Liu Yifei, Yang Mi and Tang Yan went to Betta to be anchors? Online celebrity, the star changed his head, lost all recognition.

Sheep heard that Liu Yifei, a fairy elder sister who hasn’t appeared for a long time, recently went down to earth to fight fish as a female anchor? !



Not only Liu Yifei, but also actresses from Tong Liya, Fan Bingbing, Tang Yan and Yang Mi. Is it against the sky to fight fish?





The sheep was shocked at first, and then found that something was wrong. Do you think that these pictures of Sister Tianxian have become like a net red, without her original recognition?


Do you still remember the "Athena Chu’s Yang Mi" which was popular all over the network a while ago?


At first glance, I was shocked to see this group of moving sheep. Yang Mi once played such a smart and delicate Huang Rong? How come I’ve never seen this play released? It must be more popular than to the sky kingdom.


But in fact, this is just an image synthesized by bilibili UP using AI technology, which replaces Athena Chu’s five senses in The Legend of the Condor Heroes with Yang Mi’s.

Because the effect is so realistic, it caused a sensation on the Internet, and the topic has reached more than 100 million readings in Weibo. Then there was."Athena Chu becomes Yang Mi, with a flow of 100 million."The statement.


So later, there was the Yang Mi version of Zhao Min. Is this effect enough to confuse the real with the fake?



There are nine points in the expression of looking up, eyes hanging down and eyes flowing. Can you tell who is who if you don’t take a close look at the five senses?



Not only is the face close-up, but even this video with great dance movements can accurately capture the face and put on the five senses, and it looks like Yang Mi himself jumped.


Seeing this, I don’t think you have to say that you all understand. At the beginning of the article, the female stars who are fighting fish as female anchors are all synthesized by using AI technology.

The female anchor’s real body is a new betta fish sister, Leng.


Before, in order to gather popularity, A Leng had disappeared for a month, and it was suspected that he had double eyelids.

However, compared with AI face-changing female stars, the popularity is only a few hundred Ti mo Feng.




This seemingly fate-changing technology actually does not require much superb code skills, nor does it have to be done by top programmers with bright brains.

AI face-changing technology originated from deepfake abroad, which has been popular abroad for one year, and has also caused heated discussion in Reddit forum, and has just been introduced to China recently.

In January last year, someone directly launched the Windows program FakeApp. You don’t even need to make a model of deepfake. You only need an Nvidia GPU personal computer, 3~4GB of storage space, and even AI knowledge. You can make the face-changing video above.


In fact, we have seen the predecessor of this technology for a long time and have used it in various American special effects blockbusters.


In that year’s "Speed and furious 7", after Paul Walker’s accidental death, his shots were originally replaced by two younger brothers, and the dynamic capture and CGI animation were used to bring him back to the film, giving the audience a happy ending.


With the gradual maturity of technology, face replacement is nothing new.


Just two days ago, the first female host of AI synthesis had been on duty to broadcast, except that her voice was a bit like mechanical words jumping out, and there was not much difference between her face and real people.


AI anchors can work on all kinds of platforms 24 hours a day without gaps, which can reduce news production costs and improve production efficiency for the news industry.


For digital special effects companies, it can save the production cost of later special effects.



For Doubi, sand sculpture and idolize youth, this is the PS in motion.


You can change your face and play opposite your idol.



The experience is similar to the skin in the game we play or the real-life version of ZEPETO.

But at the same time, when this technology was invented, it also brought disadvantages.

In fact, technology itself is not good or bad, but people who use it do. Because the threshold of AI face-changing technology is lowered and the effect is realistic, it has been targeted by many people who have misgivings.


The first to suffer is the foreign actresses, whose "faces" have appeared in the indescribable videos on famous websites.

Wonder woman gerga, Emma Watson and Ai Liya Stark in Game of Thrones were not spared.

Japanese actresses are even more inevitable. (ps: Who put the sheep’s wife P up and stood up to die! ! ! )


Not surprisingly, Chinese actresses have also been recruited! According to incomplete statistics, there are about 30 actresses who have been recruited.


I heard that there has been news that "ex-boyfriend put his face AI in the actress’s film", and some people even took the synthetic film for personal blackmail.


Here, I want to say that this is a serious illegal act, which seriously infringes on the right of portrait and reputation.


If the technology is abused by criminals after it is mature, such as stealing brush, fraud, etc., then there will be risks in the application of face brushing technology in our daily life.


At present, Fake is so controversial that it has shut down its website. Websites such as Twitter and PornHub also prohibit uploading such face-changing content.

Bilibili UP owner has also removed the video of Athena Chu changing to Yang Mi, and apologized to Yang Mi, saying that the original intention was not malicious, but just to share new technologies. Also, please treat the technology correctly, focus on the technology itself, and respect the right of portrait and copyright.



Again, technology itself is not right or wrong, and the development of the times can’t stop it from appearing. What we can really do is how to manage the use of standardized technology, and moral law is the bottom line that must be observed!


In fact, no matter how intelligent the machine is, it is also invented by human beings. On the matter of changing faces, no one can compete with nature. If you don’t believe me, look at those amateurs who are not related to the face-bumping stars. They are not only similar in shape but also similar in spirit. That is really the highest realm of face-bumping, hahaha!




Therefore, the sheep are curious. How much can everyone look like a star without relying on acquired technology and only relying on innate genes?

Teenagers smoking control: refusing to smoke the first cigarette to be a healthy and fashionable new generation.

  CCTV News:On the occasion of the 31st World No Tobacco Day, supported by the Propaganda Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission and the Department of Sports Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of chinese association on tobacco control and Beijing held a youth tobacco control activity in Beijing No.11 School with the theme of "No smoking, I am healthy and fashionable". It is understood that more than half of daily smokers in China started smoking before the age of 20. Organize youth tobacco control activities, form a youth tobacco control volunteer alliance, mobilize more young people to take action, and encourage them to take social responsibility for tobacco control in addition to not smoking themselves.

  This year’s World No Tobacco Day focuses on "tobacco and heart disease", highlighting the relationship between the use of tobacco products and heart injury and cardiovascular diseases, and raising public awareness of the impact of tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure on cardiovascular health. Every year, 18 million people die from cardiovascular diseases, and more than 2 million of them die from tobacco use. Smoking and secondhand smoke exposure are sometimes the main factors causing diseases. For example, 69 carcinogens are known to directly cause cancer, and there is sufficient evidence that smoking can cause lung cancer, oral and nasopharyngeal malignant tumors, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, renal cancer, bladder cancer and cervical cancer.

  Since the entry into force of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in China, China has made positive progress in tobacco control implementation. Eighteen cities across the country have promulgated local laws and regulations prohibiting smoking in public places, especially in Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai. Li Nong, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission, pointed out that China’s tobacco control implementation still faces some challenges, and the adult smoking rate is still at a high level. The survey shows that the smoking rate of teenagers in China is 6.9%, the rate of trying to smoke is 19.9%, and 180 million children suffer from the harm of second-hand smoke. We must attach great importance to adolescent tobacco control, adhere to the concept of "great health, great health" and the policy of "integrating health into all policies", adhere to the working mode of "government-led, multi-sectoral cooperation and participation of the whole society", make joint efforts of the government, schools, families and the whole society, formulate tobacco control policies, build a supportive environment for tobacco control, strengthen tobacco control health education, and create a social atmosphere conducive to adolescent tobacco control.

  The Outline of Healthy China 2030 has set the goal of "By 2030, the smoking rate of people over 15 years old will be less than 20%". Liao Wenke, vice president of chinese association on tobacco control, pointed out that in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to strengthen tobacco control among teenagers. Only by strengthening the education of smoking control among teenagers and stopping them from smoking can we effectively reduce the number of new smokers and achieve the set goals. To strengthen adolescent tobacco control work, we must innovate educational methods and technologies, enrich educational channels and means, and popularize tobacco control knowledge in ways and means that young students can hear, understand and listen to. We should not be satisfied with publicity and education in content and form, but work hard on pertinence and effectiveness to truly implant the knowledge and concept of tobacco harm to health into people’s hearts.

  Xu Zhen, deputy director of the Department of Sports Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, pointed out that the Ministry of Education attaches great importance to tobacco control in schools and actively promotes tobacco control in schools from two aspects: system construction and health education. The theme of this activity is "I am healthy and fashionable if I don’t smoke". I hope that the majority of young students will take non-smoking as "fashion", take the lead in establishing new ideas in lifestyle, including interpersonal communication, take pride in non-smoking and take non-smoking as the high quality of life, and form a model of healthy lifestyle, thus driving more people in the whole society to pursue this new fashion.

  In China, more than one million people die of diseases caused by tobacco every year. Sun Jiani, an official of the World Health Organization’s representative office in China, believes that the hope of reducing smokers in China is pinned on young people, and the hope of reducing smokers in the world is pinned on China, because smokers in China account for one-third of the world’s total, and tobacco consumption accounts for 44% of the world’s total. Tobacco control in China has not only protected national health and sustainable economic development, but also made great contributions to the world. In order to realize a smoke-free future, I hope volunteers dare to say "no" to tobacco. It is expected that more teenagers will join the tobacco control team and appear on the tobacco control stage in the future, which will add new strength and inject more fresh blood into the tobacco control team in China and even the whole world.

  Deng Ying, director of Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced the preparation of the Youth Tobacco Control Volunteer Alliance on behalf of the Youth Tobacco Control Professional Committee. Since 2016, the Youth Tobacco Control Committee has established a youth volunteer team on a pilot basis, and organized tobacco control activities through the volunteer alliance, making students the main body of tobacco control activities, which has received great attention and affirmation from the society. In order to promote the youth tobacco control volunteer alliance to carry out activities on a larger scale, chinese association on tobacco control registered the National Youth Tobacco Control Volunteer Alliance on China Volunteer Service Network this year, calling on all governing units of the volunteer alliance to carry out the national youth tobacco control volunteer activities simultaneously during the World No Tobacco Day, and starting the recruitment activities of the National Youth Tobacco Control Volunteer Alliance before the World No Tobacco Day, calling on more young people to join the National Youth Tobacco Control Volunteer Alliance and participate in the tobacco control activities of tobacco control volunteers.

  Wu Jing, deputy director of China Health Education Center, talked with you about the harm of tobacco and how to carry out health promotion and education on tobacco control in schools from the perspective of health education professional institutions. He believes that smokers will not only inhale tobacco smoke themselves, but also spread the smoke into the air, forming second-hand smoke. A large amount of research evidence shows that smoking can lead to multiple malignant tumors and other chronic diseases, leading to abnormal reproduction and development. Most young smokers will continue to smoke when they enter adulthood, and it is difficult to quit. The younger they start smoking, the more they smoke in adulthood, and the greater the harm caused by tobacco. Therefore, taking effective measures to prevent teenagers from smoking is the key measure to curb tobacco epidemic and reduce tobacco harm.

  Wu Fengqin, Vice President of Beijing No.11 School, highly praised the youth volunteer activities for tobacco control. He believed that organizing the youth tobacco control activities through the volunteer alliance not only created a good atmosphere for tobacco control in the school, but also helped to improve the cultural quality and moral cultivation of the majority of young people, and helped them adapt to and integrate into society. The school will actively support and encourage students to join the volunteer team of youth tobacco control, and also hope that students will actively participate in and organize tobacco control activities in line with their own reality, and effectively promote the extensive development of tobacco control activities in schools.

  Zhou Rundong, a representative of youth tobacco control volunteers, introduced the previous experience of youth tobacco control volunteers’ activities, and told the gains from participating in youth tobacco control volunteers’ activities from the perspective of students, which infected the student representatives who participated in the activities with their true feelings of participating in tobacco control volunteers’ activities. Chinese association on tobacco control hired Tong Jian, the world champion of figure skating, as China’s ambassador for tobacco control, and Vice President Liao Wenke presented him with a letter of appointment. Ambassador Tong Jian made a speech on tobacco control based on his own experience: figure skating is a sport that combines strength and beauty, and both a healthy body and a beautiful posture are necessary for figure skating. Without a healthy body and a strong body, it is impossible to complete difficult training, let alone complete beautiful movements on the field. Smoking not only damages health, but also damages the beauty of human body. I hope that the majority of teenagers will pay attention to their physical and mental health, develop a healthy lifestyle of non-smoking and diligent exercise, stay away from tobacco, resolutely refuse to smoke the first cigarette, and become a new generation of "non-smoking makes me healthy and fashionable".

  At the end of the meeting, the leaders and guests jointly launched the national recruitment activity of "National Youth Tobacco Control Volunteers Alliance". At the scene, many students went to the information desk to learn about the related issues of registering young tobacco control volunteers, and some students completed the volunteer registration on the spot.

List of seasonal fruits from January to December! Don’t be confused again.

Summer is here, and all kinds of seasonal fruits are on the market one after another.

Confucius once said "from time to time, don’t eat", which means that eating should be in season and on time, and what to eat in what season.

On the one hand, it can satisfy our appetite; on the other hand, seasonal fruits can better help us recuperate.

We should know that different plants adapt to grow in different seasons and different environments because of their different genetic characteristics. Only seasonal fruits have the richest nutrition and the best taste.

What are the seasonal fruits from January to December?

Eat fruit correctly and keep in mind three points of attention.

According to the recommendation of dietary guidelines for China residents, the intake of fresh fruit per person per day should be about 200~350g.

It is equivalent to the weight of two oranges or an apple.

If you eat too much fruit, you may have the problem of excessive sugar intake, and then there will be so-called "getting angry" symptoms such as long mouth sores, acne on your face and constipation.

Eating fruit is better than drinking juice.

Fruits are rich in dietary fiber, which can effectively help us to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase satiety and reduce the absorption of cholesterol.

But after the fruit is squeezed into juice, the dietary fiber is destroyed, and these effects disappear.

Moreover, it is easy to take too much fruit juice unconsciously.

notice the time

① Ten o’clock in the morning: At this time, the work is busiest. Eating a fruit can relieve the tension and anxiety and make people feel refreshed.

② One hour after lunch: At this time, eating fruit can help digestion. You can eat pineapple and kiwi fruit rich in protease, oranges, lemons and hawthorn with high organic acid content.

③ Four o’clock in the afternoon: At this time, it is easy to be hungry, and fruit can be used as lunch to replenish physical strength.

(Health China)
