Lei Jun responded to many questions such as Xiaomi Auto and denied the identity of "cool man": there was no cold 4 billion in the trough.

Red Star Capital Bureau reported on April 18th that Lei Jun, the chairman of Xiaomi Group (01810.HK), started a live broadcast in Tik Tok at 4 pm today, "Talking about the sale of Xiaomi SU7 these days". This is Lei Jun’s first live broadcast of Xiaomi Auto, with 100,000 viewers and 190 million likes.

The whole live broadcast lasted for 2 hours. Lei Jun showed the delivery center of Xiaomi Beijing factory, interacted with several owners of Xiaomi SU7, and connected with Wei Jianjun, chairman of Great Wall Motor (601633.SH). During the live broadcast, Lei Jun answered questions from netizens about "imitating Jobs" and "being a cool man".

Regarding the trend of auto executives opening Weibo and live broadcast, Wei Jianjun said that "the inclusiveness of the platform is much better than expected", and Lei Jun also thought that live broadcast communication was more direct.

"The first stage of Xiaomi Automobile was a success"

There is no plan to push off-road vehicles for the time being.

In the live broadcast, Lei Jun mentioned that it is too early to talk about the success of Xiaomi Automobile, but the first stage was a success. It takes a long time to build a car. Lei Jun said that Xiaomi is a long-term enterprise, and now it is necessary to grasp the quality of the car and serve customers well.

Lei Jun Tik Tok Live

Lei Jun also responded in the live broadcast that there is no plan to launch off-road vehicles in the future. "The off-road vehicles of the Great Wall are doing very well." Lei Jun reiterated in the live broadcast that the future model plan is confidential within the company.

Interestingly, in today’s live broadcast, Lei Jun also connected with Wei Jianjun, and the two sides made mutual comments on Xiaomi SU7 and Great Wall Tank 700, and made an appointment to communicate at the Beijing Auto Show.

Some netizens suggested that the price/performance ratio of the low-end models of Xiaomi SU7 is not high. In this regard, Lei Jun said that in industries with huge losses, cost performance is not discussed. He also said that pure tram companies basically don’t make money, and there is a ridiculous one that loses more than 100,000 yuan.

Sales are three to five times higher than expected.

Delivery was accelerated, 12 days ahead of schedule.

Regarding the acceleration of delivery, Lei Jun said that the sales volume of Xiaomi SU7 was three to five times higher than expected. A supplier meeting was held urgently a week ago, and the official version of Xiaomi SU7 began to be delivered on April 18, 12 days ahead of schedule. Xiaomi Auto Delivery Center has covered 29 cities nationwide and will cover 40 cities by the end of this year.

For the online delivery of netizens, Lei Jun said that the sales volume is three to five times higher than expected, which is also a headache. However, the partners are more powerful and speed up quickly.

Lei Jun repeatedly reminded in the live broadcast that Xiaomi SU7 is a family car, and advised the owner to obey the traffic rules and not to go to the track. He revealed that Xiaomi and suppliers are developing a complete set of track kits. In addition, Xiaomi V8s motor will be released at the end of this year, which Lei Jun said was prepared for the track.

Lei Jun specifically mentioned that he specially studied drift and tried to show it in May. He revealed that there are 50 or 60 people in the middle and high level of Xiaomi Automobile who have racing licenses.

Respond to the identity of "imitating Jobs" and "being a cool man"

For teasing him online to imitate Musk and Jobs, Lei Jun said that men’s suits are very similar, and jeans and shirts are often worn by engineers. "It’s just a shirt bump. If I imitate it, I can imitate it more like it. This is a injustice."

He is often compared with Musk on the Internet. Lei Jun said that Musk is a great entrepreneur and Tesla is an epoch-making great company in the history of the automobile industry. "Please don’t compare me with Musk. I think the two of us are not doing exactly the same thing. But we all help popularize science and technology and promote social progress. "

In the live broadcast, Lei Jun also denied the identity of "the first man in Shuangwen". He said, "I am at the bottom of my life, and there is no cold 4 billion in Cary", "I am not the top student in the college entrance examination" and so on.

Lei Jun’s "Millet Tooling" was previously on fire, with a limited edition of 800 pieces. It was sold out after being put on the shelves that day and was resold at a higher price on the second-hand platform. Lei Jun said in the live broadcast that the old tooling is no longer produced, and a new model will be released soon, which will be put on the Xiaomi Mall APP. For netizens urging him to build cameras and open Xiaomi canteen chain stores, Lei Jun stressed: "None of these will be done. Xiaomi Automobile is my last entrepreneurial project."

Red Star journalist Wu Danruo

Editor Deng Lingyao

Be shocked! So it’s really raining.

  On the evening of July 1,

  In the cultural performances celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC),

  Party flag in my heartDance clips of the program

  Touched many people.

  Everyone is talking about the rain on this "ruin"

  It not only fits the occasion, but also sublimates the theme of the performance.

  However, many people did not think of it.

  This rain is actually not a beautiful setting.

  It was a sudden downpour in the middle of the recording.

  But the actors were not affected at all.

  Persist in completing the performance

  This scene in the performance is so burning!

  Situational dance "party flag in My Heart"

  Showing that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,

  The people of the whole country are United as one.

  Great victory was achieved in fighting SARS and earthquake relief.

  In the rescue and disaster relief footage,

  The "ruins" on the background board were shrouded in wind and rain.

  The stage of reality is also in the storm.

  When you are confused and tired.

  The flag of the Communist Party of China (CPC) stood up against the wind and rain.

  They clenched their fists and shouted"Come on China"

  Under the baptism of heavy rain

  Show vigorous and tenacious spiritual will.

  It’s really raining … …

  Participants said that on the day of recording the program,

  It began to rain not long after the performance.

  Then it rained harder and harder.

  But the actors on the stage didn’t stop performing

  On the contrary, the mood is more exciting and full.

  One of the leading dancers, Liu Zhiyuan, said.

  "Dance that dance in the rainstorm.

  I feel that the role is me and I am the role. "

  Although it is "God’s will"

  But this rain was unexpectedly highlighted.

  What is to be expressed in the program

  The people of China are facing difficulties.

  The spirit of never giving up and moving forward firmly.

  only not"a stroke of genius"

  Netizen: Just the right rain!

  This performance is "the right time, the right place and the right people"

  Many netizens thought at first.

  The rain scene in the program is a beautiful dance setting.

  I can’t help feeling that it is "really raining"

  "the right place at the right time" and "the pen of genius"

  Everyone also praised this group of actors.

  "The common memory of the nation, the weather.Blessing special effects

  The actor’s persistent performance … …This stage is too fried! "

  Some netizens also said that

  This rain is "tears of relief for the martyrs"

  "They must have seen it, right … …”

  Source of this article: CCTV News (ID: CCTV News Center) Comprehensive Observer Network, Chutian Metropolis Daily News.

  Producer Wang Xingdong

  Editor-in-Chief Zhang Zhida

  Editor: Xu Chenyang Xu Weichen

What do you know about skiing? 1 minute to take you to understand "cold knowledge"

up to this day
Skiing has become an important way of entertainment and relaxation.
Put on your equipment and fix your skis.
Go straight down from the top of the mountain
Enjoying the slightly chilly wind.
Whistling past my ear
All the troubles are left behind.
In many people’s minds
Skiing is the coolest kind of ice and snow sports.
And in the Olympic Games,
Alpine skiing is also known as
Ice and snow sports "the jewel in the crown"
Actually, behind skiing.
There is still a lot of "cold knowledge"
Skiing used to be an aristocratic sport?
Skiing originated and developed in Scandinavia, Europe, and is famous for its high skill and appreciation. In ancient Europe, skiing was an out-and-out aristocratic sport comparable to golf and riding, because snowboards, ski clothes, venues and equipment were very expensive! However, skiing has gradually entered the public’s field of vision as its own stimulating and physical fitness effects have been gradually discovered. Because this sport is highly skilled and competitive, it is very suitable to enter the professional arena as a sports event. Therefore, in 1936, skiing officially entered the Olympic Games as a competition.
Skiing is still a way of fighting?
Do you know that skiing, which is regarded as a sport today, was once a way of fighting? According to the data, in 1200, King Svere of Norway conducted pre-war reconnaissance by skiing. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden and other countries had stories of skiing. This is mainly related to the local topography and climate. The Alps are closed by heavy snow all the year round, so it is much more convenient to use skiing for investigation and combat than riding or walking.
Today, although skiing has gradually changed from an aristocratic sport and combat mode to a popular sport, the pursuit of speed and skill contained in it has continued, and it has been reflected in Olympic events and many skiing competitions.
Skiing ushered in a golden age in China.
In China, the development of skiing has roughly gone through two stages. Before 2000, ski resorts were only distributed in Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. After 2000, ski resorts began to appear in the north and south of the Yangtze River due to the mastery of large-scale snow-making technology and the country’s efforts to cultivate national sports interest and improve national quality. With the successful bid for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the ski industry has ushered in a golden age of explosive development. Snow and ice sports, represented by skiing, are gradually becoming popular.
Promote the popularization of ice and snow sports, sports lottery is on the road.
Nowadays, more and more young people regard ice and snow projects as a way of entertainment and leisure, and ice and snow venues all over the country have mushroomed. Sports Lottery has strongly supported the development of ice and snow sports for many years. Last year alone, 512.5 million yuan of lottery public welfare funds were used for the construction of major Olympic venues and facilities. After the completion of Songyuan Ice Sports Center, Jilin Beishan Four Seasons Cross-country Ski Resort, Heilongjiang Yabuli Sports Training Base, Inner Mongolia Ice Sports Training Center and Qinghai Doba Plateau Sports Training Base, there are sports lottery public welfare funds behind them. The national mass ice and snow season series activities supported by Sports Lottery Community Chest, the ice and snow season series activities of millions of citizens in Liaoning Province and the happy ice and snow season series activities of Beijing citizens have gradually become brand activities to popularize ice and snow sports.
Life was dull.
But it will be windy when it slides.
With the increasing popularity of skiing in China.
China is in various ice and snow sports events.
There will be greater stamina
The goal of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports"
Will eventually come true.
Sports Lottery Community Chest will continue to invest in support.
Strive to build for the public
Sites and facilities for participating in ice and snow sports
For the vigorous and healthy development of ice and snow sports
Contribute more strength
(China Sports Lottery)

Football News: To save China’s football, please start with respecting the league.

Live broadcast: On December 9 th, in view of the current situation that China football has entered the cold winter, Football Daily issued a document suggesting that the self-help of China football should start from respecting the league.

Football News believes that if we want to save ourselves, we must use the vigor and vitality of the league to awaken the support of the fans and the concern of the government, and also give some time to the "on the road" share reform. In fact, the reason for the share reform is to give China football a relatively stable future, at least it will not lead to the continuous loss of the league and the continuous training of talents due to the frequent withdrawal of investors. However, no matter what kind of reform, if China football can’t change the status quo that the players themselves are not self-reliant, unable to make blood and waiting for blood transfusion forever, the future will be unsustainable.

For the method of self-help, Football Daily suggested:

First, stop complaining, stop complaining about the system, the market and everything around you, and concentrate on the game. What China football lacks most in recent years is collective consciousness. Without unity, it is fragmented. Everyone speaks out for their own interests, but they are also exploiting loopholes and breaking rules in China football for their own interests.

Second, do what you can, try to understand people in the circle who are different from themselves but closely related, and learn to put themselves in other’s shoes. The simplest thing is to respect the game, the fans and the rules. Respecting the game means working hard, and respecting the fans means lying on the grass less, not being negative or impulsive; Respecting the rules means not to foul maliciously. If there is a real misjudgment, you can appeal. If there is no misjudgment, don’t blindly transfer the pressure to the referee in order to reduce your own pressure regardless of the facts.

Third, wait patiently and positively for the advancement of share reform, and exchange time for space. Football in China will not disappear, and the league will continue to exist, but what standard the league will exist depends on whether the industry is worth saving by the country.

If the whole circle shows a strong desire to survive, wait for being saved with a positive attitude, and at the same time actively carry out self-help, it can bring exciting competitions, at least when the government promotes the share reform, it will reduce a lot of resistance. Football in China has reached the most critical moment. If you don’t save yourself, everyone will be injured-and saving yourself should start with respecting the league.

(Nanling cries and cries)