Get on the Road with Android Smart Navigation

In the 007 movie series, Bond came to the rescue by remote control of his car through his mobile phone, which seemed a bit unbelievable. Now, in addition to iPhone and Volkswagen, Android and Ford are also working on a similar cooperation, and it is expected to launch a new feature Sync that can control the car through Android next year.

    Google Navigation

  Before the launch of Android, Google fans were eagerly anticipating the Google phone, reasoning that it could integrate many Google star products, the most trusted of which was Google.
Earth. Google Navigation for Android
Backed by Earth with perfect precision, this is a free GPS map updated frequently – if you don’t believe it, open Google
Earth looks for its own balcony. But compared to a standalone GPS device, it may stall when downloading new maps – when the network is not ideal.
  Google Maps for Android now also adds bike navigation, highlighting bike-only roads, roads with bike lanes, and roads suitable for bicycles but without bike lanes. Bike navigation is currently available on Google Maps around the world, but only in the United States for the time being. In addition, the newly added "Share this location" function allows users to share location information through Buzz, Facebook or Twitter. It would be perfect if Google Navigator could also be paired with the gentle and sweet female voice of a normal GPS.

  Car Home Voice Search

  Most new Android phones on the market now come with optional accessories. If you choose the official phone rack, you can automatically start Android Car.
Home interface. The interface is very simple, with "Navigation", "Phone", "Voice Search", "Contacts", "Music", and "Exit Car".
Home "Six large icons. Of course, even the large icons that can be pressed at a glance are not safe enough to operate while driving, so Car
The real highlight of the Home is the voice search feature, which is more intelligent than a regular phone and can identify what the user means as accurately as possible. For example, when you say "find the nearest gas station", you will see all the gas stations around you on the map.

  Drive read text messages is also an amazing smart gadget. It will read the text message to you, and even if the phone is running Google Navigation, this tool will read the text message aloud – of course, if the text message content involves secrets, it is only suitable for driving alone. When the driver plugs the phone into the car phone holder or puts on a Bluetooth headset, the can automatically start. In addition, can also read E-Mail aloud, but the user must turn on this function first. Its pronunciation is easier to understand than we thought. What’s more powerful is that you can also use it to send automatic reply messages.

  Car Locator Car Locator

  It comes in handy when you walk to a parking lot and you can’t find your car. After parking, just use the app to lock in the location, it will record it, and when you come back, the program will display a radar chart, a map and an arrow to guide you to your car. car
The Locator also comes with a meter that calculates the parking fee based on the length of time the car is parked.

  Electronic co-pilot navigation

Live is a very famous foreign navigation software, because many foreign navigation software does not have Chinese maps, so CoPilot needs to be mentioned. This software is very powerful, in addition to the commonly used map navigation, there are real-time weather, night mode (which is really a blessing for night blind drivers), traffic restrictions, etc. The map itself is also detailed and exquisite, even in small villages and towns.

  Mobile phone remote control car

  In the 007 movie series, Bond came to the rescue by remote control of his car through his mobile phone, which seemed a bit unbelievable. Now, in addition to iPhone and Volkswagen, Android and Ford are also working on a similar cooperation, and it is expected to launch a new feature Sync that can control the car through Android next year.
Applink. It allows drivers to control Android and BlackBerry phones through the car’s parts or voice system, freeing up their hands. Currently, Ford has completed beta testing. In addition to Sync
Among other new apps, one called Pandora lets you control an Android phone from the voice system inside the car to rate and even rename songs that are playing – entertaining.

  Driver’s Secret

  If you think many applications are not localized enough, many domestic mobile phone program developers have also written a lot of programs based on the actual traffic conditions in China to choose from. For example, Driver’s Secret – this software includes common functions such as national traffic violation inquiry, car wash index and daily travel limit reminder for car owners, which can truly check national traffic violations for free, and the coverage area has been reduced to second-tier cities.

Network car new deal encounters "difficulty in landing" Expert advice: stimulate market vitality

  The drastic changes and interest pattern adjustment brought by the new economy are fully reflected in the field of online car rental. On the one hand, the platform and networking characteristics of the new economy expand the scope and depth of the impact of contradictions. On the other hand, the new policy of online car rental involves a wide range, and the interest game increases the difficulty of landing the new policy.

  The reporter of the Economic Information Daily learned that the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking of Taxi Operating Services has been implemented for more than half a year, and the implementation rules of many local governments have not yet been issued. Some cities that have issued rules but have higher thresholds are facing "landing difficulties".

  Many people in the industry and experts suggest that we should be fully aware of the pulling effect of the sharing economy represented by the online car ride on social employment and the revolutionary role of the social management model, and suggest using the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  Some cities’ new policies about car network are "difficult to land"

  The reporter learned that as of April 24, 2017, 85 cities have issued detailed rules for the implementation of the network car, 115 cities have completed soliciting opinions, and more than 100 cities have not yet completed soliciting opinions.

  In some areas where the New Deal has been introduced, the policy landing still faces a game situation. The reporter learned that there are two main focuses of the game between policy requirements and platform interests: first, whether to implement household registration, vehicles, wheelbase and other requirements; The second is to what extent the operational data accessing the supervision platform needs to be reached and what content it contains.

  In the actual operation process, some cities have imposed many restrictions on drivers’ household registration and vehicle price wheelbase, taking into account the local taxi market capacity and the strategic needs of urban development. Some platforms have found that the implementation of the New Deal in cities with higher thresholds will reduce the network car capacity by more than 90%, which is a heavy blow to the platform.

  At the same time, the platform-based characteristics of the online car-sharing platform have broken the tradition of "the company is local" in the past. If the online car-sharing platform does not set up a local subsidiary, the local management department may not find a communication partner during supervision, which aggravates the difficulty of solving the problem.

  On the other hand, the new economy, represented by the online car-hailing platform, quickly seized market share through subsidies and financing, but this fast pace had a great impact on the balance pattern of the traditional taxi industry in a short time. At the same time, in some higher threshold areas, it has also caused a greater "crowding out effect" on the network car drivers. These factors have led to constant friction between cruise car drivers and network car drivers in some places.

  The new policy of network car has a wide range of influence groups. According to Didi’s travel statistics, as of February 2017, the total number of drivers registered on Didi platform reached more than 17.5 million. There are 2 million active drivers on Didi Platform, and the per capita daily income exceeds that of 160 yuan, while the total number of taxi drivers in cities across the country has reached 2 million. At the same time, there are thousands of software and algorithm engineer behind Didi.

  The parties have different reactions to the new policy of online car.

  The reporter learned that the situation of the New Deal landing across the country varies widely, and the views of all parties on the network car industry have also wavered.

  In some places, the implementation period of the New Deal has passed, but the non-compliant network car is still in operation. The driver of the cruise car doesn’t know whether to stay at his job, and the driver of the network car doesn’t know whether to change careers.

  According to the statistics of the Transportation Bureau of Beijing Municipal Commission of Communications, after the appearance of the network car, the income of cruise car drivers dropped from about 6,500 yuan in 2013 to about 4,500 yuan in the first half of 2016. From 2014 to 2016, the driver team lost nearly 10,000 people. However, taxi operation has improved recently.

  A Didi executive, who asked not to be named, said that after the introduction of the New Deal, Didi’s car business also experienced a sharp decline, and drivers were losing a lot.

  At the same time, passengers’ choice of online car has also wavered. According to reports, before the Spring Festival in 2017, the average number of taxi calls per day of passengers in some big cities soared from more than 300,000 to 900,000, and the response rate of taxis on the Didi platform was only 40%. In addition, after the New Deal gradually landed, the capacity of Didi Express bus decreased, and the response rate dropped from 90% in October 2016 to about 50% in March 2017, which greatly reduced the travel experience of passengers.

  The capital market has also begun to hesitate and "can’t figure out" the market prospect of the online car platform. Due to the impact of the New Deal on the market, the market valuation of many online car platform companies has declined, which has also affected the layout of enterprises at home and abroad. Some insiders said that the upsurge of domestic venture capital in sharing the economy such as online car rental has subsided.

  The New Deal is hard to reflect management anxiety.

  The Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Management Service has been implemented for more than half a year, but the detailed rules for implementation in many places have not yet been promulgated.

  The demand for online car is different from place to place. Some places think that cities should give priority to the development of public transport, and the online car ride is only a supplement, and it should be more "high-end" than cruise taxis. Therefore, set a higher model, price, displacement and wheelbase threshold for the network car. There are also some places that hope that the network car will take into account the high, medium and low-end needs. For example, Haikou cancels the restrictions on the displacement of the network car, while Lijiang and Hanzhong choose to connect the cruise taxis to the network car platform as a whole.

  Wei Dong, CEO of the First Automobile Car Company, said that road traffic congestion in first-tier cities in China is serious, and it is reasonable for local management departments to choose to raise the threshold for online car rental. However, the taxi market in second-and third-tier cities is not saturated, so the policy of online car rental can be relaxed.

  As for whether the number of taxis should be controlled. A grassroots cadre said that the Ministry of Construction issued the Code for Planning and Design of Urban Road Traffic in 1995, which stipulated that the number of taxis in big cities should be 20 per 10,000 people and 15 in small and medium-sized cities, which became the standard for calculating and controlling the number of taxis in most cities.

  However, there are also views that this standard has not changed for many years, and the network car is not the main cause of road traffic congestion, and the quantity control should be released in due course. The Research Group of Professor Yan Xuedong of Beijing Jiaotong University released the Analysis Report on Beijing Road Traffic Operation Based on Didi Big Data in October 2016, which holds that the network car uses economic laws as a lever to adjust the supply and demand of the traffic market, and information symmetry as the core to match the demand, which helps to reduce the empty driving rate of vehicles.

  Interest game increases the difficulty of landing the New Deal. In many places, the development of online car rental has caused the price of taxi licenses to shrink, and some taxi drivers and agents who speculate on licenses have been seriously damaged. For example, in some cities, taxi licenses have increased from 200,000 yuan to 800,000 yuan in the past, and have been reduced to 400,000 yuan due to the competition of online car rental.

  Some people in the industry said that the formulation of the local version of the new network car deal faces multiple interests considerations. Before the reform of taxi industry, drivers had a license for life, which made them lack the motivation to improve their services. However, if the local taxi companies are accelerated to withdraw by means of license depreciation and redemption, these companies may find it difficult to accept.

  The law enforcement of the network car has also caused administrative reconsideration in various places. An executive of a car rental company in Nanjing said that private cars in Nanjing were converted into operating vehicles, and the passenger management office of the Transportation Bureau allowed it when accessing the platform, but the vehicle management office of the Public Security Bureau failed the annual inspection. It is difficult for many private cars to access the network car platform.

  An official of Kunshan Municipal Transportation Bureau said that some platforms openly resisted the law, not only encouraging vehicles punished in Kunshan to file administrative reconsideration, but also reimbursing fines. Some local transportation management departments frequently receive administrative reconsideration of the network car, and basically can’t do other things.

  Xu Kangming, an expert on taxi reform, believes that after the release of the local New Deal, measures should be taken to let illegal personnel and vehicles withdraw, otherwise it will destroy the fair market environment. On the one hand, cruise taxi companies can’t expand their scale, on the other hand, law-abiding online car companies will pay a great price.

  Caring for the "source of vitality" of the sharing economy

  Some interviewed experts believe that we should be fully aware of the pulling effect of the sharing economy represented by the online car ride on social employment and the revolutionary role of the social management model, and suggest using the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  In-depth research network car companies, scientific evaluation. The sharing economy, represented by the online car ride, poses a new challenge to the urban traffic management model. Behind the transformation of the kinetic energy of the old and new economies is the differentiation of the benefit groups of the old and new economies. The insiders believe that the beneficiary groups in the old economy are relatively concentrated and highly organized, but the beneficiary groups in the new economy are more extensive and their voices are more dispersed. Therefore, we should consider the affordability of the old economic benefit groups and the extensiveness of the new economic benefit groups in policy formulation.

  There is strong capital support behind the rise of platform economies such as Didi, Ali and Tencent, which has also benefited many people. Moreover, the credit economy, platformization and big data management may give birth to new technologies such as intelligent transportation, driverless driving and car networking, which are the trend of future economic and social development and the important support for the government to build new management functions, and should be treated with a more open mind.

  An executive of Didi said that although the "zombie car" of Didi Platform is not easy to manage, it indicates that the surplus capacity of social vehicles can be fully released when the urban capacity is tight. Cheng Wei, founder and CEO of Didi Chuxing, said that it is a great opportunity for China to transform its traditional industrial industries with Internet thinking if it wants to overtake western industrial powers in corners.

  On the one hand, formulate a relatively scientific withdrawal and compensation mechanism to alleviate the anxiety of social groups in transition. During the transition period of the New Deal, many full-time online car drivers may lose their jobs. It is suggested that relevant policy explanations and guidance should be carried out in a targeted manner to attract them to work part-time on platforms such as car rental companies.

  On the other hand, scientifically foresee the challenges that part-time taxis may bring. The sharing economy model may bring drivers a wider range of part-time jobs, which will increase the difficulty of management and may also impact the average income level of the taxi industry. Car rental companies can be encouraged to increase their own vehicles to cope with the ebb and flow of Internet supply, and monitor and evaluate the average income of the taxi industry, so as to scientifically guide the development of the industry.

Online celebrity, the top stream that my parents like, looks like this, and 100 middle-aged and elderly people study Tik Tok.

Original title: online celebrity, the top stream that parents like, looks like this, and 100 middle-aged and elderly people study Tik Tok.

Cultural Industry Review No.3928

Recently, because of the news that "a 72-year-old grandmother has traveled thousands of miles to see a man online celebrity", the discussion between "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" soared, and they were named "the dream lover of 26 million old babies" by netizens. As early as a few years ago, many organizations predicted that the middle-aged and elderly market would be a trillion-dollar consumer market. From the professional level of short video production and live broadcast, the competition intensity of middle-aged and elderly content tracks is not high, and there is still a lot of room for display. Online celebrity like "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" is just the beginning. With the deepening understanding of middle-aged and elderly people, there will be more content creators with better content and more scientific realization in the future.

author | cloud flying

read and edit | Time

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source | Xinbang (ID:newrankcn)

Recently, because of the news that "a 72-year-old grandmother has traveled thousands of miles to see a man online celebrity", the discussion between "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" soared, and they were named "the dream lover of 26 million old babies" by netizens.

According to the new statistics of Tik Tok data tools under the new list, "Laugh at the city," Tik Tok powder.The number of silk was 17.17 million, of which 81.48% were male users and 77.75% were users over 40 years old. The number of fans of @ Scholar in Tik Tok is 9.72 million, of which 70.44% are female users and 79.8% are over 40 years old.

An aunt who charms thousands of people, and an uncle who attracts countless people. They can be called "middle-aged and elderly top flow online celebrity".(PS. There is no accurate definition of the age division of middle-aged and elderly people at present. This paper refers to the definition of middle-aged and elderly people in People’s Daily, and mainly discusses people over 40 years old. )

Why can "@ Scholar" and "Smile" capture a large number of middle-aged and elderly people? Besides the two top streams, what do middle-aged and elderly people watch online? Today we will talk about this topic.

Online celebrity, the top stream that my parents like,

So it looks like this.

When you open the Tik Tok account of @ Scholar, the first thing you see is a man with three or seven hair and wearing a shirt and trousers. His signature actions are to grin, tease his hair, smile and compare his heart. Occasionally, he will walk slowly towards you with a thermos cup in his left hand and a trouser pocket in his right hand.

After a series of tricks, it is the climax of the talent link:

In the green vegetable field, @ Scholar will pick a few peppers with a basket and say, "It’s not my fault to love you, it’s your beautiful fault".

In the wheat field of Huang Cancan, @ Scholar will bite a grain of wheat and sing affectionately "My little sister sent her lover to the east gate".

In the spring season, @ Scholar will go to the rape field, touch the yellow rape flowers and sing "Will you come or not?".

Occasionally, @ Scholar will become a "melancholy prince" and say to the camera with remorse, "I think I am not gentle enough to share your sorrow".

Since the first video was released on July 3rd, 2020, all the 1329 videos of @ Scholar have been in this form. Aunties are also very fond of this set. In the comment area of @ Scholar, many aunts left a message "Scholar’s younger brother, my sister picked up her mobile phone to see you just after finishing farm work" and "If only you were my husband".

Some aunts simply changed their names to "the scholar’s wife", leaving a sentence of "I wish I could be crazy for you all my life, and I will sing poetry and miss you."

In order to express their love for @ Scholar, many aunts also took a co-production video. For example, just by collecting the co-production videos of Auntie and @ Scholar, "Brother Cai is very handsome" attracted the attention of 190,000 fans.

When the "@ Scholar" was broadcast live, the aunts were even more careful. As can be seen from the account avatars on the PK contribution list, the rewards for "@ Scholar" are all aunts who are crazy about love.

Confessing in the comment area, rewarding in the live broadcast room, and co-producing videos with "@ Scholar" have become the fashion of aunts.

If "@ Scholar" is a "mother killer" and "Jin Dong in online celebrity", then "laughing at the city" means "giving in the well that is more suitable for dad’s physique".

Show your trademark smile first, squint your curved eyes, then naughty ask "Who says I’m not cute" and affectionately shout "Can you hear me when I call you brother?" In the eyes of many uncles, "laughing at the city" is as beautiful as "first love girl".

Just like @ Scholar, the talent of "Laughing at the Beauty" is lip-synching. In addition to the old songs "I really loved you", "I loved this life without regret" and "You were the man of my dreams", I occasionally catch up with the trend and play a Tik Tok divine comedy, such as "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky".

After singing a song, the uncles couldn’t wait to leave a message: "You have a bunch of eyes that hook people’s souls", "You are so cute, and my brother likes you" … In addition to these hot confessions, there are also literary uncles who can’t help but recite a poem, leaving a sentence of "Smile with Spring Breeze and Wanjin".

"This is too earthy and oily. Why do aunts and uncles like it?"

Young people don’t understand the popularity of "@ Scholar" and "Laugh the whole city". A large group of people poured into the comment area and live broadcast room of @ Scholar and Smile, leaving messages: "Be careful with your pension", "Don’t brush off my living expenses", "Be careful that I take a screenshot for your wife" and "I’m coming to arrest my mother" …

In the young people’s understanding, "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" seem to be the real version of the succubus, while aunts and uncles have become network idiots, so they should give their own pension money. For a time, the young people’s comments on playing stalks even overshadowed the normal comments of aunts and uncles.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, there is no essential difference between the young people who admire idolize idols and online celebrity, and the aunts and uncles who admire "@ Scholar" and "Laugh the whole city".

Young people may think that "@ Scholar" and "Laugh the whole city" are not as rustic as their own understanding of online celebrity, but they are more like aesthetic differences.

For example, the male powder accounts of "Flower Broken Flower", "Nie Xiaoyu" and "Smile Beautiful City" all account for more than 80%, but because of their different styles, they are more concerned by users of different ages, among which "Flower Broken Flower" accounts for 50.23% of fans aged 18-23, "Nie Xiaoyu" accounts for 62.25% of users aged 24-40, and "Smile" accounts for 62.25%.

Different ages, different preferences. In the eyes of uncles, "a smile is beautiful" is "pure natural beauty".

Similarly, young girls can shout "I want to give birth to a monkey for you" to idols, and aunts can also leave a message "If only the scholar were my husband". Young people can get emotional comfort from idols. In the comment area of @ Scholar, there are often aunts who pour out the details of their lives, such as just doing farm work for a day today, recently quarreling with their husbands, and someone at home is sick.

As for consumption, at present, the main income of "@ Scholar" and "Laughing the whole city" is live broadcast and rewarding. according toNew shake According to statistics, in the past 30 days, the cumulative number of live viewers of "@ Scholar" exceeded 11.32 million, and the cumulative number of live viewers of "Laughing at the City" exceeded 15.16 million. From the perspective of liquidation, no violations have been found between them.

For young people who are slightly excited, the media people "whispered Bibi" to post: "Young people brush short videos every day to watch the little sister dance and watch the big muscle bully posing. Why can’t the old man watch Jin Dong bite his lip? As long as you don’t live your pension in vain, you can’t be happy. Young people don’t spend more than they do? "

Just as some netizens left a message: you can’t understand it, but you must respect it.

"@ Scholar" and "Smile",

What else do parents like to watch?

Young people may think that accounts like "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" are amazing, but in fact, in Tik Tok, where 600 million people live, there are quite a few such accounts.

Recently, the editorial department of the new list refers to the fan portraits of "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City", counts the accounts of users over 40 years old in Tik Tok, and sorts out the TOP100 Middle-aged and Old-aged Accounts with Fans in Tik Tok (hereinafter referred to as the "list"). It is found that there are at least 20 middle-aged and elderly accounts with more than 10 million fans, and all accounts in the "list" have more than 5 million fans.

(PS. Among the accounts that meet the screening conditions, there are some official accounts of David, such as "Thank you for coming" and "Liaoning Voice of Liaoning Radio and Television Station", which are not reproducible for ordinary creators, so they are not within the scope of discussion. In addition, there are a large number of film and television clip numbers, which are out of the scope of discussion because of the large number and copyright violations. )

So, what are parents looking at? Combined with the "list", the editorial department of the new list has sorted out five account types.

First, the positive energy segment

"Positive energy" is the key to understanding the content preference of middle-aged and elderly people. In the list, the core theme of 18 accounts including "Er Dan" and "Ni Ke Song" is "positive energy".

"Two Eggs" mainly shoots short dramas with positive energy, and the topics include filial piety, good health, kindness to daughter-in-law, a sense of security for the elderly, and family responsibilities.

On April 28th, "Two Eggs" released a video "Motherly Love Selfless" about a mother who worked hard to send her daughter to college, only to find that her daughter didn’t want to recognize her mother even in person in order to marry a good husband. Fortunately, my daughter’s fiance knows wisely, so that her daughter realized her mistake, and finally the ending was happy.

As of press time, the number of "two eggs" fans reached 14.3 million.

Just as spitting out parents and complaining that family of origin is a traffic password to attract young people, it is also the expectation of middle-aged and elderly people to hope that their children will be filial and their families will be happy.

In addition, by sharing "social truth" such as "dogs look down on people, and poor dogs bully them" and "when a man often drinks, he must not drink alcohol, but heartache" and other emotional chicken soup, "Chocolate, Little Lemon" and other accounts also suck a lot of powder.

Young people will praise "Let’s gather together and stay away from love rat" crazily, and middle-aged and elderly people will discuss it enthusiastically because of these "positive energy" golden sentences.

Second, Yan value talent

Yan value talent video is the key to glimpse the hearts of middle-aged and elderly people. In the list, 20 accounts, including "Laughing at a Beautiful City", "@ Scholar" and "Beggar Girl", all focus on showing their talents.

In terms of face value, as mentioned in the discussion of "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the Beauty", the aesthetics of middle-aged and old people and young people are not the same, and "Hug 917" and "Lonely People" on the list are more suitable for the old baby’s physique, online celebrity.

In terms of talents, it can also be found from the listed accounts that middle-aged and elderly people prefer folk talents and comic sketches. For example, the main content of "Brother Yang" is to imitate Xiao Shenyang, while "Bean Girl" is a folk funny artist, and the performance style is similar to that of Northeast Errenzhuan.

Young people will watch handsome guys and beautiful women and listen to pop songs. Middle-aged and elderly people also get the emotional comfort of "intimate people" from these accounts, as well as the simple joy of enjoying performances.

Third, life sharing.

Life sharing video is a mirror to help understand middle-aged and elderly people. In the list, the number of life sharing accounts is the largest, with 31 accounts.

"Enshao" mainly shares the joy and daily life of a mother and son. The background is funny, but the background is rural. "The most beautiful couple in Master Liu’s construction site" mainly shares the story of a couple improving their lives by live broadcast. The background is inspirational, but the background is the construction site.

In addition, middle-aged and elderly people also have their own plums, such as "@ Xiaomin" by 15.12 million fans and "Listen" by 8.37 million fans. Taking "Listening" as an example, it is also to create a clean and dreamy rural life. Liziqi is talking about fleeing from the north to Guangzhou, and young people returning to their hometowns to find inner stability. But "Listening" is more about stories between neighbors, and it is the ups and downs of people who stay in their hometown.

It can be found that simplicity and country are the main labels of these accounts, which may also be related to the childhood memories of middle-aged and elderly people. Before the large-scale urbanization in China, most of them lived in the countryside.

Of course, this does not mean that middle-aged and elderly people have no yearning for exquisite life. Among the life sharing accounts, the core content of 10 accounts is to share all kinds of exquisite life.

"Longmei" and "Xiamen Finland" are accounts opened by two tour guides. The daily content is to introduce various tourist stories in Nanjing Presidential Palace, Shanghai Peace Hotel and other attractions. Relying on these contents, the two accounts absorbed 7.1 million and 6.25 million respectively.

"China Future Consumer Report 2023: Generations" refers to Generation X (people born in 1965-1979) as "the generation with accumulated material wealth".Middle-aged and elderly people may have more time and money to travel. A reference data is that the number of users over 60 years old on Ctrip platform reached 10 million last year.

△ Source: "2023 China Future Consumer Report: Generations"

Similarly, Zhou Lijun, president of Easy Car Research Institute, once said that around 2026, the largest car buyers in China auto market are middle-aged (old) people in big cities, accounting for 40%. Recently, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Association, also said that the main consumers in the automobile market are still middle-aged and elderly people. "The wealth accumulated by middle-aged and elderly people has never been seen before, and there has been no one since."

Perhaps for this reason, the core fans of car bloggers such as "Jiufang Beaver", "Mr. Ye’s vlog", "Wo is fanfan" and "Yu Ning Cici" are all users over 40 years old.

It is worth noting that in order to get middle-aged and elderly users faster, some operators choose to use positive energy short plays to suck powder first, and then change the content to plant grass cars, such as "Liu Yifei" with 5.58 million fans.

△ "Liu Yifei" before and after the content comparison

Fourth, dry goods of knowledge.

Middle-aged and elderly people also have knowledge needs, and 13 accounts in the "list" are knowledge dry goods accounts.

From "Hao Ge teaches cooking" to "Dr. Wang Cardiovascular" who teaches medical science, from "a red star" who talks about modern history to "An Lan" who talks about Chinese studies, and then to "Pan Lv’s theory" which analyzes family legal disputes, middle-aged and elderly people have a very wide range of concerns.

The difference is that the concerns of middle-aged and elderly people and young people are very different. Take the food account as an example. Young people like food bloggers who are lively and eye-catching, such as "Mianyang cuisine" and "Nanxiang doesn’t like eating", but what middle-aged and elderly people need is simple and easy-to-operate home cooking teaching.

Fifth, e-commerce sells goods.

Middle-aged and elderly people have not only content needs, but also shopping needs. In the list, there are 13 typical e-commerce accounts.

QuestMobile’s Insight into the Development of Short Video Live E-commerce in China in 2022 shows that 36.3% of users in Tik Tok and Kuaishou are over 41 years old. Among them, users over the age of 51 accounted for 18.9%, and nearly 30% of users’ monthly online spending power exceeded 2,000 yuan. "China Future Consumer Report 2023: Generations" also shows that there are about 330 million people in Generation X in China at present, and 23% of the population accounts for 34% of the wealth.

△ Source: "2023 China Future Consumer Report: Generations"

The consumption power of middle-aged and elderly people should not be underestimated.

"Sleeve Women’s Wear" mainly sells original women’s wear, and the customer unit price is mostly between 100-300 yuan, according toNew shake According to statistics, it is estimated that "Xiuen Women’s Wear" will bring goods between 50 million and 75 million yuan in recent 90 days.

"Enron Beauty-Diandi Brand Manager" mainly sells beauty and skin care products, according toNew shake According to statistics, "Xiuen Women’s Wear" is estimated to bring between 75 million and 100 million yuan in the past 30 days, of which the highest sales volume is an emulsion with a customer price of 3,899 yuan.

△ Source: New Shake

It should be emphasized that the female powder of "Xiuen Women’s Wear" accounts for 85.07%, and the female powder of "Enron Beauty-Diane Brand Manager" accounts for 79.42%. There are not many accounts with more male powder and high sales in the list. From the perspective of realization, middle-aged and elderly women have more potential.

There are also accounts in the list that are mainly small department stores that grow grass and live at low prices. Among them, "good things as scheduled" is estimated to bring 5 million to 7.5 million yuan in the past 90 days; It is estimated that "Qitong Haowu" will bring 1 million-2.5 million yuan in goods in the past 90 days.

It is worth noting that the number of these account works is extremely large, with a maximum of 40,000, and the number of likes is extremely low, with the lowest single digit. Selling goods depends on quantity to win. Combined with the historical data of the new shake, some accounts have also adjusted their operational content. Referring to "Liu Yifei", it is not necessarily impossible to rely on film and television clips, positive energy short plays and other content to absorb powder, and then adjust the content to plant grass and bring goods.


On the whole, from the popularity of "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" to the existence of a large number of middle-aged and elderly accounts, it proves the strong content consumption demand of middle-aged and elderly users. The results of accounts such as "Xiuen Women’s Wear" and "Enron Beauty-Diandi Brand Manager" also verify the good consumption potential of middle-aged and elderly users. From the professional level of short video production and live broadcast, the competition intensity of middle-aged and elderly content tracks is not high, and there is still a lot of room for display.

As early as a few years ago, many organizations predicted that the middle-aged and elderly market would be a trillion-dollar consumer market. In recent years, there have also been platforms for middle-aged and elderly people, such as candied beans and beautiful articles. With the aging trend in China becoming more and more obvious, there are bound to be more and more middle-aged and elderly business cases.

△ Source: Xiaomi App Store

Online celebrity like "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" is just the beginning. With the deepening understanding of middle-aged and elderly people, there will be more content creators with better content and more scientific realization in the future.

This article is transferred from WeChat official account’s "NewRankcn" (ID: NewRankcn), focusing on observation and reporting in the field of Internet content, and caring about people and things related to the content industry.

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Qualcomm plus AI mobile phone chip landing model covers mid-range products

At present, mobile phone manufacturers including Samsung, Glory, Xiaomi, OV and Meizu have successively entered the field of AI mobile phones, and a new round of demand for mobile phone hardware is being set off, especially for related chips.

On March 18th, Qualcomm, an American chip manufacturer, held a new Snapdragon flagship product launch conference in Beijing, announcing the launch of the third generation Snapdragon 8s mobile platform. National business daily reporter noticed on the spot that in terms of basic performance architecture, Snapdragon 8sGen3 is still equipped with Qualcomm KryoCPU, which inherits the same CPU architecture as Snapdragon 8Gen3, including a super core with a main frequency of 3.0GHz, four performance cores with a main frequency of 2.8GHz and three efficiency cores with a main frequency of 2.0GHz.

However, from the positioning point of view, Snapdragon’s 8sGen3 is slightly lower than Snapdragon’s 8Gen3 released in October last year, which means that in addition to high-end flagship products, some mid-range mobile phones will also have AI functions this year.

Ma Xiaomin, Senior Director of Product Market of Qualcomm Technology Company, introduced that in terms of generative AI, Snapdragon 8sGen3 supports the multi-modal generative AI model running on the end side, and the model parameters are up to 10 billion. The person in chMetarge of Qualcomm also said that the chip supports a wide range of AI models, including Baichuan-7B, Google GeminiNano, Llama2, and ChatGLM of Zhipu AI. In terms of images, Snapdragon 8sGen3 supports real-time semantic segmentation of photos and videos, and it is more accurate to identify and segment objects and scenes.

Image source: Every photo by reporter Jing Wong

Referring to the parameters of the end-side model, Guo Tianxiang, a senior analyst of IDC China, said to the reporter of national business daily through online analysis: "At present, the 10 billion end-side model (for consumers) will not be improved and upgraded in a subversive way. Next, more applications will need to use the model of cloud measuring 100 billion or even more parameters. However, the improvement of model parameters will become part of the competition of AI mobile phones in the future, but more importantly, it is necessary to actually improve the consumer’s experience from the usage scenario. "

Traditionally, every time Qualcomm releases its flagship chip, it will be favored by major Android phone manufacturers. At the press conference, mobile phone manufacturers including Glory, iQOO, realme Realme, Redmi and Xiaomi indicated that they would adopt Snapdragon 8sGen3, and commercial terminals are expected to be available in the next few months.

In recent years, it has become the biggest goal of Qualcomm to promote the production AI to reach all kinds of terminals, including a wide range of consumer electronic products. In January of this year, Qualcomm CEO An Meng shared how AI will profoundly affect the way people interact with terminals. "The revolutionary significance of generative AI is that the information on the terminal can help AI become a ubiquitous personal assistant, promote the integration of mobile phones and the cloud, and bring new ways of interaction to smart phones. There are also many amazing AI use cases in major mobile phone brands. Will be deployed in mobile phones in 2024; Let the car become a new computing space and support users to really talk to the car. "

According to him, the Snapdragon platform has now supported more than 40 different models, and the generative AI application will become a reality in the new terminal products launched this year.

In addition to Qualcomm, another mobile phone chip manufacturer, MediaTek, has also launched a mobile phone SOC chip with AI computing power-Tianji 9300, which provides the underlying performance and technical support for end-to-end generative AI. For example, the SDXLTurbo engine of Wenshengtu can generate images in real time according to the text input by users; The video generation capability of Diffusion can generate continuous videos according to the text or pictures input by users, and supports various animation styles.

On the terminal side, major mobile phone manufacturers have announced artificial intelligence plans, introduced customized versions of operating systems, and developed self-generated AI models to seize the wave of AI mobile phones. IDC predicts that in 2024, the global shipment of a new generation of AI mobile phones will reach 170 million units, accounting for about 15% of the total smartphone shipments. Among them, in the China market, with the rapid iteration of new chips and user usage scenarios, the share of the new generation of AI mobile phones will rise rapidly after 2024, reaching 150 million in 2027, with a market share of over 50%.

In the view of Guolian Securities, with the release of a number of new AI mobile phone models and the improvement of user experience brought by AI, smartphone sales are expected to return to the rising cycle.

Re-elected the global new energy vehicle sales champion! BYD sold 3.02 million vehicles last year, and it is expected to earn a maximum of 31 billion yuan.

BYD (002594.SZ) handed over its best report card since its listing.

On the evening of January 29th, BYD released its performance forecast for 2023. During this period, the company realized a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 29 billion-31 billion yuan, up by about 86% year-on-year. The non-net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was RMB 27.4 billion-RMB 29.7 billion, up by about 90% year-on-year.

This performance is basically in line with market expectations. IChoice data shows that the average forecast of BYD’s net profit in 2023 is 28.332 billion yuan, which is almost the same as the median forecast of the company’s performance.

On the whole, the new energy vehicle industry continued to maintain a high-speed growth trend, and BYD’s new energy vehicle sales reached a record high, further consolidating the leading position of new energy vehicle sales in the world. The competition in the industry is more intense. With the rapid growth of the company’s overseas sales, the scale advantage of continuous expansion, and the ability to control the cost of the industrial chain, the profit has been greatly improved.

Judging from the production and sales data, BYD produced a total of 3,045,200 new energy vehicles in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 62.24%; Accumulated sales of 3,024,400 new energy vehicles, up 62.30% year-on-year.

BYD’s sales in 2023 clearly outperformed the industry. Minsheng Securities Research Report pointed out that the national sales of new energy passenger cars are expected to reach 8.62 million in 2023, up 31.7% year-on-year; Benefiting from the further improvement of the quantity of new models and the product pedigree of each price segment, BYD achieved the target sales of 3 million vehicles, significantly outperforming the industry.

In addition, BYD has continued to lay out in the sea. In 2023, BYD sold 243,000 new energy passenger cars overseas, a year-on-year increase of 334.2%.

Since the second half of 2023, BYD has continuously strengthened its overseas layout. In July, BYD announced the establishment of a factory in Brazil, with an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles. In September, Uzbekistan’s state-controlled automobile group announced that it would establish a joint venture company with BYD. The first/second phase of the factory plans to produce 500,000 units per year, and the output will reach 300,000 units after the completion of the third phase. In December, BYD announced that it would build a new energy vehicle production base in Segde, Hungary.

Minsheng Securities Research Report believes that BYD’s going out to sea is expected to usher in rapid development in Europe, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand, helping sales to rise again in 2024.

Soochow securities gave a more optimistic judgment about the future. According to its research report, BYD actively promotes the layout of overseas markets, and the volume of overseas markets helps sales growth. 2024-2025 is the year of products, and the estimated sales volume is about 4 million and 5 million respectively, up by 33% and 25% respectively.

As for BYD’s other major business-mobile phone parts and assembly business, its profitability has also increased with the recovery of the consumer electronics industry.

BYD said that thanks to the increase in the business share of large overseas customers and the recovery of Android customers’ demand, the rapid growth of new energy vehicles and new smart products, the capacity utilization rate has been significantly improved, the business structure has been further optimized, the profitability has been significantly improved, and the profit has increased substantially.

From 2020 to 2022, the gross profit margin of BYD’s mobile phone parts and assembly business was 11.20%, 7.57% and 6.06% respectively, showing a downward trend year by year. The semi-annual report in 2023 showed that the gross profit margin of this business was 8.77%, up 2.70 percentage points year-on-year.

Although the performance is very gratifying, BYD’s share price has not kept up. On January 29th, the company’s share price fell by 3.99%, hitting a new low since May 2021. BYD’s latest market value is 519.5 billion yuan.

Black, unshakable fashion sense in deep winter!

In winter, black becomes the nail house in 80% men’s wardrobes.

Black is deeply loved by everyone, thanks to its advantages of low-key, non-picky and easy to wear texture.

Image source: pinterest
Unlike other colors, black contains complex characteristics.

It can be serious, elegant, rebellious and cold, and even it is understandable to interpret it as exquisite and chic.

Image source: pinterest
In the fashion circle, black has always had an unshakable position and was once the most cherished color of the nobles.

In the 16th century, from the Spanish aristocrats in the south to the Dutch businessmen in the north, the most popular clothing for the rich in Europe was black, which represented nobility.

In 1926, with the appearance of CHANEL’s famous little black dress, black made celebrities and nobles want to stop. At that time, VOGUE, the top fashion magazine, directly put the sketch of Chanel’s black dress on the cover, calling it the "Ford" of women’s wardrobe.

Since then, black has gained a firm foothold in the aristocratic circle, and it has become a symbol of exquisiteness, elegance, intelligence and charm.

Image source: pinterest
Black is also valued by men. The Italian politician Count Baldassare Castiglione pointed out in his guide to aristocratic court life, The Book of Courtiers, that black is the first choice for men.

Because it is a noble and calm representative for men.

Image source: pinterest
It was not until the 20th century that Issey Miyake, Rei Kawakubo, yohji yamamoto and other emerging designers appeared that black was endowed with richer meanings.

Yohji yamamoto, a "black poet", said in an interview: "Black is both modest and arrogant, lazy and relaxed, but mysterious. Black can devour light or make things look clear. But most importantly, black will say,’ I won’t bother you-don’t bother me!’ 」

Image source: pinterest
However, black with such full emotional color is imprisoned by many people. There is only one manifestation of black in them, that is-


So, how to match it in the end, in order to make people shine in black, and then look down!

Image source: pinterest

Black and white, never out of date.

Black with white is as plain as having to open your eyes first when you get up, but it is often the most easily overlooked.

In the world of ALL BLACK, the mission of white is not to echo it, but to light up a boring shape.

Image source: pinterest
Although white is simple and pure, as long as it collides with black, it becomes a life-saving light, making you a crane that stands out from the crowd effortlessly.

But white in a set of LOOK, the area can not exceed one-third.

Image source: pinterest
People are divided into groups, and people with the same collocation ideas and different styles need to use different good things.

Young men with sunny temperament use a white sweater as an interior to adjust the monotony of a black coat. It will not make you lose your energetic appearance, but also let others feel the dimension reduction blow brought by black and white rationing to other colors. The texture is bright, and whoever wears it is advanced.

Image source: pinterest
A warm man with gentle personality, wearing a white sweater or a white shirt in a black suit, simple color matching and elegant temperament, gives others a feeling of comfort besides comfort.

Image source: pinterest
Men who are extremely confident about their height and figure can boldly change their pants into white.

However, the material of pants should not be chosen too hastily, which can be white jeans, or white suit pants with thick fabric and crisp white tweed pants. They must conform to the characteristics of not wrinkling easily, not bulging knees and self-cultivation, otherwise it will be very embarrassing to temperament.

Image source: pinterest
A mature man who is relatively conservative can keep wearing ALL BLACK, but playing with shoes is different.

Changing shoes into small white shoes can also break the boredom of the whole body shape.

Image source: pinterest
Anyway, in a black shape, embedding a decent white element can’t be wrong.

Image source: pinterest

Don’t be swallowed up by black.

Anything that is too full will always make people feel uncomfortable.

Being wrapped in black, which can swallow light and bring its own seriousness, gives people a more prominent sense of discomfort and a sense of suffocation confined in a condom.

A little exposure can save the oppressive feeling of being black all over.

Image source: pinterest
If your coat is a long black coat or a long black down jacket, please abandon the black turtle neck, especially the black coarse knit turtle neck, otherwise the handsome guy will have to stop eating and be a dull horse.

If you really love high collars, you should choose thin and fine knitted fabrics, and then use the skill of revealing a piece on your ankle.

Pants are cropped above the ankles, and shoes are low-cut, exposing the thinnest joints and ankles of men, which can also make ALL BLACK full of vitality.

Image source: pinterest
Low-necked thick-line sweaters and semi-high-necked sweaters are all good choices to wear, which are warm and capable.
Image source: pinterest
Friends who can’t resist the cold, don’t show their skin, and visually color with other colors.

You can draw inspiration from white, light gray, camel, light blue and beige. Choose a high-necked bottoming shirt, a medium-long bottoming shirt or a shirt for a single item, and choose the neck, collar, wrist or hem for color matching.

Image source: pinterest

Although the exposed area is not large, it can play a key role and make you the most fashionable hipster in the all-black world.

Image source: pinterest

With hierarchy, there is a soul.

No one can fully capture the essence of layering, but it will never be out of date.

Especially after encountering a single shape with black body, layering becomes the soul of a whole set of LOOK. No matter how monotonous the color is, layering can make you look cool and stylish.

Frankly speaking, there is only one way to create a sense of hierarchy. Wear more layers of clothes.

Image source: pinterest
A semi-turtleneck sweater or Polo shirt, a black suit, a long coat on the outside, and a black knit hat on the head with a high position, a simple, textured and capable layering is completed.

Image source: pinterest

You don’t need such a formal friend to wear the scene. Removing the suit and replacing the black coat with a long trench coat with pockets and belts can also create a layered effect.

Image source: pinterest
In a dark world, rich elements are the core aesthetics of layering, which indicates that you have an attitude towards dressing. This carefully selected Style can ensure that you stand out from passers-by.

Image source: pinterest
The short coat is even more layered.

Short pilot jacket, short down jacket and short leather coat are the first choice, so we will work hard inside at this time.

Long black sweaters, turtle neck and shirts can inject fashionable DNA into the shape, but their length must be longer than the coat, which is the essence of creating layering.

Image source: pinterest
Chest bag or purse is also a good thing to pull you into the hearts of layered hipsters. If you casually put it on your chest or waist, you will become the personality hipster who doesn’t go with the flow.

Image source: pinterest

If you want to play more ostentatiously, put a vest over your coat, and no one will ever question your fashion again.

Image source: pinterest

With accessories, there is "light"

Accessories are small in size, but they will always be the first step for men to become fashionable.

In the survival law of the hipster world, accessories are always the crowning touch of a set of shapes. Only by matching accessories appropriately can his aesthetic strength be demonstrated.

Image source: pinterest
Metal accessories can always create fashion miracles in a dark world.

However, metal accessories also have color classification, silver accessories and gold accessories.

Although the appearance of these two colors is not much different, different skin colors can wear them with completely different effects. You have to choose the metal color according to your skin.

Cold-skinned friends, with silver accessories in a black suit;
Warm-skinned friends use gold accessories to light up the black shape.

Image source: pinterest
There is not much restriction on the types of accessories, and necklaces, bracelets and rings can all play a role in making black full of luster.
However, it should be noted that men who are overweight can’t choose too thick metal necklaces, which will make you feel rude and unreasonable. Stacking 2-3 thin necklaces will have a fashionable effect.

Image source: pinterest

For friends who can hold thick necklaces, when wearing them, it is best to wear matte metal necklaces, which not only has a sense of advanced, but also makes you "black" cooler.

Image source: pinterest

Black is like a gorgeous dinner, filled with wine and delicacies. No matter who touches your taste buds, it can bring you the ultimate experience.

Coco chanel once said, "I love black so much, and its power sweeps across time and space. 」

So it’s not a bad thing that your wardrobe is full of black, at least it proves that your taste is online.What we have to do is to use decent single items with the inherent characteristics of black, so that they can maximize your temperament. This is a set of successful LOOK.

Image source: pinterest

According to the above collocation principle, even if you wear black all winter, you won’t be the most boring one in the crowd, and you can even be the most romantic and attractive man.

After all, someone once said:

"Black is poetic. 」

"Do you imagine a romantic poet wearing a bright yellow jacket? Probably not! 」

Image source: pinterest

PS: The pictures in this article are from the Internet.Please contact us in time if you have any copyright problems.
Writing/Planning: Leopard Iron Powder
Typesetting: a red head
Producer: GaGa

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