Reading at night | Do not forget your initiative mind moves forward.

I wonder if you have ever wondered why we study and why we work hard. I don’t know if you still remember the earnest teachings of the principal and teachers when you first entered school. But you must have understood that although there is no shortcut in life, reading is a smooth road to the future, and it is also a door of hope slowly pushed open in Mo Yun’s book. School is about to start, whether you have the opportunity to step into the school again or not, tonight, let’s relive the baptism brought by the campus.

Create a better future in tranquility (excerpt)

Qiu Yong, President of Tsinghua University

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of Class of 2016 Undergraduates in Tsinghua University

Dear students:

Starting today, you will become the new owners here and start a new life journey in beautiful tsinghua campus. Here, you will be immersed in the profound cultural accumulation, and experience the school motto of self-improvement, kindness and morality, the school spirit of actions speak louder than words, and the school style of integrating Chinese and Western cultures and linking ancient and modern times.

Here, you will have the opportunity to listen to the teachings of academic masters, have the opportunity to exchange and study around the world, and choose your own learning content and growth path in a more flexible training system. I believe that you will have the best university life in Tsinghua.

Pursue the truth and think in silence

Autumn is the most beautiful season in Beijing, and you can find the poetic meaning of "the stream is clear at first, and the autumn color is just Tsinghua" in the garden. The beautiful and quiet environment can really cleanse people’s hearts, make people look forward to it and make people think. This year, the students received the admission notice and the book I gave you — Walden Lake.

This immortal masterpiece tells the story of Thoreau’s simple life by Walden Lake from July 1845 to September 1847, and the scenery of Walden Lake changing with the seasons. At that time, money worship and hedonism were rampant in the United States, and people took the pursuit of material wealth as their only goal. Thoreau strongly criticized and reflected on this. He did not yield to vulgar reality, pursued the truth of life, and finally gained extraordinary noble thoughts. Today, we also need to get rid of material slavery and feel the great power of tranquility in the process of quiet thinking, silent watching and persistent pursuit.

University is a place that needs peace.

With the development of the times, the functions of universities are increasing, and the society is becoming more and more noisy and impetuous. At present, universities should especially emphasize the temptation to stay away from secular interests, get rid of the barriers of quick success and instant benefit, and truly become the spiritual home of mankind.

"Everything comes from its origin", universities must keep in mind and stick to the fundamental task of educating people and concentrate their energy and resources on talent training. The university needs a quiet and beautiful campus, and the style of the campus reflects the taste and realm of the university. In my mind, the beautiful scene of tsinghua campus should also include: the professor is walking on the way to the classroom between flowers and fallen leaves, the students are reading on the bench in the sound of rattan shadow, and the principal in Mo Yun Shuxiang talks with teachers and students. I believe that a peaceful Tsinghua will surely give birth to a better future.

Questioning one’s true nature in silence

Students, you have stepped into the door of Tsinghua, and the colorful university life has started. I think the first thing you should do now is to calm yourself down, forget your previous achievements and applause, forget your temporary satisfaction and complacency, emancipate your hearts, release your true selves, and find new dreams in peace.

Young people should strive to enrich the spirit rather than worship the material, should face their hearts instead of drifting with the tide, and should think independently instead of following the crowd. If a person lacks inner guidance, it is easy to lose himself in the noise, exhaust his potential and creativity, and at most he can only get mediocre Excellence and poor success.

You need to ask again and again, what do you like and love most? What is the most meaningful and valuable? Love from the heart is an inexhaustible motive force for your progress. Only by following the call of your heart can you create a life without regrets.

Stick to your original heart in peace.

Life is a long process. On the road of pursuing your dreams, you will face many choices. Only by sticking to your initial heart can you resist the temptation and not forget why you set out.

Learn and sharpen in silence

Zhuge Liang said in the Book of Commandments: "A husband must learn quietly before he can learn. If he does not learn, he will not be able to learn widely, and if he does not have ambition, he will not succeed.". Learning needs not only a quiet environment, but also a quiet heart. Only when you have no distractions and concentrate on your studies can you gain true knowledge and increase your talents; Only with perseverance and perseverance can we surpass ourselves and sublimate our lives.

Mr. Wang Guowei, one of the four tutors of Tsinghua National Studies Institute, wrote "Courtesy arouses Tsinghua" in the poem "A Moon is Full", where "Qing" means purity and serenity, and "Hua" means exuberance and hope. I believe that tsinghua campus will be more wonderful because of you, and your youth footprint will be remembered by tsinghua campus!

/Text from Tsinghua News Network

Opening speech

They said.

Lin Jianhua, president of Peking University.

Know yourself

University, a process of preparing for the future, is a journey of sculpting yourself, and also a place for you to "discover yourself, know yourself and choose what kind of person you will be in the future".

Follow your curiosity and kindness, enrich yourself with inheritance, criticism and innovation, challenge the limits of yourself, abandon pride and mania, discover your interests and talents, and understand your shortcomings.

Xu Ningsheng, President of Fudan University

"Fudan Soul"

The significance of the university now lies not in how high your grade points are or how many skills you have acquired, but in forming your independent personality and scientific way of thinking, and guiding you to work hard on the road you love. We should have extensive knowledge, ideals, ambitions, firm aspirations and constant pursuit, constantly explore the truth, dare to face social reality, think independently and bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility of promoting the cause of human national justice.

Jason, President of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Be independent and achieve a better self.

University life itself is a transformation process from deterministic thinking to critical thinking, and from following the crowd to inner awakening.

One of independence — — Self-confidence, the most important thing is to believe in yourself, to pursue your dreams without hesitation or flinching, and to build your own self-confidence;

The second independence — — Self-motivation, keep the inertia of pursuing Excellence, which stems from your deep love and purity;

The third independence — — The premise of introspection is "knowing what is more important to yourself". Find "what is more important than grades" in the learning process, "what is more important than papers" in the research process, and "what is more important than career" in the life planning.

Chen Jun, President of Nanjing University

Abandon "urgency", "fragmentation" and "narrowness" and revisit the classics.

In reading, we should think actively. There are two levels of "thinking". One is reflection, reflection on classics, reflection on oneself, "It is better to believe in books than to have no books", and to distinguish the truth with a critical eye; The second is thinking. By thinking, I will digest what I have read and truly become my own thing.

"Travel" also has two aspects. One is to gain study by studying abroad. The so-called reading thousands of books travels to Wan Li Road; The second is to put what you have learned into practice on the basis of thinking.

Li Yanrong, President of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

What is a good university?

Listen — — In the process of listening and interacting, I am good at acquiring the wisdom of others;

Say — — In the process of accurately expressing thoughts and feelings, organizing language to infect others requires confidence, passion and literary talent;

Read — — A large number of readers should learn from their predecessors’ strengths and broaden their horizons, and deal with the relationship between intensive reading and extensive reading;

Write — — In the playback of recording and memory, a person who often writes by himself often has quite high logical thinking ability by sorting out the memory of the brain and combing out new ideas from a thousand things.

Wan Lijun, President of University of Science and Technology of China

△ Figure from the school

Return to common sense and live up to the good times in college.

Returning to the common sense of "being a virtuous person", morality, self-cultivation, honesty, filial piety and responsibility are the basic requirements for dealing with people, and they are the basis for governing the country and the world.

Return to the common sense of "reading and scientific research", don’t be too utilitarian in college life, don’t seek personal gain, and care about the world;

Return to the common sense of "self-care and self-reliance", bid farewell to previous dependence, and learn to take care of themselves, stand on their own feet and take responsibility;

Return to the common sense of "independent thinking" and cultivate "independent personality and free spirit". How to eliminate the false from the mass information and distinguish right from wrong from public opinion is one of the basic skills to be practiced in college.

Why should we go to college?

Know yourself

The university environment is relaxed, so you can let go of the once heavy tactics of asking questions about the sea, carefully examine yourself, get to know yourself again, understand your preferences, discover your strengths, and do what you like. After four years of college, you will see your growth and gains along the way: freshmen don’t know what they don’t know, sophomores know what they don’t know, juniors don’t know what they know, and seniors know what they know. This is maturity.

Improve one’s accomplishment

You must have met local tyrants who made a fortune overnight, that is, those who "wear" money on their bodies. Vulgar, smelly and rude, even if you wear a famous brand and dress up in various ways, you can’t hide your lack of humanistic quality. The so-called near Zhu Zhechi, near Mexico is black. During your college years, you were in colleges and universities, influenced by the environment, and your personal accomplishment was constantly improved. In ancient times, Meng Mu moved three times, but today, the housing in the school district is hot. Isn’t this the truth? Remember, you may not have rich capital, but the level of your life quality can remain high.

Independent thinking

During college, you don’t have to study textbooks rigidly, and you can no longer be confined to your own small world. Instead, you can widely accept information, know the society and give your own opinions on various issues. You are no longer echoing the crowd, but judging right and wrong by yourself; You no longer believe in authority, because you know that many experts and scholars are only in name; You understand the complexity and multifaceted nature of society and human nature, thus becoming more rational, objective and independent.

Harvest feelings


Believe me, soon after you leave school, you will miss your college time and classmates very much. You will find that college classmates and friends are the most precious wealth in your life. It can be said that classmates are second only to relatives. Whenever and wherever, they will spare no effort to help and comfort you. Even if you are lucky, you will reap a pure love and find the other half who stands side by side with you on the road of struggle.

expand one’s horizon

In colleges and universities, we can increase our knowledge through extracurricular reading, club activities, platform communication and meeting students from all corners of the country. Students from rural areas have seen the prosperity of modern metropolis and the neon they have never seen before; The students in the city also learned about the customs of all parts of the country through the children in the countryside. Isn’t this an accumulation of life experience?

Get an opportunity

Of course, I believe that the level of education is not equal to the size of achievement. However, when you are employed for the first time, your educational background will determine your opportunities and the scope and level of work you can engage in. The university gives you a diploma, which is like a stepping stone. With it, you are qualified to apply to those big companies and government agencies. Although we can’t generalize, at least we have more opportunities than others.

Tomorrow will be September 1st, and major schools will officially start school. CCTV news and new media will give lectures on the opening ceremony of Beijing Jiaotong University, the first lesson: Quantum Satellite by Pan Jianwei, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the southernmost primary school of the motherland — — The opening of Yongxing School in Sansha City will be broadcast live, so stay tuned ~

/Text from school, official website, network, etc.

Unless otherwise marked,/pictures are all from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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Talk about the opening ceremony in your memory.

[Minsheng Investigation Bureau] Litchi is too expensive to eat? Have you achieved "fruit freedom"?

  People’s livelihood investigation bureau

  Editor’s note:

  This is the People’s Livelihood Investigation Bureau, which has never been seen before, investigating the changes in people’s livelihood. Pay attention to what you want to pay attention to and what you don’t, and investigate what you want to see and what you don’t see.

  Chinanews. com client Beijing May 14 th:Litchi is too expensive to eat? Have you achieved "fruit freedom"?

  Author Xie yiguan

  Recently, after the "free cherries", the "free litchi" is fond of hot search again. In fact, is litchi really so expensive this year? Is "fruit freedom" really hard to achieve?

  Is litchi expensive or not? Some people say it’s expensive, others say it’s not.

  Under Weibo’s comment of "Litchi Freedom", many netizens complained that Litchi was too expensive to eat. Some people even said that 60 yuan is nothing but a catty, and 79 yuan, a small city on the 18th line, is a catty.

  Is litchi really expensive? The reporter randomly visited several supermarkets in Beijing and found that the price of litchi was mostly concentrated in more than ten yuan a catty.

  In a Yonghui lifestyle shop in Beijing, the reporter saw that the price of Feizixiao (a variety of litchi) was 15.98 yuan a catty, and there was not much left.

  In a large supermarket in Fengtai, the price of princess smile is 19.8 yuan a catty. An old couple stopped at the stall for a long time and then looked at other fruits.

  In another community store, the unit price of litchi is also 19.8 yuan, and 24.8 yuan can be seen on the yellow price tag.

  A nearby resident said that litchi was cheaper last year. I remember that when I bought it in June, it was less than 10 yuan a catty. "The price is a bit expensive now, and I haven’t bought it this year."

  In a large supermarket in Luohe, Henan, the price of litchi is also 19.8 yuan per catty. Liu Wei, a resident of Luohe, Henan Province, said, "I feel that few people around me buy it."

  However, some residents feel that the price of litchi is still appropriate. Xiao Li, who lives in Beijing, said, "The litchi I bought two days ago is 10 yuan a catty, which doesn’t feel as expensive as everyone said."

  A vendor working in Xinfadi wholesale market also said, "This year’s litchi is 10 yuan a catty, which is cheaper than in previous years."

  On an e-commerce platform, the reporter saw that a merchant in Nanning, Guangxi, made a price of 59.9 yuan and 6 Jin for Feizixiao Litchi. After accounting, it is less than one Jin in 10 yuan, and the current monthly sales volume is tens of thousands.

  This year’s "litchi is expensive" may be

  — — Litchi has not yet come into the market in large quantities.

  "Different litchi varieties have different mature seasons. At present, litchi is just on the market, and most of the varieties sold in the market are in the early stage, so the price is definitely more expensive. After a while, after many varieties of litchi are listed, the price will drop, and the possibility of being cheaper than last year is not ruled out. " Zhu Xianhong, Guangxi Qinzhou Fruit Circulation Association, told reporters.

  Some netizens also said that according to the past situation, after a period of time, litchi will be listed in large quantities, and the price will naturally come down.

  — — There is a big price difference among different varieties.

  There are many varieties of litchi, such as March Red, Feizixiao, White Sugar Papaver, Guiwei, Gualv, Xiangli and glutinous rice paste. Different varieties have different tastes and prices. For example, the price of white sugar poppy, which is close to the listing time of Princess Smile, is much higher than that of Princess Smile.

  Recently, it has been reported by the media that a catty of litchi in 60 yuan is white sugar poppy, and the price of Feizixiao is much more "affordable". Therefore, "litchi is expensive" among some people, which may be the reason for buying more expensive varieties.

  — — In the next year, the output drops.

  "Last year was a big year for litchi production, and this year is a small year. The output may not be as good as last year, making the price slightly higher than last year." Liu Tong, manager of statistics department of agricultural and sideline products wholesale market in Xinfadi, said.

  According to the news released by Guangdong Station of China Weather Network, after last year’s bumper harvest, litchi trees consumed a lot of nutrients, resulting in insufficient basic energy materials for flower formation. In winter of 2018-2019, the temperature was high, and litchi trees could not accumulate nutrients well for flower bud differentiation, which affected the yield of litchi this year.

  The reduction of litchi production means a decline in supply, which in turn drives up the price. According to media reports, the agricultural department of Guangdong Province introduced that from the recent field prices of early-maturing litchi varieties, "March Red" in Gaozhou, western Guangdong, is 15-20 yuan/kg, and "White Sugar Poppy" in Xuwen, Zhanjiang, is 10-15 yuan/kg, which should be the highest price range of this variety in recent ten years.

  Many fruits such as apples have gone up in price.

  The reporter found that in Weibo’s comments on "Litchi Freedom", many people replied that the prices of apples, oranges and other fruits also rose.

  In the wholesale market of Xinfadi, many vendors also reported that many fruits did increase in price this year.

  According to Lao Zheng, who sells fruits in Xinfadi boutique fruit area, compared with last year, "the price of bayberry has increased by one piece, the price of grapes has increased by 5 hairs, and 80% of fruits have increased in price."

  Many merchants said that Apple is much more expensive this year than last year.

  An apple vendor said, "Now the price of apples is more than 5 yuan a catty, compared with more than 3 yuan last year, which is more than half of the price."

  In addition to apples, pears have also experienced some price increases this year. Merchants who do fresh pear wholesale business told reporters that a box of pears is now one-third more expensive than last year. "But this year’s pear production is good. With the listing of new pears, the price will be adjusted." He added.

  At the same time, there are bananas and watermelons. Some merchants told reporters that bananas are 3 yuan more expensive than last year. In addition, the current purchase price of watermelon is 1.8-2.3 yuan, which is slightly higher than the same period of last year.

  The price changes in the wholesale market are also reflected in the price tags of major supermarkets.

  "Fruits have generally gone up in price. Take apples for example, the price has gone up by half." A vendor selling fruit in a vegetable market in Fengtai said.

  In several supermarkets in Beijing, the price of ordinary apples is around 8-9 yuan per catty. "It was two or three yuan cheaper than this last year." A customer said, "Now pears have reached 8 or 9 yuan, and even bananas are more than 4 yuan a catty, which really has increased a lot."

  Not only in Beijing, "Shaanxi apples in supermarket chains are 9.8 kilos, and medium-sized apples in ordinary small fruit shops are also around 7 yuan, so I feel that I can’t afford apples." Lily li, a student in Xiamen, also said.

  Lin Jinzhi, who works in Changsha, Hunan, spoke out, "Cherry is already expensive, but now it is more expensive. The last time I bought it, it cost 178 yuan a catty, and I almost returned it when I checked out."

  Many netizens also listed the price list of fruits to prove that the price of fruits is too high.

  On a nationwide scale, the prices of various fruits are on the rise.

  According to the monitoring of the "National Agricultural Products Wholesale Market Price Information System" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Fuji Apple has been the biggest gainer among fruits. Since mid-March, the ring has been on the increase year-on-year. In the past two weeks, the year-on-year increase has even exceeded 40%. In addition, after the Spring Festival, the price of bananas has been higher than that of the same period last year, and the price of watermelons has been rising year-on-year for nearly two months.

  The fruit retail data released recently in many places also point to the same result: price increase.

  For example, according to the information released by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, the average retail price of fruits increased by 0.2% from May 6 to May 12. Due to the rainy weather last week, the transportation and storage costs of fruits increased slightly, driving the overall price of fruits to rise.

  According to the data of Guangxi Provincial Department of Commerce, from May 6 to May 12, the retail price of fruits was 9.46 yuan/kg, and the price increased by 1.94% from the previous month. Among the seven retail fruit varieties monitored, the retail prices of apples, grapes, pears, watermelons and lychees rose.

  Why do fruits increase in price?

  "The overall price of fruits is higher than last year, and the prices of apples and pears have doubled, mainly because of inventory." Liu Tong said.

  "Because the weather conditions were not very good last spring, the low temperature weather lasted for a long time, and it was often windy in the north in March and April, which made it spend a lot and the fruit setting rate decreased. All fruits that bloom in spring and bear fruit in autumn have basically reduced production, including apples, pears, kiwifruit, grapes and citrus in some areas. Affected by the strong wind in the north, the output of apples and pears has been greatly reduced. Now pears, kiwis and apples are at the end of the inventory, and the new fruits have not yet come up, and the prices will be higher. "

  The vendor selling apples in Xinfadi also said, "Due to hail and frost, the output of apples decreased last year, and now they are all out of stock."

  "The price increase of fruit is actually a normal phenomenon," Liu Tong also stressed. "Now the quality of fruit is better than the original, and the requirements for packaging and sorting are higher. Many bad fruits have been picked out, and the market is good, and the price must be high."

  Secondly, the increase in labor costs and transportation costs mentioned by merchants also has a certain impact on the price of fruits.

  It is worth noting that Australian cherries, New Zealand kiwis, etc. are now highly sought after by people who are pursuing high-quality life, and the import volume has increased year after year.

  The report Analysis and Forecast of Rural Economic Situation in China (2018-2019) shows that in 2018, China imported 8.42 billion US dollars of fruits, an increase of 34.5% over the previous year.

  The price of imported fruits is often higher than that of domestic fruits. The example of "selling cherries and buying a kiwi in 10 yuan" is not uncommon. These high-priced fruits have undoubtedly boosted the domestic fruit price.

  Are there any fruits on sale?

  So many fruits have gone up in price. Is there any fruit that has gone down in price?

  Liu Tong revealed that the prices of grapes and mangoes have dropped because of the launch of new products.

  National agricultural products wholesale market monitoring data show that the price of pineapple has decreased this year compared with last year.

  In some supermarkets, "you can buy a pineapple for a dozen dollars."

  Some minority fruits, such as carambola and guava, have no change in price because of their small audience.

  People who like to eat these fruits can eat them with an open stomach.

  If you can’t even afford cheap fruit, a netizen has a "good idea" to eat cucumbers and tomatoes as fruits.

  Have you achieved "fruit freedom"? (End)

48 China brands have entered the list of "Top 500 World Brands".

Beijing business today News (Reporter Jin Chaoli Cheng Liang) Recently, the World Brand Lab’s 2023 Top 500 World Brands list was announced, and 48 China brands entered the list of Top 500 World Brands. At the same time, 35 leading brands such as China Air China, Changhong and Haier Zhijia were selected as "2023 China Brand of the Year Award".

According to relevant analysis, the outstanding performance of domestic enterprises in brand first comes from continuous technological innovation and brand innovation, and constantly injects connotations such as fashion, trend and intelligence into brands, and promotes brand rejuvenation and upgrading, thus building their own industrial ecological moat.

According to the data, the "Top 500 World Brands" is judged on the basis of the brand’s world influence. The so-called brand influence refers to the brand’s ability to open up the market, occupy the market and make profits. According to the three key indicators of brand influence, namely, market share, brand loyalty and global leadership, the World Brand Lab comprehensively scored more than 8,000 famous brands around the world, and finally launched 500 most influential brands in the world.