The height and width of the Galaxy L7 Geely "roll" out

On May 31st, the new generation of super intelligent electric hybrid SUV Galaxy L7 under Geely Automobile was officially launched. The new car launched a total of 5 versions, and the official guide price was 138,700-173,700 yuan, which was lower than the market expected price, richer configuration, and more "fried" rights and interests, giving consumers sincerity.

Galaxy L7’s listing, the most surprising is the price. High-end positioning and the superposition of various technology configurations, I thought it would be the same price as Avita 11 and Zhiji LS7 300,000 yuan, but in the end it gave an absolutely affordable price.

The Geely Galaxy L7 new car is equipped with a "new generation Raytheon Hybrid 8848" power system, which perfectly integrates energy saving, performance and handling.

In terms of energy saving, the new generation Raytheon hybrid engine B-Plus has the highest thermal efficiency of 44.26% in the world, with a fuel consumption of only 5.23 liters (NEDC 4.4L) per 100 kilometers of power loss, and a comprehensive cruising range of 1370 kilometers under CLTC conditions.

In terms of performance, Raytheon’s 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro is the first intelligent electric drive in the world to achieve P1 + P2 dual motor overclocking drive. The system has a comprehensive maximum power of 287 kW, a comprehensive maximum torque of 535 Nm, a 100-kilometer acceleration of only 6.9 seconds, and supports ejection start, with a top speed of 240 km/h.

In terms of handling, the Geely Galaxy L7 is based on a world-class e-CMA architecture, with excellent grip and excellent corner handling, taking into account driving comfort and handling stability.

Geely Galaxy L7 has the only smart love cockpit in the same class, standard 8155 flagship cockpit chip and 8.10 billion times per second super cloud computing power support Star Smart Computing Center dual computing power base, and Galaxy NOS cockpit operating system, so that the daily operation and response speed is greatly improved, to achieve "second hands, second touch, second response" smooth car experience.

As early as February this year, Geely launched the Galaxy brand. Geely announced at the main venue of the Hangzhou Asian Games that it will launch seven products in the next two years, four of which belong to the intelligent electric hybrid L series, the first electric hybrid SUV Galaxy L7 and the first electric hybrid car Galaxy L6 will be delivered in the second and third quarters of this year; the other three belong to the intelligent pure electric E series, and the first pure electric product E8 will be delivered in the fourth quarter of this year.

On April 18, Geely Galaxy L7 Smart Love Cockpit and Super Experience Officer Program was officially released; on May 13, Geely Galaxy L7’s first Aegis battery safety system completed the first basic test at the Tianjin China Automotive Center New Energy Inspection Center, with excellent results. The battery pack acupuncture link gave people a new understanding of domestic battery safety technology. When the new car was launched on May 31, Geely did not show off its comparative advantages with major competitors, but actually showed everyone what the Galaxy L7 itself has.

Looking back at the listing of Geely Galaxy L7, we can clearly feel the rationality and determination of Geely Automobile, which is a strategic sobriety and height that an autonomous car company has achieved after going through the baptism of the market.

Nowadays, the automotive industry competes not only in the mechanical structure of vehicles, but also in the intelligence of vehicles. Two years ago, Geely launched the low-orbit satellite Internet project for vehicles and autonomous driving. Last year, Geely completed the acquisition of Meizu mobile phones.

It can be said that the emergence of Galaxy L7 is just a product and achievement in the overall industrial ecology of Geely Automobile Cloth. Here, we also clearly see the sufficient width of the vision of Geely Automobile’s management team.

The latest news is that Geely Galaxy’s new energy experience center has been newly opened, and hundreds of stores across the country have opened at the same time. The pace and speed of Geely Galaxy’s market advancement are beyond everyone’s imagination. From this, we also clearly find that Geely Galaxy L7 represents not only the launch of a new car, but also the real progress and improvement of autonomous car companies over the years.

The "safety" gene engraved into the bones, Geely Galaxy L7 safety is more than just batteries

  As a new generation of super intelligent electric hybrid SUV under Geely, the Galaxy L7 always puts safety first, especially in terms of battery safety. Geely advocates that "no amount can be done too much for safety". Not long ago, the Aegis battery equipped with the Galaxy L7 not only passed the battery needling test recognized as the most difficult to pass in the industry, but also completed the four vehicle-level battery safety tests of 40km/h forward scraping, 7km/h rear scraping, 20km/h negative impact and vehicle bottom support, once again pulling the battery safety to a higher dimension.

  However, the safety of Geely Galaxy L7 does not solely come from battery safety. At the recent Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848 Full Scene Experience Season event held by Geely, Geely Galaxy L7 is empowered by the technology of 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro to show the outside world that under the full scene, the full range of driving safety of Galaxy L7.

  Next, let’s take a look at what safety genes the 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro has injected into the Galaxy L7.

  Generally speaking, traditional extended-range electric vehicles and general single-speed electric hybrid models can cover 85% of travel scenarios, but in the face of high-speed, climbing and other harsh scenarios, the engine must take into account both power generation and drive. In the case of power loss, it is prone to stall accidents. Models equipped with 3-speed variable-frequency electric drive DHT Pro can intelligently adjust the speed ratio according to road conditions and power requirements, and easily cope with all road conditions including highways, ramps, and curves. The power reserve is sufficient, and the output is timely and efficient. With ultra-high power generation efficiency and the advantages of full-speed domain parallel connection and three-speed speed ratio adjustment, it can ensure that the whole vehicle will not stall, and the power will be available at any time.

  In the face of demanding working conditions such as climbing and off-road escape, the 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro will instantly adjust the energy distribution, gear position and working mode. Through frequency conversion adjustment, it makes full use of the system’s comprehensive power of up to 287kW and the wheel end torque of 4920Nm, and explodes a powerful power reserve in the way of "downshifting and increasing torsion".

  In the mountain road, in the face of constant entering and exiting bends, the speed needs to change with the road conditions. But no matter what the situation, the 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro not only ensures timely power response and smooth gear shift, but also allows the whole vehicle to obtain stronger tracking and stability, making mountain road driving more secure.

  New energy electrification is developing rapidly, and the single-speed DHT "usable and sufficient" state in the electric hybrid market can no longer fully meet user requests. If the single-speed electric hybrid can meet 85-90% of the vehicle scene needs, the 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro can meet 99% of the full scene needs with more efficient, more performance and safer overall performance, or will become a high-quality choice for future electric hybrid models.

The launching ceremony of the national elderly health education service platform and the opening of Tik Tok was held in Beijing.

  On the afternoon of May 19th, 2023, China Association of Universities for the Aged held the "Launching Ceremony of the National Health Education Service Platform for the Elderly and the Opening of Tik Tok". Diao Haifeng, executive vice president of the Association, and Liu Qingwei, deputy director of the Skills Office of National Health Commission Talent Exchange Service Center, attended and spoke. The meeting was presided over by Ping Li, director of the Association’s career development department. Experts from the Propaganda Department of China Association for the Aged, Beijing Youth Political College and Beijing Chaoyang Community College attended the meeting.

  At the meeting, Diao Haifeng, executive vice president, said that the China Association of Universities for the Aged continued to exert its efforts on the basis of incorporating health education for the elderly into the curriculum system and teaching content, integrating the Internet concept into the whole process of education for the elderly, and striving to promote the modernization of education for the elderly. Two elderly health service modules will be built online and offline simultaneously to promote the digital transformation of elderly education and help build an elderly-friendly society.

  Liu Qingwei, deputy director, said that with the continuous and in-depth development of the active response to the aging population, the Talent Exchange Center of the National Health and Wellness Commission and the China Association of Universities for the Aged have made joint efforts to speed up the training of a group of skilled personnel with health services for the elderly.

  Liu Hongbo, director of the Media Operation Department of the Health Project Office of China Association of Universities for the Aged, introduced the training program of health guidance talents for the elderly and launched the "National Health Education Service Platform for the Elderly". The China Association of Universities for the Aged and the Talent Exchange Service Center of the National Health and Wellness Commission shoulder important responsibilities in the field of elderly health, so they jointly launched the training project of elderly health guidance talents. Guided by the health service needs of the elderly, the project is aimed at full-time and part-time lecturers, students and other people who are interested in working in the health of the elderly, and carries out vocational skills improvement training and assessment.

  Tik Tok, the "National Health Education Service Platform for the Elderly", was officially launched. As the official account of China Association of Universities for the Elderly, it created a healthy and happy life circle for the elderly through short videos and live broadcasts, enriching the healthy and cultural life of the elderly. Build an authoritative, credible and responsible service platform for healthy ageing; Promote high-quality content such as health science, culture and entertainment, live courses, study tours and health care, and medical services to help more elderly people "have fun, learn and be productive" to realize individual value and create social value.

  At the same time, in order to actively implement "Healthy China 2030", China Association of Universities for the Aged launched the "Health Research Tour of University for the Aged in China" at the same time, leading the students of national universities for the aged, advocating the participation of the whole people, showing the colorful spiritual outlook of the elderly in the new era, promoting active, healthy and positive life for the elderly, and writing a magnificent new chapter in the education for the elderly.

Mobile phone letters and visits run for half a year: you can see the process like online shopping.

  On July 1st and September 1st this year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls successively opened a "channel" for letters and visits on mobile phones — — The mobile phone petition platform and WeChat WeChat official account will further broaden the channels for expressing people’s demands. These new channels for letters and visits have been in operation for nearly half a year. What is the effect now?

  What about the new channels of letters and visits such as mobile phone platform and WeChat?

  By the end of November, there were over 60,000 registered users and 80,000 letters and visits.

  "It’s great, you don’t have to go out and move your fingers, and the problems reflected will be solved!" Not long ago, Wang of Huai ‘an City, Jiangsu Province reported the inconvenience caused by the renovation of dangerous bridges in the village through the online petition platform. The next day, she inquired that the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau for Letters and Calls had accepted it. On the fourth day, the local government began to solve the problem.

  On January 1, 2015, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls established and operated the National Information System for Letters and Calls, realizing the nationwide "One Netcom" with vertical connectivity to towns and streets and horizontal coverage of relevant responsible departments.

  On this basis, on July 1st and September 1st this year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls successively launched the mobile phone petition platform and WeChat WeChat official account, making it more convenient and efficient. The process and results of the petitions handled by the masses through the mobile phone petition platform can be inquired, tracked, supervised and evaluated. The reporter saw on the WeChat WeChat official account of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls that WeChat official account currently has three functions: information on letters and visits, guide to letters and visits and online letters and visits. By paying attention to this micro-signal, you can submit a complaint request or make suggestions in the online letters and visits channel, and you can also inquire about the handling of letters and visits and evaluate your satisfaction.

  By the end of November, more than 60,000 users had registered through the mobile phone petition platform of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls and WeChat WeChat official account, and the number of petitions reached 80,000. At the same time, all parts of the country have followed suit. 14 provinces including Anhui, Hunan and Xinjiang have set up mobile phone letters and visits, and 21 provinces including Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou and Gansu have opened WeChat letters and visits. Online letters and visits have gradually become the main channel for mass letters and visits.

  How to make online letters and visits efficient and transparent?

  The process, methods and results are all open online, so that the masses can become "supervisors" and "referees" of letters and visits.

  "This platform can see every step of the specific process, just like online shopping can see whether the seller has delivered the goods and where it has gone. It is really convenient." Bao, from Haiyang City, Shandong Province, reported the damage of the road in front of his house through online letters and visits, and received a reply on the same day.

  On July 1 this year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls promulgated and implemented the Measures for Simple Handling of Letters and Visits (Trial), which requires that opinions should be given within 10 working days after accepting the letters and visits that can be handled simply, so as to accept and handle the letters and visits more conveniently and quickly.

  At the same time, according to the "Regulations on Letters and Visits" and the "Working Rules for Online Handling of Letters and Visits (Trial)" of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls, all localities have standardized the letters and visits business, so that there are rules to follow. Twenty-four provinces, including Shanxi, Jilin and Ningxia, have formulated rules for handling online letters and visits, further optimizing business processes and putting standardization requirements throughout the whole process.

  "Relying on the national petition information system, the handling process, handling methods and handling results of petitions can be made public online, and petitioners can inquire about the handling process and results at any time, avoiding going back and forth." In addition, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls also said that it is also the focus of online letters and visits to let the masses evaluate the solution of the letters and visits, let the masses become "supervisors" and "referees" in the work of letters and visits, and actively guide the petitioners to evaluate their satisfaction. At present, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls has revised and improved the satisfaction evaluation method, and promoted all localities to improve the participation rate of the masses and the satisfaction rate of the masses.

  How do large and small systems break through the "barriers"?

  Integrate the scattered "small windows" of letters and visits, and "one netcom" allows the masses to travel less and benefit more.

  At present, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls has realized the interconnection with 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the provincial, municipal and county-level letters and visits working institutions of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, more than 80,000 functional departments and towns (streets), and 33 central and state organs and ministries.

  At the same time, all localities are also stepping up efforts to promote the integration of resources on the online petition platform at the same level. Tianjin, Zhejiang and other places have connected the leadership mailbox with the petition information system, and integrated the scattered online petition "small windows" into an online complaint hall to reduce repeated complaints from the masses and repeated referrals from departments, thus realizing "one netcom". Jiangxi, Shandong, Hubei and other places have established self-service facilities for online letters and visits in counties and townships to better facilitate the masses. From January to November this year, the number of online letters and visits nationwide was 971,000, up 102% year-on-year, which effectively reduced the cost of letters and visits by the masses and realized that the masses traveled less and benefited more.

  The relevant person in charge of the State Bureau of Letters and Calls said that in recent years, various localities have made great efforts to solve problems, and a number of letters and visits have been effectively resolved. However, in some places, problems were not handled in time and were not solved in place, which led to repeated online complaints; In some places, the previous "handling opinions" are used as the handling results of the backlog report, but the problem of letters and visits has not been substantially solved, and there is a problem of "doing without finishing", so it is necessary to continue to intensify efforts to resolve it.

  According to the introduction of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls, after continuous adaptation and improvement, the national information system for letters and calls has been running smoothly on the whole. Next, efforts should be made to improve the application and optimize the functions. At present, the coverage of the national petition information system has basically achieved the "vertical to the end" of the five-level petition work institutions at the national, provincial, municipal, county and township (street) levels, but there is still a problem of incomplete coverage of functional departments in most places horizontally. The next step will focus on promoting the full coverage of the application of the petition information system by functional departments.

List of seasonal fruits from January to December! Don’t be confused again.

Summer is here, and all kinds of seasonal fruits are on the market one after another.

Confucius once said "from time to time, don’t eat", which means that eating should be in season and on time, and what to eat in what season.

On the one hand, it can satisfy our appetite; on the other hand, seasonal fruits can better help us recuperate.

We should know that different plants adapt to grow in different seasons and different environments because of their different genetic characteristics. Only seasonal fruits have the richest nutrition and the best taste.

What are the seasonal fruits from January to December?

Eat fruit correctly and keep in mind three points of attention.

According to the recommendation of dietary guidelines for China residents, the intake of fresh fruit per person per day should be about 200~350g.

It is equivalent to the weight of two oranges or an apple.

If you eat too much fruit, you may have the problem of excessive sugar intake, and then there will be so-called "getting angry" symptoms such as long mouth sores, acne on your face and constipation.

Eating fruit is better than drinking juice.

Fruits are rich in dietary fiber, which can effectively help us to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase satiety and reduce the absorption of cholesterol.

But after the fruit is squeezed into juice, the dietary fiber is destroyed, and these effects disappear.

Moreover, it is easy to take too much fruit juice unconsciously.

notice the time

① Ten o’clock in the morning: At this time, the work is busiest. Eating a fruit can relieve the tension and anxiety and make people feel refreshed.

② One hour after lunch: At this time, eating fruit can help digestion. You can eat pineapple and kiwi fruit rich in protease, oranges, lemons and hawthorn with high organic acid content.

③ Four o’clock in the afternoon: At this time, it is easy to be hungry, and fruit can be used as lunch to replenish physical strength.

(Health China)


The walls covered with championship flags, the sandy land over 60°C … The summer training venues of Shanghai volleyball players are different.

Xia Xun hits the eighth issue directly
Corpuscles come
Oriental land sports training base
Show you around.
Summer Training of Athletes in Volleyball Center
Men’s Volleyball-All-China Class Playing League is a special summer training.
At the end of August, in the volleyball training hall of oriental land Sports Training Base, the loud shouts made the young faces look determined. The wall behind them is the most precious aspect in the history of Chinese men’s volleyball league. Fifteen men’s volleyball league champion flags are hung on it.
In September this year, Shanghai golden times Men’s Volleyball Team completed the continuation of its legend-winning six consecutive championships and winning the 16th league title. And the championship journey has special significance. "The league lineup has been adjusted. Everyone is an all-China class competition. " Chen Yufeng, director of the volleyball sports center, introduced. For local players, especially young players, they have more stage to show the results of summer training and preparation. This kind of competition experience is of great benefit to their subsequent development, whether they join the national team or participate in the National Games.
When the main team went out to compete for the championship, Chen Haofeng was very satisfied with the results of more than two months of summer training by the reserve echelon. He said: "(Small players) have development potential both in technology and height. It is still reassuring. " 02
Women’s Volleyball Team-Looking for Opponents and Training by Competition
Compared with men’s volleyball, women’s volleyball girls’ training is more diverse. Volleyball is a collective event, and fast and changeable cooperation is a consistent feature of Shanghai. Training is not only a simple physical exercise, but also a skill transfer for the old players. "In volleyball, there is less confrontation, but experience is more important." Chen Yufeng introduced.
Practicing skills and improving physical fitness will eventually be transformed into actual play on the court. In order to accumulate practical experience, Shanghai women ruled out organizing adult teams to compete with youth teams, and invited teams from Zhejiang and Shandong to a friendly match.
In these internal training matches, the coach can fully understand the cooperation of the team and the state of the players, and try some technical and tactical changes. 03
Sand raft-feet buried in sand at 60 C.
Less than 8 o’clock in the morning, on the sand volleyball training ground, there are players in place. They are responsible for the "shower" work in the sand today. On a cool day, the players have two trainings every day: 8: 00 am-11: 00 am and 3: 00 pm-6: 00 pm.
Zhou Zhiguo, the leader of the beach volleyball team, said that sprinkling water on the ground can cool the sand on the one hand and reduce sand blowing on the other. Even so, in hot days, the heat storage makes the sand temperature soar to 60 C.
After running on the sand to warm up, the day’s training began. Serving, spiking, bouncing … According to different groups, everyone has their own training courses. In order to stabilize the center of gravity, the players’ feet repeatedly and deeply inserted into the sand. During training, coaches will arrange rest and hydration according to the weather and athletes’ conditions to prevent them from dehydration and heatstroke. After a short rest, they returned to the sand and began the next round of training.
No matter indoors or outdoors, no matter which team, even though the coach will privately say that it is not easy for athletes to train, no players on the training ground have ever complained that they are tired. While they are training, they don’t talk much. Only when they hit a good ball, make a loud cry and wave their fist-clenched right hand can their emotions be released. This is the spirit of volleyball in China.
Next time the corpuscle will take you.
Walk into the track and field sports center
Direct summer training for athletes

Linfen held a press conference, optimized the financial business environment, and eased the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Shanxi Evening News (Reporter Liu Jiang intern Zhang Xinwen) On January 9, the Information Office of Linfen Municipal People’s Government held a press conference on "Optimizing the financial business environment, helping market players to multiply and alleviating the financing difficulties and expensive problems of small and medium-sized enterprises". Tai Huijun, Party Secretary and Director of Linfen Financial Office, and Hao Xiaoqiang, Party Member and Deputy Director of Linfen Financial Office, attended the conference, introduced the overall situation of Linfen’s financial industry development and serving the real economy, and answered questions from reporters. The conference was presided over by Feng Li, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Linfen Municipal Committee and a first-class researcher.
Tai Huijun, Party Secretary and Director of Linfen Financial Office, comprehensively introduced the overall situation of Linfen’s financial industry development and service to the real economy. Focusing on the three major tasks of preventing and resolving major financial risks, deepening local financial reform and financial services to the real economy, this paper introduces the financial ecological environment, the reform of financing guarantee system, the entry of enterprises into multi-level capital markets, the normalization of the docking of government, banks and enterprises, and the establishment of the service platform for the first loan renewal.
Tai Huijun said that since 2023, Linfen City has guided financial institutions to conscientiously implement various monetary policies and fiscal and financial policies, continuously increased credit supply, and the real economy of financial services has become more accurate, and the liquidity of the city’s financial industry has remained reasonable and abundant. By the end of November, the balance of deposits and loans in the city had reached 698.095 billion yuan, with an average cumulative growth rate of 13.38%, ranking third in the province. The loan balance was 273.595 billion yuan, with an average cumulative growth rate of 15.46%, ranking third in the province.
Tai Huijun introduced that in recent years, Linfen City has continuously strengthened financial policy propaganda, established a 3+N+N docking mechanism between government, banks and enterprises, and granted credit of 12.885 billion yuan to the "three batches" projects in the development zone, and realized credit of 20.15 billion yuan to key provincial and municipal projects. In Xinchuang Industrial Park, Yaodu High-tech Zone, a service center platform for the first loan renewal was set up to provide "one-stop" financial services for small and medium-sized enterprises, with a total loan of 5.408 billion yuan for 10,981 market entities, and a credit of 510 million yuan and a loan of 390 million yuan for 14 enterprises including Shanxi Zhenghetian Technology, Yingxin Qisheng Electronic Technology, Hummingbird Technology and Century Xinlongteng Technology in Xinchuang Industrial Park. Promote enterprises to enter the multi-level capital market, and promote 344 enterprises to be listed in the Shanxi Equity Exchange Center, among which 130 enterprises are listed on the "Jinxingban", and 35 new listed enterprises are added this year. With the implementation of various fiscal and financial policies, the province set up the first batch of 266 million yuan credit guarantee funds, and promoted the credit loan of 798 million yuan, benefiting 1735 households of various market entities. Make full use of 330 million yuan of emergency liquidity guarantee funds for enterprise capital chain, and provide policy-based "lending and renewing loans" services for enterprises with loans due and financial difficulties. In 2023, 71 enterprises were loaned and renewed with 4.157 billion yuan.
At the press conference, the relevant person in charge of Linfen Financial Office gave detailed answers to the reporter’s questions about financing difficulties, expensive financing and how the financing guarantee system can better serve the small, micro, rural areas and farmers. According to reports, Linfen Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., as the only municipal government financing guarantee institution, closely focuses on the decision-making arrangements of Linfen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on optimizing the business environment, promoting the multiplication project of market players and promoting the development of private economy, and strives to solve the problem of "difficult guarantee and expensive guarantee" for small and medium-sized enterprises by lowering the threshold, reducing the rate and improving efficiency. Up to now, Linfen financing guarantee company has provided credit enhancement services for 12,600 small, micro and three rural entities, with a total guarantee amount of 5.291 billion yuan; A total of 62,100 people were employed and 984 million yuan in profits and taxes were paid. We will continue to reduce the guarantee rate, uniformly reduce the guarantee rate of various market players to below 1%, and reduce the average guarantee rate to 0.73% and 0.65% for two consecutive years in 2022 and 2023, and promote fee reduction and profit reduction of 14.4962 million yuan.

Why do Japanese eat KFC for Christmas? | A close look at Japan

"A Close Look at Japan" is a column set up by Chen Yaoshi, a writer living in Japan, in the interface news, telling about Japanese business and culture.
People in northern China eat jiaozi on the winter solstice, while Japanese eat KFC on Christmas. Trying to eat KFC on Christmas Eve is like trying to eat Haidilao at seven o’clock in the evening, because there are long queues at the gates of KFC, and no one has provided free tea, watermelon and manicure services.
However, even if you can’t get in line, there are ways. Many families will choose to go to the store or order a family bucket online to eat at home. After all, Christmas Eve should be spent with their families. Figures provided by the American fast food industry show that from December 20 to 25, 2018, KFC stores in Japan earned about 63 million US dollars, and Christmas Eve was a crazy night for KFC, with sales usually four or five times that of usual.
This phenomenon is a bit ridiculous. When I first spent Christmas in Japan, I was shocked by the long queue at the gate of KFC-KFC is called fast food for China people, and it is generally favored by couples of children and college students. Why did KFC become a Christmas dinner in Japan? Is it because the Japanese can’t afford to eat turkey and take KFC to deal with it?
In fact, it is not because the Japanese can’t afford to eat turkey, but because there is no turkey in Japan. In 1970, the first KFC in Japan opened, and the business was bleak. At that time, Japan’s economy had developed at a high speed, and KFC, which provided standardized and high-quality services, did not attract the attention of Japanese consumers.
But the Japanese like to celebrate Christmas. In the long time and space, this festival from the west has been widely accepted by the Japanese. In fact, the concept of Christmas spread to Japan during the Meiji Restoration. In 1892, Masaoka Shiki, a master of Japanese literature in Meiji period, wrote that "after Laba is a noisy Christmas". Just like what we said, "Don’t be greedy for children, it’s the year after Laba".
Although in the following years, whether Christmas should be celebrated has aroused widespread discussion in society, the theory of the opponents is very clear: Japan is not a Christian country, so why should it be celebrated? How should Japan’s own traditions be preserved?
However, Yanagita Kunio, the father of Japanese folklore, thinks that Christmas is just a traditional winter night activity in the East, covered with western pop elements … and the East has a tradition of celebrating the winter solstice night since ancient times. ….
It means that everyone is happy, so why be so serious? The Japanese people don’t care so much, and happiness is the most important thing. They soon enjoyed the fun of Christmas. Since around the 1910 s, Santa Claus, Christmas concerts and dances have come in droves, and major commercial organizations have tried their best to carry out various discounts and promotions. The whole December was immersed in a cheerful atmosphere.
Back to KFC. Before and after Christmas in 1974, KFC played a brainwashing slogan: "Of course, we must eat KFC at Christmas." I didn’t expect this strategy to be a great success.
It is said that this idea came to the manager of KFC in his dream at that time. After waking up, he quickly took a notebook and wrote it down. In addition to this slogan, he also suggested that KFC should launch Christmas package barrels during Christmas to attract consumers.
It is said that another reason is that several westerners living in Japan complained that they didn’t have a turkey dinner in Japan at Christmas, and the manager had a brainwave. So, buddy, come and have a KFC dinner. Anyway, it’s all chickens.
Since then, it has become a tradition to eat KFC in Japan for Christmas. In fact, there is commercial significance behind this. Although the Japanese have a long history of Christmas, they have not formed a unique culture, and what to eat at Christmas has always been a blank in the market. For example, it is a habit and custom to have a family reunion dinner and watch the Spring Festival Gala in China during the Spring Festival. But what to eat at Christmas, the Japanese have never had a fixed habit. Until KFC’s marketing strategy changed this situation.
Moreover, KFC in Japan later strengthened its Christmas significance. They said that KFC’s grandfather looked like Santa Claus … So more Japanese chose to see this KFC grandfather who looked like Santa Claus at Christmas.
Besides eating KFC, if you happen to be in Tokyo, it is definitely a big loss not to see the brightly lit city on Christmas Eve. Whether it is a commercial block or a small park, this day will be shrouded in gorgeous lights containing whimsy and creativity. The images of reindeer, Christmas tree and Santa Claus will be displayed in various forms, and the trees on the roadside will also be lit by various colors of lights.
A few years ago, on Christmas Eve, I walked alone in Marunouchi Street in Tokyo, and was deeply moved by the romance at night. It is said that more than 200 trees on this 1.2-kilometer-long road are lit with shining lights, and there are about 930,000 light bulbs here to illuminate my Little Paradise.
In fact, we don’t have to be too critical of the festivals that emerge from time to time today. The background of their existence may be the planning of businesses, such as shopping, eating and having fun. But what about this? The important thing is, if real life makes you feel bored, what’s wrong with having fun in a festive atmosphere?
(Note: This article only represents the author’s personal views. Editor’s mailbox: