The story of a musician, a writer and the national anthem law

  "get up! People who don’t want to be slaves … …”











  As the highest-standard ceremonial troops in the country, the PLA Military Orchestra undertakes the music performance tasks of major ceremonies, important meetings and welcoming state guests of the country and the army. Yu Hai and his comrades-in-arms also began to go abroad and participate in international music exchange visits to show the world the brand-new style and features of China. Because of his work, Yu Hai has played national anthems in many countries. However, he gradually discovered that some literary and art groups at home and abroad made mistakes in playing our national anthem, which was not accurate and standardized, and the version of the national anthem was not uniform, which was very chaotic.

  What worries him even more is that some people’s awareness of the national anthem is particularly weak. Many people don’t know the lyrics of the national anthem and can’t recite the lyrics of the national anthem, so the spirit of the national anthem can’t be passed down well. Yu Hai still remembers one thing, which was a meeting he once attended. Before starting, the participants had to sing the national anthem. In the discussion that followed, some participants asked whether the national anthem was out of date. Do the lyrics need to be changed in peacetime? "The national anthem is a symbol of national sovereignty and must not be changed at will." Yu Hai retorted on the spot: "The oldest Dutch national anthem in the world has a history of more than 400 years and is still being sung today; The French are romantic and casual, and the "La Marseillaise" is very combative, and it has never changed. Why should our national anthem be changed? The most important thing is that our national anthem reveals the national spirit of courage, unity, cooperation and perseverance, which cannot be changed! " 

  "Our national anthem is only 84 words, 37 bars, and it only takes 46 seconds to play and sing. But it is a sign of a country’s independence and self-improvement. " Talking about his original intention to protect the national anthem, Yu Hai told reporters that the national anthem embodies all the struggles that the Communist Party of China (CPC) led the people to strive for national independence, people’s liberation and realize the country’s prosperity and people’s prosperity. It is a strong melody that inspires people to forge ahead courageously, a vivid teaching material for patriotic education, and the strongest voice in the hearts of 1.4 billion people in China. But for a long time, the legal provisions on the national anthem in China are almost blank. Except that the Constitution clearly stipulates that National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China is March of the Volunteers, there are no other provisions on the use of the national anthem at the legal level. "Through legislation, the important position of the national anthem as the first voice of People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been determined, and it can enjoy the same protection as the national flag and national emblem." Yu Hai said.

  In March 2008, Yu Hai, who attended the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference meeting for the first time as a member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, proposed to legislate for the national anthem. He made the same proposal every year for the next ten years. His persistence has even been joked by other members as a contemporary "Xianglinsao". However, Yu Hai never gave up and always insisted on legislating the national anthem.

  Finally, on the afternoon of September 1, 2017, in the tenth year of Shanghai’s persistent proposal for national anthem legislation, the 29th session of the 12th the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) voted to pass the National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China Law. At that time, Yu Hai, who was preparing to return to Beijing at Changsha Airport in Hunan Province, received a WeChat from the person in charge of the the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) Law Committee: "The legislative vote on the national anthem of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) just passed this afternoon! Your persistence, your efforts and your contribution have finally come to fruition! "

  And that day happened to be Yu Hai’s 62nd birthday. Yu Hai was so excited about this that he couldn’t help but sigh that it was destiny takes a hand, and he received the best birthday gift of his life on a special day.

  Today, the 64-year-old Yu Hai has not stopped. He began to shoulder the heavy responsibility of preaching the history of the national anthem, and often went to some institutions, schools and enterprises to give lectures to publicize and preach the knowledge related to the national anthem. "The national anthem is the voice image of the country. I hope that everyone who has heard my preaching can know the importance of safeguarding the dignity of the national anthem, and love the country and the Chinese nation more. " Yu Hai said.

  Aikebaier Mi Jiti: Give the national anthem a clear legal status.

  Mi Jiti clearly remembers that the time when he received the phone call that excited him was at 10: 56 am on April 19th, 2017. On the phone, the relevant staff of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) Law Committee told him that the national anthem was going to be legislated, and invited him to attend the legislative forum held in the organ of the National People’s Congress on the morning of April 27th. This means that, from the second session of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Conference in 2014, the "Proposal on Amending the National Flag Law to the National Flag and Anthem Law" was put forward, and the efforts made by Akbar Mi Jiti for the national anthem legislation have blossomed and borne fruit for four consecutive years.

  Member of the 11th and 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, former editor-in-chief of China Writers, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Writers Publishing Group, former deputy director of the Management Committee, deputy director of the Film and Television Committee of the Chinese Writers Association, and executive vice president of the China Film Literature Society … … Mi Jiti has many titles, but his favorite identity is a writer. As one of the outstanding representatives of Kazak people in 56 ethnic families, Akbar Mi Jiti has created a large number of literary works. The emergence of Mi Jiti’s legislative proposal for the national anthem is also directly related to a writer, that is, Su Shuyang.






  再过几天,天安门广场上,庆祝新中国成立70周年阅兵仪式即将举行。“当五星红旗飘扬的时候,伴随着雄壮的国歌声,56个民族共同唱响国歌,那一定是一幅壮观景象。相信在国歌的激励下,中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦一定会实现!”艾克拜尔·米吉提充满期待。(记者 朱宁宁)

What is the virus? Why stay away from wild animals?

  The medical staff are working. Xinhua news agency

  Production of antiviral drugs. Xinhua news agency

  editorial comment/note

  How did the virus originate? What are scientists doing in developing drugs against Covid-19? It is the top priority for Chinese researchers to develop effective clinical drugs for Covid-19, improve the cure rate and reduce the mortality rate. On February 15th, Zhang Xinmin, director of the Biological Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, introduced that the drug screening and treatment program had made positive progress at the press conference held by the the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism on the latest progress of drug research and development and scientific research in Covid-19. The Ministry of Science and Technology organized a national excellent scientific research team to screen more than 70,000 drugs or compounds by computer simulation screening and in vitro enzyme activity test. At present, The scientific research team has focused on a few drugs, and a number of drugs, such as chloroquine phosphate, lundixivir, and farpiravir, have successively carried out clinical trials. At present, some drugs have initially shown good clinical efficacy. This issue focuses on the origin of the virus, drug research and development, and psychological anti-epidemic.


  The structure of most viruses is very simple. Basically, it is a shell made of protein wrapped with some genetic material, which is no different from dead things at ordinary times. Once infected cells, they inject their own genes into the host cells and use the host cells to replicate themselves to produce new viruses. Is the virus a living thing? Where did they come from? Below, let’s take a look at three hypotheses about the origin of the virus.

  Hypothesis 1 Ancient macromolecules Some macromolecules, such as RNA, DNA and protein, begin to replicate themselves independently or cooperatively, and this stage can be called "molecular life". However, in a peaceful molecular life, there is a different kind, that is, some molecular life, including LUCA, the latest common ancestor of all living things, which has developed a structure that has changed the law of life, that is, cells. Cells with membrane structure can better protect delicate core macromolecules such as RNA and protein, which greatly enhances the adaptability of these organisms, which means that they will rub their original molecular life on the ground. There is a hypothesis (The Virus-First Hypothesis) that the virus is the "adherents" of the primitive molecular life world. This hypothesis was once very popular, after all, the structure of viruses is so simple, even crude, and their differences from cell life are so great.

  Some viruses can form crystals after purification, which is unimaginable for cell biology. More solid evidence comes from "Virusoid", which is an RNA molecule. Pseudovirus can’t infect cells directly, but it can infect viruses. To be exact, it can copy itself and spread itself by hitchhiking when some viruses infect cells, which can cause some diseases such as human hepatitis D.

  Hypothesis 2 The gene of "defection" Genes can also defect? Yes, in The Progressive Hypothesis, genes will do anything to keep themselves alive.

  There is a small circular DNA called "plasmid" widely in bacteria. These genes are basically a group of wage earners and temporary workers. Bacteria can absorb them from the environment for their own use at any time, and they can also drive them away at any time.

  In many bacteria, in addition to their original DNA, there are often some small fragments of circular DNA, which are called plasmids. So in the long evolution, some plasmids learned one thing: we should not work all our lives! These plasmids changed from wage earners to wage earners, which in turn hijacked their bacterial boss and took away all the nutrients of bacteria to replicate themselves. Over time, some plasmids become viruses.

  Bacteria often suffer from a kind of virus infection called "phage". Some people think that phage comes from plasmid. The cells and bacteria of human beings and all animals and plants are very different. We all belong to "eukaryotes". There are no plasmids like bacteria in the cells, but there are still some genes waiting to move. They refused to stay on the chromosome, but jumped around in the nucleus, running to this chromosome for a while and running to that chromosome for a while. However, these naughty genes do have a name of sage like type — — Transposon (transposon)

  According to the detection of molecular biology, many transposons have very similar gene sequences to viruses, and the mechanism of integrating themselves into the chromosomes of host cells is also highly similar. In particular, the "Retrotransposon" among them is almost as similar as some viruses, and the only difference is that these transposons cannot migrate from cell to cell like viruses.

  However, the origin of viruses is still confusing here, because they don’t follow the evolutionary model of general organisms at all.

  The general process of virus infection is: inject your own genes into the host cells, then use the host cells to copy your own genes, and make all kinds of materials needed to construct virus particles. Finally, manipulate the cells to package all parts of virus particles together with the virus genes into new virus particles and release them to infect other cells. But in this process, the virus is exchanging genes with various organisms all the time.

  For example, when a virus directs a host cell to package virus particles, it sometimes packages some host cell DNA, or accidentally leaves a little bit of its own gene in the host cell. There is a gene in mammals to prevent the maternal immune system from attacking the fetus, that is, a virus accidentally landed in our cells more than 100 million years ago. When the virus spreads across species, it often leads to the transfer of genes from one species to another.

  Hypothesis 3 Decaying cellular organisms. After entering the 21st century, a series of discoveries began to make scientists more aware that there are other possibilities for the origin of the virus.

  In 2003, scientists discovered a very unreasonable virus — — "Mimivirus", the size of this virus has reached 0.4 to 0.5 microns, which is almost the same as bacteria under the microscope. The coronavirus that caused this epidemic is considered to be a relatively large type of virus, and its size is less than 0.1 micron.

  In 2008, scientists discovered the second big virus, and named it "Mamavirus". Since then, one kind of "Giant Virus" has appeared in human vision one after another. By the time Pandoravirus was discovered in 2013, the record of the largest virus was even more than 1 micron.

  Pandora virus, the largest known virus, looks almost the same as a bacterium.

  Since then, the boundaries between viruses and some single-celled organisms have become blurred. For example, the structure and genes of Bacteroides virus are very similar to those of a single-celled organism called archaea. The only difference is that Bacteroides virus has lost a part of the key genes that independently complete cell division, so it has to parasitize in the cells of other organisms and use the cells of the host to grow and reproduce.

  So there is the third hypothesis of the origin of the virus (The Regressive Hypothesis), which holds that the virus is essentially a degenerate creature. Some single-celled organisms gradually degenerate most of their cell structures in the long-term parasitic life, and finally become this "living dead" general appearance, and the flow like bacteroides virus is an archaea that has just begun to degenerate.

  Why do deadly viruses always come from wild animals? Let’s analyze it from the perspective of evolution.

  The "best" virus does not cause too serious symptoms (otherwise it will kill the host itself), but it should not be too gentle (after all, the host is often infected with other viruses at the same time, so it is still necessary to grab resources). Therefore, in the long evolution, this game will promote the virus to finally reach a certain tacit understanding with the host. For example, human beings and rhinoviruses that may cause the common cold belong to this relationship.

  However, the virus will mutate, and some mutations will cause the host of the virus to change. Without the tacit understanding of long-term running-in between the virus and the new host, there will be the problem of "not paying attention to it", and some of them will bring fatal diseases to the host.

  In the long-term evolution, human beings have reached a perfect tacit understanding with the viruses that accompanied them all the way from ancient ancestors, and the viruses from livestock, such as measles and flu, are not perfect, but they are somewhat tacit, so they rarely cause serious epidemics. Only the virus from wild animals has nothing to do with human beings, so almost all the diseases that caused the great plague came from wild animals. Therefore, I hope everyone can stay away from wild animals, including stray animals, and don’t raise or eat wild animals.

  (Author: Tang Cheng Author: Center for Excellence and Innovation of Brain Science and Intelligent Technology, China Academy of Sciences)