Bravely picking Japan’s Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  Million Chinese stars, subversion and start again! Recently, Geely China Star Intelligent Dual Engine once again challenged the high difficulty, bravely picking the three major landmarks of Japan’s Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan and Tomei Line, and achieved outstanding performance such as 7.92s 100 kilometers acceleration, 79.9km/h elk, and 4.3L 100 kilometers fuel consumption. It also set the fastest lap record of the first Chinese A-class sedan at Tsukuba Circuit with a lap time of 1:18.03, demonstrating high performance, strong control, and low fuel consumption. All-round hardcore strength. With 1.5TD four-cylinder hybrid special engine + the world’s leading three-speed intelligent frequency conversion technology + X · System intelligent control system and other innovative technologies, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine has broken the long-standing technical barriers of oil mixing, achieved energy-saving, performance and intelligent balanced development, with Chinese solutions and Chinese standards, leading the global oil mixing technology to continue to advance, and quickly entering the more advanced, smarter, safer and more comprehensive Chinese "Star" era.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  As a classic "Holy Land of Brushing Circles" and F3 race base in Japan, Tsukuba Circuit has a unique design of 8 complex curves including short and compact, low-speed compound curve + high-speed curve + hairpin curve, which places extremely high requirements on the driver’s driving technology and the vehicle’s dynamic performance and control and other comprehensive mechanical qualities. Faced with such a difficult challenge, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine has no stage fright, with 7.92s 100 kilometers acceleration, 34.65m braking distance, 79.9km/h elk, 1 minute, 18 seconds and 03 laps, etc., leading the Japanese Dual Engine products of the same level in an all-round way.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  China Star Intelligent Dual Engine’s leadership lies not only in its strong power performance, but also in the field of fuel economy. In the fuel consumption test project of the Dongming Line, after 1.5 hours and 104km of uninterrupted driving, the fuel consumption is only 4.3L/100km, and the actual fuel consumption measured by the refueling method is 4.46L/100km. The strength catches up with the same level of oil-mixed models.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  Behind the outstanding results is the strong confidence and confidence given by the technological innovation of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine. Compared with the Japanese equivalent oil-mixed products, which are mainly fuel-saving self-priming engines + single-speed electric drives, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine is equipped with a 1.5TD direct injection turbocharged hybrid special four-cylinder engine with a thermal efficiency of up to 44.26% as standard, which can release 120kW maximum power and 255N · m maximum torque; then matched with the world’s leading 3-speed intelligent frequency conversion DHT, supports P1 + P2 dual motor drive, and can enter the full speed domain at a speed of more than 20km/h. The maximum wheel end output torque is 4920N · m, and the torque-to-mass ratio is 41N · m/kg. The maximum transmission efficiency is up to 97.5% in the world, with almost no energy loss. Low-speed electricity consumption, medium-speed fuel-saving, and high-speed power supply, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine’s strength subverts the inherent cognition of "hybrid only energy-saving, no performance" shaped by traditional oil-mixed products in the past, and provides users with a new generation of Chinese hybrid solutions and options that "balance performance and fuel-saving".

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  If the Tsukuba Circuit and the Tomei Line in Japan demonstrate the pinnacle of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine’s power performance and energy conservation, then the "holy land of running mountains" in the hearts of many racers, Akiyama Mountain, is the best test ground to show the powerful handling strength of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine. The mountain road of only 3 kilometers has steep twists and turns, with more than 30 corners, and an average of nearly 180 degrees every 100 meters. The road down the mountain is thrilling and exciting, which greatly tests the vehicle’s handling performance and the mechanical quality of the vehicle.

  Relying on the natural good foundation given by the world-class CMA architecture, L Intelligent Engine is supported by the world’s leading wire-controlled chassis technology, McPherson front suspension, multi-link independent rear frame, ZF DP-EPS steering power system, and the longest suspension stroke design of the same level. With strong grip and excellent corner handling, it can quickly respond to the driver’s intention and accurately feed back road condition information. Whether it is entering a corner, bending, or exiting a corner, the whole vehicle body posture is very beautiful and smooth, bringing a driving texture that combines driving comfort and sports control. Especially under the inherent advantages brought by the 29000N · m/deg torsional stiffness comparable to millions of luxury cars, the dynamic roll stiffness of 3.65deg/g, and the negative camber design of the only racing car in the same class, Xingrui L Intelligent Engine still performs well in the famous five-star autumn famous mountain hairpin bend, which not only accurately locks the wheel track, ensures the accuracy and flexibility of the vehicle, but also enhances the vehicle’s cornering grip and agility, bringing excellent driving confidence and racing-like attacking and cornering experience.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  No frequency conversion does not save energy, and no performance does not subvert. From the dynamic performance test of Tsukuba Circuit, to the 104km fuel consumption test of Dongming Line, and then to the control test of Qiumingshan, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine has fully confirmed that China Hybrid has the strong strength to subvert the hybrid pattern and redefine the new standard of global hybrid value with excellent performance and leading technical confidence.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  It is with this kind of product confidence and strong technical confidence that has been rooted in the bones of "not trying is not better than not selling" since its birth, China Star has always insisted on creating high value, constantly breaking through and subverting along the way, running out of China’s "Star" speed, becoming the first high-end series in China’s A-class fuel vehicle market to break through 1 million sales; among them, Xingrui and Xingyue L have entered the hinterland of the A-class mainstream fuel vehicle market, and in April they ranked No. 1 in China’s fuel SUV and sedan sales, leading the new pattern of China’s fuel vehicle market.

  The next million-dollar era has begun! China Star, China Auto, has never been afraid of head-on competition, dared to show the sword, and let the world see the confident rise and powerful power of Chinese manufacturing.

The launching ceremony of the national elderly health education service platform and the opening of Tik Tok was held in Beijing.

  On the afternoon of May 19th, 2023, China Association of Universities for the Aged held the "Launching Ceremony of the National Health Education Service Platform for the Elderly and the Opening of Tik Tok". Diao Haifeng, executive vice president of the Association, and Liu Qingwei, deputy director of the Skills Office of National Health Commission Talent Exchange Service Center, attended and spoke. The meeting was presided over by Ping Li, director of the Association’s career development department. Experts from the Propaganda Department of China Association for the Aged, Beijing Youth Political College and Beijing Chaoyang Community College attended the meeting.

  At the meeting, Diao Haifeng, executive vice president, said that the China Association of Universities for the Aged continued to exert its efforts on the basis of incorporating health education for the elderly into the curriculum system and teaching content, integrating the Internet concept into the whole process of education for the elderly, and striving to promote the modernization of education for the elderly. Two elderly health service modules will be built online and offline simultaneously to promote the digital transformation of elderly education and help build an elderly-friendly society.

  Liu Qingwei, deputy director, said that with the continuous and in-depth development of the active response to the aging population, the Talent Exchange Center of the National Health and Wellness Commission and the China Association of Universities for the Aged have made joint efforts to speed up the training of a group of skilled personnel with health services for the elderly.

  Liu Hongbo, director of the Media Operation Department of the Health Project Office of China Association of Universities for the Aged, introduced the training program of health guidance talents for the elderly and launched the "National Health Education Service Platform for the Elderly". The China Association of Universities for the Aged and the Talent Exchange Service Center of the National Health and Wellness Commission shoulder important responsibilities in the field of elderly health, so they jointly launched the training project of elderly health guidance talents. Guided by the health service needs of the elderly, the project is aimed at full-time and part-time lecturers, students and other people who are interested in working in the health of the elderly, and carries out vocational skills improvement training and assessment.

  Tik Tok, the "National Health Education Service Platform for the Elderly", was officially launched. As the official account of China Association of Universities for the Elderly, it created a healthy and happy life circle for the elderly through short videos and live broadcasts, enriching the healthy and cultural life of the elderly. Build an authoritative, credible and responsible service platform for healthy ageing; Promote high-quality content such as health science, culture and entertainment, live courses, study tours and health care, and medical services to help more elderly people "have fun, learn and be productive" to realize individual value and create social value.

  At the same time, in order to actively implement "Healthy China 2030", China Association of Universities for the Aged launched the "Health Research Tour of University for the Aged in China" at the same time, leading the students of national universities for the aged, advocating the participation of the whole people, showing the colorful spiritual outlook of the elderly in the new era, promoting active, healthy and positive life for the elderly, and writing a magnificent new chapter in the education for the elderly.

Good news! Personal mobile phones and "brushing your face" at home can all withdraw the provident fund!

  Cctv news: You can complete the provident fund withdrawal business online with your personal ID card; If you don’t leave home and brush your face at home, you can wait for the money to arrive, and you can also withdraw the provident fund to pay the rent … … Recently, many places in China have issued a new policy of withdrawing provident funds, which is related to everyone’s wallet. Come and learn more about it!


  Individuals can directly withdraw provident fund by mobile phone.

  From 0: 00 on April 23rd to 24: 00 on May 9th, Beijing Provident Fund Management Center will upgrade its system. During the upgrade period, the deposit and withdrawal of provident fund will be suspended. After the system upgrade, the public canCheck the balance and loans of personal provident fund through the "Beijing Provident Fund" APP, Alipay Life Number and WeChat WeChat official account "Beijing Provident Fund".

  Before the end of this year,The above-mentioned client or WeChat official account can realize functions such as personal provident fund withdrawal.. In the future, the withdrawal of provident fund does not need to be handled by the unit manager, but can be handled directly by individuals. In addition, after the opening of personal online business, houses purchased in Beijing and traded through the online signing system of the Housing Construction Committee can complete the provident fund withdrawal business online with their personal ID cards without submitting other certificates or materials.


  You can withdraw the provident fund by "brushing your face" and "zero" materials at home.

  "Sitting at home and brushing your face, you can wait for the money to arrive." According to the news of Zhejiang Provincial Provident Fund Center, as long as the employees who have paid the provident fund in Zhejiang provincial units can now "brush their faces" to handle businesses such as no-house withdrawal, retirement withdrawal, and the city’s own purchase of housing to withdraw the provident fund. You don’t have to run once, and you don’t have to bring any materials, which is the first in the country.

  The specific operation is: in"Alipay" selects "City Service", click in turn."Provident Fund-Provident Fund Query and Extraction-Zhejiang Provincial Unit Provident Fund", and then "Brush Your Face". After a few minutes of operation, you can wait for the provident fund to arrive.

  Jiangsu Nantong

  No "withdrawal slip" will be required for provident fund withdrawal.

  On the 3 rd, Nantong City Housing Provident Fund Management Center of Jiangsu Province issued a notice. Since April 1, 2018, employees in Nantong City have handled the housing provident fund withdrawal business.It is no longer necessary to provide the Application for Withdrawal of Housing Provident Fund (i.e. "Withdrawal Form of Provident Fund")., other extraction conditions remain unchanged.


  You can withdraw the provident fund to pay the rent "without leaving home"

  Recently, the Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Management Committee issued a notice saying that since October 1, 2018 (inclusive), employees can only withdraw the housing provident fund to pay the rent after filing online through the housing rental public service platform.The monthly withdrawal amount of each household (including single family) shall not exceed the actual rent expenditure of the month., the maximum monthly withdrawal limit is raised to 3000 yuan.


  Will automatically withdraw the provident fund to repay the loan on a monthly basis.

  Recently, Harbin Housing Provident Fund Management Center officially launched "Harbin Housing Commercial Loan" and "Harbin Industry (provincial, agricultural reclamation, electric power, railway) sub-center housing provident fund loan" to automatically withdraw the provident fund to repay the loan on a monthly basis. At this stage, data docking and system testing are underway. At that time, the employees who pay the housing provident fund in Harbin only need to sign the Agreement on Monthly Withdrawal of Housing Provident Fund, and there will be no need to go to the window to go back and forth to withdraw the provident fund and repay the housing loan.The provident fund center directly transfers the extracted provident fund to the repayment card (discount) of the employee bank on a monthly basis through the business system for repayment of loans.

10 warm-hearted stories, take you to feel the power behind the "China Speed" ……


Hands covered with mud, shoulders soaked with sweat,

Clear and firm eyes, kind and brave heart.

They have no steel body, but they are extremely powerful.

They have no grandiloquence, but they work hard.

There is no infrastructure fanatic here, only Chinese power!

At present, China Construction has installed Wuhan, which is participating in the construction.

Vulcan Mountain and Thunder God Mountain hospital have been put into use,

In the face of the epidemic, China construction and installation forces assembled in the line of fire.

Rushing to the front and fighting on the "epidemic" line,

Their Wuhan war "epidemic" will come to an end temporarily.

Behind this life-and-death race with the epidemic,

It is the builders who have paid hard work and strength.

They don’t pay, they don’t give up day and night, they are ordered in danger,

Go to the hardest, most tiring and most dangerous front,

Casting a new fortress for epidemic prevention,

They are ordinary heroes of this era!

Today, let’s walk into the story behind "China Speed"


Liu Xu: I’m not tired. I’ll just sleep for a while.


On the morning of February 11th, a circle of friends of Wang Junsheng won numerous praises. Liu Xu, a labor worker who fought all night for 28 hours, fell asleep at the scene. "They are not online celebrity, but they are the people who can bear hardships the most. There is nothing that can’t be done with ventilation and water and electricity at the scene. They are the most lovely people. I am proud of these workers and brothers." Wang Jun is full of regrets. When Liu Xu was mentioned, all the managers at the scene gave him a thumbs up, but he always said, "Nothing, it’s okay to do your best." Liu Xu, a 32-year-old native of Huangmei County, Hubei Province, was the first to arrive at the construction site of Raytheon Mountain together with the China Construction and Installation Unit. After staying up all night, he turned to the Huoshenshan Mountain for support the next day, and returned to Raytheon Mountain to help with the finishing work after the delivery of the Huoshenshan Mountain.

He is Luo Wenhao’s right-hand man with many years of construction experience in the Vulcan Mountain project. "I have participated in many projects, and it is the first time that it is so urgent." Due to the urgent construction period and shortage of labor resources, the assembled labor team may not be professional counterparts. In order to ensure the construction quality, he should fully disclose with every worker before the construction, and there should be no omissions in every link from explaining drawings and personnel scheduling to the handover of the working face. The on-site construction area is large, and a large amount of materials must be lifted by the workers themselves. "It takes four or five hundred meters to carry it back and forth once, and tens of thousands of steps a day are commonplace." Liu Xu said airily.

During the construction of Vulcan Mountain, he was caught in several heavy rains, and the scene of everyone working in the rain made him remember deeply. "The rainy road is not easy to walk. You have to wring your pants and shoes to continue your homework. Wet feet on rainy days, sweaty feet on sunny days, and feet are often soaked. " Mentioning the hard work, he smiled and said, "I wouldn’t come here if I was afraid of being tired!" We brothers can come to the scene because we hope that the hospital can be built as soon as possible, and it is worthwhile to work hard! "



Defeng Chen: Children who grew up in the countryside are all right.


Squatting on the material box in the corner, I simply took a few mouthfuls of lunch, and Defeng Chen climbed up the roof to inspect the finishing work of the HVAC system. This is the eighth day that he fought with everyone in Wuhan "Two Mountains" Hospital. He ate, lived and worked with everyone every day, but Defeng Chen, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and chairman of the trade union of China Construction and Installation Group, was very practical in his heart.

In those days, it was rainy and rainy in Wuhan, the construction site was full of water, muddy and slippery, and the cold wind and rain hit the face, but the scene was in full swing. Colleagues advised Defeng Chen to take a rest first. "Don’t worry about me, everyone is working against time. I want to keep an eye on the progress, coordinate personnel and pay attention to everyone’s safety!" His firm eyes can’t hide his tiredness.

With the delivery of the two hospitals, the construction personnel at the installation site of Zhongjian are preparing for the final maintenance and withdrawal work. In addition to supervising the progress, safety and quality of the project on the spot every day and assisting in coordinating various resources, Defeng Chen also cares about understanding the psychological dynamics of the workers from time to time, constantly encouraging the team and boosting confidence.

Late at night, Defeng Chen was still on the construction site and conducting various inspections at the headquarters. He didn’t return to his residence from the construction site until after 1 am, every day. "Children who grew up in the countryside, this is no problem!" A simple word hides great energy.

In order to give full play to party member’s vanguard model and the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress, China Construction and Installation quickly set up a temporary party branch, and Defeng Chen awarded the flag to the commandos on the spot. "Stand up at a critical moment, turn back when the masses need it, perform their duties, and it is the duty and duty of party member cadres to charge ahead!" Defeng Chen encouraged everyone.

When China Construction Installation successfully completed the assignment task and the workers were preparing to leave the site for isolation, Defeng Chen noticed that other Chinese construction brothers were still fighting in other working faces. Defeng Chen immediately arranged manpower to help his brother units complete various projects. "At the critical moment, we must not slack off, and we will definitely complete the tasks entrusted to us by the party and the people from the beginning to the end!" After the delivery of the hospital, Defeng Chen is still concerned about the payment of workers’ wages, the withdrawal of the field and the follow-up guarantee of the project.



Yu Junchao: a warm-hearted "contractor"


Yu Junchao, a 50-year-old party member, is the head of the 168 Construction Engineering Company of China Construction Installation Cooperative Labor Service Company. On the afternoon of January 27th, after receiving the call for aid construction, Yu Junchao and all 11 team members of the company immediately arrived at the scene. "Many workers volunteered to take part in the war, and soon an 83-person labor force was assembled at the scene of Raytheon Mountain." Yu Junchao was very moved, and everyone gave up the opportunity of reunion to go to Han to support the construction, which strengthened his confidence in doing a good job in the project.

Yu Junchao and his team are warm-hearted. When they first entered the site and were not assigned construction tasks, they took the initiative to help other builders carry logistics materials. On the first day of entering the site, they completed the construction tasks of laying drainage pipes and "two cloths and one membrane" for 12 hours. During the construction period, Yu Junchao led the team to fight all night, and only rested for 2 hours every day during the busiest time. He completed the ventilation and drainage tasks on the 15th and 16th floors of Raytheon Mountain Area 2 and the 6th floor of Area A with high standards, which won everyone’s praise.



Gu Jianbing: the "Commander" of the whole battle


Command team, material allocation, logistics support … Gu Jianbing, Party branch secretary of China Construction and Installation Beijing Company, is both a commander and a combatant, and always carries out management to the end of details. On-site inspection was conducted at one or two in the morning, and the construction quality was comprehensively checked. After returning to his residence, he was assigned to work the next day. Gu Jianbing could not fall asleep until four in the morning. Three hours later, he appeared on the construction site on time to guide the labor team to make handover and make thoughtful arrangements for installation tools, technology and working face. During the day, the working face is fully spread out, the coordination workload is huge, and the intensity of work day and night makes Gu Jianbing’s voice hoarse all the time.

The sudden construction task has also brought many problems. Hospital construction needs manpower, and the supply of building materials is even more urgent. He asked for help and mobilized everywhere, and several cooperative labor service companies immediately gave support. Suppliers in Wuhan building materials market also took the initiative to supply building materials at the lowest price. Gu Jianbing also received rubber and plastic insulation materials donated by suppliers. The branches of China Construction and Installation also responded positively. In just two days, nine brother units quickly supported nearly 30 managers and more than 300 laborers. In this way, in one day, all the building auxiliary materials arrived and all the personnel were in place, which solved the urgent need.

During the critical period of work-grabbing, all the staff fought almost all night. Gu Jianbing had to arrange the production schedule, safety and quality, and at the same time, he had to keep in touch with the labor service team at all times, so as to relieve the fatigue of the staff and arouse the enthusiasm of the workers. During the construction, due to the narrow construction space in the ward, Gu Jianbing led the team to take local materials, opened up a small processing area on site, and prefabricated the water pipes in advance, which effectively improved the construction efficiency.

The "Huolei" hospital has been put into use one after another. At this moment, Gu Jianbing continues to run around in organizing personnel to withdraw from the field, isolate and debug and maintain the hospital in the later stage. "It’s nothing if we can successfully complete the tasks assigned by the state and the people and get the patients treated as soon as possible!" Gu Jianbing said.



Wang Hui: There are always more ways than difficulties.


Wang Hui, head of electrical technology of Wuhan Thunder God Mountain hospital Medical Technology Building. The site construction environment is complex and crowded. The first thing Wang Hui did after entering the site was to quickly organize workers to carry out safety and epidemic prevention and control education, and distribute epidemic prevention supplies to improve workers’ safety awareness.

The construction period is tight and the task is heavy. If we follow the established drawings and the conventional installation process, we may not be able to catch up with the construction period. Wang Hui analyzed the actual situation on site and improved the design on the premise of ensuring the function and quality, such as installing formal lighting equipment in advance to avoid the delay of the construction period caused by disassembling temporary lighting equipment after the project is completed; After optimization, the original ceiling lamps were changed to wall-mounted installation; The lighting trunking originally needed to be equipped with a separate bracket. Wang Hui skillfully grafted the existing lighting bracket to the built pipeline bracket, which not only facilitated the subsequent threading, but also improved the construction efficiency.

Through Wang Hui’s "small creation", the installation method has been optimized, and the construction period and cost have been greatly saved. "The method is always more difficult than it is!" Wang Hui always encourages everyone like this.



Wang Junsheng: A "Big Butler" who takes care of everything.


Wang Junsheng is the front-line commander of Wuhan "Two Mountains" Hospital. This "big housekeeper" has been fighting with his brothers for more than ten days at the scene. From the construction arrangement, labor dispatch, personnel management and logistics support, he must personally ask questions.

Before the start of construction, Wang Junsheng reversed the construction period, made a good road map, unified planning, organization and coordination, and made a good job of interweaving processes and processes to ensure that everyone was coordinated and gave full play to their professional strength. He also called construction workers in advance to explain the detailed installation sequence of each process to the labor teams. Under the overall planning and management of Wang Junsheng, which is accurate to the hour or even minutes, more than a dozen labor teams and more than 300 construction workers closely cooperated to build with high quality, and there has never been any rework on the site.

In addition to construction, Wang Junsheng is equally worried about everyone’s "eating, drinking, living and transportation". He coordinated everywhere and arranged comfortable hotels for the construction workers; In order to avoid the gathering of canteen staff and let everyone "eat with confidence", he took the initiative to contact the delivery of working meals and pay the wages of workers to solve everyone’s worries.



Cai Juntao: Create opportunities without opportunities.


Cai Juntao is the leader of a company’s expedition to Wuhan, and also the electromechanical director of Thunder God Mountain hospital Medical Technology Building. Create the working face, arrange the working procedure reasonably, find the construction equipment, and arrange the team to enter the site … … Hundreds of phone calls a day have become commonplace for Cai Juntao, which has turned him into a magnetic "subwoofer".

When he first arrived at the scene, difficulties came to him. What bothered him most was that the internal structure of the medical technology building was complex, and the construction unit had many cross-operations. What should I do if I wanted to catch up with the progress but didn’t have a working face? After inspecting the site, Cai Juntao decided to adopt the assembly construction method of off-site prefabrication and on-site installation, hand over one working face and install one immediately, and never delay the construction period!

Finally, after several days of hard work, the medical technology building was delivered as scheduled. Cai Juntao sleeps only 2 hours a day on average. He often misses his meal time because he is dealing with on-site work, so he can only fill his hunger with instant noodles. He and his colleagues call each other ‘ Iron man ’ Brother. "Time is life! Eliminate all difficulties, pay close attention to construction, and create opportunities without opportunities! " This is what Cai Juntao said the most.



Tamia Liu: No matter how tight the time is, the quality will never be discounted.


Tamia Liu, a HVAC engineer in China Construction Installation International Engineering Branch, as an "overseas", spent the first Spring Festival with his family in China in four years, but it took him less than 90 minutes from receiving the notice of supporting the construction of Raytheon Mountain to arriving at the site.

The amount of on-site work is large and the construction period is tight, but the negative pressure requirement of the infectious disease isolation ward is high. "No matter how tight the time is, the quality must not be discounted!" Tamia Liu is responsible for the installation and debugging of three negative pressure isolation wards. For the installation of large-scale equipment and room branch pipes on the roof, Tamia Liu decided to adopt modular assembly, which can be installed in place at one time, while ensuring the tightness of the joints of air ducts and accessories. He led the team to work closely with the strong and weak electricity departments, and achieved the one-time test of single machine and system linkage.

After nearly 40 hours of continuous operation, all three negative pressure isolation wards in charge of by Tamia Liu were successfully debugged at one time and handed over to the hospital department smoothly. These wards were promoted as construction models in the whole project.



Li Guanjun: Bite down pieces of "hard bones"


Li Guanjun, who was supposed to look after her 2-month-old baby at home during the Spring Festival, signed up as a security administrator in Thunder God Mountain hospital. At the site, he should not only be responsible for safety supervision, but also coordinate the cross-operation of various teams to ensure the safety of personnel and construction in the jurisdiction.

The construction site of Raytheon Mountain is more complicated than previous chemical projects. It covers not only more than a dozen professional systems such as pipeline pre-burying, water supply and drainage, fire fighting, power supply and distribution, ventilation and air conditioning, but also the construction of buildings 15 and 16, which is under the responsibility of "Artisan Brothers Company" of Li Guanjun’s China Construction and Installation Engineering Company, which has a tight construction period and needs to work all night.

The ventilation and installation of 12 rooms in Building A16 must be completed within 10 hours, which is another hard bone. When receiving this task, Li Guanjun has been working continuously for 14 hours, but the ventilation installation not only requires extremely high tightness, but also the installation quality is directly related to the air quality of the ward, so there should be no carelessness. He quickly assembled the team and divided it into five groups by assembly line. He entered the field at 7 pm and worked until 5 am the next day. After a night of fierce fighting, he finally completed the task.



Luo Wenhao: the "New Daddy" in Two-Front War


As the front-line deputy commander of the "Two Mountains" hospital project, Luo Wenhao, after receiving the task, simply told his wife who was about to give birth, and arrived at the construction site of Raytheon Mountain in the early morning of January 28th. The first night when he arrived at the construction site, he worked all night. Luo Wenhao led the workers to stay up all night for 12 hours to complete the task of laying "two cloths and one membrane" and laying drainage pipes. The temperature dropped sharply in winter night, and it rained again. Wherever he went, it was muddy and bumpy. Luo Wenhao’s feet seemed to be stepping in the ice hole and he was cold all over. The workers were also very tired, working for 25 hours, all covered with dust.

On January 29th, the project received the task of emergency support for the construction of Vulcan Mountain. He volunteered to lead the workers to quickly turn to the battlefield of Vulcan Mountain for full support, and successfully completed the ventilation and installation project of Buildings 1, 3 and 4. When he was most nervous, he led nearly 200 workers to fight day and night alone. From February 3 to 6, he neglected to contact his family and completed the installation of nearly 4,000 square meters of ventilation pipes in Building 4 for four days and three nights.

On the morning of February 7th, his wife gave birth to her daughter by caesarean section. Exhausted Tam Hao cried with joy on the phone. He named her "Yuan Han" to commemorate this experience of aiding Han. After the Vulcan Mountain project was put into use, Tam Hao, who could have rested, led the workers to Raytheon Mountain to coordinate and command the project closing, debugging and maintenance.


Every minute counts, and the mission will be achieved.

It is these kind, brave, ordinary and selfless people,

Injected into the battlefield in the cold winter

Warm and powerful power.

Thank them,

Let this once lush land come back to life.


A Review of Seven Generations of Golf History, the Backbone of Volkswagen Family

  [Car History] When it comes to its classic models, I’m afraid there is no one who doesn’t know the name except the familiar ones. The Beatles laid a solid foundation for the Volkswagen brand, and Dave became the spiritual and material double pillar of the Volkswagen Group. Just like the popular saying that "with golf (), there will be all models of the public", golf has become synonymous with the public. Since its birth in 1974, after 39 years of development, today’s golf has evolved into the seventh generation. Although most people have already memorized the history of golf, it doesn’t prevent you from revisiting the legendary development history of this Volkswagen classic model again, and maybe you can gain something new.

Home of the car

The background of golf: replacing the exhausted Beetle (Volkswagen EA-276 prototype)

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  Although the Beetle has brought great honor and benefits to the public, it has not changed much since it was officially born in 1938. At the end of 1960s, the sales volume of the Beetle dropped sharply. Volkswagen knew that the exhausted Beetle could not meet the people’s demand for the "national car" in terms of technology and the utilization of the interior space, and the successor to develop the "national car" was officially put on the agenda. In 1969, two prototypes, EA-266 and EA-276, were born one after another. Because EA-266 was placed in the lower rear seat, it was quickly eliminated by the noise and smell from the engine, while EA-276 with layout was successfully promoted. The car was equipped with a 1.5-liter horizontally opposed four-cylinder engine with 44 horsepower, and its square shape was probably not very pleasing. This is the prototype of Volkswagen Golf.

Note: Many people mistakenly think that the name of Golf comes from Golf. In fact, the naming method of Golf follows the consistent style of Volkswagen, that is, many of its models are named after the wind, as we know, Santana and others, and Golf comes from a warm current in the Gulf of Mexico.

The First Generation Golf Mk1(Typ 17)——1974-1983
Classic, the first "hatchback"

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  In May 1974, the first generation of golf officially entered people’s sight. Compared with the slightly rigid shape of EA-276 prototype, the "origami" design concept put forward by Italian car designer Giorgetto endowed the first generation of golf with an indelible classic shape. Maybe you don’t like its square-headed, square-brained shape, but when you look at it again today, you will find that this simple line is so intriguing. The whole plastic air intake grille is inlaid with two round headlights, and the front bumper hanging on the front of the car is shaped like a chopstick. Although it is a new "national car", chrome decoration is still full of air intake grille, bumper edge and body waist line. (Click to enter the biography of Giorgetto, the master of automobile design)

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  The first generation golf adopted the same hatchback shape as the prototype EA-276, and the concept of "hatchback" was first applied by golf and introduced into the field of automobile design. Compared with the prototype, the angle of the trunk cover of golf is more inclined. "Chopsticks" are always a pair, not one. Except for the turn signals on both sides of the front bumper, the front and rear bumpers are strikingly similar in size and shape, and the prominent wheel eyebrows make their simple shape have a sense of hierarchy. The first generation of golf is divided into two types: two-door hatchback and four-door hatchback. Taking the golf hatchback version as an example, its vehicle size is 3705mm long, 1610mm wide, 1395mm high and 2400mm high, and its weight is only 790kg.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  The interior design of the first generation golf seems a bit too simple as its modeling. The Volkswagen "Wolfsburg" logo was placed in the center of the two-spoke steering wheel. The left side of the double-barrel instrument panel was not a tachometer, but a "disguised" clock. The water temperature and fuel gauge were located at 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock respectively, and the right side was a speedometer. The only thing that can make people shine in the car is the silver plaque on the center console. A large area under the T-shaped area of the center console has been ruthlessly wasted. Interestingly, the gear sign is placed above the cigarette lighter near the co-pilot’s side. For beginners, this design will inevitably make people crazy.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  The first generation of golf adopts the structure of front and back half. Compared with the previous "national car" Beetle, golf has been greatly improved in maneuverability and practicality. The configuration of the first generation golf can only be considered enough. All you can see in the car are simple and practical configurations such as radio, air conditioner and hand-cranked window. In addition, Volkswagen also equipped the first generation of golf with front wheel disc brake system and rear wheel drum brake system. These configurations may not be worth mentioning at present, but as the successor of the Beatles, the overall quality of golf is still satisfactory.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  In terms of power, the first-generation golf, which was originally launched, was only equipped with a 1.1-liter inline four-cylinder engine, with a maximum of 50 horsepower and a maximum of 78 N m. Since then, Volkswagen has successively launched golf models with 1.3 liters, 1.5 liters, 1.6 liters, 1.7 liters, 1.5 liters and 1.6 liters. Among them, the 1.6-liter inline four-cylinder gasoline engine has a maximum power of 86 HP (63kW)/5600rpm and a maximum torque of 127 N m/3200 rpm, which is matched with the engine at 4, 5 and 3 speeds.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  In March, 1975, the first generation of sports golf model-Golf GTI appeared, and it was officially listed in June, 1976. The first generation of GTI also has two models, three-door and five-door hatchback, for consumers to choose from. The original intention of GTI is to let consumers enjoy driving even if they buy economical cars. In order to be different from ordinary golf, GTI, as a sports model, has made some optimization in appearance details, the most obvious of which is a circle of red decorative lines on the periphery of the front air intake grille, with a black Volkswagen logo in the center, the "GTI" on the side is particularly conspicuous, and the front and rear bumpers are also chrome-plated. At the same time, the plastic black spoiler under the front of the car complements the black wheel eyebrows, which further highlights the exclusive sense of GTI.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  Volkswagen has rendered the sporty atmosphere of the first generation GTI interior to the extreme. The monotonous two-spoke steering wheel on the regular version was replaced by a three-spoke competitive steering wheel with the logo of Wolfsburg. What about the clock on the left side of the original dashboard? For GTI, which pursues sports, the tachometer is more pragmatic. In order not to destroy the overall color of the interior, the silver center console panel has also been changed to black. Before, the sealed part under the center console was changed into a storage space. The oil temperature gauge on the left side below also reminds you at all times that this is a sporty car, and the forgotten clock is placed on the right side of the oil temperature gauge. The most exciting thing for fans is the Golf ball-shaped stopper. Is this to match the name of Golf? Who cares! What fans are after is an excellent feel.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  A sporty appearance alone is definitely not enough for fans to pay for it willingly. The first generation GTI is equipped with a 1.6-liter inline four-cylinder naturally aspirated fuel injection engine, with a maximum power of 110 HP (81 kW)/6,100 rpm and a maximum torque of 140 N m/5,000 rpm. For a GTI weighing only 810kg, its acceleration time of 0-100km/h is only 9.2. Low vehicle weight, solid chassis and strong power make GTI known as "". With the success of the first generation of golf GTI, other manufacturers have also launched their own "small steel cannon" models, and golf has once again become the leader of the new trend in the industry.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  The original intention of Volkswagen to launch golf GTI is only to participate in the competition. Volkswagen originally planned to produce 5,000 golf GTIs to meet the qualification of production cars stipulated by the competition. I never thought that the first generation of golf GTI would be sought after by fans as soon as it was launched, so Volkswagen continued to increase production to meet the market demand for this "small steel gun". Since its birth in 1975, the first generation of golf GTI has produced about 530,000 sets, which has since established GTI’s unshakable position.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  As the sales of the first generation of golf are rising, it has increased the confidence of the public in developing new models. In 1979, the golf convertible version derived from the first generation of golf was officially unveiled. The birth of the golf convertible made people realize that the original economical car can be so romantic. The first-generation golf convertible version uses a soft-top convertible that can be folded manually, and the horizontal position of B-pillar can effectively increase the strength of the whole vehicle. Volkswagen has made some modifications to the front and rear bumpers of the first-generation golf convertible version, and the black plastic decoration added to the rear license plate position makes the rear of the car look less monotonous.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  In 1975, Volkswagen introduced the first generation of Golf to the North American market and assembled it in the Volkswagen westmorland factory in the United States. The American version was named Rabbit instead of Golf. In order to comply with safety regulations, Rabbit has adopted an "extended" bumper, which is also a major feature of European models entering the North American market. Due to the use of soft suspension and too cheap materials, the quality of Rabbit is extremely unstable, which also makes the German public angry. In 1980, North American Volkswagen introduced a modified model of Rabbit, which changed the original round headlights into a square style, while the convertible version of Rabbit still used round headlights.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  In 1981, Volkswagen launched the Rabbit version, a derivative model of Rabbit. The car adopts a double-door design, and the wheelbase is lengthened and then equipped with a rear cargo compartment. If you are used to the ordinary version of the car and look at the pickup version, you will find it very different. The dimensions of the Rabbit pickup truck version are 4380mm long, 1640mm wide, 1490mm high and 2625mm wheelbase. In 1983, Volkswagen introduced Rabbit GTI. Unlike Golf GTI, Rabbit GTI equipped with a 1.8-liter inline four-cylinder engine has only 91 horsepower (67kW), which obviously does not meet the definition of "small steel gun". Rabbit GTI exported to Canada is all made in Germany, equipped with a 110 HP (82kW) 1.8-liter inline four-cylinder engine.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  In 1983, Volkswagen introduced the first generation of small modified golf models. The most striking feature of the modified golf is the "four-eye" headlights, which are more full in taillight style and more in line with the trend at that time. Interestingly, the first generation of golf convertible was not modified until 1988. Except for the four-round headlights, the new bumper with the same color as the car body is more full, and the application of side skirts makes the visual effect of the whole car lower. Many improvements have made the modified golf convertible look energetic.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) Past Classic Edition

  Compared with the North American version of golf, the South African version of golf-Volkswagen Citi is even more "wonderful". The car has three power combinations, namely 86 horsepower 1.4 liters, 102 horsepower 1.6 liters and 124 horsepower 1.8 liters in-line four-cylinder engines. From 1984 to 2009, it was officially discontinued. After repeated "face-lifting" production, although the interior design of Volkswagen Citi keeps pace with the times, its appearance will always maintain the original essence of the first generation of golf, and the Rabbit pickup truck model in North America market was named Caddy for production in South Africa. During the 25-year production cycle, a total of 377,484 Volkswagen Citi rolled off the production line. In Mexico, the first generation of golf was named Caribe for sale. From its birth in 1974 to its discontinuation in 1983 (Citi didn’t discontinue production until 2009), the first generation of golf sold a total of 6,780,050 sets worldwide. Such impressive sales laid a solid foundation for its future development, and the new "national car" also gained a firm foothold.