48 China brands have entered the list of "Top 500 World Brands".

Beijing business today News (Reporter Jin Chaoli Cheng Liang) Recently, the World Brand Lab’s 2023 Top 500 World Brands list was announced, and 48 China brands entered the list of Top 500 World Brands. At the same time, 35 leading brands such as China Air China, Changhong and Haier Zhijia were selected as "2023 China Brand of the Year Award".

According to relevant analysis, the outstanding performance of domestic enterprises in brand first comes from continuous technological innovation and brand innovation, and constantly injects connotations such as fashion, trend and intelligence into brands, and promotes brand rejuvenation and upgrading, thus building their own industrial ecological moat.

According to the data, the "Top 500 World Brands" is judged on the basis of the brand’s world influence. The so-called brand influence refers to the brand’s ability to open up the market, occupy the market and make profits. According to the three key indicators of brand influence, namely, market share, brand loyalty and global leadership, the World Brand Lab comprehensively scored more than 8,000 famous brands around the world, and finally launched 500 most influential brands in the world.

Cohesion of Multi-forces Lifelong Learning Platform, Telling the Truth and Promoting the Healthy Development of Short Video Ecology

On December 16th, the short video eco-chain empowerment conference "Towards a Beautiful Peer" ended grandly. The conference was guided by Hefei Culture and Tourism Bureau and the Propaganda Department of Baohe District Committee of the Communist Party of China, hosted by the lifelong learning platform, and co-organized by Anhui Electronic Commerce Association and Hefei National Radio, Film and Television Science and Technology Innovation Experimental Base. The government, media organizations, short video industry experts and scholars gathered together to make suggestions and suggestions on promoting the ecological and healthy development of short video.

The openness and inclusiveness of short videos provide opportunities for the public to express themselves, and more and more people are involved in the new format of short videos. The "China Online Performance (Live and Short Video) Industry Development Report (2022-2023)" issued by China Performance Industry Association shows that by 2022, the number of anchor accounts has exceeded 150 million; There are more than 1 billion accounts of content creators. In the field of short video, creators need to continuously output high-quality content in order to achieve benign and healthy development, and only by maintaining their own professionalism can creators have the opportunity to gain a long-term foothold in the industry and gain value. The two complement each other and are inseparable. As a new force in the short video ecology, we will truly empower every ordinary person’s short video creation journey through high-quality courses and services, and help the healthy development of the short video ecology.

"Telling the truth is not only a learning platform to help students grow up, but also a promoter to help the healthy development of the industry. It has formed a closed-loop ecology with users and industries." Tian Na, Chief Teaching Operating Officer of Telling the Truth, shared at the conference that the short video course of Telling the Truth has three core advantages: professional and easy-to-understand content system, refined service and innovative technology. Telling the truth builds a professional and easy-to-understand content system, lowers the learning threshold of students, consolidates the basic knowledge of students, and helps users build a personal ability system through a series of practical cases, detailed disassembly, high-level personalized content creation and special ability improvement. In terms of refined services, telling the truth provides users with efficient services through multi-dimensional measures. Lecturers and class teachers will provide intimate guidance and practical explanations for students during the learning process, and do their best to respond positively, so that everyone can learn and study anytime, anywhere. In terms of innovative technology, telling the truth introduces AI intelligent planning teaching, forming a teaching closed loop of professional evaluation, planning study, course study, learning evaluation and plan optimization to help everyone improve learning efficiency and effectiveness. These three abilities have not only become the basis for supporting the growth of users, the kinetic energy for the healthy development of the industry, but also make users feel more and more experienced in telling the truth. The data shows that the favorable rate of telling the truth course has reached 98.5%.

When talking about future planning, Tian Na said: "The quality of the course is the fundamental reason why students choose to tell the truth, and it is also a hard power. Telling the truth will launch the short video version 4.0 course, which will once again bring students a double improvement in learning experience and learning effect. " ChatGPT is integrated into the new curriculum, which can provide help and suggestions for users in the process of account naming, account track selection, copy generation, video generation, data analysis, optimization suggestions and so on. At the same time, the new course is also equipped with four learning service columns, five practical tools and anchor growth plan, which reduces the difficulty of video content production from multiple dimensions and makes users more willing to learn and try.

In terms of soft power construction, telling the truth will also gather many forces, empower ordinary people to create a journey, and promote the positive cycle of short video and ecological health. In the future, Telling the Truth will continue to hold short video contests, and students will be selected for incubation to help build high-quality content ecology. At the same time, Telling the Truth also actively cooperates with authoritative organizations in the industry to promote the sound development of the industry. On the one hand, Telling the Truth and Anhui E-commerce Association jointly established the "Short Video Special Committee" of Anhui E-commerce Association, which will actively promote the healthy development of the industry through a series of exchange activities, national industry research, promoting participation in the formulation of relevant industry standards, launching industrial incubation pilots, and training talents. On the other hand, Telling the Truth and Hefei National Radio, Film and Television Science and Technology Innovation Experimental Base jointly released the "Short Video Talent Incubation Plan", which will link upstream and downstream resources, establish talent delivery channels and mechanisms, and provide content, technology and resources support for outstanding students of Telling the Truth through activities such as the Telling the Truth study season and the Telling the Truth public welfare class, so as to cultivate more excellent short video creators and assemble more partners to jointly promote the development of the industry.

As a lifelong learning platform focusing on personal value improvement, telling the truth will not forget the initial heart, continue to spread knowledge, and help more students break through themselves and shine in the short video field. At the same time, Telling the Truth will also unite more professional organizations to promote the rapid development of short video ecology in a healthier direction and meet a broader future.

Football News: To save China’s football, please start with respecting the league.

Live broadcast: On December 9 th, in view of the current situation that China football has entered the cold winter, Football Daily issued a document suggesting that the self-help of China football should start from respecting the league.

Football News believes that if we want to save ourselves, we must use the vigor and vitality of the league to awaken the support of the fans and the concern of the government, and also give some time to the "on the road" share reform. In fact, the reason for the share reform is to give China football a relatively stable future, at least it will not lead to the continuous loss of the league and the continuous training of talents due to the frequent withdrawal of investors. However, no matter what kind of reform, if China football can’t change the status quo that the players themselves are not self-reliant, unable to make blood and waiting for blood transfusion forever, the future will be unsustainable.

For the method of self-help, Football Daily suggested:

First, stop complaining, stop complaining about the system, the market and everything around you, and concentrate on the game. What China football lacks most in recent years is collective consciousness. Without unity, it is fragmented. Everyone speaks out for their own interests, but they are also exploiting loopholes and breaking rules in China football for their own interests.

Second, do what you can, try to understand people in the circle who are different from themselves but closely related, and learn to put themselves in other’s shoes. The simplest thing is to respect the game, the fans and the rules. Respecting the game means working hard, and respecting the fans means lying on the grass less, not being negative or impulsive; Respecting the rules means not to foul maliciously. If there is a real misjudgment, you can appeal. If there is no misjudgment, don’t blindly transfer the pressure to the referee in order to reduce your own pressure regardless of the facts.

Third, wait patiently and positively for the advancement of share reform, and exchange time for space. Football in China will not disappear, and the league will continue to exist, but what standard the league will exist depends on whether the industry is worth saving by the country.

If the whole circle shows a strong desire to survive, wait for being saved with a positive attitude, and at the same time actively carry out self-help, it can bring exciting competitions, at least when the government promotes the share reform, it will reduce a lot of resistance. Football in China has reached the most critical moment. If you don’t save yourself, everyone will be injured-and saving yourself should start with respecting the league.

(Nanling cries and cries)

Fashion is a reincarnation, and these elements are hot again.


Seems to be the most fickle thing in the world,

Last season’s fashion trends are just familiar to me.

Next season’s pop elements will follow immediately.

Fashion trends change every season,

But at the same time, fashion is a reincarnation.

Elements that were popular a long time ago may be warming up again today.

We often see something similar on the Internet.

"It turns out that the most fashionable ones are our grandmother and mother."

"Looking through mom’s closet,

You can see the fashion this year.

So,In a sense,

Fashion is a cycle after cycle.

For example, the beautiful national goddess Brigitte Lin,

The hard photos of the last century are still super amazing.

Sling v-neck jumpsuit,

Pure and sexy are just right,

With hairband and a little black bag,

Simple plain clothes and proper fashionistas,

And this kind of jumpsuit is very popular in recent years.

Anyone who doesn’t have one or two,

It’s really Out

Brigitte Lin also loves to wear heroic suits.

Capable, fresh and handsome.

And this neutral trend has been in the fashion circle in recent years.

Also cited by various big coffees,

Let us feel the elegance and handsomeness of women again.

Cycling pants are all the rage this summer.

From the street to the show,

Become a versatile item for fashionistas of all walks of life.

For elongate leg lines,

Highlighting the waist-hip-leg ratio plays an excellent role.

But did it occur to you,

The late princess Diana

I have already interpreted it to the fullest.

Princess Diana’s life is legendary,

And her dress style also leads the fashion trend.

Even today, it is still fashionable and bright.

This green wave tunic dress with white background is fresh and charming.

With a roll-up hat,

The neck is decorated with exquisite choker,

Any one is a popular style at present.

A generation of goddess Joey Wong, fashionable and temperament,

Her style has been madly imitated by girls.

As early as 30 years ago,

She has put on piles of socks and small white shoes.

And this kind of collocation is also popular in recent years.

Waist check jumpsuit suspender short skirt,

Fresh and sexy merger,

It’s still standard in summer,

There is always a reason why plaid elements are enduring.

After all, it’s so beautiful.

Fashion is like a cycle,

Many things that were popular in the past are immersed in it for a period of time.

Will return to the wave of fashion.

No matter how to pursue the latest things,

What remains in the end are the most classic elements.

Stripes have always been a popular element in fashion circles.

Never disappeared in fashion,

Never even dimmed,

Regardless of the times,

Sweeping the fashion circle regardless of season.

Striped shirts have appeared in Hepburn’s daily photos more than once.

Marilyn Monroe always wears sexy clothes,

Striped shirts are no exception.

Nowadays, more colors and styles are used.

The beauty of stripes remains the same.

Summer is the most exciting season to wear striped shirts.

Especially blue and white stripes,

Especially suitable for showing the vitality of summer,

Full of youthful and lively breath,

Age is reduced and there is a sense of closeness.

Striped Tee is the simplest and easiest item to build.

You can go out of the street with a pair of jeans or shorts at will.

Over size, hem knot, small dew shoulder

All kinds of wearing methods get up at will,

Easily add points to your look.

And for people who want to be thin,

Vertical stripes are the best choice.

Stretch the lines of the whole body,

Makes people look thin and straight,

Very good shape modification.

Don’t like large stripes,

It can also be decorated with only a small area.

Stripes on collars, cuffs and belts,

Can show personality very well.

No one will ask whether black and white collocation is popular.

Because it naturally exists in fashion.

I believe many people were killed 25 years ago,

This set of photos of Gong Li at the seaside in Cannes was amazing.

Black and white, seemingly simple,

But it has been amazing for decades.

Ms Chanel once said:

"I often say that black is all-inclusive, and so is white.

Their beauty is impeccable and absolutely harmonious.

At the dance,

Women in black or white are always the focus. "

A seemingly unchanging black and white match.

In fact, I have tried all kinds of styles and forms.

Although the combination of black and white is not as eye-catching as color items,

But it has always stood in the fashion world and never went out of fashion.

As the saying goes, less is more,

Black and white collocation just explains this.

People who like simplicity,

There must be an inherent feeling for black and white.

Black and white collocation,

Release different styles through different fabrics and styles,

Or fashionable and capable, or dignified and elegant,

The only constant is the innate sense of fashion.

Plaid is one of the classic English elements.

Since the 1950s and 1960s,

Plaid elements have already occupied the fashion circle.

In many old photos,

We have all seen those graceful girls,

Use plaid to interpret the elegance of that era.

Plaid is also one of Hepburn’s daily preferences.

The fresh plaid makes her feel girly.

Princess Diana is also a fan of plaid.

Different styles wear different temperament,

Show the nobility and sweetness of the royal family,

These clothes are full of fashion even now.

Until today,

Plaid is still the most representative fashion symbol,

Is a frequent visitor to the fashion trend every year.

Different patterns, sizes and combinations,

Give fashion unlimited possibilities.

Large plaid makes people look calm,

And the small plaid,

It looks more low-key and introverted.

A vintage plaid suit,

It should be a versatile must-have item.

With casual items,

Fresh and handsome, simple and stylish.

And dressed in plaid,

There will be a strong visual impact,

Combining formal and fashionable elements,

Let your temperament soar.

We often say that fashion is a cycle,

Because of the popular elements,

It always comes back in a different fashion.

That’s because,

True beauty has never been eliminated,

And the real classic,

Will make time last forever.

Five treasure destinations suitable for everyone to travel, the locals are enthusiastic and don’t kill customers, and they have all said yes.

China, with its vast territory and abundant resources, always has some places, which are not short of beautiful scenery, but also infiltrated by history. However, it is just a little bit of luck, unknown to outsiders, or only briefly loved by the world.

For example, the five destinations introduced to you today.



Enshi, located at the mysterious 30 north latitude, is a famous summer resort and the ultimate feast of China landscape.

Hefeng is located in Enshi.

Tired of playing crowded public attractions? Why don’t you go to Hefeng?

Starting from the cliff-hanging highway comparable to the South Taihang, we can appreciate the secluded scenery of Hefeng.

Cliff-carving and wall-hanging highway,This magical road stands between the cliffs and the abyss. When the clouds are filled in summer, driving by car is like shuttling on the clouds, and you can have a panoramic view of the canyon cliffs, which makes you feel breathtaking and beautiful at the same time.

18 kilometers longPingshan gorgeIn the valley, there is a blue-to-green Jasper River, on which boats are suspended in the air, which is incredible in beauty, so Pingshan has the reputation of "China Semporna".

Not far from Pingshan Grand CanyonDongjiahe slope valley, is the largest slope valley in the world, known as "Hubei Xiaojiuzhai".

Muershan tea garden,This is the largest contiguous tea garden in Hubei Province. With the ups and downs of the mountain, a long green tea tree has spread all the way to the horizon.

Laishui gallery,Laishui, which originates from Yunmeng Village, Xiaping Township, Hefeng, is the mother river of Hefeng people. It runs through the whole territory of Hefeng, nurtures Hefeng’s children and also shapes a beautiful landscape picture.


Rongmei Tusi City Site,According to legend, Rong Mei’s toast has thrived here for more than 400 years, and Yong Zhengdi in Qing Dynasty once commented on it: "Of all the toasts in Chu and Shu, Rong Mei is the most prosperous". Up to now, there are more than 50 sites such as Juefu, Laojie and Wanquandong, and thousands of historical relics have been unearthed.

Figure/Tujia national costumes

Daluping, Tujia village,Tujia village on the line of 30 north latitude is located in an ancient and mysterious place in the hinterland of China.

Figure/Enshi Daily

Coordinates: Southeast of Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture



Mangya, surrounded by four famous no-man’s land, is the most lonely city in China.

But just like the city with the least sense of existence, Mangya has also gained a small number of fans in the most inaccessible place where everyone wants to go.


There is the largest and most fantastic Yadan in the world-


Here is a rare eye in the world-

Aiken spring;

There is a beautiful imaginary lake here-

Emerald lake;

There is a road that seems to go to the end of the day-


There are Buddha and Bodhisattva shapes shaped by nature-

Thousand Buddha Cliff;

It’s like being on Mars 55 million kilometers away-

Cold Lake Mars Town.

Coordinates: Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province



Delingha, located in the northeast edge of Qaidam Basin, is endowed with Gobi and desert by nature, but at the same time, it also allows her to have both wetlands and grasslands.

Figure/Ferris wheel on the Bayin River

Bayin River, which runs through the city, is known as the "mother river" of Delingha. Where the source of life flows, bushes, Achnatherum splendens and Haloxylon ammodendron trees grow.HaiZi ShiGe ChenLieGuan, grow a.Baishushan.

Standing on the cypress hill overlooking, Delingha city is in the forest and water is in the forest.

Delingha is a small town that can surprise people, with sand dunes stretching for 20,000 square kilometers, which makes the world amazed.Yadan landform.

In Delingha, you can also see the universe that the secular people are striving for. Here is a place.Alien site.

At first glance, it’s just an ordinary triangular cave, but explorers found a rusty iron pipe in the cave, which is more than 2 meters above the ground and about 6 meters deep without any trace of manual excavation.

The mysterious site attracts people’s attention, but the charming "Lover Lake" next to it also attracts thousands of people.

Lake Keruk, Lake Tosu,One big and one small, one full of vitality, and one inch of grass is barren.

Legend has it that these two lakes were transformed by a loving couple. Tuosu Lake is the husband who died with salt on his back, and Keruk Lake is the wife who shed tears because of sadness. They are connected and closely dependent by a small river, which has become the "lover lake" in people’s mouth and the beautiful myth of Qaidam Basin.

Figure/Keruk Lake

Tu/Tuosu Lake

In the territory of Gahai Township, Delingha, there is also a saltwater lake calledGahai Lake. It is lush with aquatic plants and rich in wildlife resources. Gahai Grassland is one of the best grasslands in Asia and an ideal place for people to spend the summer.

Coordinates: Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province



It is said that Guilin’s landscape is the best in the world, the mountain light in Jingxi is not inferior to Guilin’s, and the water color is not too rich. Therefore, it is also known as "Small Guilin with mountains and rivers and a small climate in Kunming".

There is a highway that is burning all over the world-Hena highwayAlong the way, two peaks are densely forested and picturesque, and the beautiful peaks are looming in the mist, which is as beautiful as walking through a fairyland, and is called "the most beautiful highway in the world".

There are many Jingxi canyons dominated by karst plateau landforms. Known as "a beautiful scar on the earth"Tongling Grand CanyonRight here, it is the waterfall with the highest single-stage drop in Asia. The moment when the giant waterfall with a drop of nearly 188.6 meters rushed down from the top of the mountain, it was magnificent and quite spectacular.

In addition, there is "the largest original ecological cave canyon group in China"-Gulongshan Canyon Group.Gulao Gorge, Xinling Gorge and Xinqiao Gorge are connected with three underground caves, which constitute a rare natural wonder connecting the three caves and the Three Gorges, and also make Gulong Gorge famous.

There is a spring about 5 kilometers away from Jingxi County, named after Goose Mountain lying on the water like a goose.Goose springIt, together with butterfly spring in Dali and Xishan Ruquan in Guiping, is called "the three famous springs in southwest China", and the source of Detian Waterfall, the first transnational waterfall in Asia, is located here.

More than 40 kilometers away from goose spring, there is aQuyang LakeIt is called "Guilin on the Water".

This is a large-scale karst plateau lake and reservoir, with more than a dozen single mountain scattered in the water. At dawn and dusk, the water surface is like paper and the glow is like a pen, leaving a soft and poetic picture, which exhausted all foreigners’ imagination of China’s landscape.

Coordinates: Southwest Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region



Yongzhou, an ancient city that has been baptized for more than 2,000 years, is bordered by Guangdong and Guangxi in the south and Hengyue in the north. The number of historical remains is complicated and the natural scenery is beautiful. Celebrities and poets write countless poems here.

The landscape here is picturesque:

In 2019, more than 30 domestic experts and scholars gathered at the Xiaoshui River in the ancient city of Lingling. From then on, "111 degrees 36 minutes 10.20 seconds east longitude and 26 degrees 15 minutes 37.10 seconds north latitude" became the first scene of "Eight Scenes of Xiaoxiang"."Xiaoxiang Night Rain"The landscape point.

Jiuyi Mountain,Also known as Cangwu Mountain, the Water Classics Note says: "The wilderness of Cangwu, between the peaks and the counties, and the nine peaks of Luoyan, each leads a stream and a gully, and the different mountains are in the same situation. The traveler was suspicious, so he said: Jiuyi Mountain. "

It is like a picturesque natural scenery, with numerous peaks rising from the ground, mountains and streams flowing freely, exotic flowers and plants everywhere, and many strange caves, which are fantastic and beautiful.ZixiayanIt was once listed as the first of the "Twelve Famous Caves in South Chu" by Xu Xiake.

Jiucailing,China, the top of the top ten non-famous peaks, is called "K2 of Hunan", which soars into the sky and is a paradise for hikers.

It is antique here:

Lingling ancient city,This is the soul of Yongzhou, so it is also known as the "ancient city of Yongzhou". It has gone through more than 2,200 years and is an old dream left by the years in Yongzhou.

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, the lanterns in the ancient city of Lingling are hung high, and the bustling scenery of the "famous county of Han and Tang Dynasties" is swaying. The splendid melody on the thoroughfare of Chu and Yue seems to come across time and space.

Liuzi street,Liuzi Street, which is connected with Lingling Ancient City, was originally a part of the "Xianggui Ancient Road". It was built in the Tang Dynasty, and now the style of the ancient street is well preserved. Most of the two ancient buildings were built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Liuzi Street is named after the center of the street.Liuzi TempleLiuzi Temple was built by the people of Yongzhou in memory of Liu Zongyuan. In addition to Liu Zongyuan’s life story, poems and paintings, there are many inscriptions related to celebrities in the temple, such as "Lychee Monument" related to Han Yu and Su Shi.

Upper Gan Tang village,Even in Yongzhou, one of the most out-of-the-box places, ShangGan Tang Village remains unchanged. It hides in the depths of time and turns life into a poem.

This is one of the oldest Millennium villages in Hunan. Its history began in the Tang Dynasty, and the Millennium years passed leisurely. Due to the love of time, there are many places of interest and monuments, and the pavilions and pavilions are intact.

Goulan Yao nationality,This well-preserved ancestral home of the Yao nationality has been meaningful here. Whether it is the warm and simple "mud washing festival" or the long-standing "Goulan match", it is a wonderful work of Yao culture and precious.

Coordinates: the confluence of two rivers in southern Hunan and Xiaoxiang.


The tourism market is welcoming the "hottest summer file". Where are you going to take a walk?

This summer, the national tourism market recovered strongly, and the number of tourists and income rose together. Data from a number of tourism platforms show that the summer tourism market is expected to surpass the same period in 2019, and parent-child tours, study tours and summer vacations have become popular choices.

The tourism market continues to heat up.

Recently, the high temperature has continued all over the country, but Wei Qian, a tourist from Anhui, felt a rare coolness in Kunming. "The temperature here is too comfortable, which is in sharp contrast with the heat in other places." Since the beginning of summer, the average temperature in Yunnan Province is only 22.9℃, and Kunming, the spring city where the weather is often like February and March, has become a summer resort.

Not only in Kunming, but also in Yunnan, you can wander around the mountains and enjoy the coolness in summer. In Dali, at the foot of Cangshan Mountain and beside Erhai Lake, tourists punch in along the ecological corridor and feel the slow life. In the Stone Forest, where the rocks are green and the peaks are beautiful, visitors can experience the Yi culture and appreciate the wonders of nature.

Entering the summer tourist season, in addition to the traditional popular routes such as Kunming, Dali, Lijiang and Diqing, tourists from Qujing, Xishuangbanna, Pu ‘er and Baoshan also continue to increase. In the past few days, the flight take-off and landing and passenger throughput in Kunming have increased sharply. On July 14th, there were 1,005 take-off and landing flights, a three-year high and 143,800 passengers were transported. Yunnan Railway Department sent 300,000 passengers every day, a year-on-year increase of 20.6%.

"The four hotels in the park were fully booked two weeks in advance." Fu Zhixin, deputy general manager of the marketing center of OCT Fantasy Resort in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, said that since the beginning of this summer vacation, the resort has attracted a large number of foreign tourists. "It is estimated that more than 2 million tourists will be received in the summer, reaching a new high." Fu Zhixin said.

Tongcheng data shows that from July 11 to 17, the number of air ticket bookings increased by more than 120% compared with the same period in 2019, and the number of hotel bookings nationwide increased by 150.53% compared with the same period in 2019. "The summer vacation has a good start." According to Lan Xing, the person in charge of Ctrip’s air ticket marketing, the popularity of this year’s summer vacation benefits from the continuous recovery of the tourism market. The superimposed airport and airline companies continue to introduce discounts, and there are marketing activities such as live broadcast and big promotion to further stimulate passengers’ travel needs.

"From the ranking of popular starting points and destinations, Shanghai ranks among the top cities in the country." Cheng Chaogong, chief researcher of Tongcheng Research Institute, said that with the gradual normalization of the tourism market, the demand for summer tourism has been released in a centralized way, coupled with the strong recovery of student flow and parent-child tourists, and the passenger flow in summer has continued to run at a high level. Shanghai is a hot spot for summer tourism destinations and tourist sources. In the first half of the summer, the tourism market showed diversified and urban characteristics.

Research tour becomes popular in depth.

"Parent-child research is a hot topic in the summer tourism market in Shanghai." Cheng Chaogong introduced that since July, the attention of "research" products in the Shanghai area of Tongcheng Travel Platform has increased by 183% from the previous month. The high temperature weather for several days in a row has stimulated the study tour of the museum, and the cool and refreshing museum has attracted many parents and students.

In view of the "bursting" of the passenger flow in major museums, Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau announced that it would organize 17 museums including Shanghai Museum, Shanghai History Museum and World Expo Museum to carry out "Museum Wonderful Night" activities, and pilot licensed tour guides to take groups to explain and other measures to meet the diverse needs of tourists.

The research tour is not only hot in Shanghai. The research team of Shanghe children’s theme "The world is a textbook" also arrived in the Three Gorges Dam tourist area in Yichang, Hubei Province in July. In the Three Gorges Project Museum, Dou Xin, a visiting professor at China Communication University and an ambassador for cultural exchange of the national multi-functional economic and trade platform of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, took the history and poems related to the Three Gorges as an index and gave a wonderful and vivid study tour class on the Yangtze River literature and history for SCO children.

Since the beginning of this year, a variety of research tour products launched by the Three Gorges Dam tourist area and Qu Yuan’s hometown scenic area have been popular, with 38,000 students and 30,000 students respectively. "From Yichang to Chongqing, it is not only a corridor of Tang poetry and Song poetry, but also a cultural enrichment place of the Three Kingdoms, and it is also the only way to appreciate the Three Gorges Dam, a big country." Dou Wei said.

"With the increasing demand for personalization and diversity of users, the travel products that used to be superficial can no longer fully attract users." Cheng Chaogong believes that only by digging deep into the needs of users and creating more tourism products with cultural connotation and humanistic spirit and more urban characteristics can the market vitality be maintained. For example, summer City walk has become a popular way for young tourists to explore the city. Wu Kang Road, Anfu Road, Yongkang Road, Fuxing West Road and Fuxing Middle Road have attracted many young people to "punch in".

Make concerted efforts to provide good service.

"Tricholoma matsutake in Shangri-La, truffles in Lijiang … There are many kinds of fungi to eat, and visitors are expected to come and experience them." Lou Kewei, deputy director of Yunnan Cultural Tourism Department, said. On the basis of market research, Yunnan Cultural Tourism Department launched 10 boutique routes, including cultural tourism integration, outdoor sports and other themes. "These 10 lines are hot-selling products that can stand the market test." Liu Zhimin, vice president of Yunnan Travel Agency Association, said.

Since the beginning of this year, Hubei Province has arranged nearly 1 billion yuan in financial assistance to promote the high-quality development of cultural tourism. Among them, 400 million yuan is used to issue coupons for cultural tourism, 200 million yuan is used to support the opening of new international routes, 153 million yuan is used to encourage travel agencies to explore the tourist market outside the province, and nearly 200 million yuan is used for publicity and promotion. At the same time, coordinate financial institutions to provide loan extension, interest subsidies and other support to cultural tourism enterprises.

Hubei Wenlv Group co-ordinates 38 scenic spots and 40 hotels to launch a series of measures to benefit the people. In Shennongjia, Enshi Grand Canyon, Jingmen Geek Park and other scenic spots, visitors can enter the park free of charge with the college entrance examination and senior high school entrance examination admission ticket. The "Tour Hubei" platform started the distribution of 2023 coupons in Xianning, and 15,000 coupons have been distributed.

Railways, civil aviation and other departments also do their best to provide services to ensure the safety and stability of the summer vacation. "Airline self-service change card" and "one-stop comprehensive service counter" … China Eastern Airlines launched a series of special services to bring passengers a faster and more convenient service experience. Yunnan Xiangpeng Airlines has increased its capacity adjustment, and actively responded by thickening safety management and strengthening skills upgrading. China Railway Kunming Bureau Group Co., Ltd. scientifically allocates transportation capacity to meet the travel needs of passengers, and actively innovates service measures to enhance the travel experience of passengers.

Economic Daily (Reporter Guan Peili, Li Zhiguo, Liu Jie, Dong Qingsen, Li Jing, Cao Song), the original title is "Launching boutique routes in many places, arranging special funds, and doing a good job in travel services-the tourism market ushered in the" hottest summer file ""

Source: Economic Daily

Black, unshakable fashion sense in deep winter!

In winter, black becomes the nail house in 80% men’s wardrobes.

Black is deeply loved by everyone, thanks to its advantages of low-key, non-picky and easy to wear texture.

Image source: pinterest
Unlike other colors, black contains complex characteristics.

It can be serious, elegant, rebellious and cold, and even it is understandable to interpret it as exquisite and chic.

Image source: pinterest
In the fashion circle, black has always had an unshakable position and was once the most cherished color of the nobles.

In the 16th century, from the Spanish aristocrats in the south to the Dutch businessmen in the north, the most popular clothing for the rich in Europe was black, which represented nobility.

In 1926, with the appearance of CHANEL’s famous little black dress, black made celebrities and nobles want to stop. At that time, VOGUE, the top fashion magazine, directly put the sketch of Chanel’s black dress on the cover, calling it the "Ford" of women’s wardrobe.

Since then, black has gained a firm foothold in the aristocratic circle, and it has become a symbol of exquisiteness, elegance, intelligence and charm.

Image source: pinterest
Black is also valued by men. The Italian politician Count Baldassare Castiglione pointed out in his guide to aristocratic court life, The Book of Courtiers, that black is the first choice for men.

Because it is a noble and calm representative for men.

Image source: pinterest
It was not until the 20th century that Issey Miyake, Rei Kawakubo, yohji yamamoto and other emerging designers appeared that black was endowed with richer meanings.

Yohji yamamoto, a "black poet", said in an interview: "Black is both modest and arrogant, lazy and relaxed, but mysterious. Black can devour light or make things look clear. But most importantly, black will say,’ I won’t bother you-don’t bother me!’ 」

Image source: pinterest
However, black with such full emotional color is imprisoned by many people. There is only one manifestation of black in them, that is-


So, how to match it in the end, in order to make people shine in black, and then look down!

Image source: pinterest

Black and white, never out of date.

Black with white is as plain as having to open your eyes first when you get up, but it is often the most easily overlooked.

In the world of ALL BLACK, the mission of white is not to echo it, but to light up a boring shape.

Image source: pinterest
Although white is simple and pure, as long as it collides with black, it becomes a life-saving light, making you a crane that stands out from the crowd effortlessly.

But white in a set of LOOK, the area can not exceed one-third.

Image source: pinterest
People are divided into groups, and people with the same collocation ideas and different styles need to use different good things.

Young men with sunny temperament use a white sweater as an interior to adjust the monotony of a black coat. It will not make you lose your energetic appearance, but also let others feel the dimension reduction blow brought by black and white rationing to other colors. The texture is bright, and whoever wears it is advanced.

Image source: pinterest
A warm man with gentle personality, wearing a white sweater or a white shirt in a black suit, simple color matching and elegant temperament, gives others a feeling of comfort besides comfort.

Image source: pinterest
Men who are extremely confident about their height and figure can boldly change their pants into white.

However, the material of pants should not be chosen too hastily, which can be white jeans, or white suit pants with thick fabric and crisp white tweed pants. They must conform to the characteristics of not wrinkling easily, not bulging knees and self-cultivation, otherwise it will be very embarrassing to temperament.

Image source: pinterest
A mature man who is relatively conservative can keep wearing ALL BLACK, but playing with shoes is different.

Changing shoes into small white shoes can also break the boredom of the whole body shape.

Image source: pinterest
Anyway, in a black shape, embedding a decent white element can’t be wrong.

Image source: pinterest

Don’t be swallowed up by black.

Anything that is too full will always make people feel uncomfortable.

Being wrapped in black, which can swallow light and bring its own seriousness, gives people a more prominent sense of discomfort and a sense of suffocation confined in a condom.

A little exposure can save the oppressive feeling of being black all over.

Image source: pinterest
If your coat is a long black coat or a long black down jacket, please abandon the black turtle neck, especially the black coarse knit turtle neck, otherwise the handsome guy will have to stop eating and be a dull horse.

If you really love high collars, you should choose thin and fine knitted fabrics, and then use the skill of revealing a piece on your ankle.

Pants are cropped above the ankles, and shoes are low-cut, exposing the thinnest joints and ankles of men, which can also make ALL BLACK full of vitality.

Image source: pinterest
Low-necked thick-line sweaters and semi-high-necked sweaters are all good choices to wear, which are warm and capable.
Image source: pinterest
Friends who can’t resist the cold, don’t show their skin, and visually color with other colors.

You can draw inspiration from white, light gray, camel, light blue and beige. Choose a high-necked bottoming shirt, a medium-long bottoming shirt or a shirt for a single item, and choose the neck, collar, wrist or hem for color matching.

Image source: pinterest

Although the exposed area is not large, it can play a key role and make you the most fashionable hipster in the all-black world.

Image source: pinterest

With hierarchy, there is a soul.

No one can fully capture the essence of layering, but it will never be out of date.

Especially after encountering a single shape with black body, layering becomes the soul of a whole set of LOOK. No matter how monotonous the color is, layering can make you look cool and stylish.

Frankly speaking, there is only one way to create a sense of hierarchy. Wear more layers of clothes.

Image source: pinterest
A semi-turtleneck sweater or Polo shirt, a black suit, a long coat on the outside, and a black knit hat on the head with a high position, a simple, textured and capable layering is completed.

Image source: pinterest

You don’t need such a formal friend to wear the scene. Removing the suit and replacing the black coat with a long trench coat with pockets and belts can also create a layered effect.

Image source: pinterest
In a dark world, rich elements are the core aesthetics of layering, which indicates that you have an attitude towards dressing. This carefully selected Style can ensure that you stand out from passers-by.

Image source: pinterest
The short coat is even more layered.

Short pilot jacket, short down jacket and short leather coat are the first choice, so we will work hard inside at this time.

Long black sweaters, turtle neck and shirts can inject fashionable DNA into the shape, but their length must be longer than the coat, which is the essence of creating layering.

Image source: pinterest
Chest bag or purse is also a good thing to pull you into the hearts of layered hipsters. If you casually put it on your chest or waist, you will become the personality hipster who doesn’t go with the flow.

Image source: pinterest

If you want to play more ostentatiously, put a vest over your coat, and no one will ever question your fashion again.

Image source: pinterest

With accessories, there is "light"

Accessories are small in size, but they will always be the first step for men to become fashionable.

In the survival law of the hipster world, accessories are always the crowning touch of a set of shapes. Only by matching accessories appropriately can his aesthetic strength be demonstrated.

Image source: pinterest
Metal accessories can always create fashion miracles in a dark world.

However, metal accessories also have color classification, silver accessories and gold accessories.

Although the appearance of these two colors is not much different, different skin colors can wear them with completely different effects. You have to choose the metal color according to your skin.

Cold-skinned friends, with silver accessories in a black suit;
Warm-skinned friends use gold accessories to light up the black shape.

Image source: pinterest
There is not much restriction on the types of accessories, and necklaces, bracelets and rings can all play a role in making black full of luster.
However, it should be noted that men who are overweight can’t choose too thick metal necklaces, which will make you feel rude and unreasonable. Stacking 2-3 thin necklaces will have a fashionable effect.

Image source: pinterest

For friends who can hold thick necklaces, when wearing them, it is best to wear matte metal necklaces, which not only has a sense of advanced, but also makes you "black" cooler.

Image source: pinterest

Black is like a gorgeous dinner, filled with wine and delicacies. No matter who touches your taste buds, it can bring you the ultimate experience.

Coco chanel once said, "I love black so much, and its power sweeps across time and space. 」

So it’s not a bad thing that your wardrobe is full of black, at least it proves that your taste is online.What we have to do is to use decent single items with the inherent characteristics of black, so that they can maximize your temperament. This is a set of successful LOOK.

Image source: pinterest

According to the above collocation principle, even if you wear black all winter, you won’t be the most boring one in the crowd, and you can even be the most romantic and attractive man.

After all, someone once said:

"Black is poetic. 」

"Do you imagine a romantic poet wearing a bright yellow jacket? Probably not! 」

Image source: pinterest

PS: The pictures in this article are from the Internet.Please contact us in time if you have any copyright problems.
Writing/Planning: Leopard Iron Powder
Typesetting: a red head
Producer: GaGa

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  • Holding the low temperature of MINUS 20℃, here are 10 cost-effective down jackets worth buying.

A color that can never go wrong

Fashion: Meaning and Significance

Fashion is a highly unstable term because it enters the market and disappears. However, some fashion designs come and go for a long time, while others come and go in a few weeks. Therefore, short-term fashion design is an example of fashion.

Fashion literally means: a strong passion for something or a strong and widely shared interest in something, but for a short time. For example, suppose you are obsessed with learning piano, so you buy an expensive piano, attend a famous music school and pay a non-refundable fee for one year. But in the next few weeks, all your enthusiasm for learning piano disappeared, and you left everything. This means that your interest in learning piano has faded.

Fashion is the latest and most popular style in clothes, dresses and behaviors, but the time is short. For example, some fashion designs or behaviors inspired by movies, or celebrities who wear them in fashion shows or parties or in any leisure way, have become popular within a few days. Everyone wants to have this design, but in the next few weeks, people forget it and turn to new fashions. Similarly, the beginning of fashion is very exciting and inspiring, but its journey is very short.

The success or failure of any fashion design or trend depends on many factors, including who designed it, what brand it is, who is/is promoting it, how it is advertised, how society reacts to this fashion trend, the price range of clothes, and so on. However, among them, social acceptance is the most important, which is guided by different motivations that emphasize people’s values and behaviors.

In today’s technologically advanced world, fashion is only a matter of a few hours. This is the world of social media platforms, and someone or something can become popular at the fingertips in a few hours. But how durable is this popularity? It depends on the fashion design and the quality and attractiveness of the fabric.

The consumption culture in today’s world is driven by their desire to own it, which eventually shortens the gap between the rich and the economically turbulent class. So, if they like it, they want to have new fashionable dresses. There are many such examples in today’s world. If you look around, you can easily find people who spend two or three months of their wages on luxury goods that are actually not needed at all.

What is the reason why you suddenly like fashion design and then suddenly don’t like the same design?

In this digital world, touching things with fingers has become popular, and it is really easy to trend fashion design by using different social media platforms. Therefore, if a particular fashion design is endorsed by a big brand, or/and advertised by top movie stars with millions of fans, in this case, under the influence of favorite stars, consumers will not pay too much attention to product quality and price. They just buy it. But within a few days, when people began to use it, they realized the quality, price or comfort of the design. Last but not least, the social response to a particular design. Moreover, if such a reaction is negative, its demand will suddenly drop.

In addition, the pure fact is that no fashion design enters the market forever. In fact, every fashion design has life; Some have a long life span, while others have a short life span. Fashion is a part of a short-term trend, which begins to be popular quickly and then fades out of the market in a short time.

Unique! Fashion personality wears and ignites the trend vane

Fashion is an attitude and a way to express yourself. In today’s society, people’s pursuit of individuality and uniqueness has become a fashion trend. And personalized wear is the best choice to meet this demand.

They can not only light the trend vane, but also show everyone’s unique charm. The unique fashion personality will liberate us from the traditional aesthetic concept.

Whether it is color, style or collocation, you can give full play to your creativity and create a distinctive image. Not rigidly bound by convention, it gives us a chance to show our true selves in our hearts.

Fashion personality also reflects people’s pursuit of individuality. Everyone has his own unique preferences and styles, and it has become one of the most popular ways to express his personality through wearing.

Whether it is sports style, street style or retro style, there are their own fan groups. In this diversified era, people are eager to find their own fashion style to show their unique charm.

Fashion personality is not only a fashion trend, but also an attitude. It represents the spirit of daring to try and innovate. By adding some elements that break through the tradition in wearing, people can break away from convention and experience different styles and feelings.

This attitude of daring to try has also had a far-reaching impact in the trend world and has become an important force leading the fashion trend. In short, the personality is unique and ignites the wind vane of the trend.

It gives everyone a chance to show their unique charm and become the new darling of fashion. In this diversified era, we should bravely express ourselves and pursue personalized fashion style. Only in this way can we truly stand at the forefront of fashion and lead the development of the trend.

Listening to Professor Fudan’s Interpretation of Ancient China: Reading the wisdom of ancestors and hearing the romantic echo of history.

What’s the use of studying history?

With a long history of 5,000 years, there are many interesting stories and many experiences summarized by predecessors.

The ancients said, "Never forget the past, be a teacher of the future", "Stay on the mountain, stop the scenery", and "be kind if you are water, and carry things with kindness". These beautiful behaviors all come from the wisdom of your ancestors and the romantic echo of history.

Historian Qian Mu once said: No matter how knowledgeable a person is, if he doesn’t know his own history, he can only be a knowledgeable person at most, and can’t be counted as a knowledgeable China person.

Wu Jun, a computer scientist, said: Learning history well is to be a better person.

Studying history can not only cultivate sentiment and conduct, but also enrich our knowledge, so that we can see clearly the entanglement of human nature, grasp the laws of economy and make correct decisions in today’s complicated and changing world.

Why was only Hai Rui an honest official in the Ming Dynasty? The court needs doers more than moral models;

Many prisoners were buried alive in ancient wars in China? Mainly because of the difficulty in food supply;

Was Chang ‘an the center of the world in Tang Dynasty? In fact, there was no "world" at that time;


This is why many excellent people are all interested in history and can always quote classics in their speeches. A person with a historical view usually has a higher pattern and emotional intelligence.

If you also want to know about history, if you only attend a history class, I recommend you to listen to Ge Jianxiong’s history of China.

He connected all kinds of knowledge in series, which can help you build a model of ancient China and gain a sense of transparency. After that, whether you read history or analyze the present, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

He is a doctoral supervisor at Fudan University and has studied history for 40 years.

It is hard to get a ticket for offline lecture courses.

Ge Jianxiong, a famous historical geographer, has studied the historical geography of China for more than 40 years.

His position in academic circles at home and abroad is unshakable;

  • Zhang Hongjie and Hou Yangfang, doctoral supervisors of Fudan University and well-known historians, are his students.

  • One of the first two liberal arts doctors trained in New China;

  • By the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and Ministry of Education, he was named "China Doctoral Degree Winner with Outstanding Contributions";


Although Ge Jianxiong has made great achievements now, he is actually an older academic youth. When he was young, he never thought that after working in middle school for more than ten years, at the age of 32, he could change his destiny through graduate school.

He was successfully admitted to Fudan University that year, andLearn from Mr. Tan Qixiang, a master of historical geography., the founder of China historical geography.

As Mr. Tan Qixiang’s assistant, Ge Jianxiong has a lot of contact with Taishan Beidou in the academic circle, and he is constantly pursuing the ultimate and seeking the truth. Because of this, he quickly became the leader of the historical geography research center of Fudan University.

On one occasion, the executive vice-president in charge of science and technology of Harvard University visited Fudan University and said, "Fudan is really a world-class major, one is historical geography and the other is mathematics, and there are only two." It serves to show Ge Jianxiong’s achievements in learning for many years.

But in fact, Ge Jianxiong not only studies historical geography, but also is a famous expert in China history, population history and immigration history.

He has written ten books in Yu Ben, published more than 100 papers, led the Fudan academic team to complete the six-volume Population History of China, and found out the "base" of China’s dynasties.

It involves various knowledge backgrounds such as history, geography, demography and institutional history, and has won high praise from academic circles at home and abroad.

Because of Ge Jianxiong’s academic level, there are too many people who want to learn history and geography from him. Just Ge Jianxiong’s scattered speeches on the Internet have attracted a large audience, and Ge Jianxiong’s fans on Weibo are millions.

His lectures off-line are full, and students from major universities are willing to listen to his lectures.

Many programs have also invited him to share his views on history, such as "Let’s Talk" and "China Geographical Names Conference".

"Not boring" and "attractive" are the consensus of the audience.

Thanks to his global vision of Wan Li Road.

Author of Zeng Guofan’s Front and Side, Seven Faces of Daming Dynasty, etc.Hongjie ZhangHe is a student in Ge Jianxiong. When he was studying PhD at Fudan University, what he liked most was Ge Jianxiong’s class. Because Mr. Ge Jianxiong can make the boring content very attractive.

According to Zhang Hongjie’s own statement, he is not a "good student" by the standard of traditional China education. At least since junior high school, he hasn’t listened well. He always listens to the teacher with one ear and reads at his own pace.

But in Mr. Ge’s class, he has never been distracted.

When mentioning Teacher Ge’s lecture, Zhang Hongjie said this: "The content of the course "Theory and Method of Historical Geography" is actually very boring, but he can make it very attractive … The lecture is like flowing water."

Ge Jianxiong’s lectures are interesting because he is a man full of enthusiasm and curiosity about the world.

What he said was either his thoughts on reading thousands of books or his experiences on Wan Li Road.

△ In 2000, Ge Jianxiong, as a member of the 17th Antarctic expedition in China, took a photo with a seal he met on the beach.

He has conducted many academic exchanges in internationally renowned institutions of higher learning such as Harvard University and Cambridge University. In order to study, I also traveled to dozens of countries on seven continents, from Antarctica to the North Pole, from Kilimanjaro, the "king of Africa", to Ali, the "roof of the world".He personally measured the "global vision" with his footprints.

It is precisely because of Ge Jianxiong’s extensive interests and dabbling that he has opened up various academic fields and the barrier between academic and real society.

His history pays attention to both the grand background and the tiny details. He pays attention to the reasons and connections behind the incident, and is good at explaining the theory with concrete examples, and the content expressed is also very lively.

Ge Jianxiong made it clear that all the history we can see today is a selective and conscious record of the historians. Therefore, seeing is not necessarily true, but also thinking about the relationship and reasons behind it.

Therefore, in the course of Ge Jianxiong’s Multi-perspective Interpretation of Ancient China, he selected 50 key words, covering territory, administrative region, population, capital, dynasty, etc., to correct our cognitive deviation of history, restore the true historical appearance, and make us more sensible, distinguish between good and evil, and know how to advance and retreat.

Click the Subscribe button to subscribe to the course.

Studying history is more about people.

Use history to solve practical problems, and don’t be a nerd.

Ge Jianxiong’s body is not only full of academic elegance, but also always pays attention to people’s development and survival as an intellectual.

When he was a librarian at Fudan University, he was not only concerned about whether students could gain something in the library, but also about their experience in the library. Even the small details such as how high the stairway is and whether there will be students hitting their heads are like the back of his hand …

After becoming a representative of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, he often wrote commentary articles and published them in major media all over the country. He called for "China Tourism Day" and suggested strengthening the deliberation and audit of major construction projects of local governments …

He has always believed that academic research should not only be a career in the "ivory tower", but also play a role in the general public. Don’t be a nerd or a hypocrite.

In the course of Ge Jianxiong’s Multi-perspective Interpretation of Ancient China, he also pays attention to people, especially a group of people who represent the times.

There are great people, such as the emperor, the emperor’s father, the queen, well-known people, such as Confucius, Hai Rui, Yan Rong, and people who are rarely known, such as Fusheng and Shaoxing tout Mr. Wu …

These little people, short stories, or a small detail are all slices of our understanding of China’s history, from which we can find many life-long wisdom.

If you want to know the truth under the dusty fog of ancient China, see the essence clearly, improve your cognition, improve your pattern and increase your EQ, then I recommend Ge Jianxiong’s class for you.

Select 50 historical keywords

From China’s skeleton, flesh and blood, nerve center

Re-recognize a more stereoscopic and true history of China.

Everyone can understand.

Expand your horizons and have a view of history easily!
50 knotsEssence audio class
just129Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)

Each essence class only needs2.58Dollar!

Save 3 cups of milk tea.

Get a wiser and more understanding person.
Click the Subscribe button to subscribe to the course.

Why is this course worth listening to—

1. Authoritative enough

Doctoral supervisor of Fudan University, one of the main founders of the discipline of historical geography in China, intensively read those things in ancient China, supplemented by a large number of annals and case descriptions, and give you an authoritative and three-dimensional history of China.

2, novel enough

Different from the usual history class, this course is divided into three categories: skeleton (territory and city), flesh and blood (population and figures) and nerve center (emperor and the world), so that you can understand the historical phenomenon and see the root behind it.

Because historical mysteries can never be viewed in isolation.

3. Rich enough

The 50 audio lessons will start from the earliest "China" and cover the Qing Dynasty, with a history of more than 3,000 years. We don’t want to cover everything in detail, but we want to focus on the big and put the small.

Starting from the event, with easy-to-understand language, take the audience step by step to see the clouds, restore the real scene at that time together, and gain rich new knowledge.

4. Good enough to understand

The course content is grounded, even if it is white, it can be easily understood.

Listen, adults, relax and decompress, and increase the conversation.Not only can you relax in the face of work pressure and the boredom of trivial matters in life. You can also talk about it after dinner.

Children listen and broaden their horizons and wisdom.Not only can you accumulate learning materials and broaden your knowledge, but you can also form an open and calm personality in a subtle way, which will affect your child’s life.

Select 50 historical keywords

From China’s skeleton, flesh and blood, nerve center

Re-recognize a more stereoscopic and true history of China.

Everyone can understand.

Expand your horizons and have a view of history easily!
50 knotsEssence audio class
just129Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)

Each essence class only needs2.58Dollar!

Save 3 cups of milk tea.

Get a wiser and more understanding person.
Click the Subscribe button to subscribe to the course.

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