New drama controversy, online celebrity label, cross-border transformation … Liu Yuning responded

Special feature of 1905 film network Since the broadcast of "One Mind to Pass the Mountain", he has repeatedly "out of the circle" with his character Ning Yuanzhou, which has caused various discussions.

Before the press release, "Liu Yuning, I won’t resist this time" once again became a topic on the hot search. In this message sent to fans, he wrote: "I love Ning Yuanzhou too much" and "(this role) is something I will never have again in my life".

Such feelings and moods can also be clearly perceived in this conversation with Liu Yuning.

The day was the announcement day of "One Mind Close the Mountain". "When I came, I was thinking, how long have I been an actor? Although I have not been filming all the time, it has been five years. " He said with emotion, "The roles and the learning process make me feel that it is all worthwhile."

In the face of controversy and even "bad comments", Liu Yuning admitted that he was not invulnerable. However, from the initial entry against the prejudice of the outside world against "online celebrity" to the completion of the cross-border with a label, he never lost his "indomitable" momentum.

"Try to play every role well and do every job well. I still believe that sentence, and time will give you the answer."

01 Harvest ningyuanzhou

Liu Yuning, who has always dared to say and do, chose "not to resist" this time. Perhaps the reason is just as he said: "I love Ning Yuanzhou too much."

Before meeting this role, Liu Yuning had starred in many different types of characters, large and small, and Ning Yuanzhou seemed to be a staged "destination" for them to reach together at this moment.

Although he’s not as bad as some characters, and he’s not crazy, he’s in line with all Liu Yuning’s imaginations about the versatility of Jianghu chivalrous people.

On the day of the announcement of "One Mind off the Mountain", Liu Yuning specially recalled his career as an actor so far. In this "competitive" industry, he didn’t make too many plans for himself. In five years, he played many roles, large and small, and also studied and grew up with his predecessors and peers in the industry.

At first, Liu Yuning was under pressure when he received the invitation of "One Mind Close the Mountain". "In any job, I have to pass the customs first, because I have to be responsible for him." Facing Ning Yuanzhou, he finally felt that all the accumulation in the past seemed to be preparing for this role.

"I think I’m ready," Liu Yuning said with a smile. "Actually, I can’t say that completely, but this role is too rare. How many favorite roles can an actor meet in his life? I want to try hard, make up my mind and fight for everything. "


After "One Mind Close the Mountain" was broadcast, Liu Yuning not only gained affirmation, but also heard different comments from the outside world. He admits that he can’t be "completely indifferent", but he is willing to continue to prove himself with actions.

"I used to think that as long as I kept acting well, I believed that I would meet my favorite role one day." A Thought of Guanshan "made me feel that I had finally taken such a step on the road of being an actor," Liu Yuning said. "I was very, very happy that everyone could finally see my role." 

02 Go back to Liu Yuning.

Liu Yuning seems to have changed, but it has never changed, from its debut to its "popularity" and cross-border. For example, as a "living entertainment" in everyone’s eyes, he still maintains the habit of communicating with fans and netizens through live broadcast.

"It is not rare to be a’ living person’." Liu Yuning said half jokingly, "The live broadcast is a communication window between me and my fans, but I have something that others don’t, so I won’t lose it."

Not only communication, but also live broadcast has become the source of Liu Yuning’s "sense of security" to some extent. Although the work content has become more and more, he can still find the pleasure and satisfaction of "chatting" with fans at first.

"Many times you are playing a role, but when you are a fan, you think you can talk about Liu Yuning." For Liu Yuning, this space allows him to export and release some more personal emotions, and also gives himself a lot of energy. Although sometimes he even talks about "face pain", Liu Yuning still wants to talk to you.

"I think I will find a sense of identity in it. When I feel insecure, I will find here that someone still loves me and I can go on."

Keep walking. The source of this forward momentum is even earlier than entering the business. Since childhood, Liu Yuning has a dream of becoming a "star".

Apart from all kinds of labels and "prejudices" seen by the outside world, he has never wavered in his sense of belief that supports his progress.

Now, he has earned the audience’s affirmation of "Liu Yuning’s original voice lines" with repeated reading exercises for several years, and also proved "why not?"

Today, Liu Yuning, which has once again completed the cross-border, still has such indomitable spirit. "I dare not say what is the goal. Just play every role well and do every job well. I still believe that sentence, and time will give you the answer. "

The story of a musician, a writer and the national anthem law

  "get up! People who don’t want to be slaves … …”











  As the highest-standard ceremonial troops in the country, the PLA Military Orchestra undertakes the music performance tasks of major ceremonies, important meetings and welcoming state guests of the country and the army. Yu Hai and his comrades-in-arms also began to go abroad and participate in international music exchange visits to show the world the brand-new style and features of China. Because of his work, Yu Hai has played national anthems in many countries. However, he gradually discovered that some literary and art groups at home and abroad made mistakes in playing our national anthem, which was not accurate and standardized, and the version of the national anthem was not uniform, which was very chaotic.

  What worries him even more is that some people’s awareness of the national anthem is particularly weak. Many people don’t know the lyrics of the national anthem and can’t recite the lyrics of the national anthem, so the spirit of the national anthem can’t be passed down well. Yu Hai still remembers one thing, which was a meeting he once attended. Before starting, the participants had to sing the national anthem. In the discussion that followed, some participants asked whether the national anthem was out of date. Do the lyrics need to be changed in peacetime? "The national anthem is a symbol of national sovereignty and must not be changed at will." Yu Hai retorted on the spot: "The oldest Dutch national anthem in the world has a history of more than 400 years and is still being sung today; The French are romantic and casual, and the "La Marseillaise" is very combative, and it has never changed. Why should our national anthem be changed? The most important thing is that our national anthem reveals the national spirit of courage, unity, cooperation and perseverance, which cannot be changed! " 

  "Our national anthem is only 84 words, 37 bars, and it only takes 46 seconds to play and sing. But it is a sign of a country’s independence and self-improvement. " Talking about his original intention to protect the national anthem, Yu Hai told reporters that the national anthem embodies all the struggles that the Communist Party of China (CPC) led the people to strive for national independence, people’s liberation and realize the country’s prosperity and people’s prosperity. It is a strong melody that inspires people to forge ahead courageously, a vivid teaching material for patriotic education, and the strongest voice in the hearts of 1.4 billion people in China. But for a long time, the legal provisions on the national anthem in China are almost blank. Except that the Constitution clearly stipulates that National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China is March of the Volunteers, there are no other provisions on the use of the national anthem at the legal level. "Through legislation, the important position of the national anthem as the first voice of People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been determined, and it can enjoy the same protection as the national flag and national emblem." Yu Hai said.

  In March 2008, Yu Hai, who attended the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference meeting for the first time as a member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, proposed to legislate for the national anthem. He made the same proposal every year for the next ten years. His persistence has even been joked by other members as a contemporary "Xianglinsao". However, Yu Hai never gave up and always insisted on legislating the national anthem.

  Finally, on the afternoon of September 1, 2017, in the tenth year of Shanghai’s persistent proposal for national anthem legislation, the 29th session of the 12th the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) voted to pass the National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China Law. At that time, Yu Hai, who was preparing to return to Beijing at Changsha Airport in Hunan Province, received a WeChat from the person in charge of the the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) Law Committee: "The legislative vote on the national anthem of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) just passed this afternoon! Your persistence, your efforts and your contribution have finally come to fruition! "

  And that day happened to be Yu Hai’s 62nd birthday. Yu Hai was so excited about this that he couldn’t help but sigh that it was destiny takes a hand, and he received the best birthday gift of his life on a special day.

  Today, the 64-year-old Yu Hai has not stopped. He began to shoulder the heavy responsibility of preaching the history of the national anthem, and often went to some institutions, schools and enterprises to give lectures to publicize and preach the knowledge related to the national anthem. "The national anthem is the voice image of the country. I hope that everyone who has heard my preaching can know the importance of safeguarding the dignity of the national anthem, and love the country and the Chinese nation more. " Yu Hai said.

  Aikebaier Mi Jiti: Give the national anthem a clear legal status.

  Mi Jiti clearly remembers that the time when he received the phone call that excited him was at 10: 56 am on April 19th, 2017. On the phone, the relevant staff of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) Law Committee told him that the national anthem was going to be legislated, and invited him to attend the legislative forum held in the organ of the National People’s Congress on the morning of April 27th. This means that, from the second session of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Conference in 2014, the "Proposal on Amending the National Flag Law to the National Flag and Anthem Law" was put forward, and the efforts made by Akbar Mi Jiti for the national anthem legislation have blossomed and borne fruit for four consecutive years.

  Member of the 11th and 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, former editor-in-chief of China Writers, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Writers Publishing Group, former deputy director of the Management Committee, deputy director of the Film and Television Committee of the Chinese Writers Association, and executive vice president of the China Film Literature Society … … Mi Jiti has many titles, but his favorite identity is a writer. As one of the outstanding representatives of Kazak people in 56 ethnic families, Akbar Mi Jiti has created a large number of literary works. The emergence of Mi Jiti’s legislative proposal for the national anthem is also directly related to a writer, that is, Su Shuyang.






  再过几天,天安门广场上,庆祝新中国成立70周年阅兵仪式即将举行。“当五星红旗飘扬的时候,伴随着雄壮的国歌声,56个民族共同唱响国歌,那一定是一幅壮观景象。相信在国歌的激励下,中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦一定会实现!”艾克拜尔·米吉提充满期待。(记者 朱宁宁)

Listening to Professor Fudan’s Interpretation of Ancient China: Reading the wisdom of ancestors and hearing the romantic echo of history.

What’s the use of studying history?

With a long history of 5,000 years, there are many interesting stories and many experiences summarized by predecessors.

The ancients said, "Never forget the past, be a teacher of the future", "Stay on the mountain, stop the scenery", and "be kind if you are water, and carry things with kindness". These beautiful behaviors all come from the wisdom of your ancestors and the romantic echo of history.

Historian Qian Mu once said: No matter how knowledgeable a person is, if he doesn’t know his own history, he can only be a knowledgeable person at most, and can’t be counted as a knowledgeable China person.

Wu Jun, a computer scientist, said: Learning history well is to be a better person.

Studying history can not only cultivate sentiment and conduct, but also enrich our knowledge, so that we can see clearly the entanglement of human nature, grasp the laws of economy and make correct decisions in today’s complicated and changing world.

Why was only Hai Rui an honest official in the Ming Dynasty? The court needs doers more than moral models;

Many prisoners were buried alive in ancient wars in China? Mainly because of the difficulty in food supply;

Was Chang ‘an the center of the world in Tang Dynasty? In fact, there was no "world" at that time;


This is why many excellent people are all interested in history and can always quote classics in their speeches. A person with a historical view usually has a higher pattern and emotional intelligence.

If you also want to know about history, if you only attend a history class, I recommend you to listen to Ge Jianxiong’s history of China.

He connected all kinds of knowledge in series, which can help you build a model of ancient China and gain a sense of transparency. After that, whether you read history or analyze the present, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

He is a doctoral supervisor at Fudan University and has studied history for 40 years.

It is hard to get a ticket for offline lecture courses.

Ge Jianxiong, a famous historical geographer, has studied the historical geography of China for more than 40 years.

His position in academic circles at home and abroad is unshakable;

  • Zhang Hongjie and Hou Yangfang, doctoral supervisors of Fudan University and well-known historians, are his students.

  • One of the first two liberal arts doctors trained in New China;

  • By the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and Ministry of Education, he was named "China Doctoral Degree Winner with Outstanding Contributions";


Although Ge Jianxiong has made great achievements now, he is actually an older academic youth. When he was young, he never thought that after working in middle school for more than ten years, at the age of 32, he could change his destiny through graduate school.

He was successfully admitted to Fudan University that year, andLearn from Mr. Tan Qixiang, a master of historical geography., the founder of China historical geography.

As Mr. Tan Qixiang’s assistant, Ge Jianxiong has a lot of contact with Taishan Beidou in the academic circle, and he is constantly pursuing the ultimate and seeking the truth. Because of this, he quickly became the leader of the historical geography research center of Fudan University.

On one occasion, the executive vice-president in charge of science and technology of Harvard University visited Fudan University and said, "Fudan is really a world-class major, one is historical geography and the other is mathematics, and there are only two." It serves to show Ge Jianxiong’s achievements in learning for many years.

But in fact, Ge Jianxiong not only studies historical geography, but also is a famous expert in China history, population history and immigration history.

He has written ten books in Yu Ben, published more than 100 papers, led the Fudan academic team to complete the six-volume Population History of China, and found out the "base" of China’s dynasties.

It involves various knowledge backgrounds such as history, geography, demography and institutional history, and has won high praise from academic circles at home and abroad.

Because of Ge Jianxiong’s academic level, there are too many people who want to learn history and geography from him. Just Ge Jianxiong’s scattered speeches on the Internet have attracted a large audience, and Ge Jianxiong’s fans on Weibo are millions.

His lectures off-line are full, and students from major universities are willing to listen to his lectures.

Many programs have also invited him to share his views on history, such as "Let’s Talk" and "China Geographical Names Conference".

"Not boring" and "attractive" are the consensus of the audience.

Thanks to his global vision of Wan Li Road.

Author of Zeng Guofan’s Front and Side, Seven Faces of Daming Dynasty, etc.Hongjie ZhangHe is a student in Ge Jianxiong. When he was studying PhD at Fudan University, what he liked most was Ge Jianxiong’s class. Because Mr. Ge Jianxiong can make the boring content very attractive.

According to Zhang Hongjie’s own statement, he is not a "good student" by the standard of traditional China education. At least since junior high school, he hasn’t listened well. He always listens to the teacher with one ear and reads at his own pace.

But in Mr. Ge’s class, he has never been distracted.

When mentioning Teacher Ge’s lecture, Zhang Hongjie said this: "The content of the course "Theory and Method of Historical Geography" is actually very boring, but he can make it very attractive … The lecture is like flowing water."

Ge Jianxiong’s lectures are interesting because he is a man full of enthusiasm and curiosity about the world.

What he said was either his thoughts on reading thousands of books or his experiences on Wan Li Road.

△ In 2000, Ge Jianxiong, as a member of the 17th Antarctic expedition in China, took a photo with a seal he met on the beach.

He has conducted many academic exchanges in internationally renowned institutions of higher learning such as Harvard University and Cambridge University. In order to study, I also traveled to dozens of countries on seven continents, from Antarctica to the North Pole, from Kilimanjaro, the "king of Africa", to Ali, the "roof of the world".He personally measured the "global vision" with his footprints.

It is precisely because of Ge Jianxiong’s extensive interests and dabbling that he has opened up various academic fields and the barrier between academic and real society.

His history pays attention to both the grand background and the tiny details. He pays attention to the reasons and connections behind the incident, and is good at explaining the theory with concrete examples, and the content expressed is also very lively.

Ge Jianxiong made it clear that all the history we can see today is a selective and conscious record of the historians. Therefore, seeing is not necessarily true, but also thinking about the relationship and reasons behind it.

Therefore, in the course of Ge Jianxiong’s Multi-perspective Interpretation of Ancient China, he selected 50 key words, covering territory, administrative region, population, capital, dynasty, etc., to correct our cognitive deviation of history, restore the true historical appearance, and make us more sensible, distinguish between good and evil, and know how to advance and retreat.

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Studying history is more about people.

Use history to solve practical problems, and don’t be a nerd.

Ge Jianxiong’s body is not only full of academic elegance, but also always pays attention to people’s development and survival as an intellectual.

When he was a librarian at Fudan University, he was not only concerned about whether students could gain something in the library, but also about their experience in the library. Even the small details such as how high the stairway is and whether there will be students hitting their heads are like the back of his hand …

After becoming a representative of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, he often wrote commentary articles and published them in major media all over the country. He called for "China Tourism Day" and suggested strengthening the deliberation and audit of major construction projects of local governments …

He has always believed that academic research should not only be a career in the "ivory tower", but also play a role in the general public. Don’t be a nerd or a hypocrite.

In the course of Ge Jianxiong’s Multi-perspective Interpretation of Ancient China, he also pays attention to people, especially a group of people who represent the times.

There are great people, such as the emperor, the emperor’s father, the queen, well-known people, such as Confucius, Hai Rui, Yan Rong, and people who are rarely known, such as Fusheng and Shaoxing tout Mr. Wu …

These little people, short stories, or a small detail are all slices of our understanding of China’s history, from which we can find many life-long wisdom.

If you want to know the truth under the dusty fog of ancient China, see the essence clearly, improve your cognition, improve your pattern and increase your EQ, then I recommend Ge Jianxiong’s class for you.

Select 50 historical keywords

From China’s skeleton, flesh and blood, nerve center

Re-recognize a more stereoscopic and true history of China.

Everyone can understand.

Expand your horizons and have a view of history easily!
50 knotsEssence audio class
just129Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)

Each essence class only needs2.58Dollar!

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Why is this course worth listening to—

1. Authoritative enough

Doctoral supervisor of Fudan University, one of the main founders of the discipline of historical geography in China, intensively read those things in ancient China, supplemented by a large number of annals and case descriptions, and give you an authoritative and three-dimensional history of China.

2, novel enough

Different from the usual history class, this course is divided into three categories: skeleton (territory and city), flesh and blood (population and figures) and nerve center (emperor and the world), so that you can understand the historical phenomenon and see the root behind it.

Because historical mysteries can never be viewed in isolation.

3. Rich enough

The 50 audio lessons will start from the earliest "China" and cover the Qing Dynasty, with a history of more than 3,000 years. We don’t want to cover everything in detail, but we want to focus on the big and put the small.

Starting from the event, with easy-to-understand language, take the audience step by step to see the clouds, restore the real scene at that time together, and gain rich new knowledge.

4. Good enough to understand

The course content is grounded, even if it is white, it can be easily understood.

Listen, adults, relax and decompress, and increase the conversation.Not only can you relax in the face of work pressure and the boredom of trivial matters in life. You can also talk about it after dinner.

Children listen and broaden their horizons and wisdom.Not only can you accumulate learning materials and broaden your knowledge, but you can also form an open and calm personality in a subtle way, which will affect your child’s life.

Select 50 historical keywords

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Re-recognize a more stereoscopic and true history of China.

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50 knotsEssence audio class
just129Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)

Each essence class only needs2.58Dollar!

Save 3 cups of milk tea.

Get a wiser and more understanding person.
Click the Subscribe button to subscribe to the course.

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