Mobile phone letters and visits run for half a year: you can see the process like online shopping.

  On July 1st and September 1st this year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls successively opened a "channel" for letters and visits on mobile phones — — The mobile phone petition platform and WeChat WeChat official account will further broaden the channels for expressing people’s demands. These new channels for letters and visits have been in operation for nearly half a year. What is the effect now?

  What about the new channels of letters and visits such as mobile phone platform and WeChat?

  By the end of November, there were over 60,000 registered users and 80,000 letters and visits.

  "It’s great, you don’t have to go out and move your fingers, and the problems reflected will be solved!" Not long ago, Wang of Huai ‘an City, Jiangsu Province reported the inconvenience caused by the renovation of dangerous bridges in the village through the online petition platform. The next day, she inquired that the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau for Letters and Calls had accepted it. On the fourth day, the local government began to solve the problem.

  On January 1, 2015, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls established and operated the National Information System for Letters and Calls, realizing the nationwide "One Netcom" with vertical connectivity to towns and streets and horizontal coverage of relevant responsible departments.

  On this basis, on July 1st and September 1st this year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls successively launched the mobile phone petition platform and WeChat WeChat official account, making it more convenient and efficient. The process and results of the petitions handled by the masses through the mobile phone petition platform can be inquired, tracked, supervised and evaluated. The reporter saw on the WeChat WeChat official account of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls that WeChat official account currently has three functions: information on letters and visits, guide to letters and visits and online letters and visits. By paying attention to this micro-signal, you can submit a complaint request or make suggestions in the online letters and visits channel, and you can also inquire about the handling of letters and visits and evaluate your satisfaction.

  By the end of November, more than 60,000 users had registered through the mobile phone petition platform of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls and WeChat WeChat official account, and the number of petitions reached 80,000. At the same time, all parts of the country have followed suit. 14 provinces including Anhui, Hunan and Xinjiang have set up mobile phone letters and visits, and 21 provinces including Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou and Gansu have opened WeChat letters and visits. Online letters and visits have gradually become the main channel for mass letters and visits.

  How to make online letters and visits efficient and transparent?

  The process, methods and results are all open online, so that the masses can become "supervisors" and "referees" of letters and visits.

  "This platform can see every step of the specific process, just like online shopping can see whether the seller has delivered the goods and where it has gone. It is really convenient." Bao, from Haiyang City, Shandong Province, reported the damage of the road in front of his house through online letters and visits, and received a reply on the same day.

  On July 1 this year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls promulgated and implemented the Measures for Simple Handling of Letters and Visits (Trial), which requires that opinions should be given within 10 working days after accepting the letters and visits that can be handled simply, so as to accept and handle the letters and visits more conveniently and quickly.

  At the same time, according to the "Regulations on Letters and Visits" and the "Working Rules for Online Handling of Letters and Visits (Trial)" of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls, all localities have standardized the letters and visits business, so that there are rules to follow. Twenty-four provinces, including Shanxi, Jilin and Ningxia, have formulated rules for handling online letters and visits, further optimizing business processes and putting standardization requirements throughout the whole process.

  "Relying on the national petition information system, the handling process, handling methods and handling results of petitions can be made public online, and petitioners can inquire about the handling process and results at any time, avoiding going back and forth." In addition, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls also said that it is also the focus of online letters and visits to let the masses evaluate the solution of the letters and visits, let the masses become "supervisors" and "referees" in the work of letters and visits, and actively guide the petitioners to evaluate their satisfaction. At present, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls has revised and improved the satisfaction evaluation method, and promoted all localities to improve the participation rate of the masses and the satisfaction rate of the masses.

  How do large and small systems break through the "barriers"?

  Integrate the scattered "small windows" of letters and visits, and "one netcom" allows the masses to travel less and benefit more.

  At present, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls has realized the interconnection with 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the provincial, municipal and county-level letters and visits working institutions of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, more than 80,000 functional departments and towns (streets), and 33 central and state organs and ministries.

  At the same time, all localities are also stepping up efforts to promote the integration of resources on the online petition platform at the same level. Tianjin, Zhejiang and other places have connected the leadership mailbox with the petition information system, and integrated the scattered online petition "small windows" into an online complaint hall to reduce repeated complaints from the masses and repeated referrals from departments, thus realizing "one netcom". Jiangxi, Shandong, Hubei and other places have established self-service facilities for online letters and visits in counties and townships to better facilitate the masses. From January to November this year, the number of online letters and visits nationwide was 971,000, up 102% year-on-year, which effectively reduced the cost of letters and visits by the masses and realized that the masses traveled less and benefited more.

  The relevant person in charge of the State Bureau of Letters and Calls said that in recent years, various localities have made great efforts to solve problems, and a number of letters and visits have been effectively resolved. However, in some places, problems were not handled in time and were not solved in place, which led to repeated online complaints; In some places, the previous "handling opinions" are used as the handling results of the backlog report, but the problem of letters and visits has not been substantially solved, and there is a problem of "doing without finishing", so it is necessary to continue to intensify efforts to resolve it.

  According to the introduction of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls, after continuous adaptation and improvement, the national information system for letters and calls has been running smoothly on the whole. Next, efforts should be made to improve the application and optimize the functions. At present, the coverage of the national petition information system has basically achieved the "vertical to the end" of the five-level petition work institutions at the national, provincial, municipal, county and township (street) levels, but there is still a problem of incomplete coverage of functional departments in most places horizontally. The next step will focus on promoting the full coverage of the application of the petition information system by functional departments.

What is the virus? Why stay away from wild animals?

  The medical staff are working. Xinhua news agency

  Production of antiviral drugs. Xinhua news agency

  editorial comment/note

  How did the virus originate? What are scientists doing in developing drugs against Covid-19? It is the top priority for Chinese researchers to develop effective clinical drugs for Covid-19, improve the cure rate and reduce the mortality rate. On February 15th, Zhang Xinmin, director of the Biological Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, introduced that the drug screening and treatment program had made positive progress at the press conference held by the the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism on the latest progress of drug research and development and scientific research in Covid-19. The Ministry of Science and Technology organized a national excellent scientific research team to screen more than 70,000 drugs or compounds by computer simulation screening and in vitro enzyme activity test. At present, The scientific research team has focused on a few drugs, and a number of drugs, such as chloroquine phosphate, lundixivir, and farpiravir, have successively carried out clinical trials. At present, some drugs have initially shown good clinical efficacy. This issue focuses on the origin of the virus, drug research and development, and psychological anti-epidemic.


  The structure of most viruses is very simple. Basically, it is a shell made of protein wrapped with some genetic material, which is no different from dead things at ordinary times. Once infected cells, they inject their own genes into the host cells and use the host cells to replicate themselves to produce new viruses. Is the virus a living thing? Where did they come from? Below, let’s take a look at three hypotheses about the origin of the virus.

  Hypothesis 1 Ancient macromolecules Some macromolecules, such as RNA, DNA and protein, begin to replicate themselves independently or cooperatively, and this stage can be called "molecular life". However, in a peaceful molecular life, there is a different kind, that is, some molecular life, including LUCA, the latest common ancestor of all living things, which has developed a structure that has changed the law of life, that is, cells. Cells with membrane structure can better protect delicate core macromolecules such as RNA and protein, which greatly enhances the adaptability of these organisms, which means that they will rub their original molecular life on the ground. There is a hypothesis (The Virus-First Hypothesis) that the virus is the "adherents" of the primitive molecular life world. This hypothesis was once very popular, after all, the structure of viruses is so simple, even crude, and their differences from cell life are so great.

  Some viruses can form crystals after purification, which is unimaginable for cell biology. More solid evidence comes from "Virusoid", which is an RNA molecule. Pseudovirus can’t infect cells directly, but it can infect viruses. To be exact, it can copy itself and spread itself by hitchhiking when some viruses infect cells, which can cause some diseases such as human hepatitis D.

  Hypothesis 2 The gene of "defection" Genes can also defect? Yes, in The Progressive Hypothesis, genes will do anything to keep themselves alive.

  There is a small circular DNA called "plasmid" widely in bacteria. These genes are basically a group of wage earners and temporary workers. Bacteria can absorb them from the environment for their own use at any time, and they can also drive them away at any time.

  In many bacteria, in addition to their original DNA, there are often some small fragments of circular DNA, which are called plasmids. So in the long evolution, some plasmids learned one thing: we should not work all our lives! These plasmids changed from wage earners to wage earners, which in turn hijacked their bacterial boss and took away all the nutrients of bacteria to replicate themselves. Over time, some plasmids become viruses.

  Bacteria often suffer from a kind of virus infection called "phage". Some people think that phage comes from plasmid. The cells and bacteria of human beings and all animals and plants are very different. We all belong to "eukaryotes". There are no plasmids like bacteria in the cells, but there are still some genes waiting to move. They refused to stay on the chromosome, but jumped around in the nucleus, running to this chromosome for a while and running to that chromosome for a while. However, these naughty genes do have a name of sage like type — — Transposon (transposon)

  According to the detection of molecular biology, many transposons have very similar gene sequences to viruses, and the mechanism of integrating themselves into the chromosomes of host cells is also highly similar. In particular, the "Retrotransposon" among them is almost as similar as some viruses, and the only difference is that these transposons cannot migrate from cell to cell like viruses.

  However, the origin of viruses is still confusing here, because they don’t follow the evolutionary model of general organisms at all.

  The general process of virus infection is: inject your own genes into the host cells, then use the host cells to copy your own genes, and make all kinds of materials needed to construct virus particles. Finally, manipulate the cells to package all parts of virus particles together with the virus genes into new virus particles and release them to infect other cells. But in this process, the virus is exchanging genes with various organisms all the time.

  For example, when a virus directs a host cell to package virus particles, it sometimes packages some host cell DNA, or accidentally leaves a little bit of its own gene in the host cell. There is a gene in mammals to prevent the maternal immune system from attacking the fetus, that is, a virus accidentally landed in our cells more than 100 million years ago. When the virus spreads across species, it often leads to the transfer of genes from one species to another.

  Hypothesis 3 Decaying cellular organisms. After entering the 21st century, a series of discoveries began to make scientists more aware that there are other possibilities for the origin of the virus.

  In 2003, scientists discovered a very unreasonable virus — — "Mimivirus", the size of this virus has reached 0.4 to 0.5 microns, which is almost the same as bacteria under the microscope. The coronavirus that caused this epidemic is considered to be a relatively large type of virus, and its size is less than 0.1 micron.

  In 2008, scientists discovered the second big virus, and named it "Mamavirus". Since then, one kind of "Giant Virus" has appeared in human vision one after another. By the time Pandoravirus was discovered in 2013, the record of the largest virus was even more than 1 micron.

  Pandora virus, the largest known virus, looks almost the same as a bacterium.

  Since then, the boundaries between viruses and some single-celled organisms have become blurred. For example, the structure and genes of Bacteroides virus are very similar to those of a single-celled organism called archaea. The only difference is that Bacteroides virus has lost a part of the key genes that independently complete cell division, so it has to parasitize in the cells of other organisms and use the cells of the host to grow and reproduce.

  So there is the third hypothesis of the origin of the virus (The Regressive Hypothesis), which holds that the virus is essentially a degenerate creature. Some single-celled organisms gradually degenerate most of their cell structures in the long-term parasitic life, and finally become this "living dead" general appearance, and the flow like bacteroides virus is an archaea that has just begun to degenerate.

  Why do deadly viruses always come from wild animals? Let’s analyze it from the perspective of evolution.

  The "best" virus does not cause too serious symptoms (otherwise it will kill the host itself), but it should not be too gentle (after all, the host is often infected with other viruses at the same time, so it is still necessary to grab resources). Therefore, in the long evolution, this game will promote the virus to finally reach a certain tacit understanding with the host. For example, human beings and rhinoviruses that may cause the common cold belong to this relationship.

  However, the virus will mutate, and some mutations will cause the host of the virus to change. Without the tacit understanding of long-term running-in between the virus and the new host, there will be the problem of "not paying attention to it", and some of them will bring fatal diseases to the host.

  In the long-term evolution, human beings have reached a perfect tacit understanding with the viruses that accompanied them all the way from ancient ancestors, and the viruses from livestock, such as measles and flu, are not perfect, but they are somewhat tacit, so they rarely cause serious epidemics. Only the virus from wild animals has nothing to do with human beings, so almost all the diseases that caused the great plague came from wild animals. Therefore, I hope everyone can stay away from wild animals, including stray animals, and don’t raise or eat wild animals.

  (Author: Tang Cheng Author: Center for Excellence and Innovation of Brain Science and Intelligent Technology, China Academy of Sciences)

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics released data. In April, the national consumer price rose by 2.5% year-on-year. Among them, the price of fresh fruit rose by 11.9%, which affected the CPI by about 0.22%.

According to media reports, the CPI data of 31 provinces in April have also been released one after another. Don't look at the classification, there are 13 provinces with a year-on-year increase in fresh fruits, and 18 provinces with an increase of over 10%.

  According to media reports, the CPI data of 31 provinces in April have also been released one after another. Don’t look at the classification, there are 13 provinces with a year-on-year increase in fresh fruits, and 18 provinces with an increase of over 10%.

  Why is the price of fruit "rising" recently? When will the price stabilize in the future?

  On May 23, CCTV Financial Review invitedGuo Liyan, a researcher at the Market Institute of China Macroeconomic Research Institute, andWang Guan, a commentator of Yangguang Finance and Economics, was a guest in the studio.

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Why is the fruit "rising"?

  Guo Liyan: The seasonal supply gap of fresh fruit is bigger than in previous years.

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Guo Liyan, a researcher at the Market Institute of China Macroeconomic Research Institute: The seasonal supply gap of fresh fruit is larger than in previous years, and there are several factors. The first is from 2018 to 2019.Disastrous weather occurred in different degrees in the southern and northern fruit producing areas during the growing period, and it is a gap period in the fruit market at present.

  In addition,At the beginning of this year, there was a cold spring, and the handling cost and labor cost in some parts of the south also increased during the rain. Coupled with the increase in transportation costs, the price of fresh fruit rose.

  Crown: "Yan value economy" has become a price pusher

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Wang Guan, commentator of Yangguang Finance and Economics: From another perspective, I noticed that the number of fruits imported from Beijing Xinfadi is increasing, and the price of fruits is also rising.The impact of the increase in the proportion of high-end fruits such as foreign imports and organic fruits.

  Consumers’ demand for "fine fruits" is increasing, which leads to the continuous improvement of the quality and grade of fruits. In addition, with the development of cities, some traditional farmers’ markets gradually fade out.The sales channels of new fruit specialty stores or comprehensive supermarkets, and the cost of property are increasing. These factors have promoted the price of fruit to a certain extent.

  When will "low-key fruit" return?

  News link:

  Liu Aihua, spokesperson of the National Bureau of Statistics, said recently that the price of fresh fruit is affected by seasonal factors of extreme weather, and the seasonal short-term impact is not sustainable.The rise in the price of fresh fruit will not last at a high level.

Guo Liyan: Seasonal fruits in summer and autumn will stabilize fruit prices.

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Guo Liyan, a researcher at the Market Research Institute of China Macroeconomic Research Institute: From June to August, summer fruits began to be listed in batches, and melons such as watermelons and cantaloupes were gradually listed, which would lower the whole fruit market price.

  By September, as new apples mature and enter the market this year, the price of fresh fruit will be stabilized, and with the gradual increase of supply, the price of fresh fruit will gradually stabilize.

  Crown: E-commerce giants actively enter the market, price subsidies attract traffic

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Wang Guan, commentator of Yangguang Finance: Now online shopping has become the choice of many consumers. Nowadays, e-commerce has entered an era of digging deep into stocks, and various shopping apps are attracting everyone’s attention.

  Recently, everyone will see that at least 3 to 4 home appliance manufacturers have entered fruit producing areas, such as litchi producing areas, hoping to compete for traffic through the docking of e-commerce and fruit farmers. Consumers will download the APP and get discounts when buying fruits.These promotional measures are aimed at targeting the market and competing for users, but they also bring certain benefits to consumers.

  Guo Liyan: Smooth supply channels, fruit prices will fall seasonally, and the price base will be solid.

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Guo Liyan, a researcher at the Market Research Institute of China Macroeconomic Research Institute, said: People’s consumption is upgrading, and the quality of consumption is also upgrading. Now, we choose the best from the fruit seed industry.

  I think subtraction should be done as far as possible around fruit production, storage, circulation, retail and distribution, so that it can reach the people through simple links and reduce costs. In addition, we should improve the quality of service supply.

  On the other hand, around the supply, we can look at it from a broader perspective. Some good high-end fruits imported from abroad, such as fruits from Southeast Asia and other places, can be matched out of season, and some fruits can also expand their stocks. In the case of low stocks, we can stabilize the price of fresh fruits by expanding overseas supply, improving stocks and unblocking channels, which provides strong support for food prices. I think there is a solid foundation for stabilizing prices.

  Crown: price increase and slow sales coexist. Agricultural modernization needs to be accelerated

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Wang Guan, commentator of Yangguang Finance: Recently, fruit prices are rising, but this year,In some places, fruits are also unsalable.

  Because the freshness of fruits is relatively strong, the sales channels are not smooth for a short time, which reflects to some extent that there is a relatively high room for improvement in order agriculture, and our agricultural modernization needs to be accelerated in the future.

Get international recognition! JD.COM was selected into the Dow Jones Sustainable Development World Index for the first time.

Recently, the Standard & Poor’s Dow Jones Index (S&P DJI) announced the results of the annual review of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJI). JD.COM Group was selected into the Dow Jones Sustainable Development World Index for the first time for its outstanding performance in ESG (environment, society and governance).

DJSI is a floating-adjusted market value-weighted index, which is based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) Standard-screened enterprises measure performance. DJSI, including the Dow Jones Sustainable Development World Index, was launched in 1999 and is the first series of global sustainable development benchmark indexes on the market.

JD.COM Group’s Report on Environment, Society and Governance in 2022 shows that in the changing year of 2022, JD.COM, born from reality, deeply realized the great responsibility of adhering to sustainable development, and the importance of ensuring the smooth, stable and reliable social supply chain, as well as the value of helping the transformation and upgrading of the national supply chain and high-quality development. Therefore, JD.COM Group has coupled the concept of enterprise sustainable development with the value proposition of "responsible supply chain", more firmly promoted the continuous optimization of environment, society and governance, and responded to uncertainty with a more steady attitude.

In terms of sustainable development, by the end of 2022, the cumulative number of circulating express packages of Jingdong Logistics has exceeded 220 million times, and 200,000 circulating green boxes have been put into normal operation in 30 cities, with a cumulative number of 20 million times. JD.COM has installed distributed photovoltaic power generation systems in 23 intelligent industrial parks, and JD.COM’s "Asia No.1" Xi ‘an Intelligent Industrial Park has become the first logistics park in China to achieve carbon neutrality, and has put in large-scale electric vehicles and put on hydrogen energy transportation lines nationwide. In terms of supporting employment and employee care, JD.COM has created 290,000 new jobs in the past three years, and the salary and welfare expenditure of front-line employees has reached 106.5 billion yuan. It has invested 10 billion yuan to set up a "housing security fund" for employees, and will invest more than 6 billion yuan to build a "JD.COM Youth City" employee housing project. In terms of rural revitalization, JD.COM has served agricultural modernization with the ability of the whole industrial chain, helped small farmers integrate into big industries and connect with big markets, and in less than three years, it has driven rural areas to achieve over one trillion output value and helped millions of farmers to increase their income; At the second JD.COM Agricultural Special Shopping Festival held in September this year, JD.COM helped more than 2,000 agricultural characteristic industrial belts to achieve high-quality development.

JD.COM Group takes "success in the right way" as its business belief and compliance as its foundation, so that the concept of "compliance is development" is deeply integrated into all businesses, and it insists on commercial success through compliance governance. At the beginning of 2023, JD.COM Group formally established a board-levelESGWomen account for nearly 43% of the committee and the board of directors, which supervise and guide related matters such as climate, environment, risk, health and safety, business ethics, product safety and service, diversification and inclusiveness.

In October, 2023, JD.COM Group joined the latest sustainable development initiative of the United Nations Global Compact. At the same time, in the latest "Accelerating Progress" initiative launched by the United Nations Global Compact, JD.COM is willing to take the lead in making a commitment on the related goals of "gender equality", and will continue to promote the concept of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, and contribute "JD.COM Power" to the realization of global sustainable development goals.

As a technology and service enterprise based on supply chain, JD.COM takes "technology-oriented, committed to a more efficient and sustainable world" as its mission, insists on doing practical, valuable and long-term things, and works with all sectors of society to draw a beautiful, green and win-win sustainable development picture in a pragmatic and innovative spirit.

Original text transferred from: Xinhua Finance