The fuel consumption is amazing! The new BYD Tang has so many problems that it is not as good as Geely next door.

I believe many people were amazed when they saw the brand-new 2018 BYD Tang for the first time, and even felt a little proud, feeling the drifting feeling of China people standing up. But today I’m going to pour cold water on everyone, and I’m going to remind all the novices who are about to buy Tang to be alert and need to think about it a lot.

The new family-style design "Dragon Face" adopted by the second generation of Tang Dynasty, the whole body is round and smooth, attracting many fans. However, this car still uses BYD S7′ s 2.0T nose with a maximum horsepower of 205 horses, which is also used by Tang Plug-in. This 48 code-named BYD

The 2.0T turbocharged engine of 7ZQA model is derived from Ford’s Ecoboost 2.0TGTDI engine, which was developed through so-called retrograde. This machine head has undergone simple adjustment. For example, the cylinder diameter is 87.3×83mm and Ford’s 2.0T is 87.5×87.5mm, etc., and the original high-power engine is compressed to 205 horsepower, and all the shortcomings of Ford EcoBoost2.0T are perfectly inherited. The following is the S7 complaint of Chezhi. Of course, this problem will also occur in the future:

Then we can see from the table the shortcomings of BYD S7, such as jitter, insufficient power, automatic flameout and steering gear failure. This may not only be a technical problem, but also a congenital defect in the engine and the vehicle assembly itself. Automatic transmission models rarely turn off automatically, because once they turn off, the steering assist function will inevitably stop working, which is really shocking!

Our car shadow also interviewed a chat screenshot of a car owner who bought BYD Tang’s second-generation fuel version in July this year through BYD Tang Cheyou Group:

Mr. Qu expressed his fuel consumption problem of BYD Tang in a very funny way, and some people in the group were ready to defend their rights, but many websites didn’t show it. At present, BYD Tang II has the following problems: 1. The engine is obviously shaking at idle speed, and the shaking feeling is obvious when holding the steering wheel. 2. The tire is too thin, so be careful when crossing the gravel road, and the tire noise is obvious. 3. The slide rail of the middle handrail is too loose, and it will slide around with a little effort. 4. The front wheel passes through the stagnant water road and causes sideslip, and the steering wheel feels strong. You need to hold the steering wheel tightly with both hands to keep it stable.

Therefore, don’t listen to the brainwashing bombing of you by the network water army. It is no small matter to buy a car. I believe that people who buy domestic cars at this price are basically white and don’t understand cars. It’s easy to be fooled. Once fooled, there is no way to complain. So be careful when buying a car!

In 2024, Hainan Football Association Sunday League (spring) kicked off in early April.

Original title: 2024 Hainan Football Association Sunday League (spring) kicked off in early April.

News from New Hainan Client and Nanhai Net on March 21st (Reporter Chen Wang) On March 21st, the reporter learned from Hainan Football Association that the Sunday League (spring) of Hainan Football Association in 2024 will start in early April, with five age groups, namely U6, U7, U8, U9 and U10, and nearly 1,000 young football fans in the province will participate.

It is understood that both U6 Group and U7 Group adopt a five-person system, with 20 minutes in the first half and 20 minutes in the second half. U6 Group uses No.3 ball and U7 Group uses No.4 ball. In addition, male and female players of all ages can be mixed into teams, and the number of substitutions is not limited. After replacement, they can be replaced. Group U8 and Group U9 both adopted the small seven-a-side system and the No.4 ball, and the first half and the second half were 25 minutes each. Group U10 adopts the regular seven-a-side system and No.4 ball, with 30 minutes in the first half and 30 minutes in the second half.

The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Football Association said that the Sunday League of Hainan Football Association has been favored by youth football clubs and campus football teams in the province since its establishment three years ago, providing a platform for football teenagers in the province to exchange skills. Originally, the event was held once a year, but later it was held twice a year, in spring and autumn respectively. (Chen Wang)

Reading at night | Do not forget your initiative mind moves forward.

I wonder if you have ever wondered why we study and why we work hard. I don’t know if you still remember the earnest teachings of the principal and teachers when you first entered school. But you must have understood that although there is no shortcut in life, reading is a smooth road to the future, and it is also a door of hope slowly pushed open in Mo Yun’s book. School is about to start, whether you have the opportunity to step into the school again or not, tonight, let’s relive the baptism brought by the campus.

Create a better future in tranquility (excerpt)

Qiu Yong, President of Tsinghua University

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of Class of 2016 Undergraduates in Tsinghua University

Dear students:

Starting today, you will become the new owners here and start a new life journey in beautiful tsinghua campus. Here, you will be immersed in the profound cultural accumulation, and experience the school motto of self-improvement, kindness and morality, the school spirit of actions speak louder than words, and the school style of integrating Chinese and Western cultures and linking ancient and modern times.

Here, you will have the opportunity to listen to the teachings of academic masters, have the opportunity to exchange and study around the world, and choose your own learning content and growth path in a more flexible training system. I believe that you will have the best university life in Tsinghua.

Pursue the truth and think in silence

Autumn is the most beautiful season in Beijing, and you can find the poetic meaning of "the stream is clear at first, and the autumn color is just Tsinghua" in the garden. The beautiful and quiet environment can really cleanse people’s hearts, make people look forward to it and make people think. This year, the students received the admission notice and the book I gave you — Walden Lake.

This immortal masterpiece tells the story of Thoreau’s simple life by Walden Lake from July 1845 to September 1847, and the scenery of Walden Lake changing with the seasons. At that time, money worship and hedonism were rampant in the United States, and people took the pursuit of material wealth as their only goal. Thoreau strongly criticized and reflected on this. He did not yield to vulgar reality, pursued the truth of life, and finally gained extraordinary noble thoughts. Today, we also need to get rid of material slavery and feel the great power of tranquility in the process of quiet thinking, silent watching and persistent pursuit.

University is a place that needs peace.

With the development of the times, the functions of universities are increasing, and the society is becoming more and more noisy and impetuous. At present, universities should especially emphasize the temptation to stay away from secular interests, get rid of the barriers of quick success and instant benefit, and truly become the spiritual home of mankind.

"Everything comes from its origin", universities must keep in mind and stick to the fundamental task of educating people and concentrate their energy and resources on talent training. The university needs a quiet and beautiful campus, and the style of the campus reflects the taste and realm of the university. In my mind, the beautiful scene of tsinghua campus should also include: the professor is walking on the way to the classroom between flowers and fallen leaves, the students are reading on the bench in the sound of rattan shadow, and the principal in Mo Yun Shuxiang talks with teachers and students. I believe that a peaceful Tsinghua will surely give birth to a better future.

Questioning one’s true nature in silence

Students, you have stepped into the door of Tsinghua, and the colorful university life has started. I think the first thing you should do now is to calm yourself down, forget your previous achievements and applause, forget your temporary satisfaction and complacency, emancipate your hearts, release your true selves, and find new dreams in peace.

Young people should strive to enrich the spirit rather than worship the material, should face their hearts instead of drifting with the tide, and should think independently instead of following the crowd. If a person lacks inner guidance, it is easy to lose himself in the noise, exhaust his potential and creativity, and at most he can only get mediocre Excellence and poor success.

You need to ask again and again, what do you like and love most? What is the most meaningful and valuable? Love from the heart is an inexhaustible motive force for your progress. Only by following the call of your heart can you create a life without regrets.

Stick to your original heart in peace.

Life is a long process. On the road of pursuing your dreams, you will face many choices. Only by sticking to your initial heart can you resist the temptation and not forget why you set out.

Learn and sharpen in silence

Zhuge Liang said in the Book of Commandments: "A husband must learn quietly before he can learn. If he does not learn, he will not be able to learn widely, and if he does not have ambition, he will not succeed.". Learning needs not only a quiet environment, but also a quiet heart. Only when you have no distractions and concentrate on your studies can you gain true knowledge and increase your talents; Only with perseverance and perseverance can we surpass ourselves and sublimate our lives.

Mr. Wang Guowei, one of the four tutors of Tsinghua National Studies Institute, wrote "Courtesy arouses Tsinghua" in the poem "A Moon is Full", where "Qing" means purity and serenity, and "Hua" means exuberance and hope. I believe that tsinghua campus will be more wonderful because of you, and your youth footprint will be remembered by tsinghua campus!

/Text from Tsinghua News Network

Opening speech

They said.

Lin Jianhua, president of Peking University.

Know yourself

University, a process of preparing for the future, is a journey of sculpting yourself, and also a place for you to "discover yourself, know yourself and choose what kind of person you will be in the future".

Follow your curiosity and kindness, enrich yourself with inheritance, criticism and innovation, challenge the limits of yourself, abandon pride and mania, discover your interests and talents, and understand your shortcomings.

Xu Ningsheng, President of Fudan University

"Fudan Soul"

The significance of the university now lies not in how high your grade points are or how many skills you have acquired, but in forming your independent personality and scientific way of thinking, and guiding you to work hard on the road you love. We should have extensive knowledge, ideals, ambitions, firm aspirations and constant pursuit, constantly explore the truth, dare to face social reality, think independently and bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility of promoting the cause of human national justice.

Jason, President of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Be independent and achieve a better self.

University life itself is a transformation process from deterministic thinking to critical thinking, and from following the crowd to inner awakening.

One of independence — — Self-confidence, the most important thing is to believe in yourself, to pursue your dreams without hesitation or flinching, and to build your own self-confidence;

The second independence — — Self-motivation, keep the inertia of pursuing Excellence, which stems from your deep love and purity;

The third independence — — The premise of introspection is "knowing what is more important to yourself". Find "what is more important than grades" in the learning process, "what is more important than papers" in the research process, and "what is more important than career" in the life planning.

Chen Jun, President of Nanjing University

Abandon "urgency", "fragmentation" and "narrowness" and revisit the classics.

In reading, we should think actively. There are two levels of "thinking". One is reflection, reflection on classics, reflection on oneself, "It is better to believe in books than to have no books", and to distinguish the truth with a critical eye; The second is thinking. By thinking, I will digest what I have read and truly become my own thing.

"Travel" also has two aspects. One is to gain study by studying abroad. The so-called reading thousands of books travels to Wan Li Road; The second is to put what you have learned into practice on the basis of thinking.

Li Yanrong, President of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

What is a good university?

Listen — — In the process of listening and interacting, I am good at acquiring the wisdom of others;

Say — — In the process of accurately expressing thoughts and feelings, organizing language to infect others requires confidence, passion and literary talent;

Read — — A large number of readers should learn from their predecessors’ strengths and broaden their horizons, and deal with the relationship between intensive reading and extensive reading;

Write — — In the playback of recording and memory, a person who often writes by himself often has quite high logical thinking ability by sorting out the memory of the brain and combing out new ideas from a thousand things.

Wan Lijun, President of University of Science and Technology of China

△ Figure from the school

Return to common sense and live up to the good times in college.

Returning to the common sense of "being a virtuous person", morality, self-cultivation, honesty, filial piety and responsibility are the basic requirements for dealing with people, and they are the basis for governing the country and the world.

Return to the common sense of "reading and scientific research", don’t be too utilitarian in college life, don’t seek personal gain, and care about the world;

Return to the common sense of "self-care and self-reliance", bid farewell to previous dependence, and learn to take care of themselves, stand on their own feet and take responsibility;

Return to the common sense of "independent thinking" and cultivate "independent personality and free spirit". How to eliminate the false from the mass information and distinguish right from wrong from public opinion is one of the basic skills to be practiced in college.

Why should we go to college?

Know yourself

The university environment is relaxed, so you can let go of the once heavy tactics of asking questions about the sea, carefully examine yourself, get to know yourself again, understand your preferences, discover your strengths, and do what you like. After four years of college, you will see your growth and gains along the way: freshmen don’t know what they don’t know, sophomores know what they don’t know, juniors don’t know what they know, and seniors know what they know. This is maturity.

Improve one’s accomplishment

You must have met local tyrants who made a fortune overnight, that is, those who "wear" money on their bodies. Vulgar, smelly and rude, even if you wear a famous brand and dress up in various ways, you can’t hide your lack of humanistic quality. The so-called near Zhu Zhechi, near Mexico is black. During your college years, you were in colleges and universities, influenced by the environment, and your personal accomplishment was constantly improved. In ancient times, Meng Mu moved three times, but today, the housing in the school district is hot. Isn’t this the truth? Remember, you may not have rich capital, but the level of your life quality can remain high.

Independent thinking

During college, you don’t have to study textbooks rigidly, and you can no longer be confined to your own small world. Instead, you can widely accept information, know the society and give your own opinions on various issues. You are no longer echoing the crowd, but judging right and wrong by yourself; You no longer believe in authority, because you know that many experts and scholars are only in name; You understand the complexity and multifaceted nature of society and human nature, thus becoming more rational, objective and independent.

Harvest feelings


Believe me, soon after you leave school, you will miss your college time and classmates very much. You will find that college classmates and friends are the most precious wealth in your life. It can be said that classmates are second only to relatives. Whenever and wherever, they will spare no effort to help and comfort you. Even if you are lucky, you will reap a pure love and find the other half who stands side by side with you on the road of struggle.

expand one’s horizon

In colleges and universities, we can increase our knowledge through extracurricular reading, club activities, platform communication and meeting students from all corners of the country. Students from rural areas have seen the prosperity of modern metropolis and the neon they have never seen before; The students in the city also learned about the customs of all parts of the country through the children in the countryside. Isn’t this an accumulation of life experience?

Get an opportunity

Of course, I believe that the level of education is not equal to the size of achievement. However, when you are employed for the first time, your educational background will determine your opportunities and the scope and level of work you can engage in. The university gives you a diploma, which is like a stepping stone. With it, you are qualified to apply to those big companies and government agencies. Although we can’t generalize, at least we have more opportunities than others.

Tomorrow will be September 1st, and major schools will officially start school. CCTV news and new media will give lectures on the opening ceremony of Beijing Jiaotong University, the first lesson: Quantum Satellite by Pan Jianwei, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the southernmost primary school of the motherland — — The opening of Yongxing School in Sansha City will be broadcast live, so stay tuned ~

/Text from school, official website, network, etc.

Unless otherwise marked,/pictures are all from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Click "Write Message"

Talk about the opening ceremony in your memory.

French armour

At 20 o’clock on the evening of October 29th, Beijing time, in the 10th round of Ligue 1 in the 2023-24 season, Paris Saint-Germain challenged brest away. In the first half, 17-year-old Zaire emeri broke the deadlock with a long-range shot, and then Li Gangren assisted Mbappé to expand the score and Mounie pulled back a goal; In the second half, brest equalized the score with a corner kick, and Mbappé finished the winner with a penalty in the 89th minute. In the end, Paris Saint-Germain beat brest 3-2 and rose to the second place in the standings.

In the 3rd minute, Paris broke into the opponent’s restricted area. Li Gangren’s shot was blocked by goalkeeper Bizot, and then his teammate’s supplementary shot was confiscated by Bizot. In the 6th minute, emeri received a return volley from his right foot at the top of the arc, and Bizot saved the ball with his fists. In the 13th minute, Donaruma passed the ball from the backcourt directly to the opponent, but the cross from the brest player directly crossed the bottom line.

In the 16th minute, emeri received a cross from his teammates in front of the penalty area. He passed a defender and came to the penalty area and slammed the door with his right foot. The ball was like a shell, and Bizot could do nothing. Paris was 1-0 brest.

In the 22nd minute, Li Gangren volleyed vigorously from the right side of the restricted area, and Bizot held the ball out of the crossbar.In the 28th minute, taking advantage of brest’s massive pressure, Paris fought back. Li Gangren picked up the ball in the backcourt and passed it to Mbappé. The latter caught the ball and formed a single-handed trend. He entered the left side of the penalty area and missed the defender. His right foot shot low and scored near the corner. Paris scored 2-0 in brest.

In the 41st minute, Mbappé received a cross shot from his right foot at the top of the arc, and Bizot saved the ball again.In the 44th minute, brest pulled back a goal, and the high ball on the right side of the frontcourt passed to the middle. Mounie in the restricted area pressed the Parisian defender to head the ball, and the ball bounced to the net, but Donaruma couldn’t save it. Brest 1-2 Paris.At the end of the first half, Paris temporarily took the lead.

In the second half, change sides and fight again.In the 52nd minute, brest’s right corner kicked into the restricted area, and Ledoualon, who was in front of him, headed the ball back, and the ball flew into the far corner. Donaruma’s whip was not as long as brest’s 2-2 Paris.

In the 57th minute, Mba took the ball to the left side of the restricted area, and shot wide from the far corner with his right foot. In the 62nd minute, Fabian Ruiz stopped the ball in front of the restricted area and buckled the defender, and the long corner was slightly missed. In the 64th minute, Paris stepped up its attack, and Enrique changed into Dembele and Muani.

In the 68th minute, brest got the chance, and the right side of the frontcourt shot the ball into the restricted area, but Ledoualon, who was in the back, outflanked the shot and kicked it. In the 70th minute, brest’s two shots in the restricted area were quite threatening, both of which were resolved by Donaruma. In the 74th minute, the Parisian frontcourt got a chance, but Dembele didn’t stop the ball in the restricted area and was cleared by the opponent’s defender.

In the 75th minute, Vitinia got the ball on the left side of the penalty area, which was quite threatening. Bizot got the ball sideways. In the 83rd minute, Muani in the restricted area tripped after passing the ball on the left side of the Paris frontcourt. The referee watched VAR on the sidelines and awarded a penalty. Because of the conflict caused by this penalty, many players from two teams got yellow cards.

Mbappé took the penalty. His first shot was saved by the goalkeeper, but Mbappé immediately made up the shot and scored the ball. Paris led brest 3-2, which was the 89th minute of the game.

In the end, the whole game ended and Paris Saint-Germain beat brest 3-2.

Winter in advance, summer for drama fans?

The last three months of advance on demand.

Wen | Fu Qiongyin

Edit | Zhang Youfa

The Fog Theater has not been officially aired, and it has been searched four times.

In the third quarter of last year, Misty Theater became a hot topic with many suspense dramas such as Hidden Corner and Silent Truth, and a wave of suspense short plays rose in the market. The concept of theater is also considered as a new stage of content operation of streaming media platform.

The way of unified investment promotion and publicity in the theater also makes the business model of short plays explore further. At this point, the wind of advanced on-demand has blown up, and every work in the theater has also started to advance on-demand

By the time the Fog Theater returns this year, the drama market has changed greatly.

Two years after it was invented, the advanced on-demand mode was cancelled by Aiqiyi, Tencent and Youku. For the first time, the delayed drama that adopted the advanced on-demand mode has become the object of criticism by the official media this year, and only appeared silently in the overseas film list of the streaming media platform. The trend of short plays is still there, and long plays are getting shorter and shorter, but plays with more than 30 episodes and less than 50 episodes are still the mainstream in the market.

Looking back at the three months before the disappearance of VOD, some changes are already brewing.

When costume drama becomes a joke

From the word of mouth, this is the season when costume dramas become jokes.

"Ugly man in ancient costume" is a hot topic this season. The top 10 and 6 short comments on the costume drama "Jun Jiu Ling" are all accusing the actor of being ugly, and the comment that the tucao actor is "ugly out of the realm" has 778 people like it. Netizens even listed a list of "Ugly Men in Costume 101" to accuse the actor in costume drama of "unable to bear to look straight".

The hero’s "Yan value" is not satisfactory, but it is only a side reflection of the poor performance of costume dramas. In Yunhe data "TOP20 of the Top 20 of the Top 20 of the Top 20 of the New Series Played in Q3", there are only four costume dramas, and only "Zhou Sheng as usual" scored above 7 points, and the masterpiece "Song of the King" of Huanrui Century did not make the list.

In addition to the periodicity of content creation, the high proportion of sweet pet dramas in this quarter may be the main reason.

Zhou Sheng as usual and All My Life, which are split from the same novel, use the sadomasochism of the former to solve the "boredom" of the sweet pet of the latter; There are four men around the hostess of "Jun Jiu Ling" who never leave; "Song of the King" is the old way of "the belly-black emperor falls in love with me"-the scores of the last two films are not more than 5 points.


The sweet pet drama, which often strikes back at a small cost, has become a hot type in the market since 2015 when "go princess go" was set to strike back all the way with the thunder people of the "poor crew" and became a popular online drama.

According to the "Research Report on Domestic Drama Market in 2020" released by Yien Data, sweet pet dramas account for 44% of the total number of online dramas broadcast in 2020, and most of them are small dramas with less than 30 episodes. At present, there are many costume dramas that are being spit out by the audience, and many of them are such low-cost accounting dolls.

Go princess go (Source: Douban)

On the contrary, in the contemporary theme, there are many works with both word-of-mouth and enthusiasm. Urban theme is still the mainstream in this quarter. There are 33 urban dramas in the new dramas in 2021Q3, accounting for 29% of the total new dramas in the world, and the effective broadcast accounts for 44%.

Among them, Sweeping the Black Storm, You are My Glory and Yunnan Worm Valley are among the top three in Yunhe Data, and the TOP10 of the 10 new domestic dramas in 2021Q3 are rated as contemporary themes, with the highest score of 8.2, I’m fine in another country.

However, as the champion and runner-up of Q3 episodes, Sweeping the Black Storm and You Are My Glory are hard to copy.

The former has a golden lineup of "Endorsement of the Central Political and Legal Committee+Tencent Video Production+Sun Honglei+500 Directors", which is an unofficial work that is difficult to shoot; The latter is authorized by the glory of the king for the first time, and has established contact with Penguin Film and Television since the stage of writing novels in Gu Man, and the drama series can even go to the space base when shaping the hero’s space career.

While making good use of the scarce value, Sweeping the Black Storm and You Are My Glory also have some "atypical" operating ideas.

In order to be different from the past detective dramas, Wu Bai used a lot of subjective shots such as "the protagonist’s perspective" in "Sweeping the Black Storm" to strengthen psychological description, which is usually more used in movies; "You are my glory" is different from the "rapid progress" of the general sweet pet drama. It was not until the 21 ST episode that the relationship was formally determined, and at the same time, it tried its best to describe the "grounded" side of the "ungrounded" career.

The scarcity of the theme provides the audience with a long-lost freshness. The atypia means that the production of high-quality modern themes is not only a production problem, but also a resource acquisition problem. The ability to control and integrate scarce resources will continue to be the advantage of the future platform.

Although the "film sense" of "Sweeping the Black Storm" is effective in both the subject matter and the shooting method, it also has the problem of "acclimatization".

Although the score of "Beizhenanyuan" is only 5.0, its photography and lighting team almost meets the requirements of film texture, but when the plot of a series is widely questioned, emphasizing texture is putting the cart before the horse; Douban 7.0′ s "Double Detective" is full of film resumes, which can’t save the slightly loose plot.

The exploration of film sense continues this season, but the IP that has been verified by the market has been questioned.

This is a season of collective decline in the word-of-mouth of grave robbery. The "Stealing Pen" series has just earned back a part of its reputation by Ultimate Notes, and it has been severely trampled by Genting Tiangong with a score of 2.6. As of press time, the douban score of Yunnan Worm Valley is 6.3, while the previous work Longling Cave has a high score of 8.3. The "Trio", which has been highly praised, has been questioned by the routine in this film.

"Yunnan Worm Valley" is the fourth ghost blowing lamp produced by the same team. How long can the long-term value of the drama IP last?

The last season of advance on demand

This is the last season of advanced on-demand existence, and the shutdown came by surprise.

On September 10th, Tencent Video rushed to Weibo for hot search in one fell swoop due to the adjustment of advance on demand. Since the Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee and China Consumers Association thought that "unlocking episode by episode" was unreasonable, Tencent’s video was adjusted in "Yunnan Worm Valley", and then the episodes on demand in advance can be unlocked. According to china securities journal, iQiyi and Youku will also follow up.

In the third quarter, advanced on-demand is still going on as usual and making steady progress.

According to Yunhe data, 46 advanced on-demand dramas were launched in 2021Q3, an increase of 9 over the same period of last year. Super-drama accounts for 41% of the total number of new dramas in the world, an increase of 11 percentage points year-on-year. In addition, the effective broadcast of the advanced on-demand drama series during the on-demand period was 600 million, an increase of 82% compared with 2020Q3; Among them, the on-demand content of "Sweeping Black Storm" effectively played more than 100 million yuan, creating a peak of on-demand content playback.


The "Sweeping the Black Storm", which set the peak of the broadcast, pushed forward the nodes that were ahead of schedule. The 28-episode "Sweeping the Black Storm" has been launched on-demand since 15 episodes. In the interview, Poison Eyes learned that many dramas have achieved good results in the third quarter, such as "You are my glory" and "The dust of the ages".

The audience seems to be used to showing their love and recognition for the drama series by pre-ordering. After unlocking "You are My Glory" in advance, you will see a large number of viewers who say "come with money" in the barrage. When "Sweeping Black Storm" was broadcasted, many people even asked "Is it possible to unlock it to the end with one button?" However, for a drama with poor reputation like "Eight Dragons", some people will question "How can this be on-demand in advance?"

This model, which survived for two years, came to an end on October 4th by three platforms. At present, only Mango TV and bilibili, two platforms that have started advance VOD, have not expressed their views.

Short-lived advance on demand was once a life-saving medicine invented by streaming media platform.

Judging from the financial reports of each family in the first half of the year, the trend of slowing down the growth rate of members continues further. In the first half of the year, the number of paying members of iQiyi Q1 increased by 3.6 million, while Q2 only increased by 900,000, and the growth rate declined. The number of paid members of Tencent Video reached 125 million, up 9% year-on-year, unchanged from the first quarter. Youku only disclosed the average daily paying users, which increased by 35% in the first quarter and 17% in the second quarter, but the specific figures are unknown.

Membership operation is the basic logic of streaming media, but the traditional mode of supporting membership growth has almost touched the ceiling, which makes several traditional streaming media platforms still in a state of narrowing losses but not turning losses into profits.

Iqiyi Q1 and Q2 have revenues of 8 billion yuan and 7.6 billion yuan respectively. Although they still face losses, the losses have been reduced for five consecutive quarters. The information revealed by Youku in the financial report also mentioned that the loss narrowed year-on-year, because of "rigorous investment in content and optimization of paid membership plan".

The form is critical, even to the point where the top management of the three platforms directly fired short videos at the network audio-visual conference. In recent years, the platform has also raised the price of members, launched a variety of preferential packages and other means, and advanced on-demand is also a product born in this form.

At the same time, advance VOD is also a way to transplant the fan economy to the drama series. It is no accident that the advanced on-demand mode was born in the American drama with a high vertical fans. It is one of the links of the huge fan economic industrial chain of the drama. At the same time that The Untamed released the advanced on-demand video, the title of Tencent video "Huang Goose Niang" was also widely circulated in Weibo, and users’ personification and emotional connection with the platform seemed to be deepening.

However, for producers, advanced on-demand can not bring C-end revenue. In these two years, advanced on-demand has not yet become one of the producers’ sources of income. Many producers don’t have the right to participate and know, and they don’t know when their plays will be on demand in advance.

Will there be a Netflix mode in which members can watch the complete works at one time after the cancellation of advance demand? In 2016 and 2017, when the members of the platform were crazy, "members read the complete works at one time" also appeared, but most of them were driven by high popularity starring, or a backlog drama with little impact on income.

The recent popularity of "Squid Game" has also made the comparison between Netflix mode and domestic streaming media a hot topic. One of the questions is whether it is possible for domestic streaming media to do less dramas with more money like Netflix.

Wu Yuefeng, manager of Fengjing Capital Fund, once analyzed in Weibo that iQiyi will launch 15-20 TV dramas and 3-5 variety shows in a quarter, so if it is dismantled, the cost of each drama will be only a few hundred million dollars, which can only maintain the overall qualified quality.

However, Netflix’s total operating cost last year was 20.4 billion US dollars (about 133.2 billion RMB), and this figure was as high as 10.4 billion US dollars (69.1 billion RMB) in the first half of this year, of which the single-season content expenditure was roughly 5-6 of that of iQiyi. However, the number of series produced by Netflix is not so much, and its heavy new works planned for 2021 are only 21.

Sharing Netflix’s huge content cost is global dumping. At present, Netflix has entered more than 160 countries around the world, and Latin America and Asia-Pacific even have about 1/2-1/3 users in the United States.

After the announcement of the end of advance on demand, the task of increasing the number of members’ subscriptions and the paid value of individual members has become more heavy. It’s just that unlike Netflix’s positioning as a global user, domestic streaming media platforms need to increase to the sinking market.

QuestMobile data shows that by October 2020, sinking users have occupied 58% (669 million) of the cmnet market, but the average monthly usage time of sinking users is only 140.1 hours, and those after 00 and 70 are potential people for further growth of the sinking market.

In this regard, streaming media is also making changes through hardware+software. For example, iQiyi has launched the iQiyi Extreme Edition for the characteristics of mobile phone use in the sinking market. The Extreme Edition is promoted to the sinking market. "I hope that after they see the higher quality film and television content, because the film and television content is produced by professional directors, screenwriters and actors, they can put more time on the film and television content." Gong Yu, founder and CEO of iQiyi, once told the media.

Tencent is involved, and the head company is absent

No matter from the number of broadcasts or broadcast data, Tencent video is the best in this quarter.

Tencent videos accounted for 13 of the TOP20 episodes in Q3, among which three solo dramas, Sweeping the Black Storm, You are my glory and Yunnan Worm Valley, took the top three. These three series are broadcast one after another for the S-class drama of Tencent Video this quarter, and Tencent also has such a happy trouble of "rolling itself".

(Source: Yunhe Data)

Driven by several major dramas in August, Tencent’s video performance in 2021Q3 was outstanding, with several major dramas launched continuously in summer, and the number of dramas on the whole network effectively played 31.2 billion, ranking first in the platform, but there was still a 12% decline compared with 20Q3. The effective broadcast of the whole network dramas of iQiyi and Youku were 28.5 billion and 14.9 billion respectively, down 20% and 17% year-on-year.

At the same time, the effective broadcasting of Mango TV and bilibili has improved.

Although dramas such as "Song of the King" and "Bailingtan" have insufficient reputation, they still drive the effective broadcast of Mango TV to increase by 3% year-on-year. Last year, bilibili entered the drama battlefield with a high-profile film "The Sky of Wind Dog Boys". This year, in Q3, new dramas such as "Double Mirrors", "Sudden Vacation" and "Best Friends" were added, and the effective broadcast increased by 26 times compared with the same period of last year.

Five platforms are fighting in the field of drama, and "theatrical" is the direction that all of them are exploring. However, compared with last year’s misty theater fire, this year’s theater performance is weak.

According to the TOP20 data above, there are two top 20 dramas in the Love Theater where Iqiyi focuses on sweet pet dramas, namely "A Life" and "Zhou Sheng as usual"-these two dramas are separated from a novel, telling the story of Shengchen Zhou and Shishi, and they are strictly one drama.

Mango’s monsoon theater, a fire, "I am quite good in other places", but unfortunately the follow-up is weak. Monsoon Theater does not have a strong collection of works like Fog Theater and Favorite Theater, and the commonality between works is not very strong. At present, the biggest common point among the works of Monsoon Theater is that "the number of episodes does not exceed 16", and the loose collection and the unity of form are still the idea of comparative satellite TV.

Practitioners who have been exposed to Mango TV told Poison Eye that Monsoon Theater also has some traditional satellite TV ideas in content selection and production. For example, the first version of the script "Mother-in-law’s Bracelet" was once considered to be not bloody enough, and the target was not sinking enough, so it was finally revised.

Mother-in-law’s bracelet

However, as a theatrical effect that has been verified to occupy users’ minds and form a brand effect, it will not be abandoned by the platform. The return of Misty Theater is just around the corner. According to informed sources, bilibili is also planning his own theater.

Compared with the competition of multiple dramas in the same period between platforms, the performance of the head company is much quieter.

Six head drama companies that often appear together in many statements: Noon Sunshine, Xinli Media, Ciwen Media, Yaoke Media, Huace Film and Television, and Ning Meng Film and Television, only noon handed over the highly acclaimed Children of the Qiao Family in the third quarter. Xinli Media is still spinning in the low-scoring Jin Yong drama.

In the past, among the listed companies, Tang De Film and Television broadcasted a small-budget sweet pet drama "The Secret of Hidden Grimes", and two dramas of Huanrui Century, Genting Tiangong and Song of the King, both suffered a decline in word of mouth. On the contrary, the "new forces" in the era of online drama performed well. The drama "Sweeping the Black Storm" produced by Wuyuan Culture was well received, and "Sailing: When the Wind blows" produced by Little Sugar Man also had a good score of 8.5.

In the last quarter of 2021, it may be that "Tencent involution" will enter the stage of all-platform involution. Four works of the Iqiyi Fog Theater will be broadcast one after another. The first one is "The Fog of the Octagonal Pavilion" starring Duan Long and Hao Lei; Tencent Video has a number of IP costumes in stock, such as A Sword in the Snow and A Twin Cities in the Mirror, while Youku holds a large number of online dramas to be broadcast, such as The Story of Xingfu’s Ice Rain and Fire.

But for the fans, perhaps the involution of the series is a great blessing.

Squid Game, a Korean drama under Netflix filter.

The screen disappearance of the beautiful man in ancient costume

Get international recognition! JD.COM was selected into the Dow Jones Sustainable Development World Index for the first time.

Recently, the Standard & Poor’s Dow Jones Index (S&P DJI) announced the results of the annual review of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJI). JD.COM Group was selected into the Dow Jones Sustainable Development World Index for the first time for its outstanding performance in ESG (environment, society and governance).

DJSI is a floating-adjusted market value-weighted index, which is based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) Standard-screened enterprises measure performance. DJSI, including the Dow Jones Sustainable Development World Index, was launched in 1999 and is the first series of global sustainable development benchmark indexes on the market.

JD.COM Group’s Report on Environment, Society and Governance in 2022 shows that in the changing year of 2022, JD.COM, born from reality, deeply realized the great responsibility of adhering to sustainable development, and the importance of ensuring the smooth, stable and reliable social supply chain, as well as the value of helping the transformation and upgrading of the national supply chain and high-quality development. Therefore, JD.COM Group has coupled the concept of enterprise sustainable development with the value proposition of "responsible supply chain", more firmly promoted the continuous optimization of environment, society and governance, and responded to uncertainty with a more steady attitude.

In terms of sustainable development, by the end of 2022, the cumulative number of circulating express packages of Jingdong Logistics has exceeded 220 million times, and 200,000 circulating green boxes have been put into normal operation in 30 cities, with a cumulative number of 20 million times. JD.COM has installed distributed photovoltaic power generation systems in 23 intelligent industrial parks, and JD.COM’s "Asia No.1" Xi ‘an Intelligent Industrial Park has become the first logistics park in China to achieve carbon neutrality, and has put in large-scale electric vehicles and put on hydrogen energy transportation lines nationwide. In terms of supporting employment and employee care, JD.COM has created 290,000 new jobs in the past three years, and the salary and welfare expenditure of front-line employees has reached 106.5 billion yuan. It has invested 10 billion yuan to set up a "housing security fund" for employees, and will invest more than 6 billion yuan to build a "JD.COM Youth City" employee housing project. In terms of rural revitalization, JD.COM has served agricultural modernization with the ability of the whole industrial chain, helped small farmers integrate into big industries and connect with big markets, and in less than three years, it has driven rural areas to achieve over one trillion output value and helped millions of farmers to increase their income; At the second JD.COM Agricultural Special Shopping Festival held in September this year, JD.COM helped more than 2,000 agricultural characteristic industrial belts to achieve high-quality development.

JD.COM Group takes "success in the right way" as its business belief and compliance as its foundation, so that the concept of "compliance is development" is deeply integrated into all businesses, and it insists on commercial success through compliance governance. At the beginning of 2023, JD.COM Group formally established a board-levelESGWomen account for nearly 43% of the committee and the board of directors, which supervise and guide related matters such as climate, environment, risk, health and safety, business ethics, product safety and service, diversification and inclusiveness.

In October, 2023, JD.COM Group joined the latest sustainable development initiative of the United Nations Global Compact. At the same time, in the latest "Accelerating Progress" initiative launched by the United Nations Global Compact, JD.COM is willing to take the lead in making a commitment on the related goals of "gender equality", and will continue to promote the concept of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, and contribute "JD.COM Power" to the realization of global sustainable development goals.

As a technology and service enterprise based on supply chain, JD.COM takes "technology-oriented, committed to a more efficient and sustainable world" as its mission, insists on doing practical, valuable and long-term things, and works with all sectors of society to draw a beautiful, green and win-win sustainable development picture in a pragmatic and innovative spirit.

Original text transferred from: Xinhua Finance

Through "rhyme", we can see China fashion and the beauty of the East.

Incense and static gas, live boiled sweet spring, proud as a peacock and Ye Jia rewarded guests, Meng Chen Mulin and Oolong entered the palace … Yin Chao still remembers that when he went to tea with his friends for the first time, he watched the elegant processes and realized an unspeakable beauty.

Text/Lu Xiaoming

In ancient myths and legends of China, many sacred trees were mentioned: building wood, searching for wood, and if wood … Among them, the representative Fusang is composed of two big mulberry trees that support each other. In myths and legends, Fusang is the sacred tree where the sun lives. "Shan Hai Jing Overseas East longitude" mentioned that "there is a hibiscus on the Tang Valley, which was bathed on the 10th and lived in the water. Nine days in the lower branch, one day in the upper branch. "

Such a "god" is not uncommon in Shan Hai Jing. The Classic of Mountains and Seas was written from the Warring States Period to the early Han Dynasty. Together with The Book of Changes and Huangdi Neijing, it is called the three wonderful books in ancient times, and it is an important treasure in China culture and even eastern culture.

After thousands of years, The Classic of Mountains and Seas still affects people’s lives, from which well-known fairy tales such as The goddess patching the sky and Kuafu’s pursuit of the sun and Jingwei’s reclamation evolved. When The Classic of Mountains and Seas is combined with modern fashion, generate can also shine with unique brilliance.

In the chaotic scene, abstract lines with endless changes are selected to show the fractal shape of ancient trees, and the virtual scene uses the visual characteristics of Shenmu, which is more dependent on each other, to create a sense of movement in the still picture. This is a scene in China famous fashion photographer Yin Chao, the founder of SUPER STUDIO’s recent work "Looking at Mountains and Seas"-winding with knots, in which elements such as hibiscus trees are added.

Yin Chao’s work Chaos

Through five scenes of chaos, knot, Kunlun, fog and magic flowers, Yin Chao shows a prosperous scene from the chaotic state of the beginning of heaven and earth to the wanton growth of everything. In the works, Zhao Liang, a contemporary dance artist in China, joined hands with Tang Shiyi to improvise with the music, taking mountains and seas as inspiration, and expressing with the body, showing the rhythm of ancient oriental myths and conveying the artistic expression of "flowing mountains and seas" between ink and wash textures.

"I think ink painting is the most representative art form in China culture. The natural smudging of ink and pen in the works has become mountains and seas." Yin Chao mentioned that this work has attracted a lot of people’s attention, and also opened up an artistic expression form-expressing China traditional culture in a modern way.

In these years, Yin Chao traveled around China, experienced national culture, and tried to add more elements of oriental aesthetics to his shooting. He hopes to truly tell the fashion that belongs to China people, rather than "fashion-like without rhyme" imitated by technology.

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Looking back on his career, Yin Chao mentioned that about 20 years ago, he accidentally opened a fashion magazine and was deeply attracted. "The expression of such beauty is so special that I have never seen such characters, scenes and creations. It is an unprecedented feeling." It is precisely because of this idea that Yin Chao resolutely went to Beijing and tried to gradually enter fashion photography.

Yin Chao spent many years from getting started to getting started. In order to embrace the "beauty of fashion", he worked as an employee in a photo studio for two years and an assistant to a photographer for four years. He once saved money to buy foreign magazines when his monthly salary was several hundred yuan, and studied photography and art history after work.

It takes less than a second to press the shutter, and the camera can generate a photo. This "per second" work seems easy and simple. But in fact, "pressing the shutter" is only a very small link in fashion photography. Pre-planning is often carried out one or two months ago, and the whole "universe" in the photo is constructed with the idea of fashion photographers, which reflects the unique style of fashion photographers everywhere.

For his own lens "universe", Yin Chao used the word "soul" to define it-let the photo have a soul and a story. He hopes that the photos are "flowing", seeing the movement in the stillness, and realizing the stillness in the movement. "Motion and static are relative, depending on metaphysical expression, and they are an internal state." Just like the movement characteristics of "Tai Chi"-absolute movement and relative quietness.

Once upon a time, Yin Chao felt that "fashion" was a kind of aesthetics that people looked up to. Now, this view has long changed. "The so-called fashion is just an expression of beauty that keeps pace with the times and records what is happening now."

In many people’s cognition, "earth" is the opposite of "fashion", which seems to be a derogatory term and is used as an analogy to "not beautiful" Yin Chao thinks this is a misunderstanding. Over the years, he has walked through many places in China and felt the local customs rooted everywhere. "What our ancestors left us is too precious." People often think that the "earth" used to be difficult to connect with modern society, but when Yin Chao integrates it into fashion as a design element, there is a comfortable and decent new experience.

Yin Chao’s works

It is Yin Chao’s pursuit for many years to let the world see China fashion about nationality, culture and life.

What is the fashion in China and how to express the story of China people? Yin Chao integrated Beijing Opera, Zen and Guqin into his photography to find those timeless fashions. The idea originally came from a cup of tea.

"When the spring breeze comes in February and March, Shijie knocks on the fire to try new tea." "On a cold night, guests come to tea as wine, and the bamboo stove soup is boiling." In the life of ancient literati, there is no lack of tea. Nowadays, drinking tea is a daily habit of many people in China, but drinking tea is relatively rare.

Incense and static gas, live boiled sweet spring, proud as a peacock and Ye Jia rewarded guests, Meng Chen Mulin and Oolong entered the palace … Yin Chao still remembers that when he went to tea with his friends for the first time, he watched the elegant processes and realized an unspeakable beauty.

At that time, he just received a photo invitation from a foreign magazine, and he thought of moving the tea ceremony into the camera "universe", hoping to share this beauty with you-maybe it will let more people know about tea culture and make tea a way of life for more people. Nowadays, tea tasting has also become a part of Yin Chao’s life. "It is almost a necessary sense of ritual every day."

"China culture has given me a lot of creative inspiration." These explorations and perceptions have continuously enriched his heart. "Besides technology, photography also hides the photographer’s cognition of things", which also affects the expression of his works invisibly. Yin Chao combined fashion photography with China culture and opened a new door. When he entered the field of China culture, he also came to the peak of his creation. "There are too many things to express, and that is a constant source of inspiration."

In Yin Chao’s understanding, western aesthetics is more straightforward and concrete, while eastern aesthetics is metaphysical and more implicit. "I think it is particularly accurate and wonderful to express it with’ rhyme’. It is a temperament and a state."

Yin Chao mentioned that China culture has brought him a lot of creative inspiration.

In daily shooting, Yin Chao often comes into contact with some western art forms, which is really beautiful, but he feels that this is someone else’s way of life, and it seems that there is still some distance from his daily life. "When understanding and expressing oriental culture, it will be more like a duck to water."

Yin Chao feels that fashion photography and cultural heritage are mutually fulfilling. Oriental culture adds luster to Yin Chao’s photographic works, and Yin Chao also hopes to let more people know about it through his own works. His works not only record the current ideology, but also serve as a symbol of cultural heritage, allowing modern people to understand the inside story of oriental culture and the lifestyle and unique symbols belonging to China. "I think this is the significance of fashion photography."

Over the past century, western culture has exerted a wide and profound influence all over the world, and also influenced the lifestyle and life pursuit of many young people in China.

At the same time, with the country’s strength, cultural self-confidence and other factors, the fashion of oriental culture has become more and more popular in these years, and it has gradually returned to public life in a simpler and more acceptable form for contemporary people. The "national tide wind" shows the charm of oriental culture.

"The traditional oriental culture has evolved into a very modern way and has come into our lives." Yin Chao mentioned that many young people are now wearing traditional China costumes, and some products in supermarkets are packaged with inspiration from the past. "Tradition and modernity have been connected, mainly thanks to people’s creativity, especially young people."

Yin Chao mentioned that such a combination is still constantly innovating and is ubiquitous in people’s daily life. Recently, he tried to ride the red flag HQ9 Oriental luxury flagship MPV and felt the oriental charm of "waiting for everything to be harmonious".

"Our generation has known Hongqi Automobile since childhood, and it has appeared in many classic historical photos. Hongqi Automobile is a very representative brand in the modernization process of China." For the recently listed Hongqi HQ9 Oriental luxury flagship MPV, Yin Chao’s first impression is that it is atmospheric and luxurious. "Both the front grille and the body lines can be recognized at a glance-this is the red flag."

Yin Chao thinks that the red flag HQ9 is a manifestation of fashion.

In addition to its graceful and graceful appearance, the interior design of Hongqi HQ9 Oriental luxury flagship MPV is also very promising. The beautiful, fashionable and exquisite interior, as well as the super-large car and super-enjoyed space that surpass all products of the same class, bring the ultimate comfort experience. Among them, the exquisite and self-sliding welcome auxiliary board exudes the fragrance of "fragrant rhyme", which makes the sense of privilege and beauty come with pleasure.

"The space inside the car is spacious, the panoramic sunroof is open, the whole light in the car is particularly bright, and the functions carried on the car are also very intelligent and ceremonial, giving people a calm and elegant experience." Yin Chao also noticed that the design of Hongqi HQ9 Oriental luxury flagship MPV used many elements related to traditional oriental culture, such as the flying crane wing lines and landscape painting patterns, which combined tradition with modernity, which was in line with the aesthetics of China people.

The appearance of the atmosphere is luxurious, and the intelligence in the car is luxurious. He feels that this is a manifestation of fashion. "There are both contemporary aesthetics and oriental charm."

Under the background of "subversive" changes in the automobile industry, New Hongqi has always adhered to oriental aesthetics and China culture, and created luxury automobile products with unique China essence, independent research skills and all things’ strengths. With the arrival of the new Red Flag HQ9, the Red Flag brand is telling the story of China and striving for the dream of China with the charm of harmonious, harmonious and beautiful national cars.

If you want to take a group of photos for the Red Flag HQ9 Oriental luxury flagship MPV, Yin Chao said that such a lens "universe" would be an atmosphere full of China Zen, which is both atmospheric and simple.

(special topic)