Modern art of war! How is the strategy of extremely kryptonian elite soldiers tempered?

"There are more soldiers than benefits" —— Sun Tzu’s Art of War and Marching.

"Many soldiers are not beneficial" can be regarded as the strategic thinking of "elite soldiers" first put forward by ancient China military strategists. "Since then, it has been regarded as a standard by politicians and military strategists in past dynasties, such as" killing soldiers "in Sun Bin’s Art of War and" under the orders of soldiers "in Wei Liaozi, all of which are the continuation of this thinking, and the journey of many soldiers will win" has gradually changed into "elite soldiers"

The so-called elite soldiers mean the elite combat forces that are flexible and have strong comprehensive combat capability and can defeat the enemy in a complex environment. In the rapidly changing market competition environment, a well-trained elite troops can achieve the role of "four or two".

"Governing an enterprise is like governing a country in ancient times". Today, this strategic thinking is still a scientific management concept. For brand building, the lack of employees is not enough, and more employees can’t afford to raise them, and the benefits are not high. If the tail is too big, it will become an old disease, and even the brand will be dragged down.

Therefore, if modern enterprises want to achieve their strategic goals, they can’t do without lean talents, and they should recruit and cultivate a team of talents who are United and can win the war. If you talk about goals without talents, you will never land.

In the automobile circle, I think that the krypton, which constantly refreshes the speed of krypton, is the best case of practicing the "elite soldier strategy", strengthening the army under Ma Zhuang and making the brand powerful.

"Seeing him rise from Zhulou, seeing him entertain guests, and seeing his building collapse."

Earlier, some media predicted that the evolution of the new energy market would change in three stages. After the "price war" in the first stage from March to June this year, the market share will accelerate to the head-independent and new energy brands in the second stage, and the market share of second-and third-tier brands may face a long-term downward trend; In the third stage, some second-line and third-line brands are gradually eliminated, leaving the China market, and the weak new forces may face acquisition and integration.

It can be said that the current new energy automobile industry has entered the knockout stage in the second half, and the competitive advantage of enterprises has shifted from quantity scale to quality and efficiency, playing the system and fighting for the elite. Those brands that burn money through financing to maintain their operations and cannot make profits through sales, thus truly entering a virtuous circle, are doomed to be eliminated. For an entrepreneurial organization like Krypton, it is even more necessary to attack the city with a strong soldier; From the development stage, with the development of the organization to a certain scale, although the professional division of labor is becoming more and more detailed, it will inevitably bring about problems such as cross-organizational coordination efficiency and timely response of background resources. Therefore, the elite strategy is the most suitable talent management strategy.

Any strategy should also find the most suitable variant of the brand on the basis of the underlying logic. How is the krypton version of the elite strategy built? I think it can be seen from three dimensions: elite consciousness, elite organization and elite development.

Elite consciousness: entrepreneur’s mentality

The so-called elite consciousness is to achieve the ultimate in limited resources, achieve the mission, and stimulate the "sense of mission" of employees. Under the traction, the positive attitude of employees, the self-driving force of selfless work and the work energy released from it are "the most exciting force in work" and the strongest core force in enterprise development.

For example, Weichai’s corporate culture propaganda, Huawei Ren Zhengfei’s speech study, and even many enterprise employees’ military training or regular outdoor expansion are all in essence.

What is the mission of krypton? Krypton’s mission is to create the ultimate experience of travel life. "Co-creation" represents work attitude, "ultimate experience" represents the ultimate pursuit centered on user needs, and "travel life" represents the beautiful expectation for future travel. Extreme krypton integrates the sense of mission into management scenarios and business scenarios, and drives employee value creation through mission.

An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Krypton, said: "Most of our colleagues joined Extreme Krypton with an entrepreneurial attitude rather than an employment attitude, and they all came to Extreme Krypton with the ambition of creating a travel life with the ultimate experience, which is also the most advocated and encouraged entrepreneurial mentality." This entrepreneurial mentality is the core value embodiment of an organization.

Elite Organization: Interlocking and Closed Loop

The so-called integration of knowledge and practice, the creation of lean organization is the effective integration and cooperation of internal systems, which belongs to the organic construction of organizational life.

In my opinion, Krypton is a template that can be studied.

In the main business process, Krypton aims to solve problems for users and realize user value as the core.

Horizontally, Krypton has realized the end-to-end process connection, and at the same time, based on key business activities and key control points, it has penetrated the cross-business system process, established the process interlocking mechanism, shared the same KPI index, given the common target responsibility, promoted the integration of R&D, production, supply, marketing and service systems, established a super-joint integrated combat force, and improved the operational synergy efficiency by organizing the "big closed loop" of the process.

Vertically, in order to ensure that the strategy can be effectively undertaken at the organizational and individual levels, the organization structure and post functions are effectively designed according to the principle of "tightening functions, strengthening business, eliminating overlap, streamlining and being efficient". On the one hand, the functions of different process segments are collected and eliminated, the administrative level is reduced, and business overlap and overlap are avoided; On the other hand, we should break the departmental boundaries of "specialization", give full play to the aggregation effect of platformization and intensification through the integration and sharing of specialized resources and the precipitation of capabilities, and realize more efficient communication and faster decision-making.

However, in line with the specialization, the modularity and miniaturization of the organization are becoming more and more prominent, and the organization is developing in a multi-functional and flexible direction. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of rapid changes in business and market, Krypton has established a "small but refined" "liquid organization"-"X-team" driven by strategic targets or tasks, and concentrated superior resources to penetrate key businesses and fields.

In the liquid organization, each organization is modular and flexible just like a Rubik’s cube. In the process of continuous transformation and combination of organizations, different talents, technologies, knowledge and experiences are "mixed", "flowed" and updated. Through this modular grouping, magic combination and task-based combination, combat energy is released, which stimulates employees’ self-drive and creativity and strengthens the agile collaboration across organizations.

Development of elite soldiers: high quality talents

It was once said in "Under the Order of the Soldiers" that those who are good at using soldiers in ancient times can kill half of the soldiers, followed by thirteen and eleven. However, elite soldiers do not blindly cut down their troops and reduce their functions, but strengthen their main combat forces and seek improvement in quality, not expansion in quantity. In order to improve the quality of talents, Krypton adopts refined management strategy, strictly enters and exits, controls the growth of manpower, revitalizes redundant manpower, and maximizes the value and efficiency of personnel.

To build an elite army, selecting people is the key. If there are no requirements and standards for selecting "elite", it will often bring about a decline in the quality of talents. It is said that there is a "123" principle in the selection of candidates: "1" refers to "the person in charge of business is the first person responsible for recruitment", emphasizing that the recruitment of candidates is not authorized, and business leaders should personally participate in the interview; "2" stands for "two not less than": the standard of new personnel’s ability (values) is not less than the existing team’s TOP30% level; The potential of new personnel shall not be lower than the TOP30% level of the existing team; "3" refers to "three persistences": persisting in selecting talents from excellent to better, and persisting in forward-looking talents for long-term management and team echelon construction; Persist in paying attention to the quality of talents and select them pragmatically.

The answer can be found from the absorption of extremely talented people. Guan Haitao, the former glory CMO, took the post of extremely talented CMO; Chen Qi, the former head of Huawei’s intelligent driving department, became the vice president of intelligent driving; Jiang Jun, the former head of the core team of Huawei’s autopilot product line, became the vice president of Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology, responsible for the business related to the intelligent cockpit …

There is also a talent value formula of "1+1 > 4". "1" represents an individual, and everyone is a combat unit, which can fight independently. However, the value generated by the combination and cooperation of different people is not a simple superposition of values, but the maximization of synergy and can exert greater influence.

"There are not many soldiers, but there is no Wujin, which is enough to unite, anticipate the enemy and take people."

An army can be called a good soldier if it can fight without relying on courage, always pay attention to concentrating its troops, and its determination to fight can be based on a correct judgment of the enemy’s situation, and its officers and soldiers are all strictly selected talents who can defeat the enemy. Extreme krypton is the PLUS version of the elite strategy, the core force is mission-driven, the cornerstone is lean organization, and the combat force is a powerful elite force.

This kind of extreme krypton can naturally move forward steadily in the new energy vehicle market.

It is estimated that the price will start at 170,000 yuan, and Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is the "leading generation", and the high-end intelligence is well deserved.

As a high-end brand of Chery, Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris has been expected by the industry for a long time. Facing the current wave of high-end automotive intelligence, can Starway Eta Ursae Majoris live up to expectations? With the world premiere of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and the opening of blind subscription, this answer has become clear.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris has a blind price of 170,000-220,000 yuan-you are not mistaken. This lion eco-smart cockpit, which is the first flying fish super-chassis, has a very artistic avant-garde aesthetic design language of light and a sense of science and technology. The blind price is so close to the people, which shows that the "400,000-level smart and luxurious flagship SUV" deserves its name.

In addition, the launch of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris has more profound significance. First of all, as the first model of Xingtu Qingdao Super Intelligent Factory; Second, the Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris is the first strategic model after the Star Road brand entered the 2.0 stage; Third, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is the first model to apply M3X Mars Architecture 2.0; Fourthly, Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is the first product released by Chery Group as "Eta Ursae Majoris 2025" science and technology strategic technology innovation chain, which integrates the scientific research achievements of Eta Ursae Majoris Laboratory.

Equipped with 2.0TGDI+7DCT gold power combination.

In terms of appearance design, although it is not an all-electric vehicle, the Eta Ursae Majoris gives people the first impression that it is a very forward-looking design. The front face of the new car is designed with a borderless middle net of "Star Window", which is very futuristic and sci-fi against the background of "X" starship daytime running lights.

The side of the car body, the maximum height-width ratio of the same class of 1.145 and the design of the cockpit-type sliding-back roof of the fighter plane give the Star Way Eta Ursae Majoris a cool wide-body and low-prone effect. In the rear part, the tail spoiler of the fighter plane is designed with the tail light of Xinghe, which echoes the front face from a distance, making the Star Way Eta Ursae Majoris have a strong recognition.

In terms of power, Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris has a global power configuration, and it will be equipped with a new energy power system in addition to the 2.0TGDI+7DCT gold power combination. Among them, China Top Ten 2.0TGDI engine can provide super output of 400T.

Chassis comfort is comparable to "magnetic levitation"

Of course, as a representative of domestic high-end models, the biggest highlight of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is not only its appearance and power, but also its flying fish extrasensory chassis, which is undoubtedly more advanced in technology.

It is understood that the CDC electromagnetic suspension system mounted on the flying fish extrasensory chassis can collect the dynamic data of road surface, body and wheels in real time through five body posture monitoring sensors, four electromagnetic dampers and one controller, and actively adjust the suspension damping in time. The millisecond response speed is comparable to that of luxury brands. While realizing the intelligent control of vehicle attitude, CDC electromagnetic suspension system takes into account the improvement of comfort and handling. Really achieve the luxury quality of "starting without looking up, braking without nodding, turning without tilting, bumping without sprinkling water".

In addition to the CDC electromagnetic suspension system, the flying fish extrasensory chassis is also equipped with chassis hydraulic vibration isolation system and SS system. With the technology of double hydraulic mounts and hydraulic bushings, the road vibration can be reduced by more than 30% in bumpy road conditions. In addition, the SS system which can accurately adjust the suspension damping according to the braking deceleration, restrain the braking nod and greatly optimize the NVH performance, Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris will realize a comfortable and luxurious experience like "magnetic levitation".

Intelligent cockpit with great sense of science and technology

From the inside of the car, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is full of science and technology. With a 24.6-inch curved dual screen, the built-in Lion 6.0 Lion Zhiyun intelligent car system can be upgraded through OTA.

In Car One Circle, compared with the flying fish extrasensory chassis carried by Eta Ursae Majoris, the ecological intelligent cockpit of the lion should complement each other, which represents a higher level of automobile intelligence at present.

As the first model of Lion Eco-2023, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris has built an emotional intelligent cockpit full of vitality, wisdom and interconnection through four advantages: strong architecture, strong hardware, strong audio-visual and strong intelligent driving.

In terms of intelligent ecology, Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris has aggregated third-party resources such as WeChat, Meituan, Gaode Navigation, iQiyi, bilibili, Tencent Video, Tik Tok, Himalayan, Cat’s Eye Movies, etc. In terms of hardware support and intelligent voice, it is equipped with Qualcomm 8155 smart chip, iFLYTEK engine voice, Xiongshi Zhiyun 5.0 and other golden combinations, realizing a carefree and efficient experience of the whole scene.

In terms of intelligent assisted driving, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris has a leading L2.9 intelligent assisted driving system, which includes 21 basic ADAS functions and 11 advanced intelligent assisted driving functions, in addition to high-heat functions such as AVP autonomous parking service and NOC navigation assisted driving. In addition, the AR- HUD with 50-inch imaging effect also brings users a more advanced visual experience.

"Car Circle" point of view: Since its birth, Xingtu brand has shouldered the important mission of high-end Chery brand, and now this important task falls on Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris.

Relying on focusing on the four major areas of Mars architecture, satellite nuclear power, lion intelligence and Galaxy ecology, now the Star Way brand is moving steadily on the road of high-end, in which leading technologies and platforms play a key role. The launch of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris represents another brand-new milestone in the high-end brand of Starway.

In addition to occupying the leading level in technology and platform, which represents the future trend of high-end brand in China, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris, as a pioneer model in Starway 2.0, will also become another competitive fist product with the forward-looking technology and product advantages of the "leading generation".

Fox’s "Director Exchange Program" in the 20th Century Helped the New Force of China Film.

1905 movie network news Recently, the "China Directors Exchange Program" jointly organized by the Film Bureau of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television and Twentieth Century Fox Film Company was successfully held in Los Angeles, USA. Seven China directors, including Jason Wu, Kim-ching Luk, Zhao Xiaoding, Zhao Tianyu, Lu Zhengyu, Yang Lei and Liu Yulin, were invited to visit the headquarters of Flowserve Company. This is the second exchange activity between Chinese and foreign film directors held by Flowserve after seven directors were invited in 2016, including Urshan, Zheng Baorui, Ding Sheng, Yu Baimei, Han Yan, Cheng Er and Yang Qing.


Chinese and foreign filmmakers talked at the peak, "The director’s duty is to touch the audience."

The four-day exchange training was rich in content. The director group of China, representing the cutting-edge forces, not only visited the FoxWorks Studio, the visual effects laboratory and the costume props library, watched many films produced by FoxWorks in the 20th century, but also visited the shooting scene (temporarily translated by AD ASTRA) and listened to many senior executives of FoxWorks introducing Hollywood cutting-edge technologies such as visual effects, VR technology, post-production and the production process of the film industry. In the meantime, famous Hollywood directors James Cameron (), James Mangold (), wes ball (), Lv Yinrong () and shane black (Xin) shared their experiences in film creation, and had a warm exchange with China directors on the adaptation of literary works, keeping the vitality of the series and the technical challenges faced by visual blockbusters. Invited directors from China said that FOSS’s creative innovation, industrial process and corporate culture in the 20th century gave them reference and inspiration.


Many invited directors mentioned in feedback that Hollywood’s perfect industrial process depends on a high degree of professionalism and fine division of labor; As a director, we should grasp the core and essence of the film, that is, the soul of the film, as James Mangold, the director of Wolverine 3: A Fight to the Death, said in the exchange: "The director’s duty is to touch the audience, not just to attract people’s attention. Movies that can stay in people’s hearts for a long time are not dazzling skills, but stories that can make the audience cry, make the audience laugh and resonate with the audience. This is the essence of being a director. "


China’s director group visited Avatar 2 to see the scene of the card god.

Jon Landau, a Hollywood gold medal producer, personally led China’s director group to visit the Light Storm Entertainment Company directed by Cameron, and shared the behind-the-scenes stories of every important prop that once appeared in the movie of Ka Shen, such as "in the heart of the sea" in Titanic and "Avatar" Na Mei Ren 1; 1 bust, special diving helmet with microphone for shooting, and CG liquid alien creature in Abyss provide technical preparation for the liquid metal robot in China. Jon Landau explained in detail the latest cutting-edge technology used in the production of Avatar 2 for China’s director team, and took the directors to enjoy the wonderful clips of Avatar Theme Park in Orlando Disney World through the big screen. At the invitation of James Cameron, he went to the shooting set of Avatar 2 to watch Ka Shen shoot a gun battle with a virtual camera.


Being able to watch Cameron shoot Avatar 2 on the spot also excited the China director group. Director Zhao Tianyu said, "In a way, technology is both artistic. I am amazed by Cameron’s unremitting exploration of audio-visual language and film technology. " Director Yang Lei praised: "Seeing Cameron shooting on the set, he solved all the trivial matters on the shooting scene with extreme technology, and devoted all his energy to the origin of drama. He can pay attention to the actors’ performance, scheduling and drama conflict just like rehearsing a drama, and then confirm other technical links such as position and lighting effect through post-production."


Wes ball, a young technical director, shared his post-production experience of Moving Maze.

In recent years, the dystopian sci-fi movie "Moving Maze" series has been deeply loved by young audiences all over the world, and will also be released in the United States on January 26th next year. Wes ball, the director of this series, attended the exchange activities and explained his experience in Hollywood with the director group of China. As a computer special effects student, he once posted an animated short film Ruin, which he spent eight months making on the Internet. The outstanding talent shown in it attracted Fox’s attention and started the road of directing. When shooting the first "Moving Maze", he also faced the problem of limited production funds. He and the crew used the LED display screen and green screen as the background to shoot the thrilling elevator scenes in the film, and skillfully used CG and other technical means to help build their own imaginary world. His sharing of specific cases and behind-the-scenes tidbits also aroused enthusiastic response from directors in China.


FOSS’s visual team has always insisted that visual effect is a tool to serve directors to realize their ideas and escort films. According to John Kilkenny, president of FOSS visual effects department, and Glenn Derry, vice president, "Producers in visual effects department will support and protect directors with their professionalism. During the preparation of director Ang Lee, the FOSS special effects team filmed a fragment of a real tiger and an experimental fragment of a CG tiger that was enough to be fake, and asked director Ang Lee to identify it, which successfully eliminated the director’s doubts about the effect of CG tiger. "


FOSS sincerely and professionally moved the director and attached importance to cross-cultural communication and China market.

In the sharing session of series director Lv Yinrong, she described the communication process and workflow of her first live-action film "Heart of Diablo" with Fowles. She said that Fowles is a studio that gives directors full creative freedom, and they trust the director’s ability and judgment. They just need to know what kind of human and material support the director needs and provide them. Emma Watts, president of Flowserve’s production department, introduced Flowserve’s new film plan to the directors, saying that the most important thing in film production is the true and shared feelings of human beings, which is the secret to make the film cross languages, national boundaries and cultures.


Through the sharing between Hollywood directors and FOSS executives, the China Directors’ Group not only felt the sincerity and professionalism of FOSS’ cooperation with filmmakers, but also fully felt that as a top Hollywood studio with rich and diverse production contents, FOSS insisted on making excellent films across cultures and national boundaries, especially its emphasis on the China market and its desire to cooperate with China filmmakers. Andrew Cripps, President of Flowserve International Distribution, introduced to the director group that Flowserve has a powerful distribution system for distributing films in 90 countries and regions around the world. He stressed: "For Hollywood studios, the international market, especially the China market, is occupying an increasingly important position."



The exchange activities of Fox Film Company in the 20th century made the directors involved feel a lot. glad you came. And it was highly praised by the Film Bureau. In a thank-you letter to Ms. Stacy Snyder, the chairman of FOSS, Deputy Director Zhang Hongsen said: "This exchange activity has broadened the horizons of directors in China to a certain extent, enriched their creative and production experience, and helped directors to shoot better films and promote the greater development of China films … In this sense, this exchange activity is of great significance and far-reaching influence. "


Director Wu Ershan:

"Thank you very much for your thoughtful arrangement. Five days of study is very fulfilling. I hope that more American colleagues will share their experience in filming with us in the future. China filmmakers and screenwriters can participate in this exchange, and there is no doubt that the development of the entire China film industry will benefit. "


Lu Zhengyu, director and executive director of peerless master:

 "I was fortunate enough to participate in the director exchange activities organized by the Film Bureau and Fox Company. During the short five-day trip to Los Angeles, the content of the exchange was very comprehensive from top to bottom, and it was particularly important to integrate with Hollywood’s top creative thinking and industrial system and broaden our horizons. Great! I hope that fox’s activities will be held every year, so that more China film creators can participate. "


"Love O2O" director Zhao Tianyu:

 "This time, it was very rewarding to participate in the FOSS director group. I am most interested in how the film industry can be combined with the creativity of directors. I can clearly feel this in my communication with several directors. (For example, wes ball, the director of Moving Maze 3, and Lv Yinrong, the series of Kung Fu Panda) I think that the high standards of industry and the creativity of directors actually promote each other. The movies we saw this time all confirmed this point. I can also feel FOSS’s interest in us and the China market. I expect FOSS to implement the production plan in the China market, and I am willing to participate. "


Yang Lei, director of "Biography of Shark Beads":

"First of all, thank you very much, FOSS. It’s been a very, very full week. The American film industry has always led the world’s films. The global distribution plan of American movies has made us see many high-level blockbusters, so the behind-the-scenes production of these blockbusters has also become a research topic for filmmakers all over the world. This time, I met several famous directors with different styles, including James Mangold, james gray, James Cameron (three James), wes ball, jennifer yuh and shane black.


What impressed me deeply was that when discussing why to make a film, several directors focused on treating characters and their emotions. This seemingly simple question was actually very difficult. Director Mangaud is also discussing his different styles of films, whether it is the western film "The Battle of Yuma Town", biographies and comic film "Wolverine 3: World War I", the same starting point among them is driven by the inner feelings of the characters. Shane black is also talking about the unexpected characters in his films. After a few days of communication, my biggest experience is that behind the seemingly complex and huge film industry, the soul is always these seemingly simple characters and emotions, and in the face of complex industrial processes, we must first find the soul. With the soul, the film will live, and then we will face those complex industrial processes.


Of course, the film itself is built on the basis of technology, so the technical solution is very important for the film. It can also be realized from the communication with these directors that understanding technology is very important for the creation of the film. Director Cameron often decides the very important selling point in his next film with the technical guidance. When he gets the liquid rendering technology, he will conceive the liquid robot. wes ball is a director who studied computer special effects. He can skillfully use various technical means to solve his imaginary world. James gray carefully explained how he would take some shots in the space capsule. Every director will eventually face the shooting complexity brought by industrial films, so process management becomes particularly important in industrial films. In the past, the production process of our traditional films was post-production-music-mixed recording, such as writing scripts-looking for actors-preparing the crew, serving-shooting-editing, etc. Then on the basis of this traditional process, industrial films will reorder the traditional processes, such as Cameron’s filming Avatar, which will change the order of some traditional processes. Including privz process, is applied to industrial process management system. Let me deepen my understanding of the importance of process management in making a blockbuster industrial system.


I am very grateful to FOSS for this arrangement. I was lucky to see James Cameron’s shooting scene, my idol director James Mangold and guillermo del toro’s Story of Water. I learned about the experience of a young director like wes ball in Hollywood, and I also saw how an animator jennifer yuh stepped onto the road of directing step by step. "


Twentieth century fox films

In the 20th century, FOSS films produced, acquired and distributed films all over the world. The works that have been produced and distributed include Titanic, Avatar, The Fantasy Drifting of Pi, Kingsman series, series and Moving Maze series. Its film production institutions include: 20th Century Fox Film, Fox 2000 Film Company, Fox Searchlight Company, Fox International Production Company and 20th Century Fox Animation/Blue Sky Studio.

Qian Guowei directed "Love Night Pu" to start the tender model Chen Jing low-cut appearance.

Jing Chen

Jun Kung, Zheng Rong.

Zhongmei attended the conference

Handsome and beautiful lineup

Director Qian Guowei.

    On April 20th, the new play "Love Night Pus" directed by Qian Guowei held a ceremony to worship the gods. The actors present included: Chen Jing, Square, Huang Yiwen, Zheng Rong, Yang Aijin, Lian Shiya, Shen Zhiming, Chen Baiyu, Seli Xian and Gong Shuoliang. 

    DaDa, dressed in a low-cut dress, appeared with her ex-boyfriend Gary (Zhao Juncheng), which naturally became the focus of the audience. Dada was not embarrassed to meet her ex-boyfriend again, and asked her if she had a chance to get back together with each other. DaDa smiled and said, "Why bother going around?" Gary stressed that goodbye is also a friend. Dada was asked if she had a bold performance. She said: I play a person who loves nightclubs, so I have a lot of sexy dresses, and I don’t mind if the director asks for a sex scene.

    In addition, Huang Yiwen will make a special guest appearance as a nightclub proprietress, and she will have an emotional scene with Dan Liwen. She said: I haven’t filmed for two years, and this time it’s because of my good friend Qian Guowei.

More wonderful pictures on the next page

Jing Wong has strong marketing ability! Publicity of "New Eternal Dragon Slayer" has been searched frequently.

1905 movie network news Recently, Jing Wong has attracted a lot of attention, and it has been searched frequently.The reason is very simple. He is going to make a new play. And he released this series of Weibo’s plot even more wonderful than the new play.

In the critical period when the film industry is about to resume work in an all-round way, the initial cast will be "out of the circle", and people have to sigh that Jing Wong is really body of work in terms of marketing.First, on May 3rd, Jing Wong’s birthday, he sent a message to Weibo announcing that he was about to "go through the customs" for filming, and announced the "Golden Supporting Actors", most of whom were mature actors with recognized strength, which was full of Hong Kong flavor. Netizens can’t help but sigh, "Looking at the supporting lineup, the starring role should not be wrong."

After a lapse of four days, on May 7th, director Jing Wong once again announced the starring lineup of the new version of "Eternal Dragon Slayer" through his social platform official, and at the same time exposed a group of actor modeling stills. Weibo finally sold a pass. "As for Xiao Zhao … I won’t tell you yet!"

A word shocked a thousand waves, and netizens immediately set off a discussion upsurge on the starring lineup. However, the discussion heat has not dropped yet. Jing Wong then deleted the information and explained the reasons for deleting the article, and at the same time rumored that "Xiao Zhao … is definitely not."Dilraba”。

Such a series of operations, several topics airborne hot search, this fan has been looking forward to 27 years of "Eternal Dragon Slayer" finally came, will it make up for so many years of childhood dreams? Or just another self-consumption? Today, we invited film critic Tan Fei to give a special comment — — Director Jing Wong’s feelings are on the shelf again. Should marketing start with casting?

"Do you think Jing Wong’s marketing is heavy?" Moderator Chen Min asked."It’s too heavy," Tan Fei sighed. "You see, at the end of 2019, he vaguely said that he would shoot a new version of" Eternal Dragon Slayer ",and after the release of first hero and No.1,LAM RaymondJanice ManThe lineup once again made everyone stunned. "How can these people compare with the version 27 years ago?" But at this time, the film has been "out of the circle."

In fact, in the Weibo propaganda in 2019, Jing Wong also buried an important "stalk", that is, "Zhang Wuji finally went to Dadu to find Zhao Min" — — Twenty-seven years ago, Zhao Min and Zhang Wuji said, "Zhang Wuji, if you want to save the six sects, come to me." Tan Fei frankly said that he was actually very impressed by the scene at that time, and "I am still very excited after waiting for 27 years and finally getting the chance."

In Tan Fei’s view, this hot topic of Dilraba shows the superb marketing ability of director Jing Wong.

Since 2016 and 2017, many netizens have been casting roles for directors. Everyone thinks that Dilraba’s appearance fits well with the setting of Persian saint Xiao Zhao. This time, Jing Wong himself Weibo denied it, which pushed the topic even hotter. "This is called marketing, which is called hype, which is called unprofitable. This is called small Boda. He denied it and also took the word Dilraba.

Talking about this, Tan Fei boldly guessed Xiao Zhao’s candidate — — "I just mentioned a name Chingmy Yau, didn’t I? She played Xiao Zhao 27 years ago. If her daughter Shen Yue plays Xiao Zhao 27 years later, it will be more topical. "

The topic is enough, and many fans turn their attention to the content and quality of the film. On the one hand, the existing cast and modeling are quite controversial; On the other hand, how Jing Wong’s director level will be this time is also an unsolved "mystery" for everyone. "There is a saying among fans that’ the most difficult level to guess in the world is Jing Wong’s director level’ because it goes up and down, up and down," Tan Fei added.

Jing Wong’s previous works seem to prove this point. "Douban scored as high as 7.2, and the second one dropped to 5.5. Besides, these movies are actually popcorn movies." Tan Fei said, "Wang Jing has an idea, that is, if he is a art cinema, he will be the top art cinema. If he is a commercial film, he will be the first and a complete hit."

Jing Wong’s creative style is so changeable that film critic Tan Fei can’t help but sigh, "You can see his highest side, his lowest side, his meticulous side and his shoddy side". From this point of view, he can completely match the title of "film actuary" given to him by everyone. He is not limited by artistic creation, but he particularly understands his goal of making commercial films.

Take this film as an example. Tan Fei said that Jing Wong left himself a "back road", and this cast, which was criticized by many netizens, was part of the "back road" he laid for himself.

"What is my goal? The first is to make money. Let’s compare this movie. Do you think that if first hero is replaced by a top-notch mainland player like Karry or a top-notch Jackson Yee, his personal worth is estimated to be much higher than eating all the lineups together, then he may not be able to make money, but if he takes such a lineup, think about it. Even if he encounters a’ black swan’ like the current epidemic, he can sell it to the website. "

In fact, director Jing Wong has always been criticized for this. In the face of doubts, he always behaves very calmly. "He may say his feelings, how much can he sell?" Tan Fei said with a smile. For Jing Wong, the most important thing about a commercial film is not how you evaluate it, but how the market evaluates it. Tan Fei recognized this. "I think it is a director’s duty to respect capital.".

"However, we still hope to see director Jing Wong’s real talent ability besides the marketing expert, that is, besides financial quotient, there is also talent quotient", Tan Fei finally said. Everyone also.I look forward to the early publication of this new film directed by Jing Wong.

The tide of price reduction is coming, can the folding screen mobile phone be popular this time?

Wen Yi connected with Insight, written by Han Ying and edited by Li Xin.

Near the end of the year, folding screen mobile phones have become a new competition field for mobile phone manufacturers. 

Recently, Huawei released the latest folding screen mobile phone, which once again stirred the market of folding screen mobile phones. Also in the same month, OPPO’s first folding screen mobile phone has also come out.

At the same time, glory, realme and vivo are also developing folding screen mobile phones. In addition, the news that Xiaomi MIX Fold2 is about to be released is also constantly coming out. 

At present, domestic folding screen mobile phones are blooming everywhere. In foreign countries, Samsung, as the head enterprise of folding screen mobile phones, has released three generations of folding screen mobile phones since 2019. According to analysts’ prediction, Apple is also expected to release the first folding screen mobile phone in 2023.

If the prediction comes true, it means that the mainstream players in the mobile phone market will enter the new battlefield of folding screen mobile phones. 

An obvious change is that from the perspective of the third-generation folding screen mobile phone, its price is controlled within 10 thousand yuan, and it is entering the era of parity acceptable to consumers. This also means that the folding screen mobile phone is undergoing technological upgrading and market testing. 

Undoubtedly, with the improvement of technology and the downward price, the penetration rate of folding screen mobile phones will increase. But the real problem is that the folding screen mobile phone is still a niche market, and its sales volume is less than 1% of the whole smart phone market. When will the folding machine really become popular?

In the smart phone market where the market is saturated and the growth is weak, manufacturers are trying to tell a new story. This time, the new story is to buy a folding screen mobile phone at a lower price. 

Different from the previous price of 10,000 yuan, after two years of market development, the price of folding machines has gradually entered the parity stage. 

Whether it is Huawei’s latest folding screen mobile phone, Samsung’s latest folding machine, or the first folding machine released by OPPO, its price has been lowered to around 7,000 to 8,000 yuan, which seems to be more close to the people than before. 

Last week, Huawei released the new flagship folding screen mobile phone P50 Pocket. From the appearance point of view, this folding screen mobile phone adopts the design of vertical folding, and the compact and exquisite appearance also breaks the disadvantages of heavy and horizontal folding in the past.

On the most important axis of folding screen, Huawei P50 Pocket adopts the design of water drop hinge, which has a smaller bending radius than the previous generation.Simply put, with the help of the drop-shaped screen space at the bend, the screen folding can be close to the seamless folding shape.At the same time, the unfolding thickness of the fuselage as thin as 7.2mm can realize a flatter unfolding of the inner screen. 

Unfortunately, the screen cover of Huawei P50 Pocket does not use ultra-thin electronic touch glass (UTG), but continues to use traditional transparent polyimide (CPI). Specifically, UTG is a flexible glass with better performance, while CPI is a plastic material. 

At the same time, as for the core processor, due to the shortage of chips, Huawei P50 Pocket is equipped with Snapdragon 888 chip and adopts 4G network.In this regard, Huawei said that with the support of HarmonyOS Smart Communications, the network experience was not greatly affected. 

Huawei tried to make up for the lack of hardware such as glass and chips with images and batteries. Following the exploration of Huawei P-series images, Huawei P50 Pocket adopts a super wide angle of 120 degrees, and at the same time, fluorescence photography and other modes have also increased the effect of post-shooting. In terms of battery, Huawei P50 Pocket is also equipped with 4000 mAh battery, which supports 40W Huawei super fast charge. 

On the whole, as one of the important players in the folding screen mobile phone market, Huawei is already the head player of domestic folding screen mobile phones.As early as 2019, Huawei launched Mate X, a horizontally folding screen mobile phone, and the launch of the vertically folding P50 Pocket also means that Huawei has completed a double folding layout in the folding screen mobile phone market. Huawei has also become the only brand in the industry to launch three folding forms of mobile phones: outward folding, inward folding and vertical folding. 

Earlier, OPPO released the first folding screen mobile phone OPPO Find N, and at the beginning of this year, Xiaomi also launched the first folding screen mobile phone MIX Fold, and the concept map of MIX Fold2 is also coming out. 

Not only do domestic mobile phone manufacturers keep moving in the folding screen mobile phone market, but Samsung, as the "leader" of folding screen mobile phones, has always regarded it as a heavy bet.In September this year, Samsung officially released the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5G in China, which is Samsung’s third-generation folding screen mobile phone.In addition, Samsung also released a product that folds up and down — — Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5G.

In the past, the folding screen mobile phone has always been a symbol of high-end. At the beginning, the price of Samsung Galaxy Fold reached 15,999 yuan, and the price of Huawei Mate X reached 16,999 yuan. Even the lowest-priced Xiaomi MIX Fold had a starting price of 9,999 yuan. 

When Xiaomi MIX Fold was launched less than a year ago, its price on the e-commerce platform has dropped by more than 3,000 yuan due to poor sales. 

The trend of head players can better explain the development trend of folding screen mobile phones. 

At present, Samsung undoubtedly occupies an absolute dominant position in the folding screen mobile phone market. According to data from research institute DSCC, Samsung’s market share in the global folding market is as high as 87% in 2020. The price of Galaxy Z Filp 3 with vertical folding scheme reached 7599 yuan, only 60% of that of the previous generation. For this reason, this series has also become the highest-selling folding screen mobile phone in the world. 

For price-sensitive users, the most intuitive change brought about by price reduction is the increase in sales. Samsung’s first-generation folding screen mobile phone Galaxy Fold sold only 500,000 units worldwide. In contrast, the third-generation folding screen mobile phone exceeded 1 million units in one month. 

Compared with the mobile phone manufacturers that have already entered the market, the whole folding screen mobile phone market has been full of smoke. 

Up to now, Samsung has released eight folding screen phones.In terms of mobile phone shipments, in the third quarter of this year, the DSCC report showed that Samsung accounted for 93% of the shipments.In addition to strong mobile phone shipments, Samsung also has the ability to produce screens. According to a recent report by BusinessKorea, a Korean financial media, Samsung plans to increase the output of foldable screens from 17 million to 25 million a year, an increase of more than 40%. 

In China, Huawei, the first to enter the market, is the mobile phone manufacturer with the largest market share. The advent of Huawei P50 Pocket represents that Huawei has started to "walk on two legs" like Samsung, and has two models of horizontal folding and vertical folding. 

Xiaomi’s exploration of folding machine is not very smooth, and its heat dissipation, screen look and feel, creases and other problems have been repeatedly vomited by users, and the price has been falling after listing. OPPO will bet on the cost performance, and launch OPPO Find N with a price of only 7699 yuan, trying to open the market at a low price. 

Generally speaking, whether it is Samsung, which has been deeply involved in the folding screen mobile phone market for a long time, Huawei, which was the first to enter the market, and OPPO, a new player who just entered the market, parity strategy seems to have become the consensus of the industry.

From ten thousand yuan machines to parity machines, the road to price reduction of folding screen mobile phones is not overnight. 

Undoubtedly, in the era of folding screen mobile phone 1.0, the price of folding screen mobile phone has been high, which is a huge consumption threshold. Not many people can afford and are willing to spend a mobile phone with a price of 10,000 yuan. Sales are bound to be limited. 

And if you want to pursue sales and expand the audience, price reduction is the fastest way. However, before the price reduction, mobile phone manufacturers should first consider the production cost, otherwise they may "lose money and earn money".

Among the components of the folding machine, the hinge used to connect the fuselage and provide folding ability can be said to be the core of the folding screen equipment, which determines the strength of the whole fuselage. A hinge is composed of hundreds of tiny parts. Whether the hinge quality passes the standard directly affects the visual effect of the screen crease. 

At present, domestic mobile phone manufacturers, Huawei and OPPO all adopt the method of hinge self-research. Interestingly, at the recent press conference, whose patent is the water drop hinge also caused a confrontation between Huawei and OPPO. 

On the one hand, the research and development cost of hinge technology is high, on the other hand, there is no cost sharing in mass production of mobile phones, which undoubtedly requires a lot of money for the research and development of hinges. At the press conference of OPPO, Liu Zuohu, senior vice president of OPPO, revealed that the cost of this small hinge on Find N mobile phone reached $100, which was 1/10th of the final selling price, while the hinge quotation of other mobile phone manufacturers was generally 200 yuan. 

In addition to the mobile phone manufacturers themselves, upstream suppliers such as Huawei hinge supplier Yian Technology and OPPO hinge supplier Amphenol are also worthy of attention. 

Recently, some investors have asked questions to Yian Technology, a domestic hinge supplier, on the investor interaction platform. The question pointed out that besides supplying Huawei, which customers are Yian Technology? Yi ‘an Technology responded to this, and the company’s liquid metal hinges have been cooperated by five customers.

It is not difficult to see that with the price reduction of folding screen mobile phones and the increase of sales volume, the cost reduction of upstream suppliers is also an inevitable trend. 

In addition to the hinge, the flexible screen is also the key to the competition of folding screen mobile phones.Compared with the straight mobile phone, it is more expensive to adapt to the components in the bending scene. At present, there are two kinds of folding screen mobile phone covers on the market, CPI (colorless polyimide) and UTG (ultra-thin flexible glass). The former can be understood as a plastic material, while the latter is a flexible glass with better performance than AMOLED. 

In the whole folding screen mobile phone market, flexible glass, such as UTG, which has difficult research and development technology and high cost, has been monopolized by giant Samsung, which is also the reason for the high price of folding screen mobile phones. 

Just this year, Samsung opened the supply of external UTG ultra-thin glass, which is also the key to Samsung’s capital to reduce the price of folding machines. The OPPO Find N screen used UTG glass supplied by Samsung.

Obviously, this is a sure-fire business. At present, the folding screen mobile phone is a new trend in the mobile phone market. For Samsung, which is firmly in the top position of folding screen mobile phone sales, cooperation with domestic mobile phone manufacturers can not only increase its own sales, but also share the production cost by increasing sales, and also find new growth curves and broaden income channels. 

At the same time, domestic electronic suppliers are also speeding up the production of UTG glass. Side Semiconductor, Kaisheng Technology, Hui Jing Display and other manufacturers have announced the research and development progress or plans of UTG glass projects this year. 

In the glass cover, the mobile phone display screen is also a difficult problem that needs the homework of mobile phone manufacturers. According to online Insight, the flexible OLED screen of Huawei P50 Pocket was provided by domestic manufacturer Visionox. Data show that in the third quarter of this year, global smartphone OLED panel shipments were about 170 million pieces. Among them, Visionox shipped about 6.3 million pieces, ranking fourth in the world, second only to Samsung Display, JD.COM and LG Display. 

Admittedly, although China companies such as BOE, Vinozin and Rouyu have made great breakthroughs in screen technology in recent years, they still have a long way to go compared with Samsung. 

It is foreseeable that as Samsung opens the supply of UTG glass and the production capacity of domestic suppliers increases, the production cost of folding screen mobile phone screens will further decrease.

Generally speaking, the reduction of production costs of core barriers such as hinges, glass covers and screens directly lowers the market price of mobile phones with folding screens. In the future, with the popularization and mass production of folding screen technology, the price of folding screen mobile phones will be lower.

All along, there have been endless arguments about "folding machines are chicken ribs" and "losing money to make money" in the market. 

Yuan Bo, a senior communication engineer, once told Time Finance that the folding screen is not just needed, but meets the marginalized demand, but it is a symbol of the technical strength of mobile phone manufacturers, and even represents the manufacturers to enter the high-end threshold. 

However, with the gradual maturity of technology, the new folding machines of mobile phone manufacturers are intensively launched, and the superimposed prices are pushed down one after another, and the penetration rate of folding screen mobile phones is expected to accelerate. 

Market research firm Strategy Analytics predicts that in 2025, the shipment of folding screen mobile phones will reach 100 million units.Counterpoint Research, another research institution, also predicts that by the end of 2022, the global shipment of folding machines will reach 18.3 million units.You know, last year, the global shipment of folding screen mobile phones was only 2.8 million. If the agency’s prediction is accurate, the shipment of folding screen mobile phones will increase exponentially in the next two years. 

It is worth noting that Samsung, the head player, has been brave enough to "blood" on the folding screen mobile phone. A few days ago, according to Korean media reports, Samsung will stop the Note series and will take out more cost space to embrace the folding screen mobile phone. In addition to capacity expansion, Samsung also increased the marketing expenses of the folding machine to twice that of the Note series. Samsung also said that the chip supply gives priority to the folding machine, which shows its emphasis on folding mobile phones. 

Although many players bet and the market is promising, it is not easy for folding screen mobile phones to be popularized. 

The problem facing all players is that the price of the folding machine is almost the same as that of flagship machine, but there are still many restrictions on the configuration, which does not meet the standards of flagship machine. 

For example, there are few built-in telephoto lenses, the internal and external screens have not yet been high-brushed, and they can’t meet the high-frequency fast-punching, which have all become constraints for the development of folding machines. At the same time, it is still difficult to achieve unity in the adaptation of screens and applications. At present, the application adapting to folding screens has only increased from 75% to 90%. "The software workload is six times that of ordinary flagship models," Liu Zuohu, senior vice president of OPPO, mentioned at a media communication meeting. 

In addition, the current users of folding machines are still concentrated in the business crowd, and it is even more difficult for new players like OV and Xiaomi to get a slice of the business crowd. 

In this regard, Samsung and Huawei have taken the lead in targeting female users. This time, Huawei’s P50 Pocket has added the function of detecting sun protection. According to Huawei’s official introduction, Huawei Mirror provides an intelligent sun protection reminder function, and uses a hyperspectral imaging system to provide users with sunburn detection services. Earlier, the compact and portable design of Samsung Flip series was also suitable for female users. 

However, the time for folding screen mobile phones to enter the market is still short, and it will take time to test whether they can be bought by female users. 

In addition, when the technical difficulties of hard power such as hinges and screens are still being broken, the high maintenance cost has become a factor affecting the popularity of folding screen mobile phones. According to Huawei’s official website, Huawei’s P50 Pocket costs as much as 4,379 yuan only for screen maintenance, even exceeding some domestic high-end flagship machine. Other repairable components include the motherboard, upper battery cover (including external screen) and rear-view lens, and the prices are 3399 yuan, 579 yuan and 999 yuan respectively.

Obviously, immature technology and imperfect user experience have become a mountain in front of folding screen mobile phone manufacturers. 

Don’t forget that in the field of folding machines, Apple, a heavyweight player in the smartphone market, has not yet finished. If Apple joins, it will become a "killer" player and further expand the overall market of folding machines.Guo Ming Ti, an analyst with Tianfeng International who has been paying close attention to Apple for a long time, believes that the first Apple folding screen mobile phone will be available in 2023, and Apple is ready to increase the shipment of its first folding screen iPhone to 20 million units.  

However, if Apple also introduces folding screen phones, the competition in the whole market will be more intense, and the pattern may also change. 

There is no new story about smart phones, which is a commonplace topic. It is reasonable that the imagination space brought by folding screen mobile phones attracts mobile phone manufacturers to compete.However, the real problem is that the folding screen mobile phone has been born for three years, but its shipment volume is far less than that of other smart phones, and it is still relatively deserted in the China market. Whether the price reduction tide can make the folding machine catch fire in the China market will soon be answered.  

10 warm-hearted stories, take you to feel the power behind the "China Speed" ……


Hands covered with mud, shoulders soaked with sweat,

Clear and firm eyes, kind and brave heart.

They have no steel body, but they are extremely powerful.

They have no grandiloquence, but they work hard.

There is no infrastructure fanatic here, only Chinese power!

At present, China Construction has installed Wuhan, which is participating in the construction.

Vulcan Mountain and Thunder God Mountain hospital have been put into use,

In the face of the epidemic, China construction and installation forces assembled in the line of fire.

Rushing to the front and fighting on the "epidemic" line,

Their Wuhan war "epidemic" will come to an end temporarily.

Behind this life-and-death race with the epidemic,

It is the builders who have paid hard work and strength.

They don’t pay, they don’t give up day and night, they are ordered in danger,

Go to the hardest, most tiring and most dangerous front,

Casting a new fortress for epidemic prevention,

They are ordinary heroes of this era!

Today, let’s walk into the story behind "China Speed"


Liu Xu: I’m not tired. I’ll just sleep for a while.


On the morning of February 11th, a circle of friends of Wang Junsheng won numerous praises. Liu Xu, a labor worker who fought all night for 28 hours, fell asleep at the scene. "They are not online celebrity, but they are the people who can bear hardships the most. There is nothing that can’t be done with ventilation and water and electricity at the scene. They are the most lovely people. I am proud of these workers and brothers." Wang Jun is full of regrets. When Liu Xu was mentioned, all the managers at the scene gave him a thumbs up, but he always said, "Nothing, it’s okay to do your best." Liu Xu, a 32-year-old native of Huangmei County, Hubei Province, was the first to arrive at the construction site of Raytheon Mountain together with the China Construction and Installation Unit. After staying up all night, he turned to the Huoshenshan Mountain for support the next day, and returned to Raytheon Mountain to help with the finishing work after the delivery of the Huoshenshan Mountain.

He is Luo Wenhao’s right-hand man with many years of construction experience in the Vulcan Mountain project. "I have participated in many projects, and it is the first time that it is so urgent." Due to the urgent construction period and shortage of labor resources, the assembled labor team may not be professional counterparts. In order to ensure the construction quality, he should fully disclose with every worker before the construction, and there should be no omissions in every link from explaining drawings and personnel scheduling to the handover of the working face. The on-site construction area is large, and a large amount of materials must be lifted by the workers themselves. "It takes four or five hundred meters to carry it back and forth once, and tens of thousands of steps a day are commonplace." Liu Xu said airily.

During the construction of Vulcan Mountain, he was caught in several heavy rains, and the scene of everyone working in the rain made him remember deeply. "The rainy road is not easy to walk. You have to wring your pants and shoes to continue your homework. Wet feet on rainy days, sweaty feet on sunny days, and feet are often soaked. " Mentioning the hard work, he smiled and said, "I wouldn’t come here if I was afraid of being tired!" We brothers can come to the scene because we hope that the hospital can be built as soon as possible, and it is worthwhile to work hard! "



Defeng Chen: Children who grew up in the countryside are all right.


Squatting on the material box in the corner, I simply took a few mouthfuls of lunch, and Defeng Chen climbed up the roof to inspect the finishing work of the HVAC system. This is the eighth day that he fought with everyone in Wuhan "Two Mountains" Hospital. He ate, lived and worked with everyone every day, but Defeng Chen, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and chairman of the trade union of China Construction and Installation Group, was very practical in his heart.

In those days, it was rainy and rainy in Wuhan, the construction site was full of water, muddy and slippery, and the cold wind and rain hit the face, but the scene was in full swing. Colleagues advised Defeng Chen to take a rest first. "Don’t worry about me, everyone is working against time. I want to keep an eye on the progress, coordinate personnel and pay attention to everyone’s safety!" His firm eyes can’t hide his tiredness.

With the delivery of the two hospitals, the construction personnel at the installation site of Zhongjian are preparing for the final maintenance and withdrawal work. In addition to supervising the progress, safety and quality of the project on the spot every day and assisting in coordinating various resources, Defeng Chen also cares about understanding the psychological dynamics of the workers from time to time, constantly encouraging the team and boosting confidence.

Late at night, Defeng Chen was still on the construction site and conducting various inspections at the headquarters. He didn’t return to his residence from the construction site until after 1 am, every day. "Children who grew up in the countryside, this is no problem!" A simple word hides great energy.

In order to give full play to party member’s vanguard model and the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress, China Construction and Installation quickly set up a temporary party branch, and Defeng Chen awarded the flag to the commandos on the spot. "Stand up at a critical moment, turn back when the masses need it, perform their duties, and it is the duty and duty of party member cadres to charge ahead!" Defeng Chen encouraged everyone.

When China Construction Installation successfully completed the assignment task and the workers were preparing to leave the site for isolation, Defeng Chen noticed that other Chinese construction brothers were still fighting in other working faces. Defeng Chen immediately arranged manpower to help his brother units complete various projects. "At the critical moment, we must not slack off, and we will definitely complete the tasks entrusted to us by the party and the people from the beginning to the end!" After the delivery of the hospital, Defeng Chen is still concerned about the payment of workers’ wages, the withdrawal of the field and the follow-up guarantee of the project.



Yu Junchao: a warm-hearted "contractor"


Yu Junchao, a 50-year-old party member, is the head of the 168 Construction Engineering Company of China Construction Installation Cooperative Labor Service Company. On the afternoon of January 27th, after receiving the call for aid construction, Yu Junchao and all 11 team members of the company immediately arrived at the scene. "Many workers volunteered to take part in the war, and soon an 83-person labor force was assembled at the scene of Raytheon Mountain." Yu Junchao was very moved, and everyone gave up the opportunity of reunion to go to Han to support the construction, which strengthened his confidence in doing a good job in the project.

Yu Junchao and his team are warm-hearted. When they first entered the site and were not assigned construction tasks, they took the initiative to help other builders carry logistics materials. On the first day of entering the site, they completed the construction tasks of laying drainage pipes and "two cloths and one membrane" for 12 hours. During the construction period, Yu Junchao led the team to fight all night, and only rested for 2 hours every day during the busiest time. He completed the ventilation and drainage tasks on the 15th and 16th floors of Raytheon Mountain Area 2 and the 6th floor of Area A with high standards, which won everyone’s praise.



Gu Jianbing: the "Commander" of the whole battle


Command team, material allocation, logistics support … Gu Jianbing, Party branch secretary of China Construction and Installation Beijing Company, is both a commander and a combatant, and always carries out management to the end of details. On-site inspection was conducted at one or two in the morning, and the construction quality was comprehensively checked. After returning to his residence, he was assigned to work the next day. Gu Jianbing could not fall asleep until four in the morning. Three hours later, he appeared on the construction site on time to guide the labor team to make handover and make thoughtful arrangements for installation tools, technology and working face. During the day, the working face is fully spread out, the coordination workload is huge, and the intensity of work day and night makes Gu Jianbing’s voice hoarse all the time.

The sudden construction task has also brought many problems. Hospital construction needs manpower, and the supply of building materials is even more urgent. He asked for help and mobilized everywhere, and several cooperative labor service companies immediately gave support. Suppliers in Wuhan building materials market also took the initiative to supply building materials at the lowest price. Gu Jianbing also received rubber and plastic insulation materials donated by suppliers. The branches of China Construction and Installation also responded positively. In just two days, nine brother units quickly supported nearly 30 managers and more than 300 laborers. In this way, in one day, all the building auxiliary materials arrived and all the personnel were in place, which solved the urgent need.

During the critical period of work-grabbing, all the staff fought almost all night. Gu Jianbing had to arrange the production schedule, safety and quality, and at the same time, he had to keep in touch with the labor service team at all times, so as to relieve the fatigue of the staff and arouse the enthusiasm of the workers. During the construction, due to the narrow construction space in the ward, Gu Jianbing led the team to take local materials, opened up a small processing area on site, and prefabricated the water pipes in advance, which effectively improved the construction efficiency.

The "Huolei" hospital has been put into use one after another. At this moment, Gu Jianbing continues to run around in organizing personnel to withdraw from the field, isolate and debug and maintain the hospital in the later stage. "It’s nothing if we can successfully complete the tasks assigned by the state and the people and get the patients treated as soon as possible!" Gu Jianbing said.



Wang Hui: There are always more ways than difficulties.


Wang Hui, head of electrical technology of Wuhan Thunder God Mountain hospital Medical Technology Building. The site construction environment is complex and crowded. The first thing Wang Hui did after entering the site was to quickly organize workers to carry out safety and epidemic prevention and control education, and distribute epidemic prevention supplies to improve workers’ safety awareness.

The construction period is tight and the task is heavy. If we follow the established drawings and the conventional installation process, we may not be able to catch up with the construction period. Wang Hui analyzed the actual situation on site and improved the design on the premise of ensuring the function and quality, such as installing formal lighting equipment in advance to avoid the delay of the construction period caused by disassembling temporary lighting equipment after the project is completed; After optimization, the original ceiling lamps were changed to wall-mounted installation; The lighting trunking originally needed to be equipped with a separate bracket. Wang Hui skillfully grafted the existing lighting bracket to the built pipeline bracket, which not only facilitated the subsequent threading, but also improved the construction efficiency.

Through Wang Hui’s "small creation", the installation method has been optimized, and the construction period and cost have been greatly saved. "The method is always more difficult than it is!" Wang Hui always encourages everyone like this.



Wang Junsheng: A "Big Butler" who takes care of everything.


Wang Junsheng is the front-line commander of Wuhan "Two Mountains" Hospital. This "big housekeeper" has been fighting with his brothers for more than ten days at the scene. From the construction arrangement, labor dispatch, personnel management and logistics support, he must personally ask questions.

Before the start of construction, Wang Junsheng reversed the construction period, made a good road map, unified planning, organization and coordination, and made a good job of interweaving processes and processes to ensure that everyone was coordinated and gave full play to their professional strength. He also called construction workers in advance to explain the detailed installation sequence of each process to the labor teams. Under the overall planning and management of Wang Junsheng, which is accurate to the hour or even minutes, more than a dozen labor teams and more than 300 construction workers closely cooperated to build with high quality, and there has never been any rework on the site.

In addition to construction, Wang Junsheng is equally worried about everyone’s "eating, drinking, living and transportation". He coordinated everywhere and arranged comfortable hotels for the construction workers; In order to avoid the gathering of canteen staff and let everyone "eat with confidence", he took the initiative to contact the delivery of working meals and pay the wages of workers to solve everyone’s worries.



Cai Juntao: Create opportunities without opportunities.


Cai Juntao is the leader of a company’s expedition to Wuhan, and also the electromechanical director of Thunder God Mountain hospital Medical Technology Building. Create the working face, arrange the working procedure reasonably, find the construction equipment, and arrange the team to enter the site … … Hundreds of phone calls a day have become commonplace for Cai Juntao, which has turned him into a magnetic "subwoofer".

When he first arrived at the scene, difficulties came to him. What bothered him most was that the internal structure of the medical technology building was complex, and the construction unit had many cross-operations. What should I do if I wanted to catch up with the progress but didn’t have a working face? After inspecting the site, Cai Juntao decided to adopt the assembly construction method of off-site prefabrication and on-site installation, hand over one working face and install one immediately, and never delay the construction period!

Finally, after several days of hard work, the medical technology building was delivered as scheduled. Cai Juntao sleeps only 2 hours a day on average. He often misses his meal time because he is dealing with on-site work, so he can only fill his hunger with instant noodles. He and his colleagues call each other ‘ Iron man ’ Brother. "Time is life! Eliminate all difficulties, pay close attention to construction, and create opportunities without opportunities! " This is what Cai Juntao said the most.



Tamia Liu: No matter how tight the time is, the quality will never be discounted.


Tamia Liu, a HVAC engineer in China Construction Installation International Engineering Branch, as an "overseas", spent the first Spring Festival with his family in China in four years, but it took him less than 90 minutes from receiving the notice of supporting the construction of Raytheon Mountain to arriving at the site.

The amount of on-site work is large and the construction period is tight, but the negative pressure requirement of the infectious disease isolation ward is high. "No matter how tight the time is, the quality must not be discounted!" Tamia Liu is responsible for the installation and debugging of three negative pressure isolation wards. For the installation of large-scale equipment and room branch pipes on the roof, Tamia Liu decided to adopt modular assembly, which can be installed in place at one time, while ensuring the tightness of the joints of air ducts and accessories. He led the team to work closely with the strong and weak electricity departments, and achieved the one-time test of single machine and system linkage.

After nearly 40 hours of continuous operation, all three negative pressure isolation wards in charge of by Tamia Liu were successfully debugged at one time and handed over to the hospital department smoothly. These wards were promoted as construction models in the whole project.



Li Guanjun: Bite down pieces of "hard bones"


Li Guanjun, who was supposed to look after her 2-month-old baby at home during the Spring Festival, signed up as a security administrator in Thunder God Mountain hospital. At the site, he should not only be responsible for safety supervision, but also coordinate the cross-operation of various teams to ensure the safety of personnel and construction in the jurisdiction.

The construction site of Raytheon Mountain is more complicated than previous chemical projects. It covers not only more than a dozen professional systems such as pipeline pre-burying, water supply and drainage, fire fighting, power supply and distribution, ventilation and air conditioning, but also the construction of buildings 15 and 16, which is under the responsibility of "Artisan Brothers Company" of Li Guanjun’s China Construction and Installation Engineering Company, which has a tight construction period and needs to work all night.

The ventilation and installation of 12 rooms in Building A16 must be completed within 10 hours, which is another hard bone. When receiving this task, Li Guanjun has been working continuously for 14 hours, but the ventilation installation not only requires extremely high tightness, but also the installation quality is directly related to the air quality of the ward, so there should be no carelessness. He quickly assembled the team and divided it into five groups by assembly line. He entered the field at 7 pm and worked until 5 am the next day. After a night of fierce fighting, he finally completed the task.



Luo Wenhao: the "New Daddy" in Two-Front War


As the front-line deputy commander of the "Two Mountains" hospital project, Luo Wenhao, after receiving the task, simply told his wife who was about to give birth, and arrived at the construction site of Raytheon Mountain in the early morning of January 28th. The first night when he arrived at the construction site, he worked all night. Luo Wenhao led the workers to stay up all night for 12 hours to complete the task of laying "two cloths and one membrane" and laying drainage pipes. The temperature dropped sharply in winter night, and it rained again. Wherever he went, it was muddy and bumpy. Luo Wenhao’s feet seemed to be stepping in the ice hole and he was cold all over. The workers were also very tired, working for 25 hours, all covered with dust.

On January 29th, the project received the task of emergency support for the construction of Vulcan Mountain. He volunteered to lead the workers to quickly turn to the battlefield of Vulcan Mountain for full support, and successfully completed the ventilation and installation project of Buildings 1, 3 and 4. When he was most nervous, he led nearly 200 workers to fight day and night alone. From February 3 to 6, he neglected to contact his family and completed the installation of nearly 4,000 square meters of ventilation pipes in Building 4 for four days and three nights.

On the morning of February 7th, his wife gave birth to her daughter by caesarean section. Exhausted Tam Hao cried with joy on the phone. He named her "Yuan Han" to commemorate this experience of aiding Han. After the Vulcan Mountain project was put into use, Tam Hao, who could have rested, led the workers to Raytheon Mountain to coordinate and command the project closing, debugging and maintenance.


Every minute counts, and the mission will be achieved.

It is these kind, brave, ordinary and selfless people,

Injected into the battlefield in the cold winter

Warm and powerful power.

Thank them,

Let this once lush land come back to life.


Picturesque novel

Wisteria (Chinese painting) Wu Guanzhong is selected from the Chinese Art Palace (Shanghai Art Museum) "Chinese Scenery-Lin Fengmian and Wu Guanzhong Art Exhibition"

I read Wang Zengqi’s novel "The Apprentice", in which I wrote that the great grandfather of the fourth season was jealous of the people, and I thought of Mr. Wang himself.

Mr. Wang is famous for painting, and he also wants to be a painter. His father is a painter. He went to The National SouthWest Associated University at the age of 19. Mr. Wang once said that if he failed, he would go to the National College of Fine Arts. However, Mr. Wang has been admitted. If he fails, he will go to the Art College. Perhaps there will be another master in the history of modern painting in China.

The plot of The Appreciator is very simple, telling the story of a great painter and a fruit delivery vendor. It is also a story about a bosom friend. We all know that Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, one playing the piano and the other listening to the piano, performed a deep feeling of "high mountains and flowing water". Although Ye San is a fruit vendor, he knows Ji Xianmin and his paintings. Ji Xianmin’s paintings are never seen by people, but he can see them in Yuzryha. Ye San’s appreciation of his paintings is what Ji Xianmin is proud of. Ji Jian-min painted the wrong lotus, and Ye San pointed it out, so Ji Jian-min repainted it and gave it to Ye San. Sometimes Ji Jian-min gave Ye San a painting without the title, and Yuzryha San could sell it. Ye San said, I won’t sell any of your paintings. Sure enough, after Ye San’s death, according to his will, his son buried all the paintings given by Ji Yumin.

Mr. Wang Zengqi knows Chinese painting. He wrote this novel to pay tribute to the literati paintings in China after the Song and Yuan Dynasties (he knew many painters in ancient China), and also devoted his understanding of China ink painting (including techniques) to the text. For example, Mr. Wang painted the ink lotus and wisteria, such as "there is wind in wisteria, and the flowers are messy". Mr. Wang himself painted many wisteria with this kind of messy flowers.

During his visit to Iowa, Mr. Wang gave a speech entitled "My Creative Career". When talking about the relationship between China’s literature and painting, he said that some people say that his novels are poetic novels, but he hopes that some people will say that his novels are picturesque novels.

This is really what Mr. Wang hopes, and it is also the case. Mr. Wang’s works are indeed full of painting meaning-China’s ink spirit, the art of blank space in Chinese painting.

He also visited some art galleries and museums in America. In the Boston Museum, he saw a Song Huizong’s copy of Zhang Xuan’s "Dao Lian Tu" and admired it immensely. He mentioned this painting in a conversation and said, "That thread is so long that I can’t wait to kowtow to it when I write it." In the novel, Mr. Wang used Zhang Daqian to write about the painting of Mohe lotus by Ji Yumin, saying that "the lotus leaves he painted are not hooked, and the lotus stalks are not pricked, and he likes to make them long, and the lotus stalks are very long, and they are all in one stroke." This is all Mr. Wang’s own experience.

Author: Subei

Text: Northern Jiangsu Picture: Wu Guanzhong Editor: Wu Dongkun Editor: Shu Ming

Please indicate the source when reprinting this article.

Running back to China (2011)

This series itself is not bad. I just saw the fifth episode. But Lin Yijie let me down. First, he scolded Jodi, a Canadian runner, and then fired Jodi. Later, he dismissed the young players’ inexperience and said sarcastically. To know that he is the captain, he has a K responsibility for all the players, including choosing players when organizing activities. It can be said that Jodi’s failure to keep up with the speed is also his careless choice. unable to tell …


The walls covered with championship flags, the sandy land over 60°C … The summer training venues of Shanghai volleyball players are different.

Xia Xun hits the eighth issue directly
Corpuscles come
Oriental land sports training base
Show you around.
Summer Training of Athletes in Volleyball Center
Men’s Volleyball-All-China Class Playing League is a special summer training.
At the end of August, in the volleyball training hall of oriental land Sports Training Base, the loud shouts made the young faces look determined. The wall behind them is the most precious aspect in the history of Chinese men’s volleyball league. Fifteen men’s volleyball league champion flags are hung on it.
In September this year, Shanghai golden times Men’s Volleyball Team completed the continuation of its legend-winning six consecutive championships and winning the 16th league title. And the championship journey has special significance. "The league lineup has been adjusted. Everyone is an all-China class competition. " Chen Yufeng, director of the volleyball sports center, introduced. For local players, especially young players, they have more stage to show the results of summer training and preparation. This kind of competition experience is of great benefit to their subsequent development, whether they join the national team or participate in the National Games.
When the main team went out to compete for the championship, Chen Haofeng was very satisfied with the results of more than two months of summer training by the reserve echelon. He said: "(Small players) have development potential both in technology and height. It is still reassuring. " 02
Women’s Volleyball Team-Looking for Opponents and Training by Competition
Compared with men’s volleyball, women’s volleyball girls’ training is more diverse. Volleyball is a collective event, and fast and changeable cooperation is a consistent feature of Shanghai. Training is not only a simple physical exercise, but also a skill transfer for the old players. "In volleyball, there is less confrontation, but experience is more important." Chen Yufeng introduced.
Practicing skills and improving physical fitness will eventually be transformed into actual play on the court. In order to accumulate practical experience, Shanghai women ruled out organizing adult teams to compete with youth teams, and invited teams from Zhejiang and Shandong to a friendly match.
In these internal training matches, the coach can fully understand the cooperation of the team and the state of the players, and try some technical and tactical changes. 03
Sand raft-feet buried in sand at 60 C.
Less than 8 o’clock in the morning, on the sand volleyball training ground, there are players in place. They are responsible for the "shower" work in the sand today. On a cool day, the players have two trainings every day: 8: 00 am-11: 00 am and 3: 00 pm-6: 00 pm.
Zhou Zhiguo, the leader of the beach volleyball team, said that sprinkling water on the ground can cool the sand on the one hand and reduce sand blowing on the other. Even so, in hot days, the heat storage makes the sand temperature soar to 60 C.
After running on the sand to warm up, the day’s training began. Serving, spiking, bouncing … According to different groups, everyone has their own training courses. In order to stabilize the center of gravity, the players’ feet repeatedly and deeply inserted into the sand. During training, coaches will arrange rest and hydration according to the weather and athletes’ conditions to prevent them from dehydration and heatstroke. After a short rest, they returned to the sand and began the next round of training.
No matter indoors or outdoors, no matter which team, even though the coach will privately say that it is not easy for athletes to train, no players on the training ground have ever complained that they are tired. While they are training, they don’t talk much. Only when they hit a good ball, make a loud cry and wave their fist-clenched right hand can their emotions be released. This is the spirit of volleyball in China.
Next time the corpuscle will take you.
Walk into the track and field sports center
Direct summer training for athletes