Anyone can make a movie?


The slate used in the filming of The Lord of the Rings.


Text/"Global" magazine reporter Liu Juanjuan Le Yanna Zhang Haixin Ma Qionglin Yao

Editor/Hu Yanfen

  Facing the wave of changes brought by Generative Artificial Intelligence (AIGC), the film and television industry is considered to be the first to be affected. How do film and television practitioners view the future of the industry under the influence of AIGC?

Technological innovation brings production popularization.

  Global magazine: When Sora and other text-generated video models are open to ordinary people, is it possible for everyone to start writing scripts and complete their own movies?

  Huang Xufeng:Since Sora came out, movies have only been a matter of length. The birth of any new technology may bring about some great changes. After the emergence of smart phones, everyone can shoot videos. And the fact that everyone can make movies may come true in three to five years, maybe even faster, I’m not sure. Because as long as you have this will, you may take the initiative to use the text generation video tool to create a movie you want.

Huang Xufeng at Pingyao International Film Exhibition

  Zhang eats fish:Film is one of the most complex artistic expressions of human beings, and it is an industrial product of teamwork, so it is not easy to make a big film. For example, the sound part of a movie alone needs complicated processing flow, which can not be solved by AIGC technology at present. So I think that in the future, with the help of artificial intelligence such as Sora, people can shoot online movies for one or two hours, or short plays with good quality, but it is unlikely to complete the production of cinema movies.

Zhang Chiyu is at the shooting scene.

  I think it will be a very interesting scene if AI can generate its own movies and compete with movies made by humans. By then, films made entirely by human beings will become scarcer and more exciting.

  In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, the gap between AIGC and human works is still very obvious. For example, in the current film shooting process, mechanical rocker arm and manual moving lens are used to shoot at the same speed and manner from the same angle, and the texture obtained by manual and machine is different. In different movie scenes, sometimes a sense of machine is needed, and sometimes an artificial texture is needed. They are not mutually substitutive. Like shooting realistic movies, if AIGC technology is used extensively, it will destroy the sense of reality; If it is a science fiction movie, it needs a lot of special effects generated by AIGC.

  When I was filming Moon Man, it took me half a year to build the Moon Shield Base. Although the current AI may be able to automatically generate a base, their texture is very different, and the feeling of shooting is also very different. For the time being, AI cannot replace the traditional production method.

  Global magazine: Traditionally, the film and television industry is dominated by a few large film companies. With the popularity of AI technology, are more individuals and small teams more likely to produce high-quality film and television works?

  Yao Jinli:It’s possible, just like the works of Guo Man produced by many small teams emerged in previous years. Many excellent animated films, such as The Adventures of Li Xianji, were completed by small teams or even single people. For the creator, artificial intelligence is a tool like a brush, and whether or not to create high-quality works depends entirely on the creator himself. Moreover, if the cost of video-generated AI such as Sora can be greatly reduced, it will be more likely for small teams to produce high-quality film and television works.

Yao Jinli is at the shooting scene.

  Haoge:It does provide this possibility, and AIGC can help these creators complete some trivial work more efficiently, saving time and cost. For example, artificial intelligence generates virtual scenes, characters and special effects, or carries out automatic editing and post-production.

  However, to produce high-quality film and television works, not only technology is needed, but also many other aspects of support, such as excellent scripts, excellent directors and actors, professional production teams and so on. In addition, the market competition is fierce now, and it is not easy to attract the audience and achieve success.

  However, the development of AIGC undoubtedly brings more opportunities and challenges to the film and television industry, which makes film and television production more popular and gives more talented and creative people the opportunity to show their works. At the same time, it may also encourage traditional film companies to innovate and enhance their competitiveness to cope with the new market environment.

Using human "soft skills" against AI

  Global magazine: Will artificial intelligence make the film and television industry a more competitive industry? Are you worried about the future of the industry and being replaced?

  Haoge:I think artificial intelligence may make the film and television industry more diversified and provide opportunities for more creators to show their stories and ideas in new ways and styles. At the same time, artificial intelligence may also bring more innovations and experiments to promote the development of the film and television industry. Of course, with the popularization of technology and more people entering this industry, the market may become more crowded. But competition can also stimulate creativity and improve the quality of works, forcing practitioners to constantly improve their skills and creativity.

Hao Ge’s Stills of "Wind Cutting Knife"

  I am not very worried about the future of the industry, because the development of technology will always bring changes and opportunities, and the film and television industry has always had strong adaptability. As practitioners, we should pay more attention to and actively respond to possible problems and ensure the diversity and quality of content.

  Yao Jinli:I have completely watched the short videos released by Sora for the first time, and I have also read the text descriptions of each video. Judging from the completion of a single lens or a single group of lenses, the effect is undoubtedly very shocking. Although there are great problems in the perspective, model details and behavior logic of some shots, they are not hidden. Judging from the authenticity of the picture, the degree of color reproduction, the fineness and fluency of the picture material, Sora’s completion is amazing. Moreover, the video released at present basically restores the lens movement in most film and television shooting, and the effect is very good.

  The only drawback is that the current video camera movements are relatively smooth and slow, and there are no fast, dynamic and intense shots. Perhaps Sora’s current computing power has not been reached, or there may be problems with the input text description, and no professional film and television practitioners have been asked to make a more detailed and specific description. For example, some text descriptions use professional film and television words such as "close up", "cinematic", "35mm film" and "depth of field", but there is obviously a lack of more specific descriptions.

  As for whether you will be worried about being replaced, it depends on how much room for improvement Sora has. When advertising still life, the "accuracy" of the appearance of the object is a very important standard. Judging from the video capability of Sora currently known, the "accuracy" of the restored product is obviously far from enough. In the future, whether Sora can improve these abilities will determine whether the trade union will eventually be replaced.

  Luo Wei:In recent years, the new products in AIGC field have emerged one after another, and their functions have become increasingly powerful, which has brought a lot of survival crisis to practitioners in many industries. The New York Times recently published an article entitled "When your technical skills are eclipsed, your characteristics as a human being will be more important than ever". The authors anish Raman and Maria Flynn pointed out that although AI is threatening, people should not be too anxious about it. On the contrary, the development of AI will highlight people’s unique value. So, what are the advantages of human beings compared with AI? What skills are particularly important?

Luo xian’s work photo

  The article pointed out that technical skills and data skills have been highly sought after for decades, but now it seems to be one of the most vulnerable skills to AI progress. The interpersonal skills that we have long underestimated as "soft skills" are likely to be the most lasting. This is a hopeful sign that AI may create a working world that relies more on "human ability" than less.

  Minosh shafiq, president of Columbia University, once said, "In the past, work was related to muscles. Now they are related to the brain, but in the future, they will be related to the mind. "

  Knowledge method is the focus of artificial intelligence, and good film and television creation needs human consciousness, perception and the connection between hearts. The really good art is the art with soul. The photographer’s new connection with the world and his own perception are the sharp weapons that can resist AI at present.

  In 2023, there were two important exhibitions about AI in China, namely "Emergence AI Image Exhibition" curated by Ye Wenming and "Out of Nothing: AI Image Art Award Exhibition" curated by Luo Dawei. Ye Mingwen selected a series of works by six AI creators as the main exhibition, and invited 108 photographers from all over the country to participate in the generation of "My First AI Image" as a parallel exhibition.

  Ye Mingwen concluded, "Photography is a noble manual work. News, documentary and scenery will not be affected by AI at all. Photography requires you to take a camera to observe, occupy a position, choose a picture and walk far away. AI belongs to imagination and intelligent interaction, mainly brain development, which is essentially different from photography that is put into reality. The existence of AI has set off the preciousness of’ photographic behavior’ and promoted the transformation of photography itself. "

  The exhibition curated by Luo Dawei explores the intersection of contemporary art and artificial intelligence, and how this intersection redefines the boundaries of creative expression. This exhibition is not only an exploration of the art of AI generation, but also an opportunity to peek at the unique cooperation between artificial intelligence and artists. The audience is thinking: Are the displayed works just the products of big data and algorithms, or do they carry deeper thoughts and emotions? Is it a redefinition of artistic creation, or is it just an extension of the creative process?

The film and television elitism is being dissolved.

  "Global" magazine: When AI technology broke out and superimposed video creation on social media, how do traditional film and television people view the relationship between film and television and the times?

  Luo Wei:With the birth of Sora, we are moving towards a new unknown in the AI ? ? era. These changes can be traced back to the social media era. Various social media applications in smartphones have become our daily tools. There is a large amount of image information spread behind various social activities. In this era of image explosion, photography has become a new daily expression and writing, and images are extremely powerful and unforgettable. In this subtle process, our photography behavior is forming new habits.

  AI brings a brand-new stage of image generation, viewers have more choices, the way people watch is changing, the group world is being dissolved by technology, and a new world is emerging. In this new world, individuals have more and more energy and your friends become stars. Through the internet, everyone can become a photographer and a film and television person. No one knows what will happen in the future, but we see that many visual artists at home and abroad have responded to this question in their own ways: how to create in the era of social media?

  Taking photography as an example, it has reached a very classical era. The daily photography leads to the disappearance of elite photography as a visual art creation, or at least it is undergoing profound changes. So in this context, photographers need to reflect on the meaning of the original industry and work. AI forces us to rethink our relationship with the times, photography with the times, and photography with us.

  We still don’t know what impact this change will bring, but one thing is certain, the times are constantly evolving, and the new photography in the AI ? ? era must not be a photo on the wall in the traditional sense, but it may be a device, a video, a performance art and so on. Photography can be a variety of media and materials, and its appearance is no longer single, but its internal logic is still about photography itself. Is photography over? In the article "Photography Crisis and Challenge in the Age of Social Media", Cai Meng, a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, pointed out: "You must accept the reality that photography that may be activated is no longer the original appearance. It is no longer photography in the physical and virtual sense, but has become an abstract photography thinking and concept, or a certain soul and spirit."

  Maybe one day in the future, as action art marina abramovic said, we will live in a world without any art. There will be no entity in that world, and human beings will be in a highly conscious level. Under such a strong mental state, we can transmit our ideas to others without using entities as a medium.

Teenagers smoking control: refusing to smoke the first cigarette to be a healthy and fashionable new generation.

  CCTV News:On the occasion of the 31st World No Tobacco Day, supported by the Propaganda Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission and the Department of Sports Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of chinese association on tobacco control and Beijing held a youth tobacco control activity in Beijing No.11 School with the theme of "No smoking, I am healthy and fashionable". It is understood that more than half of daily smokers in China started smoking before the age of 20. Organize youth tobacco control activities, form a youth tobacco control volunteer alliance, mobilize more young people to take action, and encourage them to take social responsibility for tobacco control in addition to not smoking themselves.

  This year’s World No Tobacco Day focuses on "tobacco and heart disease", highlighting the relationship between the use of tobacco products and heart injury and cardiovascular diseases, and raising public awareness of the impact of tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure on cardiovascular health. Every year, 18 million people die from cardiovascular diseases, and more than 2 million of them die from tobacco use. Smoking and secondhand smoke exposure are sometimes the main factors causing diseases. For example, 69 carcinogens are known to directly cause cancer, and there is sufficient evidence that smoking can cause lung cancer, oral and nasopharyngeal malignant tumors, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, renal cancer, bladder cancer and cervical cancer.

  Since the entry into force of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in China, China has made positive progress in tobacco control implementation. Eighteen cities across the country have promulgated local laws and regulations prohibiting smoking in public places, especially in Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai. Li Nong, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission, pointed out that China’s tobacco control implementation still faces some challenges, and the adult smoking rate is still at a high level. The survey shows that the smoking rate of teenagers in China is 6.9%, the rate of trying to smoke is 19.9%, and 180 million children suffer from the harm of second-hand smoke. We must attach great importance to adolescent tobacco control, adhere to the concept of "great health, great health" and the policy of "integrating health into all policies", adhere to the working mode of "government-led, multi-sectoral cooperation and participation of the whole society", make joint efforts of the government, schools, families and the whole society, formulate tobacco control policies, build a supportive environment for tobacco control, strengthen tobacco control health education, and create a social atmosphere conducive to adolescent tobacco control.

  The Outline of Healthy China 2030 has set the goal of "By 2030, the smoking rate of people over 15 years old will be less than 20%". Liao Wenke, vice president of chinese association on tobacco control, pointed out that in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to strengthen tobacco control among teenagers. Only by strengthening the education of smoking control among teenagers and stopping them from smoking can we effectively reduce the number of new smokers and achieve the set goals. To strengthen adolescent tobacco control work, we must innovate educational methods and technologies, enrich educational channels and means, and popularize tobacco control knowledge in ways and means that young students can hear, understand and listen to. We should not be satisfied with publicity and education in content and form, but work hard on pertinence and effectiveness to truly implant the knowledge and concept of tobacco harm to health into people’s hearts.

  Xu Zhen, deputy director of the Department of Sports Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, pointed out that the Ministry of Education attaches great importance to tobacco control in schools and actively promotes tobacco control in schools from two aspects: system construction and health education. The theme of this activity is "I am healthy and fashionable if I don’t smoke". I hope that the majority of young students will take non-smoking as "fashion", take the lead in establishing new ideas in lifestyle, including interpersonal communication, take pride in non-smoking and take non-smoking as the high quality of life, and form a model of healthy lifestyle, thus driving more people in the whole society to pursue this new fashion.

  In China, more than one million people die of diseases caused by tobacco every year. Sun Jiani, an official of the World Health Organization’s representative office in China, believes that the hope of reducing smokers in China is pinned on young people, and the hope of reducing smokers in the world is pinned on China, because smokers in China account for one-third of the world’s total, and tobacco consumption accounts for 44% of the world’s total. Tobacco control in China has not only protected national health and sustainable economic development, but also made great contributions to the world. In order to realize a smoke-free future, I hope volunteers dare to say "no" to tobacco. It is expected that more teenagers will join the tobacco control team and appear on the tobacco control stage in the future, which will add new strength and inject more fresh blood into the tobacco control team in China and even the whole world.

  Deng Ying, director of Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced the preparation of the Youth Tobacco Control Volunteer Alliance on behalf of the Youth Tobacco Control Professional Committee. Since 2016, the Youth Tobacco Control Committee has established a youth volunteer team on a pilot basis, and organized tobacco control activities through the volunteer alliance, making students the main body of tobacco control activities, which has received great attention and affirmation from the society. In order to promote the youth tobacco control volunteer alliance to carry out activities on a larger scale, chinese association on tobacco control registered the National Youth Tobacco Control Volunteer Alliance on China Volunteer Service Network this year, calling on all governing units of the volunteer alliance to carry out the national youth tobacco control volunteer activities simultaneously during the World No Tobacco Day, and starting the recruitment activities of the National Youth Tobacco Control Volunteer Alliance before the World No Tobacco Day, calling on more young people to join the National Youth Tobacco Control Volunteer Alliance and participate in the tobacco control activities of tobacco control volunteers.

  Wu Jing, deputy director of China Health Education Center, talked with you about the harm of tobacco and how to carry out health promotion and education on tobacco control in schools from the perspective of health education professional institutions. He believes that smokers will not only inhale tobacco smoke themselves, but also spread the smoke into the air, forming second-hand smoke. A large amount of research evidence shows that smoking can lead to multiple malignant tumors and other chronic diseases, leading to abnormal reproduction and development. Most young smokers will continue to smoke when they enter adulthood, and it is difficult to quit. The younger they start smoking, the more they smoke in adulthood, and the greater the harm caused by tobacco. Therefore, taking effective measures to prevent teenagers from smoking is the key measure to curb tobacco epidemic and reduce tobacco harm.

  Wu Fengqin, Vice President of Beijing No.11 School, highly praised the youth volunteer activities for tobacco control. He believed that organizing the youth tobacco control activities through the volunteer alliance not only created a good atmosphere for tobacco control in the school, but also helped to improve the cultural quality and moral cultivation of the majority of young people, and helped them adapt to and integrate into society. The school will actively support and encourage students to join the volunteer team of youth tobacco control, and also hope that students will actively participate in and organize tobacco control activities in line with their own reality, and effectively promote the extensive development of tobacco control activities in schools.

  Zhou Rundong, a representative of youth tobacco control volunteers, introduced the previous experience of youth tobacco control volunteers’ activities, and told the gains from participating in youth tobacco control volunteers’ activities from the perspective of students, which infected the student representatives who participated in the activities with their true feelings of participating in tobacco control volunteers’ activities. Chinese association on tobacco control hired Tong Jian, the world champion of figure skating, as China’s ambassador for tobacco control, and Vice President Liao Wenke presented him with a letter of appointment. Ambassador Tong Jian made a speech on tobacco control based on his own experience: figure skating is a sport that combines strength and beauty, and both a healthy body and a beautiful posture are necessary for figure skating. Without a healthy body and a strong body, it is impossible to complete difficult training, let alone complete beautiful movements on the field. Smoking not only damages health, but also damages the beauty of human body. I hope that the majority of teenagers will pay attention to their physical and mental health, develop a healthy lifestyle of non-smoking and diligent exercise, stay away from tobacco, resolutely refuse to smoke the first cigarette, and become a new generation of "non-smoking makes me healthy and fashionable".

  At the end of the meeting, the leaders and guests jointly launched the national recruitment activity of "National Youth Tobacco Control Volunteers Alliance". At the scene, many students went to the information desk to learn about the related issues of registering young tobacco control volunteers, and some students completed the volunteer registration on the spot.

The tourism market is welcoming the "hottest summer file". Where are you going to take a walk?

This summer, the national tourism market recovered strongly, and the number of tourists and income rose together. Data from a number of tourism platforms show that the summer tourism market is expected to surpass the same period in 2019, and parent-child tours, study tours and summer vacations have become popular choices.

The tourism market continues to heat up.

Recently, the high temperature has continued all over the country, but Wei Qian, a tourist from Anhui, felt a rare coolness in Kunming. "The temperature here is too comfortable, which is in sharp contrast with the heat in other places." Since the beginning of summer, the average temperature in Yunnan Province is only 22.9℃, and Kunming, the spring city where the weather is often like February and March, has become a summer resort.

Not only in Kunming, but also in Yunnan, you can wander around the mountains and enjoy the coolness in summer. In Dali, at the foot of Cangshan Mountain and beside Erhai Lake, tourists punch in along the ecological corridor and feel the slow life. In the Stone Forest, where the rocks are green and the peaks are beautiful, visitors can experience the Yi culture and appreciate the wonders of nature.

Entering the summer tourist season, in addition to the traditional popular routes such as Kunming, Dali, Lijiang and Diqing, tourists from Qujing, Xishuangbanna, Pu ‘er and Baoshan also continue to increase. In the past few days, the flight take-off and landing and passenger throughput in Kunming have increased sharply. On July 14th, there were 1,005 take-off and landing flights, a three-year high and 143,800 passengers were transported. Yunnan Railway Department sent 300,000 passengers every day, a year-on-year increase of 20.6%.

"The four hotels in the park were fully booked two weeks in advance." Fu Zhixin, deputy general manager of the marketing center of OCT Fantasy Resort in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, said that since the beginning of this summer vacation, the resort has attracted a large number of foreign tourists. "It is estimated that more than 2 million tourists will be received in the summer, reaching a new high." Fu Zhixin said.

Tongcheng data shows that from July 11 to 17, the number of air ticket bookings increased by more than 120% compared with the same period in 2019, and the number of hotel bookings nationwide increased by 150.53% compared with the same period in 2019. "The summer vacation has a good start." According to Lan Xing, the person in charge of Ctrip’s air ticket marketing, the popularity of this year’s summer vacation benefits from the continuous recovery of the tourism market. The superimposed airport and airline companies continue to introduce discounts, and there are marketing activities such as live broadcast and big promotion to further stimulate passengers’ travel needs.

"From the ranking of popular starting points and destinations, Shanghai ranks among the top cities in the country." Cheng Chaogong, chief researcher of Tongcheng Research Institute, said that with the gradual normalization of the tourism market, the demand for summer tourism has been released in a centralized way, coupled with the strong recovery of student flow and parent-child tourists, and the passenger flow in summer has continued to run at a high level. Shanghai is a hot spot for summer tourism destinations and tourist sources. In the first half of the summer, the tourism market showed diversified and urban characteristics.

Research tour becomes popular in depth.

"Parent-child research is a hot topic in the summer tourism market in Shanghai." Cheng Chaogong introduced that since July, the attention of "research" products in the Shanghai area of Tongcheng Travel Platform has increased by 183% from the previous month. The high temperature weather for several days in a row has stimulated the study tour of the museum, and the cool and refreshing museum has attracted many parents and students.

In view of the "bursting" of the passenger flow in major museums, Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau announced that it would organize 17 museums including Shanghai Museum, Shanghai History Museum and World Expo Museum to carry out "Museum Wonderful Night" activities, and pilot licensed tour guides to take groups to explain and other measures to meet the diverse needs of tourists.

The research tour is not only hot in Shanghai. The research team of Shanghe children’s theme "The world is a textbook" also arrived in the Three Gorges Dam tourist area in Yichang, Hubei Province in July. In the Three Gorges Project Museum, Dou Xin, a visiting professor at China Communication University and an ambassador for cultural exchange of the national multi-functional economic and trade platform of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, took the history and poems related to the Three Gorges as an index and gave a wonderful and vivid study tour class on the Yangtze River literature and history for SCO children.

Since the beginning of this year, a variety of research tour products launched by the Three Gorges Dam tourist area and Qu Yuan’s hometown scenic area have been popular, with 38,000 students and 30,000 students respectively. "From Yichang to Chongqing, it is not only a corridor of Tang poetry and Song poetry, but also a cultural enrichment place of the Three Kingdoms, and it is also the only way to appreciate the Three Gorges Dam, a big country." Dou Wei said.

"With the increasing demand for personalization and diversity of users, the travel products that used to be superficial can no longer fully attract users." Cheng Chaogong believes that only by digging deep into the needs of users and creating more tourism products with cultural connotation and humanistic spirit and more urban characteristics can the market vitality be maintained. For example, summer City walk has become a popular way for young tourists to explore the city. Wu Kang Road, Anfu Road, Yongkang Road, Fuxing West Road and Fuxing Middle Road have attracted many young people to "punch in".

Make concerted efforts to provide good service.

"Tricholoma matsutake in Shangri-La, truffles in Lijiang … There are many kinds of fungi to eat, and visitors are expected to come and experience them." Lou Kewei, deputy director of Yunnan Cultural Tourism Department, said. On the basis of market research, Yunnan Cultural Tourism Department launched 10 boutique routes, including cultural tourism integration, outdoor sports and other themes. "These 10 lines are hot-selling products that can stand the market test." Liu Zhimin, vice president of Yunnan Travel Agency Association, said.

Since the beginning of this year, Hubei Province has arranged nearly 1 billion yuan in financial assistance to promote the high-quality development of cultural tourism. Among them, 400 million yuan is used to issue coupons for cultural tourism, 200 million yuan is used to support the opening of new international routes, 153 million yuan is used to encourage travel agencies to explore the tourist market outside the province, and nearly 200 million yuan is used for publicity and promotion. At the same time, coordinate financial institutions to provide loan extension, interest subsidies and other support to cultural tourism enterprises.

Hubei Wenlv Group co-ordinates 38 scenic spots and 40 hotels to launch a series of measures to benefit the people. In Shennongjia, Enshi Grand Canyon, Jingmen Geek Park and other scenic spots, visitors can enter the park free of charge with the college entrance examination and senior high school entrance examination admission ticket. The "Tour Hubei" platform started the distribution of 2023 coupons in Xianning, and 15,000 coupons have been distributed.

Railways, civil aviation and other departments also do their best to provide services to ensure the safety and stability of the summer vacation. "Airline self-service change card" and "one-stop comprehensive service counter" … China Eastern Airlines launched a series of special services to bring passengers a faster and more convenient service experience. Yunnan Xiangpeng Airlines has increased its capacity adjustment, and actively responded by thickening safety management and strengthening skills upgrading. China Railway Kunming Bureau Group Co., Ltd. scientifically allocates transportation capacity to meet the travel needs of passengers, and actively innovates service measures to enhance the travel experience of passengers.

Economic Daily (Reporter Guan Peili, Li Zhiguo, Liu Jie, Dong Qingsen, Li Jing, Cao Song), the original title is "Launching boutique routes in many places, arranging special funds, and doing a good job in travel services-the tourism market ushered in the" hottest summer file ""

Source: Economic Daily