Huawei P7 is selling well, and the three major domestic operators are promoting it together


Zhenjiang New Area Aviation Industrial Park monopolizes six navigation machine projects, as well as C919 supporting blessing.

  CCTV News:After the United States and China signed on September 28th and October 17th, respectively, the Airworthiness Implementation Procedures of the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States came into effect on October 17th. This agreement can simplify the accreditation process for C919, ARJ21 and future domestic aircraft to enter the United States.

  At present, the first domestic large passenger plane C919 has been transferred from Pudong base to Yanliang, Xi ‘an. This indicates that the inspection flight test of C919 in Shanghai has come to an end, and the next step of research and development flight test and airworthiness evidence collection has begun.

  As early as 2010, Zhenjiang New District seized the historical opportunity of the launch of the large aircraft project and began to build an aerospace industrial park in Zhenjiang New District. Up to now, Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park has a planned area of 10 square kilometers, including 6 square kilometers in the south area, with 150,000 square meters of professional carriers, mainly developing aerospace new materials and parts industries; The north area is 4 square kilometers, supported by Dalu General Airport, which mainly develops the assembly of large aircraft parts, general aircraft manufacturing assembly and general aviation related services. The overall orientation of the park is to build a design, research and development, production base and navigation comprehensive service base for general aircraft, new aerospace materials, aircraft interiors and parts with leading development advantages.

  Zhenjiang Road General Airport

  Industrial agglomeration is formed due to large aircraft projects.

  In 2009, at that time, the country proposed to gather global wisdom and national strength to develop domestic large aircraft. After winning the bid, China Aerospace Science and Industry Group, with military background, built the Aerospace Seahawk, mainly for supporting large aircraft. At the same time, we also hope to promote integration of defense and civilian technologies and promote the industrialization of new materials.

  After several years’ unremitting efforts, Aerospace Haiying has been successfully promoted from B-corner, a supplier of C919 for Comac, to an exclusive supplier, and has undertaken four work packages, including rear fuselage section, aileron, front fuselage section and vertical tail composite material, of China Comac C919 large passenger aircraft, accounting for more than 40% of all composite parts.

  It is no accident that the space eagle settled in Zhenjiang, which originated from Zhenjiang’s strong support and encouragement to the aerospace industry. Aerospace industry is one of the six strategic emerging industries in Zhenjiang. On April 25th, 2013, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Planning of the Modernization Demonstration Zone in Southern Jiangsu, which only put forward the requirement for Zhenjiang to build a joint innovation platform for aviation industry in Industry-University-Research relying on Zhenjiang General Aviation Base. In recent years, the aerospace industry has developed rapidly from scratch in Zhenjiang New District, and has become an advantageous and characteristic industry with high visibility and influence in the whole province and even the whole country.

  More than 30 enterprises in Zhenjiang participated in the research and development of major national projects such as the first domestic large aircraft C919, Yun 20, Jiaolong 600, ARJ21 and AC313, among which 11 enterprises were among the cooperative supporting suppliers of Comac C919, including Zhenjiang New Area Fischer Aviation Parts (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd., Aerospace Haiying Special Materials Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Meilong Aviation Parts Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Golden Flight Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. and other aviation-related enterprises.

  At present, C919 has 730 orders from 27 customers. The ARJ21 new regional aircraft has 433 orders from 20 customers. In the future, the C919 aircraft project will bring rare development opportunities to these enterprises, and at the same time, it will attract more and more aerospace enterprises to settle here. Zhenjiang City has made all positive preparations for this.

  Industrial extension due to large aircraft project

  In addition to supporting enterprises for large aircraft projects, a number of general aviation manufacturing projects have also gathered in the Aerospace Industrial Park of Zhenjiang New District.

  Relying on the aerospace industry foundation, Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park has introduced six general-purpose machine projects, including three fixed-wing aircraft manufacturing projects of German EA500, American Greisel and American Big Brown Bear, and three rotorcraft manufacturing projects of American Schiller helicopter, Anxiang Taiyue aerial drone and Feirui F200 unmanned plant protection machine. In addition, many general aviation manufacturing projects are being considered to settle in Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park.

  At present, the domestic navigation manufacturing industry develops rapidly in the fields of helicopters and small and medium-sized fixed-wing aircraft with relatively low technical threshold, which are involved in the layout of navigation manufacturing industry in aviation industrial parks everywhere, and the production scale and technical level are constantly improving.

  In the future, in addition to the supporting enterprises of large aircraft projects, Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park will gather more general aviation manufacturing and supporting enterprises, give play to the industrial agglomeration benefits, and promote the R&D and manufacturing development of the general aviation industry. In 2017, the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued the 13th Five-Year Plan for General Aviation Development, which also clarified "cultivating the regional service function of Dalu General Airport in Zhenjiang New District, supporting the construction of a floating airport by making use of the advantages of rivers, lakes and seas, and exploring the new mode of sharing transportation and general airport management" at Dalu General Airport in Zhenjiang New District. This provides Zhenjiang New Area with stronger infrastructure guarantee and huge development space for developing general aviation amphibious aircraft R&D and manufacturing.

  According to the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" of the aerospace industry officially released by Zhenjiang New District, it is planned to build "an aviation town"-Dalu Navigation Town. The town will take the aviation industry as the core and rely on the existing industry, airport, airspace and tourism resources to build two bases of "aviation manufacturing" and "navigation operation", and integrate the two industries of "Dongxiang Humanities" and "air sports" to build the aviation industry. In order to better promote the construction and development of "aviation town" and let more people participate in and share the achievements of the development of aerospace industry, the 2017 Zhenjiang New Area Aviation Carnival, with the theme of "flying over dreams and being suitable for Zhenjiang", was held in Zhenjiang New Area from November 17 to 19, 2017, with the support of Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park Management Office, Jiangsu Dalu Aviation Industry Development Co., Ltd. and China Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.

  There is no doubt that China is a manufacturing power in the world. However, today, the manufacturing pattern of countries in the world is changing. Germany proposes Industry 4.0, the United States proposes re-industrialization, and China also proposes "Made in China 2025", vowing to make China a manufacturing power. At present, although in aviation manufacturing, many high-precision, sophisticated equipment are imported from abroad, and there is still a big gap between domestic equipment and them, it is not that China cannot reach this level. This is a question of quality assurance system. As long as all links are properly controlled and strictly implemented according to standards, China’s equipment can also reach high-precision, sophisticated.

  At present, Zhenjiang Aerospace Industrial Park is gathering and introducing a number of technologies, new materials, new equipment and computer technologies related to aerospace manufacturing, and building it into a design, research and development, production base and navigation comprehensive service base for general aircraft, new aerospace materials, aircraft interiors and parts with leading development advantages.

  While developing aerospace and navigation R&D and manufacturing, Zhenjiang Aerospace Industrial Park is also actively promoting industrial landing, developing navigation operations and cultivating aviation culture, thus forming a relatively complete industrial chain and consumer market, laying a solid foundation for sustainable development.

China Granary | Inner Mongolia: Small potatoes support the billion-dollar industry "Jin Doudou" to help farmers increase their income and get rich.

CCTV News:Wulanchabu, which has the reputation of "Potato Capital of China", is located in the yinshan mountains, with large temperature difference between day and night and abundant sunshine. It is a golden potato planting belt, and its output accounts for nearly half of that of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. In these two days, Chayou Houqi in Wulanchabu ushered in a bumper potato harvest.

Reporter Yuan Yi:Do you think the potatoes in my hand are different from what I usually see? Its skin is red, and its name is "Houqihong". There is Ulan Hada volcano in Chayouhouqi where we are located, and these potatoes grow at the foot of the volcano. These potatoes can be said to be "drinking" volcanic magma mineral water and "enjoying" the sufficient sunshine at 41 north latitude.

Reporter Yuan Yi:Potatoes taste really good. Now the potatoes here have entered the harvest period, and harvesting potatoes is also very knowledgeable. Potato skins are thin and easy to be scratched, so they are all sorted manually. The colors of these bags are different. Look, this big sister’s bag is white, and the potatoes in it are quite big.

Farmers:Generally, it is more than three or two.

Reporter Yuan Yi:Smaller potatoes like this will be put in yellow bags.

Reporter Yuan Yi:How much can I charge a day?

Farmers:More than 200 bags.

Reporter Yuan Yi:Collecting potatoes in this field depends on unity and cooperation, and the separation of all the way is another harvest scene. The potatoes planted in this nearly 700-mu field are mainly used for starch processing. This working combine harvester works from turning the soil, shaking the soil and bagging in one go. From a distance, this big guy seems a bit heavy, but from a shooting perspective on the machine, we can see that the potatoes are spinning rapidly on the conveyor belt, and its efficiency can reach 5 mu per hour.

Although the seed potato is small, it undertakes the heaviest task, and one can sell for 3 to 50 cents, because it determines the yield of potatoes.

In addition to deep cultivation of potatoes, extending the industrial chain can double the price of potatoes. Here are all products processed with potatoes, including potato chips and environmentally-friendly disposable lunch boxes. At present, the total value of the whole potato industry chain in Inner Mongolia is 13 billion yuan, so it can be said that "small potatoes" have become the "Jin Doudou" for farmers to increase their income and get rich.

Linfen held a press conference, optimized the financial business environment, and eased the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Shanxi Evening News (Reporter Liu Jiang intern Zhang Xinwen) On January 9, the Information Office of Linfen Municipal People’s Government held a press conference on "Optimizing the financial business environment, helping market players to multiply and alleviating the financing difficulties and expensive problems of small and medium-sized enterprises". Tai Huijun, Party Secretary and Director of Linfen Financial Office, and Hao Xiaoqiang, Party Member and Deputy Director of Linfen Financial Office, attended the conference, introduced the overall situation of Linfen’s financial industry development and serving the real economy, and answered questions from reporters. The conference was presided over by Feng Li, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Linfen Municipal Committee and a first-class researcher.
Tai Huijun, Party Secretary and Director of Linfen Financial Office, comprehensively introduced the overall situation of Linfen’s financial industry development and service to the real economy. Focusing on the three major tasks of preventing and resolving major financial risks, deepening local financial reform and financial services to the real economy, this paper introduces the financial ecological environment, the reform of financing guarantee system, the entry of enterprises into multi-level capital markets, the normalization of the docking of government, banks and enterprises, and the establishment of the service platform for the first loan renewal.
Tai Huijun said that since 2023, Linfen City has guided financial institutions to conscientiously implement various monetary policies and fiscal and financial policies, continuously increased credit supply, and the real economy of financial services has become more accurate, and the liquidity of the city’s financial industry has remained reasonable and abundant. By the end of November, the balance of deposits and loans in the city had reached 698.095 billion yuan, with an average cumulative growth rate of 13.38%, ranking third in the province. The loan balance was 273.595 billion yuan, with an average cumulative growth rate of 15.46%, ranking third in the province.
Tai Huijun introduced that in recent years, Linfen City has continuously strengthened financial policy propaganda, established a 3+N+N docking mechanism between government, banks and enterprises, and granted credit of 12.885 billion yuan to the "three batches" projects in the development zone, and realized credit of 20.15 billion yuan to key provincial and municipal projects. In Xinchuang Industrial Park, Yaodu High-tech Zone, a service center platform for the first loan renewal was set up to provide "one-stop" financial services for small and medium-sized enterprises, with a total loan of 5.408 billion yuan for 10,981 market entities, and a credit of 510 million yuan and a loan of 390 million yuan for 14 enterprises including Shanxi Zhenghetian Technology, Yingxin Qisheng Electronic Technology, Hummingbird Technology and Century Xinlongteng Technology in Xinchuang Industrial Park. Promote enterprises to enter the multi-level capital market, and promote 344 enterprises to be listed in the Shanxi Equity Exchange Center, among which 130 enterprises are listed on the "Jinxingban", and 35 new listed enterprises are added this year. With the implementation of various fiscal and financial policies, the province set up the first batch of 266 million yuan credit guarantee funds, and promoted the credit loan of 798 million yuan, benefiting 1735 households of various market entities. Make full use of 330 million yuan of emergency liquidity guarantee funds for enterprise capital chain, and provide policy-based "lending and renewing loans" services for enterprises with loans due and financial difficulties. In 2023, 71 enterprises were loaned and renewed with 4.157 billion yuan.
At the press conference, the relevant person in charge of Linfen Financial Office gave detailed answers to the reporter’s questions about financing difficulties, expensive financing and how the financing guarantee system can better serve the small, micro, rural areas and farmers. According to reports, Linfen Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., as the only municipal government financing guarantee institution, closely focuses on the decision-making arrangements of Linfen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on optimizing the business environment, promoting the multiplication project of market players and promoting the development of private economy, and strives to solve the problem of "difficult guarantee and expensive guarantee" for small and medium-sized enterprises by lowering the threshold, reducing the rate and improving efficiency. Up to now, Linfen financing guarantee company has provided credit enhancement services for 12,600 small, micro and three rural entities, with a total guarantee amount of 5.291 billion yuan; A total of 62,100 people were employed and 984 million yuan in profits and taxes were paid. We will continue to reduce the guarantee rate, uniformly reduce the guarantee rate of various market players to below 1%, and reduce the average guarantee rate to 0.73% and 0.65% for two consecutive years in 2022 and 2023, and promote fee reduction and profit reduction of 14.4962 million yuan.

"Back to Nantian" is coming? The Meteorological Observatory responded … You can still see this star in fine weather!

The recent Guangdong has puzzled the friends.

Look at the red feather shirt, thinking it’s still autumn.

Seeing the fog, I thought it was spring.

Look at the plum blossoms in full bloom, a scene of winter.

Look at the sunshine, it’s so hot that long sleeves are rolled into short sleeves.

Shuttle freely in spring, summer, autumn and winter

Guangdong goes online in rainy and foggy days

"Back to Nantian" came early?

According to the forecast of Guangdong meteorological department on January 8,

Affected by weak cold air with precipitation

From now until the 11 th, Guangdong may appear

The effect of "false return to the south sky" in clouds and fog

But this weather effect is not a warm and humid air counterattack.

Cause that dew point temperature of the air to be higher than the ground temperature.

So it’s not really "going back to the south"

Rainy and foggy weather may lead to poor visibility.

Pay attention to traffic safety.

It is estimated that due to the supplement of weak cold air, the temperature in the whole province will drop slightly again from today to 11, and it will be cold in the morning and evening.

Cold air arrival

What will the weather be like in Foshan in the future?

Today, weak cold comes as promised.

There will still be cold air supplement in the next two days.

Mainly cloudy

It’s cold in the morning and evening and warm in the daytime.

I suggest you dress in onion style.

Specific weather forecast in Foshan

January 11th: cloudy and cloudy, 14℃ ~ 22℃;

January 12: cloudy, 15℃ ~ 24℃;

January 13th: cloudy and cloudy with light rain locally, 14℃ ~ 21℃;

January 14th: cloudy with scattered light rain, 14℃ ~ 20℃;

January 15th: It will be cloudy and sunny, 15℃ ~ 24℃.

Weak cold air is active

Guangdong maintains cool and warm weather for a while.

The temperature rises and falls

People’s thermoregulation function is difficult to adapt.

It is necessary to strengthen warm-keeping measures and maintain a healthy diet.

Don’t let the flu take advantage of it

The best time to watch mercury

Mercury will welcome the first westward distance in 2024.

As the innermost planet in the solar system, Mercury will have seven large distances this year, of which the first large distance to the west appears on January 12th, and the 13th is the best time to watch Mercury in Foshan from 6: 26 to 46. If the weather is fine, citizens can look for the beautiful figure of Mercury with their naked eyes or binoculars at low altitude to the east during this time.

Original title: "Back to Nantian" is coming? The Meteorological Observatory responded … You can still see this star in fine weather! 》

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What day, month and date is Christmas (when is Christmas)

Hello, everyone. Xiaole will answer the following questions for you. When is Christmas? Many people still don’t know when it is. Now let’s take a look!

1. Date of Christmas in 2020: Friday, December 25th, 2020.

2. Christmas, also known as Christmas Day, is translated as "Christ Mass", which originated from Saturnalia, the ancient Romans welcoming the New Year, and has nothing to do with Christianity. After Christianity prevailed in the Roman Empire, the Holy See drifted into the Christian system to celebrate the birth of Jesus. But Christmas is not the birthday of Jesus, because the Bible does not record the specific date when Jesus was born, nor does it mention the existence of such a festival, which is the result of Christianity absorbing ancient Roman mythology.

This article ends here, hoping to help you.