Huai’an Jinhu: "Red Bee Station" helps "takeaway brother" become the "red factor" of grassroots governance

  "The closer we are to the merchants, the more orders we receive. Since there is this’Red Bee Station ‘in Ning Square, I can receive orders when I take a break and drink some water. Sometimes I can even eat a hot meal, and my income has also increased a lot. It’s so practical!"

  Since the beginning of this year, Jinhu County, Huai’an City, Jiangsu Province has actively explored new methods and new paths for party building work for new business and new employment groups. The Party Committee of the County Market Supervision Bureau has taken the initiative and taken the initiative to take the initiative. In accordance with the principle of "grasping the industry and grasping the industry", it has taken the lead in establishing "small and specialized" industry party organizations and takeaway food delivery industry party branches. It has refined the "three lists" of party building tasks, the power list of takeaway brothers, and the obligation list of takeaway brothers, and established a "two-way feedback" mechanism between towns and streets and takeaway enterprises. Build a party building work system that combines blocks and links up and down. Carry out experiential research on the takeaway food delivery industry "100 people and thousands of miles", implement the party building information "three checks and one check" action, organize party members to "find a home", "go home" and "settle down" activities, and further find out the "family background". Select 3 party building instructors to takeaway enterprises, implement the "double training and double inspection" plan for the development of party members of takeaway brothers, and cultivate 17 party activists. This year, it is expected to develop 2 party members to ensure that the "two coverage" of the takeaway food delivery industry is vigorously promoted to the edge.

  The county focuses on strengthening organizational guidance and service guarantee, establishing and improving the mechanism of care and assistance and appeal feedback, building a "Red Bee" party and mass service center at Meituan Jinhu Station, relying on market supervision grass-roots branches, supermarket outlets, and village (community) party and mass service centers to build 6 "Red Bee Stations", upgrading the "Seven Ones" warm-hearted service, providing appeal collection, training and learning, rest lectures and other activities, and building a "1 + 6" warm site service network. 18 county departments including the judiciary, public security, and trade unions have formed a "caring service alliance", issued a list of 20 warm "new" services, and provided various training and assistance such as safety knowledge, legal rights protection, and class skills for the delivery brother. 5 activities have been carried out, covering 450 new employment groups; 3 service work orders have been sent to urban management, housing construction and other departments, and 11 problems such as difficult access to the community and trees blocking building number plates have been solved within 72 hours, so that the delivery brother can truly feel the care and care of the party organization.

  In addition, the county has also innovated to build the "Red Bee Knight" party building brand, widely carried out branch bright flags, party members bright identity, vehicle bright logo, service bright commitment activities, set up epidemic prevention and control "Red Bee" vanguard, more than 30 takeaway delivery staff 24 hours a day to fight for disinfection and sterilization of items, takeaway distribution line, take the initiative to undertake the distribution of fruits and vegetables and necessities of life for the isolation of the hotel, to ensure the daily life of residents. Recruit party members and party activists with good quality and political excellence to serve as "red net micro-grid" informers and volunteers, deliver takeaways to "take pictures" and "send them at any time" urban uncivilized phenomena, strive to create "woodpeckers" and "food safety guards" in civilized cities, and successively assist the public security department in cracking 3 theft cases, and "little brother" bursts with "great energy".

  "The food delivery industry provides a lot of social services in the streets. We need to give full play to their advantages of being familiar with the situation and understanding the needs, and guide them to become the’red factor ‘of grassroots governance, so as to serve the general pattern of civilized city construction across the country," said Bao Zhiqiang, a member of the Jinhu County Standing Committee and director of the Organization Department.

Home improvement 100 megabits broadband can’t open the webpage and play the game delay! The reason is actually …

  Cctv newsOn May 17th, with the statements of the three basic operators, Beijing began to enter the era of "100 Mbps broadband". However, some users are still using the old copper broadband, with a slow speed of 4 megabytes and 5 megabytes. However, some users who have installed 20 megabits, 50 megabits or even 100 megabits of fiber-optic broadband at home often have delays in playing online games, and sometimes even ordinary web pages are difficult to open. What stuck the "last mile" in fttp? What caused the "short weight" of broadband speed increase? Come to see the reporter’s investigation.


  Once "insulated" optical fiber in high-grade residential areas

  Mr. Pan in Beijing lives in a relatively high-end residential area in the North Fourth Ring Road. The apartment building has its own independent system, and electricity, tap water, gas and communication are all self-contained and provided by the property management. Therefore, the annual fee of broadband used by Mr. Pan is more expensive than that of basic operators, but the broadband rate is only 5 trillion.

  "I want to open the website and watch a video news." Mr. Pan, who hopes to have a faster network speed, went to the business halls of China Unicom, China Telecom and China Mobile to apply for registration, but was told that the residential area was not covered with optical fiber because the apartment was not allowed to enter.

  A similar situation is not uncommon in other communities. In some communities, there is only one broadband service provider to choose from, and even the advertisements of other broadband companies are hard to see. However, the only broadband service provider is often slow and expensive. Mr. Pan wondered that the optical fiber had been laid at the bottom of the residential building, but it was stuck because of this "last mile". Who will protect the rights of the residents?

  100 Mbps broadband WeChat voice chat will be dropped.

  "When we register our children online, we are particularly anxious. A fairly simple webpage can’t be opened." Mr. Hong, a citizen, uses the 50-megabit-rate fiber-optic broadband annual service handled by Great Wall Broadband at home. However, after using it for one year, Mr. Hong felt that this 50-megabyte bandwidth was more like an "embroidered pillow".

  Mr. Jiang has just moved to a new home this year. Last month, he installed 20 megabits of "Dr. Peng" broadband, and the annual subscription fee was 1180 yuan. He said that he originally wanted to install the broadband of a big telecom operator, but the reply he got was that the community was not covered yet, so he could not go to fttp. "The network speed is very unstable. Now our community has only occupied about 40% of users, and playing an online game will get stuck. What if everyone moves in? " Mr. Jiang is deeply anxious about this.

  Mr. Wang, who lives in Yizhuang, said that the 100-megabit fiber-optic broadband in his own community would suddenly fail to open ordinary web pages, or be inexplicably disconnected while playing games, and there have also been cases where voice chat on WeChat suddenly broke. Mr. Wang showed several times the value of online speed measurement. In the case of using the telecom speed measurement web page, the fastest time, the tested bandwidth was only 26 megabits, which was only a quarter of the 100 megabits rate.

  remove a doubt

  Obstruct operators from entering the market for the benefit of property.

  According to Beijing’s informatization development plan, the free transformation of "light entering copper retreating" has been started in the whole city since 2011. Up to now, most of Beijing’s urban residential areas and rural areas have realized optical fiber to the building or fttp. However, there are still a few residential areas that can’t go home for "optical reform" for various reasons.

  According to an operator, some residents are unwilling to carry out optical fiber transformation in the residential areas that cannot be "light-reformed" at present, but more because property companies or property rights units obstruct operators from entering the market. "Of course, the reason for obstruction is for the benefit." According to a person familiar with the matter, in addition to admission fees, some property companies are not satisfied with collecting money at one time, and put forward new requirements such as broadband revenue sharing and collecting maintenance fees every year.

  In this regard, in 2016, the three departments of Beijing jointly issued the Notice on Promoting the Implementation of residential broadband Access for Property Management. It stipulates that real estate development enterprises or property service enterprises shall not sign monopoly or exclusive broadband operation agreements with others. On the premise that the infrastructure such as the equipment room has multiple accesses, the realty service enterprise shall try its best to meet the needs of the owners, at least ensure that more than three broadband operators have equal access, and disclose the relevant information of broadband access to the owners in a prominent position in the community.

  Too many users will lead to insufficient bandwidth.

  "The bandwidth mentioned by telecom operators is all theoretical values." A telecom expert said that in actual use, the download speed is lower than the theoretical value. Generally speaking, fluctuations in the range of 75% to 90% of the theoretical value can be regarded as normal. There are two main reasons why home users often feel that the network speed is not up to standard: the hardware facilities are not matched, or there are too many sharing users.

  Experts explained that in order to make full use of broadband resources, increase broadband revenue and reduce costs, operators will calculate an online ratio and choose how many users to configure on this basis. "In order to seize more business, small operators often attract customers at very low prices, and then configure more users regardless of the online ratio, resulting in insufficient broadband."

  Lack of authoritative third-party speed measuring mechanism

  How do you know how much "moisture" is mixed in the rate of home broadband? Just like Mr. Wang, a citizen, in practice, many users will choose to use speed measuring software to measure speed. However, the third-party speed measuring software on the network, not only the speed measured by each speed measuring software is different, but also the same software often measures different speeds.

   The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has said that the local communication administrations will cooperate with third parties to measure the speed of "fixed broadband access rate" and release it to the public. But up to now, there is no authoritative third-party broadband speed measuring agency in China.

10 warm-hearted stories, take you to feel the power behind the "China Speed" ……


Hands covered with mud, shoulders soaked with sweat,

Clear and firm eyes, kind and brave heart.

They have no steel body, but they are extremely powerful.

They have no grandiloquence, but they work hard.

There is no infrastructure fanatic here, only Chinese power!

At present, China Construction has installed Wuhan, which is participating in the construction.

Vulcan Mountain and Thunder God Mountain hospital have been put into use,

In the face of the epidemic, China construction and installation forces assembled in the line of fire.

Rushing to the front and fighting on the "epidemic" line,

Their Wuhan war "epidemic" will come to an end temporarily.

Behind this life-and-death race with the epidemic,

It is the builders who have paid hard work and strength.

They don’t pay, they don’t give up day and night, they are ordered in danger,

Go to the hardest, most tiring and most dangerous front,

Casting a new fortress for epidemic prevention,

They are ordinary heroes of this era!

Today, let’s walk into the story behind "China Speed"


Liu Xu: I’m not tired. I’ll just sleep for a while.


On the morning of February 11th, a circle of friends of Wang Junsheng won numerous praises. Liu Xu, a labor worker who fought all night for 28 hours, fell asleep at the scene. "They are not online celebrity, but they are the people who can bear hardships the most. There is nothing that can’t be done with ventilation and water and electricity at the scene. They are the most lovely people. I am proud of these workers and brothers." Wang Jun is full of regrets. When Liu Xu was mentioned, all the managers at the scene gave him a thumbs up, but he always said, "Nothing, it’s okay to do your best." Liu Xu, a 32-year-old native of Huangmei County, Hubei Province, was the first to arrive at the construction site of Raytheon Mountain together with the China Construction and Installation Unit. After staying up all night, he turned to the Huoshenshan Mountain for support the next day, and returned to Raytheon Mountain to help with the finishing work after the delivery of the Huoshenshan Mountain.

He is Luo Wenhao’s right-hand man with many years of construction experience in the Vulcan Mountain project. "I have participated in many projects, and it is the first time that it is so urgent." Due to the urgent construction period and shortage of labor resources, the assembled labor team may not be professional counterparts. In order to ensure the construction quality, he should fully disclose with every worker before the construction, and there should be no omissions in every link from explaining drawings and personnel scheduling to the handover of the working face. The on-site construction area is large, and a large amount of materials must be lifted by the workers themselves. "It takes four or five hundred meters to carry it back and forth once, and tens of thousands of steps a day are commonplace." Liu Xu said airily.

During the construction of Vulcan Mountain, he was caught in several heavy rains, and the scene of everyone working in the rain made him remember deeply. "The rainy road is not easy to walk. You have to wring your pants and shoes to continue your homework. Wet feet on rainy days, sweaty feet on sunny days, and feet are often soaked. " Mentioning the hard work, he smiled and said, "I wouldn’t come here if I was afraid of being tired!" We brothers can come to the scene because we hope that the hospital can be built as soon as possible, and it is worthwhile to work hard! "



Defeng Chen: Children who grew up in the countryside are all right.


Squatting on the material box in the corner, I simply took a few mouthfuls of lunch, and Defeng Chen climbed up the roof to inspect the finishing work of the HVAC system. This is the eighth day that he fought with everyone in Wuhan "Two Mountains" Hospital. He ate, lived and worked with everyone every day, but Defeng Chen, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and chairman of the trade union of China Construction and Installation Group, was very practical in his heart.

In those days, it was rainy and rainy in Wuhan, the construction site was full of water, muddy and slippery, and the cold wind and rain hit the face, but the scene was in full swing. Colleagues advised Defeng Chen to take a rest first. "Don’t worry about me, everyone is working against time. I want to keep an eye on the progress, coordinate personnel and pay attention to everyone’s safety!" His firm eyes can’t hide his tiredness.

With the delivery of the two hospitals, the construction personnel at the installation site of Zhongjian are preparing for the final maintenance and withdrawal work. In addition to supervising the progress, safety and quality of the project on the spot every day and assisting in coordinating various resources, Defeng Chen also cares about understanding the psychological dynamics of the workers from time to time, constantly encouraging the team and boosting confidence.

Late at night, Defeng Chen was still on the construction site and conducting various inspections at the headquarters. He didn’t return to his residence from the construction site until after 1 am, every day. "Children who grew up in the countryside, this is no problem!" A simple word hides great energy.

In order to give full play to party member’s vanguard model and the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress, China Construction and Installation quickly set up a temporary party branch, and Defeng Chen awarded the flag to the commandos on the spot. "Stand up at a critical moment, turn back when the masses need it, perform their duties, and it is the duty and duty of party member cadres to charge ahead!" Defeng Chen encouraged everyone.

When China Construction Installation successfully completed the assignment task and the workers were preparing to leave the site for isolation, Defeng Chen noticed that other Chinese construction brothers were still fighting in other working faces. Defeng Chen immediately arranged manpower to help his brother units complete various projects. "At the critical moment, we must not slack off, and we will definitely complete the tasks entrusted to us by the party and the people from the beginning to the end!" After the delivery of the hospital, Defeng Chen is still concerned about the payment of workers’ wages, the withdrawal of the field and the follow-up guarantee of the project.



Yu Junchao: a warm-hearted "contractor"


Yu Junchao, a 50-year-old party member, is the head of the 168 Construction Engineering Company of China Construction Installation Cooperative Labor Service Company. On the afternoon of January 27th, after receiving the call for aid construction, Yu Junchao and all 11 team members of the company immediately arrived at the scene. "Many workers volunteered to take part in the war, and soon an 83-person labor force was assembled at the scene of Raytheon Mountain." Yu Junchao was very moved, and everyone gave up the opportunity of reunion to go to Han to support the construction, which strengthened his confidence in doing a good job in the project.

Yu Junchao and his team are warm-hearted. When they first entered the site and were not assigned construction tasks, they took the initiative to help other builders carry logistics materials. On the first day of entering the site, they completed the construction tasks of laying drainage pipes and "two cloths and one membrane" for 12 hours. During the construction period, Yu Junchao led the team to fight all night, and only rested for 2 hours every day during the busiest time. He completed the ventilation and drainage tasks on the 15th and 16th floors of Raytheon Mountain Area 2 and the 6th floor of Area A with high standards, which won everyone’s praise.



Gu Jianbing: the "Commander" of the whole battle


Command team, material allocation, logistics support … Gu Jianbing, Party branch secretary of China Construction and Installation Beijing Company, is both a commander and a combatant, and always carries out management to the end of details. On-site inspection was conducted at one or two in the morning, and the construction quality was comprehensively checked. After returning to his residence, he was assigned to work the next day. Gu Jianbing could not fall asleep until four in the morning. Three hours later, he appeared on the construction site on time to guide the labor team to make handover and make thoughtful arrangements for installation tools, technology and working face. During the day, the working face is fully spread out, the coordination workload is huge, and the intensity of work day and night makes Gu Jianbing’s voice hoarse all the time.

The sudden construction task has also brought many problems. Hospital construction needs manpower, and the supply of building materials is even more urgent. He asked for help and mobilized everywhere, and several cooperative labor service companies immediately gave support. Suppliers in Wuhan building materials market also took the initiative to supply building materials at the lowest price. Gu Jianbing also received rubber and plastic insulation materials donated by suppliers. The branches of China Construction and Installation also responded positively. In just two days, nine brother units quickly supported nearly 30 managers and more than 300 laborers. In this way, in one day, all the building auxiliary materials arrived and all the personnel were in place, which solved the urgent need.

During the critical period of work-grabbing, all the staff fought almost all night. Gu Jianbing had to arrange the production schedule, safety and quality, and at the same time, he had to keep in touch with the labor service team at all times, so as to relieve the fatigue of the staff and arouse the enthusiasm of the workers. During the construction, due to the narrow construction space in the ward, Gu Jianbing led the team to take local materials, opened up a small processing area on site, and prefabricated the water pipes in advance, which effectively improved the construction efficiency.

The "Huolei" hospital has been put into use one after another. At this moment, Gu Jianbing continues to run around in organizing personnel to withdraw from the field, isolate and debug and maintain the hospital in the later stage. "It’s nothing if we can successfully complete the tasks assigned by the state and the people and get the patients treated as soon as possible!" Gu Jianbing said.



Wang Hui: There are always more ways than difficulties.


Wang Hui, head of electrical technology of Wuhan Thunder God Mountain hospital Medical Technology Building. The site construction environment is complex and crowded. The first thing Wang Hui did after entering the site was to quickly organize workers to carry out safety and epidemic prevention and control education, and distribute epidemic prevention supplies to improve workers’ safety awareness.

The construction period is tight and the task is heavy. If we follow the established drawings and the conventional installation process, we may not be able to catch up with the construction period. Wang Hui analyzed the actual situation on site and improved the design on the premise of ensuring the function and quality, such as installing formal lighting equipment in advance to avoid the delay of the construction period caused by disassembling temporary lighting equipment after the project is completed; After optimization, the original ceiling lamps were changed to wall-mounted installation; The lighting trunking originally needed to be equipped with a separate bracket. Wang Hui skillfully grafted the existing lighting bracket to the built pipeline bracket, which not only facilitated the subsequent threading, but also improved the construction efficiency.

Through Wang Hui’s "small creation", the installation method has been optimized, and the construction period and cost have been greatly saved. "The method is always more difficult than it is!" Wang Hui always encourages everyone like this.



Wang Junsheng: A "Big Butler" who takes care of everything.


Wang Junsheng is the front-line commander of Wuhan "Two Mountains" Hospital. This "big housekeeper" has been fighting with his brothers for more than ten days at the scene. From the construction arrangement, labor dispatch, personnel management and logistics support, he must personally ask questions.

Before the start of construction, Wang Junsheng reversed the construction period, made a good road map, unified planning, organization and coordination, and made a good job of interweaving processes and processes to ensure that everyone was coordinated and gave full play to their professional strength. He also called construction workers in advance to explain the detailed installation sequence of each process to the labor teams. Under the overall planning and management of Wang Junsheng, which is accurate to the hour or even minutes, more than a dozen labor teams and more than 300 construction workers closely cooperated to build with high quality, and there has never been any rework on the site.

In addition to construction, Wang Junsheng is equally worried about everyone’s "eating, drinking, living and transportation". He coordinated everywhere and arranged comfortable hotels for the construction workers; In order to avoid the gathering of canteen staff and let everyone "eat with confidence", he took the initiative to contact the delivery of working meals and pay the wages of workers to solve everyone’s worries.



Cai Juntao: Create opportunities without opportunities.


Cai Juntao is the leader of a company’s expedition to Wuhan, and also the electromechanical director of Thunder God Mountain hospital Medical Technology Building. Create the working face, arrange the working procedure reasonably, find the construction equipment, and arrange the team to enter the site … … Hundreds of phone calls a day have become commonplace for Cai Juntao, which has turned him into a magnetic "subwoofer".

When he first arrived at the scene, difficulties came to him. What bothered him most was that the internal structure of the medical technology building was complex, and the construction unit had many cross-operations. What should I do if I wanted to catch up with the progress but didn’t have a working face? After inspecting the site, Cai Juntao decided to adopt the assembly construction method of off-site prefabrication and on-site installation, hand over one working face and install one immediately, and never delay the construction period!

Finally, after several days of hard work, the medical technology building was delivered as scheduled. Cai Juntao sleeps only 2 hours a day on average. He often misses his meal time because he is dealing with on-site work, so he can only fill his hunger with instant noodles. He and his colleagues call each other ‘ Iron man ’ Brother. "Time is life! Eliminate all difficulties, pay close attention to construction, and create opportunities without opportunities! " This is what Cai Juntao said the most.



Tamia Liu: No matter how tight the time is, the quality will never be discounted.


Tamia Liu, a HVAC engineer in China Construction Installation International Engineering Branch, as an "overseas", spent the first Spring Festival with his family in China in four years, but it took him less than 90 minutes from receiving the notice of supporting the construction of Raytheon Mountain to arriving at the site.

The amount of on-site work is large and the construction period is tight, but the negative pressure requirement of the infectious disease isolation ward is high. "No matter how tight the time is, the quality must not be discounted!" Tamia Liu is responsible for the installation and debugging of three negative pressure isolation wards. For the installation of large-scale equipment and room branch pipes on the roof, Tamia Liu decided to adopt modular assembly, which can be installed in place at one time, while ensuring the tightness of the joints of air ducts and accessories. He led the team to work closely with the strong and weak electricity departments, and achieved the one-time test of single machine and system linkage.

After nearly 40 hours of continuous operation, all three negative pressure isolation wards in charge of by Tamia Liu were successfully debugged at one time and handed over to the hospital department smoothly. These wards were promoted as construction models in the whole project.



Li Guanjun: Bite down pieces of "hard bones"


Li Guanjun, who was supposed to look after her 2-month-old baby at home during the Spring Festival, signed up as a security administrator in Thunder God Mountain hospital. At the site, he should not only be responsible for safety supervision, but also coordinate the cross-operation of various teams to ensure the safety of personnel and construction in the jurisdiction.

The construction site of Raytheon Mountain is more complicated than previous chemical projects. It covers not only more than a dozen professional systems such as pipeline pre-burying, water supply and drainage, fire fighting, power supply and distribution, ventilation and air conditioning, but also the construction of buildings 15 and 16, which is under the responsibility of "Artisan Brothers Company" of Li Guanjun’s China Construction and Installation Engineering Company, which has a tight construction period and needs to work all night.

The ventilation and installation of 12 rooms in Building A16 must be completed within 10 hours, which is another hard bone. When receiving this task, Li Guanjun has been working continuously for 14 hours, but the ventilation installation not only requires extremely high tightness, but also the installation quality is directly related to the air quality of the ward, so there should be no carelessness. He quickly assembled the team and divided it into five groups by assembly line. He entered the field at 7 pm and worked until 5 am the next day. After a night of fierce fighting, he finally completed the task.



Luo Wenhao: the "New Daddy" in Two-Front War


As the front-line deputy commander of the "Two Mountains" hospital project, Luo Wenhao, after receiving the task, simply told his wife who was about to give birth, and arrived at the construction site of Raytheon Mountain in the early morning of January 28th. The first night when he arrived at the construction site, he worked all night. Luo Wenhao led the workers to stay up all night for 12 hours to complete the task of laying "two cloths and one membrane" and laying drainage pipes. The temperature dropped sharply in winter night, and it rained again. Wherever he went, it was muddy and bumpy. Luo Wenhao’s feet seemed to be stepping in the ice hole and he was cold all over. The workers were also very tired, working for 25 hours, all covered with dust.

On January 29th, the project received the task of emergency support for the construction of Vulcan Mountain. He volunteered to lead the workers to quickly turn to the battlefield of Vulcan Mountain for full support, and successfully completed the ventilation and installation project of Buildings 1, 3 and 4. When he was most nervous, he led nearly 200 workers to fight day and night alone. From February 3 to 6, he neglected to contact his family and completed the installation of nearly 4,000 square meters of ventilation pipes in Building 4 for four days and three nights.

On the morning of February 7th, his wife gave birth to her daughter by caesarean section. Exhausted Tam Hao cried with joy on the phone. He named her "Yuan Han" to commemorate this experience of aiding Han. After the Vulcan Mountain project was put into use, Tam Hao, who could have rested, led the workers to Raytheon Mountain to coordinate and command the project closing, debugging and maintenance.


Every minute counts, and the mission will be achieved.

It is these kind, brave, ordinary and selfless people,

Injected into the battlefield in the cold winter

Warm and powerful power.

Thank them,

Let this once lush land come back to life.


This is a special reunion dinner …

Our reporter Roman

During the Spring Festival, the happiest thing is for the whole family to sit around and have a reunion dinner. However, for homeless vagrants, it is an extravagant hope to have a reunion dinner with their families. In order to let the rescuers have a warm and happy New Year, this (5th) morning, Luzhou Rescue Management Station specially held a Spring Festival Youth League activity for them.

Sticking Spring Festival couplets and decorating … The staff of the rescue station began to decorate the station for the upcoming Spring Festival a few days ago to create a festive New Year atmosphere. Early this morning, everyone began to be busy, preparing melons, fruits, snacks and delicious food for the recipients.

At noon, the recipients put on beaming new cotton-padded jackets, sat around, watched TV and had a reunion dinner to celebrate the New Year.

According to Jiang Weifen, the stationmaster of the municipal rescue management station, there are currently 14 recipients in the municipal rescue management station, four of whom have recently entered the station and are still in isolation. Due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, there are 10 recipients attending the annual meeting of the group today, and they also eat separately, and the other four are delivered by special personnel.

The staff served meals for everyone.

At the annual meeting of the Communist Youth League, although everyone wore masks, it was hard to hide their joy. The recipients and the staff were talking and laughing together, and they were very happy. Several recipients even danced with the music. The scene was full of laughter, joy and peace.

Jiang Weifen told reporters that all the 14 recipients at present have mental and intellectual disabilities, and they have not found out their identity and family information. The longest time to come to the station has been more than one year, of which the youngest is 15 years old and the oldest is about 70 years old.

Maybe they have a home in their heart, but they don’t know where they come from, where their home is, and whether they have any family. In the city rescue management station, the staff treat them as relatives and children, and take care of them patiently and carefully, so that they have a place to live and a "home". Having a reunion dinner together on the occasion of the New Year makes them feel the festive atmosphere and the warmth of home. This is undoubtedly the embodiment of the motherland’s growing strength, social civilization’s progress and love everywhere in the new era.

Original title: "This is a special reunion dinner …"

7 am! Good news came from China football: Shandong Taishan made an important decision, and fans praised it in unison.

At 7: 00 a.m. Beijing time on November 3rd, the latest news came from China Football. According to the domestic media Jinan Times, next year, Taishan U21 team will participate in the 2024 League B in the name of Shandong Taishan B team, and this situation has also attracted the attention and discussion of many fans.

"Jinan Times" wrote: "Yesterday, the final stage of U21 League ushered in the penultimate round of competition. The top two U21 players in Taishan, Shandong Province had a direct dialogue with U21 in Shanghai Harbour.

In the end, Shandong Taishan U21 defeated its opponent with a score of 2-1, winning the U21 League championship this season one round ahead of schedule, and at the same time locking in the qualification for next season’s Chinese B League. "

According to the report of Jinan Times, Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province decided to let U21 team play in League B in the new season. Although the media did not disclose more information, the echelon of Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province was able to play in League B, which was not only good news for China football, but also attracted many fans’ praise in unison.

Some fans said: "Yes, we can continue to develop the U series league. The exposure of young players will increase and the development will be better." Some fans also said: "The youth training is well done. If there are 10 Luneng in China, it will not be so. At least Luneng has trained a large number of players such as Wang Yongpo, Han Peng, Liu Binbin, Zheng Zheng, Zhou Haibin, Wei Shihao, Xinghan Wu, Wang Tong, Fang Hao and Liu Yang. Only the Genbao base can compete with it. "

Of course, some fans said: "This is the real contribution to the national football. Some people in the comment area will say that Luneng has trained a few winners. Before asking this question, ask how many winners your home team has trained for the country. If you often pay attention to the leagues at all levels in China, you will find that there are countless players who have gone out of Luneng Football School. At least Luneng has done it and persisted for so many years, which is worthy of recognition! "