Huawei terminals participated in the 2023 Digital Technology Ecology Conference, and many new products experienced zero distance.

  From November 10 to November 13, 2023, the 2023 Digital Technology Ecology Conference organized by China Telecom and many well-known enterprises at home and abroad was held in Pazhou, Guangzhou as scheduled.

  Digital Technology Ecology Conference is an important event for China Telecom Group to show the ecological development of digital technology. Over the years, Digital Technology Ecology Conference has not only become an important business card of China Telecom, but also set up a stage for the global intelligent ecological development achievements. The theme of this conference is "Revitalizing Digital Technology and Setting sail", which comprehensively shows the latest achievements of digital intelligence in all walks of life, and the prospect of cooperation between China Telecom and other enterprises to promote digital reality.

  As a long-term strategic partner of China Telecom, Huawei Terminal presented its latest terminal products, new M7 and full-scenario solutions in the exhibition area of this conference, so that the participants can deeply experience all the products of Huawei Terminal.

  In order to fully display its achievements in intelligent ecological development, Huawei terminal has brought three advantages of "no one has me": ultra-high-end terminal products such as HUAWEI Mate60 Pro satellite communication, intelligent driving in the new M7, and extraordinary master HUAWEI Mate60 RS; And the three scenarios of "people are superior to me": sports health, terminal government and enterprise and whole house intelligence.

Satellite call: connecting you with the world time.

  As the annual flagship of the return of Huawei’s king, the Pro version of HUAWEI Mate60 series has added many black technologies, and the experience has been comprehensively improved. Among them, the satellite call function not only brings huge sound volume to the product itself, but also forms the "intergenerational" advantage of leading the industry, which opens the prelude to the great development of terminal satellite communication.

  From Tianshan to Mobei, from virgin forests to snow-capped mountains and glaciers, from remote isolated islands to towering peaks, people can always reach places where signals cannot reach. In order to ensure the connection in these extreme scenarios, Huawei went deep into the "no man’s land" of the communication industry. After three years of long exploration, it formed a full-dimensional innovation matrix from hardware, radio frequency, antenna, software, testing to operation, and established the world’s first mass intelligent terminal satellite communication solution from scratch, which made the two-way Beidou satellite news shine into reality.

  HUAWEI Mate 60 Pro is the world’s first smart phone that supports Tiantong satellite phone and two-way Beidou satellite message. Through the satellite communication baseband and RF chip, it can provide two-way satellite voice call function. It is matched with Tiantong satellite system developed by China, and HUAWEI Mate 60 Pro+ also supports Beidou satellite short messages, which can be used to make and receive satellite calls and send short messages by satellite, which is equivalent to providing dual-satellite communication function. This means that users can keep in touch with the outside world and get search information without ground network signals.

  This remote satellite communication technology will bring real changes to people in emergency relief, scientific research and mountaineering exploration, so that you can be connected with the world at all times. In addition to mobile phones, HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate has also become the world’s first smart watch to support two-way Beidou satellite messages.


Intelligent driving; At present, the first choice of intelligent driving model-the new M7 in the world

  With the continuous expansion of the smart electric vehicle market and the increasing demand of consumers for high-quality car experience, the development of the smart driving industry has attracted more and more attention. In order to let users feel the intelligent performance brought by intelligent driving, Huawei has set up a new M7 test drive exhibition area.

  In September this year, the new AITO M7 model jointly developed by Huawei and Celestial was officially launched. In the past Mid-Autumn National Day holiday, the popularity of the new M7 model continued to rise. The reason why the new M7 in Wenjie can detonate the current medium and large SUV market is also attributed to its super-strong and all-round product strength and super-high intelligent price ratio.

  Wenjie new M7 has outstanding performance in design, internal space, intelligent technology, performance and safety performance, which can meet various needs of users. In terms of appearance, the design is simple and elegant, and the lines are smooth, showing a strong sense of science and technology. The interior space is very spacious, and the seats are arranged in a 2+2+2 "six seats" or 2+3 "big five seats", which can meet the needs of different families.

  In addition, the innovative strength of the new M7 in the world has also brought a strong psychological impact to the experiencer. The far-ahead HarmonyOS cockpit system perfectly integrates our mobile phone and car, and can be continuously upgraded to bring more new functions and experiences; L2-level automatic driver assistance system provides drivers with a safer and more convenient driving experience; Super active and passive safety provides more comprehensive protection for passengers.


Ultra-high-end terminal: smart and distinguished new experience

  As we all know, Huawei’s product system has been very rich, covering a wide range of categories and price ranges, and it is widely welcomed and praised for its super-high performance experience and product performance that directly hits user needs or pain points.

  At this exhibition, Huawei also opened up an ultra-high-end terminal exhibition area separately. The extraordinary masters of HUAWEI Mate 60 RS and HUAWE Watch Ultimate appeared in unison, attracting many media and crowds to watch.

  In this fast-paced modern society, business elites not only pursue Excellence, but also pursue products that can meet their high-quality life needs. The extraordinary master of HUAWEI Mate60 RS and HUAWEI Watch Ultimate Design are perfect partners to create extraordinary life. They can not only satisfy the high-end elite’s pursuit of quality life, but also bring unprecedented distinguished enjoyment and intelligent experience. Whether in business meetings or social occasions, it is the best choice to show your identity and taste.

  From the appearance, the extraordinary master HUAWEI Mate60 RS adopts the legendary star diamond design and applies the concentric design concept to embed the octagonal image module of the star diamond on the back cover, which gives a luxurious and clear visual impression. The nylon and plain leather materials on the ordinary version are replaced by ceramic materials, and two color matching versions are provided: red and black. Ruihong ceramics are precious and rare; Dark ceramic, deep and remote. On the basis of the second generation of Kunlun glass, the extraordinary master HUAWEI Mate 60 RS adopted basalt tempered glass technology to create basalt tempered Kunlun glass, which is super scratch-resistant and super tough.

  Like HUAWEI Mate 60 Pro+, the extraordinary master HUAWEI Mate 60 RS also supports Tiantong satellite calls. In terms of battery life, a 5000mAh battery is built in, which supports 88W wired super fast charging and 50W wireless super fast charging. In other aspects, the highlights such as the super spotlight main camera and the ark engine all highlight the high-end level of the extraordinary master of HUAWEI Mate60 RS.

  With the blessing of technology and demand, the smart watch industry is also moving towards high-end. The extraordinary master of HUAWEI WATCH ULTIMATE DESIGN integrates excellent design and luxurious materials, which not only leads the market once again, but also expands the new development of the smart watch industry.

  As Huawei’s first gold watch, it manually inlaid six sections of 18K gold on the nano-microcrystalline ceramic bezel, forming a gold-inlaid jade bezel. The butterfly clasp pioneered by Huawei is adopted, which fits precisely and can be easily adjusted up to 12 levels without disassembly. It also supports two-way Beidou satellite news, equipped with 100-meter deep diving technology, and supports 100-meter diving and various diving modes.

  Ingenious design technology, intelligent guardian without me, the extraordinary master of HUAWEI ULTIMATE DESIGN pays tribute to the "extraordinary master" of this era with the ultimate pursuit of products.


  In addition to the above three advantages of "no one has me", Huawei has also brought three scenarios of "people have me": including bicycle/treadmill family sports interactive experience scenarios, operator customized health management packages and personal health (micro-physical examination). Sports health solutions and smart wearable products; Solutions such as quantum password customization terminal, occupational health big data management, paperless office, and trusted call focusing on government and enterprise services; And the whole house intelligent solution that focuses on the combination of four family core interactive scenes: family watching, family network, family care and smart security.

  As an important exhibitor of this conference, Huawei Terminal presented its flagship new products, sports health, government-enterprise solutions, smart home and the latest M7 products, which not only provided a great opportunity for consumers to experience many flagship new products at close range, but also once again highlighted Huawei’s advantages and strength in technology and products. It is believed that in the future development of digital technology ecology, Huawei will further exert its strength in the field of scientific and technological innovation, and join hands with relevant ecological partners to the next level.





Liu Yifei, Yang Mi and Tang Yan went to Betta to be anchors? Online celebrity, the star changed his head, lost all recognition.

Sheep heard that Liu Yifei, a fairy elder sister who hasn’t appeared for a long time, recently went down to earth to fight fish as a female anchor? !



Not only Liu Yifei, but also actresses from Tong Liya, Fan Bingbing, Tang Yan and Yang Mi. Is it against the sky to fight fish?





The sheep was shocked at first, and then found that something was wrong. Do you think that these pictures of Sister Tianxian have become like a net red, without her original recognition?


Do you still remember the "Athena Chu’s Yang Mi" which was popular all over the network a while ago?


At first glance, I was shocked to see this group of moving sheep. Yang Mi once played such a smart and delicate Huang Rong? How come I’ve never seen this play released? It must be more popular than to the sky kingdom.


But in fact, this is just an image synthesized by bilibili UP using AI technology, which replaces Athena Chu’s five senses in The Legend of the Condor Heroes with Yang Mi’s.

Because the effect is so realistic, it caused a sensation on the Internet, and the topic has reached more than 100 million readings in Weibo. Then there was."Athena Chu becomes Yang Mi, with a flow of 100 million."The statement.


So later, there was the Yang Mi version of Zhao Min. Is this effect enough to confuse the real with the fake?



There are nine points in the expression of looking up, eyes hanging down and eyes flowing. Can you tell who is who if you don’t take a close look at the five senses?



Not only is the face close-up, but even this video with great dance movements can accurately capture the face and put on the five senses, and it looks like Yang Mi himself jumped.


Seeing this, I don’t think you have to say that you all understand. At the beginning of the article, the female stars who are fighting fish as female anchors are all synthesized by using AI technology.

The female anchor’s real body is a new betta fish sister, Leng.


Before, in order to gather popularity, A Leng had disappeared for a month, and it was suspected that he had double eyelids.

However, compared with AI face-changing female stars, the popularity is only a few hundred Ti mo Feng.




This seemingly fate-changing technology actually does not require much superb code skills, nor does it have to be done by top programmers with bright brains.

AI face-changing technology originated from deepfake abroad, which has been popular abroad for one year, and has also caused heated discussion in Reddit forum, and has just been introduced to China recently.

In January last year, someone directly launched the Windows program FakeApp. You don’t even need to make a model of deepfake. You only need an Nvidia GPU personal computer, 3~4GB of storage space, and even AI knowledge. You can make the face-changing video above.


In fact, we have seen the predecessor of this technology for a long time and have used it in various American special effects blockbusters.


In that year’s "Speed and furious 7", after Paul Walker’s accidental death, his shots were originally replaced by two younger brothers, and the dynamic capture and CGI animation were used to bring him back to the film, giving the audience a happy ending.


With the gradual maturity of technology, face replacement is nothing new.


Just two days ago, the first female host of AI synthesis had been on duty to broadcast, except that her voice was a bit like mechanical words jumping out, and there was not much difference between her face and real people.


AI anchors can work on all kinds of platforms 24 hours a day without gaps, which can reduce news production costs and improve production efficiency for the news industry.


For digital special effects companies, it can save the production cost of later special effects.



For Doubi, sand sculpture and idolize youth, this is the PS in motion.


You can change your face and play opposite your idol.



The experience is similar to the skin in the game we play or the real-life version of ZEPETO.

But at the same time, when this technology was invented, it also brought disadvantages.

In fact, technology itself is not good or bad, but people who use it do. Because the threshold of AI face-changing technology is lowered and the effect is realistic, it has been targeted by many people who have misgivings.


The first to suffer is the foreign actresses, whose "faces" have appeared in the indescribable videos on famous websites.

Wonder woman gerga, Emma Watson and Ai Liya Stark in Game of Thrones were not spared.

Japanese actresses are even more inevitable. (ps: Who put the sheep’s wife P up and stood up to die! ! ! )


Not surprisingly, Chinese actresses have also been recruited! According to incomplete statistics, there are about 30 actresses who have been recruited.


I heard that there has been news that "ex-boyfriend put his face AI in the actress’s film", and some people even took the synthetic film for personal blackmail.


Here, I want to say that this is a serious illegal act, which seriously infringes on the right of portrait and reputation.


If the technology is abused by criminals after it is mature, such as stealing brush, fraud, etc., then there will be risks in the application of face brushing technology in our daily life.


At present, Fake is so controversial that it has shut down its website. Websites such as Twitter and PornHub also prohibit uploading such face-changing content.

Bilibili UP owner has also removed the video of Athena Chu changing to Yang Mi, and apologized to Yang Mi, saying that the original intention was not malicious, but just to share new technologies. Also, please treat the technology correctly, focus on the technology itself, and respect the right of portrait and copyright.



Again, technology itself is not right or wrong, and the development of the times can’t stop it from appearing. What we can really do is how to manage the use of standardized technology, and moral law is the bottom line that must be observed!


In fact, no matter how intelligent the machine is, it is also invented by human beings. On the matter of changing faces, no one can compete with nature. If you don’t believe me, look at those amateurs who are not related to the face-bumping stars. They are not only similar in shape but also similar in spirit. That is really the highest realm of face-bumping, hahaha!




Therefore, the sheep are curious. How much can everyone look like a star without relying on acquired technology and only relying on innate genes?

Xiao k bo Zao Bao

  The main contents of today’s science and technology innovation board Morning Post are as follows: Huawei has officially released the new M7 series; Us stocksIt fell more than 13%, the biggest one-day drop since March 2002;Wait for the company to planShares.

  [Market trends]

  Announced the launch of iPhone 15 series mobile phones, and the share price closed down by 1.71%.

  In the early morning of Beijing time, a new generation of smart phones, iPhone 15 series and smart watches, were released. Among them, the iPhone 15 and Plus are equipped with A16 chips, starting at $799 and $899 respectively, and the iPhone 15 Pro starts at $999. However, during the press conference, the stock price once fell by 2.5% and closed down by 1.71% on the same day.

  Other products of Apple’s conference include: Apple Watch Series 9 starts at $399 and is equipped with S9 chip; Apple Watch Ultra 2 starts at $799 and introduces an exclusive new dial called Modular Ultra;. AirPods Pro (second generation) equipped with MagSafe charging box (USB-C) will be listed at the price of $249; EarPods headphones (USB-C version) will be accepted for booking today, and the price is $19; Cook said that Apple plans to start shipping AR product Vision Pro early next year.

  Huawei’s new M7 series was officially released.

  On the afternoon of September 12th, the launch conference of AITO’s new M7 series was held, and the new M7 series was officially released and delivered. It is understood that AITO’s new M7 is equipped with HUAWEI DATS 2.0, with a comprehensive battery life of 1,300 kilometers, a pure battery life of more than 240 kilometers, a rear-drive version with a fuel consumption of 5.6L per 100 kilometers and a four-wheel drive version with a fuel consumption of 5.8L per 100 kilometers, which is 8% lower than that of an upgraded intelligent extended-range model.

  The White House:Eight companies voluntarily promised to manage AI risks, including conducting security tests and addingwait for

  The White House issued a statement on September 12, saying that on the same day, senior government officials such as US Secretary of Commerce Raymond will convene the AI ? ? industry in the White House., announced that eight companies, namely Adobe, Cohere, IBM, Palantir, Salesforce, Scale AI and Stability, promised to take voluntary regulatory measures to manage the risk of AI technology development, including conducting security tests before launch, building a system that puts safety first, and adding content for AI generation.

  US stocks fell more than 13%, the biggest one-day drop since March 2002.

  The three major indexes of U.S. stocks collectively closed down, with the Dow down 0.05%, the Nasdaq down 1.04%, the S&P 500 index down 0.57%, and popular technology stocks down more than 13%, the biggest one-day drop since March 2002. Previous financial reports showed that Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s adjusted revenue in the first fiscal quarter met expectations, but the growth rate of cloud revenue was lower than that in the previous fiscal quarter.

  The first medical examination in ChinaThe open innovation platform was officially launched.

  Guided by Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau and Bureau of Industry and Information Technology,Sponsored by Guangdong Industry Association, assisted by Guangzhou Public Computing Center, HuaweiThe 2023 "See the Cup in the Domain" medical examination artificial intelligence developer competition provided by Technology Co., Ltd. ended. At the award ceremony, the artificial intelligence open innovation platform for clinical examination and pathological diagnosis was officially launched. It is the first open innovation platform for artificial intelligence in China medical examination industry, which can meet the one-stop AI research and development needs of developers from data management to application deployment, and has the characteristics of full stack, full process and full scene.

  People in the industrial chain: More domestic mobile phone manufacturers will support the satellite call function before the end of the year.

  Following Huawei’s Mate60 Pro, the science and technology innovation board Journal reporter learned from people in the industrial chain that before the end of this year, other domestic mobile phone manufacturers will support the satellite call function in their products one after another. The person familiar with the matter said that there are many original technological breakthroughs in the function of directly connecting domestic mass smartphones to satellites, mainly byCooperate with Huawei in research and development. There are still some technical difficulties in the overall satellite phone, such as antenna miniaturization. In addition, the concurrent communication capacity carried by satellite phone is also limited, which is difficult to compare with the terrestrial cellular communication capacity. Considering that more mobile phone manufacturers will provide terminal access in the future, the number of simultaneous users of satellite calls may increase. The source further said that there is a great demand for smart phones with satellite call function in the market, but it is still limited by production capacity.

  The board of directors approved the subscription of Arm shares for no more than $100 million.

  According to official website, on September 12th, an interim board meeting was held, and the important resolutions were as follows: approving to acquire 10% equity of IMS Nanofabrication Global, LLC from Intel Corporation within a limit of 432.8 million US dollars; It is approved to subscribe for ordinary shares of Arm Holdings plc within a limit of not more than US$ 100 million, and the subscription price will be determined according to the final price of the company’s initial public offering.

  [All aspects of the company]

  Win a globalCompany supplier nomination

  Shanghai Enjie, a holding subsidiary, received a supplier nomination letter from a global company and confirmed to be its.Diaphragm supplier. From 2023 to 2031, Shanghai Enjie will supply insulation film products to mainstream vehicles in its production bases in Europe and Asia.

  : It is planned to purchase about 40.08% equity of Jiangxi Boquan for no more than 100 million yuan.

  , the company plans to purchase 40.0788% equity of Jiangxi Boquan Chemical Co., Ltd. for no more than RMB 100 million. Jiangxi Boquan is mainly engaged inR&D, production and sales of special chemicals. The company intends to pass this timeTo fill in the key points needed by the company in other key processes of copper surface treatment such as pulse electroplating and hole filling electroplating.Products.

  Waiting for the company to repurchase shares.

  The shares to be repurchased are 500 million to 1 billion yuan, and the repurchase price shall not exceed 150 yuan/share.

  It is planned to buy back 80 million to 150 million yuan of shares, and the repurchase price shall not exceed 135 yuan/share.

  The shares to be repurchased are 100 million to 200 million yuan, and the repurchase price shall not exceed 220 yuan/share.

  It is planned to buy back 30 million to 60 million yuan of shares at a price not exceeding 42 yuan per share.

  : Gun Yoon, chairman and general manager, plans to increase the company’s shares by 5 million yuan to 10 million yuan.

  Announcement, company holdingGun Yoon, the actual controller, chairman and general manager, based on his confidence in the future development of the company and the recognition of long-term investment value, intends to use his own funds or self-raised funds to pass through Shanghai within 6 months from September 13, 2023.The ways allowed by the exchange system (including but not limited to centralized bidding, continuous bidding and) Increase the company’s shares by an amount of not less than RMB 5 million and not more than RMB 10 million.

  [frontier of science and technology]

  Scientists have designed the strongest single atom control system to date.

  Canadian scientists use lasers to develop the most powerful method known at present to control a single qubit made of the chemical element barium. The ability to control quantum bits reliably is an important basis for realizing future functional quantum computers. The Institute of Quantum Computing (IQC) of the University of Waterloo used a small glass waveguide to separate laser beams and focus them to 4 microns, which is about 4% of the width of human hair. The accuracy and degree of each focused laser beam on its target qubit can be controlled in parallel, which is completely impossible in previous studies.

  New magnetic materials help to give birth to quantum computers running at room temperature.

  Quantum computers may completely change the world, but they can only run at extremely low temperatures at present, and it is very expensive to cool computers. The team at the University of Texas at El Paso has developed a new quantum computing material that can work at room temperature and is 100 times more magnetic than pure iron, which is expected to be used to manufacture quantum computers that can work at room temperature. Related papers have been published in the recent Journal of Applied Physics Letters.

Xiaomi car details exposure, hot search on multiple topics! Lei Jun has a vision →

On December 28th, Xiaomi Automobile held its first press conference in Beijing. # Xiaomi Auto Price # # Xiaomi Auto Yan Value # # Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference # and many other topics boarded the hot search, which caused widespread concern.

Lei Jun: Strive to become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world.

On the 28th, @ Xiaomi Auto released the first batch of official photos of SU7 Gulf Blue.

Lei Jun, founder and CEO of Xiaomi Technology, also released Weibo at the same time: "This is Xiaomi SU7 Gulf Blue!"

Lei Jun said at the press conference:“I hope to become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world through 15 to 20 years’ efforts.And strive for the overall rise of China’s automobile industry. Lei Jun introduced Xiaomi’s technical achievements in motor control, battery, die casting, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit.

Xiaomi auto conference site. China Economic Net Photo by Guo Yue

Lei Jun said that Xiaomi should lead the industry in core technology. Technological innovation in the field of electric motor control has applied for 155 patents and authorized 60 patents.

In terms of battery technology, Lei Jun mainly introduced Xiaomi’s 800V silicon carbide high-voltage platform and CTB integrated battery technology, which can support up to 150kWh, and CLTC has a battery life of over 1200km. In addition, Xiaomi andIt took two years to overcome many difficulties, and the industry pioneered the battery inversion technology to ensure the safety of drivers to the maximum extent. Xiaomi has built its own battery pack factory, and has made technological innovation in the battery field. It has applied for 132 project patents and authorized 65 patents.

In terms of intelligent driving,Lei Jun introduced that at present, the total investment in this area has increased to 4.7 billion yuan, the exclusive team has more than 1,000 people, and the test mileage has exceeded 10 million kilometers. Xiaomi AI Lab has 3,000 AI engineers, who have independently developed the underlying algorithms and actively introduced the latest technologies, such as fully integrating into the big model.

Lei Jun: Seriously build a good car.

The estimated price is "really a bit expensive"

Lei Jun said that the road to building a car is not easy. We must start from the underlying core technology, invest ten times, and seriously build a good car. He set goals for the team, and at least 100 technologies should be "first, only and most".

Xiaomi auto conference site. China Economic Net Photo by Guo Yue

This conference is mainly a technical conference, but at the same time, Lei Jun also pre-released Xiaomi SU7, which has three appearances: Gulf Blue, Elegant Grey and Olive Green. In terms of performance, it supports the ejection start, with a top speed of 265km/h, an acceleration of 2.78 seconds per 100 km, a braking distance of 33.3m per 100 km, a turning radius of 5.7m, unlimited freedom to customize the automatic driving mode and 800km battery life. At present, Xiaomi SU7 has been mass-produced in small batches, but it still needs to climb, and it will be officially released in 2024.

"Don’t call it 99,000 or 149,000. It’s impossible. We still have to respect technology." After comparing the various models, Lei Jun said.

"The pricing of Xiaomi SU7 is indeed a bit expensive, but it will definitely make everyone feel that it is expensive and reasonable, and the experience will definitely exceed everyone’s expectations."Lei Jun said, "Please wait a few more months."

Xiaomi Auto "exploded", and Xiaomi Group’s share price rose by 15% in intraday trading.

On April 2, the share price of Xiaomi Group, a Hong Kong stock, opened 14.99% higher, and then fell back, with an increase of 10.31% so far.

In the news, on March 29th, Xiaomi Automobile officially announced that after 24 hours of listing, the number of Xiaomi SU7 reached 88,898. At 12 noon on April 1st, the second round of Xiaomi Auto SU7 inaugural edition was added for sale and sold out in seconds. As of the early morning of April 2, the number of locks of Xiaomi SU7 has reached 40,000. Xiaomi Auto said that the original version of Xiaomi SU7 will not open a new round of orders.

The delivery cycle of Xiaomi SU7 has been further extended. On March 31st, the delivery cycle of Xiaomi SU7 standard version after locking the order is expected to be 16-19 weeks, Pro version is expected to be delivered in 17-20 weeks, and Max version will be delivered in 26-29 weeks. By the morning of April 2, the above delivery cycle had been extended to 20-23 weeks, 19-22 weeks and 28-31 weeks respectively.

While Xiaomi SU7 is selling well, many institutions have released research reports one after another.

Goldman Sachs released a research report on Monday, saying that Xiaomi SU7 was a surprise. Although the price range of 215,900 yuan to 299,900 yuan was basically in line with the bank’s previous average price expectation, the number of large orders far exceeded expectations, and Xiaomi had the ability to become a potential price leader in the market rather than a price follower.

It is estimated that the revenue of Xiaomi will increase by 2-6% from 2024 to 2026, reaching 100,000, 170,000 and 326,000 units respectively, accounting for 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.5% of the retail sales of new energy vehicles in China. By 2030, it is estimated that electric vehicle revenue will account for 30% of Xiaomi’s total revenue.

JPMorgan Chase released a research report last week, saying that the pricing of Xiaomi SU7 is very attractive and its specifications are competitive. In view of the strong fixed figures, JPMorgan Chase believes that Xiaomi’s electric vehicle business has made a strong start, which may exceed the market’s forecast of about 50,000 units in the first 12 months, trigger a strong positive reaction of the stock price in the short to medium term, and continue to maintain Xiaomi’s "over-allocation" rating.

The listing of Xiaomi SU7 also brought a lot of pressure to many brands. On April 1st, many car companies started price wars. Among them, the starting price of the new M7 in Wenjie is lowered by 20,000 to 229,800 yuan; Tucki G9 car is limited to a maximum of 20,000 yuan; Weilai launched a subsidy of up to 1 billion yuan for oil vehicle replacement; FAW-Volkswagen will add a cash subsidy of up to 5,000 yuan in a limited time; Chery limited-time designated models are free of purchase tax and so on.

It is worth mentioning that the sales of major new energy vehicle companies increased in March. In March, the top seven brands in the new power delivery list were: Wenjie, Ideal, Zero Run, Extreme Krypton, Weilai, Tucki and Nezha Automobile. Specifically, AITO, a subsidiary of HarmonyOS Zhixing, delivered 31,727 new cars in March, winning the sales champion of China New Power brand for three consecutive months; LI delivered 28,984 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 39.2%; The number of zero-running cars delivered reached 14,567, a year-on-year increase of over 136%.

Earlier, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the All-China Ride Association, once said, "2024 is a crucial year for new energy vehicle companies to gain a foothold, and the competition is bound to be fierce."

Ping An Securities’ recent research report pointed out that in 2024, the growth rate of new energy vehicle companies in the head is under pressure, so the price war will continue, especially in the mainstream price range of 100,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan. With the decrease of battery cost, car companies have more room to reduce prices.

Mobile phone letters and visits run for half a year: you can see the process like online shopping.

  On July 1st and September 1st this year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls successively opened a "channel" for letters and visits on mobile phones — — The mobile phone petition platform and WeChat WeChat official account will further broaden the channels for expressing people’s demands. These new channels for letters and visits have been in operation for nearly half a year. What is the effect now?

  What about the new channels of letters and visits such as mobile phone platform and WeChat?

  By the end of November, there were over 60,000 registered users and 80,000 letters and visits.

  "It’s great, you don’t have to go out and move your fingers, and the problems reflected will be solved!" Not long ago, Wang of Huai ‘an City, Jiangsu Province reported the inconvenience caused by the renovation of dangerous bridges in the village through the online petition platform. The next day, she inquired that the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau for Letters and Calls had accepted it. On the fourth day, the local government began to solve the problem.

  On January 1, 2015, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls established and operated the National Information System for Letters and Calls, realizing the nationwide "One Netcom" with vertical connectivity to towns and streets and horizontal coverage of relevant responsible departments.

  On this basis, on July 1st and September 1st this year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls successively launched the mobile phone petition platform and WeChat WeChat official account, making it more convenient and efficient. The process and results of the petitions handled by the masses through the mobile phone petition platform can be inquired, tracked, supervised and evaluated. The reporter saw on the WeChat WeChat official account of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls that WeChat official account currently has three functions: information on letters and visits, guide to letters and visits and online letters and visits. By paying attention to this micro-signal, you can submit a complaint request or make suggestions in the online letters and visits channel, and you can also inquire about the handling of letters and visits and evaluate your satisfaction.

  By the end of November, more than 60,000 users had registered through the mobile phone petition platform of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls and WeChat WeChat official account, and the number of petitions reached 80,000. At the same time, all parts of the country have followed suit. 14 provinces including Anhui, Hunan and Xinjiang have set up mobile phone letters and visits, and 21 provinces including Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou and Gansu have opened WeChat letters and visits. Online letters and visits have gradually become the main channel for mass letters and visits.

  How to make online letters and visits efficient and transparent?

  The process, methods and results are all open online, so that the masses can become "supervisors" and "referees" of letters and visits.

  "This platform can see every step of the specific process, just like online shopping can see whether the seller has delivered the goods and where it has gone. It is really convenient." Bao, from Haiyang City, Shandong Province, reported the damage of the road in front of his house through online letters and visits, and received a reply on the same day.

  On July 1 this year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls promulgated and implemented the Measures for Simple Handling of Letters and Visits (Trial), which requires that opinions should be given within 10 working days after accepting the letters and visits that can be handled simply, so as to accept and handle the letters and visits more conveniently and quickly.

  At the same time, according to the "Regulations on Letters and Visits" and the "Working Rules for Online Handling of Letters and Visits (Trial)" of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls, all localities have standardized the letters and visits business, so that there are rules to follow. Twenty-four provinces, including Shanxi, Jilin and Ningxia, have formulated rules for handling online letters and visits, further optimizing business processes and putting standardization requirements throughout the whole process.

  "Relying on the national petition information system, the handling process, handling methods and handling results of petitions can be made public online, and petitioners can inquire about the handling process and results at any time, avoiding going back and forth." In addition, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls also said that it is also the focus of online letters and visits to let the masses evaluate the solution of the letters and visits, let the masses become "supervisors" and "referees" in the work of letters and visits, and actively guide the petitioners to evaluate their satisfaction. At present, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls has revised and improved the satisfaction evaluation method, and promoted all localities to improve the participation rate of the masses and the satisfaction rate of the masses.

  How do large and small systems break through the "barriers"?

  Integrate the scattered "small windows" of letters and visits, and "one netcom" allows the masses to travel less and benefit more.

  At present, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls has realized the interconnection with 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the provincial, municipal and county-level letters and visits working institutions of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, more than 80,000 functional departments and towns (streets), and 33 central and state organs and ministries.

  At the same time, all localities are also stepping up efforts to promote the integration of resources on the online petition platform at the same level. Tianjin, Zhejiang and other places have connected the leadership mailbox with the petition information system, and integrated the scattered online petition "small windows" into an online complaint hall to reduce repeated complaints from the masses and repeated referrals from departments, thus realizing "one netcom". Jiangxi, Shandong, Hubei and other places have established self-service facilities for online letters and visits in counties and townships to better facilitate the masses. From January to November this year, the number of online letters and visits nationwide was 971,000, up 102% year-on-year, which effectively reduced the cost of letters and visits by the masses and realized that the masses traveled less and benefited more.

  The relevant person in charge of the State Bureau of Letters and Calls said that in recent years, various localities have made great efforts to solve problems, and a number of letters and visits have been effectively resolved. However, in some places, problems were not handled in time and were not solved in place, which led to repeated online complaints; In some places, the previous "handling opinions" are used as the handling results of the backlog report, but the problem of letters and visits has not been substantially solved, and there is a problem of "doing without finishing", so it is necessary to continue to intensify efforts to resolve it.

  According to the introduction of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls, after continuous adaptation and improvement, the national information system for letters and calls has been running smoothly on the whole. Next, efforts should be made to improve the application and optimize the functions. At present, the coverage of the national petition information system has basically achieved the "vertical to the end" of the five-level petition work institutions at the national, provincial, municipal, county and township (street) levels, but there is still a problem of incomplete coverage of functional departments in most places horizontally. The next step will focus on promoting the full coverage of the application of the petition information system by functional departments.

Mobile e-sports+casual games, China players pay more attention to the social attributes of e-sports?

  In July, Gamma Data released the "2019 China Game Industry Semi-annual Report" — — In the first half of the year, the growth rate of China Mobile’s e-sports revenue was far ahead of that of client-side e-sports games, accounting for more than 60%.

  Earlier, the Leisure Game Market Opportunity Research Report of 2018-2019, also from gamma data, pointed out that mobile leisure game users accounted for 66.4% of the total mobile game users in the past year, but leisure games only accounted for 6.6% of the mobile game market & hellip; …

  Thanks to the demographic dividend of China and the rapid development of mobile Internet, mobile e-sports has gradually become the main force in the field of e-sports, but mobile leisure games are still a low-lying area with huge room for growth, which seems to mean that "mobile e-sports+leisure" will become an opportunity in the development tide of e-sports and games in China.

  In the e-sports market, female users surged.

  In the 2019 Tatan Elite Challenge, which just ended in Qingdao, 12 teams fought for two days, attracting thousands of live audiences and over one million online audiences. It seems that the e-sports event created by a light casual game also has strong box office and market appeal.

  In fact, the Tatan Cup has been born for four years, and the popularity of "Ball-Ball Battle" is behind it.

  As a casual game produced by Giant Network, official data show that there are more than 500 million users, 10 million daily activities and 150 million monthly activities, and the gender ratio of players is close to 4 to 6 (35% women and 65% men); In terms of age, 40.08% of the players aged 18 to 24, and 33.07% of the users aged 13 to 17 & hellip; …

  The rise of "Ball Fight" has indeed caught up with the fast lane of China mobile e-sports development — — It was launched in mid-2015, which is earlier than many popular mobile games, but the precise positioning is probably more worthy of attention.

  In the e-sports game market, especially on the mobile side, the scale of female users has surged.

  Public data shows that from 2013 to 2018, the number of female players has increased from less than 80 million to 290 million.In the past, there were high barriers to heavy games, which made light games that focused on "leisure" just needed by the market. Its "popularization", such as relatively simple rules and operation, was not only more suitable for covering young people of all ages, but also met the needs of the rapidly growing group of female players.

  In fact, not only female players, but also professional players in Tatan Classic, which is a difficult scene to see in other e-sports events.

  Leisure+animation, the future industrial direction

  Of course, there is still a long way to go from a popular game to a traditional e-sports event.

  On the one hand, it benefits from the high stickiness of mobile e-sports users. According to the survey, the proportion of mobile e-sports users playing games every day is as high as 43.1%, and the proportion of playing games every week is also 25.3%, among which the proportion who are willing to watch events online is as high as 67.2%.

  In addition, industry insiders also analyzed that while the competition of heavy game e-sports is intensifying, leisure e-sports built around light games is expected to become a "single product" in the market. Since 2016, Giant Network has successively launched a series of subdivided events such as BPL Professional League, Tatan Cup Elite Challenge, CEST Campus Challenge and BUC City Challenge, and deeply cultivated leisure e-sports.

  It is worth mentioning that while maintaining the attributes of the game, leisure e-sports emphasizes the social functions in e-sports games.

  According to statistics, "Ball Battle" creates a community online through team battles, seasons, leaderboards and other settings. On average, each player has 15+ friends, and the platform generates more than 12 million private messages every day, with a cumulative upload of more than 100 million selfies.

  In terms of offline events, the Tatan Cup is closer to the carnival, with diverse scenes such as band performances, players meeting, audience interaction with the event presented together.

  With the increasing social needs of young people, mobile e-sports has become a social product to some extent. According to the 2018 China Leisure Mobile Game Industry Report released by iResearch, 82% of leisure mobile game users said that they need to meet social needs in the game.

  Producer Wu Meng has also said that social attributes will help game products to extend their life cycle. In fact, for leisure e-sports with weak antagonism, socialization is not only empowerment, but also its lifeline.

  At present, giant network’s e-sports are actively seeking cross-border and circle-breaking. The previously launched "Journey" series has joined hands with the classic animation "Huluwa" to implant Huluwa elements in e-sports games. At present, the serial comics "Xingyun Brigade" and the virtual idol "Tatan" related to "Ball Fight" are also officially launched … …

  Judging from the industry and market forecast, leisure, animation and massively multiplayer online e-sports and games still have considerable potential in the future.

  The Paper reporter Chen Jun

Qian Guowei directed "Love Night Pu" to start the tender model Chen Jing low-cut appearance.

Jing Chen

Jun Kung, Zheng Rong.

Zhongmei attended the conference

Handsome and beautiful lineup

Director Qian Guowei.

    On April 20th, the new play "Love Night Pus" directed by Qian Guowei held a ceremony to worship the gods. The actors present included: Chen Jing, Square, Huang Yiwen, Zheng Rong, Yang Aijin, Lian Shiya, Shen Zhiming, Chen Baiyu, Seli Xian and Gong Shuoliang. 

    DaDa, dressed in a low-cut dress, appeared with her ex-boyfriend Gary (Zhao Juncheng), which naturally became the focus of the audience. Dada was not embarrassed to meet her ex-boyfriend again, and asked her if she had a chance to get back together with each other. DaDa smiled and said, "Why bother going around?" Gary stressed that goodbye is also a friend. Dada was asked if she had a bold performance. She said: I play a person who loves nightclubs, so I have a lot of sexy dresses, and I don’t mind if the director asks for a sex scene.

    In addition, Huang Yiwen will make a special guest appearance as a nightclub proprietress, and she will have an emotional scene with Dan Liwen. She said: I haven’t filmed for two years, and this time it’s because of my good friend Qian Guowei.

More wonderful pictures on the next page

Xiaomi Auto starts at 215,900 yuan! At the back of the water, the Lei Jun conference site also shouted "far ahead" many times.

Every reporter Li Xing, Dong Tianyi, every editor Cheng Peng.    

At 7: 00 pm on March 28th (this Thursday), Beijing Yichuang International Convention and Exhibition Center, Rongchang East Street, Yizhuang, Daxing District, Beijing officially launched Xiaomi Automobile, which attracted great attention from the whole network, with a total of 9 colors.Lei Jun also shouted out Yu Chengdong’s famous sentence "Far ahead" at the press conference-saying that Xiaomi’s car life is "far ahead".

"national business daily" Every headline reporter (referred to as every headline reporter or reporter) saw it at the press conference.LI Li Xiang, Xpeng Motors He Xiaopeng, Weilai Automobile Li Bin, Great Wall Motor Wei Jianjun, BAIC Group Zhang Jianyong and many other automobile industry leaders came to join us. siteAbout 1200 people witnessed the official listing of Xiaomi SU7, the first car of Xiaomi.


▲ Li Bin, Chairman of Weilai, He Xiaopeng, CEO of Tucki, Li Xiang, CEO of LI, Wei Jianjun, Chairman of Great Wall Motor, Zhang Jianyong, Chairman of BAIC, and other business leaders at the Xiaomi Auto Conference. Photo source: Photo courtesy of the company.

After all kinds of market quizzes, the price of Xiaomi automobile is yet we called and urged a thousand times before she started toward us! At the press conference, the price was finally officially announced. Lei Jun announced:

Xiaomi SU7 Standard Edition, priced at 215,900 yuan;

Xiaomi SU7 Pro version is priced the same as the new version of Tesla Model 3 Huan, 245,900 yuan;

SU7 Max, 299,900 yuan. The original price was 350,000 yuan, but the automobile market was too big, so the final price was 299,900 yuan.

Xiaomi SU7 has a long battery life, and the standard starting battery life is 700 kilometers under CLTC working conditions. Xiaomi SU7 Max version realizes 2s-class zero acceleration and 800km+ battery life at the same time.





▲ Image source: Live screenshot

Since then, Xiaomi Auto has officially entered the "Red Sea" of China auto market. Known as "Bao Shi Mi" (meaning that it looks like a Porsche), can Xiaomi’s car be as big as Xiaomi’s mobile phone? Can the price announced at present sell well? In the face of BYD, LI, Xpeng Motors and other "celestial groups", how does "Bao Shimi" rank among the first camp?


"Marketing strategy is worth learning from all new and old players"


Before the opening of the conference, Lei Jun recalled himself three years ago. "Building a car by Xiaomi will be my last venture, and I am willing to put my life’s reputation on the line and fight for Xiaomi Automobile." Lei Jun said frankly that this sentence not only brought him courage, but also put great pressure on him. "In the past more than 1,000 days, I have been afraid every day. Today it is finally time to hand in my homework. It is impossible not to be nervous." Lei Jun said.

And this top-down tension reached its peak before the press conference began. The hour hand was set back for 24 hours. On the evening of March 27th, the Beijing Yizhuang Xiaomi Automobile Production Base was still brightly lit at night, and the atmosphere of "preparing for war" was strong.


▲ On the eve of the conference, the office area of Xiaomi Automobile Production Base was brightly lit. Photo source: Dong Tianyi

Every eight hours after the headline reporter stayed here, the security personnel in the Ximen sentry box kept scanning everything outside the door, and any person and car who intended to approach might be "questioned". An olive-green millet SU7 was parked at the door. When the staff in the car saw the reporter take out his mobile phone, they quickly closed the door-24 hours later, the interior details of SU7 could not be decrypted.

"Don’t ask, don’t ask, we can’t say if we ask." On a row of trailers parked at the door, five millet SU7s are ready to go, and three of them are still covered with camouflage clothes. The trailer drivers told reporters that these cars "seem to be pulled for activities", but the specific location "can’t be said".


▲ Press conference site?pictureSource: Every reporter Li Xing photo

In fact, since the official announcement of the listing date of Xiaomi SU7 on March 12, since the evening of March 28, Lei Jun’s personal Weibo activity has increased rapidly, and he has intensively created momentum for the listing of Xiaomi SU7. As of March 27, Lei Jun has released nearly 50 related contents and videos about Xiaomi SU7, factories, manufacturing processes, etc., including the video of "Lei Jun answers questions from netizens" in five episodes, and the mystery of Xiaomi SU7 has also been separated with Lei Jun’s explanation.


▲ Guest at the press conference Source: Live video screenshot

"This is worth learning from all new and old players. That is, a well-planned and rhythmic marketing strategy. Use the appeal of Xiaomi brand and Lei Jun to guide consumers to look down and go down step by step along the purchase funnel. At the same time, the rhythm of marketing is also very strong, which pushes up the attention of the market step by step, never stays cold, keeps freshness and heat, and finally pushes it to the climax of listing. " On March 27th, Mei Songlin, a senior analyst in the automobile industry, said in an interview that the marketing process of Xiaomi Automobile, from technology to production, to products and finally to price, from inside to outside, from connotative technology to denotative products and prices, guides consumers to accept their products and prices more naturally.

"Just like we cook and eat, if we put the dishes on the table directly, it will feel like a common meal. If people who eat pay attention to the careful preparation of dishes, the cooking process and the addition of various seasonings, this meal will be particularly different and cherished. " Mei Songlin told reporters.

For Xiaomi SU7, Lei Jun emphasized that it was Xiaomi’s painstaking efforts more than once. On the eve of the launch of the new car, Lei Jun wrote in the Weibo, "If everyone feels good, please encourage more; If you feel bad, please point out that we will definitely listen carefully and work hard to improve, but please spray lightly. "


The standard version has a comprehensive cruising range of 700 kilometers.

Different versions are equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and BYD batteries respectively.



▲ XiaomiSU7Four kinds of hub tire combinations pictureSource: Xiaomi Auto Official Weibo

According to Lei Jun, the standard version of Xiaomi SU7 has a comprehensive battery life of 700 kilometers under CLTC working conditions. With the same 19-inch wheels, the battery life of Xiaomi SU7 standard version directly exceeds the long battery life version of Model 3. Xiaomi SU7 Max has a battery life of 810 kilometers, which is the only pure electric vehicle in China that can achieve 2-second zero-speed acceleration and over 800 kilometers battery life.

At the beginning of research and development, Xiaomi set a goal: to be the fastest production car within 500 thousand yuan, and to have the best driving experience within 500 thousand yuan. "Xiaomi Automobile wants to build’ Dream Car’ comparable to Porsche and Tesla’." Lei Jun stressed.

On March 28th, before Xiaomi SU7 went on the market, the reporter visited a 2S store in Beijing and learned that Xiaomi SU7 will be equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s ternary lithium battery and BYD’s Ferrous lithium phosphate blade battery on different models.


▲ Beijing Daxing Xiaomi 2S Store Image source: Every reporter Li Xing photo

In Lei Jun’s view, intelligence is the soul of a car, and intelligence is Xiaomi’s strength. "Intelligent driving is an emerging track that Xiaomi Automobile focuses on. The company will continue to invest in the direction of self-developed intelligent driving technology in the whole stack, with the goal of entering the first camp in the industry in 2024." Lei Jun said.

At the press conference on the evening of March 28, Lei Jun was rightXiaomi automobileOur goal is to become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world through 15 to 20 years’ efforts.



Is it an explosion when it goes public?

Expert: There is a tough battle to be fought.


After the price is announced, the competitive environment of Xiaomi Automobile is instantly clear, and the challenges it will face are more certain.

On the one hand, it is the space pressure brought by the overall market trend. According to the latest data released by the Association, in February this year, the output, wholesale volume, export volume and retail volume of pure electric vehicles in the domestic new energy vehicle to the same period of the previous yearBoth showed a double-digit percentage decline. Looking back on the past year, the market share of pure electric vehicles in the domestic new energy vehicle market has dropped from 70.7% (March 2023) to 56.5% (February 2024).


▲ Image source: official website

It is worth noting that the sales volume of the pure electric car market where Xiaomi SU7 is located is the most obvious decline. According to the data of the Federation, in February this year, the sales volume of domestic pure electric cars was about 129,400, down 26.1% year-on-year and 43.3% quarter-on-quarter. Even based on the data of the whole year of 2023, the data of the Association show that the total domestic C-class pure electric car market last year was only about 254,000, and the penetration rate was only 1.2% of the overall market, with a year-on-year growth rate of 15 percentage points lower than the broader market.

On the other hand,Some people think that the overall growth rate of the market slows down and overlaps the narrow subdivision track, or firmly locks the development upper limit of Xiaomi SU7. The car market "Red Sea", which has gathered many powerful players such as Tesla Model 3, BYD Han EV, Kyk 007 and Tucki P7, has a high market concentration, which makes it more difficult for Xiaomi to break through.

According to official data, the direct benchmarking model Tesla Model 3 of Xiaomi SU7 sold about 147,000 vehicles in 2023, which is equivalent to the existing planned production capacity of Xiaomi automobile production base. The monthly sales volume of BYD Han EV is stable at around 10,000 vehicles; The "Geely" Galaxy E8, brand-new Krypton 001 and Krypton 007 cover the price range of 170,000 ~ 330,000 yuan. According to Jason Lin, vice president of Krypton Intelligent Technology, the monthly sales of Krypton 001 and 007 will hit 10,000 vehicles in April this year.?


▲ Lei Jun presented Wei Jianjun (right), Chairman of Great Wall Motor, with a Xiaomi su7 enterprise for the picture.


▲ Wei Jianjun, Chairman of Great Wall Motor, presented Lei Jun with a tank 700Hi4-T.?Photo courtesy of enterprises

More crucially, the above-mentioned models not only have the first-Mover advantage, but also have the scale effect and cost reduction potential. For example, the gross profit margin of Tesla bicycles was the lowest in recent years in the fourth quarter of 2023, but it was still 16.6%; After the baptism of last year’s price war, BYD’s gross profit margin of its automobile business increased, reaching 23.02%, up 2.63 percentage points year-on-year; Although Krypton has not successfully turned losses, its gross profit margin of the whole vehicle has reached 15%. With the continuous increase in the number of models with vast structures, the cost advantage brought by the high universal rate of parts will be further released.

The gross profit level and scale advantage are undoubtedly the decisive ability in the current price war competition. Statistics show that since late February, about 10 car companies have successively lowered the prices of their models. The price adjustment models are mainly pure electric and hybrid models, and the prices are concentrated in the range of 100,000 ~ 200,000 yuan, with the highest drop of nearly 15%, reaching 30,000 yuan.

In this context, many netizens ridiculed that the pressure was given to Xiaomi Automobile. "Recently, many friends have asked, the current industry competition is very fierce. Is Xiaomi Auto confident to open the market? Of course, we have confidence, because we are Xiaomi Automobile and we are fully prepared. " Lei Jun publicly responded that.

According to the goal set by Lei Jun, the sales target of Xiaomi automobile production car in the first year of delivery is 100,000, and it has entered the first camp of the industry; Through 15 to 20 years’ efforts, Xiaomi Automobile will become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world. "I am particularly worried that when it comes to fire, everyone will not buy it. What is even more worrying is that if everyone comes to buy it, it will take a year or two, and it will definitely be miserable. " Earlier, Lei Jun said in an interview with CCTV News.

Not only Lei Jun, but also Xiaomi automobile terminal sales are full of confidence in Xiaomi SU7 sales. A few days ago, when the reporter visited the offline store of Xiaomi Automobile, some sales said that he was not worried about the sales of Xiaomi SU7, but worried that if the pricing of the new car was particularly cost-effective, it would be difficult for the store to undertake. "If this car sells too well, I am afraid that the production capacity will not keep up, which will make consumers wait too long." The above salesperson explained.

However, for Xiaomi SU7, Mei Songlin, a senior analyst in the automotive industry, gave a different answer. "Xiaomi is a user-oriented enterprise, and the success of its products must be based on an accurate and thorough understanding of target users and target markets. But for Xiaomi, the automobile market is a brand-new market. Xiaomi also has a process of trial and error, learning and iteration, which is unlikely to be achieved overnight. " Mei Songlin said.

In fact, Xiaomi has entered the smart phone market since 2010. At present, it is the top three mobile phone companies in the world and the largest consumer-grade AIoT platform in the world. Whether it is OS, AI or robots, it has accumulated very comprehensive technical capabilities. These capabilities will be gradually applied to automobiles, and "smart driving+smart cabin+ecology" will become the technical commanding heights for Xiaomi automobile to participate in the competition.

Mei Songlin also admitted that in addition to the natural advantages of the new Internet forces, Xiaomi is good at both software and hardware, and has a strong ecological advantage. Relying on its growing ecosystem, it is possible to establish a vertically integrated industrial chain similar to BYD. But all success must be based on a thorough and accurate understanding of the target users and target markets.

Professor Ji Xuehong of north china university of technology also said in an interview that the current industry is in the second half of the intelligent development of automobiles. Although Xiaomi Automobile has certain advantages in intelligent hardware, and has formed certain user reputation and brand reputation, it is very difficult for Lei Jun to lead Xiaomi Automobile to break through in the increasingly competitive intelligent electric vehicle market. At least a few years after Xiaomi entered the market, there was a tough battle to fight.


Establish a "1+N" new retail model

Expert: It will reduce the cost input.


Like all car companies, Xiaomi Automobile practiced the strategy of "channel first", and when Xiaomi SU7 appeared at the end of last year, it simultaneously opened the channel layout.

On December 28, 2023, Xiaomi Group officially signed a letter of intent for cooperation with the first batch of 14 sales and service partners in Beijing headquarters, and issued the "Open City Recruitment Plan". The first batch of open cities included 17 cities including Suzhou, Chongqing, Ningbo and Nanjing. The recruitment type is Xiaomi Automobile Sales and Service Integrated Store (2S), and its functions include new car agency sales and authorized after-sales service, but it does not include the functions of vehicle resale and vehicle delivery. "Xiaomi’s automobile sales model fully integrates the experience of Xiaomi Group’s new retail system and creates an industry-leading new retail model for automobiles." Xiaomi Automobile said that Xiaomi Automobile’s sales, delivery and service channels give priority to the head market in the "1+N" mode and are distributed nationwide in batches.


▲ Image source: Xiaomi Auto official Weibo

It is reported that "1" stands for Xiaomi Auto’s self-built and self-operated delivery center, which focuses on delivery and covers the business of "sales and after-sales service". "N" stands for agent sales and user service contact. "The construction of sales stores and the construction of after-sales service network belong to heavy asset investment. Xiaomi Automobile will divest these two parts and put them on the traditional dealer side, which can not only use the advantages of traditional dealer channels to quickly increase sales, but also decompose capital investment and reduce input costs." Yan Jinghui, a member of china automobile dealers association Expert Committee, said in an interview.

According to Zhou Jingxia, assistant president of Shandong Yuantong Automobile Trading Group, this marketing model of Xiaomi Group can give full play to the resource advantages and network layout advantages of traditional dealers. Reducing the 4S mode to 2S mode can loosen the traditional enterprises, reduce the pressure of heavy asset management, mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, stimulate the vitality of enterprises and reduce their own operating costs.

Thanks to the first layout of the channel, Xiaomi Automobile can synchronize the first batch of tasting activities when setting the time for listing Xiaomi SU7. On March 25th, 59 stores and 17 limited-time exhibition halls in 29 cities across the country, a total of 76 stores started the static tasting of new cars at the same time, but it was limited to watching the appearance of Xiaomi SU7, and it was forbidden to open doors for internal experience and appreciation.

On March 26th, the reporter visited a 2S shop of Xiaomi Automobile in Beijing and learned that the Xiaomi SU7 exhibition car will be unlocked after 7 pm on March 28th, and the final decision and test drive will be started simultaneously. At that time, Xiaomi SU7 could not accept the user’s intention money.

On the occasion of the official operation of the first batch of stores of Xiaomi Automobile, Lei Jun has begun to openly solicit opinions from netizens for the site selection of the second batch of cities. "We collected everyone’s opinions, sorted out the candidate list (the list of 20 candidate cities), and asked everyone to help us choose 10 cities. We immediately chose the site for construction." On March 22nd, Lei Jun wrote in Weibo that.

From the outside world’s point of view, Xiaomi Automobile quickly laid out its channels throughout the country, which is conducive to expanding the user contact area of its products and preparing for its rapid increase in volume in the later period.

Everbright Securities believes in its research report that although Xiaomi entered the automobile market late, it is still possible to enjoy the advantage of backwardness. In addition, Xiaomi’s brand, user base, offline store channels, ecosystem and sufficient cash flow will all reflect its competitiveness.

He Xiaopeng, chairman and CEO of Xpeng Motors, once said that Lei Jun has a great chance to make good use of Xiaomi’s advantages. "Xiaomi Auto seems to be the last new force to build a car." He Xiaopeng publicly stated at the committee of 100 Forum on Electric Vehicles in China (2024) held on March 16th.


Lei Jun’s "Last Battle"


Three years ago (on the evening of March 30th, 2021), when Lei Jun shouted "Fight for Xiaomi Automobile", he showed his determination in last stand. At that time, Lei Jun said, "This is the last major entrepreneurial project in my life. I am willing to put all my reputation in life and personally lead the team to fight for Xiaomi Automobile!"


▲ On March 27, at the entrance of Xiaomi Automobile Production Base, Xiaomi SU7 was ready to be shipped. Image source: Photo by reporter Dong Tianyi.

Since the official announcement of the listing date of Xiaomi SU7 on March 12, and the evening of March 28, Lei Jun’s personal Weibo activity has increased rapidly, and he has intensively promoted the listing of Xiaomi SU7. As of March 27, Lei Jun has released nearly 50 related contents and videos about Xiaomi SU7, factories, manufacturing processes, etc., and also released a video of "Lei Jun answers questions from netizens" in five episodes.

From the video of "Lei Jun answers questions from netizens", Lei Jun sat in Xiaomi Automobile Factory, and publicly responded to Xiaomi SU7 pricing, vehicle positioning, how to treat Apple’s termination of car-making, the advantages of Xiaomi’s car-making, and the comparison of Xiaomi’s car-making with Tesla and Porsche.

On March 25th, Lei Jun said frankly in his personal Weibo, "In the past three years, I have been trembling every day, experiencing various difficulties and challenges. But there has always been a voice in my heart: forward! "

In fact, many people outside said they did not understand Lei Jun’s announcement that Xiaomi would build a car across the border and make it the last battle of his life. "Extending from smart phones to smart cars is the dream of all mainstream mobile phone manufacturers in China, and Xiaomi is no exception." On March 27th, Mei Songlin, a senior analyst in the automobile industry, said in an exclusive interview with every headline reporter that Xiaomi’s original ecology only lacked cars. Once people, cars and smart products are all available, its ecological advantages and comprehensive competitive advantages in the value chain will be further highlighted. Not only that, Xiaomi’s main competitor Huawei made cars across the border, which also promoted Lei Jun’s determination to lead Xiaomi to make cars to some extent.

Lei Jun had previously admitted in CCTV’s "Genting Dialogue" program that it was a forced decision for Xiaomi to build a car. "If you want to be a great company, you must follow the wind. At that time, the slogan was to develop smart electric vehicles." Lei Jun said that smart electric vehicles have become the integration of the automobile industry and consumer electronics, so it is a forced decision to build a car with Xiaomi. "If you don’t do it, you will fall behind."

After deciding to build a car, Lei Jun has been studying, researching and learning the advanced experience of various car factories, and has personally been to many car factories for investigation and study. It is reported that Xiaomi Automobile Factory set the engineer’s office in the middle of the workshop with reference to Mercedes-Benz Automobile Factory. In this way, the problem can be seen at a glance and the speed of dealing with the problem will be faster.

In November 2021, Xiaomi Automobile officially settled in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, and planned to build a vehicle factory in two phases, with an estimated production capacity of 300,000 vehicles. The first phase covers an area of about 720,000 square meters with an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles, which was completed in June 2023. The second phase is scheduled to start in 2024 and be completed in 2025.

It is reported that Xiaomi took out $10 billion at the beginning of the decision to build a car as a cash reserve for building a car in the next decade, of which 10 billion yuan was invested in the first phase. The 2023 financial report released by Xiaomi Group (HK01810, share price of HK$ 14.94, market value of HK$ 372.7 billion) shows that the R&D expenditure of Xiaomi increased from 16 billion yuan in 2022 to 19.1 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 19.2%, mainly due to the increase in R&D expenditure related to smart electric vehicle business and other innovative businesses.

On December 18 last year, Lei Jun revealed that the first car of Xiaomi Automobile invested 3,400 engineers as a whole, and the entire R&D investment has exceeded 10 billion yuan.

Lei Jun said that the average car company has invested 300-400 people in building a car, and the R&D expenditure is 1-2 billion yuan, but Xiaomi is "more than ten times the investment". "There is no shortcut to the century-old track. I knew from the first day when I announced the car. We only have one way, that is, starting from the underlying core technology, investing 10 times, seriously building a good car, and being patient." Lei Jun said.

Planning |He Qiang Cong Gang Fan Wenqing

Reporter |Li Xing Dong Tianyi

Edit |Du Hengfeng, Yiqijiang, Cheng Peng

Vision |Liu qingyan

Typesetting |Yiqijiang

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Home improvement 100 megabits broadband can’t open the webpage and play the game delay! The reason is actually …

  Cctv newsOn May 17th, with the statements of the three basic operators, Beijing began to enter the era of "100 Mbps broadband". However, some users are still using the old copper broadband, with a slow speed of 4 megabytes and 5 megabytes. However, some users who have installed 20 megabits, 50 megabits or even 100 megabits of fiber-optic broadband at home often have delays in playing online games, and sometimes even ordinary web pages are difficult to open. What stuck the "last mile" in fttp? What caused the "short weight" of broadband speed increase? Come to see the reporter’s investigation.


  Once "insulated" optical fiber in high-grade residential areas

  Mr. Pan in Beijing lives in a relatively high-end residential area in the North Fourth Ring Road. The apartment building has its own independent system, and electricity, tap water, gas and communication are all self-contained and provided by the property management. Therefore, the annual fee of broadband used by Mr. Pan is more expensive than that of basic operators, but the broadband rate is only 5 trillion.

  "I want to open the website and watch a video news." Mr. Pan, who hopes to have a faster network speed, went to the business halls of China Unicom, China Telecom and China Mobile to apply for registration, but was told that the residential area was not covered with optical fiber because the apartment was not allowed to enter.

  A similar situation is not uncommon in other communities. In some communities, there is only one broadband service provider to choose from, and even the advertisements of other broadband companies are hard to see. However, the only broadband service provider is often slow and expensive. Mr. Pan wondered that the optical fiber had been laid at the bottom of the residential building, but it was stuck because of this "last mile". Who will protect the rights of the residents?

  100 Mbps broadband WeChat voice chat will be dropped.

  "When we register our children online, we are particularly anxious. A fairly simple webpage can’t be opened." Mr. Hong, a citizen, uses the 50-megabit-rate fiber-optic broadband annual service handled by Great Wall Broadband at home. However, after using it for one year, Mr. Hong felt that this 50-megabyte bandwidth was more like an "embroidered pillow".

  Mr. Jiang has just moved to a new home this year. Last month, he installed 20 megabits of "Dr. Peng" broadband, and the annual subscription fee was 1180 yuan. He said that he originally wanted to install the broadband of a big telecom operator, but the reply he got was that the community was not covered yet, so he could not go to fttp. "The network speed is very unstable. Now our community has only occupied about 40% of users, and playing an online game will get stuck. What if everyone moves in? " Mr. Jiang is deeply anxious about this.

  Mr. Wang, who lives in Yizhuang, said that the 100-megabit fiber-optic broadband in his own community would suddenly fail to open ordinary web pages, or be inexplicably disconnected while playing games, and there have also been cases where voice chat on WeChat suddenly broke. Mr. Wang showed several times the value of online speed measurement. In the case of using the telecom speed measurement web page, the fastest time, the tested bandwidth was only 26 megabits, which was only a quarter of the 100 megabits rate.

  remove a doubt

  Obstruct operators from entering the market for the benefit of property.

  According to Beijing’s informatization development plan, the free transformation of "light entering copper retreating" has been started in the whole city since 2011. Up to now, most of Beijing’s urban residential areas and rural areas have realized optical fiber to the building or fttp. However, there are still a few residential areas that can’t go home for "optical reform" for various reasons.

  According to an operator, some residents are unwilling to carry out optical fiber transformation in the residential areas that cannot be "light-reformed" at present, but more because property companies or property rights units obstruct operators from entering the market. "Of course, the reason for obstruction is for the benefit." According to a person familiar with the matter, in addition to admission fees, some property companies are not satisfied with collecting money at one time, and put forward new requirements such as broadband revenue sharing and collecting maintenance fees every year.

  In this regard, in 2016, the three departments of Beijing jointly issued the Notice on Promoting the Implementation of residential broadband Access for Property Management. It stipulates that real estate development enterprises or property service enterprises shall not sign monopoly or exclusive broadband operation agreements with others. On the premise that the infrastructure such as the equipment room has multiple accesses, the realty service enterprise shall try its best to meet the needs of the owners, at least ensure that more than three broadband operators have equal access, and disclose the relevant information of broadband access to the owners in a prominent position in the community.

  Too many users will lead to insufficient bandwidth.

  "The bandwidth mentioned by telecom operators is all theoretical values." A telecom expert said that in actual use, the download speed is lower than the theoretical value. Generally speaking, fluctuations in the range of 75% to 90% of the theoretical value can be regarded as normal. There are two main reasons why home users often feel that the network speed is not up to standard: the hardware facilities are not matched, or there are too many sharing users.

  Experts explained that in order to make full use of broadband resources, increase broadband revenue and reduce costs, operators will calculate an online ratio and choose how many users to configure on this basis. "In order to seize more business, small operators often attract customers at very low prices, and then configure more users regardless of the online ratio, resulting in insufficient broadband."

  Lack of authoritative third-party speed measuring mechanism

  How do you know how much "moisture" is mixed in the rate of home broadband? Just like Mr. Wang, a citizen, in practice, many users will choose to use speed measuring software to measure speed. However, the third-party speed measuring software on the network, not only the speed measured by each speed measuring software is different, but also the same software often measures different speeds.

   The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has said that the local communication administrations will cooperate with third parties to measure the speed of "fixed broadband access rate" and release it to the public. But up to now, there is no authoritative third-party broadband speed measuring agency in China.