Interview with Yang Mi | Become Yourself

From the just-concluded "Thank You Doctor" to the popular "The Eighth Law of Love", Yang Mi vividly interpreted the two distinct characters of returnee medicine zodiac inkstone and elite lawyer Qin Shi in a month, allowing the audience to see different aspects of her as an actor.

Since entering the industry, whether it is ancient costumes or modern dramas, many of the characters played by Yang Mi have more or less reflected her own shadow. Like Qin Shi in "The Eighth Law of Love", Yang Mi in real life often releases "coquettish" skills to those close to her, and even many coquettish scenes in the play are designed by her and the director. In her opinion, this is not only a way to build rapport, but also a very practical communication skill.

In "The Eighth Law of Love", Qin Shi and Yang Hua, who have completely different careers, personalities and life trajectories, eventually come together. But the emotions in life tend to be more realistic and skinny. "It’s hard to meet people who are completely complementary in life, but people influence each other," says Yang Mi, who has always been praised for being "sober in the world." If you can finally find a comfortable way to get along on the same page, you can go longer. "

Nowadays, women still face unavoidable discrimination and difficulties in the workplace and other fields. However, in Yang Mi’s heart, the power of women has become increasingly strong, and women in the new era have long removed the fixed label that they could only "cook with children at home" in the past. Moreover, for Yang Mi, discrimination is actually everywhere, and there is no need to pay too much attention to the eyes of others. It is the most important thing to be yourself.


ICONSPRO: In "The Eighth Law of Love", Qin Shi said that she did not believe in marriage or eternity. Why do you think she finally chose to accept Yang Hua?

Yang Mi:People can change, no matter how stubborn they are, I feel that one day they will encounter a coincidence, and she will also change. No relationship is constant, I believe.

ICONSPRO: What changes do you think Yang Hua brought to her during this relationship?

Yang Mi:I think he has given her more direction to strive for and some thinking. After all, she is a type of person she has never been in contact with, and I think it may have given her more thinking in life.

ICONSPRO: How did it feel to partner with Xu Kai this time?

Yang Mi:This time I was quite happy to partner with Xu Kai, and the filming of the whole scene went very smoothly. Because it was also my first time working with him, I think I might be fine. The contrast between Xu Kai (inside and outside the play) is relatively large, because he is a very active person. For example, he will go to sports, such as skateboarding and basketball. Yang Hua is very nerdy compared to (him), and Xu Kai will be much more lively than him.

ICONSPRO: They used the contract marriage method in the play to get rid of the parents’ urging to get married. In real life, many young people will also be urged to get married. Do you think there is any good way to solve this problem?

Yang Mi:I don’t think there is an expert talking about what to do if we are urged to get married at the end of each episode. I think you can listen to the advice of experts, and don’t skip the advertisements of experts.

ICONSPRO: In the play, Qin Shi pretends to be married, which is actually due to discrimination against women in the workplace. What do you think of the current workplace difficulties facing women?

Yang Mi:I think this actually reflects that women are becoming more and more powerful and capable in the workplace. Discrimination exists everywhere, just be yourself.

ICONSPRO: Why does she feel that she is more capable? She had to get married in the face of difficulties.

Yang Mi:It really has the voice over it, it has the power to talk about women, and it doesn’t feel like you should just be at home having babies and cooking.

ICONSPRO: In the acting industry, do you think there are some limitations to being an actress? Does the same dilemma exist in the performing arts industry?

Yang Mi:What I understand is that girls have a menstrual period every month when filming, but this guy doesn’t. (This is) something to overcome objectively, so it’s not easy for everyone, so let’s respect each other.

ICONSPRO: The life trajectories and habits of Qin Shi and Yang Hua in the play are completely different, but they finally come together. In reality, do you think couples are better alike or better differentiated?

Yang Mi:I think it’s hard to meet someone who is completely opposite, complementary or similar. People influence each other. If you can finally find a mutually comfortable way to be on the same page, you can go for a long time. If you can’t be on the same page, you will fail to integrate, then separate. I don’t think it’s said which one is better, it depends on how far you can accept it.

ICONSPRO: Qin Shi has a lot of coquettish performances in the play. There is a saying that "coquettish women have the best life". Do you have your own tips for coquettish?

Yang Mi:I also like to act coquettishly with people who are close to me in life, but I think my coquettish objects are very special and rare. I don’t think women who act coquettishly are the best. This is just a way of communication. If acting coquettish can make the relationship more harmonious and make things happen faster, it is also a very practical trick.

ICONSPRO: How do you act like a spoiled child? Such as language or body movements?

Yang Mi:In the play, I also designed a lot of things with the director. Because the director is a girl, I will design a lot of those who act like a spoiled child and roll around in bed. She also thinks it is very cute.


The height and width of the Galaxy L7 Geely "roll" out

On May 31st, the new generation of super intelligent electric hybrid SUV Galaxy L7 under Geely Automobile was officially launched. The new car launched a total of 5 versions, and the official guide price was 138,700-173,700 yuan, which was lower than the market expected price, richer configuration, and more "fried" rights and interests, giving consumers sincerity.

Galaxy L7’s listing, the most surprising is the price. High-end positioning and the superposition of various technology configurations, I thought it would be the same price as Avita 11 and Zhiji LS7 300,000 yuan, but in the end it gave an absolutely affordable price.

The Geely Galaxy L7 new car is equipped with a "new generation Raytheon Hybrid 8848" power system, which perfectly integrates energy saving, performance and handling.

In terms of energy saving, the new generation Raytheon hybrid engine B-Plus has the highest thermal efficiency of 44.26% in the world, with a fuel consumption of only 5.23 liters (NEDC 4.4L) per 100 kilometers of power loss, and a comprehensive cruising range of 1370 kilometers under CLTC conditions.

In terms of performance, Raytheon’s 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro is the first intelligent electric drive in the world to achieve P1 + P2 dual motor overclocking drive. The system has a comprehensive maximum power of 287 kW, a comprehensive maximum torque of 535 Nm, a 100-kilometer acceleration of only 6.9 seconds, and supports ejection start, with a top speed of 240 km/h.

In terms of handling, the Geely Galaxy L7 is based on a world-class e-CMA architecture, with excellent grip and excellent corner handling, taking into account driving comfort and handling stability.

Geely Galaxy L7 has the only smart love cockpit in the same class, standard 8155 flagship cockpit chip and 8.10 billion times per second super cloud computing power support Star Smart Computing Center dual computing power base, and Galaxy NOS cockpit operating system, so that the daily operation and response speed is greatly improved, to achieve "second hands, second touch, second response" smooth car experience.

As early as February this year, Geely launched the Galaxy brand. Geely announced at the main venue of the Hangzhou Asian Games that it will launch seven products in the next two years, four of which belong to the intelligent electric hybrid L series, the first electric hybrid SUV Galaxy L7 and the first electric hybrid car Galaxy L6 will be delivered in the second and third quarters of this year; the other three belong to the intelligent pure electric E series, and the first pure electric product E8 will be delivered in the fourth quarter of this year.

On April 18, Geely Galaxy L7 Smart Love Cockpit and Super Experience Officer Program was officially released; on May 13, Geely Galaxy L7’s first Aegis battery safety system completed the first basic test at the Tianjin China Automotive Center New Energy Inspection Center, with excellent results. The battery pack acupuncture link gave people a new understanding of domestic battery safety technology. When the new car was launched on May 31, Geely did not show off its comparative advantages with major competitors, but actually showed everyone what the Galaxy L7 itself has.

Looking back at the listing of Geely Galaxy L7, we can clearly feel the rationality and determination of Geely Automobile, which is a strategic sobriety and height that an autonomous car company has achieved after going through the baptism of the market.

Nowadays, the automotive industry competes not only in the mechanical structure of vehicles, but also in the intelligence of vehicles. Two years ago, Geely launched the low-orbit satellite Internet project for vehicles and autonomous driving. Last year, Geely completed the acquisition of Meizu mobile phones.

It can be said that the emergence of Galaxy L7 is just a product and achievement in the overall industrial ecology of Geely Automobile Cloth. Here, we also clearly see the sufficient width of the vision of Geely Automobile’s management team.

The latest news is that Geely Galaxy’s new energy experience center has been newly opened, and hundreds of stores across the country have opened at the same time. The pace and speed of Geely Galaxy’s market advancement are beyond everyone’s imagination. From this, we also clearly find that Geely Galaxy L7 represents not only the launch of a new car, but also the real progress and improvement of autonomous car companies over the years.

Modern art of war! How is the strategy of extremely kryptonian elite soldiers tempered?

"There are more soldiers than benefits" —— Sun Tzu’s Art of War and Marching.

"Many soldiers are not beneficial" can be regarded as the strategic thinking of "elite soldiers" first put forward by ancient China military strategists. "Since then, it has been regarded as a standard by politicians and military strategists in past dynasties, such as" killing soldiers "in Sun Bin’s Art of War and" under the orders of soldiers "in Wei Liaozi, all of which are the continuation of this thinking, and the journey of many soldiers will win" has gradually changed into "elite soldiers"

The so-called elite soldiers mean the elite combat forces that are flexible and have strong comprehensive combat capability and can defeat the enemy in a complex environment. In the rapidly changing market competition environment, a well-trained elite troops can achieve the role of "four or two".

"Governing an enterprise is like governing a country in ancient times". Today, this strategic thinking is still a scientific management concept. For brand building, the lack of employees is not enough, and more employees can’t afford to raise them, and the benefits are not high. If the tail is too big, it will become an old disease, and even the brand will be dragged down.

Therefore, if modern enterprises want to achieve their strategic goals, they can’t do without lean talents, and they should recruit and cultivate a team of talents who are United and can win the war. If you talk about goals without talents, you will never land.

In the automobile circle, I think that the krypton, which constantly refreshes the speed of krypton, is the best case of practicing the "elite soldier strategy", strengthening the army under Ma Zhuang and making the brand powerful.

"Seeing him rise from Zhulou, seeing him entertain guests, and seeing his building collapse."

Earlier, some media predicted that the evolution of the new energy market would change in three stages. After the "price war" in the first stage from March to June this year, the market share will accelerate to the head-independent and new energy brands in the second stage, and the market share of second-and third-tier brands may face a long-term downward trend; In the third stage, some second-line and third-line brands are gradually eliminated, leaving the China market, and the weak new forces may face acquisition and integration.

It can be said that the current new energy automobile industry has entered the knockout stage in the second half, and the competitive advantage of enterprises has shifted from quantity scale to quality and efficiency, playing the system and fighting for the elite. Those brands that burn money through financing to maintain their operations and cannot make profits through sales, thus truly entering a virtuous circle, are doomed to be eliminated. For an entrepreneurial organization like Krypton, it is even more necessary to attack the city with a strong soldier; From the development stage, with the development of the organization to a certain scale, although the professional division of labor is becoming more and more detailed, it will inevitably bring about problems such as cross-organizational coordination efficiency and timely response of background resources. Therefore, the elite strategy is the most suitable talent management strategy.

Any strategy should also find the most suitable variant of the brand on the basis of the underlying logic. How is the krypton version of the elite strategy built? I think it can be seen from three dimensions: elite consciousness, elite organization and elite development.

Elite consciousness: entrepreneur’s mentality

The so-called elite consciousness is to achieve the ultimate in limited resources, achieve the mission, and stimulate the "sense of mission" of employees. Under the traction, the positive attitude of employees, the self-driving force of selfless work and the work energy released from it are "the most exciting force in work" and the strongest core force in enterprise development.

For example, Weichai’s corporate culture propaganda, Huawei Ren Zhengfei’s speech study, and even many enterprise employees’ military training or regular outdoor expansion are all in essence.

What is the mission of krypton? Krypton’s mission is to create the ultimate experience of travel life. "Co-creation" represents work attitude, "ultimate experience" represents the ultimate pursuit centered on user needs, and "travel life" represents the beautiful expectation for future travel. Extreme krypton integrates the sense of mission into management scenarios and business scenarios, and drives employee value creation through mission.

An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Krypton, said: "Most of our colleagues joined Extreme Krypton with an entrepreneurial attitude rather than an employment attitude, and they all came to Extreme Krypton with the ambition of creating a travel life with the ultimate experience, which is also the most advocated and encouraged entrepreneurial mentality." This entrepreneurial mentality is the core value embodiment of an organization.

Elite Organization: Interlocking and Closed Loop

The so-called integration of knowledge and practice, the creation of lean organization is the effective integration and cooperation of internal systems, which belongs to the organic construction of organizational life.

In my opinion, Krypton is a template that can be studied.

In the main business process, Krypton aims to solve problems for users and realize user value as the core.

Horizontally, Krypton has realized the end-to-end process connection, and at the same time, based on key business activities and key control points, it has penetrated the cross-business system process, established the process interlocking mechanism, shared the same KPI index, given the common target responsibility, promoted the integration of R&D, production, supply, marketing and service systems, established a super-joint integrated combat force, and improved the operational synergy efficiency by organizing the "big closed loop" of the process.

Vertically, in order to ensure that the strategy can be effectively undertaken at the organizational and individual levels, the organization structure and post functions are effectively designed according to the principle of "tightening functions, strengthening business, eliminating overlap, streamlining and being efficient". On the one hand, the functions of different process segments are collected and eliminated, the administrative level is reduced, and business overlap and overlap are avoided; On the other hand, we should break the departmental boundaries of "specialization", give full play to the aggregation effect of platformization and intensification through the integration and sharing of specialized resources and the precipitation of capabilities, and realize more efficient communication and faster decision-making.

However, in line with the specialization, the modularity and miniaturization of the organization are becoming more and more prominent, and the organization is developing in a multi-functional and flexible direction. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of rapid changes in business and market, Krypton has established a "small but refined" "liquid organization"-"X-team" driven by strategic targets or tasks, and concentrated superior resources to penetrate key businesses and fields.

In the liquid organization, each organization is modular and flexible just like a Rubik’s cube. In the process of continuous transformation and combination of organizations, different talents, technologies, knowledge and experiences are "mixed", "flowed" and updated. Through this modular grouping, magic combination and task-based combination, combat energy is released, which stimulates employees’ self-drive and creativity and strengthens the agile collaboration across organizations.

Development of elite soldiers: high quality talents

It was once said in "Under the Order of the Soldiers" that those who are good at using soldiers in ancient times can kill half of the soldiers, followed by thirteen and eleven. However, elite soldiers do not blindly cut down their troops and reduce their functions, but strengthen their main combat forces and seek improvement in quality, not expansion in quantity. In order to improve the quality of talents, Krypton adopts refined management strategy, strictly enters and exits, controls the growth of manpower, revitalizes redundant manpower, and maximizes the value and efficiency of personnel.

To build an elite army, selecting people is the key. If there are no requirements and standards for selecting "elite", it will often bring about a decline in the quality of talents. It is said that there is a "123" principle in the selection of candidates: "1" refers to "the person in charge of business is the first person responsible for recruitment", emphasizing that the recruitment of candidates is not authorized, and business leaders should personally participate in the interview; "2" stands for "two not less than": the standard of new personnel’s ability (values) is not less than the existing team’s TOP30% level; The potential of new personnel shall not be lower than the TOP30% level of the existing team; "3" refers to "three persistences": persisting in selecting talents from excellent to better, and persisting in forward-looking talents for long-term management and team echelon construction; Persist in paying attention to the quality of talents and select them pragmatically.

The answer can be found from the absorption of extremely talented people. Guan Haitao, the former glory CMO, took the post of extremely talented CMO; Chen Qi, the former head of Huawei’s intelligent driving department, became the vice president of intelligent driving; Jiang Jun, the former head of the core team of Huawei’s autopilot product line, became the vice president of Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology, responsible for the business related to the intelligent cockpit …

There is also a talent value formula of "1+1 > 4". "1" represents an individual, and everyone is a combat unit, which can fight independently. However, the value generated by the combination and cooperation of different people is not a simple superposition of values, but the maximization of synergy and can exert greater influence.

"There are not many soldiers, but there is no Wujin, which is enough to unite, anticipate the enemy and take people."

An army can be called a good soldier if it can fight without relying on courage, always pay attention to concentrating its troops, and its determination to fight can be based on a correct judgment of the enemy’s situation, and its officers and soldiers are all strictly selected talents who can defeat the enemy. Extreme krypton is the PLUS version of the elite strategy, the core force is mission-driven, the cornerstone is lean organization, and the combat force is a powerful elite force.

This kind of extreme krypton can naturally move forward steadily in the new energy vehicle market.

The story of a musician, a writer and the national anthem law

  "get up! People who don’t want to be slaves … …”











  As the highest-standard ceremonial troops in the country, the PLA Military Orchestra undertakes the music performance tasks of major ceremonies, important meetings and welcoming state guests of the country and the army. Yu Hai and his comrades-in-arms also began to go abroad and participate in international music exchange visits to show the world the brand-new style and features of China. Because of his work, Yu Hai has played national anthems in many countries. However, he gradually discovered that some literary and art groups at home and abroad made mistakes in playing our national anthem, which was not accurate and standardized, and the version of the national anthem was not uniform, which was very chaotic.

  What worries him even more is that some people’s awareness of the national anthem is particularly weak. Many people don’t know the lyrics of the national anthem and can’t recite the lyrics of the national anthem, so the spirit of the national anthem can’t be passed down well. Yu Hai still remembers one thing, which was a meeting he once attended. Before starting, the participants had to sing the national anthem. In the discussion that followed, some participants asked whether the national anthem was out of date. Do the lyrics need to be changed in peacetime? "The national anthem is a symbol of national sovereignty and must not be changed at will." Yu Hai retorted on the spot: "The oldest Dutch national anthem in the world has a history of more than 400 years and is still being sung today; The French are romantic and casual, and the "La Marseillaise" is very combative, and it has never changed. Why should our national anthem be changed? The most important thing is that our national anthem reveals the national spirit of courage, unity, cooperation and perseverance, which cannot be changed! " 

  "Our national anthem is only 84 words, 37 bars, and it only takes 46 seconds to play and sing. But it is a sign of a country’s independence and self-improvement. " Talking about his original intention to protect the national anthem, Yu Hai told reporters that the national anthem embodies all the struggles that the Communist Party of China (CPC) led the people to strive for national independence, people’s liberation and realize the country’s prosperity and people’s prosperity. It is a strong melody that inspires people to forge ahead courageously, a vivid teaching material for patriotic education, and the strongest voice in the hearts of 1.4 billion people in China. But for a long time, the legal provisions on the national anthem in China are almost blank. Except that the Constitution clearly stipulates that National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China is March of the Volunteers, there are no other provisions on the use of the national anthem at the legal level. "Through legislation, the important position of the national anthem as the first voice of People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been determined, and it can enjoy the same protection as the national flag and national emblem." Yu Hai said.

  In March 2008, Yu Hai, who attended the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference meeting for the first time as a member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, proposed to legislate for the national anthem. He made the same proposal every year for the next ten years. His persistence has even been joked by other members as a contemporary "Xianglinsao". However, Yu Hai never gave up and always insisted on legislating the national anthem.

  Finally, on the afternoon of September 1, 2017, in the tenth year of Shanghai’s persistent proposal for national anthem legislation, the 29th session of the 12th the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) voted to pass the National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China Law. At that time, Yu Hai, who was preparing to return to Beijing at Changsha Airport in Hunan Province, received a WeChat from the person in charge of the the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) Law Committee: "The legislative vote on the national anthem of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) just passed this afternoon! Your persistence, your efforts and your contribution have finally come to fruition! "

  And that day happened to be Yu Hai’s 62nd birthday. Yu Hai was so excited about this that he couldn’t help but sigh that it was destiny takes a hand, and he received the best birthday gift of his life on a special day.

  Today, the 64-year-old Yu Hai has not stopped. He began to shoulder the heavy responsibility of preaching the history of the national anthem, and often went to some institutions, schools and enterprises to give lectures to publicize and preach the knowledge related to the national anthem. "The national anthem is the voice image of the country. I hope that everyone who has heard my preaching can know the importance of safeguarding the dignity of the national anthem, and love the country and the Chinese nation more. " Yu Hai said.

  Aikebaier Mi Jiti: Give the national anthem a clear legal status.

  Mi Jiti clearly remembers that the time when he received the phone call that excited him was at 10: 56 am on April 19th, 2017. On the phone, the relevant staff of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) Law Committee told him that the national anthem was going to be legislated, and invited him to attend the legislative forum held in the organ of the National People’s Congress on the morning of April 27th. This means that, from the second session of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Conference in 2014, the "Proposal on Amending the National Flag Law to the National Flag and Anthem Law" was put forward, and the efforts made by Akbar Mi Jiti for the national anthem legislation have blossomed and borne fruit for four consecutive years.

  Member of the 11th and 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, former editor-in-chief of China Writers, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Writers Publishing Group, former deputy director of the Management Committee, deputy director of the Film and Television Committee of the Chinese Writers Association, and executive vice president of the China Film Literature Society … … Mi Jiti has many titles, but his favorite identity is a writer. As one of the outstanding representatives of Kazak people in 56 ethnic families, Akbar Mi Jiti has created a large number of literary works. The emergence of Mi Jiti’s legislative proposal for the national anthem is also directly related to a writer, that is, Su Shuyang.






  再过几天,天安门广场上,庆祝新中国成立70周年阅兵仪式即将举行。“当五星红旗飘扬的时候,伴随着雄壮的国歌声,56个民族共同唱响国歌,那一定是一幅壮观景象。相信在国歌的激励下,中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦一定会实现!”艾克拜尔·米吉提充满期待。(记者 朱宁宁)

Will the winds in many parts of the country cool down this winter and really "freeze and cry"?

  BEIJING, Beijing, September 27 (Ma Xueling, Lu Chunrong) On the 27th, there was strong wind and cool weather in Beijing. With the cold air heading south, the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China will generally drop in the next few days, which also makes the hot topic of "Crying in the Winter" once again appear on the Internet. So, will you really cry this winter?

  Beijing gale cooling: it is estimated that the minimum temperature of level 7 gust is 12℃

  This morning, there was a strong wind in Beijing, which made me feel cold.

  China Weather Network reported that due to the influence of cold air, the northern wind began to take over the sky of Beijing at 4 or 5 o’clock this morning. According to meteorological monitoring, as of 5: 30 this morning, gusts of magnitude 6 or above have appeared in Haidian Station, Chedaogou, Xiangshan, Bei ‘an River, Fenghuangling, yongfeng middle school and Minzhuang.

  The Beijing Meteorological Observatory issued a weather forecast at 6 o’clock today: it will be cloudy and sunny during the day, with a northerly wind of about five and a gust of about seven, with a maximum temperature of 23 C; It’s sunny at night, and the north wind turns from level 4 to level 23, with a minimum temperature of 12℃. In the gale blue warning, pay attention to wind protection and prevent falling objects.

  At 17: 00 the day before, the Beijing Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for strong winds. It is estimated that there will be northerly winds of Grade 4 and 5 from north to south in Beijing from 4: 00 to 20: 00 on the 27th, and the gust can reach about Grade 7.

  Cold air goes south in a big way, and autumn tigers turn into paper tigers in seconds.

  In addition to Beijing, this morning, most parts of Inner Mongolia also experienced significant cooling, with the cooling rate in some areas exceeding 10℃ and the temperature falling below 5℃.

  According to the news released by the Central Meteorological Observatory this morning, it is estimated that the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China will drop by 4 ~ 6℃ from north to south from September 27th to 29th due to the influence of cold air, with the temperature drop in the south-south area of eastern Inner Mongolia and the south-central part of northeast China reaching 8 ~ 10℃. There are 5 ~ 6 winds in parts of central and eastern Inner Mongolia, southern Northeast China, eastern North China and eastern Huanghuai.

  Under the influence of cold air, the highest temperature in southeastern and northeastern Inner Mongolia generally dropped to around 15℃, and in some areas it was only around 10℃. On the 28th, the lowest temperature in eastern Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang will drop to around 0℃. The highest temperature in North China has generally dropped by 20℃ in the early days, and autumn is getting stronger.

  With cold air heading south and typhoon Miyu landing, the temperature in the south of the Yangtze River and South China will drop rapidly from 28th, and the highest temperature in most parts of the south of the Yangtze River and Guangdong will drop below 30℃. The hot weather will fade rapidly, and the autumn tiger will turn into a paper tiger.

  Will you cry this winter?

  For this windy and cool weather, some netizens said, "An autumn rain and a cold, in fact, it is nothing to cool down now. This winter, we may be frozen into dogs."

  The reason why netizens have the above concerns is because of a word recently swiped — — La Nina.

  The word "LaNina" comes from Spanish, originally meaning "little girl", which refers to the phenomenon that the sea surface temperature in the equatorial, Middle East and Pacific Ocean continues to be abnormally cold. If the 3-month moving average of SST anomaly is lower than -0.5℃ and lasts for at least 5 months, it is judged as a La Nina event.

  Monitoring shows that in August 2016, the SST anomaly index in the equatorial Middle East Pacific was -0.53℃. According to the National Climate Center of China Meteorological Bureau, the equatorial Middle East Pacific entered La Nina state in August.

  Li Xiaoquan, chief meteorologist of China Weather Network, said in an interview with Zhongxin. com (WeChat WeChat official account: cns2012) that it is still early in winter, and the authoritative meteorological department has not given the final forecast figures. It is still inconclusive whether La Nina will occur this winter.

  "But now that we have entered the La Ni? a state, La Ni? a events may occur this winter. According to relevant analysis, in general, the probability of being cold this winter is greater." Li Xiaoquan said.

  How powerful is La Nina?

  According to China Weather Network, one of the impacts of La Nina event on China’s climate is that the temperature may be low in winter, which is prone to cold winter. Statistics show that since 1954, in the years affected by La Ni? a event, the proportion of cold winter in China has exceeded 80%.

  For example, in the years affected by La Nina, the winter of 1954 was the coldest one, and the temperature was 2.95℃ lower than normal.

  For another example, in early 2008, the La Nina incident was one of the important behind-the-scenes "pushers" of the once-in-50-year freezing rain and snow disaster in southern China.

  According to regional statistics, in La Nina, the proportion of cold in winter in Tibet was the lowest, at 50%. In the northwest, southwest, south China and south China, it is as high as 80% or more.

  Will La Nina definitely lead to a cold winter?

  Will La Nina definitely lead to a cold winter? Li Xiaoquan said that normally, when La Nina happens, China will be colder in winter, but it doesn’t mean that it will enter the cold winter, but the probability of entering the cold winter is higher, especially in the southern region.

  "La Nina came last year, which will make winter cold, but it doesn’t mean it will be particularly cold. It can be seen that some years have entered the cold winter, which is mostly related to the La Nina phenomenon, but it is not La Nina that will definitely enter the cold winter. "

  As it said, it was also the winter of 1998/99 when the super El Ni? o turned to La Ni? a, but China experienced a warm winter.

  China Weather Network reported on September 22nd that the equatorial Middle East and Pacific Ocean has entered La Nina state, but it has not reached the standard of La Nina event. China Meteorological Bureau will continuously monitor the development of La Nina.

Why do Japanese eat KFC for Christmas? | A close look at Japan

"A Close Look at Japan" is a column set up by Chen Yaoshi, a writer living in Japan, in the interface news, telling about Japanese business and culture.
People in northern China eat jiaozi on the winter solstice, while Japanese eat KFC on Christmas. Trying to eat KFC on Christmas Eve is like trying to eat Haidilao at seven o’clock in the evening, because there are long queues at the gates of KFC, and no one has provided free tea, watermelon and manicure services.
However, even if you can’t get in line, there are ways. Many families will choose to go to the store or order a family bucket online to eat at home. After all, Christmas Eve should be spent with their families. Figures provided by the American fast food industry show that from December 20 to 25, 2018, KFC stores in Japan earned about 63 million US dollars, and Christmas Eve was a crazy night for KFC, with sales usually four or five times that of usual.
This phenomenon is a bit ridiculous. When I first spent Christmas in Japan, I was shocked by the long queue at the gate of KFC-KFC is called fast food for China people, and it is generally favored by couples of children and college students. Why did KFC become a Christmas dinner in Japan? Is it because the Japanese can’t afford to eat turkey and take KFC to deal with it?
In fact, it is not because the Japanese can’t afford to eat turkey, but because there is no turkey in Japan. In 1970, the first KFC in Japan opened, and the business was bleak. At that time, Japan’s economy had developed at a high speed, and KFC, which provided standardized and high-quality services, did not attract the attention of Japanese consumers.
But the Japanese like to celebrate Christmas. In the long time and space, this festival from the west has been widely accepted by the Japanese. In fact, the concept of Christmas spread to Japan during the Meiji Restoration. In 1892, Masaoka Shiki, a master of Japanese literature in Meiji period, wrote that "after Laba is a noisy Christmas". Just like what we said, "Don’t be greedy for children, it’s the year after Laba".
Although in the following years, whether Christmas should be celebrated has aroused widespread discussion in society, the theory of the opponents is very clear: Japan is not a Christian country, so why should it be celebrated? How should Japan’s own traditions be preserved?
However, Yanagita Kunio, the father of Japanese folklore, thinks that Christmas is just a traditional winter night activity in the East, covered with western pop elements … and the East has a tradition of celebrating the winter solstice night since ancient times. ….
It means that everyone is happy, so why be so serious? The Japanese people don’t care so much, and happiness is the most important thing. They soon enjoyed the fun of Christmas. Since around the 1910 s, Santa Claus, Christmas concerts and dances have come in droves, and major commercial organizations have tried their best to carry out various discounts and promotions. The whole December was immersed in a cheerful atmosphere.
Back to KFC. Before and after Christmas in 1974, KFC played a brainwashing slogan: "Of course, we must eat KFC at Christmas." I didn’t expect this strategy to be a great success.
It is said that this idea came to the manager of KFC in his dream at that time. After waking up, he quickly took a notebook and wrote it down. In addition to this slogan, he also suggested that KFC should launch Christmas package barrels during Christmas to attract consumers.
It is said that another reason is that several westerners living in Japan complained that they didn’t have a turkey dinner in Japan at Christmas, and the manager had a brainwave. So, buddy, come and have a KFC dinner. Anyway, it’s all chickens.
Since then, it has become a tradition to eat KFC in Japan for Christmas. In fact, there is commercial significance behind this. Although the Japanese have a long history of Christmas, they have not formed a unique culture, and what to eat at Christmas has always been a blank in the market. For example, it is a habit and custom to have a family reunion dinner and watch the Spring Festival Gala in China during the Spring Festival. But what to eat at Christmas, the Japanese have never had a fixed habit. Until KFC’s marketing strategy changed this situation.
Moreover, KFC in Japan later strengthened its Christmas significance. They said that KFC’s grandfather looked like Santa Claus … So more Japanese chose to see this KFC grandfather who looked like Santa Claus at Christmas.
Besides eating KFC, if you happen to be in Tokyo, it is definitely a big loss not to see the brightly lit city on Christmas Eve. Whether it is a commercial block or a small park, this day will be shrouded in gorgeous lights containing whimsy and creativity. The images of reindeer, Christmas tree and Santa Claus will be displayed in various forms, and the trees on the roadside will also be lit by various colors of lights.
A few years ago, on Christmas Eve, I walked alone in Marunouchi Street in Tokyo, and was deeply moved by the romance at night. It is said that more than 200 trees on this 1.2-kilometer-long road are lit with shining lights, and there are about 930,000 light bulbs here to illuminate my Little Paradise.
In fact, we don’t have to be too critical of the festivals that emerge from time to time today. The background of their existence may be the planning of businesses, such as shopping, eating and having fun. But what about this? The important thing is, if real life makes you feel bored, what’s wrong with having fun in a festive atmosphere?
(Note: This article only represents the author’s personal views. Editor’s mailbox:

The "tax collectors" who broke into medical care and the "huge waves" of medical reform in the past five years.

(The author of this article is Jianwen Consulting, a cross-border insight into the medical industry)

On the morning of November 28th, the responsible comrades of the Organization Department of the Central Committee attended the meeting of leading cadres in State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, and announced the central decision: Comrade Hu Jinglin was appointed as the Party Secretary of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, and Comrade Wang Jun was removed from the post of Party Secretary of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China.

A short news of personnel appointment has aroused the attention of practitioners in the entire medical industry.

The Medical Insurance Bureau, whose administrative level is only the deputy ministerial level, has been deeply embedded in the medical and health field of China by virtue of its frequent medical insurance policies in the past five years, and even transformed and reshaped the behaviors of patients, hospitals, enterprises and other multi-stakeholders, and has become the leader of the linkage among the three hospitals in medical reform.

For Hu Jinglin personally, he was born in the financial system, and this time he can be said to return to the fiscal and taxation circle. As the first director of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, if you understand Hu Jinglin, you can understand the work of the National Medical Insurance Bureau in the past five years.

In the eyes of many medical insurance policy observers, the National Medical Insurance Bureau, as a super payer, has successfully completed the phased historical task of "controlling medical insurance fees" in the past five years with a number of policies, such as national talks, centralized procurement, payment mode reform, outpatient co-ordination and individual account reform. Today, the balance of medical insurance funds has exceeded 4 trillion yuan.

But at the same time, the relationship between medical insurance and pharmaceutical industry innovation still needs to be straightened out; After "changing cages for birds", the pace of medical service price reform is slightly delayed; Although medical insurance is forced to go upstream, which can generate great impetus, it is obviously unrealistic to rely solely on medical insurance.

All these call for the National Health Insurance Bureau to make greater achievements in the next five years.

The "tax collector" who broke into the medical system

According to the website of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, Hu Jinglin is the Party Secretary of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China.

Time goes back to five years ago. On May 31, 2018, with the official unveiling of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, Hu Jinglin, who was born in the financial system, became the party secretary and the first director, and entered the medical field.

This appointment has surprised many people in the industry. Looking back now, in the early days of the establishment of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, in order to complete the task of "managing the medical insurance fund", it can be said that it is appropriate for the financial system official to serve as the director of the National Medical Insurance Bureau.

Zhu Hengpeng, director of the Public Policy Research Center of China Academy of Social Sciences, once pointed out that the raising of social medical insurance funds has a quasi-fiscal color, and at the same time, finance is responsible for the funds.

Before joining the National Medical Insurance Bureau, Hu Jing Lin had been deeply involved in the financial system for 20 years, and served as deputy director of the Property Appraisal Department of the Ministry of Finance, deputy director of the Economic Construction Department, director of the Economic Construction Department, chief of staff, assistant minister and deputy minister.

The experience of more than five years in the National Medical Insurance Bureau laid the foundation for Hu Jinglin to return to the fiscal and taxation system.

The aforementioned scholars in the field of public management said that the administrative leaders of various departments belong to policy posts, and they pay more attention to political quality and personal ability than familiarity with the industry, so that the incumbents can fully exercise their decision-making ability.

During his tenure as director of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, Hu Jinglin’s work style was also recognized by the outside world. A researcher in the field of medical insurance told Jianwen Consulting that Hu Jinglin was willing to listen to and absorb opinions from all sides, and his attitude was modest and polite, "unlike those technocrats".

He also revealed that he received many WeChat greetings from the director during the holidays. "This is absolutely not among the officials at the same level I have contacted."

Some observers believe that in the past five years, after the National Medical Insurance Bureau completed the task of "vacating cages", the core of the next step is to promote the task of "changing birds"-the reform of medical service prices. Shi Zihai, the current deputy director of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, is an expert in this field. He has been engaged in policy research in the National Development and Reform Commission for a long time and was once the director of the price department.

Not limited to "controlling fees", supporting innovation is the future direction.

"Through the coordinated development and governance of medical insurance, medical care and medicine, the win-win situation of’ people enjoying benefits, funds ensuring safety, hospitals developing and enterprises growing’ is taking shape."

In May of this year, Hu Jing Lin once commented on the work in the past five years at a series of news conferences on the theme of "the beginning of authoritative departments" held by the State Council.

Look carefully, medical insurance, medical care, medicine; The masses, funds, hospitals and enterprises, as the payer, the Medical Insurance Bureau, traced back to the lower reaches of the industrial chain and used the logic of managing money to connect the whole medical and health system in China, reshaping the medical and health pattern, just like throwing a big stone into an ancient well, which not only caused ripples, but also caused stormy waves.

Before the establishment of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, China’s medical care faced some problems: the adjustment time of medical insurance catalogue was not fixed, and it was only adjusted three times in 18 years, which was difficult for innovative pharmaceutical companies to predict; The drug price is artificially high, and the people’s medical burden is heavy; The logic of supporting doctors with medicine distorts the income structure of doctors; Payment by project is too extensive, excessive medical care is hard to avoid, and medical insurance funds continue to be under pressure.

This chaotic situation was gradually broken after the establishment of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, relying on frequent policies.

There are policies such as medical insurance negotiation, centralized procurement with quantity, reform of medical insurance payment method, individual account reform and outpatient co-ordination, all of which have not caused widespread debate and discussion in the industry and society. However, only by breaking the old system can we rebuild the new system on the ruins.

Specifically, there are some changes worthy of writing: promoting centralized procurement with quantity, the average price reduction of 333 drugs organized by the state is over 50%, and the average price reduction of 8 high-value medical consumables such as heart stents and artificial joints is over 80%; Together with local alliance procurement, the cumulative burden reduction is about 500 billion yuan. At present, the ninth batch of national procurement has included 41 drugs in the list, and the average price of the drugs to be selected is reduced by 58%. It is estimated that the annual drug cost can be saved by 18.2 billion yuan, and the fourth batch of consumables will also be opened this week.

The medical insurance catalogue has achieved "one adjustment per year", and 618 drugs have been added in five years. More than 80% of new drugs can now be included in medical insurance within two years of listing. The expenditure of medical insurance on new drugs increased from 5.949 billion yuan in 2019 to 48.189 billion yuan in 2022, an increase of 7.1 times. Among them, a considerable part of them are anticancer drugs and drugs for rare diseases. In addition, after reimbursement, the cumulative burden reduction for patients exceeds 500 billion yuan, which benefits thousands of families.

By November, 2023, there were 282 overall planning areas in China, accounting for 71% of all overall planning areas. The results are also quite remarkable. The data show that from January to March 2023, the average hospitalization expenses of tertiary public hospitals nationwide were 13,822.9 yuan, down by 0.8% at comparable prices, and the average hospitalization expenses of secondary public hospitals were 6,756.3 yuan, down by 1.4% at comparable prices.

After careful consideration of the above policies, we can find that the underlying logic is the efficient use of medical insurance funds, and a more rude summary is "controlling fees."

Under the control of Hu Jinglin, who was born in the financial department, the National Medical Insurance Bureau has done an excellent job in the management, use and control of medical insurance funds in the past five years. "The most important function of medical insurance is to manage the medical insurance fund", and Zhong Chongming, a medical insurance policy researcher, pointed out that this will also be the red line and safety line of the medical insurance bureau for a long time to come.

At present, although "controlling fees" is still the most basic requirement, it is not enough to complete it, and the constraint of simply controlling fees on the innovation and development of the medical industry has gradually emerged. Therefore, the next work of the National Medical Insurance Bureau may no longer be limited to simply "controlling fees".

In fact, this weather vane has begun to appear-the propaganda slogans such as "soul bargaining" commonly used in the early years have gradually withdrawn, the national mining cycle has been extended to four years, and the new national talks have also been described as "moderate". In the contact between Jianwen Consulting and industry professionals, it is also noticed that promoting the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry is now the direction that the medical insurance department wants to highlight.

Shanghai may have come to the front. At the end of July, Shanghai issued "Several Measures to Further Improve the Multi-payment Mechanism to Support the Development of Innovative Medical Devices" (referred to as "Several Measures"), which aroused heated discussions among practitioners in biomedicine, medical devices, commercial insurance and other fields and became the hottest topic in the medical device market in Shanghai at that time.

Xia Kejia, director of the Shanghai Municipal Medical Security Bureau, once said that the introduction of "Several Measures" is not only to promote the construction of a multi-level medical security system in Shanghai, to meet the diversified security needs of citizens, and to reduce the burden of medical treatment for the masses; It is also to improve the multi-payment mechanism of innovative medical equipment, guide good development expectations, and promote the high-quality development of biomedical industry and insurance financial industry in this city.

The industry hopes that the more such policies, the better.

In the next five years, how can medical insurance continue to "do its best"?

The industry expects that the funds saved by fee control should not only be used to support industrial innovation, but also be used to rationalize the price of medical services and correct the distorted income structure of medical staff.

Xu Yucai, a well-known medical reform expert, pointed out that "the biggest shortcoming of medical insurance reform in recent years is that the price reform of medical services is seriously lagging behind, and the price reform of medical services under the leadership of the Medical Insurance Bureau needs to be accelerated."

Previously, the state identified Ganzhou, Suzhou, Xiamen, Tangshan and Leshan as pilot cities for medical service price reform. Jianwen Consulting noted that in recent months, many places outside these five cities have also frequently adjusted the prices of medical services. However, compared with thousands of medical service price systems, there are still a few adjustments at present.

More importantly, it is an important link to be explored next whether we can shed the part of "rule by man" in medical service price adjustment and hand over the adjustment or not to the mechanism related to medical service price adjustment.

The price of medical services has remained unchanged for many years, which gave birth to the soil of selling with gold. The two have formed a fragile balance in practice, but now one end of the balance has been shattered and stands after breaking, and the other end needs to keep up quickly.

The five years since the establishment of the National Medical Insurance Bureau are also five years when the decision-making power of local medical insurance has been gradually weakened.

On the surface, the local medical insurance catalogue will gradually withdraw, and the local medical insurance equipment catalogue will gradually be unified in the future. The overall level of medical insurance funds has been continuously improved, and many provinces such as Jilin, Liaoning and Sichuan have shouted the slogan of provincial overall planning.

In the future, national overall planning may not be impossible. The authority of the local medical insurance department has been tightened continuously, and it has gradually changed to the agency.

Some scholars believe that the current reform direction is to improve the focus of medical insurance decision-making, standardize the decision-making power of governments at all levels, and establish a unified national medical insurance system.

From a deeper perspective, in recent years, conflicts and even lawsuits between private hospitals and local medical insurance bureaus are common. The contradiction between the two sides is also typical. Some local medical insurance bureaus think that private hospitals buy drugs and consumables at low prices and then report them to medical insurance at high prices, which actually reflects the different understanding of the authority of different local medical insurance bureaus. Nowadays, it has gradually become a consensus that medical insurance "cannot be stretched too long", and the law has also proved this with judgments.

The standardization of medical insurance information system provides objective conditions and possibilities for the concentration of medical insurance power, which is beneficial to the coordination of policies at all levels to some extent, but excessive concentration of power also weakens the regulatory power of local medical insurance in disguise. There are both advantages and disadvantages. Finally, judging whether the medical insurance power is concentrated in the central government is good or bad may be left to the future and reality.

In Zhong Chongming’s view, with the gradual development of medical insurance services and the continuous exploration of the direction of health insurance, medical insurance will inevitably go through the process from "managing money" to "managing some things and cooperating with more things", and in this process, corruption and inefficiency are still huge challenges.

The road to medical reform is long and arduous, although medical insurance has played a key and fundamental role, and even played a leading role in the process of joint reform of the three hospitals. However, limited by the scope of power of the medical insurance department, the medical insurance department can only "appeal", "guide" or even "force" the implementation of some specific medical reform policies, but the real executor is "someone else".

In some places, it is difficult for the medical insurance department and the health care department to work together. In the absence of a strong and effective coordination mechanism, as the medical reform enters the deep water area, the road of "crossing the river by feeling the stones" has become more challenging.

"No matter how the linkage between the three hospitals evolves and how healthy China develops, we should always uphold’ reform is the brightest background of the medical insurance banner’." Zhong Chongming said.

(The author of this article is Jianwen Consulting, a cross-border insight into the medical industry)

This article only represents the author’s point of view.