Network car new deal encounters "difficulty in landing" Expert advice: stimulate market vitality

  The drastic changes and interest pattern adjustment brought by the new economy are fully reflected in the field of online car rental. On the one hand, the platform and networking characteristics of the new economy expand the scope and depth of the impact of contradictions. On the other hand, the new policy of online car rental involves a wide range, and the interest game increases the difficulty of landing the new policy.

  The reporter of the Economic Information Daily learned that the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking of Taxi Operating Services has been implemented for more than half a year, and the implementation rules of many local governments have not yet been issued. Some cities that have issued rules but have higher thresholds are facing "landing difficulties".

  Many people in the industry and experts suggest that we should be fully aware of the pulling effect of the sharing economy represented by the online car ride on social employment and the revolutionary role of the social management model, and suggest using the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  Some cities’ new policies about car network are "difficult to land"

  The reporter learned that as of April 24, 2017, 85 cities have issued detailed rules for the implementation of the network car, 115 cities have completed soliciting opinions, and more than 100 cities have not yet completed soliciting opinions.

  In some areas where the New Deal has been introduced, the policy landing still faces a game situation. The reporter learned that there are two main focuses of the game between policy requirements and platform interests: first, whether to implement household registration, vehicles, wheelbase and other requirements; The second is to what extent the operational data accessing the supervision platform needs to be reached and what content it contains.

  In the actual operation process, some cities have imposed many restrictions on drivers’ household registration and vehicle price wheelbase, taking into account the local taxi market capacity and the strategic needs of urban development. Some platforms have found that the implementation of the New Deal in cities with higher thresholds will reduce the network car capacity by more than 90%, which is a heavy blow to the platform.

  At the same time, the platform-based characteristics of the online car-sharing platform have broken the tradition of "the company is local" in the past. If the online car-sharing platform does not set up a local subsidiary, the local management department may not find a communication partner during supervision, which aggravates the difficulty of solving the problem.

  On the other hand, the new economy, represented by the online car-hailing platform, quickly seized market share through subsidies and financing, but this fast pace had a great impact on the balance pattern of the traditional taxi industry in a short time. At the same time, in some higher threshold areas, it has also caused a greater "crowding out effect" on the network car drivers. These factors have led to constant friction between cruise car drivers and network car drivers in some places.

  The new policy of network car has a wide range of influence groups. According to Didi’s travel statistics, as of February 2017, the total number of drivers registered on Didi platform reached more than 17.5 million. There are 2 million active drivers on Didi Platform, and the per capita daily income exceeds that of 160 yuan, while the total number of taxi drivers in cities across the country has reached 2 million. At the same time, there are thousands of software and algorithm engineer behind Didi.

  The parties have different reactions to the new policy of online car.

  The reporter learned that the situation of the New Deal landing across the country varies widely, and the views of all parties on the network car industry have also wavered.

  In some places, the implementation period of the New Deal has passed, but the non-compliant network car is still in operation. The driver of the cruise car doesn’t know whether to stay at his job, and the driver of the network car doesn’t know whether to change careers.

  According to the statistics of the Transportation Bureau of Beijing Municipal Commission of Communications, after the appearance of the network car, the income of cruise car drivers dropped from about 6,500 yuan in 2013 to about 4,500 yuan in the first half of 2016. From 2014 to 2016, the driver team lost nearly 10,000 people. However, taxi operation has improved recently.

  A Didi executive, who asked not to be named, said that after the introduction of the New Deal, Didi’s car business also experienced a sharp decline, and drivers were losing a lot.

  At the same time, passengers’ choice of online car has also wavered. According to reports, before the Spring Festival in 2017, the average number of taxi calls per day of passengers in some big cities soared from more than 300,000 to 900,000, and the response rate of taxis on the Didi platform was only 40%. In addition, after the New Deal gradually landed, the capacity of Didi Express bus decreased, and the response rate dropped from 90% in October 2016 to about 50% in March 2017, which greatly reduced the travel experience of passengers.

  The capital market has also begun to hesitate and "can’t figure out" the market prospect of the online car platform. Due to the impact of the New Deal on the market, the market valuation of many online car platform companies has declined, which has also affected the layout of enterprises at home and abroad. Some insiders said that the upsurge of domestic venture capital in sharing the economy such as online car rental has subsided.

  The New Deal is hard to reflect management anxiety.

  The Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Management Service has been implemented for more than half a year, but the detailed rules for implementation in many places have not yet been promulgated.

  The demand for online car is different from place to place. Some places think that cities should give priority to the development of public transport, and the online car ride is only a supplement, and it should be more "high-end" than cruise taxis. Therefore, set a higher model, price, displacement and wheelbase threshold for the network car. There are also some places that hope that the network car will take into account the high, medium and low-end needs. For example, Haikou cancels the restrictions on the displacement of the network car, while Lijiang and Hanzhong choose to connect the cruise taxis to the network car platform as a whole.

  Wei Dong, CEO of the First Automobile Car Company, said that road traffic congestion in first-tier cities in China is serious, and it is reasonable for local management departments to choose to raise the threshold for online car rental. However, the taxi market in second-and third-tier cities is not saturated, so the policy of online car rental can be relaxed.

  As for whether the number of taxis should be controlled. A grassroots cadre said that the Ministry of Construction issued the Code for Planning and Design of Urban Road Traffic in 1995, which stipulated that the number of taxis in big cities should be 20 per 10,000 people and 15 in small and medium-sized cities, which became the standard for calculating and controlling the number of taxis in most cities.

  However, there are also views that this standard has not changed for many years, and the network car is not the main cause of road traffic congestion, and the quantity control should be released in due course. The Research Group of Professor Yan Xuedong of Beijing Jiaotong University released the Analysis Report on Beijing Road Traffic Operation Based on Didi Big Data in October 2016, which holds that the network car uses economic laws as a lever to adjust the supply and demand of the traffic market, and information symmetry as the core to match the demand, which helps to reduce the empty driving rate of vehicles.

  Interest game increases the difficulty of landing the New Deal. In many places, the development of online car rental has caused the price of taxi licenses to shrink, and some taxi drivers and agents who speculate on licenses have been seriously damaged. For example, in some cities, taxi licenses have increased from 200,000 yuan to 800,000 yuan in the past, and have been reduced to 400,000 yuan due to the competition of online car rental.

  Some people in the industry said that the formulation of the local version of the new network car deal faces multiple interests considerations. Before the reform of taxi industry, drivers had a license for life, which made them lack the motivation to improve their services. However, if the local taxi companies are accelerated to withdraw by means of license depreciation and redemption, these companies may find it difficult to accept.

  The law enforcement of the network car has also caused administrative reconsideration in various places. An executive of a car rental company in Nanjing said that private cars in Nanjing were converted into operating vehicles, and the passenger management office of the Transportation Bureau allowed it when accessing the platform, but the vehicle management office of the Public Security Bureau failed the annual inspection. It is difficult for many private cars to access the network car platform.

  An official of Kunshan Municipal Transportation Bureau said that some platforms openly resisted the law, not only encouraging vehicles punished in Kunshan to file administrative reconsideration, but also reimbursing fines. Some local transportation management departments frequently receive administrative reconsideration of the network car, and basically can’t do other things.

  Xu Kangming, an expert on taxi reform, believes that after the release of the local New Deal, measures should be taken to let illegal personnel and vehicles withdraw, otherwise it will destroy the fair market environment. On the one hand, cruise taxi companies can’t expand their scale, on the other hand, law-abiding online car companies will pay a great price.

  Caring for the "source of vitality" of the sharing economy

  Some interviewed experts believe that we should be fully aware of the pulling effect of the sharing economy represented by the online car ride on social employment and the revolutionary role of the social management model, and suggest using the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  In-depth research network car companies, scientific evaluation. The sharing economy, represented by the online car ride, poses a new challenge to the urban traffic management model. Behind the transformation of the kinetic energy of the old and new economies is the differentiation of the benefit groups of the old and new economies. The insiders believe that the beneficiary groups in the old economy are relatively concentrated and highly organized, but the beneficiary groups in the new economy are more extensive and their voices are more dispersed. Therefore, we should consider the affordability of the old economic benefit groups and the extensiveness of the new economic benefit groups in policy formulation.

  There is strong capital support behind the rise of platform economies such as Didi, Ali and Tencent, which has also benefited many people. Moreover, the credit economy, platformization and big data management may give birth to new technologies such as intelligent transportation, driverless driving and car networking, which are the trend of future economic and social development and the important support for the government to build new management functions, and should be treated with a more open mind.

  An executive of Didi said that although the "zombie car" of Didi Platform is not easy to manage, it indicates that the surplus capacity of social vehicles can be fully released when the urban capacity is tight. Cheng Wei, founder and CEO of Didi Chuxing, said that it is a great opportunity for China to transform its traditional industrial industries with Internet thinking if it wants to overtake western industrial powers in corners.

  On the one hand, formulate a relatively scientific withdrawal and compensation mechanism to alleviate the anxiety of social groups in transition. During the transition period of the New Deal, many full-time online car drivers may lose their jobs. It is suggested that relevant policy explanations and guidance should be carried out in a targeted manner to attract them to work part-time on platforms such as car rental companies.

  On the other hand, scientifically foresee the challenges that part-time taxis may bring. The sharing economy model may bring drivers a wider range of part-time jobs, which will increase the difficulty of management and may also impact the average income level of the taxi industry. Car rental companies can be encouraged to increase their own vehicles to cope with the ebb and flow of Internet supply, and monitor and evaluate the average income of the taxi industry, so as to scientifically guide the development of the industry.

After reading the tomb-robbing novel, the man met three accomplices, three were arrested and one surrendered.

  ▲ The suspect Yao Mosai identified the scene.

  In the night, several men came to the cemetery with shovels and crowbars. Some people shoveled, others let out the wind, and others went down to light candles … … Recently, this scene really happened in Dangui Village, Fengyu Town, ziyang, Sichuan.

  On November 27th, the Red Star journalist learned from the Yanjiang Branch of Ziyang Public Security Bureau that Zeng, a native of Ziyang involved in the case, had read the tomb-robbing novel before and met three Anhui men through a QQ group called "Notes on Tomb-robbing in the North School". After knowing each other, they met and stepped on the spot in Dangui Village, and finally jointly pried open an ancient tomb. In the early morning of November 23, after digging out a porcelain pillow, they were stopped by villagers and police on the spot.

  At present, four people have been criminally detained by the police and the case is under further investigation. According to the preliminary appraisal by Yanjiang Cultural Management Institute, the stolen ancient tomb was built in the late Qing Dynasty. The specific age and whether the stolen porcelain pillow is a cultural relic are waiting for further appraisal by the cultural relics department at a higher level.

  ▲ The police investigated on the spot.


  The ancestral grave was "loosened"

  The villagers suspected that someone was going to rob the tomb.

  Fengyu Town is located in Yanjiang District, ziyang, bordering Zizhong County, Neijiang City. In Dangui Village, Fengyu Town, the family of villager Han has been multiplied for at least several generations. On the morning of November 22, at the age of 71, he suddenly received a phone call saying that one of his family’s ancestral graves seemed to have been "loosened" recently.

  This ancestral grave of the Han family is located in a bamboo forest, and the linear distance from the nearest house is less than 20 meters. To this end, he rushed to the scene and found that the soil on the tomb had been dug in many places, but the stone on the tomb door had not been opened. "This place is a main road, and no one has seen anyone come during the day." Han suspected that someone was eyeing his ancestral grave, wanted to rob the tomb, and judged that those people would come again.

  Due to the age, the ancestral grave door of the Han family has been buried by mud, leaving only a stone engraved with inscriptions exposed. "People who are not around here may not think it is a tomb." Han also said that he had learned from his grandfather that someone in his family ancestors was a juren in the Qing Dynasty and was buried in this tomb after his death.

  ▲ The suspect Zeng identified the scene.

  Grave robbery:

  Learning novels, lighting candles in the tomb

  Four people ganged up to rob the tomb and were arrested one after another.

  In order not to alarm the grass, on the evening of November 22, Han and the local president and others hid in the citrus forest behind the cemetery in advance to "wait for the rabbit."

  At 10 o’clock that night, Han heard someone walking around the cemetery, but did not see the lights. "We are far apart, and we are not sure how many people there are." Han and others stayed until the early morning of the next day, during which someone’s phone rang. Fearing that the grave robbers would escape early after hearing this, they immediately called the police station to tell them about it.

  "I caught three people at that time." Chen Lin, a policeman from Fengyu Police Station of Yanjiang Branch of Ziyang Public Security Bureau, said that after they arrived at the scene, they arrested three men, one of whom was found by the police while hiding in the ditch. Afterwards, Zeng, who was familiar with the terrain and fled, realized that he could not escape after all and surrendered himself on November 23.

  ▲ The suspect lit a candle in the northwest of the tomb according to the routine in the tomb robbery novel.

  Zeng is a native of Yanjiang, and the other three arrested Yao Mosai, Cong and Yao Mouwei are from Anhui. According to the police, that night, after opening the tomb, the four men studied the bridge in the novel, lit a candle in the tomb, and then stole a porcelain pillow from the tomb. However, the police who arrived soon caught it. In the escape, Yao Mosai broke the porcelain pillow.

  At present, according to the preliminary appraisal by the Cultural Management Institute of Yanjiang District, ziyang, the stolen ancient tomb was built in the late Qing Dynasty. However, the specific age and whether the porcelain pillow is a cultural relic are waiting for further identification by the cultural relics department at a higher level.

  ▲ Porcelain pillow stolen by the suspect from the tomb and broken when fleeing.


  After reading tomb-robbing novels, join a group to get to know each other.

  Several people took risks to repay the loan

  Why did three Anhui men get in touch with Zeng of Ziyang Yanjiang?

  According to Zeng’s account, he had joined a QQ group named "Notes on Tomb Robbery in the North School" because he had read the novel of tomb robbery, and posted photos of suspected ancient tombs seen near his home in the group. Soon after, Yao Mosai took the initiative to add Zeng as a friend and said that he was "very interested" and wanted to come to him, promising to let him "take the big head" if he dug up something.

  ▲ The suspects get to know each other in the group of "tomb-robbing novels" and discuss how to commit crimes and divide the spoils.

  After investigation by the police, on November 19th, Yao Mosai invited Yao Mouwei to drive from Anhui to Fengyu Town. After they met and stepped on the spot, they bought shovels, crowbars, flashlights, candles and other tools in the town, and started to work on the evening of November 20th. The four people have a clear division of labor. Zeng is responsible for watching the wind, Yao Mosai is responsible for positioning, and Cong and Yao Mouwei are responsible for mining. However, due to the lack of preparation tools, the four men dug for two consecutive nights and did not pry open the stone on the tomb door. On the evening of November 22, the four men who started for the third time finally pried open the tomb door to carry out the theft, and were arrested one after another.

  When talking about why he took risks, Yao Mosai told the police that several of them were short of money. He also borrowed about 8,000 yuan a month, and it took several thousand yuan to repay the loan from a certain person and Yao Mouwei every month.

  At present, four people have been criminally detained by the police and the case is under further investigation.

  Photo courtesy of Liu Yuntao Red Star journalist Yao Yongzhong police

[Minsheng Investigation Bureau] Litchi is too expensive to eat? Have you achieved "fruit freedom"?

  People’s livelihood investigation bureau

  Editor’s note:

  This is the People’s Livelihood Investigation Bureau, which has never been seen before, investigating the changes in people’s livelihood. Pay attention to what you want to pay attention to and what you don’t, and investigate what you want to see and what you don’t see.

  Chinanews. com client Beijing May 14 th:Litchi is too expensive to eat? Have you achieved "fruit freedom"?

  Author Xie yiguan

  Recently, after the "free cherries", the "free litchi" is fond of hot search again. In fact, is litchi really so expensive this year? Is "fruit freedom" really hard to achieve?

  Is litchi expensive or not? Some people say it’s expensive, others say it’s not.

  Under Weibo’s comment of "Litchi Freedom", many netizens complained that Litchi was too expensive to eat. Some people even said that 60 yuan is nothing but a catty, and 79 yuan, a small city on the 18th line, is a catty.

  Is litchi really expensive? The reporter randomly visited several supermarkets in Beijing and found that the price of litchi was mostly concentrated in more than ten yuan a catty.

  In a Yonghui lifestyle shop in Beijing, the reporter saw that the price of Feizixiao (a variety of litchi) was 15.98 yuan a catty, and there was not much left.

  In a large supermarket in Fengtai, the price of princess smile is 19.8 yuan a catty. An old couple stopped at the stall for a long time and then looked at other fruits.

  In another community store, the unit price of litchi is also 19.8 yuan, and 24.8 yuan can be seen on the yellow price tag.

  A nearby resident said that litchi was cheaper last year. I remember that when I bought it in June, it was less than 10 yuan a catty. "The price is a bit expensive now, and I haven’t bought it this year."

  In a large supermarket in Luohe, Henan, the price of litchi is also 19.8 yuan per catty. Liu Wei, a resident of Luohe, Henan Province, said, "I feel that few people around me buy it."

  However, some residents feel that the price of litchi is still appropriate. Xiao Li, who lives in Beijing, said, "The litchi I bought two days ago is 10 yuan a catty, which doesn’t feel as expensive as everyone said."

  A vendor working in Xinfadi wholesale market also said, "This year’s litchi is 10 yuan a catty, which is cheaper than in previous years."

  On an e-commerce platform, the reporter saw that a merchant in Nanning, Guangxi, made a price of 59.9 yuan and 6 Jin for Feizixiao Litchi. After accounting, it is less than one Jin in 10 yuan, and the current monthly sales volume is tens of thousands.

  This year’s "litchi is expensive" may be

  — — Litchi has not yet come into the market in large quantities.

  "Different litchi varieties have different mature seasons. At present, litchi is just on the market, and most of the varieties sold in the market are in the early stage, so the price is definitely more expensive. After a while, after many varieties of litchi are listed, the price will drop, and the possibility of being cheaper than last year is not ruled out. " Zhu Xianhong, Guangxi Qinzhou Fruit Circulation Association, told reporters.

  Some netizens also said that according to the past situation, after a period of time, litchi will be listed in large quantities, and the price will naturally come down.

  — — There is a big price difference among different varieties.

  There are many varieties of litchi, such as March Red, Feizixiao, White Sugar Papaver, Guiwei, Gualv, Xiangli and glutinous rice paste. Different varieties have different tastes and prices. For example, the price of white sugar poppy, which is close to the listing time of Princess Smile, is much higher than that of Princess Smile.

  Recently, it has been reported by the media that a catty of litchi in 60 yuan is white sugar poppy, and the price of Feizixiao is much more "affordable". Therefore, "litchi is expensive" among some people, which may be the reason for buying more expensive varieties.

  — — In the next year, the output drops.

  "Last year was a big year for litchi production, and this year is a small year. The output may not be as good as last year, making the price slightly higher than last year." Liu Tong, manager of statistics department of agricultural and sideline products wholesale market in Xinfadi, said.

  According to the news released by Guangdong Station of China Weather Network, after last year’s bumper harvest, litchi trees consumed a lot of nutrients, resulting in insufficient basic energy materials for flower formation. In winter of 2018-2019, the temperature was high, and litchi trees could not accumulate nutrients well for flower bud differentiation, which affected the yield of litchi this year.

  The reduction of litchi production means a decline in supply, which in turn drives up the price. According to media reports, the agricultural department of Guangdong Province introduced that from the recent field prices of early-maturing litchi varieties, "March Red" in Gaozhou, western Guangdong, is 15-20 yuan/kg, and "White Sugar Poppy" in Xuwen, Zhanjiang, is 10-15 yuan/kg, which should be the highest price range of this variety in recent ten years.

  Many fruits such as apples have gone up in price.

  The reporter found that in Weibo’s comments on "Litchi Freedom", many people replied that the prices of apples, oranges and other fruits also rose.

  In the wholesale market of Xinfadi, many vendors also reported that many fruits did increase in price this year.

  According to Lao Zheng, who sells fruits in Xinfadi boutique fruit area, compared with last year, "the price of bayberry has increased by one piece, the price of grapes has increased by 5 hairs, and 80% of fruits have increased in price."

  Many merchants said that Apple is much more expensive this year than last year.

  An apple vendor said, "Now the price of apples is more than 5 yuan a catty, compared with more than 3 yuan last year, which is more than half of the price."

  In addition to apples, pears have also experienced some price increases this year. Merchants who do fresh pear wholesale business told reporters that a box of pears is now one-third more expensive than last year. "But this year’s pear production is good. With the listing of new pears, the price will be adjusted." He added.

  At the same time, there are bananas and watermelons. Some merchants told reporters that bananas are 3 yuan more expensive than last year. In addition, the current purchase price of watermelon is 1.8-2.3 yuan, which is slightly higher than the same period of last year.

  The price changes in the wholesale market are also reflected in the price tags of major supermarkets.

  "Fruits have generally gone up in price. Take apples for example, the price has gone up by half." A vendor selling fruit in a vegetable market in Fengtai said.

  In several supermarkets in Beijing, the price of ordinary apples is around 8-9 yuan per catty. "It was two or three yuan cheaper than this last year." A customer said, "Now pears have reached 8 or 9 yuan, and even bananas are more than 4 yuan a catty, which really has increased a lot."

  Not only in Beijing, "Shaanxi apples in supermarket chains are 9.8 kilos, and medium-sized apples in ordinary small fruit shops are also around 7 yuan, so I feel that I can’t afford apples." Lily li, a student in Xiamen, also said.

  Lin Jinzhi, who works in Changsha, Hunan, spoke out, "Cherry is already expensive, but now it is more expensive. The last time I bought it, it cost 178 yuan a catty, and I almost returned it when I checked out."

  Many netizens also listed the price list of fruits to prove that the price of fruits is too high.

  On a nationwide scale, the prices of various fruits are on the rise.

  According to the monitoring of the "National Agricultural Products Wholesale Market Price Information System" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Fuji Apple has been the biggest gainer among fruits. Since mid-March, the ring has been on the increase year-on-year. In the past two weeks, the year-on-year increase has even exceeded 40%. In addition, after the Spring Festival, the price of bananas has been higher than that of the same period last year, and the price of watermelons has been rising year-on-year for nearly two months.

  The fruit retail data released recently in many places also point to the same result: price increase.

  For example, according to the information released by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, the average retail price of fruits increased by 0.2% from May 6 to May 12. Due to the rainy weather last week, the transportation and storage costs of fruits increased slightly, driving the overall price of fruits to rise.

  According to the data of Guangxi Provincial Department of Commerce, from May 6 to May 12, the retail price of fruits was 9.46 yuan/kg, and the price increased by 1.94% from the previous month. Among the seven retail fruit varieties monitored, the retail prices of apples, grapes, pears, watermelons and lychees rose.

  Why do fruits increase in price?

  "The overall price of fruits is higher than last year, and the prices of apples and pears have doubled, mainly because of inventory." Liu Tong said.

  "Because the weather conditions were not very good last spring, the low temperature weather lasted for a long time, and it was often windy in the north in March and April, which made it spend a lot and the fruit setting rate decreased. All fruits that bloom in spring and bear fruit in autumn have basically reduced production, including apples, pears, kiwifruit, grapes and citrus in some areas. Affected by the strong wind in the north, the output of apples and pears has been greatly reduced. Now pears, kiwis and apples are at the end of the inventory, and the new fruits have not yet come up, and the prices will be higher. "

  The vendor selling apples in Xinfadi also said, "Due to hail and frost, the output of apples decreased last year, and now they are all out of stock."

  "The price increase of fruit is actually a normal phenomenon," Liu Tong also stressed. "Now the quality of fruit is better than the original, and the requirements for packaging and sorting are higher. Many bad fruits have been picked out, and the market is good, and the price must be high."

  Secondly, the increase in labor costs and transportation costs mentioned by merchants also has a certain impact on the price of fruits.

  It is worth noting that Australian cherries, New Zealand kiwis, etc. are now highly sought after by people who are pursuing high-quality life, and the import volume has increased year after year.

  The report Analysis and Forecast of Rural Economic Situation in China (2018-2019) shows that in 2018, China imported 8.42 billion US dollars of fruits, an increase of 34.5% over the previous year.

  The price of imported fruits is often higher than that of domestic fruits. The example of "selling cherries and buying a kiwi in 10 yuan" is not uncommon. These high-priced fruits have undoubtedly boosted the domestic fruit price.

  Are there any fruits on sale?

  So many fruits have gone up in price. Is there any fruit that has gone down in price?

  Liu Tong revealed that the prices of grapes and mangoes have dropped because of the launch of new products.

  National agricultural products wholesale market monitoring data show that the price of pineapple has decreased this year compared with last year.

  In some supermarkets, "you can buy a pineapple for a dozen dollars."

  Some minority fruits, such as carambola and guava, have no change in price because of their small audience.

  People who like to eat these fruits can eat them with an open stomach.

  If you can’t even afford cheap fruit, a netizen has a "good idea" to eat cucumbers and tomatoes as fruits.

  Have you achieved "fruit freedom"? (End)

Will the winds in many parts of the country cool down this winter and really "freeze and cry"?

  BEIJING, Beijing, September 27 (Ma Xueling, Lu Chunrong) On the 27th, there was strong wind and cool weather in Beijing. With the cold air heading south, the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China will generally drop in the next few days, which also makes the hot topic of "Crying in the Winter" once again appear on the Internet. So, will you really cry this winter?

  Beijing gale cooling: it is estimated that the minimum temperature of level 7 gust is 12℃

  This morning, there was a strong wind in Beijing, which made me feel cold.

  China Weather Network reported that due to the influence of cold air, the northern wind began to take over the sky of Beijing at 4 or 5 o’clock this morning. According to meteorological monitoring, as of 5: 30 this morning, gusts of magnitude 6 or above have appeared in Haidian Station, Chedaogou, Xiangshan, Bei ‘an River, Fenghuangling, yongfeng middle school and Minzhuang.

  The Beijing Meteorological Observatory issued a weather forecast at 6 o’clock today: it will be cloudy and sunny during the day, with a northerly wind of about five and a gust of about seven, with a maximum temperature of 23 C; It’s sunny at night, and the north wind turns from level 4 to level 23, with a minimum temperature of 12℃. In the gale blue warning, pay attention to wind protection and prevent falling objects.

  At 17: 00 the day before, the Beijing Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for strong winds. It is estimated that there will be northerly winds of Grade 4 and 5 from north to south in Beijing from 4: 00 to 20: 00 on the 27th, and the gust can reach about Grade 7.

  Cold air goes south in a big way, and autumn tigers turn into paper tigers in seconds.

  In addition to Beijing, this morning, most parts of Inner Mongolia also experienced significant cooling, with the cooling rate in some areas exceeding 10℃ and the temperature falling below 5℃.

  According to the news released by the Central Meteorological Observatory this morning, it is estimated that the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China will drop by 4 ~ 6℃ from north to south from September 27th to 29th due to the influence of cold air, with the temperature drop in the south-south area of eastern Inner Mongolia and the south-central part of northeast China reaching 8 ~ 10℃. There are 5 ~ 6 winds in parts of central and eastern Inner Mongolia, southern Northeast China, eastern North China and eastern Huanghuai.

  Under the influence of cold air, the highest temperature in southeastern and northeastern Inner Mongolia generally dropped to around 15℃, and in some areas it was only around 10℃. On the 28th, the lowest temperature in eastern Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang will drop to around 0℃. The highest temperature in North China has generally dropped by 20℃ in the early days, and autumn is getting stronger.

  With cold air heading south and typhoon Miyu landing, the temperature in the south of the Yangtze River and South China will drop rapidly from 28th, and the highest temperature in most parts of the south of the Yangtze River and Guangdong will drop below 30℃. The hot weather will fade rapidly, and the autumn tiger will turn into a paper tiger.

  Will you cry this winter?

  For this windy and cool weather, some netizens said, "An autumn rain and a cold, in fact, it is nothing to cool down now. This winter, we may be frozen into dogs."

  The reason why netizens have the above concerns is because of a word recently swiped — — La Nina.

  The word "LaNina" comes from Spanish, originally meaning "little girl", which refers to the phenomenon that the sea surface temperature in the equatorial, Middle East and Pacific Ocean continues to be abnormally cold. If the 3-month moving average of SST anomaly is lower than -0.5℃ and lasts for at least 5 months, it is judged as a La Nina event.

  Monitoring shows that in August 2016, the SST anomaly index in the equatorial Middle East Pacific was -0.53℃. According to the National Climate Center of China Meteorological Bureau, the equatorial Middle East Pacific entered La Nina state in August.

  Li Xiaoquan, chief meteorologist of China Weather Network, said in an interview with Zhongxin. com (WeChat WeChat official account: cns2012) that it is still early in winter, and the authoritative meteorological department has not given the final forecast figures. It is still inconclusive whether La Nina will occur this winter.

  "But now that we have entered the La Ni? a state, La Ni? a events may occur this winter. According to relevant analysis, in general, the probability of being cold this winter is greater." Li Xiaoquan said.

  How powerful is La Nina?

  According to China Weather Network, one of the impacts of La Nina event on China’s climate is that the temperature may be low in winter, which is prone to cold winter. Statistics show that since 1954, in the years affected by La Ni? a event, the proportion of cold winter in China has exceeded 80%.

  For example, in the years affected by La Nina, the winter of 1954 was the coldest one, and the temperature was 2.95℃ lower than normal.

  For another example, in early 2008, the La Nina incident was one of the important behind-the-scenes "pushers" of the once-in-50-year freezing rain and snow disaster in southern China.

  According to regional statistics, in La Nina, the proportion of cold in winter in Tibet was the lowest, at 50%. In the northwest, southwest, south China and south China, it is as high as 80% or more.

  Will La Nina definitely lead to a cold winter?

  Will La Nina definitely lead to a cold winter? Li Xiaoquan said that normally, when La Nina happens, China will be colder in winter, but it doesn’t mean that it will enter the cold winter, but the probability of entering the cold winter is higher, especially in the southern region.

  "La Nina came last year, which will make winter cold, but it doesn’t mean it will be particularly cold. It can be seen that some years have entered the cold winter, which is mostly related to the La Nina phenomenon, but it is not La Nina that will definitely enter the cold winter. "

  As it said, it was also the winter of 1998/99 when the super El Ni? o turned to La Ni? a, but China experienced a warm winter.

  China Weather Network reported on September 22nd that the equatorial Middle East and Pacific Ocean has entered La Nina state, but it has not reached the standard of La Nina event. China Meteorological Bureau will continuously monitor the development of La Nina.