Zhenjiang New Area Aviation Industrial Park monopolizes six navigation machine projects, as well as C919 supporting blessing.

  CCTV News:After the United States and China signed on September 28th and October 17th, respectively, the Airworthiness Implementation Procedures of the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States came into effect on October 17th. This agreement can simplify the accreditation process for C919, ARJ21 and future domestic aircraft to enter the United States.

  At present, the first domestic large passenger plane C919 has been transferred from Pudong base to Yanliang, Xi ‘an. This indicates that the inspection flight test of C919 in Shanghai has come to an end, and the next step of research and development flight test and airworthiness evidence collection has begun.

  As early as 2010, Zhenjiang New District seized the historical opportunity of the launch of the large aircraft project and began to build an aerospace industrial park in Zhenjiang New District. Up to now, Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park has a planned area of 10 square kilometers, including 6 square kilometers in the south area, with 150,000 square meters of professional carriers, mainly developing aerospace new materials and parts industries; The north area is 4 square kilometers, supported by Dalu General Airport, which mainly develops the assembly of large aircraft parts, general aircraft manufacturing assembly and general aviation related services. The overall orientation of the park is to build a design, research and development, production base and navigation comprehensive service base for general aircraft, new aerospace materials, aircraft interiors and parts with leading development advantages.

  Zhenjiang Road General Airport

  Industrial agglomeration is formed due to large aircraft projects.

  In 2009, at that time, the country proposed to gather global wisdom and national strength to develop domestic large aircraft. After winning the bid, China Aerospace Science and Industry Group, with military background, built the Aerospace Seahawk, mainly for supporting large aircraft. At the same time, we also hope to promote integration of defense and civilian technologies and promote the industrialization of new materials.

  After several years’ unremitting efforts, Aerospace Haiying has been successfully promoted from B-corner, a supplier of C919 for Comac, to an exclusive supplier, and has undertaken four work packages, including rear fuselage section, aileron, front fuselage section and vertical tail composite material, of China Comac C919 large passenger aircraft, accounting for more than 40% of all composite parts.

  It is no accident that the space eagle settled in Zhenjiang, which originated from Zhenjiang’s strong support and encouragement to the aerospace industry. Aerospace industry is one of the six strategic emerging industries in Zhenjiang. On April 25th, 2013, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Planning of the Modernization Demonstration Zone in Southern Jiangsu, which only put forward the requirement for Zhenjiang to build a joint innovation platform for aviation industry in Industry-University-Research relying on Zhenjiang General Aviation Base. In recent years, the aerospace industry has developed rapidly from scratch in Zhenjiang New District, and has become an advantageous and characteristic industry with high visibility and influence in the whole province and even the whole country.

  More than 30 enterprises in Zhenjiang participated in the research and development of major national projects such as the first domestic large aircraft C919, Yun 20, Jiaolong 600, ARJ21 and AC313, among which 11 enterprises were among the cooperative supporting suppliers of Comac C919, including Zhenjiang New Area Fischer Aviation Parts (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd., Aerospace Haiying Special Materials Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Meilong Aviation Parts Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Golden Flight Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. and other aviation-related enterprises.

  At present, C919 has 730 orders from 27 customers. The ARJ21 new regional aircraft has 433 orders from 20 customers. In the future, the C919 aircraft project will bring rare development opportunities to these enterprises, and at the same time, it will attract more and more aerospace enterprises to settle here. Zhenjiang City has made all positive preparations for this.

  Industrial extension due to large aircraft project

  In addition to supporting enterprises for large aircraft projects, a number of general aviation manufacturing projects have also gathered in the Aerospace Industrial Park of Zhenjiang New District.

  Relying on the aerospace industry foundation, Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park has introduced six general-purpose machine projects, including three fixed-wing aircraft manufacturing projects of German EA500, American Greisel and American Big Brown Bear, and three rotorcraft manufacturing projects of American Schiller helicopter, Anxiang Taiyue aerial drone and Feirui F200 unmanned plant protection machine. In addition, many general aviation manufacturing projects are being considered to settle in Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park.

  At present, the domestic navigation manufacturing industry develops rapidly in the fields of helicopters and small and medium-sized fixed-wing aircraft with relatively low technical threshold, which are involved in the layout of navigation manufacturing industry in aviation industrial parks everywhere, and the production scale and technical level are constantly improving.

  In the future, in addition to the supporting enterprises of large aircraft projects, Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park will gather more general aviation manufacturing and supporting enterprises, give play to the industrial agglomeration benefits, and promote the R&D and manufacturing development of the general aviation industry. In 2017, the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued the 13th Five-Year Plan for General Aviation Development, which also clarified "cultivating the regional service function of Dalu General Airport in Zhenjiang New District, supporting the construction of a floating airport by making use of the advantages of rivers, lakes and seas, and exploring the new mode of sharing transportation and general airport management" at Dalu General Airport in Zhenjiang New District. This provides Zhenjiang New Area with stronger infrastructure guarantee and huge development space for developing general aviation amphibious aircraft R&D and manufacturing.

  According to the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" of the aerospace industry officially released by Zhenjiang New District, it is planned to build "an aviation town"-Dalu Navigation Town. The town will take the aviation industry as the core and rely on the existing industry, airport, airspace and tourism resources to build two bases of "aviation manufacturing" and "navigation operation", and integrate the two industries of "Dongxiang Humanities" and "air sports" to build the aviation industry. In order to better promote the construction and development of "aviation town" and let more people participate in and share the achievements of the development of aerospace industry, the 2017 Zhenjiang New Area Aviation Carnival, with the theme of "flying over dreams and being suitable for Zhenjiang", was held in Zhenjiang New Area from November 17 to 19, 2017, with the support of Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park Management Office, Jiangsu Dalu Aviation Industry Development Co., Ltd. and China Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.

  There is no doubt that China is a manufacturing power in the world. However, today, the manufacturing pattern of countries in the world is changing. Germany proposes Industry 4.0, the United States proposes re-industrialization, and China also proposes "Made in China 2025", vowing to make China a manufacturing power. At present, although in aviation manufacturing, many high-precision, sophisticated equipment are imported from abroad, and there is still a big gap between domestic equipment and them, it is not that China cannot reach this level. This is a question of quality assurance system. As long as all links are properly controlled and strictly implemented according to standards, China’s equipment can also reach high-precision, sophisticated.

  At present, Zhenjiang Aerospace Industrial Park is gathering and introducing a number of technologies, new materials, new equipment and computer technologies related to aerospace manufacturing, and building it into a design, research and development, production base and navigation comprehensive service base for general aircraft, new aerospace materials, aircraft interiors and parts with leading development advantages.

  While developing aerospace and navigation R&D and manufacturing, Zhenjiang Aerospace Industrial Park is also actively promoting industrial landing, developing navigation operations and cultivating aviation culture, thus forming a relatively complete industrial chain and consumer market, laying a solid foundation for sustainable development.

Domestic roaming charges that have been paid for more than 20 years will be cancelled. How much can you save?

  BEIJING, Beijing, July 28 (Wu Tao) On the 27th, the three major operators announced that they would completely cancel the domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones from September 1. This means that domestic roaming charges for mobile phones that have been implemented in China for more than 20 years will become history. Who will benefit after cancellation? What impact will it have on operators’ operations? Zhongxin. com interviewed relevant experts for this purpose.

  Long-distance roaming charges for domestic mobile phones will be cancelled after more than 2 years.

  On July 27th, Yang Jie, Chairman of China Telecom, announced at the 9th "Tianyi Intelligent Ecology Expo" that from September 1st, China Telecom will completely cancel the domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones, which is one month ahead of the plan at the beginning of the year, and it is expected to benefit 80 million users.

  Subsequently, China Unicom and China Mobile announced that they would completely cancel the domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones from September 1st, which was implemented one month earlier than originally planned on October 1st. On March 6 this year, three basic telecommunications companies said that they would officially cancel the long-distance roaming charges for domestic mobile phones from October 1.

  The reporter checked the information and found that roaming charges can be traced back to the 1990 s and have already been generated during the mobile phone period. In 1990s, China set up a "roaming fee" similar to tariff for mobile phones used across regions.

  This year, the three major operators have already begun to cancel the long-distance roaming charges of domestic mobile phones in advance. On July 25, Zhang Feng, spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that regarding the cancellation of domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology continued to push the three basic telecommunications companies to speed up their work in accordance with the principle of ensuring that the work is in place and striving for early implementation. "The three companies are making every effort to promote system transformation and other related work, and strive to achieve their goals ahead of schedule."

  The reporter noted that the official plan to cancel the domestic roaming fee for mobile phones began in 2015. On July 6, 2015, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said at the press conference on "speeding up and reducing fees" that "the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is currently studying and exploring the possibility of canceling roaming charges."

  What is the impact on ordinary consumers?

  According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, by the end of June 2017, the total number of mobile phone users in China reached 1.36 billion. Who will be affected by the cancellation of domestic long-distance roaming charges by the three major operators? Will the user’s phone bill drop?

  Xiang Ligang, an expert in communication industry, said in an interview with Zhongxin. com that the users who really benefit from it are mainly some old users, and the impact on ordinary consumers is actually very small.

  "There are two main reasons: First, many new packages sold by the three major operators are ‘ Long-term market integration ’ (Long-distance, local calls and roaming are the same price), and these packages do not care about long-distance roaming; Second, for a period of time, a large number of users are converted into 4G users at high speed, that is, from old users to new package users. " Xiang Ligang said.

  There are data to support this view. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in the first half of this year, 2G and 3G users continued to switch to 4G users, and 4G users maintained steady growth, with a cumulative net increase of 118 million, reaching 888 million, accounting for 65.1% of mobile phone users.

  Ma Jihua, an analyst in the telecommunications industry, analyzed in an interview with Zhongxin.com, "There is one kind of users who will benefit, that is, users who use local packages may spend less in the future, but they will not get much light, because the reason why they use local packages is because the demand for long-distance roaming is not great."

  What is the impact on the three major operators?

  What impact will this policy have on the three major operators after its implementation? Will its income decline? According to Xiang Ligang’s analysis, the impact is very small. Long-distance roaming charges are originally a management tool of the three major operators. Now, the voice business income of the three major operators is shrinking, and the proportion of total revenue is also decreasing. Therefore, the cancellation of long-distance roaming charges has little impact on the income of the three major operators.

  Ma Jihua holds the same view. He believes that although the policy will have a little impact on the income of the three major operators, it is not too big. "The three major operators can fully withstand it, and the voice services of the three major operators have also continued to decline. In the future, the income will mainly depend on traffic."

  According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, from January to April this year, the voice business income of the three major operators accounted for 19.6% of the telecom business income. By the middle of the year, that is, from January to June, the proportion dropped to 19.4%, down 7.1 percentage points from the same period of the previous year.

  Contrary to this, the traffic revenue of the three major operators is growing rapidly. In the first half of the year, the revenue of mobile data and mobile Internet services of the three major operators reached 274.6 billion yuan, up 29.6% year-on-year, accounting for 42.6% of the revenue of telecom services, driving the revenue of telecom services to increase by 10.3 percentage points.

2 am! The Beijing media made a controversial report: China football became a joke, and fans swore.

At 2am, China football once again became the focus of controversy, and this time it was even pushed to the forefront. It originated from a report in Beijing Youth Daily that Song Kai, president of the China Football Association, had a clear understanding of the problems faced by women’s football after watching the women’s football match between China and South Korea. However, this report not only did not calm the fans’ arguments, but also triggered more controversy and discussion.

What is the reason for it It turned out that some fans questioned that Song Kai had a comprehensive understanding of the team’s problems through one game. This doubt is not groundless, because there are many factors that affect the outcome of a football match, including the player’s state, tactical arrangement, game mentality and so on. It seems a little hasty to jump to conclusions just through one game.

Of course, the reaction of the fans is even more enthusiastic. Some fans are skeptical about what Song Kai has done, thinking that he may not have a deep understanding of the real situation of women’s football. Other fans want to see more professional solutions, not just superficial observation. Some fans hit the nail on the head and pointed out that understanding the problem does not mean that we can solve the problem. What we need is real change and progress.

In fact, the development of football in China has always attracted much attention. However, as the fans say, the key to the problem is how to solve these problems. What we need is to dig deep into the root of the problem, find the crux, and then prescribe the right medicine. This requires professional ability, dedicated attitude and long-term patience.

In this regard, fans and friends: What do you think of Song Kai’s statement after watching the game? Do you think he can lead China football out of the predicament? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views!

At the same time, we expect you to continue to pay attention to our reports, and let us witness the rise of football in China!