The interior, performance and comprehensive endurance have been improved, and the 2021 BYD Tang.

When Tanggang came out, it refreshed everyone’s understanding of medium-sized SUVs. No one believed that an SUV would mainly promote how fast it accelerated. After all, people who drive SUVs have stopped pursuing speed madness. However, it reversed thinking and built an SUV that could accelerate 100 kilometers into 4 seconds. You know, few SUVs could run into this achievement at that time, and even if they did, the price was many times more expensive than it. Today, what we want to talk about is the 2021 Tang, and let’s experience the new style with more ingenious design and reverse thinking development.

First of all, its appearance still follows the design language of "DragonFace", with a "faucet" front face and a suspended C-pillar, plus a double-layer penetrating taillight, which is almost the same as that of the previous generation, except that the materials used will be improved. For example, the horizontal bar on the middle net of the front face used to be polished metal, but now it has a matte matte texture, which enhances the sense of grade. The latest fonts are used in the footer, which makes it more concise and regular.

The new interior is developed by the global interior design director, and it is also extended by the design language of "DragonFace". Through the detailed design and material collocation, it reflects a luxurious texture. The new Tang’s audio system is actually equipped with the Nordic Rirac brand audio system, which is a unique practice. The front seat adopts a more complicated digital punching and pressing process, while the rear seat is straight, but the softness is still very good.

The 2021 model continues the powertrain of the 2.0T turbocharged engine+motor group. Based on the latest DM-p technology, the official said that the motor output and program were optimized, so that the acceleration time of the 100-kilometer version of the model was increased from the previous 4.5 seconds to 4.3 seconds. At the same time, the 2021 model has a comprehensive endurance of more than 800 kilometers. Moreover, the 2021 model is equipped with the newly developed "blade battery" technology, and the battery life of the blade battery is increased to 565 kilometers, 45 kilometers more than the old model, and the acceleration time of 100 kilometers is also increased to 4.4 seconds. I think it is no longer a dream for Tang to achieve an SUV for more than three seconds after two years of evolution.

To sum up, Tang has always been a leader in the SUV market share. As a model, there are many R&D on Tang. Now the trend of new energy is keeping pace with the times. I believe that in the near future, we can make greater progress in new energy.

Special statement: The above contents (including pictures or videos, if any) are uploaded and published by users of the media platform "Netease", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Easy car number provided by the author

Authoritative release! High-level art troupe enrollment brochure

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

Beijing Jiaotong University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, jointly established by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transport, the Beijing Municipal People’s Government and China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., and is a national "211 Project", "985 Project Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform" and "Double First Class" construction university. As one of the three sources of Jiaotong University, its historical origin can be traced back to 1896. Its predecessor was the Institute of Railway Management, which was founded by the Qing government. It was the first institution of higher learning in China to train management talents, and it was the birthplace of modern railway management and telecommunications education in China.

Beijing Jiaotong University is one of the first universities approved by the Ministry of Education to be qualified to recruit art specialty students. Founded in 1991, the Student Art Troupe consists of seven sub-troupes: symphony orchestra, wind orchestra, folk orchestra, choir, drama troupe, dance troupe and chamber choir, with more than 700 members including undergraduates, graduate students and international students. The Student Art Troupe has hired a group of artists with high reputation at home and abroad as instructors, participated in international and domestic cultural exchanges for many times, participated in competitions and performances on behalf of the school and Beijing, and became a nationally renowned student art troupe. The large-scale vocal suite "Long March Suite" rehearsed by the Student Art Troupe was performed in the Great Hall of the People. Mao Yisheng, a large-scale original drama rehearsed, was selected as the "Backbone of the Republic-Publicity Project of Famous Schools of Science Masters" sponsored by China Association for Science and Technology. After being performed in Wuhan, Xi ‘an, Hangzhou and Zhengzhou, the social response was strong. The Student Art Troupe has been to the United States, Brazil, Denmark and other countries for cultural and artistic exchange activities, and has been assigned to perform in Russia, Greece, South Korea and other countries. He has won many first prizes in orchestral music, wind music, folk music, chorus, dance and drama in previous Beijing college students’ art exhibitions; In previous national college students’ art exhibitions, the symphony orchestra won the first prize. In 2022, Beijing Jiaotong University Student Art Troupe won the title of Beijing Youth Civilization.

In order to further improve the level of school art education, strengthen the construction of student art groups and enrich campus culture, in 2023, the school will continue to recruit high-level art groups according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education.

First, the enrollment object and scope

(1) Registration conditions

1. High school graduates who meet the requirements for the national unified examination for college enrollment in 2023.

2. Excellent in character and learning, with a high level of artistic expertise and meeting the enrollment requirements of high-level art groups in 2023.

3. If the candidate’s province organizes a unified professional test for the reported project, the candidate must participate and obtain the qualification.

(B) the scope of students

Science and engineering students are enrolled nationwide; Literature and history students are enrolled in Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Xinjiang (arts and sciences are limited to Chinese language); Comprehensive reform provinces (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Chongqing) enrollment regardless of arts and sciences.

Second, the enrollment plan and preferential policies for admission

(A) enrollment plan

In 2023, the enrollment plan for high-level art troupes is 5, and the number of people to be signed is 10. The number of people to be signed for each project is determined based on the needs of art troupes’ construction. Finally, the actual number of people to be signed for each project will be determined according to the test results, based on the principle of "selecting the best, rather than lacking". The details are as follows:

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

(2) Preferential policies

1. Non-college entrance examination reform provincial college entrance examination scores (excluding policy bonus points, the same below) reach 20 points below the final simulated investment line of the first batch of general unified recruitment plan (excluding Chinese-foreign cooperative education majors, the same below) in the provinces where candidates come from, and are not lower than the first batch of undergraduate admission control scores (the control line requirements for the provinces that merge undergraduate batches are not lower than the relevant minimum admission control reference scores of high-level art groups designated by the provincial admissions examination department). The final simulated filing line is the corresponding reference line determined by the local provincial admissions examination department at the time of admission.

2. For the provinces and regions that implement the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, it is required that the scores of the college entrance examination reach X or above on the relevant minimum admission control reference score line determined by the local provincial admissions examination department. The specific X values are as follows:

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

Third, registration and review

(1) Registration requirements

I have received systematic professional training, have certain sight-reading ability, and can solo works with certain difficulty (Grade 8 and above).

(2) Registration method

Online registration is adopted in this registration, and on-site registration is not accepted. Each candidate can only apply for one project, confirm his/her wishes and upload a scanned application form with the same version number as the application form of the registration system (which needs to be stamped with the official seal of the college entrance examination registration middle school or unit), and then the registration is deemed successful. The procedure is as follows:

1. Online registration: Candidates should log in to the registration system before 14:00 on February 21, 2023 for online registration, and truthfully fill in and submit relevant materials according to various registration requirements.

Website of registration system:

2. The application materials that need to be submitted online (scanned version) include:

(1) The Application Form of Beijing Jiaotong University High-level Art Troupe in 2023 downloaded and printed by the registration system (the version number of the application form must be consistent with the registration system, and the official seal of the middle school or unit enrolled in the college entrance examination should be affixed).

(2) Second-generation ID card (front and back)

(3) Proof materials: such as the experience of participating in the art troupe, the award-winning certificate of participating in the literary competition in middle school, the amateur grading certificate consistent with the specialty project, and other materials that reflect the artistic level (please upload the materials in the "Comprehensive Information" column of the registration system).

Note: The application materials submitted should be clear, true and complete.

(3) Preliminary examination

The school will conduct a preliminary examination of the materials submitted by the candidates who have completed the registration according to the registration requirements. Those who fail to provide the materials as required and those who do not meet the registration requirements will not pass the preliminary examination. Only candidates who have passed the preliminary examination can take the online test for art majors organized by the school. The preliminary examination results of all candidates who have completed the registration will be announced in the registration system around February 28, 2023.

Fourth, online testing arrangements for art majors

The enrollment of high-level art troupes in the school does not organize written and professional tests, and students who pass the preliminary examination of high-level art troupes in the school will be assessed by online art professional tests.

Candidates who have passed the preliminary examination of the school’s high-level art troupe should log in to "Online Examination System" ( from 10:00 on March 4 to 14:00 on March 13, 2023, and record and submit the performance videos of the reported projects online as required. If the candidate fails to submit the final assessment video through Xuexin. com within the specified time, it will be deemed as a waiver of the qualification of the school’s high-level art troupe. See the attachment for the requirements of the final uploaded assessment video. The uploaded video should be clear, authentic and complete. Works that do not meet the test requirements will not be reviewed.

V. Identification, Signing and Publicity

(1) Identification

In line with the principle of "admission on the basis of merit, quality rather than quantity", and in combination with the needs of the development and construction of the student art troupe, the school will organize experts to review the performance videos of individual works submitted by candidates who meet the registration requirements. Sub-projects are identified according to the evaluation results from high to low, and the evaluation results of candidates must be no less than 400 points (out of 500 points). In case of the same evaluation results, they will be sorted according to the importance order of the scoring items, and the one with the highest score will be given priority.

If the number of people who meet the accreditation requirements for a certain project is insufficient, other projects in the same category will be selected for replenishment according to the shortage of the project (wind music and string music will be merged into orchestral music for replenishment), and if they still cannot meet the requirements, other projects will be selected for replenishment in sequence; In principle, each project will be supplemented by one person at most.

(2) Signing a contract

The school will determine the signing list according to the above methods, and sign the Accreditation Agreement of High-level Art Troupe of Beijing Jiaotong University (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) with the candidates after being studied by the High-level Art Troupe Admissions Working Group and reported to the School Admissions Leading Group for deliberation and approval. Candidates who fail to sign the contract within the specified time will be regarded as automatically giving up the qualification of signing the school art troupe.

(3) publicity

The signing list of each project will be publicized on the school enrollment information network and the "Sunshine College Entrance Examination" information platform and reviewed and confirmed by the Admissions Office of Shengyuan Province. If there is no objection to the publicity and approved by the Provincial Admissions Office, the Agreement will come into effect.

Vi. Voluntary reporting and admission

Candidates who have obtained the qualification of the school’s high-level art troupe participate in the national unified examination for enrollment of ordinary colleges and universities in 2023, and fill in the school volunteers according to the requirements of the Agreement. Candidates should apply for the general unified enrollment major (category) announced by the school in the provinces where the candidates come from, and it is invalid to apply for the Chinese-foreign cooperative education major. The college entrance examination reform requires provincial candidates to confirm that their selected subjects meet the requirements of filling in their professional volunteers. The school will, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the enrollment regulations and the Agreement, report to the provincial admissions office of the source of students for approval.

Seven, other matters needing attention


After the students enrolled in the high-level art troupe enter the school, the school will review the admission qualifications, and if there is fraud, the admission qualifications will be cancelled. Students who pass the re-examination are members of the Art Troupe. Members of the Art Troupe shall abide by the provisions of the Student Art Troupe and unconditionally participate in the training, rehearsals, performances and competitions of the Art Troupe in accordance with the Agreement signed with the school. If there is any violation, it will be handled according to the relevant documents or agreements.


There is no charge for this test.

Viii. Important agenda

(1) Deadline for online registration

14:00 on February 21, 2023

(2) Inquiry time of preliminary examination results

Around February 28, 2023

(3) Time for submitting the test video for art majors

10: 00 on March 4, 2023-14:00 on March 13, 2023

(four) the estimated query time of the identification result.

April 2023

Nine, enrollment consultation

(1) Consultation telephone number

Art Troupe: 010-51684297 (consultation on registration conditions, video recording requirements, art troupe training, etc.)

Admissions Office: 010-51688441 (Admissions Policy Consultation)

(2) Consultation time (except holidays)

December 15-30, 2022; February 16th, 2023-February 21st, 2023; March 6-13, 2023, 9:00-11:00 and 15:00-17:00.

(3) Enrollment Information Network

(D) Admissions Office micro-signal


X. Supervision Mechanism


The school will strictly abide by the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and follow the principles of fairness, justice and openness. After the selection methods, standards, procedures and results have been reviewed and approved by the school’s leading group for enrollment, they will be publicized to the public and accepted by the society. The Office of Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the School will supervise, and the e-mail address of candidates’ complaints or reports is


Candidates themselves should apply and take the test in strict accordance with the procedures in good faith. Those who are found to have fraud will be disqualified from recognition or admission, and the candidates’ places of origin will be notified to the provincial admissions office. If the relevant staff members violate the rules in the selection and admission, they shall be implemented in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations in National Education Examinations (Order No.33 of the Ministry of Education) and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations in Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Order No.36 of the Ministry of Education).

XI. Supplementary Provisions


The school does not entrust any intermediary institution or individual to carry out relevant training, enrollment and other related activities, and it is strictly forbidden to collect fees linked to the enrollment of high-level art troupes, and seriously investigate and deal with acts of obtaining admission qualifications by cheating, bribery and other improper means.


The final interpretation right of this brochure belongs to the Admissions Office of Beijing Jiaotong University. Matters not covered in the brochure will be supplemented in the enrollment charter of Beijing Jiaotong University revised that year. If there is any discrepancy between this chapter and the document of the Ministry of Education, the document of the Ministry of Education shall prevail.

Beijing Jiaotong University Admissions Office

Communist Youth League Committee of Beijing Jiaotong University

December 2022

Reading at night | Do not forget your initiative mind moves forward.

I wonder if you have ever wondered why we study and why we work hard. I don’t know if you still remember the earnest teachings of the principal and teachers when you first entered school. But you must have understood that although there is no shortcut in life, reading is a smooth road to the future, and it is also a door of hope slowly pushed open in Mo Yun’s book. School is about to start, whether you have the opportunity to step into the school again or not, tonight, let’s relive the baptism brought by the campus.

Create a better future in tranquility (excerpt)

Qiu Yong, President of Tsinghua University

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of Class of 2016 Undergraduates in Tsinghua University

Dear students:

Starting today, you will become the new owners here and start a new life journey in beautiful tsinghua campus. Here, you will be immersed in the profound cultural accumulation, and experience the school motto of self-improvement, kindness and morality, the school spirit of actions speak louder than words, and the school style of integrating Chinese and Western cultures and linking ancient and modern times.

Here, you will have the opportunity to listen to the teachings of academic masters, have the opportunity to exchange and study around the world, and choose your own learning content and growth path in a more flexible training system. I believe that you will have the best university life in Tsinghua.

Pursue the truth and think in silence

Autumn is the most beautiful season in Beijing, and you can find the poetic meaning of "the stream is clear at first, and the autumn color is just Tsinghua" in the garden. The beautiful and quiet environment can really cleanse people’s hearts, make people look forward to it and make people think. This year, the students received the admission notice and the book I gave you — Walden Lake.

This immortal masterpiece tells the story of Thoreau’s simple life by Walden Lake from July 1845 to September 1847, and the scenery of Walden Lake changing with the seasons. At that time, money worship and hedonism were rampant in the United States, and people took the pursuit of material wealth as their only goal. Thoreau strongly criticized and reflected on this. He did not yield to vulgar reality, pursued the truth of life, and finally gained extraordinary noble thoughts. Today, we also need to get rid of material slavery and feel the great power of tranquility in the process of quiet thinking, silent watching and persistent pursuit.

University is a place that needs peace.

With the development of the times, the functions of universities are increasing, and the society is becoming more and more noisy and impetuous. At present, universities should especially emphasize the temptation to stay away from secular interests, get rid of the barriers of quick success and instant benefit, and truly become the spiritual home of mankind.

"Everything comes from its origin", universities must keep in mind and stick to the fundamental task of educating people and concentrate their energy and resources on talent training. The university needs a quiet and beautiful campus, and the style of the campus reflects the taste and realm of the university. In my mind, the beautiful scene of tsinghua campus should also include: the professor is walking on the way to the classroom between flowers and fallen leaves, the students are reading on the bench in the sound of rattan shadow, and the principal in Mo Yun Shuxiang talks with teachers and students. I believe that a peaceful Tsinghua will surely give birth to a better future.

Questioning one’s true nature in silence

Students, you have stepped into the door of Tsinghua, and the colorful university life has started. I think the first thing you should do now is to calm yourself down, forget your previous achievements and applause, forget your temporary satisfaction and complacency, emancipate your hearts, release your true selves, and find new dreams in peace.

Young people should strive to enrich the spirit rather than worship the material, should face their hearts instead of drifting with the tide, and should think independently instead of following the crowd. If a person lacks inner guidance, it is easy to lose himself in the noise, exhaust his potential and creativity, and at most he can only get mediocre Excellence and poor success.

You need to ask again and again, what do you like and love most? What is the most meaningful and valuable? Love from the heart is an inexhaustible motive force for your progress. Only by following the call of your heart can you create a life without regrets.

Stick to your original heart in peace.

Life is a long process. On the road of pursuing your dreams, you will face many choices. Only by sticking to your initial heart can you resist the temptation and not forget why you set out.

Learn and sharpen in silence

Zhuge Liang said in the Book of Commandments: "A husband must learn quietly before he can learn. If he does not learn, he will not be able to learn widely, and if he does not have ambition, he will not succeed.". Learning needs not only a quiet environment, but also a quiet heart. Only when you have no distractions and concentrate on your studies can you gain true knowledge and increase your talents; Only with perseverance and perseverance can we surpass ourselves and sublimate our lives.

Mr. Wang Guowei, one of the four tutors of Tsinghua National Studies Institute, wrote "Courtesy arouses Tsinghua" in the poem "A Moon is Full", where "Qing" means purity and serenity, and "Hua" means exuberance and hope. I believe that tsinghua campus will be more wonderful because of you, and your youth footprint will be remembered by tsinghua campus!

/Text from Tsinghua News Network

Opening speech

They said.

Lin Jianhua, president of Peking University.

Know yourself

University, a process of preparing for the future, is a journey of sculpting yourself, and also a place for you to "discover yourself, know yourself and choose what kind of person you will be in the future".

Follow your curiosity and kindness, enrich yourself with inheritance, criticism and innovation, challenge the limits of yourself, abandon pride and mania, discover your interests and talents, and understand your shortcomings.

Xu Ningsheng, President of Fudan University

"Fudan Soul"

The significance of the university now lies not in how high your grade points are or how many skills you have acquired, but in forming your independent personality and scientific way of thinking, and guiding you to work hard on the road you love. We should have extensive knowledge, ideals, ambitions, firm aspirations and constant pursuit, constantly explore the truth, dare to face social reality, think independently and bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility of promoting the cause of human national justice.

Jason, President of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Be independent and achieve a better self.

University life itself is a transformation process from deterministic thinking to critical thinking, and from following the crowd to inner awakening.

One of independence — — Self-confidence, the most important thing is to believe in yourself, to pursue your dreams without hesitation or flinching, and to build your own self-confidence;

The second independence — — Self-motivation, keep the inertia of pursuing Excellence, which stems from your deep love and purity;

The third independence — — The premise of introspection is "knowing what is more important to yourself". Find "what is more important than grades" in the learning process, "what is more important than papers" in the research process, and "what is more important than career" in the life planning.

Chen Jun, President of Nanjing University

Abandon "urgency", "fragmentation" and "narrowness" and revisit the classics.

In reading, we should think actively. There are two levels of "thinking". One is reflection, reflection on classics, reflection on oneself, "It is better to believe in books than to have no books", and to distinguish the truth with a critical eye; The second is thinking. By thinking, I will digest what I have read and truly become my own thing.

"Travel" also has two aspects. One is to gain study by studying abroad. The so-called reading thousands of books travels to Wan Li Road; The second is to put what you have learned into practice on the basis of thinking.

Li Yanrong, President of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

What is a good university?

Listen — — In the process of listening and interacting, I am good at acquiring the wisdom of others;

Say — — In the process of accurately expressing thoughts and feelings, organizing language to infect others requires confidence, passion and literary talent;

Read — — A large number of readers should learn from their predecessors’ strengths and broaden their horizons, and deal with the relationship between intensive reading and extensive reading;

Write — — In the playback of recording and memory, a person who often writes by himself often has quite high logical thinking ability by sorting out the memory of the brain and combing out new ideas from a thousand things.

Wan Lijun, President of University of Science and Technology of China

△ Figure from the school

Return to common sense and live up to the good times in college.

Returning to the common sense of "being a virtuous person", morality, self-cultivation, honesty, filial piety and responsibility are the basic requirements for dealing with people, and they are the basis for governing the country and the world.

Return to the common sense of "reading and scientific research", don’t be too utilitarian in college life, don’t seek personal gain, and care about the world;

Return to the common sense of "self-care and self-reliance", bid farewell to previous dependence, and learn to take care of themselves, stand on their own feet and take responsibility;

Return to the common sense of "independent thinking" and cultivate "independent personality and free spirit". How to eliminate the false from the mass information and distinguish right from wrong from public opinion is one of the basic skills to be practiced in college.

Why should we go to college?

Know yourself

The university environment is relaxed, so you can let go of the once heavy tactics of asking questions about the sea, carefully examine yourself, get to know yourself again, understand your preferences, discover your strengths, and do what you like. After four years of college, you will see your growth and gains along the way: freshmen don’t know what they don’t know, sophomores know what they don’t know, juniors don’t know what they know, and seniors know what they know. This is maturity.

Improve one’s accomplishment

You must have met local tyrants who made a fortune overnight, that is, those who "wear" money on their bodies. Vulgar, smelly and rude, even if you wear a famous brand and dress up in various ways, you can’t hide your lack of humanistic quality. The so-called near Zhu Zhechi, near Mexico is black. During your college years, you were in colleges and universities, influenced by the environment, and your personal accomplishment was constantly improved. In ancient times, Meng Mu moved three times, but today, the housing in the school district is hot. Isn’t this the truth? Remember, you may not have rich capital, but the level of your life quality can remain high.

Independent thinking

During college, you don’t have to study textbooks rigidly, and you can no longer be confined to your own small world. Instead, you can widely accept information, know the society and give your own opinions on various issues. You are no longer echoing the crowd, but judging right and wrong by yourself; You no longer believe in authority, because you know that many experts and scholars are only in name; You understand the complexity and multifaceted nature of society and human nature, thus becoming more rational, objective and independent.

Harvest feelings


Believe me, soon after you leave school, you will miss your college time and classmates very much. You will find that college classmates and friends are the most precious wealth in your life. It can be said that classmates are second only to relatives. Whenever and wherever, they will spare no effort to help and comfort you. Even if you are lucky, you will reap a pure love and find the other half who stands side by side with you on the road of struggle.

expand one’s horizon

In colleges and universities, we can increase our knowledge through extracurricular reading, club activities, platform communication and meeting students from all corners of the country. Students from rural areas have seen the prosperity of modern metropolis and the neon they have never seen before; The students in the city also learned about the customs of all parts of the country through the children in the countryside. Isn’t this an accumulation of life experience?

Get an opportunity

Of course, I believe that the level of education is not equal to the size of achievement. However, when you are employed for the first time, your educational background will determine your opportunities and the scope and level of work you can engage in. The university gives you a diploma, which is like a stepping stone. With it, you are qualified to apply to those big companies and government agencies. Although we can’t generalize, at least we have more opportunities than others.

Tomorrow will be September 1st, and major schools will officially start school. CCTV news and new media will give lectures on the opening ceremony of Beijing Jiaotong University, the first lesson: Quantum Satellite by Pan Jianwei, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the southernmost primary school of the motherland — — The opening of Yongxing School in Sansha City will be broadcast live, so stay tuned ~

/Text from school, official website, network, etc.

Unless otherwise marked,/pictures are all from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Click "Write Message"

Talk about the opening ceremony in your memory.

What is the function of the syllabus of the self-study exam course?

As a popular form of continuing education, more and more people choose to take the self-study exam to improve their academic qualifications. Many people who want to improve their academic qualifications are puzzled. They want to take the self-study exam for undergraduate courses, but they don’t know the specific policies for self-study. What is the role of the examination outline of the self-study exam course?

Click to enter:If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

What is the function of the syllabus of the self-study exam course?

According to the requirements of the professional examination plan and the characteristics of the self-study examination, the examination outline of the self-study examination course is a document that defines the content and scope of the course study and examination, specifies the course examination standards and makes the examination requirements concrete, and is the basis for guiding the proposition of individual self-study, social assistance and course examination. At present, the national unified proposition curriculum outline is attached to the designated textbook, and candidates should study according to the designated textbook and the course examination outline. However, at present, there is no examination outline for the unified proposition curriculum in some provinces, so the candidates of such courses can study according to the designated textbook.

1. The national unified proposition is the national self-taught examination and the proposition center organization proposition, and the knowledge of the examination is relatively general, so this kind of question type will be relatively difficult. It will usually be the last big question.

2. Regional cooperation proposition, which is a joint proposition of various provinces and cities, will be closer to the examination syllabus of candidates in various provinces and cities, which is slightly simpler than the national unified proposition. However, due to the different characteristics of propositions in various regions and provinces and cities, some questions may be questions that candidates have not been exposed to at ordinary times. Most of these questions are multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions, which are difficult and easy, and each question is relatively novel.

3. Provincial Proposition This is a proposition organized by each province, city and autonomous region. Relatively speaking, the test questions will be relatively simple and closer to the questions that candidates usually come into contact with; This type of question is also a scoring question for candidates. Usually, multiple-choice questions and noun explanations are the majority.

The above is related to the adult self-study exam, and candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates who want to get more information about the self-taught examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge and related news, please pay attention to the online self-taught examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

Recommended reading:

In April, 2024, all provinces registered for self-study exams in official website.

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of Self-taught Exams in April 2024 by Provinces

In order to make the brand concept more concrete, Volvo Cars has supported this sport for 26 years.

Reporter | Li Yimengone
Volvo Cars is integrating its long-standing brand concept according to the actual situation in China market. Since this year, this luxury car manufacturer from Sweden hopes to export a kind of "connotative luxury" to its audience, which is the integration and reconciliation of its three brand values of safety, health and environmental protection.
In addition to many publicity strategies, golf will be an important communication channel, which will make Volvo’s brand concept more concrete.
Despite the previous COVID-19 epidemic, the 2020 Volvo China Open, originally scheduled for April, ended successfully last Sunday (December 13th) after being postponed.
This tournament attracted a large number of excellent domestic players to participate. After four days of fierce competition, Zhang Huilin, from Changde, Hunan Province, finished with a 71 (-1) shot today, and won the championship with an absolute leading total score of 269 (-19), becoming the fifth local player to win the Volvo China Open.
Up to now, Volvo China Open has been held for 26 consecutive years and has become an important incubator for professional golfers in China.
"I have been asked a question for many years. Why does Volvo do the Open? There are so many sports events. Why does it do golf?" Zhao Qin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Volvo China Open and Vice President of Corporate Communications of Volvo Cars Asia Pacific, talked about the relationship between golf and brands at the beginning of the interview.
She said that there is a deep relationship between Volvo cars and golf. This luxury car manufacturer has been rooted in this field for many years and has formed rich experience in operating international competitions.
In Zhao Qin’s view, golf is a sport that does little harm to human body and can exercise the whole body function, which is highly consistent with the concept of safety, health and sustainability advocated by Volvo Cars for a long time. In addition, the elegance and introversion of golf and its players are also consistent with the brand characteristics of Volvo cars.
She has previously said that if the English name of GOLF is divided into four letters, it can stand for "Green", "Oxygen", "Light" and "Friendship" respectively.
"We have always had an idea about golf. It should not only be a circle movement of a few people, but also a healthy lifestyle with public participation." Zhao Qin said.
As it said, Volvo Cars has tried to popularize this sport among the audience in China in recent years with the help of an international competition platform such as the China Open.
"Someone once said that golf is an aristocratic sport, but it is not. If you look at Volvo’s hometown of Sweden, golf is a mass sport, and all people will play golf from old to young." Zhao Qin said, "In China. The whole golf atmosphere has also become a healthy, elegant and popular sport through the efforts of all parties. "
For example, she said that in recent years, under the guidance of the China Golf Association, a "campus golf" project is being developed in Shenzhen, with the aim of introducing this sport into the physical education curriculum in primary schools, so that young people have the opportunity to contact and love golf.
Since 2005, Volvo has started to hold the Youth Match Championship, and since 2019, it has started the Youth Challenge. This year, it held the Volvo Youth Masters in China. All these initiatives are aimed at providing a diversified platform for more young golfers.
"There will be two main highlights next year, one is the Youth Challenge, and the other is the Qualifying Tournament, which will provide more opportunities for China players." Zhao Qin said, "This year’s amateur challenge has been expanding. At present, it has been restarted after the epidemic and 11 games have been done. As the frontier event of next year’s qualifying tournament, there may be more than a dozen games next year, and the scope will also be expanded in adult amateurs. There are also qualifiers. In view of some inspiration from the participation of pure China players in the China Open, more qualifiers may be held next year, and qualifiers can be held for both men and women. "
In this tournament, Zhang Jiena Lin entered the China Open as the first female player in the history of the tournament. "It’s a pity that she didn’t advance in the end, but I think it’s a very proud thing for women players to appear in the men’s professional open." Zhao Qin said.
In fact, Volvo Cars is emphasizing the concept of "equality" in all aspects, including its advantageous safety field. The Swedish luxury car manufacturer observed that most of the fakes used in collision experiments in the industry were made according to the figure of adult men. Although the elderly, women and children are more vulnerable to the collision because of their bones and physiological structures, the dummies made according to their actual conditions account for a relatively small proportion, and there are no dummies made according to the body shape of pregnant women.
Because of this concern, a pregnant woman dummy named LINDA came into being in the safety experimental center of Volvo Cars in 2000, which is also the first dummy made in the industry according to the situation of pregnant women who are 36 weeks pregnant. As early as 1995, before LINDA came out, Volvo cars began to use female dummies for crash tests. Up to now, the manufacturer has developed a complete "dummy family" that basically covers all population samples.
At the same time, out of concern for sustainability, Volvo Cars is actively promoting its comprehensive electrification strategy.
This luxury car manufacturer proposed a comprehensive electrification strategy in 2017, becoming the first luxury car brand to propose comprehensive electrification.
At the Guangzhou Auto Show held at the end of November this year, the XC40 RECHARGE, Volvo’s first pure electric vehicle, was officially launched and attracted great attention. Zhao Qin confirmed that in the future, more Volvo cars will be equipped with 48V mild hybrid system or join the RECHARGE product system.
According to its plan, by 2025, the sales of pure electric vehicles will account for 50% of the total sales of Volvo cars, and the remaining models will adopt plug-in hybrid technology with long pure electric endurance.
At the competition site, the display of a series of new cars conveyed the brand-new brand concept that Volvo Cars hoped to convey to the outside world. "Connotation luxury is a naturally simplified and refined expression, which is very compatible with Volvo’s brand image, user group characteristics and even partners." Zhao Qin explained, "Safety, health and sustainability are our strategic fulcrums. Everything on these three fulcrums, whether products or services, is supported by these three points."
She said that safety is Volvo’s strongest feature. In terms of health and environmental protection, Volvo Cars introduced AAC double-effect enhanced air purification system to build a CLEANZONE cockpit. The former was jointly developed by Volvo and Blueair, a well-known air purification solution provider, and with the filter specially optimized for China, the isolation efficiency of this system can reach over 95%. In addition, Volvo also made a strict choice of interior materials based on health considerations.
"So what kind of luxury brand is Volvo? I think’ connotative luxury’ is very appropriate and in line with the public’s cognition. " Zhao Qin concluded.

Serie A

At 1 am on October 30th, Beijing time, in the 10th round of Serie A in 2023-24, Inter Milan played against Rome at home. In the first half, Charles Hanoglu shot and hit the doorframe; In the second half, Thuram scored the winning goal in the 81st minute, and Augusto hit the crossbar again. In the end, Inter Milan beat Rome 1-0, overtaking Ewan and rising to the top of the standings.

In this game, Roma coach Jose Mourinho was unable to play against his old club because of suspension, but Lu Kaku appeared in the starting lineup of Rome, and he was booed by tens of thousands of Inter fans at Meazza Stadium.

In the 6th minute, Char Hanoglu blasted a long-range shot in front of the restricted area, and the ball bounced back after hitting the doorframe. Then Thuram’s barb hit the door and the goalkeeper got it. In the 7th minute, Inter’s left corner kicked into the restricted area, and lautaro’s header was not strong enough, so the goalkeeper confiscated the ball.

In the 15th minute, dumfries made a cross from the right, Thuram’s header hit the defender, and then his stab was blocked by the goalkeeper. In the 16th minute, Di Marco’s shot on the left side of the restricted area missed the far post.

In the 24th minute, mkhitaryan received the clearance ball before the top of the arc and volleyed it high. In the 38th minute, dumfries made another cross on the right, and pawar, who was inserted into the restricted area, volleyed his right foot and missed. In the 45th+3rd minute, varela got the chance to volley in the restricted area, and the ball was higher than the crossbar. At the end of the first half, neither team scored.

In the second half, it was easy to fight again. In the 48 th minute, Inter Milan’s free kick was hoisted into the penalty area, and Thuram’s header was high.

In the 59th minute, varela crosses the restricted area, Thuram returns the ball in the chest, lautaro volleys with his right foot, and the ball bounces to the ground and is hugged by the goalkeeper. In the 65th minute, Rome won a free kick in front of the penalty area, and chaaraoui took the penalty and hit the wall. Two minutes later, Charles Hanoglu blasted a long-range shot in front of the restricted area, and the ball hit the defender and crossed the bottom line in disguise.

In the 76th minute, Aslani took the ball in front of the restricted area. When he saw that no one had come forward to block it, he hit a long-range shot, and the ball slightly missed the post.In the 81st minute, Di Marco crossed the ball on the left side of the frontcourt, and Thuram, who was inserted into the middle of the restricted area, grabbed the ball and scored a goal. Inter Milan led Rome 1-0.

In the 89th minute, Augusto made a cross on the left side of the frontcourt. Thuram’s outflanking shot in the middle missed. In the 90th minute, Augusto made a long-range shot in front of the restricted area, and the ball hit the crossbar and popped up.

In the end, the whole game ended and Inter Milan beat Rome 1-0.

What is emotion? Is emotion love?

Emotion is a part of the whole attitude, which is in harmony with the introverted feelings and intentions in attitude. It is a complex and stable physiological evaluation and experience of attitude. Emotion includes moral sense and value sense, which are embodied in love, happiness, hatred, disgust and beauty.

Emotion is a feeling for others.

A dependence on the soul.

It is also a law of nature.

But all living creatures have feelings more or less.

Generally speaking, you can’t live without worldly desires. Emotion has always been elusive, and it is really puzzling where love and hate come from and what is the meaning.

I’m afraid I’ll fall into the endless trap of "the meaning of life" if I don’t always struggle, so let’s talk simply and don’t involve ourselves.

Let’s talk about how emotions are generated first. From the biological point of view, it is probably that some chemicals produced in our bodies stimulate the cerebral cortex, so we show corresponding emotions. But why do we say "happy" and "sad", as if we should say "brain opening" and "brain injury"? That’s beside the point. Then, why do we produce these chemicals for certain things is also a big problem. Metaphysics, absolute metaphysics.

But there is a saying that existence is reasonable. In fact, many things are like this. We insist on a reason, but we can’t get a conclusion. Then let him be the reason, and let’s talk about the meaning.

My answer is that emotion is the pillar of our survival. Like a person, hate a person, miss a person, chase a person … or simply, it doesn’t have to be "a person". In a word, many sections of life are born of emotions and finally return to them.

Emotion: the feeling produced by the interaction between life phenomenon and human heart.

The objective aspect of emotion: Life phenomenon contains emotion, which can be felt by human brain.

Subjective aspects of emotion: first, even if they live the same life, beautiful people and ugly people feel different about life; Second, when being stimulated by negative emotions and in a bad mood, the ability to feel emotions drops.

Therefore, emotion is determined jointly by life phenomena and people’s hearts, and cannot be determined by one party alone.

Emotion is a relatively fixed attitude towards reality, which is manifested in various experiences related to people’s personality and moral experience.

We often say the word "feeling", for example, a pair of lovers broke up on the grounds that they had no feelings for each other; Another example is: I am numb, and I have no feeling about life. Feeling is the emotion felt from the phenomenon of life, which is determined by both the phenomenon of life and the human heart.