Gao Qunshu’s "Knife’s Tip" was released today with six highlights to unlock the "thrilling legendary spy war giant system"

Gao Qunshu's "Knife's Tip" was released today with six highlights to unlock the "thrilling legendary spy war giant system"

The spy war giant Knife’s Tip will officially land in the national cinema at 17: 00 pm today (November 24). The film is based on Mai Jia’s novel of the same name, directed by Gao Qunshu, starring Zhang Yi, Huang Zhizhong and Lang Yueting, starring Cheng Taishen, Sha Yi, Gao Jie, Jin Shijia, Li Chun and Zeng Mengxue, and featuring Nie Yuan and Huang Lu. Since its premiere last week, the film has been screened and roadshowed in many cities. The ups and downs of the narrative, the suspense of reeling, the thrilling confrontation between light and dark and the wonderful performances of powerful actors have made the scene full of admiration.

Today’s film released a "breaking news", with the narration of "the broadcasting cavity of the Republic of China" and the novel way of archaizing the morning news broadcast, showing that Bai Dayi, a cryptographer in Guangxi, was shot dead under strict security, and Jin Shenshui (Zhang Yi), director of the communication department of Wang Pseudo Security Bureau, and Li Shiwu (Sha Yi), director of the anti-spy department, were caught in the unsolved case of assassination, instantly substituting people into the mysterious 1940 s. At the same time, the film also reveals six highlights, unlocking this "thrilling legendary spy war giant system" together, going deep into the tiger’s den and fighting in close combat.

Aspect 1: Gao Qunshu Maijia teamed up again Exploring the new legend of spy war after Wind

Mai Jia, winner of Mao Dun Literature Prize, is known as the "father of spy novels" in China. In 2009, the spy movie Wind, which was adapted from Mai Jia’s novels, was born and won 235 million box office, which not only set off a frenzy of contemporary spy film creation in China, but also won the highest score of Chinese spy film with a score of 8.4. As one of the directors of The Wind, Gao Qunshu and Mai Jia have cooperated for the second time, and their cool style and the complicated stories written by Mai Jia will surely spark more dazzling sparks in Knife’s Tip.

Director Gao Qunshu said frankly that the reason for filming Knife’s Tip after Wind was to "shoot something different" and focus on "the relationship between times and fate, and how people survive". The story background of the film also left Shanghai, the most common spy war work, and turned its attention to Nanjing under the rule of Wang puppet regime in 1940. Gao Qunshu hoped to "salvage this history and not forget it". Such a breakthrough in Knife’s Tip has also been affirmed by many parties. After watching the film, Professor Hou Guangming, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and former party secretary of Beijing Film Academy, bluntly "brought new ideas to spy films"; Tian Huiqun, a professor at the School of Art and Media of Beijing Normal University, also believes that the plot of this film has broken through the genre film routine, making Knife’s Tip and Wind stand side by side.

Aspect 2: Zhang Yi’s strength deducts "the awakening of agents" Mai Jia praised the role growth "from iron to steel"

From Operation Red Sea to Above the Cliff, Zhang Yi has repeatedly portrayed classic characters on the big screen in recent years, and his role as a special agent Jin Shenshui with multiple identities in Knife’s Tip will surely become another memorable classic image of Zhang Yi’s screen career. In the movie, the special agent Jin Shenshui walks among the forces of the Japanese military, the puppet government and the military junta all day long, just like walking at the tip of a knife. Director Gao Qunshu said frankly: "Zhang Yi’s energy is infinite. His understanding of the role and his own appeal have reached a remarkable level, and it is still rising. The Jin Shenshui he plays closely matches the name of the role. As long as he stands there, it is the role itself."

Zhang Yi said that the role was his first time to play an agent on the big screen, and bluntly said that the film was about "the awakening of an agent". At first, the role was only for revenge, "until he met some comrades to help him find his faith and move closer to the anti-Japanese organization". Zhang Yi also thinks that the Knife’s Tip is different from the previous spy war theme. "The movie is mainly about life and what is the driving force of a person’s growth and change". Not only is the role growing, but Zhang Yi also revealed that Knife’s Point was a watershed in his performance. "I was encouraged and cared by the director during the filming of this play, and I became more confident after Knife’s Point". Even the original author, Mai Jia, said that he clearly felt the growth of Zhang Yi in this film, and climbed one step at a time, "from iron to steel".

Aspect 3: Lin Yingying, the "guide" and "legendary woman" of Jin Shenshui’s belief, impressed the audience.

In the movie "Knife’s Tip", agent Jin Shenshui once witnessed his family’s tragic death at the gunpoint of the Japanese army. He just wanted revenge and once lost his direction in life. Zhang Yi bluntly said that the role was "nothing more sad than the death of his heart". "He never had great love until he met his colleague, his comrade-in-arms, and Lin Yingying, who later became his friend, and he began to change". As a guide to help the confused Jin Shenshui walk into the light, Lin Yingying, played by Lang Yueting, is a legendary woman-she has a big lady’s manner and way of life, and at the same time she is a very strong and brave underground agent. She "blends Chou He’s family and hate together" and helps Jin Shenshui find the final belief.

Lin Yingying, played by Lang Yueting, was also well received by a large audience during the screening. The audience thinks that the film shows the real situation of women in that era in a diversified way, and some viewers bluntly say that the film will "show the wisdom and courage of female underground workers and sacrifice their righteousness to the fullest"; Zhang Wenjuan, an associate professor at the School of Drama, Film and Television of China Communication University, was deeply moved after watching the film. "She (Lin Yingying) is a wife and a mother, and she is also responsible for the nation.".

Aspect 4: the words of "truth acting school" determine success or failure Knife licking honey, life and death "werewolf killing"

Director Gao Qunshu once said that the most thrilling thing in spy war is often not reflected in the real fight, but "hiding a knife in words, killing people invisibly". Therefore, in the film Knife’s Tip, under the circumstances that many forces are intertwined and everyone has their own ulterior motives, the plot is full of wrestling and mutual frame-ups. Jin Shenshui uses the characteristics of everyone’s own ulterior motives to exert a "deviant plan" with great ingenuity. Sometimes a few words that are light in the clouds can instantly become a sword that stabs the enemy!

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting. In fact, it’s not just deep water, everyone is looking for a chance to defeat the enemy and save their lives. For example, Huang Zhizhong, who plays Lu Jingyu, the director of the Wang Puppet Security Bureau, said that because the role is in an important position, in order to protect itself and survive, it is necessary to constantly find a backer, "and kill others before being killed"; Sha Yi also thinks that his character Li Shiwu is a "die-hard traitor". Although he is bad, he has a "low IQ", so he is easily targeted. "You should watch the movie Knife’s Tip, so that everyone can know how to deal with the bad guys and learn from it". Such a "werewolf killing" story also made the audience say "too exciting": "There are performers in and out of the play", "I wouldn’t live in it for five minutes" and "It’s cool to watch the powerful actors act together, and one eye can translate eight sentences".

Aspect 5: "Seven Killings" is cruel, and the picture is artistic. Treading on thin ice walking on the tip of a knife

Director Gao Qunshu once said that the film wanted to express how people were "alive" in that era, so when reading Mai Jia’s novels, he summed up "Seven Killings". The whole story and all the characters revolved around the "Seven Killings". "Each kind of (killing) expressed the flickering humanity in troubled times, superb or poor means, and so on, which was also the characteristic of that era."

Whether it’s the "heart-killing" in the torture room, or the "assassination" with guns in the dark, or even the "serial killing" of hidden agents in the extreme of thousands of people, the enemy and the enemy are difficult to distinguish, and the crisis is around, the Japanese aggressors and Wang Pseudo’s "slaughter" of members of the anti-Japanese team, the "counter-killing" of hidden agents in adversity, and the "killing" of the front in the bullets. When the traitor is forced to the execution ground and is tried with one shot of justice, it is the final "lore", which means that "the road is not alone, and all walks of life are far-reaching"! The audience is also infected by the thrilling atmosphere of the film, which is "creepy, hearty", "thrilling, exciting and cruel, with a variety of penetrating power and shock, which makes people deeply immersed" … In addition, the visual effect under such impression also leaves a deep impression on the audience, "from bloody red to bloody red, to China red" and "the contrast between a rather artistic picture and a cruel scene symbolizes everyone.

Aspect 6: Bona Film Quality Assurance Industry insidersSupport the film quality

At the premiere of Knife’s Tip, director Gao Qunshu thanked Yu Dong for coming forward at a critical moment to include this film in Bona’s company. "It was his persistence that made us come to this day together.". As a sentimental filmmaker, Yu Dong, chairman of Bona Film Group, said that his admiration for director Gao Qunshu began a long time ago: "The director who made Conquest once again conquered me with his strength. Therefore, Bona is also fortunate to participate in the post-production work and assist the director to complete this work. " Yu Dong also said that he never worried that the story of "Knife Tip" was spoiled, "because this work is unsurpassed". Mai Jia even bluntly said that he and Gao Qunshu are the "cards" of this work, and with the help of Zhang Yi and Bona Film Group, which have been at the peak, "there is reason to be full of expectations for Knife’s Tip".

At the premiere ceremony, many industry guests were present to support Knife’s Tip. After the screening, everyone turned into tap water to express their love and support for the film. Yu-sheng Tian, the director of "Ex-4: Early Marriage", bluntly said that the way the film was told made him not expect that "there is no suspense in the plot, but the event is related to the entanglement of characters"; Liu Xiaoshi, the director of "The King of the Sky", also agreed that "it has a very strong personal style and characteristics and is very successful"; Yao Tingting, the director of "I am waiting for you at the end of time", admits that the film has a very good atmosphere and "brought me to a dangerous era at once"; Zhang Luan, the director of Teacher Good, even thinks that the film is "another work that can continue to write myths for spy war movies". Actor Jerry Lee expressed the belief conveyed by the film that "everyone’s faith will form a seed in his heart, and this seed will continue to take root and sprout"; Actor Rayza said that the film made all the actors beautiful, "eyes can’t move away"; Actor Xing Jiadong also bluntly said, "I can’t keep my eyes open for more than two hours"; Actor Wu Yue praised director Gao Qunshu for having a "clean, neat and delicate heart"; Actor Ma Yuke said that he was "very excited after reading it"; Bao Beier, an actor, admitted that the film was "excellent in terms of picture style, story and performance". In addition, screenwriter Song Fangjin called hard-core director Gao Qunshu "a combination of soft and hard" and "playing office politics and the world"; Screenwriter Wang Hailin bluntly said that he was "conquered by director Gao Qunshu in this way"; Yu Fei, the screenwriter, also said that this is "an epic masterpiece that shows the hidden front of the Anti-Japanese War". just as it is said"Sharpening the knife for five years" is thick and thin, and "unsheathed today" is extremely sharp. A film that can make you feel, move and resonate with your soul will officially meet the audience today!

Zhenjiang New Area Aviation Industrial Park monopolizes six navigation machine projects, as well as C919 supporting blessing.

  CCTV News:After the United States and China signed on September 28th and October 17th, respectively, the Airworthiness Implementation Procedures of the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States came into effect on October 17th. This agreement can simplify the accreditation process for C919, ARJ21 and future domestic aircraft to enter the United States.

  At present, the first domestic large passenger plane C919 has been transferred from Pudong base to Yanliang, Xi ‘an. This indicates that the inspection flight test of C919 in Shanghai has come to an end, and the next step of research and development flight test and airworthiness evidence collection has begun.

  As early as 2010, Zhenjiang New District seized the historical opportunity of the launch of the large aircraft project and began to build an aerospace industrial park in Zhenjiang New District. Up to now, Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park has a planned area of 10 square kilometers, including 6 square kilometers in the south area, with 150,000 square meters of professional carriers, mainly developing aerospace new materials and parts industries; The north area is 4 square kilometers, supported by Dalu General Airport, which mainly develops the assembly of large aircraft parts, general aircraft manufacturing assembly and general aviation related services. The overall orientation of the park is to build a design, research and development, production base and navigation comprehensive service base for general aircraft, new aerospace materials, aircraft interiors and parts with leading development advantages.

  Zhenjiang Road General Airport

  Industrial agglomeration is formed due to large aircraft projects.

  In 2009, at that time, the country proposed to gather global wisdom and national strength to develop domestic large aircraft. After winning the bid, China Aerospace Science and Industry Group, with military background, built the Aerospace Seahawk, mainly for supporting large aircraft. At the same time, we also hope to promote integration of defense and civilian technologies and promote the industrialization of new materials.

  After several years’ unremitting efforts, Aerospace Haiying has been successfully promoted from B-corner, a supplier of C919 for Comac, to an exclusive supplier, and has undertaken four work packages, including rear fuselage section, aileron, front fuselage section and vertical tail composite material, of China Comac C919 large passenger aircraft, accounting for more than 40% of all composite parts.

  It is no accident that the space eagle settled in Zhenjiang, which originated from Zhenjiang’s strong support and encouragement to the aerospace industry. Aerospace industry is one of the six strategic emerging industries in Zhenjiang. On April 25th, 2013, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Planning of the Modernization Demonstration Zone in Southern Jiangsu, which only put forward the requirement for Zhenjiang to build a joint innovation platform for aviation industry in Industry-University-Research relying on Zhenjiang General Aviation Base. In recent years, the aerospace industry has developed rapidly from scratch in Zhenjiang New District, and has become an advantageous and characteristic industry with high visibility and influence in the whole province and even the whole country.

  More than 30 enterprises in Zhenjiang participated in the research and development of major national projects such as the first domestic large aircraft C919, Yun 20, Jiaolong 600, ARJ21 and AC313, among which 11 enterprises were among the cooperative supporting suppliers of Comac C919, including Zhenjiang New Area Fischer Aviation Parts (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd., Aerospace Haiying Special Materials Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Meilong Aviation Parts Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Golden Flight Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. and other aviation-related enterprises.

  At present, C919 has 730 orders from 27 customers. The ARJ21 new regional aircraft has 433 orders from 20 customers. In the future, the C919 aircraft project will bring rare development opportunities to these enterprises, and at the same time, it will attract more and more aerospace enterprises to settle here. Zhenjiang City has made all positive preparations for this.

  Industrial extension due to large aircraft project

  In addition to supporting enterprises for large aircraft projects, a number of general aviation manufacturing projects have also gathered in the Aerospace Industrial Park of Zhenjiang New District.

  Relying on the aerospace industry foundation, Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park has introduced six general-purpose machine projects, including three fixed-wing aircraft manufacturing projects of German EA500, American Greisel and American Big Brown Bear, and three rotorcraft manufacturing projects of American Schiller helicopter, Anxiang Taiyue aerial drone and Feirui F200 unmanned plant protection machine. In addition, many general aviation manufacturing projects are being considered to settle in Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park.

  At present, the domestic navigation manufacturing industry develops rapidly in the fields of helicopters and small and medium-sized fixed-wing aircraft with relatively low technical threshold, which are involved in the layout of navigation manufacturing industry in aviation industrial parks everywhere, and the production scale and technical level are constantly improving.

  In the future, in addition to the supporting enterprises of large aircraft projects, Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park will gather more general aviation manufacturing and supporting enterprises, give play to the industrial agglomeration benefits, and promote the R&D and manufacturing development of the general aviation industry. In 2017, the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued the 13th Five-Year Plan for General Aviation Development, which also clarified "cultivating the regional service function of Dalu General Airport in Zhenjiang New District, supporting the construction of a floating airport by making use of the advantages of rivers, lakes and seas, and exploring the new mode of sharing transportation and general airport management" at Dalu General Airport in Zhenjiang New District. This provides Zhenjiang New Area with stronger infrastructure guarantee and huge development space for developing general aviation amphibious aircraft R&D and manufacturing.

  According to the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" of the aerospace industry officially released by Zhenjiang New District, it is planned to build "an aviation town"-Dalu Navigation Town. The town will take the aviation industry as the core and rely on the existing industry, airport, airspace and tourism resources to build two bases of "aviation manufacturing" and "navigation operation", and integrate the two industries of "Dongxiang Humanities" and "air sports" to build the aviation industry. In order to better promote the construction and development of "aviation town" and let more people participate in and share the achievements of the development of aerospace industry, the 2017 Zhenjiang New Area Aviation Carnival, with the theme of "flying over dreams and being suitable for Zhenjiang", was held in Zhenjiang New Area from November 17 to 19, 2017, with the support of Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park Management Office, Jiangsu Dalu Aviation Industry Development Co., Ltd. and China Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.

  There is no doubt that China is a manufacturing power in the world. However, today, the manufacturing pattern of countries in the world is changing. Germany proposes Industry 4.0, the United States proposes re-industrialization, and China also proposes "Made in China 2025", vowing to make China a manufacturing power. At present, although in aviation manufacturing, many high-precision, sophisticated equipment are imported from abroad, and there is still a big gap between domestic equipment and them, it is not that China cannot reach this level. This is a question of quality assurance system. As long as all links are properly controlled and strictly implemented according to standards, China’s equipment can also reach high-precision, sophisticated.

  At present, Zhenjiang Aerospace Industrial Park is gathering and introducing a number of technologies, new materials, new equipment and computer technologies related to aerospace manufacturing, and building it into a design, research and development, production base and navigation comprehensive service base for general aircraft, new aerospace materials, aircraft interiors and parts with leading development advantages.

  While developing aerospace and navigation R&D and manufacturing, Zhenjiang Aerospace Industrial Park is also actively promoting industrial landing, developing navigation operations and cultivating aviation culture, thus forming a relatively complete industrial chain and consumer market, laying a solid foundation for sustainable development.

The current situation of China automobile market: BYD pressed Volkswagen to fall into the altar on the first day.

On January 29th, China Automotive Technology Research Center (CATRC) reported that BYD surpassed Volkswagen and its market share ranked first in China for the first time.

According to the above data, in 2023, BYD registered 2.4 million new car insurance, and its domestic market share reached 11%, up 3.2% year-on-year, surpassing Volkswagen’s 10.1% market share in China, ranking first in China for the first time.

In addition to BYD and Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda and Changan ranked third to fifth in domestic market share, among which the market share of two Japanese brands continued to decline, and Changan was flat year-on-year.

According to the data released by the company, BYD sold 3,024,417 vehicles in 2023, up 61.9% year-on-year, and exported 242,765 vehicles, up 334.2% year-on-year.

In 2023, Volkswagen delivered a total of 3.236 million new cars in China, up 1.6% year-on-year, of which Volkswagen brand delivered 2.3986 million cars, up 0.1% year-on-year, and Audi brand delivered 728600 cars, up 13.5% year-on-year.

From the perspective of pure electric vehicles, the sales volume of BYD pure electric vehicles was 1,574,800, up 72.84% year-on-year, while that of Volkswagen Group was 191,800, up 23.2% year-on-year.

It is worth noting that the sales growth of Volkswagen Group in China in 2023 was achieved under the circumstances of substantial price reduction and promotion. In 2023, many of its high-end cars were greatly discounted, and some models were reduced by more than 100,000 yuan.
