Farewell, Americans’ GPS! From May, navigation will use China’s Beidou

  Mobile phone navigation, WeChat sharing location, finding maps of street food, etc., GPS in the United States has almost monopolized everything.

  Nowadays, Beidou’s domestic layout is getting stronger and stronger, and GPS is about to step aside!

  According to media reports, the Beidou satellite navigation system has entered the intensive launch stage of global networking, and the first phase of "National One Network" has been officially accepted, which can provide real-time dynamic centimeter-level precision positioning services in 21 provinces in China.

  At that time, under the empowerment of Beidou, smart cities, autonomous driving, smart logistics, etc. will achieve large-scale commercial use.

  Beidou Map APP, accurate to within 1 meter, accurate to specific lanes

  According to the reporter from Shapingba District, Chongqing, the Beidou Map APP is expected to be launched on May 1, and its navigation function can be accurate to within 1 meter, allowing it to clearly locate specific lanes.

  Beidou Map APP is a basic location-based service tool based on Beidou satellite precision navigation service, which can provide mobile, real-time positioning and navigation, as well as location-based clothing, food, housing, transportation and business information services for the majority of users.

  According to the relevant person in charge of Beidou Internet of Things Company, "Beidou Map has intuitive and convenient road guidance, clear and clear voice prompts, and new road signs and actual road prompts for main and auxiliary roads, roundabout islands, and expressways, so that users can understand the route situation at a glance, and can calmly deal with complex road conditions." Beidou Map can also give intelligent route optimization suggestions according to actual road conditions to improve travel efficiency.

GPS is American.

  GPS is American.

  There is a prestigious club in the world that has only four members, but it has attracted the attention of heads of state and the research of many top scientists and engineers. This club is GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). The four members are GPS from the United States, Galileo Galilei from Europe, GLONASS from Russia, and Compass from China.

  Once upon a time, in the minds of ordinary users, GPS was a positioning and navigation system, and a positioning and navigation system was GPS.

  But many people don’t realize that although users around the world can access it, the control and data of the GPS system still belong to the United States.

GPS, powerful as this

  GPS, powerful as this

  The older generation, such as my father who has been driving for more than 20 years, can be called an old driver. I remember riding in the car in elementary school and junior high school, and I always love to sleep. At this time, my father will wake me up and say:

  "Stop sleeping, watch the road, what if you don’t recognize the road in the future?"

  Unfortunately, more than a decade has passed, and I rarely get lost, even though my phone has a powerful navigation system.

  And my father, who was very dissatisfied with me sleeping in the car, has completely given up the idea of persuading me in recent years and has happily used GPS.

GPS is mainly used for two purposes, military and civilian.

  GPS is mainly used for two purposes, military and civilian.

  Military: Almost all aircraft, tanks, precision-guided missiles, and ships in the United States use GPS.

  Civilian aspects: Without GPS, the navigation of mobile phones, WeChat, and APP will be paralyzed; the national power grid will enter an unstable state; autonomous driving technology, high-precision takeoff and landing autonomous navigation of civil aviation aircraft, and precision agriculture are all dreams.

  The GPS system belongs to the United States, and over-reliance on GPS will inevitably lay hidden dangers. Such as GPS interference and deception.

GPS belongs to the United States, Beidou belongs to us.

  GPS belongs to the United States, Beidou belongs to us.

  In order to break the monopoly of the United States in this field, Russia and Europe have respectively built GLONASS and Galileo satellite navigation systems.

  China Beidou is a new member, but also the most dynamic member, and Beidou has a huge impact on our lives!

  One is the complex constellation system.

It is reported that Beidou has two unique features:

  It is reported that Beidou has two unique featuresOffice:

  Beidou is the only satellite navigation system that uses geostationary orbit, geosynchronous orbit and medium orbit. GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo all use medium orbit only.

  The second is the short message system: Beidou’s receiver can communicate with the satellite and issue a 140-word short message, just like the "text message" that people usually use now, which can not only locate, but also display the location of the publisher.

  In military terms, all the places where the US GPS can be used are in the direction of Beidou.

  The performance of Beidou is no less than that of the US GPS.

  What is "Beidou"? The beautiful woman scientist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences after 80 will analyze it for you

  Hello, Big Dipper.

  According to the surging coverage, at 01:56 on March 30, our country used the Long March 3B carrier rocket (and the upper stage of Expedition 1) at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the 30th and 31st Beidou navigation satellites in the way of "one arrow and two stars". These two satellites are the seventh and eighth networking satellites of our country’s Beidou-3. China’s Beidou satellite navigation system has entered the intensive launch stage of global networking. So far, a total of 31 satellites have been launched, and it can provide services for global users in 2020.

  The first phase of the construction of the Beidou ground-based enhancement system "National One Network" in our country has officially passed the acceptance, which can provide sub-meter-level precision positioning services nationwide and real-time dynamic centimeter-level precision positioning services in 21 provinces in China.

  We can finally say goodbye to GPS.

  Industry insiders said that it is expected that in the next three years, more end points such as mobile phones, bicycles, and wearable devices will use Beidou high-precision positioning services to empower urban management and bring convenience to people’s lives.

  Unmanned courier

  "Drone delivery is a typical Internet of Things application, and the core technology is location-based service." The relevant person in charge of Beidou Internet of Things Company introduced that the company has developed the world’s first Internet of Things module based on Beidou communication technology, which can make location-based services accurate to the centimeter level.

Network map, independent of graphics and text

  Network map, independent of graphics and text

  You may not see the courier brother in the future~

  Positioning vehicles with sub-meter accuracy

  All vehicles engaged in road passenger transportation, travel bags, and dangerous goods transportation must be equipped with electronic positioning devices, so that the traffic management department can monitor the movement status of the vehicle, and the illegal driving behavior such as speeding and breaking the ban will be automatically alerted.

  The previous GPS positioning accuracy was 10 meters, and it was impossible to distinguish lanes. Since September 2014, China has started the development and construction of the Beidou ground-based enhancement system, installing Beidou equipment in street light poles, signal towers and other places to form the Beidou ground-based enhancement system.

  The Beidou ground-based augmentation system and space-based satellites cooperate to achieve real-time positioning accuracy below the meter level, and large trucks will no longer dare to occupy the overtaking lane for a long time.

  The elderly and children were lost and found quickly

  With the Beidou navigation system, the positioning watches worn by the elderly and children will be more accurate and sensitive. The positioning information is no longer "near a certain place", but may be accurate to which floor tile you stand on.

In case the bear child is naughty and runs away from home, this time he knows where to look.

  In case the bear child is naughty and runs away from home, this time he knows where to look.

  No examiner driving test is coming

  With the cooperation of ground facilities, Beidou’s real-time positioning accuracy has been much higher than GPS, which provides another business with technical means, that is, the examiner-free driving test based on the Beidou system.

  The current driving test items such as reverse parking already have electronic monitoring, and the alarm will be called when the line is pressed, but the road test still needs an examiner. In the future, all driving exams may be completely replaced by the Beidou system, and the Beidou receiver will be installed on the test car. Whether it is reverse parking or road test, the system will accurately record the vehicle trajectory in real time and automatically score it, which will be more strict and fair than the examiner.

  Deformation monitoring of huge buildings

  Fixing Beidou equipment on huge buildings such as dams, bridges, and highways can more conveniently and accurately measure their settlement and deformation. The equipment automatically receives positioning information, accumulates a month of massive positioning data, and then performs differential calculations. The positioning data with accuracy below millimeters is counted, which is much more convenient and accurate than manual measurement.

  Using Beidou for deformation monitoring can also send data from remote monitoring points directly back to the base through the Beidou SMS function, reducing manual collection, and automating positioning, differential decomposition, and data return.

  Applications in fisheries

  In order to make it easier to call for help in case of distress, fishermen will be equipped with GPS and maritime satellite phones when they go out to sea, but it is very expensive to maintain a maritime satellite phone.

  After the Beidou network in the Asia-Pacific region, fishermen installed the Beidou satellite ship end point, a key for help after encountering danger, the end point will automatically send the rescue text message with positioning information to the shore rescue team through the satellite, realizing the function of GPS + maritime satellite phone.

  Is this end point expensive? The government has taken out 100 million free Beidou end points installed for 10,000 fishing boats in Liaoning, Shandong, Zhejiang and Hainan, and the direct subsidy for subsequent installation is 90%. Fishermen only need to pay 10% of the money to install it.

  Beidou satellite text messages cost 30 cents, which is much cheaper than maritime satellite phones!

  Application in rescue

  The short message service of the Beidou system can perform emergency communication in the event of disasters such as earthquakes and damage to base stations, and can also send its location to the outside world in the absence of a signal.

The Beidou-1 system played an important role in the Wenchuan earthquake.

  The Beidou-1 system played an important role in the Wenchuan earthquake.

  During the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Beidou played an important role.

  At that time, the Beidou first-generation system had the advantage of not being affected by the ground during the earthquake, and its positioning and SMS capabilities had fully played a role. It had become the most effective communication assistant for the rescue command force and frontline rescuers, maximizing the effective use of the "72-hour golden rescue time".

  Let’s use a picture to understand

  Beidou satellite navigation system

Are you shocked after reading it?

  Are you shocked after reading it?

  The applications of Beidou listed above

  Just a small aspect.

  In the future, it will affect our lives in every way.

  Amazing, my country!

  Make a call for Beidou~

Huawei P7 is selling well, and the three major domestic operators are promoting it together


Make fitness as convenient as going to a convenience store.

  [quick review of literary travel]  

  Speaking of fitness, many people have a common language. A good friend mentioned that he has been "stepping on the spot" between various new gyms recently. Different from the traditional gym, in this new gym, a bracelet can "win the world" — — When entering the door, the smart bracelet will start immediately after face recognition; As soon as the bracelet is used for induction, the locker automatically opens; Close to the treadmill with a bracelet and start the smart shower with a bracelet … … The smart bracelet has become the "master key" to open all aspects of fitness.

  If the hand band is intelligent in presentation, then the real-time data updated in the mobile phone at any time will become the "burner" of intelligent fitness: the physical measurement report of the intelligent body measurement instrument will be used, and the data such as distance, duration and calories during exercise will be uploaded to the App in real time. The artificial intelligence system can accurately determine the data such as action rate and weight in real time, so as to update the training scheme in real time. This kind of service content has made many young people who are keen on weight control and precise exercise hooked up.

  What is even more relaxing is that this gym has even introduced a flexible payment method: consumers no longer need to apply for a card, but pay monthly or even once. In this way, going to the gym is as convenient as going to the convenience store downstairs.

  Market competition, big waves wash sand. With the attack of "internet plus", new technology and physical fitness are combined, adding new content, new ecology and new markets: the diversified smart wearable devices within reach, the sports track charts exposed from time to time in the circle of friends, and the increasingly popular fitness videos on the platforms such as Aauto Quicker in Tik Tok, etc., all interpret the extension effect of this "internet plus" to the extreme.

  Indeed, the power of science and technology not only helps athletes to achieve better results on the field, but also penetrates into the daily life of the people, and injects more strength into the development of sports and fitness industry.

  This power is embodied in the process of accelerating the dream pursuit of sports powers — — Not long ago, China issued the National Fitness Program (2021— In 2025), it is proposed that sports enterprises should be encouraged to use such means as "going to the cloud to give wisdom" and "sports bank" to promote the digital transformation of the sports industry and the coordinated transformation of the entire industrial chain with data empowerment. When the sports industry plugs in the wings of science and technology, it will find a new breakthrough for empowering the whole people to keep fit.

  This power is embodied in the practice of improving the quality of sports services — — In addition to sports App, local sports departments are also trying to use App software to promote public sports service platforms, and even purchase sports public services through government subsidies. This not only revitalizes some sports venues, but also makes it more convenient for sports enthusiasts to book sports fitness venues with their mobile phones, thus enjoying more convenient sports services.

  With the power of science and technology, it seems that my friend doesn’t have to dwell on dazzling choices any more, and he can go straight to the science and technology fitness center. However, in addition to her joy, she also felt sorry for the author that the community where she lived in the past was equipped with a plastic runway, which was very convenient for running and fitness. Nowadays, the new house we moved to is in an old residential area, and the whole family is distressed because there is no suitable running place around. Comparatively speaking, going to this new gym is a bit out of place for children and the elderly.

  From this point of view, how to let the people enjoy the close-at-hand, beautiful and high-quality fitness service is the key to the industry’s urgent efforts. Although science and technology can make the fitness industry fly very high and far, the goal of taking off is still to let the people reach the other side of physical fitness. To continue to fly, we must work hard to improve the quality and level of service.

  In fact, China has the largest middle-income group in the world and the second largest consumer market in the world. With the upgrading of consumption, China’s fitness market has great imagination. Even if the penetration rate is only about 10% in the future, it will take the lead in the global fitness market.

  With creative planning, we can take off with imagination: carry out differentiated competition and intensively cultivate in the segmentation field; Empowering the sports equipment industry with science and technology to promote transformation and upgrading; Pay attention to the combination of online and offline to enhance user stickiness; Extend the industrial chain and find profit growth points such as big health industry … … Facts have proved that only innovation can promote the upgrading of service quality and win the favor of consumers with high-quality services. (Villi)

Reminder | New scam! Do you know the mobile phone extension? Someone lost 50 thousand overnight

  CCTV News:Pretending to be an acquaintance to borrow money, pretending to be a public security bureau, a procuratorate or a court officer to investigate a case, and hiding a Trojan link &hellip in short messages and QR codes; … These tricks must have made everyone immune, but do you know? Some telecommunications services that you have never heard of have also begun to become new traps set by scammers!

The mobile phone was locked and more than 50,000 yuan was stolen.

  When he woke up, Mr. He in Shenzhen found that his mobile phone was locked. At the same time, a shopping platform account was stolen by strangers. Criminals used white bars to spend and apply for loans, and robbed more than 50,000 yuan overnight.


  Later, Mr. He discovered that his mobile phone had been taken over by a strange number. The short message from the operator shows that this is a business to add a secondary number, and Mr. He’s mobile phone number was added as a secondary number by criminals. When the secondary phone is turned off, all short messages will be received by the primary phone, and criminals will receive Mr. He’s short message verification code during this period, and then commit crimes.


"Subnumber" ≠ "kinship number"

  Without an ID card, a bank card or even a real name, the money is gone. What the hell is a minor number?

  Many people think of "family number" at first, but "deputy number" and "family number" are not the same thing.


  Family number usually refers to the phone bill package opened by different owners and different numbers in order to make calls between them cheaper, and the secondary number is the "one card with many numbers" service provided by operators. On the basis of not changing mobile phones and SIM cards, users can add up to three real mobile phones as secondary numbers. The main and auxiliary numbers can stand by at the same time, and you can freely choose any number to dial, answer the phone and send and receive short messages as needed.

Don’t reply to text messages too casually.

  Then, how did Mr. He’s mobile phone number become the "secondary number" of criminals?

  Reduction of criminal modus operandi

  Step 1: Buy materials.Criminals buy leaked names, bank card numbers, ID numbers and reserved mobile phone numbers online, commonly known as "four big pieces".

  Step 2: Fishing.Criminals apply to the users who have mastered the bank card information, initiate the business application of binding the sub-number, and find the target of the crime by casting a net widely. Once you reply by mistake, you are hooked.

  Step 3: Forced shutdown.Because the main number can only take over the SMS when the secondary number is turned off, criminals usually use two means at this time. One is to use SMS bombing to force the target to turn off the mobile phone, and the other is to use the mobile phone cloud service to remotely operate the mobile phone.

  Step 4: White Wolf with Empty Gloves.Using the SMS verification code received by the main number, criminals ransacked the online shopping account bound to the mobile phone number.

  Patterns are stacked, and it is impossible to prevent them! For this kind of fraud, after receiving all kinds of SMS notifications, you must read the content of the SMS clearly and do not reply at will.

"SMS custody" business is also not very secure.

  After the SMS storage service is opened, you can save your mobile phone messages on the server of the operator. Now, many mobile phone manufacturers’ cloud services are doing the same thing. However, this is a hidden danger function.

  Case review

  One morning, Miss Ding saw two short messages from banks and mobile phone operators on her mobile phone, which were sent at 3:43 am and 4:12 am respectively. As soon as the account is checked, the balance of more than 100,000 yuan will be zero overnight! Not only that, Miss Ding also suffered a credit card theft and was "applied" for a bank universal loan of 70,000 yuan.

  How on earth did all this happen?

  Reduction of criminal modus operandi

  Step 1: Hit the database to get all kinds of account information.The so-called "library collision" means using software to try a high probability digital sequence. Using this simple and rude method, the user’s network identity, online banking account number, mobile phone business hall and other accounts can be seen at a glance. Insiders said: "The speed of library collision is very fast, at least thousands per minute. If some good equipment is used, the efficiency is higher and the success rate is above 50%."

  Step 2: Open SMS storage and SMS interception services to obtain verification code.This is the most critical step. After the opening of this service, the dynamic verification code to ensure the safety of landing has successfully become the bag of criminals.

  Step 3: Open the physical SIM card.At this point, criminals can pretend to be victims and apply for 4G card replacement service in the online business hall. For the convenience of the people, some operators can express the card directly to the designated address.

  By intercepting short messages and copying SIM cards, fraudsters can "do whatever they want".

  As we all know, many important services rely on mobile phone authentication. If you back up the SMS to the server synchronously, it will increase the exposure opportunity. Once the service password of the online business hall is stolen, or the login permission of the cloud service is stolen, it is equivalent to "swimming naked".

The loopholes in the unpopular business are targeted by scammers.


  The "Research Report on the Trend of Online Fraud in 2016" released by the anti-fraud reporting platform "Hunting Network Platform" proposes that since 2016, online fraud has mainly shown several obvious characteristics:

  Mobile phone cards have become new theft targets;

  Jump to the phishing website by using short URL and weiyun sharing link;

  Well-known recruitment websites and voice platforms for open recruitment;

  A phishing website that is difficult to distinguish between true and false;

  The implementation of precision fraud;

  Fraud professionalism is getting higher and higher;

  Using loopholes in new business and unpopular business to commit fraud;

  Use cloud disk and synchronization software to steal information.

  Among them, the loopholes in mobile phone cards and unpopular business are mentioned.

  Security experts suggest that we should develop good online habits, don’t click unfamiliar links, don’t fill in our personal information in the website interface with unknown security, and regularly modify the password of social accounts to avoid information such as mobile phone contact information being leaked; Improve safety awareness, develop good habits of using mobile phones, and avoid being infected by mobile phone viruses.

Lose face! The first goal of the new president of the Football Association was ruined, and China Football took the Korean team to the end.

China’s football is once again in the doldrums. This time, the defeat comes from the women’s Asian qualifiers of the Paris Olympic Games. This is a very disappointing failure for players, coaches, fans and officials of China football. The first Paris Olympic Women’s Asian Regional Qualifier attracted the attention of many fans, but the final outcome dashed the dream of China women’s football team.

Paris Olympic Games is one of the biggest sports events in the world. It is held every four years and attracts athletes and teams from all over the world. Football is one of the important events in the Olympic Games, and it is the dream of every women’s football team to qualify for the Olympic Games on behalf of the national women’s football team. Therefore, the women’s Asian qualifiers for the Paris Olympic Games are of great significance to the participating national teams. However, the defeat of the women’s football team in China is not only a game defeat, but also exposes the deep-seated problems and challenges faced by the football team in China. Let’s discuss the reasons for this setback, the difficulties faced by China women’s football team and the future prospect of China football.

Looking back on the history of women’s football in China, we can see the glory of this team. China women’s football team won many honors in international football in 1990s and early 21st century. In 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997 and 1999, the women’s Asian Cup won seven consecutive championships; In 1990, 1994 and 1998, the women’s football team won three consecutive championships in the Asian Games; Runner-up in the 3rd Women’s World Cup in 1999. In 2006, she won the women’s Asian Cup again. They won the runner-up in the 1999 Women’s World Cup and the silver medal in the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. These achievements have made China women’s football team the pride of domestic sports, and also inspired generations of girls’ football dreams.

However, in recent years, the competitiveness of women’s football in China has gradually declined. Their performance in the international arena is not as good as before, and they gradually lost their former glory. Before the women’s Asian regional qualifiers of the Paris Olympic Games, China women’s football team had not performed well in the 2019 Women’s World Cup and failed to enter the quarter-finals. This has caused concern about the decline in the competitiveness of women’s football in China.

After Song Kai, the new president of China Football Association, took office, his first goal was to ensure that China women’s football team could successfully advance to the Paris Olympic Games. Song Kai has taken a series of measures, including strengthening the leadership, improving the quality of training, and formulating clear tasks. He made it clear that the success of the women’s football team in China is very important for the football team in China, and the Asian women’s football qualifiers of the Paris Olympic Games are the key for them to achieve this goal.

However, Song Kai’s first task after taking office ended in failure. This defeat is undoubtedly a heavy blow to him personally, and it also challenges his leadership position. As soon as he started to reform China football, he was confronted with such a great setback, which posed serious problems for his leadership and reform plan.

The lineup and competitiveness of China women’s football team

China women’s football team has always been the focus of attention. Their players have shown excellent personal abilities in the international arena, but the overall strength of the team has not reached the highest level. This setback makes people wonder whether China women’s football team needs more young blood and fresh strength to enhance the overall competitiveness of the team.

The frustration of China women’s football team also makes people think about the management and guidance of the coaching staff. On the field, at the management level, whether the coaching staff needs more reforms and improve the management level in order to better train and guide players is a problem that needs deep thinking.

This defeat is undoubtedly a painful experience for China women’s football team. After the game, the players cried many times, and the Xie Chang session of the whole team was full of sadness. They have worked hard for their own defeat, but in the end they failed to advance as expected. This setback needs reflection and summary, and China women’s football team needs to learn from it and constantly improve its level.

However, this defeat does not mean that the women’s football team in China has come to an end. This is only a temporary setback, not an end. China Women’s Football Team has many potential players, who will have the opportunity to prove themselves and compete for honor in future competitions.

The future of women’s football in China is still full of hope. Although this defeat is sad, it can also be seen as an opportunity to urge the China women’s football team to make greater efforts to prepare for future competitions. China women’s football team needs to learn from this failure, strengthen teamwork and improve the overall competitive level.

China football needs more reforms and improved management level to better promote the development of China football. Although this setback is sad, we believe that China Football Club will keep going and strive for its dream. I hope that the women’s football team in China can re-emerge and win honor for the country, and I also look forward to more progress and development of football in China in the future. No matter how difficult it is, China football will keep going.

The failure of China women’s football team is a setback, but it is also an opportunity. China football needs to learn from it, keep moving forward and strive for more honor. In the future, China women’s football team will have the opportunity to rally and make a name for itself in the international arena again. At the same time, China football needs to continue to reform and improve its management level to ensure the long-term development of China football. No matter how many challenges are encountered, China Football will stick to its dream and strive to move forward.

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics released data. In April, the national consumer price rose by 2.5% year-on-year. Among them, the price of fresh fruit rose by 11.9%, which affected the CPI by about 0.22%.

According to media reports, the CPI data of 31 provinces in April have also been released one after another. Don't look at the classification, there are 13 provinces with a year-on-year increase in fresh fruits, and 18 provinces with an increase of over 10%.

  According to media reports, the CPI data of 31 provinces in April have also been released one after another. Don’t look at the classification, there are 13 provinces with a year-on-year increase in fresh fruits, and 18 provinces with an increase of over 10%.

  Why is the price of fruit "rising" recently? When will the price stabilize in the future?

  On May 23, CCTV Financial Review invitedGuo Liyan, a researcher at the Market Institute of China Macroeconomic Research Institute, andWang Guan, a commentator of Yangguang Finance and Economics, was a guest in the studio.

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Why is the fruit "rising"?

  Guo Liyan: The seasonal supply gap of fresh fruit is bigger than in previous years.

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Guo Liyan, a researcher at the Market Institute of China Macroeconomic Research Institute: The seasonal supply gap of fresh fruit is larger than in previous years, and there are several factors. The first is from 2018 to 2019.Disastrous weather occurred in different degrees in the southern and northern fruit producing areas during the growing period, and it is a gap period in the fruit market at present.

  In addition,At the beginning of this year, there was a cold spring, and the handling cost and labor cost in some parts of the south also increased during the rain. Coupled with the increase in transportation costs, the price of fresh fruit rose.

  Crown: "Yan value economy" has become a price pusher

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Wang Guan, commentator of Yangguang Finance and Economics: From another perspective, I noticed that the number of fruits imported from Beijing Xinfadi is increasing, and the price of fruits is also rising.The impact of the increase in the proportion of high-end fruits such as foreign imports and organic fruits.

  Consumers’ demand for "fine fruits" is increasing, which leads to the continuous improvement of the quality and grade of fruits. In addition, with the development of cities, some traditional farmers’ markets gradually fade out.The sales channels of new fruit specialty stores or comprehensive supermarkets, and the cost of property are increasing. These factors have promoted the price of fruit to a certain extent.

  When will "low-key fruit" return?

  News link:

  Liu Aihua, spokesperson of the National Bureau of Statistics, said recently that the price of fresh fruit is affected by seasonal factors of extreme weather, and the seasonal short-term impact is not sustainable.The rise in the price of fresh fruit will not last at a high level.

Guo Liyan: Seasonal fruits in summer and autumn will stabilize fruit prices.

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Guo Liyan, a researcher at the Market Research Institute of China Macroeconomic Research Institute: From June to August, summer fruits began to be listed in batches, and melons such as watermelons and cantaloupes were gradually listed, which would lower the whole fruit market price.

  By September, as new apples mature and enter the market this year, the price of fresh fruit will be stabilized, and with the gradual increase of supply, the price of fresh fruit will gradually stabilize.

  Crown: E-commerce giants actively enter the market, price subsidies attract traffic

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Wang Guan, commentator of Yangguang Finance: Now online shopping has become the choice of many consumers. Nowadays, e-commerce has entered an era of digging deep into stocks, and various shopping apps are attracting everyone’s attention.

  Recently, everyone will see that at least 3 to 4 home appliance manufacturers have entered fruit producing areas, such as litchi producing areas, hoping to compete for traffic through the docking of e-commerce and fruit farmers. Consumers will download the APP and get discounts when buying fruits.These promotional measures are aimed at targeting the market and competing for users, but they also bring certain benefits to consumers.

  Guo Liyan: Smooth supply channels, fruit prices will fall seasonally, and the price base will be solid.

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Guo Liyan, a researcher at the Market Research Institute of China Macroeconomic Research Institute, said: People’s consumption is upgrading, and the quality of consumption is also upgrading. Now, we choose the best from the fruit seed industry.

  I think subtraction should be done as far as possible around fruit production, storage, circulation, retail and distribution, so that it can reach the people through simple links and reduce costs. In addition, we should improve the quality of service supply.

  On the other hand, around the supply, we can look at it from a broader perspective. Some good high-end fruits imported from abroad, such as fruits from Southeast Asia and other places, can be matched out of season, and some fruits can also expand their stocks. In the case of low stocks, we can stabilize the price of fresh fruits by expanding overseas supply, improving stocks and unblocking channels, which provides strong support for food prices. I think there is a solid foundation for stabilizing prices.

  Crown: price increase and slow sales coexist. Agricultural modernization needs to be accelerated

CCTV Financial Review: Fruit prices "sing high-profile", when can they "become low-key"?

  Wang Guan, commentator of Yangguang Finance: Recently, fruit prices are rising, but this year,In some places, fruits are also unsalable.

  Because the freshness of fruits is relatively strong, the sales channels are not smooth for a short time, which reflects to some extent that there is a relatively high room for improvement in order agriculture, and our agricultural modernization needs to be accelerated in the future.

The situation of hegemony between Shanghai Harbor and Shandong Taishan shows the potential of China football.

Football in China has always been an important part of domestic sports. However, due to historical and practical reasons, the development of football in China still faces many challenges and difficulties. In this context, the hegemony between Shanghai Harbour and Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province and the outstanding performance of Taishan U21 in U21 League all show the hope and potential of China football.

First of all, the hegemony between Shanghai Harbour and Shandong Taishan is a highlight in China Football League. The two teams showed great strength and competitiveness in this season’s league tournament, which kept the suspense of the championship until the final round. This competitive pattern not only improves the appreciation and attraction of the league, but also promotes the investment and attention of clubs in the introduction of players and the construction of coaching teams. This healthy competitive environment is very beneficial to the development of football in China.

Secondly, Taishan U21′ s outstanding performance in U21 League also shows the future of China football. This young team showed excellent technical and tactical level and teamwork ability in the competition, which made people have a deeper understanding of the strength and potential of young players in China. These young players not only represent the future of football in China, but also are an important force for the internationalization of football in China.

However, the development of football in China still faces many challenges and difficulties. Among them, the most prominent problems are the low popularity of youth football, imperfect infrastructure construction and irregular management of professional leagues. Therefore, we need more attention and input to promote the development of football in China.

First of all, we need to strengthen the popularization and training of youth football. This requires not only the clubs to strengthen the youth training system, but also the support and participation of all sectors of society. Only by letting more children get in touch with and like football can we cultivate more excellent players.

Secondly, we need to strengthen infrastructure construction and improve the quality and quantity of football venues. This requires not only the support and input of government departments, but also the participation and contribution of all sectors of society. Only by building more high-quality football venues can more players have a better training and competition environment.

Finally, we need to strengthen the management and standardization of professional leagues. This requires clubs to strengthen their internal management and improve their operational level, as well as the support and supervision of relevant departments. Only by establishing a standardized league management system can professional leagues develop more healthily and orderly.

In a word, the development of football in China needs more attention and investment. Only through the joint efforts and support of the whole society can football in China achieve better development and make greater contributions to sports in China.