Year-on-year growth of 7% Geely Automobile sold 145,070 vehicles in November.

On December 7th, Geely Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd. (0175.HK) released the latest sales data: the sales volume of passenger cars in November was 145,070, up about 7% year-on-year.

In November, the monthly delivery of krypton reached a new high, and the geometric pure electricity accelerated the destruction. The sales volume of the high-end series of Geely brand "China Star" exceeded 500,000, and the sales volume of Linke exceeded 800,000. Ruilan brand started the journey of globalization … High-value products continued to detonate the market, new energy products accelerated to the sea, and innovation drove the high-quality development of the group to a new level.

New energy sales continued to climb, and the monthly delivery reached a new high for five consecutive months.

In November, the sales volume of new energy sources (including Geely, Geometry, Lectra, Krypton and Ruilan) was 34,642, an increase of over 11% from the previous month. From January to November, the Group’s cumulative sales of new energy reached 284,177 vehicles.

Among them, the geometric sales volume of fashion Volkswagen pure electric series was 13,839, an increase of over 10% from the previous month. From January to November, the cumulative sales volume of Geometry reached 130,661 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 186%. On November 7th, two new products, G6/M6, were officially launched, all of which came standard with the super-electric intelligent cockpit based on Harmony OS, and the price was 144.8-181,800 yuan in the limited time. Geometry is hand in hand with Huawei, and the top students of the two industries collaborate across disciplines, allowing mainstream users to touch the "smart ceiling" and create the best solution at the same level in the pure electricity market.

The brand-new trend technology brand is extremely strong in the high-end intelligent pure electric track, helping Geely to explore the high-end new energy vehicle market. In November, 11,011 vehicles were delivered, up nearly 9% from the previous month and over 447% year-on-year. Since the delivery was started in October last year, the cumulative delivery of Krypton 001 has reached 66,611 vehicles. Up to now, Krypton has reached a new high in a single month for five consecutive months, and the average order amount has exceeded 336,000 yuan. The world’s first original pure electric luxury MPV Extreme Krypton 009, as the second product of Extreme Krypton, has been officially released. Extreme Krypton 009 combines the luxury space of MPV, the strong safety of SUV and the excellent control of sports car, leading the field of six large luxury cars into the era of intelligent electric, and it is expected to be officially opened for delivery in January 2023.

In addition, the customized model developed for Waymo, a world-renowned driverless technology company, has been officially unveiled in the United States. The car is based on the ZEEKR M-Vision concept car and will be put into commercial operation in the United States. ZEEKR M-Vision concept car is built based on the vast -M(SEA-M) architecture, and will have mass production conditions in 2024. Vast -M architecture is the exclusive architecture for future intelligent travel, and it is also the first pure electric architecture specially developed for unmanned mobile travel in the world. It can be connected to intelligent driving systems at L4 level and above, and is compatible with a variety of unmanned technical solutions.

In the field of power exchange, Ruilan Automobile, a "power exchange light traveler", sold 7,355 vehicles, an increase of over 26% from the previous month. On November 4th, Ruilan 9, the leader of rechargeable and replaceable SUV, officially opened the global pre-sale, and the pre-sale price of the founding version was 199,800 yuan. Ruilan 9 is based on GBRC crystal architecture, equipped with rechargeable and replaceable capsule batteries. The cruising range of capsule batteries can cover 300-700 kilometers, and it has passed more than 100 performance and reliability tests, with three characteristics: long cycle life, high energy density and high safety. On the same day, 100 X3PRO of Ruilan Automobile were officially shipped to Azerbaijan, which also marked the official entry of Ruilan Automobile into overseas markets. In the future, Ruilan will continue to enter the automobile market in Russia, Chile, Uzbekistan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and other countries.

China’s star sales exceeded 500,000, and the L Hi·P Raytheon extended-range electric SUV went on the market.

In November, Geely brand (including geometry) sold 108,544 vehicles; From January to November, the cumulative sales exceeded one million. Among them, China Star sold 25,899 high-end series vehicles, and the cumulative sales volume officially exceeded 500,000. Among them, Xingrui 2023 only this turquoise version won the 2022 International CMF Design Award, creating a new realm of perfect integration of pioneer technology and China classical culture.

On November 25th, Xingyue L Hi·P Raytheon extended-range electric SUV was officially launched. As a brand-new masterpiece of electrification development of Geely brand, Xingyue L extended-range electric version has achieved three electric modes of "pure electric, hybrid electric and extended-range electric", bringing users a subversive intelligent electric travel experience with a pure electric battery life of 205kmWLTC, a pure electric drive extended-range battery life of 1250kmWLTC and a speed of over 220 km/h..

In addition, Bo Yue L, the brand-new strategic flagship model of Geely brand, achieved a sales volume of over 10,000 in November. Since its listing on October 26, the cumulative sales volume has exceeded 18,000 units, which is a hot sale when it is listed. Bo Yue L and Xing Yue L form a double swordsman competing for the A-class SUV market, accelerating the comprehensive popularization of high-value products in Geely 4.0 era, and allowing users around the world to share the dividend of scientific and technological progress.

With the "tail-riding effect" gradually appearing at the end of the year and the enthusiasm of consumers for car purchase continuing to rise, the New Geely Good Car Festival will last for the whole of December, and will continue to offer profits on official platforms such as Tik Tok, JD.COM, Tmall and WeChat applet, thousands of authorized dealers in China, as well as several major automobile media. All models can enjoy the double-twelve-tax-paying activities, such as free purchase tax, plus 1 billion subsidies, to create a lasting "car honeymoon" for consumers.

Linke’s sales exceeded 800,000 new energy products and accelerated to go to sea.

Lexus sold 18,160 vehicles in November, an increase of over 10% from the previous month. This year, it has achieved a month-on-month increase for seven consecutive months. At the same time, since the establishment of the brand, the cumulative sales volume has officially exceeded 800,000 units.

On November 19th, the 800,000th complete vehicle of LECK brand-LECK 09 EM-P voyage edition off-line and LECK 09 collective delivery ceremony was held in Ningbo Meishan Factory. From 0 to 800,000 vehicles, it took less than five years for Link to become the fastest high-end automobile brand in China to break through 800,000 vehicles, which provided a new model for the high-end and global development of China automobiles.

Under the "Leadership Speed", Leadership accelerates the pace of globalization and continues to deepen the "European Strategy" and "Asia-Pacific Strategy". Milan Store, the 10th offline experience store in Europe, opened recently, and Linke continues to build an "experiential car retail community" to create a trend of "not just cars" with 150,000+European subscription members. On the first anniversary of the "Asia-Pacific Strategy", Lectra signed a distribution agency cooperation agreement with Ajabul Group to jointly explore the Saudi market. Lingke New Energy accelerated to go to sea, and in early November, Lingke 01 PHEV went to sea in Israel, achieving a zero breakthrough in the Asia-Pacific market for Lingke New Energy vehicles. Early next year, the Link Center in the center of Tel Aviv, Israel will officially open. In the future, Lectra will continue to lay out markets in Asia-Pacific countries such as Oman and United Arab Emirates, and its flagship product Lectra 09 will also sail out to sea, constantly creating new heights of brand value.

In November, Geely Automobile Group’s export sales continued to climb, reaching 18,633 vehicles, up about 43% year-on-year, and new energy products accelerated to the sea.

The sales volume in many markets increased significantly. Terminal sales in the Middle East market increased by 40% year-on-year; Terminal sales in Asia-Pacific market increased by 31% year-on-year; Terminal sales in the Latin American regional market increased by 64% year-on-year; Terminal sales in the African regional market increased by 44% year-on-year. In addition, from January to November, the market share of pure electric vehicle Geometry C in Israel EV market reached 24.3%, ranking first locally.

Overseas business continued to expand. In November, Geely Automobile strategically cooperated with Grand Automotive Group to enter the markets of Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Signed a contract with VCAG Group to expand the market of seven Adriatic countries and deepen the European market; Signed a distribution agreement with GBH Group to jointly develop markets in important African port distribution centers such as Morocco, C? te d ‘Ivoire and French Reunion.

In November, Geely Automobile Xi ‘an Factory became the first zero-carbon factory of domestic automobile enterprises; On December 2nd, Bo Yue L and Ji Ke 009 under Geely Automobile Group both won the "China Eco-car White Gold Medal Model" certification. Up to now, nine models of Geely Automobile Group have won this award, which is the car enterprise with the largest number of award-winning models. In the future, Geely Automobile Group will continue to promote the ecological layout of new energy, continue to explore ways to reduce carbon in the whole life cycle of supply, manufacturing and use, and create a Geely model for green and low-carbon sustainable development of the automobile industry.

Network car new deal encounters "difficulty in landing" Expert advice: stimulate market vitality

  The drastic changes and interest pattern adjustment brought by the new economy are fully reflected in the field of online car rental. On the one hand, the platform and networking characteristics of the new economy expand the scope and depth of the impact of contradictions. On the other hand, the new policy of online car rental involves a wide range, and the interest game increases the difficulty of landing the new policy.

  The reporter of the Economic Information Daily learned that the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking of Taxi Operating Services has been implemented for more than half a year, and the implementation rules of many local governments have not yet been issued. Some cities that have issued rules but have higher thresholds are facing "landing difficulties".

  Many people in the industry and experts suggest that we should be fully aware of the pulling effect of the sharing economy represented by the online car ride on social employment and the revolutionary role of the social management model, and suggest using the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  Some cities’ new policies about car network are "difficult to land"

  The reporter learned that as of April 24, 2017, 85 cities have issued detailed rules for the implementation of the network car, 115 cities have completed soliciting opinions, and more than 100 cities have not yet completed soliciting opinions.

  In some areas where the New Deal has been introduced, the policy landing still faces a game situation. The reporter learned that there are two main focuses of the game between policy requirements and platform interests: first, whether to implement household registration, vehicles, wheelbase and other requirements; The second is to what extent the operational data accessing the supervision platform needs to be reached and what content it contains.

  In the actual operation process, some cities have imposed many restrictions on drivers’ household registration and vehicle price wheelbase, taking into account the local taxi market capacity and the strategic needs of urban development. Some platforms have found that the implementation of the New Deal in cities with higher thresholds will reduce the network car capacity by more than 90%, which is a heavy blow to the platform.

  At the same time, the platform-based characteristics of the online car-sharing platform have broken the tradition of "the company is local" in the past. If the online car-sharing platform does not set up a local subsidiary, the local management department may not find a communication partner during supervision, which aggravates the difficulty of solving the problem.

  On the other hand, the new economy, represented by the online car-hailing platform, quickly seized market share through subsidies and financing, but this fast pace had a great impact on the balance pattern of the traditional taxi industry in a short time. At the same time, in some higher threshold areas, it has also caused a greater "crowding out effect" on the network car drivers. These factors have led to constant friction between cruise car drivers and network car drivers in some places.

  The new policy of network car has a wide range of influence groups. According to Didi’s travel statistics, as of February 2017, the total number of drivers registered on Didi platform reached more than 17.5 million. There are 2 million active drivers on Didi Platform, and the per capita daily income exceeds that of 160 yuan, while the total number of taxi drivers in cities across the country has reached 2 million. At the same time, there are thousands of software and algorithm engineer behind Didi.

  The parties have different reactions to the new policy of online car.

  The reporter learned that the situation of the New Deal landing across the country varies widely, and the views of all parties on the network car industry have also wavered.

  In some places, the implementation period of the New Deal has passed, but the non-compliant network car is still in operation. The driver of the cruise car doesn’t know whether to stay at his job, and the driver of the network car doesn’t know whether to change careers.

  According to the statistics of the Transportation Bureau of Beijing Municipal Commission of Communications, after the appearance of the network car, the income of cruise car drivers dropped from about 6,500 yuan in 2013 to about 4,500 yuan in the first half of 2016. From 2014 to 2016, the driver team lost nearly 10,000 people. However, taxi operation has improved recently.

  A Didi executive, who asked not to be named, said that after the introduction of the New Deal, Didi’s car business also experienced a sharp decline, and drivers were losing a lot.

  At the same time, passengers’ choice of online car has also wavered. According to reports, before the Spring Festival in 2017, the average number of taxi calls per day of passengers in some big cities soared from more than 300,000 to 900,000, and the response rate of taxis on the Didi platform was only 40%. In addition, after the New Deal gradually landed, the capacity of Didi Express bus decreased, and the response rate dropped from 90% in October 2016 to about 50% in March 2017, which greatly reduced the travel experience of passengers.

  The capital market has also begun to hesitate and "can’t figure out" the market prospect of the online car platform. Due to the impact of the New Deal on the market, the market valuation of many online car platform companies has declined, which has also affected the layout of enterprises at home and abroad. Some insiders said that the upsurge of domestic venture capital in sharing the economy such as online car rental has subsided.

  The New Deal is hard to reflect management anxiety.

  The Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Management Service has been implemented for more than half a year, but the detailed rules for implementation in many places have not yet been promulgated.

  The demand for online car is different from place to place. Some places think that cities should give priority to the development of public transport, and the online car ride is only a supplement, and it should be more "high-end" than cruise taxis. Therefore, set a higher model, price, displacement and wheelbase threshold for the network car. There are also some places that hope that the network car will take into account the high, medium and low-end needs. For example, Haikou cancels the restrictions on the displacement of the network car, while Lijiang and Hanzhong choose to connect the cruise taxis to the network car platform as a whole.

  Wei Dong, CEO of the First Automobile Car Company, said that road traffic congestion in first-tier cities in China is serious, and it is reasonable for local management departments to choose to raise the threshold for online car rental. However, the taxi market in second-and third-tier cities is not saturated, so the policy of online car rental can be relaxed.

  As for whether the number of taxis should be controlled. A grassroots cadre said that the Ministry of Construction issued the Code for Planning and Design of Urban Road Traffic in 1995, which stipulated that the number of taxis in big cities should be 20 per 10,000 people and 15 in small and medium-sized cities, which became the standard for calculating and controlling the number of taxis in most cities.

  However, there are also views that this standard has not changed for many years, and the network car is not the main cause of road traffic congestion, and the quantity control should be released in due course. The Research Group of Professor Yan Xuedong of Beijing Jiaotong University released the Analysis Report on Beijing Road Traffic Operation Based on Didi Big Data in October 2016, which holds that the network car uses economic laws as a lever to adjust the supply and demand of the traffic market, and information symmetry as the core to match the demand, which helps to reduce the empty driving rate of vehicles.

  Interest game increases the difficulty of landing the New Deal. In many places, the development of online car rental has caused the price of taxi licenses to shrink, and some taxi drivers and agents who speculate on licenses have been seriously damaged. For example, in some cities, taxi licenses have increased from 200,000 yuan to 800,000 yuan in the past, and have been reduced to 400,000 yuan due to the competition of online car rental.

  Some people in the industry said that the formulation of the local version of the new network car deal faces multiple interests considerations. Before the reform of taxi industry, drivers had a license for life, which made them lack the motivation to improve their services. However, if the local taxi companies are accelerated to withdraw by means of license depreciation and redemption, these companies may find it difficult to accept.

  The law enforcement of the network car has also caused administrative reconsideration in various places. An executive of a car rental company in Nanjing said that private cars in Nanjing were converted into operating vehicles, and the passenger management office of the Transportation Bureau allowed it when accessing the platform, but the vehicle management office of the Public Security Bureau failed the annual inspection. It is difficult for many private cars to access the network car platform.

  An official of Kunshan Municipal Transportation Bureau said that some platforms openly resisted the law, not only encouraging vehicles punished in Kunshan to file administrative reconsideration, but also reimbursing fines. Some local transportation management departments frequently receive administrative reconsideration of the network car, and basically can’t do other things.

  Xu Kangming, an expert on taxi reform, believes that after the release of the local New Deal, measures should be taken to let illegal personnel and vehicles withdraw, otherwise it will destroy the fair market environment. On the one hand, cruise taxi companies can’t expand their scale, on the other hand, law-abiding online car companies will pay a great price.

  Caring for the "source of vitality" of the sharing economy

  Some interviewed experts believe that we should be fully aware of the pulling effect of the sharing economy represented by the online car ride on social employment and the revolutionary role of the social management model, and suggest using the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  In-depth research network car companies, scientific evaluation. The sharing economy, represented by the online car ride, poses a new challenge to the urban traffic management model. Behind the transformation of the kinetic energy of the old and new economies is the differentiation of the benefit groups of the old and new economies. The insiders believe that the beneficiary groups in the old economy are relatively concentrated and highly organized, but the beneficiary groups in the new economy are more extensive and their voices are more dispersed. Therefore, we should consider the affordability of the old economic benefit groups and the extensiveness of the new economic benefit groups in policy formulation.

  There is strong capital support behind the rise of platform economies such as Didi, Ali and Tencent, which has also benefited many people. Moreover, the credit economy, platformization and big data management may give birth to new technologies such as intelligent transportation, driverless driving and car networking, which are the trend of future economic and social development and the important support for the government to build new management functions, and should be treated with a more open mind.

  An executive of Didi said that although the "zombie car" of Didi Platform is not easy to manage, it indicates that the surplus capacity of social vehicles can be fully released when the urban capacity is tight. Cheng Wei, founder and CEO of Didi Chuxing, said that it is a great opportunity for China to transform its traditional industrial industries with Internet thinking if it wants to overtake western industrial powers in corners.

  On the one hand, formulate a relatively scientific withdrawal and compensation mechanism to alleviate the anxiety of social groups in transition. During the transition period of the New Deal, many full-time online car drivers may lose their jobs. It is suggested that relevant policy explanations and guidance should be carried out in a targeted manner to attract them to work part-time on platforms such as car rental companies.

  On the other hand, scientifically foresee the challenges that part-time taxis may bring. The sharing economy model may bring drivers a wider range of part-time jobs, which will increase the difficulty of management and may also impact the average income level of the taxi industry. Car rental companies can be encouraged to increase their own vehicles to cope with the ebb and flow of Internet supply, and monitor and evaluate the average income of the taxi industry, so as to scientifically guide the development of the industry.

It’s time to grab tickets. The 2023 Shanghai Auto Show will officially open next week, and more than 100 world premiere cars will be unveiled soon.

The biennial Shanghai Auto Show is about to kick off. According to the introduction of Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition, the 20th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition will be held in the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) from April 18 to 27, and tickets will be sold from now on (11th).

As the "weather vane" of the global automobile industry, the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show attracted more than 1,000 companies to participate actively, with a total exhibition area of over 360,000 square meters, and 13 indoor pavilions of the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) were opened.

Ticket types and prices of Shanghai Auto Show

As the first world-renowned heavyweight economic and trade activity in Shanghai after the epidemic, this year’s Shanghai Auto Show can be described as colorful. More than 100 world premiere cars will be unveiled collectively. The chairman of the global board of directors and the global CEO of important multinational auto companies will be present in person, and the heads of the six major domestic auto groups and independent brands will also be present. In addition, this year’s auto show also invited mainstream auto brands and first-line parts suppliers at home and abroad to participate in high specifications, as well as leading enterprises from new energy manufacturing, future travel, chips, radar, ADAS, autonomous driving solutions, car networking and high-precision maps to showcase the latest technologies and products.

In addition to "car watching", major car manufacturers and related exhibitors will also hold various new product press conferences at their respective booths. During the same period of the exhibition, the organizers will also hold many trade talks and technical exchange activities, as well as many special lectures, procurement matching meetings and trade fairs, covering new energy, intelligent networking, hydrogen energy and smart cars. Among them, from April 19th to 20th, the 7th International Key Technology Forum will be held in Shanghai Intercontinental Hotel, focusing on industry trends and releasing technology roadmap; On April 20th, "GTIC Smart Car Innovation Summit" will be held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center to show the new trend of industrial structure driven by intelligence.

After more than 40 years of development, Shanghai Auto Show has become the only international A-class auto show covering the whole vehicle, automobile supply chain and automobile technology enterprises in the world. It also has the largest number of exhibitors in the world, representing not only one of the highest levels of China Auto Show, but also one of the highest levels of China brand exhibitions.

The theme of this year’s auto show is "Embracing the new era of the automobile industry", which will further explore the implementation path of low-carbon transformation of the automobile industry; Focus more on building an exchange and cooperation platform to optimize the supply chain layout of the industrial chain; More intuitively show the sensory impact brought by the blending of automobile culture and fashion elements; More efforts will be made to build an automobile industry ecosystem driven by technological innovation and integration innovation, linking the world and cross-border cooperation, and depicting the infinite possibilities that cars will bring to people’s lives in the future.

Tickets for the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show are all electronic tickets. Visitors need to purchase in advance and complete real-name registration through the official ticketing program of the Shanghai Auto Show. Tickets for the same day will not be sold at the exhibition site. After purchasing tickets with real-name authentication in advance, the audience must check their valid certificates and enter the venue. Non-Chinese mainland audience will enter the venue with valid certificates such as passports (non-Chinese mainland audience will enter the venue with valid certificates such as passports), and they will visit in strict accordance with the date marked on the electronic tickets. On the schedule, April 18-19 is the media day, which only receives news media at home and abroad; April 20-21 is Professional Audience Day; April 22nd to 27th is the Professional and Public Audience Day.

Official WeChat applet of Shanghai Auto Show

Authoritative release! High-level art troupe enrollment brochure

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

Beijing Jiaotong University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, jointly established by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transport, the Beijing Municipal People’s Government and China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., and is a national "211 Project", "985 Project Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform" and "Double First Class" construction university. As one of the three sources of Jiaotong University, its historical origin can be traced back to 1896. Its predecessor was the Institute of Railway Management, which was founded by the Qing government. It was the first institution of higher learning in China to train management talents, and it was the birthplace of modern railway management and telecommunications education in China.

Beijing Jiaotong University is one of the first universities approved by the Ministry of Education to be qualified to recruit art specialty students. Founded in 1991, the Student Art Troupe consists of seven sub-troupes: symphony orchestra, wind orchestra, folk orchestra, choir, drama troupe, dance troupe and chamber choir, with more than 700 members including undergraduates, graduate students and international students. The Student Art Troupe has hired a group of artists with high reputation at home and abroad as instructors, participated in international and domestic cultural exchanges for many times, participated in competitions and performances on behalf of the school and Beijing, and became a nationally renowned student art troupe. The large-scale vocal suite "Long March Suite" rehearsed by the Student Art Troupe was performed in the Great Hall of the People. Mao Yisheng, a large-scale original drama rehearsed, was selected as the "Backbone of the Republic-Publicity Project of Famous Schools of Science Masters" sponsored by China Association for Science and Technology. After being performed in Wuhan, Xi ‘an, Hangzhou and Zhengzhou, the social response was strong. The Student Art Troupe has been to the United States, Brazil, Denmark and other countries for cultural and artistic exchange activities, and has been assigned to perform in Russia, Greece, South Korea and other countries. He has won many first prizes in orchestral music, wind music, folk music, chorus, dance and drama in previous Beijing college students’ art exhibitions; In previous national college students’ art exhibitions, the symphony orchestra won the first prize. In 2022, Beijing Jiaotong University Student Art Troupe won the title of Beijing Youth Civilization.

In order to further improve the level of school art education, strengthen the construction of student art groups and enrich campus culture, in 2023, the school will continue to recruit high-level art groups according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education.

First, the enrollment object and scope

(1) Registration conditions

1. High school graduates who meet the requirements for the national unified examination for college enrollment in 2023.

2. Excellent in character and learning, with a high level of artistic expertise and meeting the enrollment requirements of high-level art groups in 2023.

3. If the candidate’s province organizes a unified professional test for the reported project, the candidate must participate and obtain the qualification.

(B) the scope of students

Science and engineering students are enrolled nationwide; Literature and history students are enrolled in Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Xinjiang (arts and sciences are limited to Chinese language); Comprehensive reform provinces (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Chongqing) enrollment regardless of arts and sciences.

Second, the enrollment plan and preferential policies for admission

(A) enrollment plan

In 2023, the enrollment plan for high-level art troupes is 5, and the number of people to be signed is 10. The number of people to be signed for each project is determined based on the needs of art troupes’ construction. Finally, the actual number of people to be signed for each project will be determined according to the test results, based on the principle of "selecting the best, rather than lacking". The details are as follows:

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

(2) Preferential policies

1. Non-college entrance examination reform provincial college entrance examination scores (excluding policy bonus points, the same below) reach 20 points below the final simulated investment line of the first batch of general unified recruitment plan (excluding Chinese-foreign cooperative education majors, the same below) in the provinces where candidates come from, and are not lower than the first batch of undergraduate admission control scores (the control line requirements for the provinces that merge undergraduate batches are not lower than the relevant minimum admission control reference scores of high-level art groups designated by the provincial admissions examination department). The final simulated filing line is the corresponding reference line determined by the local provincial admissions examination department at the time of admission.

2. For the provinces and regions that implement the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, it is required that the scores of the college entrance examination reach X or above on the relevant minimum admission control reference score line determined by the local provincial admissions examination department. The specific X values are as follows:

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

Third, registration and review

(1) Registration requirements

I have received systematic professional training, have certain sight-reading ability, and can solo works with certain difficulty (Grade 8 and above).

(2) Registration method

Online registration is adopted in this registration, and on-site registration is not accepted. Each candidate can only apply for one project, confirm his/her wishes and upload a scanned application form with the same version number as the application form of the registration system (which needs to be stamped with the official seal of the college entrance examination registration middle school or unit), and then the registration is deemed successful. The procedure is as follows:

1. Online registration: Candidates should log in to the registration system before 14:00 on February 21, 2023 for online registration, and truthfully fill in and submit relevant materials according to various registration requirements.

Website of registration system:

2. The application materials that need to be submitted online (scanned version) include:

(1) The Application Form of Beijing Jiaotong University High-level Art Troupe in 2023 downloaded and printed by the registration system (the version number of the application form must be consistent with the registration system, and the official seal of the middle school or unit enrolled in the college entrance examination should be affixed).

(2) Second-generation ID card (front and back)

(3) Proof materials: such as the experience of participating in the art troupe, the award-winning certificate of participating in the literary competition in middle school, the amateur grading certificate consistent with the specialty project, and other materials that reflect the artistic level (please upload the materials in the "Comprehensive Information" column of the registration system).

Note: The application materials submitted should be clear, true and complete.

(3) Preliminary examination

The school will conduct a preliminary examination of the materials submitted by the candidates who have completed the registration according to the registration requirements. Those who fail to provide the materials as required and those who do not meet the registration requirements will not pass the preliminary examination. Only candidates who have passed the preliminary examination can take the online test for art majors organized by the school. The preliminary examination results of all candidates who have completed the registration will be announced in the registration system around February 28, 2023.

Fourth, online testing arrangements for art majors

The enrollment of high-level art troupes in the school does not organize written and professional tests, and students who pass the preliminary examination of high-level art troupes in the school will be assessed by online art professional tests.

Candidates who have passed the preliminary examination of the school’s high-level art troupe should log in to "Online Examination System" ( from 10:00 on March 4 to 14:00 on March 13, 2023, and record and submit the performance videos of the reported projects online as required. If the candidate fails to submit the final assessment video through Xuexin. com within the specified time, it will be deemed as a waiver of the qualification of the school’s high-level art troupe. See the attachment for the requirements of the final uploaded assessment video. The uploaded video should be clear, authentic and complete. Works that do not meet the test requirements will not be reviewed.

V. Identification, Signing and Publicity

(1) Identification

In line with the principle of "admission on the basis of merit, quality rather than quantity", and in combination with the needs of the development and construction of the student art troupe, the school will organize experts to review the performance videos of individual works submitted by candidates who meet the registration requirements. Sub-projects are identified according to the evaluation results from high to low, and the evaluation results of candidates must be no less than 400 points (out of 500 points). In case of the same evaluation results, they will be sorted according to the importance order of the scoring items, and the one with the highest score will be given priority.

If the number of people who meet the accreditation requirements for a certain project is insufficient, other projects in the same category will be selected for replenishment according to the shortage of the project (wind music and string music will be merged into orchestral music for replenishment), and if they still cannot meet the requirements, other projects will be selected for replenishment in sequence; In principle, each project will be supplemented by one person at most.

(2) Signing a contract

The school will determine the signing list according to the above methods, and sign the Accreditation Agreement of High-level Art Troupe of Beijing Jiaotong University (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) with the candidates after being studied by the High-level Art Troupe Admissions Working Group and reported to the School Admissions Leading Group for deliberation and approval. Candidates who fail to sign the contract within the specified time will be regarded as automatically giving up the qualification of signing the school art troupe.

(3) publicity

The signing list of each project will be publicized on the school enrollment information network and the "Sunshine College Entrance Examination" information platform and reviewed and confirmed by the Admissions Office of Shengyuan Province. If there is no objection to the publicity and approved by the Provincial Admissions Office, the Agreement will come into effect.

Vi. Voluntary reporting and admission

Candidates who have obtained the qualification of the school’s high-level art troupe participate in the national unified examination for enrollment of ordinary colleges and universities in 2023, and fill in the school volunteers according to the requirements of the Agreement. Candidates should apply for the general unified enrollment major (category) announced by the school in the provinces where the candidates come from, and it is invalid to apply for the Chinese-foreign cooperative education major. The college entrance examination reform requires provincial candidates to confirm that their selected subjects meet the requirements of filling in their professional volunteers. The school will, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the enrollment regulations and the Agreement, report to the provincial admissions office of the source of students for approval.

Seven, other matters needing attention


After the students enrolled in the high-level art troupe enter the school, the school will review the admission qualifications, and if there is fraud, the admission qualifications will be cancelled. Students who pass the re-examination are members of the Art Troupe. Members of the Art Troupe shall abide by the provisions of the Student Art Troupe and unconditionally participate in the training, rehearsals, performances and competitions of the Art Troupe in accordance with the Agreement signed with the school. If there is any violation, it will be handled according to the relevant documents or agreements.


There is no charge for this test.

Viii. Important agenda

(1) Deadline for online registration

14:00 on February 21, 2023

(2) Inquiry time of preliminary examination results

Around February 28, 2023

(3) Time for submitting the test video for art majors

10: 00 on March 4, 2023-14:00 on March 13, 2023

(four) the estimated query time of the identification result.

April 2023

Nine, enrollment consultation

(1) Consultation telephone number

Art Troupe: 010-51684297 (consultation on registration conditions, video recording requirements, art troupe training, etc.)

Admissions Office: 010-51688441 (Admissions Policy Consultation)

(2) Consultation time (except holidays)

December 15-30, 2022; February 16th, 2023-February 21st, 2023; March 6-13, 2023, 9:00-11:00 and 15:00-17:00.

(3) Enrollment Information Network

(D) Admissions Office micro-signal


X. Supervision Mechanism


The school will strictly abide by the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and follow the principles of fairness, justice and openness. After the selection methods, standards, procedures and results have been reviewed and approved by the school’s leading group for enrollment, they will be publicized to the public and accepted by the society. The Office of Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the School will supervise, and the e-mail address of candidates’ complaints or reports is


Candidates themselves should apply and take the test in strict accordance with the procedures in good faith. Those who are found to have fraud will be disqualified from recognition or admission, and the candidates’ places of origin will be notified to the provincial admissions office. If the relevant staff members violate the rules in the selection and admission, they shall be implemented in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations in National Education Examinations (Order No.33 of the Ministry of Education) and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations in Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Order No.36 of the Ministry of Education).

XI. Supplementary Provisions


The school does not entrust any intermediary institution or individual to carry out relevant training, enrollment and other related activities, and it is strictly forbidden to collect fees linked to the enrollment of high-level art troupes, and seriously investigate and deal with acts of obtaining admission qualifications by cheating, bribery and other improper means.


The final interpretation right of this brochure belongs to the Admissions Office of Beijing Jiaotong University. Matters not covered in the brochure will be supplemented in the enrollment charter of Beijing Jiaotong University revised that year. If there is any discrepancy between this chapter and the document of the Ministry of Education, the document of the Ministry of Education shall prevail.

Beijing Jiaotong University Admissions Office

Communist Youth League Committee of Beijing Jiaotong University

December 2022

Winter in advance, summer for drama fans?

The last three months of advance on demand.

Wen | Fu Qiongyin

Edit | Zhang Youfa

The Fog Theater has not been officially aired, and it has been searched four times.

In the third quarter of last year, Misty Theater became a hot topic with many suspense dramas such as Hidden Corner and Silent Truth, and a wave of suspense short plays rose in the market. The concept of theater is also considered as a new stage of content operation of streaming media platform.

The way of unified investment promotion and publicity in the theater also makes the business model of short plays explore further. At this point, the wind of advanced on-demand has blown up, and every work in the theater has also started to advance on-demand

By the time the Fog Theater returns this year, the drama market has changed greatly.

Two years after it was invented, the advanced on-demand mode was cancelled by Aiqiyi, Tencent and Youku. For the first time, the delayed drama that adopted the advanced on-demand mode has become the object of criticism by the official media this year, and only appeared silently in the overseas film list of the streaming media platform. The trend of short plays is still there, and long plays are getting shorter and shorter, but plays with more than 30 episodes and less than 50 episodes are still the mainstream in the market.

Looking back at the three months before the disappearance of VOD, some changes are already brewing.

When costume drama becomes a joke

From the word of mouth, this is the season when costume dramas become jokes.

"Ugly man in ancient costume" is a hot topic this season. The top 10 and 6 short comments on the costume drama "Jun Jiu Ling" are all accusing the actor of being ugly, and the comment that the tucao actor is "ugly out of the realm" has 778 people like it. Netizens even listed a list of "Ugly Men in Costume 101" to accuse the actor in costume drama of "unable to bear to look straight".

The hero’s "Yan value" is not satisfactory, but it is only a side reflection of the poor performance of costume dramas. In Yunhe data "TOP20 of the Top 20 of the Top 20 of the Top 20 of the New Series Played in Q3", there are only four costume dramas, and only "Zhou Sheng as usual" scored above 7 points, and the masterpiece "Song of the King" of Huanrui Century did not make the list.

In addition to the periodicity of content creation, the high proportion of sweet pet dramas in this quarter may be the main reason.

Zhou Sheng as usual and All My Life, which are split from the same novel, use the sadomasochism of the former to solve the "boredom" of the sweet pet of the latter; There are four men around the hostess of "Jun Jiu Ling" who never leave; "Song of the King" is the old way of "the belly-black emperor falls in love with me"-the scores of the last two films are not more than 5 points.


The sweet pet drama, which often strikes back at a small cost, has become a hot type in the market since 2015 when "go princess go" was set to strike back all the way with the thunder people of the "poor crew" and became a popular online drama.

According to the "Research Report on Domestic Drama Market in 2020" released by Yien Data, sweet pet dramas account for 44% of the total number of online dramas broadcast in 2020, and most of them are small dramas with less than 30 episodes. At present, there are many costume dramas that are being spit out by the audience, and many of them are such low-cost accounting dolls.

Go princess go (Source: Douban)

On the contrary, in the contemporary theme, there are many works with both word-of-mouth and enthusiasm. Urban theme is still the mainstream in this quarter. There are 33 urban dramas in the new dramas in 2021Q3, accounting for 29% of the total new dramas in the world, and the effective broadcast accounts for 44%.

Among them, Sweeping the Black Storm, You are My Glory and Yunnan Worm Valley are among the top three in Yunhe Data, and the TOP10 of the 10 new domestic dramas in 2021Q3 are rated as contemporary themes, with the highest score of 8.2, I’m fine in another country.

However, as the champion and runner-up of Q3 episodes, Sweeping the Black Storm and You Are My Glory are hard to copy.

The former has a golden lineup of "Endorsement of the Central Political and Legal Committee+Tencent Video Production+Sun Honglei+500 Directors", which is an unofficial work that is difficult to shoot; The latter is authorized by the glory of the king for the first time, and has established contact with Penguin Film and Television since the stage of writing novels in Gu Man, and the drama series can even go to the space base when shaping the hero’s space career.

While making good use of the scarce value, Sweeping the Black Storm and You Are My Glory also have some "atypical" operating ideas.

In order to be different from the past detective dramas, Wu Bai used a lot of subjective shots such as "the protagonist’s perspective" in "Sweeping the Black Storm" to strengthen psychological description, which is usually more used in movies; "You are my glory" is different from the "rapid progress" of the general sweet pet drama. It was not until the 21 ST episode that the relationship was formally determined, and at the same time, it tried its best to describe the "grounded" side of the "ungrounded" career.

The scarcity of the theme provides the audience with a long-lost freshness. The atypia means that the production of high-quality modern themes is not only a production problem, but also a resource acquisition problem. The ability to control and integrate scarce resources will continue to be the advantage of the future platform.

Although the "film sense" of "Sweeping the Black Storm" is effective in both the subject matter and the shooting method, it also has the problem of "acclimatization".

Although the score of "Beizhenanyuan" is only 5.0, its photography and lighting team almost meets the requirements of film texture, but when the plot of a series is widely questioned, emphasizing texture is putting the cart before the horse; Douban 7.0′ s "Double Detective" is full of film resumes, which can’t save the slightly loose plot.

The exploration of film sense continues this season, but the IP that has been verified by the market has been questioned.

This is a season of collective decline in the word-of-mouth of grave robbery. The "Stealing Pen" series has just earned back a part of its reputation by Ultimate Notes, and it has been severely trampled by Genting Tiangong with a score of 2.6. As of press time, the douban score of Yunnan Worm Valley is 6.3, while the previous work Longling Cave has a high score of 8.3. The "Trio", which has been highly praised, has been questioned by the routine in this film.

"Yunnan Worm Valley" is the fourth ghost blowing lamp produced by the same team. How long can the long-term value of the drama IP last?

The last season of advance on demand

This is the last season of advanced on-demand existence, and the shutdown came by surprise.

On September 10th, Tencent Video rushed to Weibo for hot search in one fell swoop due to the adjustment of advance on demand. Since the Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee and China Consumers Association thought that "unlocking episode by episode" was unreasonable, Tencent’s video was adjusted in "Yunnan Worm Valley", and then the episodes on demand in advance can be unlocked. According to china securities journal, iQiyi and Youku will also follow up.

In the third quarter, advanced on-demand is still going on as usual and making steady progress.

According to Yunhe data, 46 advanced on-demand dramas were launched in 2021Q3, an increase of 9 over the same period of last year. Super-drama accounts for 41% of the total number of new dramas in the world, an increase of 11 percentage points year-on-year. In addition, the effective broadcast of the advanced on-demand drama series during the on-demand period was 600 million, an increase of 82% compared with 2020Q3; Among them, the on-demand content of "Sweeping Black Storm" effectively played more than 100 million yuan, creating a peak of on-demand content playback.


The "Sweeping the Black Storm", which set the peak of the broadcast, pushed forward the nodes that were ahead of schedule. The 28-episode "Sweeping the Black Storm" has been launched on-demand since 15 episodes. In the interview, Poison Eyes learned that many dramas have achieved good results in the third quarter, such as "You are my glory" and "The dust of the ages".

The audience seems to be used to showing their love and recognition for the drama series by pre-ordering. After unlocking "You are My Glory" in advance, you will see a large number of viewers who say "come with money" in the barrage. When "Sweeping Black Storm" was broadcasted, many people even asked "Is it possible to unlock it to the end with one button?" However, for a drama with poor reputation like "Eight Dragons", some people will question "How can this be on-demand in advance?"

This model, which survived for two years, came to an end on October 4th by three platforms. At present, only Mango TV and bilibili, two platforms that have started advance VOD, have not expressed their views.

Short-lived advance on demand was once a life-saving medicine invented by streaming media platform.

Judging from the financial reports of each family in the first half of the year, the trend of slowing down the growth rate of members continues further. In the first half of the year, the number of paying members of iQiyi Q1 increased by 3.6 million, while Q2 only increased by 900,000, and the growth rate declined. The number of paid members of Tencent Video reached 125 million, up 9% year-on-year, unchanged from the first quarter. Youku only disclosed the average daily paying users, which increased by 35% in the first quarter and 17% in the second quarter, but the specific figures are unknown.

Membership operation is the basic logic of streaming media, but the traditional mode of supporting membership growth has almost touched the ceiling, which makes several traditional streaming media platforms still in a state of narrowing losses but not turning losses into profits.

Iqiyi Q1 and Q2 have revenues of 8 billion yuan and 7.6 billion yuan respectively. Although they still face losses, the losses have been reduced for five consecutive quarters. The information revealed by Youku in the financial report also mentioned that the loss narrowed year-on-year, because of "rigorous investment in content and optimization of paid membership plan".

The form is critical, even to the point where the top management of the three platforms directly fired short videos at the network audio-visual conference. In recent years, the platform has also raised the price of members, launched a variety of preferential packages and other means, and advanced on-demand is also a product born in this form.

At the same time, advance VOD is also a way to transplant the fan economy to the drama series. It is no accident that the advanced on-demand mode was born in the American drama with a high vertical fans. It is one of the links of the huge fan economic industrial chain of the drama. At the same time that The Untamed released the advanced on-demand video, the title of Tencent video "Huang Goose Niang" was also widely circulated in Weibo, and users’ personification and emotional connection with the platform seemed to be deepening.

However, for producers, advanced on-demand can not bring C-end revenue. In these two years, advanced on-demand has not yet become one of the producers’ sources of income. Many producers don’t have the right to participate and know, and they don’t know when their plays will be on demand in advance.

Will there be a Netflix mode in which members can watch the complete works at one time after the cancellation of advance demand? In 2016 and 2017, when the members of the platform were crazy, "members read the complete works at one time" also appeared, but most of them were driven by high popularity starring, or a backlog drama with little impact on income.

The recent popularity of "Squid Game" has also made the comparison between Netflix mode and domestic streaming media a hot topic. One of the questions is whether it is possible for domestic streaming media to do less dramas with more money like Netflix.

Wu Yuefeng, manager of Fengjing Capital Fund, once analyzed in Weibo that iQiyi will launch 15-20 TV dramas and 3-5 variety shows in a quarter, so if it is dismantled, the cost of each drama will be only a few hundred million dollars, which can only maintain the overall qualified quality.

However, Netflix’s total operating cost last year was 20.4 billion US dollars (about 133.2 billion RMB), and this figure was as high as 10.4 billion US dollars (69.1 billion RMB) in the first half of this year, of which the single-season content expenditure was roughly 5-6 of that of iQiyi. However, the number of series produced by Netflix is not so much, and its heavy new works planned for 2021 are only 21.

Sharing Netflix’s huge content cost is global dumping. At present, Netflix has entered more than 160 countries around the world, and Latin America and Asia-Pacific even have about 1/2-1/3 users in the United States.

After the announcement of the end of advance on demand, the task of increasing the number of members’ subscriptions and the paid value of individual members has become more heavy. It’s just that unlike Netflix’s positioning as a global user, domestic streaming media platforms need to increase to the sinking market.

QuestMobile data shows that by October 2020, sinking users have occupied 58% (669 million) of the cmnet market, but the average monthly usage time of sinking users is only 140.1 hours, and those after 00 and 70 are potential people for further growth of the sinking market.

In this regard, streaming media is also making changes through hardware+software. For example, iQiyi has launched the iQiyi Extreme Edition for the characteristics of mobile phone use in the sinking market. The Extreme Edition is promoted to the sinking market. "I hope that after they see the higher quality film and television content, because the film and television content is produced by professional directors, screenwriters and actors, they can put more time on the film and television content." Gong Yu, founder and CEO of iQiyi, once told the media.

Tencent is involved, and the head company is absent

No matter from the number of broadcasts or broadcast data, Tencent video is the best in this quarter.

Tencent videos accounted for 13 of the TOP20 episodes in Q3, among which three solo dramas, Sweeping the Black Storm, You are my glory and Yunnan Worm Valley, took the top three. These three series are broadcast one after another for the S-class drama of Tencent Video this quarter, and Tencent also has such a happy trouble of "rolling itself".

(Source: Yunhe Data)

Driven by several major dramas in August, Tencent’s video performance in 2021Q3 was outstanding, with several major dramas launched continuously in summer, and the number of dramas on the whole network effectively played 31.2 billion, ranking first in the platform, but there was still a 12% decline compared with 20Q3. The effective broadcast of the whole network dramas of iQiyi and Youku were 28.5 billion and 14.9 billion respectively, down 20% and 17% year-on-year.

At the same time, the effective broadcasting of Mango TV and bilibili has improved.

Although dramas such as "Song of the King" and "Bailingtan" have insufficient reputation, they still drive the effective broadcast of Mango TV to increase by 3% year-on-year. Last year, bilibili entered the drama battlefield with a high-profile film "The Sky of Wind Dog Boys". This year, in Q3, new dramas such as "Double Mirrors", "Sudden Vacation" and "Best Friends" were added, and the effective broadcast increased by 26 times compared with the same period of last year.

Five platforms are fighting in the field of drama, and "theatrical" is the direction that all of them are exploring. However, compared with last year’s misty theater fire, this year’s theater performance is weak.

According to the TOP20 data above, there are two top 20 dramas in the Love Theater where Iqiyi focuses on sweet pet dramas, namely "A Life" and "Zhou Sheng as usual"-these two dramas are separated from a novel, telling the story of Shengchen Zhou and Shishi, and they are strictly one drama.

Mango’s monsoon theater, a fire, "I am quite good in other places", but unfortunately the follow-up is weak. Monsoon Theater does not have a strong collection of works like Fog Theater and Favorite Theater, and the commonality between works is not very strong. At present, the biggest common point among the works of Monsoon Theater is that "the number of episodes does not exceed 16", and the loose collection and the unity of form are still the idea of comparative satellite TV.

Practitioners who have been exposed to Mango TV told Poison Eye that Monsoon Theater also has some traditional satellite TV ideas in content selection and production. For example, the first version of the script "Mother-in-law’s Bracelet" was once considered to be not bloody enough, and the target was not sinking enough, so it was finally revised.

Mother-in-law’s bracelet

However, as a theatrical effect that has been verified to occupy users’ minds and form a brand effect, it will not be abandoned by the platform. The return of Misty Theater is just around the corner. According to informed sources, bilibili is also planning his own theater.

Compared with the competition of multiple dramas in the same period between platforms, the performance of the head company is much quieter.

Six head drama companies that often appear together in many statements: Noon Sunshine, Xinli Media, Ciwen Media, Yaoke Media, Huace Film and Television, and Ning Meng Film and Television, only noon handed over the highly acclaimed Children of the Qiao Family in the third quarter. Xinli Media is still spinning in the low-scoring Jin Yong drama.

In the past, among the listed companies, Tang De Film and Television broadcasted a small-budget sweet pet drama "The Secret of Hidden Grimes", and two dramas of Huanrui Century, Genting Tiangong and Song of the King, both suffered a decline in word of mouth. On the contrary, the "new forces" in the era of online drama performed well. The drama "Sweeping the Black Storm" produced by Wuyuan Culture was well received, and "Sailing: When the Wind blows" produced by Little Sugar Man also had a good score of 8.5.

In the last quarter of 2021, it may be that "Tencent involution" will enter the stage of all-platform involution. Four works of the Iqiyi Fog Theater will be broadcast one after another. The first one is "The Fog of the Octagonal Pavilion" starring Duan Long and Hao Lei; Tencent Video has a number of IP costumes in stock, such as A Sword in the Snow and A Twin Cities in the Mirror, while Youku holds a large number of online dramas to be broadcast, such as The Story of Xingfu’s Ice Rain and Fire.

But for the fans, perhaps the involution of the series is a great blessing.

Squid Game, a Korean drama under Netflix filter.

The screen disappearance of the beautiful man in ancient costume

Linfen held a press conference, optimized the financial business environment, and eased the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Shanxi Evening News (Reporter Liu Jiang intern Zhang Xinwen) On January 9, the Information Office of Linfen Municipal People’s Government held a press conference on "Optimizing the financial business environment, helping market players to multiply and alleviating the financing difficulties and expensive problems of small and medium-sized enterprises". Tai Huijun, Party Secretary and Director of Linfen Financial Office, and Hao Xiaoqiang, Party Member and Deputy Director of Linfen Financial Office, attended the conference, introduced the overall situation of Linfen’s financial industry development and serving the real economy, and answered questions from reporters. The conference was presided over by Feng Li, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Linfen Municipal Committee and a first-class researcher.
Tai Huijun, Party Secretary and Director of Linfen Financial Office, comprehensively introduced the overall situation of Linfen’s financial industry development and service to the real economy. Focusing on the three major tasks of preventing and resolving major financial risks, deepening local financial reform and financial services to the real economy, this paper introduces the financial ecological environment, the reform of financing guarantee system, the entry of enterprises into multi-level capital markets, the normalization of the docking of government, banks and enterprises, and the establishment of the service platform for the first loan renewal.
Tai Huijun said that since 2023, Linfen City has guided financial institutions to conscientiously implement various monetary policies and fiscal and financial policies, continuously increased credit supply, and the real economy of financial services has become more accurate, and the liquidity of the city’s financial industry has remained reasonable and abundant. By the end of November, the balance of deposits and loans in the city had reached 698.095 billion yuan, with an average cumulative growth rate of 13.38%, ranking third in the province. The loan balance was 273.595 billion yuan, with an average cumulative growth rate of 15.46%, ranking third in the province.
Tai Huijun introduced that in recent years, Linfen City has continuously strengthened financial policy propaganda, established a 3+N+N docking mechanism between government, banks and enterprises, and granted credit of 12.885 billion yuan to the "three batches" projects in the development zone, and realized credit of 20.15 billion yuan to key provincial and municipal projects. In Xinchuang Industrial Park, Yaodu High-tech Zone, a service center platform for the first loan renewal was set up to provide "one-stop" financial services for small and medium-sized enterprises, with a total loan of 5.408 billion yuan for 10,981 market entities, and a credit of 510 million yuan and a loan of 390 million yuan for 14 enterprises including Shanxi Zhenghetian Technology, Yingxin Qisheng Electronic Technology, Hummingbird Technology and Century Xinlongteng Technology in Xinchuang Industrial Park. Promote enterprises to enter the multi-level capital market, and promote 344 enterprises to be listed in the Shanxi Equity Exchange Center, among which 130 enterprises are listed on the "Jinxingban", and 35 new listed enterprises are added this year. With the implementation of various fiscal and financial policies, the province set up the first batch of 266 million yuan credit guarantee funds, and promoted the credit loan of 798 million yuan, benefiting 1735 households of various market entities. Make full use of 330 million yuan of emergency liquidity guarantee funds for enterprise capital chain, and provide policy-based "lending and renewing loans" services for enterprises with loans due and financial difficulties. In 2023, 71 enterprises were loaned and renewed with 4.157 billion yuan.
At the press conference, the relevant person in charge of Linfen Financial Office gave detailed answers to the reporter’s questions about financing difficulties, expensive financing and how the financing guarantee system can better serve the small, micro, rural areas and farmers. According to reports, Linfen Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., as the only municipal government financing guarantee institution, closely focuses on the decision-making arrangements of Linfen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on optimizing the business environment, promoting the multiplication project of market players and promoting the development of private economy, and strives to solve the problem of "difficult guarantee and expensive guarantee" for small and medium-sized enterprises by lowering the threshold, reducing the rate and improving efficiency. Up to now, Linfen financing guarantee company has provided credit enhancement services for 12,600 small, micro and three rural entities, with a total guarantee amount of 5.291 billion yuan; A total of 62,100 people were employed and 984 million yuan in profits and taxes were paid. We will continue to reduce the guarantee rate, uniformly reduce the guarantee rate of various market players to below 1%, and reduce the average guarantee rate to 0.73% and 0.65% for two consecutive years in 2022 and 2023, and promote fee reduction and profit reduction of 14.4962 million yuan.