Autonavi Maps has achieved the world’s largest lane-level navigation coverage

Financial Investment Network News (Reporter, Liu Min)Recently, Autonavi Maps announced its lane-level navigation services based on Beidou satellite navigation system, deep learning model, inertial navigation, ubiquitous signal and other cutting-edge technologies, which have now supported more than 99% of urban and township roads in China.

This means that from now on, users can enjoy this high-tech intensive and immersive new generation of navigation products when driving, whether in cities or towns, whether on expressways or ordinary road sections. And this is the largest lane-level navigation service in the world so far.


As an information service with a long history, navigation products have been in the market for more than 20 years. After many iterations of technology and product models, they have become an indispensable part of people’s lives. As a leading provider of digital map content, navigation and location-based service solutions, Autonavi Maps has been committed to applying various technological innovations, especially domestic and self-developed high-tech, to civilian transportation for many years to provide a better travel experience. Lane-level navigation is a typical case, and it is even in a leading position globally. For example, since 2020, the Autonavi map has been based on the Beidou satellite navigation system, combined with the correction information of the reference station, and after integration and calculation, it has realized the lane-level positioning of some cities and roads, achieving the first landing of this technology on the smartphone side, becoming a typical application of Beidou, a domestic high-tech in the field of civilian travel.

Nowadays, the Autonavi map further realizes lane-level traffic incident warnings and prompts, including abnormal road occupation, sudden braking or slow driving of the front car, and incoming cars at the entrance, etc., so that users can understand the safety hazard information of the lane level as soon as possible.


There is also a deep application of today’s most popular artificial intelligence technology – Autonavi’s self-developed deep learning model, which can realize 3D automated modeling of the whole road network integration, and realize the fully automated three-dimensional mapping of building roads, natural environments, urban landmarks and other elements in the Autonavi map in a batch and large-scale manner unprecedented in the industry; while AI dynamic vision technology based on massive data calculation training and driver-oriented human factors engineering can dynamically adjust the navigation screen closer to the driving perspective according to the current location and road shape, and build a digital world that combines virtual and real, allowing users to quickly correspond what they actually see with the navigation screen during the navigation process, and harvest what they see is what they get "seconds Understand "experience.

Now that lane-level navigation has basically completed the national road coverage, AutoNavi has achieved the achievement of applying AI automated modeling technology to build the largest digital map globally.

In addition, Autonavi’s lane-level navigation also contains a series of technologies to optimize the navigation experience: inertial navigation, which integrates multi-metadata data such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers to build algorithms, helps users ensure the coherence of navigation even in the case of satellite signal occlusion; and ubiquitous signal technology, which can simultaneously process signals from cellular networks, Wi-Fi hotspots, and even surrounding environmental features, transforming them into additional positioning clues to achieve positioning continuity in the process of high-speed navigation; there is also over-the-horizon technology, which can automatically handle road and building occlusion relationships, perform perspective rendering in real time, and refine the navigation experience as much as possible from a detailed and user-friendly perspective.

At present, Autonavi lane-level navigation supports most mainstream mobile phones. Just upgrade the Autonavi Map APP to the latest version to experience the service during driving navigation without additional settings.

In the future, Autonavi Maps will also continue to improve in the field of high-end technology and apply it to the mobility services that everyone needs in daily life – connecting to the real world, creating more technology products such as lane-level navigation, and making a living map.

Modern art of war! How is the strategy of extremely kryptonian elite soldiers tempered?

"There are more soldiers than benefits" —— Sun Tzu’s Art of War and Marching.

"Many soldiers are not beneficial" can be regarded as the strategic thinking of "elite soldiers" first put forward by ancient China military strategists. "Since then, it has been regarded as a standard by politicians and military strategists in past dynasties, such as" killing soldiers "in Sun Bin’s Art of War and" under the orders of soldiers "in Wei Liaozi, all of which are the continuation of this thinking, and the journey of many soldiers will win" has gradually changed into "elite soldiers"

The so-called elite soldiers mean the elite combat forces that are flexible and have strong comprehensive combat capability and can defeat the enemy in a complex environment. In the rapidly changing market competition environment, a well-trained elite troops can achieve the role of "four or two".

"Governing an enterprise is like governing a country in ancient times". Today, this strategic thinking is still a scientific management concept. For brand building, the lack of employees is not enough, and more employees can’t afford to raise them, and the benefits are not high. If the tail is too big, it will become an old disease, and even the brand will be dragged down.

Therefore, if modern enterprises want to achieve their strategic goals, they can’t do without lean talents, and they should recruit and cultivate a team of talents who are United and can win the war. If you talk about goals without talents, you will never land.

In the automobile circle, I think that the krypton, which constantly refreshes the speed of krypton, is the best case of practicing the "elite soldier strategy", strengthening the army under Ma Zhuang and making the brand powerful.

"Seeing him rise from Zhulou, seeing him entertain guests, and seeing his building collapse."

Earlier, some media predicted that the evolution of the new energy market would change in three stages. After the "price war" in the first stage from March to June this year, the market share will accelerate to the head-independent and new energy brands in the second stage, and the market share of second-and third-tier brands may face a long-term downward trend; In the third stage, some second-line and third-line brands are gradually eliminated, leaving the China market, and the weak new forces may face acquisition and integration.

It can be said that the current new energy automobile industry has entered the knockout stage in the second half, and the competitive advantage of enterprises has shifted from quantity scale to quality and efficiency, playing the system and fighting for the elite. Those brands that burn money through financing to maintain their operations and cannot make profits through sales, thus truly entering a virtuous circle, are doomed to be eliminated. For an entrepreneurial organization like Krypton, it is even more necessary to attack the city with a strong soldier; From the development stage, with the development of the organization to a certain scale, although the professional division of labor is becoming more and more detailed, it will inevitably bring about problems such as cross-organizational coordination efficiency and timely response of background resources. Therefore, the elite strategy is the most suitable talent management strategy.

Any strategy should also find the most suitable variant of the brand on the basis of the underlying logic. How is the krypton version of the elite strategy built? I think it can be seen from three dimensions: elite consciousness, elite organization and elite development.

Elite consciousness: entrepreneur’s mentality

The so-called elite consciousness is to achieve the ultimate in limited resources, achieve the mission, and stimulate the "sense of mission" of employees. Under the traction, the positive attitude of employees, the self-driving force of selfless work and the work energy released from it are "the most exciting force in work" and the strongest core force in enterprise development.

For example, Weichai’s corporate culture propaganda, Huawei Ren Zhengfei’s speech study, and even many enterprise employees’ military training or regular outdoor expansion are all in essence.

What is the mission of krypton? Krypton’s mission is to create the ultimate experience of travel life. "Co-creation" represents work attitude, "ultimate experience" represents the ultimate pursuit centered on user needs, and "travel life" represents the beautiful expectation for future travel. Extreme krypton integrates the sense of mission into management scenarios and business scenarios, and drives employee value creation through mission.

An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Krypton, said: "Most of our colleagues joined Extreme Krypton with an entrepreneurial attitude rather than an employment attitude, and they all came to Extreme Krypton with the ambition of creating a travel life with the ultimate experience, which is also the most advocated and encouraged entrepreneurial mentality." This entrepreneurial mentality is the core value embodiment of an organization.

Elite Organization: Interlocking and Closed Loop

The so-called integration of knowledge and practice, the creation of lean organization is the effective integration and cooperation of internal systems, which belongs to the organic construction of organizational life.

In my opinion, Krypton is a template that can be studied.

In the main business process, Krypton aims to solve problems for users and realize user value as the core.

Horizontally, Krypton has realized the end-to-end process connection, and at the same time, based on key business activities and key control points, it has penetrated the cross-business system process, established the process interlocking mechanism, shared the same KPI index, given the common target responsibility, promoted the integration of R&D, production, supply, marketing and service systems, established a super-joint integrated combat force, and improved the operational synergy efficiency by organizing the "big closed loop" of the process.

Vertically, in order to ensure that the strategy can be effectively undertaken at the organizational and individual levels, the organization structure and post functions are effectively designed according to the principle of "tightening functions, strengthening business, eliminating overlap, streamlining and being efficient". On the one hand, the functions of different process segments are collected and eliminated, the administrative level is reduced, and business overlap and overlap are avoided; On the other hand, we should break the departmental boundaries of "specialization", give full play to the aggregation effect of platformization and intensification through the integration and sharing of specialized resources and the precipitation of capabilities, and realize more efficient communication and faster decision-making.

However, in line with the specialization, the modularity and miniaturization of the organization are becoming more and more prominent, and the organization is developing in a multi-functional and flexible direction. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of rapid changes in business and market, Krypton has established a "small but refined" "liquid organization"-"X-team" driven by strategic targets or tasks, and concentrated superior resources to penetrate key businesses and fields.

In the liquid organization, each organization is modular and flexible just like a Rubik’s cube. In the process of continuous transformation and combination of organizations, different talents, technologies, knowledge and experiences are "mixed", "flowed" and updated. Through this modular grouping, magic combination and task-based combination, combat energy is released, which stimulates employees’ self-drive and creativity and strengthens the agile collaboration across organizations.

Development of elite soldiers: high quality talents

It was once said in "Under the Order of the Soldiers" that those who are good at using soldiers in ancient times can kill half of the soldiers, followed by thirteen and eleven. However, elite soldiers do not blindly cut down their troops and reduce their functions, but strengthen their main combat forces and seek improvement in quality, not expansion in quantity. In order to improve the quality of talents, Krypton adopts refined management strategy, strictly enters and exits, controls the growth of manpower, revitalizes redundant manpower, and maximizes the value and efficiency of personnel.

To build an elite army, selecting people is the key. If there are no requirements and standards for selecting "elite", it will often bring about a decline in the quality of talents. It is said that there is a "123" principle in the selection of candidates: "1" refers to "the person in charge of business is the first person responsible for recruitment", emphasizing that the recruitment of candidates is not authorized, and business leaders should personally participate in the interview; "2" stands for "two not less than": the standard of new personnel’s ability (values) is not less than the existing team’s TOP30% level; The potential of new personnel shall not be lower than the TOP30% level of the existing team; "3" refers to "three persistences": persisting in selecting talents from excellent to better, and persisting in forward-looking talents for long-term management and team echelon construction; Persist in paying attention to the quality of talents and select them pragmatically.

The answer can be found from the absorption of extremely talented people. Guan Haitao, the former glory CMO, took the post of extremely talented CMO; Chen Qi, the former head of Huawei’s intelligent driving department, became the vice president of intelligent driving; Jiang Jun, the former head of the core team of Huawei’s autopilot product line, became the vice president of Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology, responsible for the business related to the intelligent cockpit …

There is also a talent value formula of "1+1 > 4". "1" represents an individual, and everyone is a combat unit, which can fight independently. However, the value generated by the combination and cooperation of different people is not a simple superposition of values, but the maximization of synergy and can exert greater influence.

"There are not many soldiers, but there is no Wujin, which is enough to unite, anticipate the enemy and take people."

An army can be called a good soldier if it can fight without relying on courage, always pay attention to concentrating its troops, and its determination to fight can be based on a correct judgment of the enemy’s situation, and its officers and soldiers are all strictly selected talents who can defeat the enemy. Extreme krypton is the PLUS version of the elite strategy, the core force is mission-driven, the cornerstone is lean organization, and the combat force is a powerful elite force.

This kind of extreme krypton can naturally move forward steadily in the new energy vehicle market.

Domestic roaming charges that have been paid for more than 20 years will be cancelled. How much can you save?

  BEIJING, Beijing, July 28 (Wu Tao) On the 27th, the three major operators announced that they would completely cancel the domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones from September 1. This means that domestic roaming charges for mobile phones that have been implemented in China for more than 20 years will become history. Who will benefit after cancellation? What impact will it have on operators’ operations? Zhongxin. com interviewed relevant experts for this purpose.

  Long-distance roaming charges for domestic mobile phones will be cancelled after more than 2 years.

  On July 27th, Yang Jie, Chairman of China Telecom, announced at the 9th "Tianyi Intelligent Ecology Expo" that from September 1st, China Telecom will completely cancel the domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones, which is one month ahead of the plan at the beginning of the year, and it is expected to benefit 80 million users.

  Subsequently, China Unicom and China Mobile announced that they would completely cancel the domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones from September 1st, which was implemented one month earlier than originally planned on October 1st. On March 6 this year, three basic telecommunications companies said that they would officially cancel the long-distance roaming charges for domestic mobile phones from October 1.

  The reporter checked the information and found that roaming charges can be traced back to the 1990 s and have already been generated during the mobile phone period. In 1990s, China set up a "roaming fee" similar to tariff for mobile phones used across regions.

  This year, the three major operators have already begun to cancel the long-distance roaming charges of domestic mobile phones in advance. On July 25, Zhang Feng, spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that regarding the cancellation of domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology continued to push the three basic telecommunications companies to speed up their work in accordance with the principle of ensuring that the work is in place and striving for early implementation. "The three companies are making every effort to promote system transformation and other related work, and strive to achieve their goals ahead of schedule."

  The reporter noted that the official plan to cancel the domestic roaming fee for mobile phones began in 2015. On July 6, 2015, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said at the press conference on "speeding up and reducing fees" that "the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is currently studying and exploring the possibility of canceling roaming charges."

  What is the impact on ordinary consumers?

  According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, by the end of June 2017, the total number of mobile phone users in China reached 1.36 billion. Who will be affected by the cancellation of domestic long-distance roaming charges by the three major operators? Will the user’s phone bill drop?

  Xiang Ligang, an expert in communication industry, said in an interview with Zhongxin. com that the users who really benefit from it are mainly some old users, and the impact on ordinary consumers is actually very small.

  "There are two main reasons: First, many new packages sold by the three major operators are ‘ Long-term market integration ’ (Long-distance, local calls and roaming are the same price), and these packages do not care about long-distance roaming; Second, for a period of time, a large number of users are converted into 4G users at high speed, that is, from old users to new package users. " Xiang Ligang said.

  There are data to support this view. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in the first half of this year, 2G and 3G users continued to switch to 4G users, and 4G users maintained steady growth, with a cumulative net increase of 118 million, reaching 888 million, accounting for 65.1% of mobile phone users.

  Ma Jihua, an analyst in the telecommunications industry, analyzed in an interview with, "There is one kind of users who will benefit, that is, users who use local packages may spend less in the future, but they will not get much light, because the reason why they use local packages is because the demand for long-distance roaming is not great."

  What is the impact on the three major operators?

  What impact will this policy have on the three major operators after its implementation? Will its income decline? According to Xiang Ligang’s analysis, the impact is very small. Long-distance roaming charges are originally a management tool of the three major operators. Now, the voice business income of the three major operators is shrinking, and the proportion of total revenue is also decreasing. Therefore, the cancellation of long-distance roaming charges has little impact on the income of the three major operators.

  Ma Jihua holds the same view. He believes that although the policy will have a little impact on the income of the three major operators, it is not too big. "The three major operators can fully withstand it, and the voice services of the three major operators have also continued to decline. In the future, the income will mainly depend on traffic."

  According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, from January to April this year, the voice business income of the three major operators accounted for 19.6% of the telecom business income. By the middle of the year, that is, from January to June, the proportion dropped to 19.4%, down 7.1 percentage points from the same period of the previous year.

  Contrary to this, the traffic revenue of the three major operators is growing rapidly. In the first half of the year, the revenue of mobile data and mobile Internet services of the three major operators reached 274.6 billion yuan, up 29.6% year-on-year, accounting for 42.6% of the revenue of telecom services, driving the revenue of telecom services to increase by 10.3 percentage points.

Winter in advance, summer for drama fans?

The last three months of advance on demand.

Wen | Fu Qiongyin

Edit | Zhang Youfa

The Fog Theater has not been officially aired, and it has been searched four times.

In the third quarter of last year, Misty Theater became a hot topic with many suspense dramas such as Hidden Corner and Silent Truth, and a wave of suspense short plays rose in the market. The concept of theater is also considered as a new stage of content operation of streaming media platform.

The way of unified investment promotion and publicity in the theater also makes the business model of short plays explore further. At this point, the wind of advanced on-demand has blown up, and every work in the theater has also started to advance on-demand

By the time the Fog Theater returns this year, the drama market has changed greatly.

Two years after it was invented, the advanced on-demand mode was cancelled by Aiqiyi, Tencent and Youku. For the first time, the delayed drama that adopted the advanced on-demand mode has become the object of criticism by the official media this year, and only appeared silently in the overseas film list of the streaming media platform. The trend of short plays is still there, and long plays are getting shorter and shorter, but plays with more than 30 episodes and less than 50 episodes are still the mainstream in the market.

Looking back at the three months before the disappearance of VOD, some changes are already brewing.

When costume drama becomes a joke

From the word of mouth, this is the season when costume dramas become jokes.

"Ugly man in ancient costume" is a hot topic this season. The top 10 and 6 short comments on the costume drama "Jun Jiu Ling" are all accusing the actor of being ugly, and the comment that the tucao actor is "ugly out of the realm" has 778 people like it. Netizens even listed a list of "Ugly Men in Costume 101" to accuse the actor in costume drama of "unable to bear to look straight".

The hero’s "Yan value" is not satisfactory, but it is only a side reflection of the poor performance of costume dramas. In Yunhe data "TOP20 of the Top 20 of the Top 20 of the Top 20 of the New Series Played in Q3", there are only four costume dramas, and only "Zhou Sheng as usual" scored above 7 points, and the masterpiece "Song of the King" of Huanrui Century did not make the list.

In addition to the periodicity of content creation, the high proportion of sweet pet dramas in this quarter may be the main reason.

Zhou Sheng as usual and All My Life, which are split from the same novel, use the sadomasochism of the former to solve the "boredom" of the sweet pet of the latter; There are four men around the hostess of "Jun Jiu Ling" who never leave; "Song of the King" is the old way of "the belly-black emperor falls in love with me"-the scores of the last two films are not more than 5 points.


The sweet pet drama, which often strikes back at a small cost, has become a hot type in the market since 2015 when "go princess go" was set to strike back all the way with the thunder people of the "poor crew" and became a popular online drama.

According to the "Research Report on Domestic Drama Market in 2020" released by Yien Data, sweet pet dramas account for 44% of the total number of online dramas broadcast in 2020, and most of them are small dramas with less than 30 episodes. At present, there are many costume dramas that are being spit out by the audience, and many of them are such low-cost accounting dolls.

Go princess go (Source: Douban)

On the contrary, in the contemporary theme, there are many works with both word-of-mouth and enthusiasm. Urban theme is still the mainstream in this quarter. There are 33 urban dramas in the new dramas in 2021Q3, accounting for 29% of the total new dramas in the world, and the effective broadcast accounts for 44%.

Among them, Sweeping the Black Storm, You are My Glory and Yunnan Worm Valley are among the top three in Yunhe Data, and the TOP10 of the 10 new domestic dramas in 2021Q3 are rated as contemporary themes, with the highest score of 8.2, I’m fine in another country.

However, as the champion and runner-up of Q3 episodes, Sweeping the Black Storm and You Are My Glory are hard to copy.

The former has a golden lineup of "Endorsement of the Central Political and Legal Committee+Tencent Video Production+Sun Honglei+500 Directors", which is an unofficial work that is difficult to shoot; The latter is authorized by the glory of the king for the first time, and has established contact with Penguin Film and Television since the stage of writing novels in Gu Man, and the drama series can even go to the space base when shaping the hero’s space career.

While making good use of the scarce value, Sweeping the Black Storm and You Are My Glory also have some "atypical" operating ideas.

In order to be different from the past detective dramas, Wu Bai used a lot of subjective shots such as "the protagonist’s perspective" in "Sweeping the Black Storm" to strengthen psychological description, which is usually more used in movies; "You are my glory" is different from the "rapid progress" of the general sweet pet drama. It was not until the 21 ST episode that the relationship was formally determined, and at the same time, it tried its best to describe the "grounded" side of the "ungrounded" career.

The scarcity of the theme provides the audience with a long-lost freshness. The atypia means that the production of high-quality modern themes is not only a production problem, but also a resource acquisition problem. The ability to control and integrate scarce resources will continue to be the advantage of the future platform.

Although the "film sense" of "Sweeping the Black Storm" is effective in both the subject matter and the shooting method, it also has the problem of "acclimatization".

Although the score of "Beizhenanyuan" is only 5.0, its photography and lighting team almost meets the requirements of film texture, but when the plot of a series is widely questioned, emphasizing texture is putting the cart before the horse; Douban 7.0′ s "Double Detective" is full of film resumes, which can’t save the slightly loose plot.

The exploration of film sense continues this season, but the IP that has been verified by the market has been questioned.

This is a season of collective decline in the word-of-mouth of grave robbery. The "Stealing Pen" series has just earned back a part of its reputation by Ultimate Notes, and it has been severely trampled by Genting Tiangong with a score of 2.6. As of press time, the douban score of Yunnan Worm Valley is 6.3, while the previous work Longling Cave has a high score of 8.3. The "Trio", which has been highly praised, has been questioned by the routine in this film.

"Yunnan Worm Valley" is the fourth ghost blowing lamp produced by the same team. How long can the long-term value of the drama IP last?

The last season of advance on demand

This is the last season of advanced on-demand existence, and the shutdown came by surprise.

On September 10th, Tencent Video rushed to Weibo for hot search in one fell swoop due to the adjustment of advance on demand. Since the Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee and China Consumers Association thought that "unlocking episode by episode" was unreasonable, Tencent’s video was adjusted in "Yunnan Worm Valley", and then the episodes on demand in advance can be unlocked. According to china securities journal, iQiyi and Youku will also follow up.

In the third quarter, advanced on-demand is still going on as usual and making steady progress.

According to Yunhe data, 46 advanced on-demand dramas were launched in 2021Q3, an increase of 9 over the same period of last year. Super-drama accounts for 41% of the total number of new dramas in the world, an increase of 11 percentage points year-on-year. In addition, the effective broadcast of the advanced on-demand drama series during the on-demand period was 600 million, an increase of 82% compared with 2020Q3; Among them, the on-demand content of "Sweeping Black Storm" effectively played more than 100 million yuan, creating a peak of on-demand content playback.


The "Sweeping the Black Storm", which set the peak of the broadcast, pushed forward the nodes that were ahead of schedule. The 28-episode "Sweeping the Black Storm" has been launched on-demand since 15 episodes. In the interview, Poison Eyes learned that many dramas have achieved good results in the third quarter, such as "You are my glory" and "The dust of the ages".

The audience seems to be used to showing their love and recognition for the drama series by pre-ordering. After unlocking "You are My Glory" in advance, you will see a large number of viewers who say "come with money" in the barrage. When "Sweeping Black Storm" was broadcasted, many people even asked "Is it possible to unlock it to the end with one button?" However, for a drama with poor reputation like "Eight Dragons", some people will question "How can this be on-demand in advance?"

This model, which survived for two years, came to an end on October 4th by three platforms. At present, only Mango TV and bilibili, two platforms that have started advance VOD, have not expressed their views.

Short-lived advance on demand was once a life-saving medicine invented by streaming media platform.

Judging from the financial reports of each family in the first half of the year, the trend of slowing down the growth rate of members continues further. In the first half of the year, the number of paying members of iQiyi Q1 increased by 3.6 million, while Q2 only increased by 900,000, and the growth rate declined. The number of paid members of Tencent Video reached 125 million, up 9% year-on-year, unchanged from the first quarter. Youku only disclosed the average daily paying users, which increased by 35% in the first quarter and 17% in the second quarter, but the specific figures are unknown.

Membership operation is the basic logic of streaming media, but the traditional mode of supporting membership growth has almost touched the ceiling, which makes several traditional streaming media platforms still in a state of narrowing losses but not turning losses into profits.

Iqiyi Q1 and Q2 have revenues of 8 billion yuan and 7.6 billion yuan respectively. Although they still face losses, the losses have been reduced for five consecutive quarters. The information revealed by Youku in the financial report also mentioned that the loss narrowed year-on-year, because of "rigorous investment in content and optimization of paid membership plan".

The form is critical, even to the point where the top management of the three platforms directly fired short videos at the network audio-visual conference. In recent years, the platform has also raised the price of members, launched a variety of preferential packages and other means, and advanced on-demand is also a product born in this form.

At the same time, advance VOD is also a way to transplant the fan economy to the drama series. It is no accident that the advanced on-demand mode was born in the American drama with a high vertical fans. It is one of the links of the huge fan economic industrial chain of the drama. At the same time that The Untamed released the advanced on-demand video, the title of Tencent video "Huang Goose Niang" was also widely circulated in Weibo, and users’ personification and emotional connection with the platform seemed to be deepening.

However, for producers, advanced on-demand can not bring C-end revenue. In these two years, advanced on-demand has not yet become one of the producers’ sources of income. Many producers don’t have the right to participate and know, and they don’t know when their plays will be on demand in advance.

Will there be a Netflix mode in which members can watch the complete works at one time after the cancellation of advance demand? In 2016 and 2017, when the members of the platform were crazy, "members read the complete works at one time" also appeared, but most of them were driven by high popularity starring, or a backlog drama with little impact on income.

The recent popularity of "Squid Game" has also made the comparison between Netflix mode and domestic streaming media a hot topic. One of the questions is whether it is possible for domestic streaming media to do less dramas with more money like Netflix.

Wu Yuefeng, manager of Fengjing Capital Fund, once analyzed in Weibo that iQiyi will launch 15-20 TV dramas and 3-5 variety shows in a quarter, so if it is dismantled, the cost of each drama will be only a few hundred million dollars, which can only maintain the overall qualified quality.

However, Netflix’s total operating cost last year was 20.4 billion US dollars (about 133.2 billion RMB), and this figure was as high as 10.4 billion US dollars (69.1 billion RMB) in the first half of this year, of which the single-season content expenditure was roughly 5-6 of that of iQiyi. However, the number of series produced by Netflix is not so much, and its heavy new works planned for 2021 are only 21.

Sharing Netflix’s huge content cost is global dumping. At present, Netflix has entered more than 160 countries around the world, and Latin America and Asia-Pacific even have about 1/2-1/3 users in the United States.

After the announcement of the end of advance on demand, the task of increasing the number of members’ subscriptions and the paid value of individual members has become more heavy. It’s just that unlike Netflix’s positioning as a global user, domestic streaming media platforms need to increase to the sinking market.

QuestMobile data shows that by October 2020, sinking users have occupied 58% (669 million) of the cmnet market, but the average monthly usage time of sinking users is only 140.1 hours, and those after 00 and 70 are potential people for further growth of the sinking market.

In this regard, streaming media is also making changes through hardware+software. For example, iQiyi has launched the iQiyi Extreme Edition for the characteristics of mobile phone use in the sinking market. The Extreme Edition is promoted to the sinking market. "I hope that after they see the higher quality film and television content, because the film and television content is produced by professional directors, screenwriters and actors, they can put more time on the film and television content." Gong Yu, founder and CEO of iQiyi, once told the media.

Tencent is involved, and the head company is absent

No matter from the number of broadcasts or broadcast data, Tencent video is the best in this quarter.

Tencent videos accounted for 13 of the TOP20 episodes in Q3, among which three solo dramas, Sweeping the Black Storm, You are my glory and Yunnan Worm Valley, took the top three. These three series are broadcast one after another for the S-class drama of Tencent Video this quarter, and Tencent also has such a happy trouble of "rolling itself".

(Source: Yunhe Data)

Driven by several major dramas in August, Tencent’s video performance in 2021Q3 was outstanding, with several major dramas launched continuously in summer, and the number of dramas on the whole network effectively played 31.2 billion, ranking first in the platform, but there was still a 12% decline compared with 20Q3. The effective broadcast of the whole network dramas of iQiyi and Youku were 28.5 billion and 14.9 billion respectively, down 20% and 17% year-on-year.

At the same time, the effective broadcasting of Mango TV and bilibili has improved.

Although dramas such as "Song of the King" and "Bailingtan" have insufficient reputation, they still drive the effective broadcast of Mango TV to increase by 3% year-on-year. Last year, bilibili entered the drama battlefield with a high-profile film "The Sky of Wind Dog Boys". This year, in Q3, new dramas such as "Double Mirrors", "Sudden Vacation" and "Best Friends" were added, and the effective broadcast increased by 26 times compared with the same period of last year.

Five platforms are fighting in the field of drama, and "theatrical" is the direction that all of them are exploring. However, compared with last year’s misty theater fire, this year’s theater performance is weak.

According to the TOP20 data above, there are two top 20 dramas in the Love Theater where Iqiyi focuses on sweet pet dramas, namely "A Life" and "Zhou Sheng as usual"-these two dramas are separated from a novel, telling the story of Shengchen Zhou and Shishi, and they are strictly one drama.

Mango’s monsoon theater, a fire, "I am quite good in other places", but unfortunately the follow-up is weak. Monsoon Theater does not have a strong collection of works like Fog Theater and Favorite Theater, and the commonality between works is not very strong. At present, the biggest common point among the works of Monsoon Theater is that "the number of episodes does not exceed 16", and the loose collection and the unity of form are still the idea of comparative satellite TV.

Practitioners who have been exposed to Mango TV told Poison Eye that Monsoon Theater also has some traditional satellite TV ideas in content selection and production. For example, the first version of the script "Mother-in-law’s Bracelet" was once considered to be not bloody enough, and the target was not sinking enough, so it was finally revised.

Mother-in-law’s bracelet

However, as a theatrical effect that has been verified to occupy users’ minds and form a brand effect, it will not be abandoned by the platform. The return of Misty Theater is just around the corner. According to informed sources, bilibili is also planning his own theater.

Compared with the competition of multiple dramas in the same period between platforms, the performance of the head company is much quieter.

Six head drama companies that often appear together in many statements: Noon Sunshine, Xinli Media, Ciwen Media, Yaoke Media, Huace Film and Television, and Ning Meng Film and Television, only noon handed over the highly acclaimed Children of the Qiao Family in the third quarter. Xinli Media is still spinning in the low-scoring Jin Yong drama.

In the past, among the listed companies, Tang De Film and Television broadcasted a small-budget sweet pet drama "The Secret of Hidden Grimes", and two dramas of Huanrui Century, Genting Tiangong and Song of the King, both suffered a decline in word of mouth. On the contrary, the "new forces" in the era of online drama performed well. The drama "Sweeping the Black Storm" produced by Wuyuan Culture was well received, and "Sailing: When the Wind blows" produced by Little Sugar Man also had a good score of 8.5.

In the last quarter of 2021, it may be that "Tencent involution" will enter the stage of all-platform involution. Four works of the Iqiyi Fog Theater will be broadcast one after another. The first one is "The Fog of the Octagonal Pavilion" starring Duan Long and Hao Lei; Tencent Video has a number of IP costumes in stock, such as A Sword in the Snow and A Twin Cities in the Mirror, while Youku holds a large number of online dramas to be broadcast, such as The Story of Xingfu’s Ice Rain and Fire.

But for the fans, perhaps the involution of the series is a great blessing.

Squid Game, a Korean drama under Netflix filter.

The screen disappearance of the beautiful man in ancient costume

Get international recognition! JD.COM was selected into the Dow Jones Sustainable Development World Index for the first time.

Recently, the Standard & Poor’s Dow Jones Index (S&P DJI) announced the results of the annual review of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJI). JD.COM Group was selected into the Dow Jones Sustainable Development World Index for the first time for its outstanding performance in ESG (environment, society and governance).

DJSI is a floating-adjusted market value-weighted index, which is based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) Standard-screened enterprises measure performance. DJSI, including the Dow Jones Sustainable Development World Index, was launched in 1999 and is the first series of global sustainable development benchmark indexes on the market.

JD.COM Group’s Report on Environment, Society and Governance in 2022 shows that in the changing year of 2022, JD.COM, born from reality, deeply realized the great responsibility of adhering to sustainable development, and the importance of ensuring the smooth, stable and reliable social supply chain, as well as the value of helping the transformation and upgrading of the national supply chain and high-quality development. Therefore, JD.COM Group has coupled the concept of enterprise sustainable development with the value proposition of "responsible supply chain", more firmly promoted the continuous optimization of environment, society and governance, and responded to uncertainty with a more steady attitude.

In terms of sustainable development, by the end of 2022, the cumulative number of circulating express packages of Jingdong Logistics has exceeded 220 million times, and 200,000 circulating green boxes have been put into normal operation in 30 cities, with a cumulative number of 20 million times. JD.COM has installed distributed photovoltaic power generation systems in 23 intelligent industrial parks, and JD.COM’s "Asia No.1" Xi ‘an Intelligent Industrial Park has become the first logistics park in China to achieve carbon neutrality, and has put in large-scale electric vehicles and put on hydrogen energy transportation lines nationwide. In terms of supporting employment and employee care, JD.COM has created 290,000 new jobs in the past three years, and the salary and welfare expenditure of front-line employees has reached 106.5 billion yuan. It has invested 10 billion yuan to set up a "housing security fund" for employees, and will invest more than 6 billion yuan to build a "JD.COM Youth City" employee housing project. In terms of rural revitalization, JD.COM has served agricultural modernization with the ability of the whole industrial chain, helped small farmers integrate into big industries and connect with big markets, and in less than three years, it has driven rural areas to achieve over one trillion output value and helped millions of farmers to increase their income; At the second JD.COM Agricultural Special Shopping Festival held in September this year, JD.COM helped more than 2,000 agricultural characteristic industrial belts to achieve high-quality development.

JD.COM Group takes "success in the right way" as its business belief and compliance as its foundation, so that the concept of "compliance is development" is deeply integrated into all businesses, and it insists on commercial success through compliance governance. At the beginning of 2023, JD.COM Group formally established a board-levelESGWomen account for nearly 43% of the committee and the board of directors, which supervise and guide related matters such as climate, environment, risk, health and safety, business ethics, product safety and service, diversification and inclusiveness.

In October, 2023, JD.COM Group joined the latest sustainable development initiative of the United Nations Global Compact. At the same time, in the latest "Accelerating Progress" initiative launched by the United Nations Global Compact, JD.COM is willing to take the lead in making a commitment on the related goals of "gender equality", and will continue to promote the concept of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, and contribute "JD.COM Power" to the realization of global sustainable development goals.

As a technology and service enterprise based on supply chain, JD.COM takes "technology-oriented, committed to a more efficient and sustainable world" as its mission, insists on doing practical, valuable and long-term things, and works with all sectors of society to draw a beautiful, green and win-win sustainable development picture in a pragmatic and innovative spirit.

Original text transferred from: Xinhua Finance

2 am! The Beijing media made a controversial report: China football became a joke, and fans swore.

At 2am, China football once again became the focus of controversy, and this time it was even pushed to the forefront. It originated from a report in Beijing Youth Daily that Song Kai, president of the China Football Association, had a clear understanding of the problems faced by women’s football after watching the women’s football match between China and South Korea. However, this report not only did not calm the fans’ arguments, but also triggered more controversy and discussion.

What is the reason for it It turned out that some fans questioned that Song Kai had a comprehensive understanding of the team’s problems through one game. This doubt is not groundless, because there are many factors that affect the outcome of a football match, including the player’s state, tactical arrangement, game mentality and so on. It seems a little hasty to jump to conclusions just through one game.

Of course, the reaction of the fans is even more enthusiastic. Some fans are skeptical about what Song Kai has done, thinking that he may not have a deep understanding of the real situation of women’s football. Other fans want to see more professional solutions, not just superficial observation. Some fans hit the nail on the head and pointed out that understanding the problem does not mean that we can solve the problem. What we need is real change and progress.

In fact, the development of football in China has always attracted much attention. However, as the fans say, the key to the problem is how to solve these problems. What we need is to dig deep into the root of the problem, find the crux, and then prescribe the right medicine. This requires professional ability, dedicated attitude and long-term patience.

In this regard, fans and friends: What do you think of Song Kai’s statement after watching the game? Do you think he can lead China football out of the predicament? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views!

At the same time, we expect you to continue to pay attention to our reports, and let us witness the rise of football in China!

An analysis of the traditional cultural foundation of Chinese modernization

The cultural connotation and characteristics of Chinese modernization reflect the profound influence of China traditional culture on the modernization process. Comprehensive development, cultural self-confidence and innovation, and the integration of socialist core values make Chinese modernization not only have economic and technological modernity, but also have cultural depth and uniqueness, which not only helps China to cope with various challenges in the process of modernization, but also provides a solid cultural foundation for the all-round modernization of China society.

Cultural Foundation and Characteristics of Chinese Modernization

Chinese-style modernization is not only the modernization of economy and science and technology, but also a multi-dimensional comprehensive modernization process. This comprehensive development feature reflects the importance of China’s traditional culture to all-round development, and also highlights the uniqueness of Chinese-style modernization and the difference from the western model.

Emphasize comprehensive development. Chinese modernization emphasizes comprehensive development, which means not only economic and technological modernization, but also political, cultural and social modernization. This concept originated from the core idea of China’s traditional culture, and these values have been playing an important role in China society. Traditional culture emphasizes balance and harmony in all fields, reminding people to consider all aspects of society comprehensively to ensure social stability and prosperity. In the process of modernization, this comprehensive development concept is embodied in government policies. Political, economic, cultural, social and other fields must develop in harmony to achieve the goal of comprehensive modernization.

Strengthen cultural self-confidence and innovation. Chinese modernization advocates maintaining cultural self-confidence in the process of modernization. The root of this view can be traced back to the traditional culture of China, which emphasizes the importance of culture and confidence in one’s own culture. Chinese modernization emphasizes that while absorbing the essence of western culture, we should also stick to our own cultural foundation and maintain cultural self-confidence. Cultural self-confidence is not only respect for traditional culture, but also cultural innovation. Chinese modernization emphasizes the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture and encourages the creation of modern culture that integrates traditional elements.

Spread the core values of socialism. Chinese modernization emphasizes the spread and practice of socialist core values. Socialist core values include patriotism, collectivism, social fairness and justice and other important values, which have been strengthened and developed on the basis of China traditional culture. Socialist core values are not only the cultural heritage of China society, but also the moral and ideological pillar of Chinese modernization. In the process of Chinese-style modernization, socialist core values have been integrated into various fields, including education, media, law, etc., which is helpful to maintain national stability and social harmony and ensure that the modernization process is not only material development, but also accompanied by the promotion of culture and morality. Socialist core values emphasize civic responsibility and social responsibility, which is helpful to solve practical problems in development.

The value of excellent traditional culture to the development of Chinese modernization

Excellent traditional culture has a positive significance to the development of China, which not only enriches the cultural heritage of China, but also provides a solid cultural foundation for the stability and prosperity of China society. At the same time, China’s traditional culture has also played an important role in the international arena, establishing a positive international image for China and promoting cultural exchanges and cooperation.

Conducive to cultural inheritance and innovation. China’s excellent traditional culture is the essence of China’s history and culture, including Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism and other ideological systems, as well as China’s outstanding achievements in ancient literature, painting, music, philosophy and other fields. The inheritance of these traditional cultures provides valuable cultural resources for China society and has profound historical accumulation. The inheritance of traditional culture not only helps to maintain the continuity of culture, but also provides profound cultural reference for modern society. For example, values such as benevolence, filial piety and etiquette are helpful to build social trust and cohesion, and provide stability and cohesion for China society. At the same time, traditional culture also provides rich materials and inspiration for cultural innovation. China’s traditional art, literature, philosophy and other fields have profound connotations and unique forms of expression, which can provide reference and inspiration for modern cultural creation. Many modern cultural creations incorporate traditional elements, creating creative and cultural works, which not only helps to inherit traditional culture, but also enriches the diversity of modern culture.

It is conducive to enhancing cultural self-confidence and influence. The inheritance of traditional culture makes China have stronger cultural confidence and international influence on the international stage. China’s traditional culture has profound historical and philosophical connotations, which has aroused extensive interest of the international community. China’s ancient literature, philosophy, painting, calligraphy and other traditional art forms have always been studied and worshipped by international scholars and artists. This cultural self-confidence is not only reflected in the cultural field, but also extended to other fields, such as politics, economy and science and technology. China’s traditional culture emphasizes values such as modesty, self-discipline and harmony, which have also had a positive impact on international cooperation and contributed to the establishment and maintenance of stability and peace in the international community. By promoting its own culture, China has established a bridge of cultural exchange, established closer ties with other countries and enhanced its international influence.

It is conducive to promoting the harmonious development of modern society. The excellent ideas contained in excellent traditional culture emphasize the core values such as harmony, human relations and social responsibility. These values have had a far-reaching positive impact on the harmonious development of China society. Chinese traditional culture encourages people to pay attention to the maintenance of interpersonal relationships and social order. This will help reduce social contradictions and conflicts and promote social harmony. Chinese excellent traditional culture emphasizes the harmonious coexistence between nature and human beings, while emphasizing the rule of law and the maintenance of social order. These ideological systems are conducive to building a harmonious society in different fields. Traditional culture also emphasizes social responsibility and public awareness, and encourages people to actively participate in social affairs and make contributions to society. This value concept is still of great significance in modern society and helps to establish a more fair and just social order.

The Path of Better Developing Chinese Modernization Based on Excellent Traditional Culture

Better development of Chinese modernization based on excellent traditional culture will help to inherit traditional culture and develop modern culture, at the same time enhance China’s international influence, promote cultural mutual learning and cooperation, and provide important support and opportunities for the all-round development of Chinese modernization. By actively exploring and practicing these paths, China can better cope with all kinds of challenges in the process of modernization and realize all-round economic, social and cultural modernization.

Promote educational development and cultural inheritance. Education is a key field for shaping a new generation of citizens and an important way to inherit excellent traditional culture. In the field of education, it is very important to strengthen the inheritance and education of excellent traditional culture. This includes not only the teaching of traditional culture, but also the cultivation of students’ cultural self-confidence and cultural identity. Schools can add more traditional cultural elements to the education curriculum, such as Confucian classics, ancient literature, traditional music and art, which will help students better understand and appreciate their own cultural traditions. It is very important to cultivate students’ self-confidence in their own culture, which can be achieved by improving students’ understanding of traditional culture and encouraging them to participate in cultural activities and practice of traditional culture. Traditional culture and modern education are not contradictory and can be organically combined. For example, emphasizing traditional values in education, such as filial piety and friendship, can cultivate students’ sense of social responsibility and moral values. At the same time, traditional culture can also provide inspiration for modern science and technology and innovation, and encourage students to create and explore in various fields.

Vigorously innovate and develop cultural industries. Cultural industry is an important part of Chinese modernization, and it is also one of the ways to combine traditional culture with modern society. Supporting the innovative development of cultural industries and integrating traditional cultural elements into modern cultural products can create more cultural values and economic benefits. The innovation of cultural industry includes the creation of new cultural products and the integration of traditional cultural elements into contemporary cultural products. For example, movies, music and literary works can learn from the theme and spirit of traditional culture to attract more audiences and readers. Cultural and creative industry is a field that combines traditional culture with modern creativity, including design, fashion, art and other aspects. It can meet different needs through the reinterpretation and innovation of traditional cultural elements. China is rich in historical and cultural heritage, and developing it into cultural tourism resources can promote local economic development. By providing cultural experience, cultural tourism routes and cultural festivals, more tourists can be attracted to visit and study.

Pay attention to international exchanges and cooperation. Chinese modernization is not only a domestic challenge, but also an opportunity for international cooperation. Strengthening cultural exchanges and cooperation with other countries will help China’s culture to go global, and at the same time absorb the advantages of other cultures and realize mutual learning. Cultural exchanges with other countries can be strengthened through international cultural festivals, art exhibitions, academic seminars and other forms, which will help China’s culture spread more widely on the international stage and enhance the international community’s awareness and interest in China’s culture. By jointly promoting cultural cooperation projects with other countries, cultural mutual learning and cooperation can be promoted, including joint creation of cultural works, joint holding of cultural activities and exchange of cultural delegations. Besides, absorbing the advantages and experiences of other countries’ cultures can enrich China’s culture. For example, introducing foreign art forms, educational methods and cultural festivals will inject new elements and innovations into China culture.

Chinese modernization is closely related to Chinese excellent traditional culture, which provides an important cultural foundation and values for Chinese modernization. In the process of developing Chinese modernization, it is necessary to give full play to the positive role of traditional culture, maintain cultural self-confidence and realize cultural innovation at the same time, so as to promote the all-round modernization of China society. Through in-depth study and understanding of Chinese excellent traditional culture, China can better cope with various challenges in the process of modernization, while maintaining the uniqueness of its own culture. The inheritance and development of excellent traditional culture will promote Chinese modernization to be more balanced and harmonious, and provide strong support for the sustainable development of China society.

Author: Li Yun, Master, Associate Professor, School of Marxism, Xi ‘an Institute of Physical Education, Research direction: ideological and political education.

Source: Guangming Net