Anyone can make a movie?


The slate used in the filming of The Lord of the Rings.


Text/"Global" magazine reporter Liu Juanjuan Le Yanna Zhang Haixin Ma Qionglin Yao

Editor/Hu Yanfen

  Facing the wave of changes brought by Generative Artificial Intelligence (AIGC), the film and television industry is considered to be the first to be affected. How do film and television practitioners view the future of the industry under the influence of AIGC?

Technological innovation brings production popularization.

  Global magazine: When Sora and other text-generated video models are open to ordinary people, is it possible for everyone to start writing scripts and complete their own movies?

  Huang Xufeng:Since Sora came out, movies have only been a matter of length. The birth of any new technology may bring about some great changes. After the emergence of smart phones, everyone can shoot videos. And the fact that everyone can make movies may come true in three to five years, maybe even faster, I’m not sure. Because as long as you have this will, you may take the initiative to use the text generation video tool to create a movie you want.

Huang Xufeng at Pingyao International Film Exhibition

  Zhang eats fish:Film is one of the most complex artistic expressions of human beings, and it is an industrial product of teamwork, so it is not easy to make a big film. For example, the sound part of a movie alone needs complicated processing flow, which can not be solved by AIGC technology at present. So I think that in the future, with the help of artificial intelligence such as Sora, people can shoot online movies for one or two hours, or short plays with good quality, but it is unlikely to complete the production of cinema movies.

Zhang Chiyu is at the shooting scene.

  I think it will be a very interesting scene if AI can generate its own movies and compete with movies made by humans. By then, films made entirely by human beings will become scarcer and more exciting.

  In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, the gap between AIGC and human works is still very obvious. For example, in the current film shooting process, mechanical rocker arm and manual moving lens are used to shoot at the same speed and manner from the same angle, and the texture obtained by manual and machine is different. In different movie scenes, sometimes a sense of machine is needed, and sometimes an artificial texture is needed. They are not mutually substitutive. Like shooting realistic movies, if AIGC technology is used extensively, it will destroy the sense of reality; If it is a science fiction movie, it needs a lot of special effects generated by AIGC.

  When I was filming Moon Man, it took me half a year to build the Moon Shield Base. Although the current AI may be able to automatically generate a base, their texture is very different, and the feeling of shooting is also very different. For the time being, AI cannot replace the traditional production method.

  Global magazine: Traditionally, the film and television industry is dominated by a few large film companies. With the popularity of AI technology, are more individuals and small teams more likely to produce high-quality film and television works?

  Yao Jinli:It’s possible, just like the works of Guo Man produced by many small teams emerged in previous years. Many excellent animated films, such as The Adventures of Li Xianji, were completed by small teams or even single people. For the creator, artificial intelligence is a tool like a brush, and whether or not to create high-quality works depends entirely on the creator himself. Moreover, if the cost of video-generated AI such as Sora can be greatly reduced, it will be more likely for small teams to produce high-quality film and television works.

Yao Jinli is at the shooting scene.

  Haoge:It does provide this possibility, and AIGC can help these creators complete some trivial work more efficiently, saving time and cost. For example, artificial intelligence generates virtual scenes, characters and special effects, or carries out automatic editing and post-production.

  However, to produce high-quality film and television works, not only technology is needed, but also many other aspects of support, such as excellent scripts, excellent directors and actors, professional production teams and so on. In addition, the market competition is fierce now, and it is not easy to attract the audience and achieve success.

  However, the development of AIGC undoubtedly brings more opportunities and challenges to the film and television industry, which makes film and television production more popular and gives more talented and creative people the opportunity to show their works. At the same time, it may also encourage traditional film companies to innovate and enhance their competitiveness to cope with the new market environment.

Using human "soft skills" against AI

  Global magazine: Will artificial intelligence make the film and television industry a more competitive industry? Are you worried about the future of the industry and being replaced?

  Haoge:I think artificial intelligence may make the film and television industry more diversified and provide opportunities for more creators to show their stories and ideas in new ways and styles. At the same time, artificial intelligence may also bring more innovations and experiments to promote the development of the film and television industry. Of course, with the popularization of technology and more people entering this industry, the market may become more crowded. But competition can also stimulate creativity and improve the quality of works, forcing practitioners to constantly improve their skills and creativity.

Hao Ge’s Stills of "Wind Cutting Knife"

  I am not very worried about the future of the industry, because the development of technology will always bring changes and opportunities, and the film and television industry has always had strong adaptability. As practitioners, we should pay more attention to and actively respond to possible problems and ensure the diversity and quality of content.

  Yao Jinli:I have completely watched the short videos released by Sora for the first time, and I have also read the text descriptions of each video. Judging from the completion of a single lens or a single group of lenses, the effect is undoubtedly very shocking. Although there are great problems in the perspective, model details and behavior logic of some shots, they are not hidden. Judging from the authenticity of the picture, the degree of color reproduction, the fineness and fluency of the picture material, Sora’s completion is amazing. Moreover, the video released at present basically restores the lens movement in most film and television shooting, and the effect is very good.

  The only drawback is that the current video camera movements are relatively smooth and slow, and there are no fast, dynamic and intense shots. Perhaps Sora’s current computing power has not been reached, or there may be problems with the input text description, and no professional film and television practitioners have been asked to make a more detailed and specific description. For example, some text descriptions use professional film and television words such as "close up", "cinematic", "35mm film" and "depth of field", but there is obviously a lack of more specific descriptions.

  As for whether you will be worried about being replaced, it depends on how much room for improvement Sora has. When advertising still life, the "accuracy" of the appearance of the object is a very important standard. Judging from the video capability of Sora currently known, the "accuracy" of the restored product is obviously far from enough. In the future, whether Sora can improve these abilities will determine whether the trade union will eventually be replaced.

  Luo Wei:In recent years, the new products in AIGC field have emerged one after another, and their functions have become increasingly powerful, which has brought a lot of survival crisis to practitioners in many industries. The New York Times recently published an article entitled "When your technical skills are eclipsed, your characteristics as a human being will be more important than ever". The authors anish Raman and Maria Flynn pointed out that although AI is threatening, people should not be too anxious about it. On the contrary, the development of AI will highlight people’s unique value. So, what are the advantages of human beings compared with AI? What skills are particularly important?

Luo xian’s work photo

  The article pointed out that technical skills and data skills have been highly sought after for decades, but now it seems to be one of the most vulnerable skills to AI progress. The interpersonal skills that we have long underestimated as "soft skills" are likely to be the most lasting. This is a hopeful sign that AI may create a working world that relies more on "human ability" than less.

  Minosh shafiq, president of Columbia University, once said, "In the past, work was related to muscles. Now they are related to the brain, but in the future, they will be related to the mind. "

  Knowledge method is the focus of artificial intelligence, and good film and television creation needs human consciousness, perception and the connection between hearts. The really good art is the art with soul. The photographer’s new connection with the world and his own perception are the sharp weapons that can resist AI at present.

  In 2023, there were two important exhibitions about AI in China, namely "Emergence AI Image Exhibition" curated by Ye Wenming and "Out of Nothing: AI Image Art Award Exhibition" curated by Luo Dawei. Ye Mingwen selected a series of works by six AI creators as the main exhibition, and invited 108 photographers from all over the country to participate in the generation of "My First AI Image" as a parallel exhibition.

  Ye Mingwen concluded, "Photography is a noble manual work. News, documentary and scenery will not be affected by AI at all. Photography requires you to take a camera to observe, occupy a position, choose a picture and walk far away. AI belongs to imagination and intelligent interaction, mainly brain development, which is essentially different from photography that is put into reality. The existence of AI has set off the preciousness of’ photographic behavior’ and promoted the transformation of photography itself. "

  The exhibition curated by Luo Dawei explores the intersection of contemporary art and artificial intelligence, and how this intersection redefines the boundaries of creative expression. This exhibition is not only an exploration of the art of AI generation, but also an opportunity to peek at the unique cooperation between artificial intelligence and artists. The audience is thinking: Are the displayed works just the products of big data and algorithms, or do they carry deeper thoughts and emotions? Is it a redefinition of artistic creation, or is it just an extension of the creative process?

The film and television elitism is being dissolved.

  "Global" magazine: When AI technology broke out and superimposed video creation on social media, how do traditional film and television people view the relationship between film and television and the times?

  Luo Wei:With the birth of Sora, we are moving towards a new unknown in the AI ? ? era. These changes can be traced back to the social media era. Various social media applications in smartphones have become our daily tools. There is a large amount of image information spread behind various social activities. In this era of image explosion, photography has become a new daily expression and writing, and images are extremely powerful and unforgettable. In this subtle process, our photography behavior is forming new habits.

  AI brings a brand-new stage of image generation, viewers have more choices, the way people watch is changing, the group world is being dissolved by technology, and a new world is emerging. In this new world, individuals have more and more energy and your friends become stars. Through the internet, everyone can become a photographer and a film and television person. No one knows what will happen in the future, but we see that many visual artists at home and abroad have responded to this question in their own ways: how to create in the era of social media?

  Taking photography as an example, it has reached a very classical era. The daily photography leads to the disappearance of elite photography as a visual art creation, or at least it is undergoing profound changes. So in this context, photographers need to reflect on the meaning of the original industry and work. AI forces us to rethink our relationship with the times, photography with the times, and photography with us.

  We still don’t know what impact this change will bring, but one thing is certain, the times are constantly evolving, and the new photography in the AI ? ? era must not be a photo on the wall in the traditional sense, but it may be a device, a video, a performance art and so on. Photography can be a variety of media and materials, and its appearance is no longer single, but its internal logic is still about photography itself. Is photography over? In the article "Photography Crisis and Challenge in the Age of Social Media", Cai Meng, a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, pointed out: "You must accept the reality that photography that may be activated is no longer the original appearance. It is no longer photography in the physical and virtual sense, but has become an abstract photography thinking and concept, or a certain soul and spirit."

  Maybe one day in the future, as action art marina abramovic said, we will live in a world without any art. There will be no entity in that world, and human beings will be in a highly conscious level. Under such a strong mental state, we can transmit our ideas to others without using entities as a medium.

The "Smart City" Operation Research Report 2024 "edited by Xindian Software was officially released.

Recently, the "2023 Annual Plenary Meeting of the Smart City Standards Working Group of the National Signaling Committee" was successfully held, and the "Smart City" Operation Research Report 2024 "edited by Xindian Software was officially released.

Since 2020, all regions in China have actively explored and built the project of "one network unified management" to promote the modernization of urban governance digitally, and achieved certain results. In order to further ensure the orderly construction and long-term operation of "unified management by one network" and continuously exert the application effect of "unified management by one network", under the guidance of 28 local authorities, the Smart City Standards Working Group of the National Information Standards Committee organized relevant Industry-University-Research users to jointly compile and form the "Research Report on the Operation of" Unified Management by One Network "in Smart Cities 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the" Research Report ").

Focusing on the goal and task requirements of "one network unified management" operation, the Research Report combs and analyzes the development background and trend of "one network unified management" operation, puts forward the overall framework of "one network unified management" operation, and puts forward corresponding implementation suggestions for "one network unified management" operation system planning, specific operation content, typical scenario operation and operation tool platform, aiming at developing "one network unified management" for various regions.

As a contributor to the report, Xindian Software has formed a series of important suggestions around the operation objectives, operation ecosystem, data operation, scenario operation and operation tool platform, so as to jointly promote the smooth implementation of the compilation results.

In the future, Xindian Software will still actively participate in the research work of "one network unified management", and continue to promote intelligent and automated urban management from the aspects of system and mechanism, standardization construction, technical means and working methods, improve the level and quality of urban management, make cities more intelligent and livable, and realize intelligent, collaborative, accurate and efficient urban management.

Disclaimer: The content of this article reprints enterprise information for this website, which only represents the author’s personal views and has nothing to do with this website. The contents involved do not constitute investment and consumption suggestions, and are for readers’ reference only. Please check the relevant contents yourself.

Original text transferred from: Hebei Internet Radio and Television Station

Yunnan fruit: a "rich fruit" from a gold producing area

  Yunnan enjoys 133 kinds of fruits, and 60% of the fruits in China settle here. It is recognized as a "fruit paradise" in the world fruit industry. The red land in Yunnan is nurturing children of all ethnic groups, and the clear water and green hills have endowed the fruits with pure nourishment, and the sky is clear and the air is clear.the peopleEnthusiasm and drive, in this magical land, writing a fruity fragrance.become richStory.

  Gold producing area, Yunnan fruity.

  Spring rains moisten the land, Xia Feng awakens the mountains, and the four seasons are blended here. Yunnan’s unique "three-dimensional climate" provides excellent growth conditions for all kinds of fruits, which makes the vast majority of fruits have a time lag with fruits from other producing areas, and fresh fruits can achieve "four-season production and annual supply".totalCan taste the most suitable fruit in the most beautiful season.

  Yunguo condenses wind, flowers, rain and fog, making it sweet and crisp. Yunguo has now formed a tripartite pattern of tropical, subtropical and temperate fruits, such as temperate fruits represented by apples and pears, subtropical fruits represented by oranges and grapes, and tropical fruits represented by mangoes and bananas.

  All kinds of fruits can be planted in Yunnan, and the best fruits can be planted. Small berries, represented by blueberries, have sprung up everywhere, reversing the situation that high-grade fruits are imported. Cloud-produced blueberries can not only fill the gap between December and April in China, but also fill the gap between April and May in the world, and the market price has been significantly higher than the price of imported blueberries.

  Yunnan summer strawberries account for about 80% of the national market share of summer strawberries; Yunnan is the dominant production area of citrus with very early and very late maturity in China, and it is also the production area with the largest mango yield and the longest time to market in China. Fresh grapes can be supplied all year round, and "Loutieyuan" sunshine rose has obtained the pricing right of domestic sunshine rose; There are also a large number of high-quality fruits such as top-grade sugar orange, Zhaotong apple and Shiping Yangmei, which have become the representatives of high-end fruits in China.

  Linking agriculture with agriculture brings new life together.

  China has entered the realization of the secondhundred yearsThe goal of the new journey, the focus of the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" has shifted to all-round advancement.rural revitalization, consolidatebe lifted out of povertyThe achievements of tackling difficulties andrural revitalizationEffective convergence is the most important thing in the current transition period. Yunguo needs help.rural revitalizationIt is inseparable from the guidance and promotion of policies and the innovation and development of agricultural enterprises.

  Binchuan County, mengzi city, Zhaoyang District, NewflatThe county was selected into the list of "one county and one industry" fruit industry demonstration counties in Yunnan Province in 2021, and the establishment of "one county and one industry" guided all localities to tap the existing biological resources and give full play to the region.natureThe advantages of characteristic industries will guide the shaping of cloud fruits with "precision, specialization and specialty" competitiveness, and create an industrial template with exemplary effect.

  In the specific production organization, Yunguo industry innovates and improves the mechanism of linking agriculture with agriculture, and sees the truth in the "most hope" of the lifted out of povertyIt has shown a good demonstration role in tackling the problem, uniting the masses to walk out of their own villages in the orchard.become richRoad. Binchuan Hongyuan agricultural and sideline products production and marketing professional cooperative adopts "construction"flatplatform+Share dividends "cooperative is a strong driving model. Shidian Dadongshan Chaenomeles Planting Professional Cooperative strives to build a" double-tied "interest linkage mechanism of" company+cooperative+base+farmer ".flatChu’s agriculture adopts the well-known brand-driven model of "land rent+base salary+incentive commission", which allows farmers to share more value-added benefits of the industry. Agricultural enterprises and cooperatives drive farmers to increase their income, so that farmers can find good jobs at home, and their orchards can also be merged into the big team of industrial construction.

  By the end of 2021, the number of leading enterprises in the fruit industry at the provincial level and above in the province had reached 127, 13 more than in 2020. Among them:country8 leading enterprises, 6 more than in 2020.countryThere are 47 demonstration cooperatives of farmers’ professional cooperatives and 124 demonstration cooperatives of farmers’ professional cooperatives at the provincial level.

  rural revitalization, Yunguo rich peasants

  Agricultural revitalization isrural revitalizationThe foundation of strategy,Lucid waters and lush mountainsOnly by giving Yunling’s potential and heritage as the foundation can we grasp the opportunity of industrial transformation through hard work. The starting point and foothold of the development of Yunguo industry is to make the majority of farmers live a better life.

  Consolidate Yunling with the construction of agricultural industry with plateau characteristics as the starting lifted out of povertyTo attack the achievements of rural development, the most practical effect of Yunguo development is to make farmers’ "money bags" swell up.

  Yunnan "Jiawo" brand blueberry is a brand owned by Qujing Jiawo Modern Agriculture Co., Ltd. Jiawo Blueberry won the "Most Influential Brand of the Year" of International Blueberry Organization (IBO) and won many honors such as "Top Ten Famous Fruits" in Yunnan Province for three consecutive years, and successfully declared "Top Ten Famous Fruits" in Yunnan Province and "Top Ten Famous Fruits" in Yunnan Province. Qujing Jiawo has transferred more than 2,000 mu of land in Qilin District and Malong District, involving 722 surrounding villagers, achieving an annual income increase of 2.98 million yuan; Through infrastructure construction and blueberry planting and picking,flatEvery year, the number of odd jobs is about 55 thousand person-days, and the income of villagers is about 4.6 million yuan.

  Yunguo is not only a "taste fruit", but also "become richFruit ",really drive farmers to increase their income.become richRun towards a well-off society. In 2021, the number of farmers directly engaged in the fruit industry in the province reached 3.5 million, and the per capita income of the province reached 14,400 yuan, an increase of 1,100 yuan or 8.3% over the previous year’s 13,300 yuan. The per capita income of fruit farmers in Binchuan County increased from 17,300 yuan in 2018 to 30,800 yuan, an increase of 78.0%, and the average household income increased from 62,300 yuan in 2018 to 100,400 yuan, an increase of 61.2%.

  Mature fruit hangs on the branches, and sweet joy is harvested in the hearts of farmers. Yunnan fruit is a "golden fruit"become richFruit "brings people a taste of taste buds, which is more open."become richA bright future for the countryside.

This article comes from: Nanzao. com


Listening to Professor Fudan’s Interpretation of Ancient China: Reading the wisdom of ancestors and hearing the romantic echo of history.

What’s the use of studying history?

With a long history of 5,000 years, there are many interesting stories and many experiences summarized by predecessors.

The ancients said, "Never forget the past, be a teacher of the future", "Stay on the mountain, stop the scenery", and "be kind if you are water, and carry things with kindness". These beautiful behaviors all come from the wisdom of your ancestors and the romantic echo of history.

Historian Qian Mu once said: No matter how knowledgeable a person is, if he doesn’t know his own history, he can only be a knowledgeable person at most, and can’t be counted as a knowledgeable China person.

Wu Jun, a computer scientist, said: Learning history well is to be a better person.

Studying history can not only cultivate sentiment and conduct, but also enrich our knowledge, so that we can see clearly the entanglement of human nature, grasp the laws of economy and make correct decisions in today’s complicated and changing world.

Why was only Hai Rui an honest official in the Ming Dynasty? The court needs doers more than moral models;

Many prisoners were buried alive in ancient wars in China? Mainly because of the difficulty in food supply;

Was Chang ‘an the center of the world in Tang Dynasty? In fact, there was no "world" at that time;


This is why many excellent people are all interested in history and can always quote classics in their speeches. A person with a historical view usually has a higher pattern and emotional intelligence.

If you also want to know about history, if you only attend a history class, I recommend you to listen to Ge Jianxiong’s history of China.

He connected all kinds of knowledge in series, which can help you build a model of ancient China and gain a sense of transparency. After that, whether you read history or analyze the present, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

He is a doctoral supervisor at Fudan University and has studied history for 40 years.

It is hard to get a ticket for offline lecture courses.

Ge Jianxiong, a famous historical geographer, has studied the historical geography of China for more than 40 years.

His position in academic circles at home and abroad is unshakable;

  • Zhang Hongjie and Hou Yangfang, doctoral supervisors of Fudan University and well-known historians, are his students.

  • One of the first two liberal arts doctors trained in New China;

  • By the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and Ministry of Education, he was named "China Doctoral Degree Winner with Outstanding Contributions";


Although Ge Jianxiong has made great achievements now, he is actually an older academic youth. When he was young, he never thought that after working in middle school for more than ten years, at the age of 32, he could change his destiny through graduate school.

He was successfully admitted to Fudan University that year, andLearn from Mr. Tan Qixiang, a master of historical geography., the founder of China historical geography.

As Mr. Tan Qixiang’s assistant, Ge Jianxiong has a lot of contact with Taishan Beidou in the academic circle, and he is constantly pursuing the ultimate and seeking the truth. Because of this, he quickly became the leader of the historical geography research center of Fudan University.

On one occasion, the executive vice-president in charge of science and technology of Harvard University visited Fudan University and said, "Fudan is really a world-class major, one is historical geography and the other is mathematics, and there are only two." It serves to show Ge Jianxiong’s achievements in learning for many years.

But in fact, Ge Jianxiong not only studies historical geography, but also is a famous expert in China history, population history and immigration history.

He has written ten books in Yu Ben, published more than 100 papers, led the Fudan academic team to complete the six-volume Population History of China, and found out the "base" of China’s dynasties.

It involves various knowledge backgrounds such as history, geography, demography and institutional history, and has won high praise from academic circles at home and abroad.

Because of Ge Jianxiong’s academic level, there are too many people who want to learn history and geography from him. Just Ge Jianxiong’s scattered speeches on the Internet have attracted a large audience, and Ge Jianxiong’s fans on Weibo are millions.

His lectures off-line are full, and students from major universities are willing to listen to his lectures.

Many programs have also invited him to share his views on history, such as "Let’s Talk" and "China Geographical Names Conference".

"Not boring" and "attractive" are the consensus of the audience.

Thanks to his global vision of Wan Li Road.

Author of Zeng Guofan’s Front and Side, Seven Faces of Daming Dynasty, etc.Hongjie ZhangHe is a student in Ge Jianxiong. When he was studying PhD at Fudan University, what he liked most was Ge Jianxiong’s class. Because Mr. Ge Jianxiong can make the boring content very attractive.

According to Zhang Hongjie’s own statement, he is not a "good student" by the standard of traditional China education. At least since junior high school, he hasn’t listened well. He always listens to the teacher with one ear and reads at his own pace.

But in Mr. Ge’s class, he has never been distracted.

When mentioning Teacher Ge’s lecture, Zhang Hongjie said this: "The content of the course "Theory and Method of Historical Geography" is actually very boring, but he can make it very attractive … The lecture is like flowing water."

Ge Jianxiong’s lectures are interesting because he is a man full of enthusiasm and curiosity about the world.

What he said was either his thoughts on reading thousands of books or his experiences on Wan Li Road.

△ In 2000, Ge Jianxiong, as a member of the 17th Antarctic expedition in China, took a photo with a seal he met on the beach.

He has conducted many academic exchanges in internationally renowned institutions of higher learning such as Harvard University and Cambridge University. In order to study, I also traveled to dozens of countries on seven continents, from Antarctica to the North Pole, from Kilimanjaro, the "king of Africa", to Ali, the "roof of the world".He personally measured the "global vision" with his footprints.

It is precisely because of Ge Jianxiong’s extensive interests and dabbling that he has opened up various academic fields and the barrier between academic and real society.

His history pays attention to both the grand background and the tiny details. He pays attention to the reasons and connections behind the incident, and is good at explaining the theory with concrete examples, and the content expressed is also very lively.

Ge Jianxiong made it clear that all the history we can see today is a selective and conscious record of the historians. Therefore, seeing is not necessarily true, but also thinking about the relationship and reasons behind it.

Therefore, in the course of Ge Jianxiong’s Multi-perspective Interpretation of Ancient China, he selected 50 key words, covering territory, administrative region, population, capital, dynasty, etc., to correct our cognitive deviation of history, restore the true historical appearance, and make us more sensible, distinguish between good and evil, and know how to advance and retreat.

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Studying history is more about people.

Use history to solve practical problems, and don’t be a nerd.

Ge Jianxiong’s body is not only full of academic elegance, but also always pays attention to people’s development and survival as an intellectual.

When he was a librarian at Fudan University, he was not only concerned about whether students could gain something in the library, but also about their experience in the library. Even the small details such as how high the stairway is and whether there will be students hitting their heads are like the back of his hand …

After becoming a representative of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, he often wrote commentary articles and published them in major media all over the country. He called for "China Tourism Day" and suggested strengthening the deliberation and audit of major construction projects of local governments …

He has always believed that academic research should not only be a career in the "ivory tower", but also play a role in the general public. Don’t be a nerd or a hypocrite.

In the course of Ge Jianxiong’s Multi-perspective Interpretation of Ancient China, he also pays attention to people, especially a group of people who represent the times.

There are great people, such as the emperor, the emperor’s father, the queen, well-known people, such as Confucius, Hai Rui, Yan Rong, and people who are rarely known, such as Fusheng and Shaoxing tout Mr. Wu …

These little people, short stories, or a small detail are all slices of our understanding of China’s history, from which we can find many life-long wisdom.

If you want to know the truth under the dusty fog of ancient China, see the essence clearly, improve your cognition, improve your pattern and increase your EQ, then I recommend Ge Jianxiong’s class for you.

Select 50 historical keywords

From China’s skeleton, flesh and blood, nerve center

Re-recognize a more stereoscopic and true history of China.

Everyone can understand.

Expand your horizons and have a view of history easily!
50 knotsEssence audio class
just129Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)

Each essence class only needs2.58Dollar!

Save 3 cups of milk tea.

Get a wiser and more understanding person.
Click the Subscribe button to subscribe to the course.

Why is this course worth listening to—

1. Authoritative enough

Doctoral supervisor of Fudan University, one of the main founders of the discipline of historical geography in China, intensively read those things in ancient China, supplemented by a large number of annals and case descriptions, and give you an authoritative and three-dimensional history of China.

2, novel enough

Different from the usual history class, this course is divided into three categories: skeleton (territory and city), flesh and blood (population and figures) and nerve center (emperor and the world), so that you can understand the historical phenomenon and see the root behind it.

Because historical mysteries can never be viewed in isolation.

3. Rich enough

The 50 audio lessons will start from the earliest "China" and cover the Qing Dynasty, with a history of more than 3,000 years. We don’t want to cover everything in detail, but we want to focus on the big and put the small.

Starting from the event, with easy-to-understand language, take the audience step by step to see the clouds, restore the real scene at that time together, and gain rich new knowledge.

4. Good enough to understand

The course content is grounded, even if it is white, it can be easily understood.

Listen, adults, relax and decompress, and increase the conversation.Not only can you relax in the face of work pressure and the boredom of trivial matters in life. You can also talk about it after dinner.

Children listen and broaden their horizons and wisdom.Not only can you accumulate learning materials and broaden your knowledge, but you can also form an open and calm personality in a subtle way, which will affect your child’s life.

Select 50 historical keywords

From China’s skeleton, flesh and blood, nerve center

Re-recognize a more stereoscopic and true history of China.

Everyone can understand.

Expand your horizons and have a view of history easily!
50 knotsEssence audio class
just129Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)

Each essence class only needs2.58Dollar!

Save 3 cups of milk tea.

Get a wiser and more understanding person.
Click the Subscribe button to subscribe to the course.

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