The story of a musician, a writer and the national anthem law

  "get up! People who don’t want to be slaves … …”











  As the highest-standard ceremonial troops in the country, the PLA Military Orchestra undertakes the music performance tasks of major ceremonies, important meetings and welcoming state guests of the country and the army. Yu Hai and his comrades-in-arms also began to go abroad and participate in international music exchange visits to show the world the brand-new style and features of China. Because of his work, Yu Hai has played national anthems in many countries. However, he gradually discovered that some literary and art groups at home and abroad made mistakes in playing our national anthem, which was not accurate and standardized, and the version of the national anthem was not uniform, which was very chaotic.

  What worries him even more is that some people’s awareness of the national anthem is particularly weak. Many people don’t know the lyrics of the national anthem and can’t recite the lyrics of the national anthem, so the spirit of the national anthem can’t be passed down well. Yu Hai still remembers one thing, which was a meeting he once attended. Before starting, the participants had to sing the national anthem. In the discussion that followed, some participants asked whether the national anthem was out of date. Do the lyrics need to be changed in peacetime? "The national anthem is a symbol of national sovereignty and must not be changed at will." Yu Hai retorted on the spot: "The oldest Dutch national anthem in the world has a history of more than 400 years and is still being sung today; The French are romantic and casual, and the "La Marseillaise" is very combative, and it has never changed. Why should our national anthem be changed? The most important thing is that our national anthem reveals the national spirit of courage, unity, cooperation and perseverance, which cannot be changed! " 

  "Our national anthem is only 84 words, 37 bars, and it only takes 46 seconds to play and sing. But it is a sign of a country’s independence and self-improvement. " Talking about his original intention to protect the national anthem, Yu Hai told reporters that the national anthem embodies all the struggles that the Communist Party of China (CPC) led the people to strive for national independence, people’s liberation and realize the country’s prosperity and people’s prosperity. It is a strong melody that inspires people to forge ahead courageously, a vivid teaching material for patriotic education, and the strongest voice in the hearts of 1.4 billion people in China. But for a long time, the legal provisions on the national anthem in China are almost blank. Except that the Constitution clearly stipulates that National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China is March of the Volunteers, there are no other provisions on the use of the national anthem at the legal level. "Through legislation, the important position of the national anthem as the first voice of People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been determined, and it can enjoy the same protection as the national flag and national emblem." Yu Hai said.

  In March 2008, Yu Hai, who attended the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference meeting for the first time as a member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, proposed to legislate for the national anthem. He made the same proposal every year for the next ten years. His persistence has even been joked by other members as a contemporary "Xianglinsao". However, Yu Hai never gave up and always insisted on legislating the national anthem.

  Finally, on the afternoon of September 1, 2017, in the tenth year of Shanghai’s persistent proposal for national anthem legislation, the 29th session of the 12th the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) voted to pass the National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China Law. At that time, Yu Hai, who was preparing to return to Beijing at Changsha Airport in Hunan Province, received a WeChat from the person in charge of the the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) Law Committee: "The legislative vote on the national anthem of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) just passed this afternoon! Your persistence, your efforts and your contribution have finally come to fruition! "

  And that day happened to be Yu Hai’s 62nd birthday. Yu Hai was so excited about this that he couldn’t help but sigh that it was destiny takes a hand, and he received the best birthday gift of his life on a special day.

  Today, the 64-year-old Yu Hai has not stopped. He began to shoulder the heavy responsibility of preaching the history of the national anthem, and often went to some institutions, schools and enterprises to give lectures to publicize and preach the knowledge related to the national anthem. "The national anthem is the voice image of the country. I hope that everyone who has heard my preaching can know the importance of safeguarding the dignity of the national anthem, and love the country and the Chinese nation more. " Yu Hai said.

  Aikebaier Mi Jiti: Give the national anthem a clear legal status.

  Mi Jiti clearly remembers that the time when he received the phone call that excited him was at 10: 56 am on April 19th, 2017. On the phone, the relevant staff of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) Law Committee told him that the national anthem was going to be legislated, and invited him to attend the legislative forum held in the organ of the National People’s Congress on the morning of April 27th. This means that, from the second session of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Conference in 2014, the "Proposal on Amending the National Flag Law to the National Flag and Anthem Law" was put forward, and the efforts made by Akbar Mi Jiti for the national anthem legislation have blossomed and borne fruit for four consecutive years.

  Member of the 11th and 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, former editor-in-chief of China Writers, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Writers Publishing Group, former deputy director of the Management Committee, deputy director of the Film and Television Committee of the Chinese Writers Association, and executive vice president of the China Film Literature Society … … Mi Jiti has many titles, but his favorite identity is a writer. As one of the outstanding representatives of Kazak people in 56 ethnic families, Akbar Mi Jiti has created a large number of literary works. The emergence of Mi Jiti’s legislative proposal for the national anthem is also directly related to a writer, that is, Su Shuyang.






  再过几天,天安门广场上,庆祝新中国成立70周年阅兵仪式即将举行。“当五星红旗飘扬的时候,伴随着雄壮的国歌声,56个民族共同唱响国歌,那一定是一幅壮观景象。相信在国歌的激励下,中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦一定会实现!”艾克拜尔·米吉提充满期待。(记者 朱宁宁)

Be shocked! So it’s really raining.

  On the evening of July 1,

  In the cultural performances celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC),

  Party flag in my heartDance clips of the program

  Touched many people.

  Everyone is talking about the rain on this "ruin"

  It not only fits the occasion, but also sublimates the theme of the performance.

  However, many people did not think of it.

  This rain is actually not a beautiful setting.

  It was a sudden downpour in the middle of the recording.

  But the actors were not affected at all.

  Persist in completing the performance

  This scene in the performance is so burning!

  Situational dance "party flag in My Heart"

  Showing that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,

  The people of the whole country are United as one.

  Great victory was achieved in fighting SARS and earthquake relief.

  In the rescue and disaster relief footage,

  The "ruins" on the background board were shrouded in wind and rain.

  The stage of reality is also in the storm.

  When you are confused and tired.

  The flag of the Communist Party of China (CPC) stood up against the wind and rain.

  They clenched their fists and shouted"Come on China"

  Under the baptism of heavy rain

  Show vigorous and tenacious spiritual will.

  It’s really raining … …

  Participants said that on the day of recording the program,

  It began to rain not long after the performance.

  Then it rained harder and harder.

  But the actors on the stage didn’t stop performing

  On the contrary, the mood is more exciting and full.

  One of the leading dancers, Liu Zhiyuan, said.

  "Dance that dance in the rainstorm.

  I feel that the role is me and I am the role. "

  Although it is "God’s will"

  But this rain was unexpectedly highlighted.

  What is to be expressed in the program

  The people of China are facing difficulties.

  The spirit of never giving up and moving forward firmly.

  only not"a stroke of genius"

  Netizen: Just the right rain!

  This performance is "the right time, the right place and the right people"

  Many netizens thought at first.

  The rain scene in the program is a beautiful dance setting.

  I can’t help feeling that it is "really raining"

  "the right place at the right time" and "the pen of genius"

  Everyone also praised this group of actors.

  "The common memory of the nation, the weather.Blessing special effects

  The actor’s persistent performance … …This stage is too fried! "

  Some netizens also said that

  This rain is "tears of relief for the martyrs"

  "They must have seen it, right … …”

  Source of this article: CCTV News (ID: CCTV News Center) Comprehensive Observer Network, Chutian Metropolis Daily News.

  Producer Wang Xingdong

  Editor-in-Chief Zhang Zhida

  Editor: Xu Chenyang Xu Weichen

Limiting food in spring is the most beautiful enjoyment in spring.

Willow silk spits green, spring flowers sprout,

Handfuls of fresh spring vegetables emerged from the soil.

Some people say that the best way to make your body feel spring,

Is to "eat" spring into your stomach,

Let’s take a look at these spring dinner tables

What are the indispensable seasonal foods ~

Capsella bursa-pastoris

Su Shi, a great writer, once said, "It is better to cook mountain soup for a monk’s house than to seek wild grass around the wheat field." Shepherd’s purse is an out-and-out natural green nourishing food, which is not only a spring vegetable in wild vegetables, but also delicious on the tip of the tongue.

Shepherd’s purse and fresh meat wonton

For Shanghainese who love wonton, the shepherd’s purse wonton in spring is more delicious and full of fresh field aroma. Take a bite, keep your lips and teeth fragrant, eat one, the fragrance will fill your heart, taste it, and the fragrance will overflow in spring.

Fried rice cake with shredded pork and shepherd’s purse

A plate of fried rice cakes that is most suitable for spring, shepherd’s purse and shredded pork with rice cakes, is very attractive just visually. If you add some winter bamboo shoots, you will have to eat more!

Shepherd’s purse and bean curd soup

The smoothness of tofu, coupled with the fragrance of shepherd’s purse, makes the cp combination so delicious that people can’t afford it!

Spring bamboo shoots

Spring bamboo shoots are the best seasonal ingredients in spring, and they have the reputation of "the first treasure among vegetables" in ancient times. Spring bamboo shoots, because of their white color as jade and fresh meat, are essential food on the table. In Zheng Banqiao in Qing Dynasty, there was a judgment that "fresh bamboo shoots in the south of the Yangtze River take advantage of the shad, and the spring breeze is rotten at the beginning of March".

bamboo shoot soup with fresh and pickled streaky pork

"Pickling" refers to the pickled ham, with Jinhua ham as the top grade; "Fresh" means fresh bamboo shoots, fresh pork belly, hind leg meat or pig’s hoof, preferably pork belly or hind leg meat; "DuDu" means slow stew with small fire in Shanghai dialect.

Braised bamboo shoots in oil

Braised bamboo shoots in oil are frequent visitors to Shanghai’s dining tables. Pale yellow bamboo shoots are stained with bright sauce red juice and become a super dish. It’s obviously a vegetarian dish, but it’s better than a meat dish.

Toona sinensis

Toona sinensis is a unique delicacy in spring.

Toona sinensis scrambled eggs

After washing Toona sinensis, blanch it in boiling water, and cut the blanched Toona sinensis into pieces for later use. Add Toona sinensis powder and salt, stir well, heat the oil in the wok to 70% heat, pour in Toona sinensis egg liquid, and stir-fry until the egg liquid is slightly solidified.

Malan head

Xianggan Malantou

The fragrant dried Malantou is a famous spring dish in Shanghai. It is boiled in boiling water and then cut into fine pieces. The fragrance is fascinating. After mixing the fragrant dried powder, it is poured with sesame oil, and the taste hits the soul directly.

Malantou Youth League

Fresh Malantou and finely cut dried bean curd are mixed together to form the freshest taste in this spring.


Bouquet grass head

Bouquet grass head is a home-cooked dish of Shanghainese. Its tender and green leaves, inspired by white wine or yellow wine, maximize the fragrance of herbs, and make it melt in the mouth, so that everyone who meets it can’t refuse.

Caotouta cake

Mix chopped grass heads with rice flour and glutinous rice flour to make small dumplings with a diameter of two inches, then press them into round cakes with the palm of your hand and fry them in oil until they are yellow on both sides, crisp outside and soft inside, and fragrant.


Silkworm bean

Broad bean is a delicious food in spring, rich in plant protein, and also a frequent visitor to many Shanghainese spring tables.

Broad bean with scallion oil

Skinned broad beans, stir-fry with oil and salt, and when the bean shells crack, add shallots, stir-fry simply, and a plate of fresh broad beans with scallion oil can order a green table.

This spring,

Try these seasonal delicacies,

Feel the gift of spring ~

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The quality is spit out, the design is involved, and it is trapped in marketing … How do domestic beauty products "get through"?

Image source @ vision china

Text | The forefront of entrepreneurship, author | Li Xiaofan, editor | Feng Yu

The beauty circle has changed.

A few years ago, China brand was hard to find in the world’s high-end makeup market, and most of China’s beauty market was occupied by brands such as the United States, Japan and South Korea. However, with the emergence and growth of domestic beauty players, this phenomenon has been reversed.

From large advertisements in elevators to celebrity endorsements and bloggers bringing goods, domestic beauty seems to have been riding the dust. More importantly, beauty has become a benchmark industry in the trend of new domestic products.

However, behind the heat wave, some industrial problems have gradually been exposed. On platforms such as Xiaohongshu and bilibili, many bloggers have given a "lightning protection guide" in the evaluation of domestic beauty products; There are even bloggers who point out that some domestic brands have plagiarism and imitation in design.

At the time when domestic beauty cosmetics were in full swing, a pot of cold water was pouring down.

About five years ago, when Guo Xianger just became a beauty blogger, he found that few beauty bloggers used domestic beauty products.

Now, only a few years have passed, and she has seen that most beauty bloggers have several domestic products. In her own videos, domestic brands appear in almost every issue.

Especially with the rise of a "new domestic product" trend in China, beauty cosmetics, as a representative industry, has been in the limelight for a while.Among the rising brands, the most dazzling ones are Perfect Diary and Huaxizi.

In 2017, the perfect diary was born. It took only two years, and the sales of its parent company reached 3.5 billion yuan. In the same year that Perfect Diary was established, Hua Xizi was born. In the same two years, its annual sales of Tmall also reached nearly 2 billion yuan.

In this year’s Tmall 618 makeup brand TOP10, Hua Xizi and Perfect Diary were ranked first and third respectively.

New domestic brands are emerging one after another. For example, in March 2020, a domestic skin care brand named PMPM was launched. According to public data, the GMV of the brand was 150,000 yuan in the month when it was launched, and after six months, the GMV increased by 100 times.

The amazing rise speed of domestic beauty cosmetics can’t help but make people stunned. "It is rare to see any international beauty brand that can achieve such a volume in a few years." Diu Diu, founder of Xinran Advertising and beauty blogger, told "the forefront of entrepreneurship".

Cutting-edge beauty cosmetics became popular overnight and quickly opened the market, which became the target that many domestic brands looked forward to. However, this speed of development has also led to the market gradually becoming impetuous.

On platforms such as Little Red Book and Tik Tok, some beauty bloggers pointed out that some products were not easy to use in makeup evaluation.

"To be honest, there is no makeup to satisfy me in the domestic products now." Senior beauty blogger "Luo Wangyu" is outspoken in the video.

The performance of some make-up products is not satisfactory. In Hua Xizi’s product evaluation, Luo Wangyu once fired at Hua Xizi’s "Loose Smoke Eyeliner" and "Loose Smoke Butterfly Feather Mascara (Slim Edition)". "The eyeliner is like a primary school student’s mark, and the eyelashes are caked and not long." He said in the video.

In addition to the product quality being spit out, there is still a more serious problem in the domestic beauty industry-brands may imitate or even copy each other.

Diu Diu revealed that some domestic brands of cosmetics or skin care products will find some mature foreign brands for 1:1 re-engraving. "At most, they change their LOGO and set up their own concepts."

On bilibili, the UP owner "Open-shelf King Boy" once released a video, taking stock of "copying" domestic brands of other beauty brands.

She mentioned in the video, for example, the outer packaging of a lipstick of NOVO is similar to YSL except for the LOGO, but the color number is quite different.

Figure/"Open King Boy" video screenshot

Some domestic beauty players not only copy foreign brands, but also have serious involution between domestic brands.

"susisu (domestic make-up brand) has launched a quicksand eye shadow tray, which is beautifully packaged and priced at 148 yuan in Taobao flagship store. A few days after the launch of this product, a number of products with almost the same appearance appeared on the market. " Diu diu means.

According to the rough statistics of "the forefront of entrepreneurship", in addition to susisu, there are at least six similar eye shadows on Taobao, and one of them is a Thai brand. Among these seven products, the cheapest one only costs 11.5 yuan. In addition, there are two products, but the eye shadow tray is changed from square to round, and the design has not changed much.

Figure/Taobao screenshot

Imitation, plagiarism, involution … It seems that the domestic beauty products that are running for their lives also need a pot of cold water to cool down.

Not only is the product extremely involuted, but the strong marketing attributes of the beauty industry also make traffic the lifeline of the product.

"If you have been exposed to cosmetics for a long time, you will see many helpless phenomena. It is the grandfather who has money to promote, standing at the top of the food chain, and all those who have no money to promote are buried under the iceberg." Little Red Book beauty blogger "Ollie Oris" said in his video.

At the moment when new brands are emerging one after another, in order to get out of the circle, brand owners have to spend some time on marketing. And some domestic beauty brands are well known to the public, and they really rely on high-frequency marketing.

"The frequency of domestic beauty advertisements is very high. There are several brands that have fixed cooperation with me. When new products are launched, they will be promoted. When they are frequent, there will be two or three advertisements a month." Guo Xianger said.

In marketing tactics, domestic beauty brands also show differences from international brands.

"International brands are well known to consumers. The main purpose of their marketing is to promote brand influence, so they will cooperate with celebrities, heads and other heavyweights to promote them." Diu diu said.

Domestic beauty brands are better at using "human sea tactics". "For example, some brands will even cooperate with more than 1,000 bloggers in a single month to promote their star products." Diu Diu introduced. "Many domestic brands don’t have too many requirements on the magnitude of KOL in the early stage of promotion. One is to save costs, and the other is that their popularity is not big enough, and they may not be able to cooperate with head bloggers and stars in the growth period."

The parent company of Perfect Diary, Yixian E-commerce, once stated in the prospectus that the company has cooperated with nearly 15,000 KOL with different popularity, including Li Jiaqi and Viya, among which more than 800 have more than 1 million followers.

However, domestic beauty cosmetics are gradually approaching international brands, and one obvious performance is to find celebrity endorsements.

In October 2020, Zhou Xun officially announced that it would become the global spokesperson of the perfect diary brand; In May of this year, Dilraba officially announced that it would become the global spokesperson of colorkey Ke Laqi brand …

There are also differences between domestic brands and international brands in the evaluation criteria of marketing effect. Different from international brands, which emphasize the subtle influence of marketing on consumers, domestic brands pay more attention to the immediate conversion rate, that is, the effect of bringing goods.

The most intuitive performance is that many bloggers have added shopping links or soft implants in their videos. When choosing KOL, the brand will also measure the data of its historical goods, and cooperate with bloggers with higher selective prices.

"Users have the habit of buying international brands and may consume them at any time, but for domestic products, if consumers don’t buy them today, they may not take the initiative to buy them in the future." Diu diu said.

In addition, the pricing of domestic brands is low, and the cost of trial and error for consumers is low, which also provides the possibility for brands to assess the instant conversion rate.

Overwhelming marketing seems to be the key password for the new brand to break the circle.Naturally, they also invest a lot in marketing. "As far as I know, there are no fewer than five domestic beauty brands with a marketing budget of over 100 million this year." Diu diu said.

Too frequent marketing may attract users’ disgust. "When bloggers on all platforms are pushing the same product, consumers will inevitably have rebellious psychology."

If the marketing investment is too much, the expenses for product research and development will naturally decrease. This has also led to some domestic beauty brands being called "marketing with heart and making products with feet" by the outside world.

Beauty brands are crazy about marketing, but do they make money?

It doesn’t seem to be.

Diu Diu said that the marketing expenses of most products often account for 50%-60%, including anchor commission, pure grass type marketing, etc., plus operation and maintenance, manpower, warehousing and other costs, so that the brand hardly makes any money.

But in order to gain a foothold in the market, marketing is both helpless and inevitable for the brand.

"I sometimes feel that some brands pay too much attention to marketing, but this is something that can’t be helped. As a person in the beauty industry, I know about new products through marketing, not to mention consumers. " Guo Xianger said.

"There are some very old cosmetics brands with good research and development capabilities and product quality, but the products are not hot." Diu Diu also noticed the influence of marketing on products.

There may be two reasons behind this, one is that the brand’s marketing ideas can’t keep up, and the second may be that there is no money to do marketing.

"Some brand new products are put on the shelves, and 500 to 1,000 talents are found for promotion at one time, while some traditional domestic brands hope for’ tap water’. However, the volume and volume of’ tap water’ obviously cannot compete with the pyramid promotion of new brands. There are still some old players who know to do marketing, but their ideas and styles are not fast enough, so they have been eliminated by the market in the wave of Internet e-commerce. " Diu diu said.

This makes it difficult for domestic brands to reach consumers without marketing. Insufficient marketing can’t stimulate the splash, and too much marketing will lead to consumer disgust. This is a difficult battle to control.

Another problem in front of domestic beauty cosmetics comes from consumers’ stereotyped cognition.

In the minds of many consumers, domestic brands are equated with "cheap prices", and few consumers are willing to look at the design and product development behind the products. This also leads to the brand’s lack of motivation to increase R&D costs in the short term.

Fortunately, in the domestic beauty industry full of thorns, there are also some products with both reputation and quality.

Guo Xianger once bought an eyebrow pencil with "khaki color" and one from 9.9 yuan. "The color and durability are good, and it will not agglomerate. The eyebrows drawn are well-rooted." She said.

She once compared the eyebrow pencil of "khaki color" with the eyebrow pencil of "Bei Lingfei", an American make-up brand, which cost more than 160 yuan. "I can’t see any difference by using these two eyebrows to brush the eyebrows on the left and right sides, and I even think the’ khaki color’ looks better."

Although some products have been vomited, domestic beauty may still be worthy of consumers’ patience."Even if it is an international brand, no product is perfect. For example, a lip glaze, if it is bright, it must be sticky; If it is matte, then I will accept it to a certain extent. " Guo Xiang said.

Surprisingly, the growth space of domestic beauty cosmetics is not limited to the domestic market, and brands such as Huaxizi, Perfect Diary, Zhiyouquan and Tangduo are all seeking to go to sea.

"In 2020, we began to make efforts to go to sea. By the end of May 2021, Perfect Diary had become the top cosmetics seller in Vietnam on the Shopee platform, the top cosmetics seller in Singapore and Malaysia, and the Top 1 in loose powder sales in the Philippine market." The person in charge of the perfect diary said.

Most domestic beauty brands set their first stop at sea in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asian countries, and these products with the imprint of China are also very popular overseas.

"The concentric lock lipstick with China elements sold out quickly on the first day of its launch, and once entered the top three of the Japanese Amazon lipstick sales list." The relevant person in charge of Hua Xizi said.

There are also Japanese netizens who marvel at the West Lake Imprint Gift Box of Hua Xizi, inheriting the craft design of oriental aesthetics, and its related Twitter content was once on the Japanese Twitter hot search. "According to feedback from many users, our Miao Impression Gift Box has also triggered reverse purchasing by Japanese users, and the price has even been fired from 900 yuan to 2,000 yuan." The person in charge added.

Figure/Hua Xizi official (Hua Xizi concentric lock lipstick)

There is no denying that domestic beauty cosmetics are indeed immature, but users should also treat their achievements in a short time dialectically. There is no perfect person, and there is no perfect brand.

In the domestic beauty industry, giants and upstarts have emerged. But if you want to further expand your territory, players need to put out more chips.