The 24th Chengdu International Auto Show was grandly opened this Sunday.

On August 29th, 2021, the 24th Chengdu International Auto Show will be grandly opened in Rongcheng. The theme of this year’s auto show is "the tide is moving, Rongcheng is driving brilliantly". On the basis of last year, there is a new exhibition hall with a scale of 200,000 square meters. The next 10 days will be the highlight time for the world’s highest-selling A-class auto show to show its huge energy consumption.

Chengdu International Auto Show, which has been held for 23 consecutive years, has formed a tripartite confrontation with Guangzhou International Auto Show and Beijing and Shanghai International Auto Show held alternately every other year, and has become a battleground for major auto manufacturers to seize the western region, especially the Chengdu market. This year’s Chengdu International Auto Show attracted German, American and Japanese car companies as well as independent car companies such as Great Wall, Geely and BYD, and more than 130 well-known brands at home and abroad participated. At the same time, many new energy automobile brands, such as Weilai, Tucki, Lantu and Tianji, will also show the latest achievements to consumers here. More than 1,500 new cars were airborne in Xibo City, and 60 conferences were held, revealing dozens of world-first or domestic first-time models, bringing a car feast to Rongcheng consumers. BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar Land Rover, Volvo, Lectra, Changan Ford, Geely, BYD and other participating brands all brought the latest models here. The brand-new mercedes benz c class, brand-new Audi Q2L and BYD Ocean Series all met the public at the auto show for the first time.

In January last year, the Central Financial and Economic Committee proposed to promote the construction of the twin-city economic circle in Chengdu-Chongqing area. The twin-city economic circle in Chengdu-Chongqing region is an economic circle integrated by Chengdu metropolitan circle, Chongqing metropolitan circle and the axis belt affected by the new polarization and strong radiation of the "twin cities". Chengdu will usher in brand-new development opportunities, and the regional advantages of leading engines will be more obvious. Today, Chengdu has a permanent population of 20.938 million, making it the fourth national central city with a permanent population of over 20 million. Pushing the window to see snow and pushing the door to see green, "Park Chengdu" is also the most livable city in China, and cars have become an important carrier to push up the happiness index of citizens.

At the same time, Chengdu has a high economic activity and strong purchasing power, and the global mainstream automobile brands are selling well here. The huge market with a population of 20 million and unlimited car purchases is extremely rare in the world. Therefore, Chengdu International Auto Show has become the world’s highest-selling A-class auto show event and the weather vane of Chengdu-Chongqing area and even China auto market.

As an important pole of China automobile market, Chengdu automobile market has developed rapidly in recent years. According to the data released by the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the number of cars in Chengdu has exceeded 5 million, which is the second automobile city in China after Beijing. First-tier cities with earlier economic development, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, have already restricted the number of cars. Chengdu, the most dynamic city in China, is a hot spot of China automobile market and has become a new engine to promote the development of automobile industry in Chengdu and Chongqing.

At the 24th Chengdu International Auto Show in 2021, Chengdu Daily and Jinguan News New Media Cluster will create a series of special issues to interpret the happy life of 20 million citizens in Chengdu. At that time, a series of special reports on the auto show will be launched, and after the auto show, the "Hot Car List of Chengdu’s Good Life" will be released to cheer for those models that have gained a lot at the Chengdu Auto Show.

Colorful Chengdu auto show traffic exhibition strategy should have been known.

The venue of the 24th Chengdu International Auto Show-China West Expo City is a famous Expo hall and the permanent venue of China West International Expo. Xibocheng is located at the southern foot of Tianfu New District, with mature backbone road networks such as Tianfu Avenue, Zizhou Avenue and Metro Line 1. Due to the huge area of the exhibition hall, it is easy for first-time consumers to get lost and waste a lot of physical strength by walking to the exhibition hall from parking lots, subway stations and bus stops, as well as wandering between the exhibition halls. To this end, this newspaper has specially compiled a practical traffic guide for exhibition viewing.

Self – driving

Navigation "China West Expo City", there are more parking spaces in the southeast ground parking lot of Xibo City and the nearby temporary parking area. There are parking lots at the nearest exits of several main roads, and the number of parking spaces has increased significantly compared with previous years. At the same time, the traffic control department will reduce the traffic control distance. When the parking spaces in the exhibition hall tend to be saturated, the distance to the exhibition hall after parking in the periphery will be greatly shortened. Only licensed vehicles, buses, taxis and special vehicles are allowed on the roads near other directions of Xibo City. Please plan the route in advance when driving to the exhibition.


It is most convenient for the audience who arrive by taxi to get off near Gate 16 of Xibo City in the east section of Fuzhou Road.


In order to support the Chengdu International Auto Show, Chengdu Public Transport Group will make adjustments. The departure density of G90 and 236 buses will be increased, and 18-meter-long large-capacity buses will be used to meet the demand during peak hours. Bus lines passing through Xibo City will also increase the departure density. T1 and T6 buses go directly to the exhibition hall, where T1 bus gets off at Tianfu New District Customs Station and T6 bus gets off at West Expo City West Station.


Subway is the preferred means of transportation for most citizens. It is very convenient to take subway trains on Line 1, Line 6 and Line 18, get off at Xibocheng Station (exit D) and go out to the ticket entrance of the exhibition hall.

Off-site free shuttle bus

Running route: Gate 1 of Xibocheng-Guangzhou Road Station of Metro Line 1-South Square Parking Area-Southeast Square Parking Area-at the intersection of Guangzhou Road and Zizhou Avenue (one-way circulation).

Car ferry in the infield of the exhibition hall

Upon arrival at the venue, there is also a free infield car ferry for use. The running route is: Hall 1-Hall 5-Hall 16, with uninterrupted circulation. The boarding places are located outside Hall 1, Hall 3, Hall 5, Hall 11, Hall 14 and Hall 16, which is convenient for getting on and off. (Reporter Tang Ai)

TimeShop new product launch conference was held grandly! Brand ambassador "Zi Xia Fairy" Athena Chu made a stunning appearance.

"Give life to time, not time to life." On March 27th, 2024, the new product launch conference of TimeShop, a well-known health brand, was successfully held in J Hotel on the 105th floor of Shanghai Tower, the tallest building in China. At this new product launch conference, TimeShop, together with Athena Chu, the brand’s first image ambassador, industry opinion leaders and the general anti-aging crowd, witnessed the brilliant appearance of "Ziguang Treasure Box" double-cabin drink.

TimeShop, a health brand that has emerged in China and Hongkong since 2019, has always adhered to the concept of "gathering top scientific research experts and researching formulas suitable for Chinese physique". It adheres to the principles of "cutting edge", "high efficiency" and "safety" and is committed to providing one-stop anti-aging solutions and high-quality health products to consumers around the world. Today, TimeShop not only cooperates with retail giants such as Watsons, but also is widely distributed in drugstores, pharmacies, Facebook live broadcast platforms and e-commerce, and its product quality is deeply trusted by consumers.

At the press conference, Jimmy, representative of TimeShop, introduced the brand and its latest research results in detail. He said: "Although it was generally believed that high-quality health care products could only be purchased from abroad, in fact, not all imported products are fine. TimeShop firmly believes that in the highly competitive market, only with the best quality products can it stand out. We turn the latest scientific research results into products, so that consumers can enjoy the most advanced scientific research results, thus improving health and preventing diseases more effectively. "

Later, he further pointed out that, especially in the field of anti-aging, TimeShop’s products are dedicated to helping users to glow with health and vitality and remain youthful and beautiful. The new product-Double-compartment drink released this time, with its characteristics of double-compartment flash filling and internal repair and external supplement, not only supplements nutrients needed by the body or skin, but also repairs cells from the inside out, which fundamentally improves health.

It is worth mentioning that one of the highlights of this conference is the stunning appearance of Athena Chu, the brand’s first image ambassador. She took a double-cabin drink on stage and said, "It is very important for me to maintain a good skin and mental state, so I often choose TimeShop products to supplement my body’s needs. Double-compartment drink is my personal favorite beauty drink. It has a unique appearance, with a cell compartment above it, which contains highly active ingredients and can play a role in cells. The liquid below can supplement the nutrients needed by the skin. This design idea from inside to outside and from outside to inside is very unique. "

In addition, many experts and experts in the field of anti-aging also expressed their love for the "Ziguang Treasure Box" double-cabin drink. A well-known KOL praised: "TimeShop always adheres to science-based, user-oriented and continuous innovation and progress. I deeply trust its quality and professionalism. "

With the successful conclusion of the new product launch conference, the participants got a deep understanding of TimeShop’s anti-aging vision and the charm of "Ziguang Treasure boom" double-cabin drink. In the future, I hope TimeShop can continue to uphold its original intention, provide better products and services to consumers around the world, help more people improve their health, improve their quality of life, and enjoy the good times of youth and vitality. At the same time, we also expect TimeShop to become the pride of China and bring its brand to a broader market.

Yunnan fruit: a "rich fruit" from a gold producing area

  Yunnan enjoys 133 kinds of fruits, and 60% of the fruits in China settle here. It is recognized as a "fruit paradise" in the world fruit industry. The red land in Yunnan is nurturing children of all ethnic groups, and the clear water and green hills have endowed the fruits with pure nourishment, and the sky is clear and the air is clear.the peopleEnthusiasm and drive, in this magical land, writing a fruity fragrance.become richStory.

  Gold producing area, Yunnan fruity.

  Spring rains moisten the land, Xia Feng awakens the mountains, and the four seasons are blended here. Yunnan’s unique "three-dimensional climate" provides excellent growth conditions for all kinds of fruits, which makes the vast majority of fruits have a time lag with fruits from other producing areas, and fresh fruits can achieve "four-season production and annual supply".totalCan taste the most suitable fruit in the most beautiful season.

  Yunguo condenses wind, flowers, rain and fog, making it sweet and crisp. Yunguo has now formed a tripartite pattern of tropical, subtropical and temperate fruits, such as temperate fruits represented by apples and pears, subtropical fruits represented by oranges and grapes, and tropical fruits represented by mangoes and bananas.

  All kinds of fruits can be planted in Yunnan, and the best fruits can be planted. Small berries, represented by blueberries, have sprung up everywhere, reversing the situation that high-grade fruits are imported. Cloud-produced blueberries can not only fill the gap between December and April in China, but also fill the gap between April and May in the world, and the market price has been significantly higher than the price of imported blueberries.

  Yunnan summer strawberries account for about 80% of the national market share of summer strawberries; Yunnan is the dominant production area of citrus with very early and very late maturity in China, and it is also the production area with the largest mango yield and the longest time to market in China. Fresh grapes can be supplied all year round, and "Loutieyuan" sunshine rose has obtained the pricing right of domestic sunshine rose; There are also a large number of high-quality fruits such as top-grade sugar orange, Zhaotong apple and Shiping Yangmei, which have become the representatives of high-end fruits in China.

  Linking agriculture with agriculture brings new life together.

  China has entered the realization of the secondhundred yearsThe goal of the new journey, the focus of the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" has shifted to all-round advancement.rural revitalization, consolidatebe lifted out of povertyThe achievements of tackling difficulties andrural revitalizationEffective convergence is the most important thing in the current transition period. Yunguo needs help.rural revitalizationIt is inseparable from the guidance and promotion of policies and the innovation and development of agricultural enterprises.

  Binchuan County, mengzi city, Zhaoyang District, NewflatThe county was selected into the list of "one county and one industry" fruit industry demonstration counties in Yunnan Province in 2021, and the establishment of "one county and one industry" guided all localities to tap the existing biological resources and give full play to the region.natureThe advantages of characteristic industries will guide the shaping of cloud fruits with "precision, specialization and specialty" competitiveness, and create an industrial template with exemplary effect.

  In the specific production organization, Yunguo industry innovates and improves the mechanism of linking agriculture with agriculture, and sees the truth in the "most hope" of the lifted out of povertyIt has shown a good demonstration role in tackling the problem, uniting the masses to walk out of their own villages in the orchard.become richRoad. Binchuan Hongyuan agricultural and sideline products production and marketing professional cooperative adopts "construction"flatplatform+Share dividends "cooperative is a strong driving model. Shidian Dadongshan Chaenomeles Planting Professional Cooperative strives to build a" double-tied "interest linkage mechanism of" company+cooperative+base+farmer ".flatChu’s agriculture adopts the well-known brand-driven model of "land rent+base salary+incentive commission", which allows farmers to share more value-added benefits of the industry. Agricultural enterprises and cooperatives drive farmers to increase their income, so that farmers can find good jobs at home, and their orchards can also be merged into the big team of industrial construction.

  By the end of 2021, the number of leading enterprises in the fruit industry at the provincial level and above in the province had reached 127, 13 more than in 2020. Among them:country8 leading enterprises, 6 more than in 2020.countryThere are 47 demonstration cooperatives of farmers’ professional cooperatives and 124 demonstration cooperatives of farmers’ professional cooperatives at the provincial level.

  rural revitalization, Yunguo rich peasants

  Agricultural revitalization isrural revitalizationThe foundation of strategy,Lucid waters and lush mountainsOnly by giving Yunling’s potential and heritage as the foundation can we grasp the opportunity of industrial transformation through hard work. The starting point and foothold of the development of Yunguo industry is to make the majority of farmers live a better life.

  Consolidate Yunling with the construction of agricultural industry with plateau characteristics as the starting lifted out of povertyTo attack the achievements of rural development, the most practical effect of Yunguo development is to make farmers’ "money bags" swell up.

  Yunnan "Jiawo" brand blueberry is a brand owned by Qujing Jiawo Modern Agriculture Co., Ltd. Jiawo Blueberry won the "Most Influential Brand of the Year" of International Blueberry Organization (IBO) and won many honors such as "Top Ten Famous Fruits" in Yunnan Province for three consecutive years, and successfully declared "Top Ten Famous Fruits" in Yunnan Province and "Top Ten Famous Fruits" in Yunnan Province. Qujing Jiawo has transferred more than 2,000 mu of land in Qilin District and Malong District, involving 722 surrounding villagers, achieving an annual income increase of 2.98 million yuan; Through infrastructure construction and blueberry planting and picking,flatEvery year, the number of odd jobs is about 55 thousand person-days, and the income of villagers is about 4.6 million yuan.

  Yunguo is not only a "taste fruit", but also "become richFruit ",really drive farmers to increase their income.become richRun towards a well-off society. In 2021, the number of farmers directly engaged in the fruit industry in the province reached 3.5 million, and the per capita income of the province reached 14,400 yuan, an increase of 1,100 yuan or 8.3% over the previous year’s 13,300 yuan. The per capita income of fruit farmers in Binchuan County increased from 17,300 yuan in 2018 to 30,800 yuan, an increase of 78.0%, and the average household income increased from 62,300 yuan in 2018 to 100,400 yuan, an increase of 61.2%.

  Mature fruit hangs on the branches, and sweet joy is harvested in the hearts of farmers. Yunnan fruit is a "golden fruit"become richFruit "brings people a taste of taste buds, which is more open."become richA bright future for the countryside.

This article comes from: Nanzao. com


The quality is spit out, the design is involved, and it is trapped in marketing … How do domestic beauty products "get through"?

Image source @ vision china

Text | The forefront of entrepreneurship, author | Li Xiaofan, editor | Feng Yu

The beauty circle has changed.

A few years ago, China brand was hard to find in the world’s high-end makeup market, and most of China’s beauty market was occupied by brands such as the United States, Japan and South Korea. However, with the emergence and growth of domestic beauty players, this phenomenon has been reversed.

From large advertisements in elevators to celebrity endorsements and bloggers bringing goods, domestic beauty seems to have been riding the dust. More importantly, beauty has become a benchmark industry in the trend of new domestic products.

However, behind the heat wave, some industrial problems have gradually been exposed. On platforms such as Xiaohongshu and bilibili, many bloggers have given a "lightning protection guide" in the evaluation of domestic beauty products; There are even bloggers who point out that some domestic brands have plagiarism and imitation in design.

At the time when domestic beauty cosmetics were in full swing, a pot of cold water was pouring down.

About five years ago, when Guo Xianger just became a beauty blogger, he found that few beauty bloggers used domestic beauty products.

Now, only a few years have passed, and she has seen that most beauty bloggers have several domestic products. In her own videos, domestic brands appear in almost every issue.

Especially with the rise of a "new domestic product" trend in China, beauty cosmetics, as a representative industry, has been in the limelight for a while.Among the rising brands, the most dazzling ones are Perfect Diary and Huaxizi.

In 2017, the perfect diary was born. It took only two years, and the sales of its parent company reached 3.5 billion yuan. In the same year that Perfect Diary was established, Hua Xizi was born. In the same two years, its annual sales of Tmall also reached nearly 2 billion yuan.

In this year’s Tmall 618 makeup brand TOP10, Hua Xizi and Perfect Diary were ranked first and third respectively.

New domestic brands are emerging one after another. For example, in March 2020, a domestic skin care brand named PMPM was launched. According to public data, the GMV of the brand was 150,000 yuan in the month when it was launched, and after six months, the GMV increased by 100 times.

The amazing rise speed of domestic beauty cosmetics can’t help but make people stunned. "It is rare to see any international beauty brand that can achieve such a volume in a few years." Diu Diu, founder of Xinran Advertising and beauty blogger, told "the forefront of entrepreneurship".

Cutting-edge beauty cosmetics became popular overnight and quickly opened the market, which became the target that many domestic brands looked forward to. However, this speed of development has also led to the market gradually becoming impetuous.

On platforms such as Little Red Book and Tik Tok, some beauty bloggers pointed out that some products were not easy to use in makeup evaluation.

"To be honest, there is no makeup to satisfy me in the domestic products now." Senior beauty blogger "Luo Wangyu" is outspoken in the video.

The performance of some make-up products is not satisfactory. In Hua Xizi’s product evaluation, Luo Wangyu once fired at Hua Xizi’s "Loose Smoke Eyeliner" and "Loose Smoke Butterfly Feather Mascara (Slim Edition)". "The eyeliner is like a primary school student’s mark, and the eyelashes are caked and not long." He said in the video.

In addition to the product quality being spit out, there is still a more serious problem in the domestic beauty industry-brands may imitate or even copy each other.

Diu Diu revealed that some domestic brands of cosmetics or skin care products will find some mature foreign brands for 1:1 re-engraving. "At most, they change their LOGO and set up their own concepts."

On bilibili, the UP owner "Open-shelf King Boy" once released a video, taking stock of "copying" domestic brands of other beauty brands.

She mentioned in the video, for example, the outer packaging of a lipstick of NOVO is similar to YSL except for the LOGO, but the color number is quite different.

Figure/"Open King Boy" video screenshot

Some domestic beauty players not only copy foreign brands, but also have serious involution between domestic brands.

"susisu (domestic make-up brand) has launched a quicksand eye shadow tray, which is beautifully packaged and priced at 148 yuan in Taobao flagship store. A few days after the launch of this product, a number of products with almost the same appearance appeared on the market. " Diu diu means.

According to the rough statistics of "the forefront of entrepreneurship", in addition to susisu, there are at least six similar eye shadows on Taobao, and one of them is a Thai brand. Among these seven products, the cheapest one only costs 11.5 yuan. In addition, there are two products, but the eye shadow tray is changed from square to round, and the design has not changed much.

Figure/Taobao screenshot

Imitation, plagiarism, involution … It seems that the domestic beauty products that are running for their lives also need a pot of cold water to cool down.

Not only is the product extremely involuted, but the strong marketing attributes of the beauty industry also make traffic the lifeline of the product.

"If you have been exposed to cosmetics for a long time, you will see many helpless phenomena. It is the grandfather who has money to promote, standing at the top of the food chain, and all those who have no money to promote are buried under the iceberg." Little Red Book beauty blogger "Ollie Oris" said in his video.

At the moment when new brands are emerging one after another, in order to get out of the circle, brand owners have to spend some time on marketing. And some domestic beauty brands are well known to the public, and they really rely on high-frequency marketing.

"The frequency of domestic beauty advertisements is very high. There are several brands that have fixed cooperation with me. When new products are launched, they will be promoted. When they are frequent, there will be two or three advertisements a month." Guo Xianger said.

In marketing tactics, domestic beauty brands also show differences from international brands.

"International brands are well known to consumers. The main purpose of their marketing is to promote brand influence, so they will cooperate with celebrities, heads and other heavyweights to promote them." Diu diu said.

Domestic beauty brands are better at using "human sea tactics". "For example, some brands will even cooperate with more than 1,000 bloggers in a single month to promote their star products." Diu Diu introduced. "Many domestic brands don’t have too many requirements on the magnitude of KOL in the early stage of promotion. One is to save costs, and the other is that their popularity is not big enough, and they may not be able to cooperate with head bloggers and stars in the growth period."

The parent company of Perfect Diary, Yixian E-commerce, once stated in the prospectus that the company has cooperated with nearly 15,000 KOL with different popularity, including Li Jiaqi and Viya, among which more than 800 have more than 1 million followers.

However, domestic beauty cosmetics are gradually approaching international brands, and one obvious performance is to find celebrity endorsements.

In October 2020, Zhou Xun officially announced that it would become the global spokesperson of the perfect diary brand; In May of this year, Dilraba officially announced that it would become the global spokesperson of colorkey Ke Laqi brand …

There are also differences between domestic brands and international brands in the evaluation criteria of marketing effect. Different from international brands, which emphasize the subtle influence of marketing on consumers, domestic brands pay more attention to the immediate conversion rate, that is, the effect of bringing goods.

The most intuitive performance is that many bloggers have added shopping links or soft implants in their videos. When choosing KOL, the brand will also measure the data of its historical goods, and cooperate with bloggers with higher selective prices.

"Users have the habit of buying international brands and may consume them at any time, but for domestic products, if consumers don’t buy them today, they may not take the initiative to buy them in the future." Diu diu said.

In addition, the pricing of domestic brands is low, and the cost of trial and error for consumers is low, which also provides the possibility for brands to assess the instant conversion rate.

Overwhelming marketing seems to be the key password for the new brand to break the circle.Naturally, they also invest a lot in marketing. "As far as I know, there are no fewer than five domestic beauty brands with a marketing budget of over 100 million this year." Diu diu said.

Too frequent marketing may attract users’ disgust. "When bloggers on all platforms are pushing the same product, consumers will inevitably have rebellious psychology."

If the marketing investment is too much, the expenses for product research and development will naturally decrease. This has also led to some domestic beauty brands being called "marketing with heart and making products with feet" by the outside world.

Beauty brands are crazy about marketing, but do they make money?

It doesn’t seem to be.

Diu Diu said that the marketing expenses of most products often account for 50%-60%, including anchor commission, pure grass type marketing, etc., plus operation and maintenance, manpower, warehousing and other costs, so that the brand hardly makes any money.

But in order to gain a foothold in the market, marketing is both helpless and inevitable for the brand.

"I sometimes feel that some brands pay too much attention to marketing, but this is something that can’t be helped. As a person in the beauty industry, I know about new products through marketing, not to mention consumers. " Guo Xianger said.

"There are some very old cosmetics brands with good research and development capabilities and product quality, but the products are not hot." Diu Diu also noticed the influence of marketing on products.

There may be two reasons behind this, one is that the brand’s marketing ideas can’t keep up, and the second may be that there is no money to do marketing.

"Some brand new products are put on the shelves, and 500 to 1,000 talents are found for promotion at one time, while some traditional domestic brands hope for’ tap water’. However, the volume and volume of’ tap water’ obviously cannot compete with the pyramid promotion of new brands. There are still some old players who know to do marketing, but their ideas and styles are not fast enough, so they have been eliminated by the market in the wave of Internet e-commerce. " Diu diu said.

This makes it difficult for domestic brands to reach consumers without marketing. Insufficient marketing can’t stimulate the splash, and too much marketing will lead to consumer disgust. This is a difficult battle to control.

Another problem in front of domestic beauty cosmetics comes from consumers’ stereotyped cognition.

In the minds of many consumers, domestic brands are equated with "cheap prices", and few consumers are willing to look at the design and product development behind the products. This also leads to the brand’s lack of motivation to increase R&D costs in the short term.

Fortunately, in the domestic beauty industry full of thorns, there are also some products with both reputation and quality.

Guo Xianger once bought an eyebrow pencil with "khaki color" and one from 9.9 yuan. "The color and durability are good, and it will not agglomerate. The eyebrows drawn are well-rooted." She said.

She once compared the eyebrow pencil of "khaki color" with the eyebrow pencil of "Bei Lingfei", an American make-up brand, which cost more than 160 yuan. "I can’t see any difference by using these two eyebrows to brush the eyebrows on the left and right sides, and I even think the’ khaki color’ looks better."

Although some products have been vomited, domestic beauty may still be worthy of consumers’ patience."Even if it is an international brand, no product is perfect. For example, a lip glaze, if it is bright, it must be sticky; If it is matte, then I will accept it to a certain extent. " Guo Xiang said.

Surprisingly, the growth space of domestic beauty cosmetics is not limited to the domestic market, and brands such as Huaxizi, Perfect Diary, Zhiyouquan and Tangduo are all seeking to go to sea.

"In 2020, we began to make efforts to go to sea. By the end of May 2021, Perfect Diary had become the top cosmetics seller in Vietnam on the Shopee platform, the top cosmetics seller in Singapore and Malaysia, and the Top 1 in loose powder sales in the Philippine market." The person in charge of the perfect diary said.

Most domestic beauty brands set their first stop at sea in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asian countries, and these products with the imprint of China are also very popular overseas.

"The concentric lock lipstick with China elements sold out quickly on the first day of its launch, and once entered the top three of the Japanese Amazon lipstick sales list." The relevant person in charge of Hua Xizi said.

There are also Japanese netizens who marvel at the West Lake Imprint Gift Box of Hua Xizi, inheriting the craft design of oriental aesthetics, and its related Twitter content was once on the Japanese Twitter hot search. "According to feedback from many users, our Miao Impression Gift Box has also triggered reverse purchasing by Japanese users, and the price has even been fired from 900 yuan to 2,000 yuan." The person in charge added.

Figure/Hua Xizi official (Hua Xizi concentric lock lipstick)

There is no denying that domestic beauty cosmetics are indeed immature, but users should also treat their achievements in a short time dialectically. There is no perfect person, and there is no perfect brand.

In the domestic beauty industry, giants and upstarts have emerged. But if you want to further expand your territory, players need to put out more chips.