Bravely picking Japan’s Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  Million Chinese stars, subversion and start again! Recently, Geely China Star Intelligent Dual Engine once again challenged the high difficulty, bravely picking the three major landmarks of Japan’s Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan and Tomei Line, and achieved outstanding performance such as 7.92s 100 kilometers acceleration, 79.9km/h elk, and 4.3L 100 kilometers fuel consumption. It also set the fastest lap record of the first Chinese A-class sedan at Tsukuba Circuit with a lap time of 1:18.03, demonstrating high performance, strong control, and low fuel consumption. All-round hardcore strength. With 1.5TD four-cylinder hybrid special engine + the world’s leading three-speed intelligent frequency conversion technology + X · System intelligent control system and other innovative technologies, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine has broken the long-standing technical barriers of oil mixing, achieved energy-saving, performance and intelligent balanced development, with Chinese solutions and Chinese standards, leading the global oil mixing technology to continue to advance, and quickly entering the more advanced, smarter, safer and more comprehensive Chinese "Star" era.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  As a classic "Holy Land of Brushing Circles" and F3 race base in Japan, Tsukuba Circuit has a unique design of 8 complex curves including short and compact, low-speed compound curve + high-speed curve + hairpin curve, which places extremely high requirements on the driver’s driving technology and the vehicle’s dynamic performance and control and other comprehensive mechanical qualities. Faced with such a difficult challenge, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine has no stage fright, with 7.92s 100 kilometers acceleration, 34.65m braking distance, 79.9km/h elk, 1 minute, 18 seconds and 03 laps, etc., leading the Japanese Dual Engine products of the same level in an all-round way.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  China Star Intelligent Dual Engine’s leadership lies not only in its strong power performance, but also in the field of fuel economy. In the fuel consumption test project of the Dongming Line, after 1.5 hours and 104km of uninterrupted driving, the fuel consumption is only 4.3L/100km, and the actual fuel consumption measured by the refueling method is 4.46L/100km. The strength catches up with the same level of oil-mixed models.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  Behind the outstanding results is the strong confidence and confidence given by the technological innovation of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine. Compared with the Japanese equivalent oil-mixed products, which are mainly fuel-saving self-priming engines + single-speed electric drives, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine is equipped with a 1.5TD direct injection turbocharged hybrid special four-cylinder engine with a thermal efficiency of up to 44.26% as standard, which can release 120kW maximum power and 255N · m maximum torque; then matched with the world’s leading 3-speed intelligent frequency conversion DHT, supports P1 + P2 dual motor drive, and can enter the full speed domain at a speed of more than 20km/h. The maximum wheel end output torque is 4920N · m, and the torque-to-mass ratio is 41N · m/kg. The maximum transmission efficiency is up to 97.5% in the world, with almost no energy loss. Low-speed electricity consumption, medium-speed fuel-saving, and high-speed power supply, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine’s strength subverts the inherent cognition of "hybrid only energy-saving, no performance" shaped by traditional oil-mixed products in the past, and provides users with a new generation of Chinese hybrid solutions and options that "balance performance and fuel-saving".

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  If the Tsukuba Circuit and the Tomei Line in Japan demonstrate the pinnacle of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine’s power performance and energy conservation, then the "holy land of running mountains" in the hearts of many racers, Akiyama Mountain, is the best test ground to show the powerful handling strength of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine. The mountain road of only 3 kilometers has steep twists and turns, with more than 30 corners, and an average of nearly 180 degrees every 100 meters. The road down the mountain is thrilling and exciting, which greatly tests the vehicle’s handling performance and the mechanical quality of the vehicle.

  Relying on the natural good foundation given by the world-class CMA architecture, L Intelligent Engine is supported by the world’s leading wire-controlled chassis technology, McPherson front suspension, multi-link independent rear frame, ZF DP-EPS steering power system, and the longest suspension stroke design of the same level. With strong grip and excellent corner handling, it can quickly respond to the driver’s intention and accurately feed back road condition information. Whether it is entering a corner, bending, or exiting a corner, the whole vehicle body posture is very beautiful and smooth, bringing a driving texture that combines driving comfort and sports control. Especially under the inherent advantages brought by the 29000N · m/deg torsional stiffness comparable to millions of luxury cars, the dynamic roll stiffness of 3.65deg/g, and the negative camber design of the only racing car in the same class, Xingrui L Intelligent Engine still performs well in the famous five-star autumn famous mountain hairpin bend, which not only accurately locks the wheel track, ensures the accuracy and flexibility of the vehicle, but also enhances the vehicle’s cornering grip and agility, bringing excellent driving confidence and racing-like attacking and cornering experience.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  No frequency conversion does not save energy, and no performance does not subvert. From the dynamic performance test of Tsukuba Circuit, to the 104km fuel consumption test of Dongming Line, and then to the control test of Qiumingshan, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine has fully confirmed that China Hybrid has the strong strength to subvert the hybrid pattern and redefine the new standard of global hybrid value with excellent performance and leading technical confidence.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  It is with this kind of product confidence and strong technical confidence that has been rooted in the bones of "not trying is not better than not selling" since its birth, China Star has always insisted on creating high value, constantly breaking through and subverting along the way, running out of China’s "Star" speed, becoming the first high-end series in China’s A-class fuel vehicle market to break through 1 million sales; among them, Xingrui and Xingyue L have entered the hinterland of the A-class mainstream fuel vehicle market, and in April they ranked No. 1 in China’s fuel SUV and sedan sales, leading the new pattern of China’s fuel vehicle market.

  The next million-dollar era has begun! China Star, China Auto, has never been afraid of head-on competition, dared to show the sword, and let the world see the confident rise and powerful power of Chinese manufacturing.

Jackie Chan is setting up a fund for the disaster area, saying that "tears have dried up"

Feature: Picture Channel

Topic: The devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan

Feature: Fighting the Earthquake: The Cutest Soldiers

  On the 19th, Jackie Chan and young players Wang Wenjie and Liu Fengchao showcased their fists at Cannes

  On May 19, local time in Cannes, Jackie Chan appeared in Cannes to promote the kung fu film "Wushu Youth", which he was the producer of. Although the original intention of the producer of the film was to cultivate and recommend kung fu newcomers, due to the earthquake in China, Jackie Chan also shifted the focus of the topic to focus on the disaster situation, saying that he would temporarily put aside other work at hand to concentrate on setting up a special fund for disaster relief and planning large-scale disaster relief performances.

  Working on establishing a fund for disaster areas

  Jackie Chan revealed that when he learned of the earthquake in the country, he was considering how to give some help to Myanmar, but he heard the news before the plan was discussed. Before coming to Cannes, Jackie Chan had been busy with disaster relief, and he would leave immediately after the event to continue the relief work.

  "After the earthquake, every Chinese person is contributing money, but the reconstruction work after the disaster is the most important, so I won’t go anywhere now, put aside other work at hand for the time being, and focus on doing something for the disaster relief." Jackie Chan said that the disaster will not pass in a day or two, and may take up to seven or eight years to rebuild. "I am busy setting up a special fund for disaster relief, so that I can give some help to the disaster area every year. Now how to appease those children and help their spiritual health is the most important thing."

  "We have a strong cohesion."

  Jackie Chan had previously donated 10 million yuan to the disaster area with Emperor boss Yang Shoucheng, and he himself went to the disaster area in Sichuan. Speaking of his feelings at the time, Jackie Chan said: "My car was driven by a police car, but the cars on both sides were delivering supplies on one side, and the other was empty cars coming back. There were also many people riding bicycles to send supplies. The touching deeds of the frontline personnel made me cry dry."

  Jackie Chan’s influence in the world film industry has attracted a large number of overseas media. He said publicly at the press conference: "Money is not a problem in China now, we have too much money. What I feel the most about this is that I see the strong cohesion of our Chinese people."

  In addition, when asked by overseas media about some negative reports about the Beijing Olympics, Jackie Chan replied: "Many reports are untrue and there are too many misinterpretations. I love sports, I believe everyone loves sports, and the Olympic Games are not only the Olympic Games in China, but also the Olympic Games in the world."

Editor in charge: Zhang Tuoya

Xiaomi 14 Ultra mobile phone internal test update supports 5G-A(5.5G).

IT House reported on April 18th that according to the feedback from users of IT House, Xiaomi 14 Ultra mobile phone has been internally updated to support 5G-A(5.5G), the version number is, and the installation package size is 527 MB.

IT House with main updates:

Add convenient satellite communication and Tiantong business entrance to enjoy the satellite experience;

Add 5G-A capabilities and experience the extreme rate of 5G (the actual state depends on the local operator’s network and business deployment);

Incorporate the April 2024 security patch to enhance system security.

The official of China Mobile has previously measured the 5G-A of Xiaomi 14 Ultra, and the downlink rate has exceeded 5Gbps, reaching 5132.34 Mbps. Xiaomi Company also expressed its congratulations to China Mobile Group for its first commercial deployment of 5G-A in the world. Xiaomi 14 Ultra will jointly introduce more new features of 5G-A with China Mobile, hoping to achieve new heights in time delay and speed.

For other vendors, OPPO Find X7 Ultra has pushed the 5.5G network upgrade package. Vivo X Fold3 series and iQOO 12 series also confirmed their support for 5.5G networks. Glory Jiang Hairong said that Magic6 has supported 5.5G networks, but there is no 5G-A logo.

Mobile phone letters and visits run for half a year: you can see the process like online shopping.

  On July 1st and September 1st this year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls successively opened a "channel" for letters and visits on mobile phones — — The mobile phone petition platform and WeChat WeChat official account will further broaden the channels for expressing people’s demands. These new channels for letters and visits have been in operation for nearly half a year. What is the effect now?

  What about the new channels of letters and visits such as mobile phone platform and WeChat?

  By the end of November, there were over 60,000 registered users and 80,000 letters and visits.

  "It’s great, you don’t have to go out and move your fingers, and the problems reflected will be solved!" Not long ago, Wang of Huai ‘an City, Jiangsu Province reported the inconvenience caused by the renovation of dangerous bridges in the village through the online petition platform. The next day, she inquired that the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau for Letters and Calls had accepted it. On the fourth day, the local government began to solve the problem.

  On January 1, 2015, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls established and operated the National Information System for Letters and Calls, realizing the nationwide "One Netcom" with vertical connectivity to towns and streets and horizontal coverage of relevant responsible departments.

  On this basis, on July 1st and September 1st this year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls successively launched the mobile phone petition platform and WeChat WeChat official account, making it more convenient and efficient. The process and results of the petitions handled by the masses through the mobile phone petition platform can be inquired, tracked, supervised and evaluated. The reporter saw on the WeChat WeChat official account of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls that WeChat official account currently has three functions: information on letters and visits, guide to letters and visits and online letters and visits. By paying attention to this micro-signal, you can submit a complaint request or make suggestions in the online letters and visits channel, and you can also inquire about the handling of letters and visits and evaluate your satisfaction.

  By the end of November, more than 60,000 users had registered through the mobile phone petition platform of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls and WeChat WeChat official account, and the number of petitions reached 80,000. At the same time, all parts of the country have followed suit. 14 provinces including Anhui, Hunan and Xinjiang have set up mobile phone letters and visits, and 21 provinces including Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou and Gansu have opened WeChat letters and visits. Online letters and visits have gradually become the main channel for mass letters and visits.

  How to make online letters and visits efficient and transparent?

  The process, methods and results are all open online, so that the masses can become "supervisors" and "referees" of letters and visits.

  "This platform can see every step of the specific process, just like online shopping can see whether the seller has delivered the goods and where it has gone. It is really convenient." Bao, from Haiyang City, Shandong Province, reported the damage of the road in front of his house through online letters and visits, and received a reply on the same day.

  On July 1 this year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls promulgated and implemented the Measures for Simple Handling of Letters and Visits (Trial), which requires that opinions should be given within 10 working days after accepting the letters and visits that can be handled simply, so as to accept and handle the letters and visits more conveniently and quickly.

  At the same time, according to the "Regulations on Letters and Visits" and the "Working Rules for Online Handling of Letters and Visits (Trial)" of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls, all localities have standardized the letters and visits business, so that there are rules to follow. Twenty-four provinces, including Shanxi, Jilin and Ningxia, have formulated rules for handling online letters and visits, further optimizing business processes and putting standardization requirements throughout the whole process.

  "Relying on the national petition information system, the handling process, handling methods and handling results of petitions can be made public online, and petitioners can inquire about the handling process and results at any time, avoiding going back and forth." In addition, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls also said that it is also the focus of online letters and visits to let the masses evaluate the solution of the letters and visits, let the masses become "supervisors" and "referees" in the work of letters and visits, and actively guide the petitioners to evaluate their satisfaction. At present, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls has revised and improved the satisfaction evaluation method, and promoted all localities to improve the participation rate of the masses and the satisfaction rate of the masses.

  How do large and small systems break through the "barriers"?

  Integrate the scattered "small windows" of letters and visits, and "one netcom" allows the masses to travel less and benefit more.

  At present, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls has realized the interconnection with 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the provincial, municipal and county-level letters and visits working institutions of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, more than 80,000 functional departments and towns (streets), and 33 central and state organs and ministries.

  At the same time, all localities are also stepping up efforts to promote the integration of resources on the online petition platform at the same level. Tianjin, Zhejiang and other places have connected the leadership mailbox with the petition information system, and integrated the scattered online petition "small windows" into an online complaint hall to reduce repeated complaints from the masses and repeated referrals from departments, thus realizing "one netcom". Jiangxi, Shandong, Hubei and other places have established self-service facilities for online letters and visits in counties and townships to better facilitate the masses. From January to November this year, the number of online letters and visits nationwide was 971,000, up 102% year-on-year, which effectively reduced the cost of letters and visits by the masses and realized that the masses traveled less and benefited more.

  The relevant person in charge of the State Bureau of Letters and Calls said that in recent years, various localities have made great efforts to solve problems, and a number of letters and visits have been effectively resolved. However, in some places, problems were not handled in time and were not solved in place, which led to repeated online complaints; In some places, the previous "handling opinions" are used as the handling results of the backlog report, but the problem of letters and visits has not been substantially solved, and there is a problem of "doing without finishing", so it is necessary to continue to intensify efforts to resolve it.

  According to the introduction of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls, after continuous adaptation and improvement, the national information system for letters and calls has been running smoothly on the whole. Next, efforts should be made to improve the application and optimize the functions. At present, the coverage of the national petition information system has basically achieved the "vertical to the end" of the five-level petition work institutions at the national, provincial, municipal, county and township (street) levels, but there is still a problem of incomplete coverage of functional departments in most places horizontally. The next step will focus on promoting the full coverage of the application of the petition information system by functional departments.

The current situation of China automobile market: BYD pressed Volkswagen to fall into the altar on the first day.

On January 29th, China Automotive Technology Research Center (CATRC) reported that BYD surpassed Volkswagen and its market share ranked first in China for the first time.

According to the above data, in 2023, BYD registered 2.4 million new car insurance, and its domestic market share reached 11%, up 3.2% year-on-year, surpassing Volkswagen’s 10.1% market share in China, ranking first in China for the first time.

In addition to BYD and Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda and Changan ranked third to fifth in domestic market share, among which the market share of two Japanese brands continued to decline, and Changan was flat year-on-year.

According to the data released by the company, BYD sold 3,024,417 vehicles in 2023, up 61.9% year-on-year, and exported 242,765 vehicles, up 334.2% year-on-year.

In 2023, Volkswagen delivered a total of 3.236 million new cars in China, up 1.6% year-on-year, of which Volkswagen brand delivered 2.3986 million cars, up 0.1% year-on-year, and Audi brand delivered 728600 cars, up 13.5% year-on-year.

From the perspective of pure electric vehicles, the sales volume of BYD pure electric vehicles was 1,574,800, up 72.84% year-on-year, while that of Volkswagen Group was 191,800, up 23.2% year-on-year.

It is worth noting that the sales growth of Volkswagen Group in China in 2023 was achieved under the circumstances of substantial price reduction and promotion. In 2023, many of its high-end cars were greatly discounted, and some models were reduced by more than 100,000 yuan.
