Samsung Galaxy S24 series launched in China, priced at 5,499 yuan

  China Economic Net, Beijing, January 26th (Reporter, Li Fang) On the evening of January 25th, Samsung officially launched the Galaxy S24 series for the Chinese market. In the AI era, Samsung took the lead in introducing AI advantages into smartphones to promote the implementation of large language models. Among them, the Galaxy S24 series launched the function of real-time call translation, which can translate the call content in real time without the use of the third-party app, achieving barrier-free communication across languages. If you encounter something you want to know during your journey, you can take a picture and search directly through the click-and-search function without entering keywords.

  "The Samsung Galaxy S24 series will reshape the technology landscape with a meaningful AI experience, opening the door to the future through Galaxy AI, which integrates local and cloud general capabilities, inspiring more possibilities for the future, empowering consumers to live rich and diverse lives and enhancing the quality of daily life," said Choi Seung-shik, president of Samsung Electronics Greater China.

  It is reported that in the process of creating an AI experience for the Galaxy S24 series, China’s Samsung and Baidu Intelligent Cloud have formed a Galaxy AI ecological strategic partner to conduct in-depth research on how mobile phone scenes are combined with large models, and bring a number of AI applications based on Baidu Intelligent Cloud Qianfan platform. In addition, Samsung Album and Meitu have further deepened cooperation, and based on Meitu’s self-developed AI vision model MiracleVision, it has brought AI map modification, AI map expansion, AI map generation and other functions.

  In terms of price, the recommended retail price of Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra starts at 9,699 yuan, providing three storage specifications: 12GB + 256GB, 12GB + 512GB, and 12GB + 1TB; the recommended retail price of Samsung Galaxy S24 + starts at 6,999 yuan, providing 12GB + 256GB, 12GB + 512GB storage specifications; the recommended retail price of Samsung Galaxy S24 starts at 5,499 yuan, providing 8GB + 256GB, 12GB + 256GB, and 8GB + 512GB storage specifications.


Jing Wong has strong marketing ability! Publicity of "New Eternal Dragon Slayer" has been searched frequently.

1905 movie network news Recently, Jing Wong has attracted a lot of attention, and it has been searched frequently.The reason is very simple. He is going to make a new play. And he released this series of Weibo’s plot even more wonderful than the new play.

In the critical period when the film industry is about to resume work in an all-round way, the initial cast will be "out of the circle", and people have to sigh that Jing Wong is really body of work in terms of marketing.First, on May 3rd, Jing Wong’s birthday, he sent a message to Weibo announcing that he was about to "go through the customs" for filming, and announced the "Golden Supporting Actors", most of whom were mature actors with recognized strength, which was full of Hong Kong flavor. Netizens can’t help but sigh, "Looking at the supporting lineup, the starring role should not be wrong."

After a lapse of four days, on May 7th, director Jing Wong once again announced the starring lineup of the new version of "Eternal Dragon Slayer" through his social platform official, and at the same time exposed a group of actor modeling stills. Weibo finally sold a pass. "As for Xiao Zhao … I won’t tell you yet!"

A word shocked a thousand waves, and netizens immediately set off a discussion upsurge on the starring lineup. However, the discussion heat has not dropped yet. Jing Wong then deleted the information and explained the reasons for deleting the article, and at the same time rumored that "Xiao Zhao … is definitely not."Dilraba”。

Such a series of operations, several topics airborne hot search, this fan has been looking forward to 27 years of "Eternal Dragon Slayer" finally came, will it make up for so many years of childhood dreams? Or just another self-consumption? Today, we invited film critic Tan Fei to give a special comment — — Director Jing Wong’s feelings are on the shelf again. Should marketing start with casting?

"Do you think Jing Wong’s marketing is heavy?" Moderator Chen Min asked."It’s too heavy," Tan Fei sighed. "You see, at the end of 2019, he vaguely said that he would shoot a new version of" Eternal Dragon Slayer ",and after the release of first hero and No.1,LAM RaymondJanice ManThe lineup once again made everyone stunned. "How can these people compare with the version 27 years ago?" But at this time, the film has been "out of the circle."

In fact, in the Weibo propaganda in 2019, Jing Wong also buried an important "stalk", that is, "Zhang Wuji finally went to Dadu to find Zhao Min" — — Twenty-seven years ago, Zhao Min and Zhang Wuji said, "Zhang Wuji, if you want to save the six sects, come to me." Tan Fei frankly said that he was actually very impressed by the scene at that time, and "I am still very excited after waiting for 27 years and finally getting the chance."

In Tan Fei’s view, this hot topic of Dilraba shows the superb marketing ability of director Jing Wong.

Since 2016 and 2017, many netizens have been casting roles for directors. Everyone thinks that Dilraba’s appearance fits well with the setting of Persian saint Xiao Zhao. This time, Jing Wong himself Weibo denied it, which pushed the topic even hotter. "This is called marketing, which is called hype, which is called unprofitable. This is called small Boda. He denied it and also took the word Dilraba.

Talking about this, Tan Fei boldly guessed Xiao Zhao’s candidate — — "I just mentioned a name Chingmy Yau, didn’t I? She played Xiao Zhao 27 years ago. If her daughter Shen Yue plays Xiao Zhao 27 years later, it will be more topical. "

The topic is enough, and many fans turn their attention to the content and quality of the film. On the one hand, the existing cast and modeling are quite controversial; On the other hand, how Jing Wong’s director level will be this time is also an unsolved "mystery" for everyone. "There is a saying among fans that’ the most difficult level to guess in the world is Jing Wong’s director level’ because it goes up and down, up and down," Tan Fei added.

Jing Wong’s previous works seem to prove this point. "Douban scored as high as 7.2, and the second one dropped to 5.5. Besides, these movies are actually popcorn movies." Tan Fei said, "Wang Jing has an idea, that is, if he is a art cinema, he will be the top art cinema. If he is a commercial film, he will be the first and a complete hit."

Jing Wong’s creative style is so changeable that film critic Tan Fei can’t help but sigh, "You can see his highest side, his lowest side, his meticulous side and his shoddy side". From this point of view, he can completely match the title of "film actuary" given to him by everyone. He is not limited by artistic creation, but he particularly understands his goal of making commercial films.

Take this film as an example. Tan Fei said that Jing Wong left himself a "back road", and this cast, which was criticized by many netizens, was part of the "back road" he laid for himself.

"What is my goal? The first is to make money. Let’s compare this movie. Do you think that if first hero is replaced by a top-notch mainland player like Karry or a top-notch Jackson Yee, his personal worth is estimated to be much higher than eating all the lineups together, then he may not be able to make money, but if he takes such a lineup, think about it. Even if he encounters a’ black swan’ like the current epidemic, he can sell it to the website. "

In fact, director Jing Wong has always been criticized for this. In the face of doubts, he always behaves very calmly. "He may say his feelings, how much can he sell?" Tan Fei said with a smile. For Jing Wong, the most important thing about a commercial film is not how you evaluate it, but how the market evaluates it. Tan Fei recognized this. "I think it is a director’s duty to respect capital.".

"However, we still hope to see director Jing Wong’s real talent ability besides the marketing expert, that is, besides financial quotient, there is also talent quotient", Tan Fei finally said. Everyone also.I look forward to the early publication of this new film directed by Jing Wong.

After reading the tomb-robbing novel, the man met three accomplices, three were arrested and one surrendered.

  ▲ The suspect Yao Mosai identified the scene.

  In the night, several men came to the cemetery with shovels and crowbars. Some people shoveled, others let out the wind, and others went down to light candles … … Recently, this scene really happened in Dangui Village, Fengyu Town, ziyang, Sichuan.

  On November 27th, the Red Star journalist learned from the Yanjiang Branch of Ziyang Public Security Bureau that Zeng, a native of Ziyang involved in the case, had read the tomb-robbing novel before and met three Anhui men through a QQ group called "Notes on Tomb-robbing in the North School". After knowing each other, they met and stepped on the spot in Dangui Village, and finally jointly pried open an ancient tomb. In the early morning of November 23, after digging out a porcelain pillow, they were stopped by villagers and police on the spot.

  At present, four people have been criminally detained by the police and the case is under further investigation. According to the preliminary appraisal by Yanjiang Cultural Management Institute, the stolen ancient tomb was built in the late Qing Dynasty. The specific age and whether the stolen porcelain pillow is a cultural relic are waiting for further appraisal by the cultural relics department at a higher level.

  ▲ The police investigated on the spot.


  The ancestral grave was "loosened"

  The villagers suspected that someone was going to rob the tomb.

  Fengyu Town is located in Yanjiang District, ziyang, bordering Zizhong County, Neijiang City. In Dangui Village, Fengyu Town, the family of villager Han has been multiplied for at least several generations. On the morning of November 22, at the age of 71, he suddenly received a phone call saying that one of his family’s ancestral graves seemed to have been "loosened" recently.

  This ancestral grave of the Han family is located in a bamboo forest, and the linear distance from the nearest house is less than 20 meters. To this end, he rushed to the scene and found that the soil on the tomb had been dug in many places, but the stone on the tomb door had not been opened. "This place is a main road, and no one has seen anyone come during the day." Han suspected that someone was eyeing his ancestral grave, wanted to rob the tomb, and judged that those people would come again.

  Due to the age, the ancestral grave door of the Han family has been buried by mud, leaving only a stone engraved with inscriptions exposed. "People who are not around here may not think it is a tomb." Han also said that he had learned from his grandfather that someone in his family ancestors was a juren in the Qing Dynasty and was buried in this tomb after his death.

  ▲ The suspect Zeng identified the scene.

  Grave robbery:

  Learning novels, lighting candles in the tomb

  Four people ganged up to rob the tomb and were arrested one after another.

  In order not to alarm the grass, on the evening of November 22, Han and the local president and others hid in the citrus forest behind the cemetery in advance to "wait for the rabbit."

  At 10 o’clock that night, Han heard someone walking around the cemetery, but did not see the lights. "We are far apart, and we are not sure how many people there are." Han and others stayed until the early morning of the next day, during which someone’s phone rang. Fearing that the grave robbers would escape early after hearing this, they immediately called the police station to tell them about it.

  "I caught three people at that time." Chen Lin, a policeman from Fengyu Police Station of Yanjiang Branch of Ziyang Public Security Bureau, said that after they arrived at the scene, they arrested three men, one of whom was found by the police while hiding in the ditch. Afterwards, Zeng, who was familiar with the terrain and fled, realized that he could not escape after all and surrendered himself on November 23.

  ▲ The suspect lit a candle in the northwest of the tomb according to the routine in the tomb robbery novel.

  Zeng is a native of Yanjiang, and the other three arrested Yao Mosai, Cong and Yao Mouwei are from Anhui. According to the police, that night, after opening the tomb, the four men studied the bridge in the novel, lit a candle in the tomb, and then stole a porcelain pillow from the tomb. However, the police who arrived soon caught it. In the escape, Yao Mosai broke the porcelain pillow.

  At present, according to the preliminary appraisal by the Cultural Management Institute of Yanjiang District, ziyang, the stolen ancient tomb was built in the late Qing Dynasty. However, the specific age and whether the porcelain pillow is a cultural relic are waiting for further identification by the cultural relics department at a higher level.

  ▲ Porcelain pillow stolen by the suspect from the tomb and broken when fleeing.


  After reading tomb-robbing novels, join a group to get to know each other.

  Several people took risks to repay the loan

  Why did three Anhui men get in touch with Zeng of Ziyang Yanjiang?

  According to Zeng’s account, he had joined a QQ group named "Notes on Tomb Robbery in the North School" because he had read the novel of tomb robbery, and posted photos of suspected ancient tombs seen near his home in the group. Soon after, Yao Mosai took the initiative to add Zeng as a friend and said that he was "very interested" and wanted to come to him, promising to let him "take the big head" if he dug up something.

  ▲ The suspects get to know each other in the group of "tomb-robbing novels" and discuss how to commit crimes and divide the spoils.

  After investigation by the police, on November 19th, Yao Mosai invited Yao Mouwei to drive from Anhui to Fengyu Town. After they met and stepped on the spot, they bought shovels, crowbars, flashlights, candles and other tools in the town, and started to work on the evening of November 20th. The four people have a clear division of labor. Zeng is responsible for watching the wind, Yao Mosai is responsible for positioning, and Cong and Yao Mouwei are responsible for mining. However, due to the lack of preparation tools, the four men dug for two consecutive nights and did not pry open the stone on the tomb door. On the evening of November 22, the four men who started for the third time finally pried open the tomb door to carry out the theft, and were arrested one after another.

  When talking about why he took risks, Yao Mosai told the police that several of them were short of money. He also borrowed about 8,000 yuan a month, and it took several thousand yuan to repay the loan from a certain person and Yao Mouwei every month.

  At present, four people have been criminally detained by the police and the case is under further investigation.

  Photo courtesy of Liu Yuntao Red Star journalist Yao Yongzhong police

Speeding up the construction of western talent center and innovation highland Chongqing international talent exchange conference was held

  From December 16th to 17th, Chongqing International Talent Exchange Conference was held in Chongqing. Important guests and experts from 42 countries, regions and international organizations participated in the grand event. At the closing ceremony, talents and projects in Chongqing were collectively signed. According to statistics, this year’s conference introduced 2954 talents and 206 projects.

The signing site of Chongqing International Talent Exchange Conference. Photo courtesy of the organizer

  Academicians and experts offer suggestions and suggestions around talent construction.

  "At present, the construction of a modern new Chongqing is in a critical period, which requires the active participation of talents and strong intellectual support." Yuan Jiajun, secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, said in his speech at the opening ceremony, "We have vigorously implemented the strategy of scientific and technological innovation and strengthening the city with talents, cultivated and introduced all kinds of talents in an all-round way, and accelerated the construction of the western talent center and innovative highland."

  Up to now, Chongqing’s total talent resources exceed 6.3 million people, and its talent density ranks first in the west. There are 105 national science and technology innovation platforms, and 69 disciplines have entered the top 1% of ESI (Basic Scientific Indicators Database) in the world.

  What kind of talents are needed in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and how to cultivate and gather talents?

  "The major technological infrastructure is ‘ The heavy weapon of the country ’ It has the unique advantages of cultivating, condensing talents and promoting international scientific and technological cooperation. " Bai Chunli, an academician of the China Academy of Sciences, said that he made a statistic and found that 30 of the Nobel Prize in Physics since 1951 were obviously related to major scientific and technological infrastructure, accounting for 48% of the prize-winning proportion. The major scientific and technological infrastructure is also an important platform for international scientific and technological cooperation and the implementation of international science plans. At present, China is in a critical period of accelerating the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and building a world-class scientific and technological power, and talents are the first resource.

  Bai Chunli said: "We must give full play to the unique role of the cradle of major scientific and technological infrastructure talents, so that these high-level scientific research platforms can continuously feed back the cultivation of talents and continuously improve the independent training ability of basic research talents."

  "Since the reform and opening up, the overall development trend and scale of talents in China are very good. The problem we are facing now is that there are many general talents and many strong talents, but the more we go up, the less top talents there are. " Shi Yigong, academician of China Academy of Sciences and president of West Lake University, put forward three suggestions on how to maintain the leading position of top talents. The first is long-term trust and stable support; Secondly, attach importance to young talents and support young people; Third, open cooperation, diversification will bring innovation drive.

  "I chose to join Changan Automobile because Changan Automobile has strong scientific and technological innovation. I chose to come to Chongqing Liangjiang New District because it has a solid industrial base, a vast market space and a high degree of openness. " Klaus Chijola, vice president of Chongqing Changan Automobile Company, mentioned the reason why he became attached to Chongqing in his keynote speech. He introduced that with the increasing globalization trend, Changan Design Center, as an important part of Changan Automobile, has formed an international professional layout. At the same time, Changan Automobile continuously integrates excellent human resources, promotes excellent product design, and strives to build a new global strategic partnership.

  Promote the talent chain and empower the industrial chain.

  This year, Chongqing proposed to build the strategic layout of "416" scientific and technological innovation and the construction of "33618" modern manufacturing cluster system, closely following the layout of talent chains in key industrial chains, and Chongqing played a "combination boxing" to attract outstanding talents to innovate and start businesses in Chongqing.

  At the opening ceremony, Chongqing’s scientific and technological research project "Revealing the List" was released, with a total of 28 projects covering intelligent networked new energy vehicles, advanced materials, intelligent equipment and other fields, with a list amount of 221 million yuan. Highlight the needs of the industry and the ability of innovation, and set up a high-level research team by giving play to the role of leading talents as "head geese" to concentrate on collaborative research.

  "Chongqing’s good talent base and scientific research advantages are important reasons for attracting our team to participate in this competition." Liang Feng, the winner of the "Xingyu Cup" International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Competition, "Research and Development of Multi-gene Combination Therapy for Anti-tumor and Anti-vaccine Based on MRNA Platform", said that he was going to set the research and development and manufacturing center of anti-tumor vaccine project in Chongqing. In this competition, a total of 1,369 outstanding talents competed with innovative and entrepreneurial projects, and 1,069 household units launched 19,000 positions to attract talents.

  At the closing ceremony, talents and projects were introduced for centralized signing cooperation. Of the 2,954 talents introduced by this year’s conference, 1,637 were involved in the "33,618" modern manufacturing cluster system, accounting for 55.42%; Among the 206 imported projects, the top three imported projects are manufacturing, information transmission, software and information technology services, scientific research and technical services.

  This time, a series of policies, such as the digital platform for talent work in Chongqing, the new Chongqing talent loan and the new Chongqing talent insurance, were released to facilitate the development of talents.

  In the next step, Chongqing will further implement the strategy of scientific and technological innovation and strengthening the city with talents, improve the overall intelligence, talent concentration, strategic support, policy competitiveness and ecological conservation in an all-round way, and build a platform and create opportunities for all kinds of talents.

(Editor: Han Mengchen)