Drivers of online car-hailing platforms cannot withdraw cash. Who will protect the rights and interests of these workers?

  Zhang Laifu, an order-taking champion of an online car-hailing platform, wipes the vehicle between waiting for customers. Xinhua News Agency reporter, photo by Luo Xiaoguang

  Recently, the news that drivers of a certain online ride-hailing platform cannot withdraw cash has been hyped up, and the discussion on who will protect the labor rights and interests of online ride-hailing drivers has also become heated.

  The sharing economy is surging, and the "threshold" for providing labor services has been lowered to the extent that everyone can participate. How to protect the rights and interests of workers under this "flexible employment" has reached a level that cannot be ignored.

  What is the relationship between Internet platforms and workers? There is still much debate

  Mr. Yu, a Beijing-based taxi driver, has been taking orders through a well-known online ride-hailing platform for the past two years. Talking about why he wanted to work as a taxi driver, Mr. Yu said that he was in his 40s and could not find a good job in his hometown in Hebei. He felt that the income from driving a car was not bad, so he went to Beijing to work. "The situation like mine is very common among the car drivers I know."

  Master Yu told reporters that when he first arrived, he was employed by a certain online car-hailing platform. After signing an employment contract, his monthly salary was about five or six thousand yuan, and the company paid five insurances and one housing fund for him.

  "But after all, it’s still someone else’s car," so Master Yu gritted his teeth and took out a loan to buy a private car worth more than 200,000 yuan. Master Yu said that now as a full-time car driver, "after deducting various operating costs, the monthly net income is about 7,000 to 8,000 yuan."

  But Master Yu also has troubles. After the labor relationship with the last online car-hailing company was terminated, the new platform was not responsible for paying five insurances and one gold for it, and Master Yu was not willing to spend the money himself. "Now I don’t pay social security anymore."

  Drivers like Mr. Yu are facing problems with their way out when Beijing’s online car-hailing platform begins to implement the "Beijing Citizenship and Beijing License" policy on May 1. Since there is no labor relationship with the online car-hailing platform, he has not yet figured out what to do next. "The platform has to take about 20% of the fee for each order." Mr. Yu said that discounts and subsidies for drivers have also been cut a lot in the past two years. "It is unreasonable that the platform is only responsible for taking a percentage, but it does not have any obligations to the special car."

  Online car-hailing has worn the halo of "sharing economy" since its inception. However, for such a brand-new thing as "sharing economy", the current laws and regulations have not clearly stipulated the relationship between Internet platforms and workers, and there is still a lot of debate among academics and the public.

  At present, the most important basis for the management of online car-hailing is the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures") implemented on November 1, 2016, which stipulates: "Online car-hailing platform companies… In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, according to the characteristics of working hours and service frequency, sign various forms of employment contracts or agreements with drivers to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties."

  The regulation does not explicitly define the labor relationship between the two parties, but rather gives an open-ended option to "enter into various forms of employment contracts or agreements."

  In this regard, Liu Xiaoming, Vice Minister of Transport, said at the press conference of the State Information Office last year that in the process of soliciting opinions on the "Interim Measures", the relevant content of the original exposure draft clearly requires the signing of employment contracts has been revised, and according to the special circumstances such as part-time in the online car-hailing, the current regulations have adopted more flexible employment methods.

  "At present, there is no conclusive and consistent international opinion on online car-hailing," Mr. Liu said. "Even in the US, where online car-hailing originated, different states have implemented different management strategies, and their positioning, labor relations, price management and other aspects are still in the process of exploration."

  The standards for judging labor relations should be further observed and no haste should be drawn

  In fact, shortly after the "Interim Provisions" were issued, the Beijing Haidian Court heard the first online car-hailing traffic case in China. In this case, when a car-hailing car picked up a single passenger, it caused damages due to a traffic accident between the passenger opening the door and others. The Haidian Court held in the first instance that the driver of the online car-hailing car was assigned by the platform to perform the passenger contract between the platform and the passenger. The driver belongs to the party providing labor services, so the platform should bear the corresponding tort liability as the party accepting the driver’s labor services. Experts said that identifying the platform company as the carrier and the order assigned by the platform as the passenger contract between the platform company and the passenger actually implied that the court affirmed that there was a certain labor relationship between the online car-hailing driver and the platform company.

  In traditional labour law theory, the determination of whether there is a labour relationship is mainly based on the theory of subordination, that is, whether it has organizational subordination, management subordination and economic subordination. Today, the basis for determining labour relations is mainly the "Notice on Matters Related to the Establishment of Labour Relations" issued in 2005. "But in the past two years, various new business models have emerged one after another, and relying solely on the" Notice "can no longer meet the practical needs." Professor Jiang Ying, dean of the law school of the China Institute of Labour Relations, said.

  Jiang Ying analysis, the current network about the car is mainly divided into two categories: one is the B2C model, the platform company and the network about the car driver signed a formal employment contract, making it a regular employee of the company; the other is the C2C model, the network about the car driver has considerable autonomy, not fully affiliated with the company, so in defining its labor relations, the "Interim Provisions" adopted a cautious attitude.

  Jiang Ying mentioned that in the US judicial and legal precedent, the judgment standard of labor relations mainly depends on the actual degree of control of the platform company for the driver. Through setting a number of standards for comprehensive judgment, if the degree of control is strong, it is determined that there is a labor relationship. "As for how to judge labor relations under the new sharing economy model, we should further observe and do not rush to conclusions," Jiang Ying said.

  It is recommended that relevant departments introduce policies as soon as possible to provide stable expectations for relevant industries and enterprises

  "However, the public needs to clarify a misunderstanding in understanding, that is, only the existence of labor relations can protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees." Jiang Ying said that it is not to protect the rights and interests of employees that they must be included in labor relations to protect them.

  Jiang Ying said that first of all, the rights and interests of online car-hailing drivers can be protected through the relevant provisions of the employment relationship in the civil law. Second, the "Interim Regulations" allow online car-hailing drivers to sign various forms of employment contracts or agreements with platform companies, and workers can stipulate corresponding rights and obligations in the employment agreement. "Of course, the power of individuals is relatively weak, so on the one hand, government supervision and guidance are very important, and on the other hand, we must also rely on the power of market regulation." Jiang Ying believes that in order to retain a stable and excellent driver group in the market competition, enterprises need to offer more favorable conditions, which is the bargaining chip that the market may provide for negotiations.

  "Enterprises excluded employment from the scope of labor law norms, and it did not start with the sharing economy." Wang Xiangqian, a lawyer at Shuangli Law Firm in Beijing and a director of the China Labor Law Research Association, believes that whether to incorporate this new form of employment into the field of labor law is a public policy choice that can only be made after weighing the pros and cons. Wang Xiangqian said that the main body of this game includes workers, enterprises, society and the state, and needs to balance the potentially conflicting values such as labor rights and interests, employment factors, economic vitality, social costs and so on, and make choices.

  "It is recommended that the relevant departments investigate as soon as possible and come up with corresponding policies." Wang Xiangqian said that if this form of employment is already widespread in various industries and fields, it will hurt the bones if you want to regulate it. "By giving relevant industries and enterprises expectations as soon as possible, they can avoid the policy and legal risks in development, which is not only conducive to the development of enterprises, but also conducive to the protection of workers’ rights, and social responsibility can also be fully guaranteed." (Reporter, Zhang Cheng)

Avita 12, Intelligence S7 strength PK, see the real chapter in comparison

  At present, with the rapid development of vehicle electrification and intelligence, smart driving has become a new track for various car companies to compete. And to ask which one is strong in the field of smart driving, the newly unveiled Avita 12 and Smart S7 are among the leaders. Today, let’s take a look at how the two cars perform and what are the specific differences.


  Smart drivingPK:Advanced Smart DrivingOr smart drivingbeggarversion

  The similarities between Avita 12 and Smart World S7 mainly lie in the blessing of Huawei’s ecology. Both Avita 12 and Smart World S7 are equipped with Huawei’s high-end intelligent assistance system ADS2.0, which can realize urban and high-speed NCA, as well as many high-end intelligent driving auxiliary features. In terms of smart cockpit, both cars are also equipped with Huawei Hongmeng cockpit 4.0, which is also the "top stream" in the current smart cockpit field. Whether it is the operation experience or the richness of ecological applications, it can be regarded as the leader in smart cars.

  The Avita 12 series comes standard with 29 smart driving sensors and a 4-layer perception system, including 3 lidars, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 high definition cameras, and 12 ultrasonic radars, which are fully equipped as standard. At the same time, it also has a high-performance smart driving computing platform, fusion perception algorithm, VRU interaction and game algorithm, data simulation training, providing 360-degree full coverage of fusion perception ability, efficient computing power and anthropomorphic algorithm, which is more suitable for China’s complex road traffic scenes, and realizes a driving experience with full scene coverage in high-speed sections, urban sections and parking links. In contrast, the single lidar perception ability of the Smart S7 is obviously not as good as that of the Avita 12, and its low-end models do not have high-order smart driving functions.

  Body PK: Original Luxury or Common Design

  On this basis, the shape design of the Avita 12 can definitely make people stand out, after all, Avita has always had a high degree of originality in this regard. This new car adopts the minimalist design of Gentle Tech and the ability to express lines with tension, which brings us the ultimate trendy visual experience. For example, its iconic disc wing front face, with LED curvature headlights, makes it look very stylish, with a sense of technology and aesthetic power. There is also the overall body lying low, creating a light and shadow hovering body appearance, and interpreting the beauty of the coupe with a new design. The appearance of the Smart World S7 also adopts a minimalist design style, and it also belongs to the first echelon in the same class of models, such as through-type daytime running lights and narrow headlight sets, which are also relatively common in the market.

  From the perspective of body size, the body size of the Avita 12 is 5020 × 1999 × 1450mm, and the wheelbase is 3020mm; the body size of the Smart World S7 is 4971 × 1963 × 1474mm, and the wheelbase is 2950mm. The body of the Avita 12 is larger than the length of the Smart World S7, and the wheelbase is also larger. In addition, the specially customized H-type ternary lithium battery used in the Ningde era on the Avita 12 has also been designed as an "energy well" diving design, and the space performance of the entire car is also better, which can bring a spacious space of two rows of double one meter, which can better meet people’s needs for large space.

  At the same time, in terms of interior, the Avita 12 gives people a more advanced and technological feeling. It has a 35.4-inch 4K remote screen and a 15.6-inch central control screen, coupled with electronic exterior mirrors, EC light-sensitive canopy and light-sensitive windshield design, which greatly enhance the internal technology and user experience of the whole vehicle. The interior of the Smart S7 is relatively simple, and the instrument panel and central control screen are also routinely handled, without much innovation. It can only be said to be standard.

  Power PK: Athletic or conventional performance

  In terms of power performance, although both the Avita 12 and the Smart S7 use Huawei DriveOne motors, the maximum power of the Avita 12 goes directly to 425kW, while the maximum power of the Smart S7 is only 365kW. Moreover, the Avita 12 also has a more sporty body posture, with an aspect ratio of 1.38 and wider tires, which are only available in more advanced and sporty models.

  Positioning PK: high-end or mid-range models

  In fact, look at the positioning of the two new cars to understand the difference. Simply put, the goal of Avita 12 is to 300,000~ 400,000 high-end smart car market, while the smart world S7 is to focus on the 250,000-level new energy vehicle market. The price of Avita 12 is 300,800 yuan, and the price of the smart world S7 is 258,000 yuan. From the price point of view, you can also feel the gap between the two.

  In general, the Avita 12 and the S7 are two new cars with good strength, which can be regarded as the first echelon in the industry, especially in terms of intelligence, which is much ahead of the same level of models. But in comparison, the Avita 12 has a higher-end market positioning, and has more outstanding performance in terms of luxury, technology, and power performance.

Modern art of war! How is the strategy of extremely kryptonian elite soldiers tempered?

"There are more soldiers than benefits" —— Sun Tzu’s Art of War and Marching.

"Many soldiers are not beneficial" can be regarded as the strategic thinking of "elite soldiers" first put forward by ancient China military strategists. "Since then, it has been regarded as a standard by politicians and military strategists in past dynasties, such as" killing soldiers "in Sun Bin’s Art of War and" under the orders of soldiers "in Wei Liaozi, all of which are the continuation of this thinking, and the journey of many soldiers will win" has gradually changed into "elite soldiers"

The so-called elite soldiers mean the elite combat forces that are flexible and have strong comprehensive combat capability and can defeat the enemy in a complex environment. In the rapidly changing market competition environment, a well-trained elite troops can achieve the role of "four or two".

"Governing an enterprise is like governing a country in ancient times". Today, this strategic thinking is still a scientific management concept. For brand building, the lack of employees is not enough, and more employees can’t afford to raise them, and the benefits are not high. If the tail is too big, it will become an old disease, and even the brand will be dragged down.

Therefore, if modern enterprises want to achieve their strategic goals, they can’t do without lean talents, and they should recruit and cultivate a team of talents who are United and can win the war. If you talk about goals without talents, you will never land.

In the automobile circle, I think that the krypton, which constantly refreshes the speed of krypton, is the best case of practicing the "elite soldier strategy", strengthening the army under Ma Zhuang and making the brand powerful.

"Seeing him rise from Zhulou, seeing him entertain guests, and seeing his building collapse."

Earlier, some media predicted that the evolution of the new energy market would change in three stages. After the "price war" in the first stage from March to June this year, the market share will accelerate to the head-independent and new energy brands in the second stage, and the market share of second-and third-tier brands may face a long-term downward trend; In the third stage, some second-line and third-line brands are gradually eliminated, leaving the China market, and the weak new forces may face acquisition and integration.

It can be said that the current new energy automobile industry has entered the knockout stage in the second half, and the competitive advantage of enterprises has shifted from quantity scale to quality and efficiency, playing the system and fighting for the elite. Those brands that burn money through financing to maintain their operations and cannot make profits through sales, thus truly entering a virtuous circle, are doomed to be eliminated. For an entrepreneurial organization like Krypton, it is even more necessary to attack the city with a strong soldier; From the development stage, with the development of the organization to a certain scale, although the professional division of labor is becoming more and more detailed, it will inevitably bring about problems such as cross-organizational coordination efficiency and timely response of background resources. Therefore, the elite strategy is the most suitable talent management strategy.

Any strategy should also find the most suitable variant of the brand on the basis of the underlying logic. How is the krypton version of the elite strategy built? I think it can be seen from three dimensions: elite consciousness, elite organization and elite development.

Elite consciousness: entrepreneur’s mentality

The so-called elite consciousness is to achieve the ultimate in limited resources, achieve the mission, and stimulate the "sense of mission" of employees. Under the traction, the positive attitude of employees, the self-driving force of selfless work and the work energy released from it are "the most exciting force in work" and the strongest core force in enterprise development.

For example, Weichai’s corporate culture propaganda, Huawei Ren Zhengfei’s speech study, and even many enterprise employees’ military training or regular outdoor expansion are all in essence.

What is the mission of krypton? Krypton’s mission is to create the ultimate experience of travel life. "Co-creation" represents work attitude, "ultimate experience" represents the ultimate pursuit centered on user needs, and "travel life" represents the beautiful expectation for future travel. Extreme krypton integrates the sense of mission into management scenarios and business scenarios, and drives employee value creation through mission.

An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Krypton, said: "Most of our colleagues joined Extreme Krypton with an entrepreneurial attitude rather than an employment attitude, and they all came to Extreme Krypton with the ambition of creating a travel life with the ultimate experience, which is also the most advocated and encouraged entrepreneurial mentality." This entrepreneurial mentality is the core value embodiment of an organization.

Elite Organization: Interlocking and Closed Loop

The so-called integration of knowledge and practice, the creation of lean organization is the effective integration and cooperation of internal systems, which belongs to the organic construction of organizational life.

In my opinion, Krypton is a template that can be studied.

In the main business process, Krypton aims to solve problems for users and realize user value as the core.

Horizontally, Krypton has realized the end-to-end process connection, and at the same time, based on key business activities and key control points, it has penetrated the cross-business system process, established the process interlocking mechanism, shared the same KPI index, given the common target responsibility, promoted the integration of R&D, production, supply, marketing and service systems, established a super-joint integrated combat force, and improved the operational synergy efficiency by organizing the "big closed loop" of the process.

Vertically, in order to ensure that the strategy can be effectively undertaken at the organizational and individual levels, the organization structure and post functions are effectively designed according to the principle of "tightening functions, strengthening business, eliminating overlap, streamlining and being efficient". On the one hand, the functions of different process segments are collected and eliminated, the administrative level is reduced, and business overlap and overlap are avoided; On the other hand, we should break the departmental boundaries of "specialization", give full play to the aggregation effect of platformization and intensification through the integration and sharing of specialized resources and the precipitation of capabilities, and realize more efficient communication and faster decision-making.

However, in line with the specialization, the modularity and miniaturization of the organization are becoming more and more prominent, and the organization is developing in a multi-functional and flexible direction. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of rapid changes in business and market, Krypton has established a "small but refined" "liquid organization"-"X-team" driven by strategic targets or tasks, and concentrated superior resources to penetrate key businesses and fields.

In the liquid organization, each organization is modular and flexible just like a Rubik’s cube. In the process of continuous transformation and combination of organizations, different talents, technologies, knowledge and experiences are "mixed", "flowed" and updated. Through this modular grouping, magic combination and task-based combination, combat energy is released, which stimulates employees’ self-drive and creativity and strengthens the agile collaboration across organizations.

Development of elite soldiers: high quality talents

It was once said in "Under the Order of the Soldiers" that those who are good at using soldiers in ancient times can kill half of the soldiers, followed by thirteen and eleven. However, elite soldiers do not blindly cut down their troops and reduce their functions, but strengthen their main combat forces and seek improvement in quality, not expansion in quantity. In order to improve the quality of talents, Krypton adopts refined management strategy, strictly enters and exits, controls the growth of manpower, revitalizes redundant manpower, and maximizes the value and efficiency of personnel.

To build an elite army, selecting people is the key. If there are no requirements and standards for selecting "elite", it will often bring about a decline in the quality of talents. It is said that there is a "123" principle in the selection of candidates: "1" refers to "the person in charge of business is the first person responsible for recruitment", emphasizing that the recruitment of candidates is not authorized, and business leaders should personally participate in the interview; "2" stands for "two not less than": the standard of new personnel’s ability (values) is not less than the existing team’s TOP30% level; The potential of new personnel shall not be lower than the TOP30% level of the existing team; "3" refers to "three persistences": persisting in selecting talents from excellent to better, and persisting in forward-looking talents for long-term management and team echelon construction; Persist in paying attention to the quality of talents and select them pragmatically.

The answer can be found from the absorption of extremely talented people. Guan Haitao, the former glory CMO, took the post of extremely talented CMO; Chen Qi, the former head of Huawei’s intelligent driving department, became the vice president of intelligent driving; Jiang Jun, the former head of the core team of Huawei’s autopilot product line, became the vice president of Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology, responsible for the business related to the intelligent cockpit …

There is also a talent value formula of "1+1 > 4". "1" represents an individual, and everyone is a combat unit, which can fight independently. However, the value generated by the combination and cooperation of different people is not a simple superposition of values, but the maximization of synergy and can exert greater influence.

"There are not many soldiers, but there is no Wujin, which is enough to unite, anticipate the enemy and take people."

An army can be called a good soldier if it can fight without relying on courage, always pay attention to concentrating its troops, and its determination to fight can be based on a correct judgment of the enemy’s situation, and its officers and soldiers are all strictly selected talents who can defeat the enemy. Extreme krypton is the PLUS version of the elite strategy, the core force is mission-driven, the cornerstone is lean organization, and the combat force is a powerful elite force.

This kind of extreme krypton can naturally move forward steadily in the new energy vehicle market.

Home improvement 100 megabits broadband can’t open the webpage and play the game delay! The reason is actually …

  Cctv newsOn May 17th, with the statements of the three basic operators, Beijing began to enter the era of "100 Mbps broadband". However, some users are still using the old copper broadband, with a slow speed of 4 megabytes and 5 megabytes. However, some users who have installed 20 megabits, 50 megabits or even 100 megabits of fiber-optic broadband at home often have delays in playing online games, and sometimes even ordinary web pages are difficult to open. What stuck the "last mile" in fttp? What caused the "short weight" of broadband speed increase? Come to see the reporter’s investigation.


  Once "insulated" optical fiber in high-grade residential areas

  Mr. Pan in Beijing lives in a relatively high-end residential area in the North Fourth Ring Road. The apartment building has its own independent system, and electricity, tap water, gas and communication are all self-contained and provided by the property management. Therefore, the annual fee of broadband used by Mr. Pan is more expensive than that of basic operators, but the broadband rate is only 5 trillion.

  "I want to open the website and watch a video news." Mr. Pan, who hopes to have a faster network speed, went to the business halls of China Unicom, China Telecom and China Mobile to apply for registration, but was told that the residential area was not covered with optical fiber because the apartment was not allowed to enter.

  A similar situation is not uncommon in other communities. In some communities, there is only one broadband service provider to choose from, and even the advertisements of other broadband companies are hard to see. However, the only broadband service provider is often slow and expensive. Mr. Pan wondered that the optical fiber had been laid at the bottom of the residential building, but it was stuck because of this "last mile". Who will protect the rights of the residents?

  100 Mbps broadband WeChat voice chat will be dropped.

  "When we register our children online, we are particularly anxious. A fairly simple webpage can’t be opened." Mr. Hong, a citizen, uses the 50-megabit-rate fiber-optic broadband annual service handled by Great Wall Broadband at home. However, after using it for one year, Mr. Hong felt that this 50-megabyte bandwidth was more like an "embroidered pillow".

  Mr. Jiang has just moved to a new home this year. Last month, he installed 20 megabits of "Dr. Peng" broadband, and the annual subscription fee was 1180 yuan. He said that he originally wanted to install the broadband of a big telecom operator, but the reply he got was that the community was not covered yet, so he could not go to fttp. "The network speed is very unstable. Now our community has only occupied about 40% of users, and playing an online game will get stuck. What if everyone moves in? " Mr. Jiang is deeply anxious about this.

  Mr. Wang, who lives in Yizhuang, said that the 100-megabit fiber-optic broadband in his own community would suddenly fail to open ordinary web pages, or be inexplicably disconnected while playing games, and there have also been cases where voice chat on WeChat suddenly broke. Mr. Wang showed several times the value of online speed measurement. In the case of using the telecom speed measurement web page, the fastest time, the tested bandwidth was only 26 megabits, which was only a quarter of the 100 megabits rate.

  remove a doubt

  Obstruct operators from entering the market for the benefit of property.

  According to Beijing’s informatization development plan, the free transformation of "light entering copper retreating" has been started in the whole city since 2011. Up to now, most of Beijing’s urban residential areas and rural areas have realized optical fiber to the building or fttp. However, there are still a few residential areas that can’t go home for "optical reform" for various reasons.

  According to an operator, some residents are unwilling to carry out optical fiber transformation in the residential areas that cannot be "light-reformed" at present, but more because property companies or property rights units obstruct operators from entering the market. "Of course, the reason for obstruction is for the benefit." According to a person familiar with the matter, in addition to admission fees, some property companies are not satisfied with collecting money at one time, and put forward new requirements such as broadband revenue sharing and collecting maintenance fees every year.

  In this regard, in 2016, the three departments of Beijing jointly issued the Notice on Promoting the Implementation of residential broadband Access for Property Management. It stipulates that real estate development enterprises or property service enterprises shall not sign monopoly or exclusive broadband operation agreements with others. On the premise that the infrastructure such as the equipment room has multiple accesses, the realty service enterprise shall try its best to meet the needs of the owners, at least ensure that more than three broadband operators have equal access, and disclose the relevant information of broadband access to the owners in a prominent position in the community.

  Too many users will lead to insufficient bandwidth.

  "The bandwidth mentioned by telecom operators is all theoretical values." A telecom expert said that in actual use, the download speed is lower than the theoretical value. Generally speaking, fluctuations in the range of 75% to 90% of the theoretical value can be regarded as normal. There are two main reasons why home users often feel that the network speed is not up to standard: the hardware facilities are not matched, or there are too many sharing users.

  Experts explained that in order to make full use of broadband resources, increase broadband revenue and reduce costs, operators will calculate an online ratio and choose how many users to configure on this basis. "In order to seize more business, small operators often attract customers at very low prices, and then configure more users regardless of the online ratio, resulting in insufficient broadband."

  Lack of authoritative third-party speed measuring mechanism

  How do you know how much "moisture" is mixed in the rate of home broadband? Just like Mr. Wang, a citizen, in practice, many users will choose to use speed measuring software to measure speed. However, the third-party speed measuring software on the network, not only the speed measured by each speed measuring software is different, but also the same software often measures different speeds.

   The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has said that the local communication administrations will cooperate with third parties to measure the speed of "fixed broadband access rate" and release it to the public. But up to now, there is no authoritative third-party broadband speed measuring agency in China.

Running back to China (2011)

This series itself is not bad. I just saw the fifth episode. But Lin Yijie let me down. First, he scolded Jodi, a Canadian runner, and then fired Jodi. Later, he dismissed the young players’ inexperience and said sarcastically. To know that he is the captain, he has a K responsibility for all the players, including choosing players when organizing activities. It can be said that Jodi’s failure to keep up with the speed is also his careless choice. unable to tell …


If time goes back, I want to accompany my mother to have a reunion dinner and go back to the front line.

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, February 18th: If time goes back, I want to accompany my mother to have a reunion dinner before going to the front line —— A record of Song Xiuhui, a nurse in Badong County, Hubei Province.
Xinhua News Agency reporter Tan Yuanbin
Mother has been away for 11 days, and Song Xiuhui still has an unspeakable pain in her heart. Every day when I return to the hotel from the isolation ward, I am too busy to remember, and suddenly I feel that kind of pain, like blood coming out of a punctured blood vessel.
In these 11 days, except for the day after her mother left, she spent in the hotel "recalling the past and regretting herself, staying on the windowsill and looking at the direction of home", and she never left her post one day.
On January 23rd, the day before New Year’s Eve, the infectious diseases department of Badong County People’s Hospital in Hubei Province admitted the first suspected patient from COVID-19. As a nurse in the infectious diseases department, Song Xiuhui did not hesitate to join the anti-epidemic front line.
At that time, the elder sister and mother were waiting for her and the second sister to go back for the New Year in their hometown in the countryside. That night, she went back to the county home to pack her things, called her elder sister and her second sister who were also in the county, and told them that she was on duty and could not go back for the New Year.
On the 24th, New Year’s Eve, Song Xiuhui entered the isolation ward. Her second sister later wrote: "Because of the epidemic, my sister didn’t have a reunion dinner with us for the first time in history. We have enlightened our mother in advance and explained the truth. My mother said,’ I understand’. "
Since New Year’s Eve, Song Xiuhui has traveled between the hotel and the hospital every day. On the fifth day of the first month, my mother, who had suffered from immune system diseases for a long time, got worse and lived in a department of Badong County People’s Hospital, separated from the infectious diseases department by a building. Mother repeatedly told: "You can’t tell Xiaohui, and you can’t affect Xiaohui’s work." The family really didn’t tell Song Xiuhui. On the sixth day of the first month, she didn’t know that her mother was in hospital until she heard a colleague in a department inadvertently talk about it.
Although she is only separated by a building, she can’t go to see her mother. Video chat has become a link between mother and daughter, with Song Xiuhui at this end and her mother at that end. Although suffering from illness, my mother always encourages her in the video: "Don’t worry about me, you should take care of yourself and protect yourself."
After treatment, my mother’s condition improved. On February 1, the eighth day of the first month, two sisters who took care of their mother discharged her.
On February 6, Song Xiuhui suddenly felt very uneasy and sent video requests to her mother many times. "Mom just fell asleep after eating …" "Mom is in the toilet …" Second sister pushed away the video of her and her mother for various reasons.
"My sister asked for a video, and I was blocked. I am going to wait until my mother has taken painkillers and her condition is slightly better. I never thought about it, but there is no such opportunity anymore." Her second sister wrote.
That night, Song Xiuhui worked the night shift. After work in the early morning of the 7th, on her way back to the hotel, she saw an obituary of her mother’s death in the WeChat group in the village. The cold wind was biting, and she couldn’t help crying.
Waiting for her is a very painful choice. Although she really wanted to go back to see her mother for the last time, for the safety of her family, she finally made up her mind not to go back, hiding her pain in her heart and continuing to stick to her post.
"I dare not think that when the epidemic is over and my sister can go home, her mother is already a pile of loess. Such pain, such pain, such regret, when can I let go? " Her second sister wrote, "There are no heroes falling from the sky, only the ordinary ones without hesitation!"
On the 8th, Song Xiuhui rested in the hotel for a day, recalling her mother’s past. 9, then go to work. Put on protective clothing and walk into the ward. Facing the patient, she forgot to think about her mother leaving.
A few days ago, a little boy named ice cream that Song Xiuhui took care of was discharged from the hospital with his parents. Their whole family was safe, which made her feel strong inside, and the remorse and regret in her heart were a little relieved.
"Mom and Dad have suffered too much by farming for us to study. If time goes back, I want to accompany my mother to have a reunion dinner and then go to the front line. However, no matter how sad I am, I will stick to the end because patients need us. " Song Xiuhui said. (End)

The tourism market is welcoming the "hottest summer file". Where are you going to take a walk?

This summer, the national tourism market recovered strongly, and the number of tourists and income rose together. Data from a number of tourism platforms show that the summer tourism market is expected to surpass the same period in 2019, and parent-child tours, study tours and summer vacations have become popular choices.

The tourism market continues to heat up.

Recently, the high temperature has continued all over the country, but Wei Qian, a tourist from Anhui, felt a rare coolness in Kunming. "The temperature here is too comfortable, which is in sharp contrast with the heat in other places." Since the beginning of summer, the average temperature in Yunnan Province is only 22.9℃, and Kunming, the spring city where the weather is often like February and March, has become a summer resort.

Not only in Kunming, but also in Yunnan, you can wander around the mountains and enjoy the coolness in summer. In Dali, at the foot of Cangshan Mountain and beside Erhai Lake, tourists punch in along the ecological corridor and feel the slow life. In the Stone Forest, where the rocks are green and the peaks are beautiful, visitors can experience the Yi culture and appreciate the wonders of nature.

Entering the summer tourist season, in addition to the traditional popular routes such as Kunming, Dali, Lijiang and Diqing, tourists from Qujing, Xishuangbanna, Pu ‘er and Baoshan also continue to increase. In the past few days, the flight take-off and landing and passenger throughput in Kunming have increased sharply. On July 14th, there were 1,005 take-off and landing flights, a three-year high and 143,800 passengers were transported. Yunnan Railway Department sent 300,000 passengers every day, a year-on-year increase of 20.6%.

"The four hotels in the park were fully booked two weeks in advance." Fu Zhixin, deputy general manager of the marketing center of OCT Fantasy Resort in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, said that since the beginning of this summer vacation, the resort has attracted a large number of foreign tourists. "It is estimated that more than 2 million tourists will be received in the summer, reaching a new high." Fu Zhixin said.

Tongcheng data shows that from July 11 to 17, the number of air ticket bookings increased by more than 120% compared with the same period in 2019, and the number of hotel bookings nationwide increased by 150.53% compared with the same period in 2019. "The summer vacation has a good start." According to Lan Xing, the person in charge of Ctrip’s air ticket marketing, the popularity of this year’s summer vacation benefits from the continuous recovery of the tourism market. The superimposed airport and airline companies continue to introduce discounts, and there are marketing activities such as live broadcast and big promotion to further stimulate passengers’ travel needs.

"From the ranking of popular starting points and destinations, Shanghai ranks among the top cities in the country." Cheng Chaogong, chief researcher of Tongcheng Research Institute, said that with the gradual normalization of the tourism market, the demand for summer tourism has been released in a centralized way, coupled with the strong recovery of student flow and parent-child tourists, and the passenger flow in summer has continued to run at a high level. Shanghai is a hot spot for summer tourism destinations and tourist sources. In the first half of the summer, the tourism market showed diversified and urban characteristics.

Research tour becomes popular in depth.

"Parent-child research is a hot topic in the summer tourism market in Shanghai." Cheng Chaogong introduced that since July, the attention of "research" products in the Shanghai area of Tongcheng Travel Platform has increased by 183% from the previous month. The high temperature weather for several days in a row has stimulated the study tour of the museum, and the cool and refreshing museum has attracted many parents and students.

In view of the "bursting" of the passenger flow in major museums, Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau announced that it would organize 17 museums including Shanghai Museum, Shanghai History Museum and World Expo Museum to carry out "Museum Wonderful Night" activities, and pilot licensed tour guides to take groups to explain and other measures to meet the diverse needs of tourists.

The research tour is not only hot in Shanghai. The research team of Shanghe children’s theme "The world is a textbook" also arrived in the Three Gorges Dam tourist area in Yichang, Hubei Province in July. In the Three Gorges Project Museum, Dou Xin, a visiting professor at China Communication University and an ambassador for cultural exchange of the national multi-functional economic and trade platform of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, took the history and poems related to the Three Gorges as an index and gave a wonderful and vivid study tour class on the Yangtze River literature and history for SCO children.

Since the beginning of this year, a variety of research tour products launched by the Three Gorges Dam tourist area and Qu Yuan’s hometown scenic area have been popular, with 38,000 students and 30,000 students respectively. "From Yichang to Chongqing, it is not only a corridor of Tang poetry and Song poetry, but also a cultural enrichment place of the Three Kingdoms, and it is also the only way to appreciate the Three Gorges Dam, a big country." Dou Wei said.

"With the increasing demand for personalization and diversity of users, the travel products that used to be superficial can no longer fully attract users." Cheng Chaogong believes that only by digging deep into the needs of users and creating more tourism products with cultural connotation and humanistic spirit and more urban characteristics can the market vitality be maintained. For example, summer City walk has become a popular way for young tourists to explore the city. Wu Kang Road, Anfu Road, Yongkang Road, Fuxing West Road and Fuxing Middle Road have attracted many young people to "punch in".

Make concerted efforts to provide good service.

"Tricholoma matsutake in Shangri-La, truffles in Lijiang … There are many kinds of fungi to eat, and visitors are expected to come and experience them." Lou Kewei, deputy director of Yunnan Cultural Tourism Department, said. On the basis of market research, Yunnan Cultural Tourism Department launched 10 boutique routes, including cultural tourism integration, outdoor sports and other themes. "These 10 lines are hot-selling products that can stand the market test." Liu Zhimin, vice president of Yunnan Travel Agency Association, said.

Since the beginning of this year, Hubei Province has arranged nearly 1 billion yuan in financial assistance to promote the high-quality development of cultural tourism. Among them, 400 million yuan is used to issue coupons for cultural tourism, 200 million yuan is used to support the opening of new international routes, 153 million yuan is used to encourage travel agencies to explore the tourist market outside the province, and nearly 200 million yuan is used for publicity and promotion. At the same time, coordinate financial institutions to provide loan extension, interest subsidies and other support to cultural tourism enterprises.

Hubei Wenlv Group co-ordinates 38 scenic spots and 40 hotels to launch a series of measures to benefit the people. In Shennongjia, Enshi Grand Canyon, Jingmen Geek Park and other scenic spots, visitors can enter the park free of charge with the college entrance examination and senior high school entrance examination admission ticket. The "Tour Hubei" platform started the distribution of 2023 coupons in Xianning, and 15,000 coupons have been distributed.

Railways, civil aviation and other departments also do their best to provide services to ensure the safety and stability of the summer vacation. "Airline self-service change card" and "one-stop comprehensive service counter" … China Eastern Airlines launched a series of special services to bring passengers a faster and more convenient service experience. Yunnan Xiangpeng Airlines has increased its capacity adjustment, and actively responded by thickening safety management and strengthening skills upgrading. China Railway Kunming Bureau Group Co., Ltd. scientifically allocates transportation capacity to meet the travel needs of passengers, and actively innovates service measures to enhance the travel experience of passengers.

Economic Daily (Reporter Guan Peili, Li Zhiguo, Liu Jie, Dong Qingsen, Li Jing, Cao Song), the original title is "Launching boutique routes in many places, arranging special funds, and doing a good job in travel services-the tourism market ushered in the" hottest summer file ""

Source: Economic Daily

Black, unshakable fashion sense in deep winter!

In winter, black becomes the nail house in 80% men’s wardrobes.

Black is deeply loved by everyone, thanks to its advantages of low-key, non-picky and easy to wear texture.

Image source: pinterest
Unlike other colors, black contains complex characteristics.

It can be serious, elegant, rebellious and cold, and even it is understandable to interpret it as exquisite and chic.

Image source: pinterest
In the fashion circle, black has always had an unshakable position and was once the most cherished color of the nobles.

In the 16th century, from the Spanish aristocrats in the south to the Dutch businessmen in the north, the most popular clothing for the rich in Europe was black, which represented nobility.

In 1926, with the appearance of CHANEL’s famous little black dress, black made celebrities and nobles want to stop. At that time, VOGUE, the top fashion magazine, directly put the sketch of Chanel’s black dress on the cover, calling it the "Ford" of women’s wardrobe.

Since then, black has gained a firm foothold in the aristocratic circle, and it has become a symbol of exquisiteness, elegance, intelligence and charm.

Image source: pinterest
Black is also valued by men. The Italian politician Count Baldassare Castiglione pointed out in his guide to aristocratic court life, The Book of Courtiers, that black is the first choice for men.

Because it is a noble and calm representative for men.

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It was not until the 20th century that Issey Miyake, Rei Kawakubo, yohji yamamoto and other emerging designers appeared that black was endowed with richer meanings.

Yohji yamamoto, a "black poet", said in an interview: "Black is both modest and arrogant, lazy and relaxed, but mysterious. Black can devour light or make things look clear. But most importantly, black will say,’ I won’t bother you-don’t bother me!’ 」

Image source: pinterest
However, black with such full emotional color is imprisoned by many people. There is only one manifestation of black in them, that is-


So, how to match it in the end, in order to make people shine in black, and then look down!

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Black and white, never out of date.

Black with white is as plain as having to open your eyes first when you get up, but it is often the most easily overlooked.

In the world of ALL BLACK, the mission of white is not to echo it, but to light up a boring shape.

Image source: pinterest
Although white is simple and pure, as long as it collides with black, it becomes a life-saving light, making you a crane that stands out from the crowd effortlessly.

But white in a set of LOOK, the area can not exceed one-third.

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People are divided into groups, and people with the same collocation ideas and different styles need to use different good things.

Young men with sunny temperament use a white sweater as an interior to adjust the monotony of a black coat. It will not make you lose your energetic appearance, but also let others feel the dimension reduction blow brought by black and white rationing to other colors. The texture is bright, and whoever wears it is advanced.

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A warm man with gentle personality, wearing a white sweater or a white shirt in a black suit, simple color matching and elegant temperament, gives others a feeling of comfort besides comfort.

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Men who are extremely confident about their height and figure can boldly change their pants into white.

However, the material of pants should not be chosen too hastily, which can be white jeans, or white suit pants with thick fabric and crisp white tweed pants. They must conform to the characteristics of not wrinkling easily, not bulging knees and self-cultivation, otherwise it will be very embarrassing to temperament.

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A mature man who is relatively conservative can keep wearing ALL BLACK, but playing with shoes is different.

Changing shoes into small white shoes can also break the boredom of the whole body shape.

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Anyway, in a black shape, embedding a decent white element can’t be wrong.

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Don’t be swallowed up by black.

Anything that is too full will always make people feel uncomfortable.

Being wrapped in black, which can swallow light and bring its own seriousness, gives people a more prominent sense of discomfort and a sense of suffocation confined in a condom.

A little exposure can save the oppressive feeling of being black all over.

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If your coat is a long black coat or a long black down jacket, please abandon the black turtle neck, especially the black coarse knit turtle neck, otherwise the handsome guy will have to stop eating and be a dull horse.

If you really love high collars, you should choose thin and fine knitted fabrics, and then use the skill of revealing a piece on your ankle.

Pants are cropped above the ankles, and shoes are low-cut, exposing the thinnest joints and ankles of men, which can also make ALL BLACK full of vitality.

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Low-necked thick-line sweaters and semi-high-necked sweaters are all good choices to wear, which are warm and capable.
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Friends who can’t resist the cold, don’t show their skin, and visually color with other colors.

You can draw inspiration from white, light gray, camel, light blue and beige. Choose a high-necked bottoming shirt, a medium-long bottoming shirt or a shirt for a single item, and choose the neck, collar, wrist or hem for color matching.

Image source: pinterest

Although the exposed area is not large, it can play a key role and make you the most fashionable hipster in the all-black world.

Image source: pinterest

With hierarchy, there is a soul.

No one can fully capture the essence of layering, but it will never be out of date.

Especially after encountering a single shape with black body, layering becomes the soul of a whole set of LOOK. No matter how monotonous the color is, layering can make you look cool and stylish.

Frankly speaking, there is only one way to create a sense of hierarchy. Wear more layers of clothes.

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A semi-turtleneck sweater or Polo shirt, a black suit, a long coat on the outside, and a black knit hat on the head with a high position, a simple, textured and capable layering is completed.

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You don’t need such a formal friend to wear the scene. Removing the suit and replacing the black coat with a long trench coat with pockets and belts can also create a layered effect.

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In a dark world, rich elements are the core aesthetics of layering, which indicates that you have an attitude towards dressing. This carefully selected Style can ensure that you stand out from passers-by.

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The short coat is even more layered.

Short pilot jacket, short down jacket and short leather coat are the first choice, so we will work hard inside at this time.

Long black sweaters, turtle neck and shirts can inject fashionable DNA into the shape, but their length must be longer than the coat, which is the essence of creating layering.

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Chest bag or purse is also a good thing to pull you into the hearts of layered hipsters. If you casually put it on your chest or waist, you will become the personality hipster who doesn’t go with the flow.

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If you want to play more ostentatiously, put a vest over your coat, and no one will ever question your fashion again.

Image source: pinterest

With accessories, there is "light"

Accessories are small in size, but they will always be the first step for men to become fashionable.

In the survival law of the hipster world, accessories are always the crowning touch of a set of shapes. Only by matching accessories appropriately can his aesthetic strength be demonstrated.

Image source: pinterest
Metal accessories can always create fashion miracles in a dark world.

However, metal accessories also have color classification, silver accessories and gold accessories.

Although the appearance of these two colors is not much different, different skin colors can wear them with completely different effects. You have to choose the metal color according to your skin.

Cold-skinned friends, with silver accessories in a black suit;
Warm-skinned friends use gold accessories to light up the black shape.

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There is not much restriction on the types of accessories, and necklaces, bracelets and rings can all play a role in making black full of luster.
However, it should be noted that men who are overweight can’t choose too thick metal necklaces, which will make you feel rude and unreasonable. Stacking 2-3 thin necklaces will have a fashionable effect.

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For friends who can hold thick necklaces, when wearing them, it is best to wear matte metal necklaces, which not only has a sense of advanced, but also makes you "black" cooler.

Image source: pinterest

Black is like a gorgeous dinner, filled with wine and delicacies. No matter who touches your taste buds, it can bring you the ultimate experience.

Coco chanel once said, "I love black so much, and its power sweeps across time and space. 」

So it’s not a bad thing that your wardrobe is full of black, at least it proves that your taste is online.What we have to do is to use decent single items with the inherent characteristics of black, so that they can maximize your temperament. This is a set of successful LOOK.

Image source: pinterest

According to the above collocation principle, even if you wear black all winter, you won’t be the most boring one in the crowd, and you can even be the most romantic and attractive man.

After all, someone once said:

"Black is poetic. 」

"Do you imagine a romantic poet wearing a bright yellow jacket? Probably not! 」

Image source: pinterest

PS: The pictures in this article are from the Internet.Please contact us in time if you have any copyright problems.
Writing/Planning: Leopard Iron Powder
Typesetting: a red head
Producer: GaGa

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A color that can never go wrong