more challenging.

"No matter how the linkage between the three hospitals evolves and how healthy China develops, we should always uphold’ reform is the brightest background of the medical insurance banner’." Zhong Chongming said.

(The author of this article is Jianwen Consulting, a cross-border insight into the medical industry)

This article only represents the author’s point of view.